Thursday, October 29, 2020

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Médicos: Linea de Vida & Dulce Ambición - Week of Oct. 26, 2020

 Greetings, Caraymates!


Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series. Buckle your seat belts or tighten those reins, “Médicos: Linea de Vida” is in its “últimos capítulos” and it’s gonna be a nail-bitin’ final days. Lila has done an unbelievably outstanding job at keeping us smiling, talking, snarking and ranting. She forges on like a true “Warhorse!”. If some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNs, it would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8PM  - Médicos: Linea de Vida (Última Semana!!) Gran Final will be on Nov. 2nd 7:00-9:00 PM (E)

10PM – Dulce Ambición

Coming Nov. 9th at 8 PM -- Vencer el Desamor

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “MÉDICOS”.)


Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

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MÉDICOS #75, 10-29-2020

Hola, Peeps! Peace, Love and Healing to us and all our loved ones! Let’s make a cushion for ourselves to soften the landing of this slightly rocky episode: we’re going to start and end with the sweet and put the sad and sour in between. As always, this is YOUR Patio! Correct, add and rant as you wish! Vamanos!

We pick up with Gonzalo and Felipe outside the Instituto. Felipe’s heart compels him to beg his Papa’s forgiveness for having not seen that he had the greatest Papa in the world, and for having hurt him. Gonzalo’s heart is open with understanding and insistence that Felipe grant himself the grace of realizing he was just a child and not to mortify himself with grief and regret. Felipe cannot let it go; all the wasted time and how despite how he hurt him, Gonzalo was always there, looking for him. Gonzalo finally gets a smile from Felipe’s glassy blue eyes as he talks about all the things they can look forward to catching up on together! “While there is life, there is hope; that’s what you always told me,” Felipe says. “You ARE my life,” Gonzalo says which releases another round of healing tears as they embrace again. Papa and son sit on the bench and Gonzalo shares a beautiful perspective on fatherhood. [Spanish help needed here.] “When you were born and I saw you for the first time, I felt so, so benignly vulnerable (beignamente vulnerable). Little by little this passed and I began to feel stronger and stronger as a man and that is something that neither Javier nor anybody can take away.” Talk turns to Javier calling Felipe and Aurora’s phones and Gonzalo says something that gets a slow to ramp up almost belly laugh out of the two but I don’t understand it. Si te vuelve a molestar dile que hable conmigo, you le doy su parte medico. Gonzalo sends Felipe off to get some rest with another warm Papa Bear hug and a kiss on the cheek and looks after Felipe with a smile of deep satisfaction. Aaaaaah! There is a brief scene of Gonzalo with his beloved Aurora. She awakens as he enters. Gonzalo tends to her IV; Aurora says no one has been in to tend to her. Just then Clara rushes in and takes over with the IV. Clara tells Gonzalo about the code blue due to the gas explosion. Gonzalo sends Clara away; he’ll take care of Aurora. Aurora tries to convince him to go and help. Gonzalo convinces Aurora that he trusts his Doctors; they are fine and his priority is her!

Sensitivity Alert I will make this quick. David has been tending an unidentified male patient who has second degree burns over fifty percent of his body and severely damaged lungs from smoke inhalation; he was admitted to the ICU. This patient is Simon Gutierrez, one of the young men whose friend enticed them to go for free gas at the ruptured pipeline. Simon codes and David’s vigorous resuscitation efforts fail. Luz suspects a package of clothing of an unidentified victim are those of Simon. Luz and David go to see Celeste Gutierrez who is visiting her other son, Ariel. Celeste confirms the suspicion and she and Ariel cry and wail their disbelief. Later Celeste meets with Luz to take care of associated paperwork. Celeste wishes she had told her son how much she loved him. Luz says she is sure he knew. Celeste asks and Luz tells her she has one child. Celeste says tell her you love her, which almost brings Luz to tears. Celeste asks to see Simon. Luz makes sure of the Mother’s wish and they leave for this sad goodbye.


MÉDICOS #75, 10-29-2020

Another patient, Roman Perez, dies in the ICU. Marco is attending the patient and tries valiantly to resuscitate him with the defibrillator paddles. Tania and Lili are with him. Tania has to gently but persistently tell Marco he’s done his best and to call the time of death. Lili stays by Marco’s side like a kind of soul coach guiding him through this new world of being an empathic, caring human being, shorn of the shield of arrogance. This is indeed a different Marco; he looks differently and his vocal quality is even different, more resonant as if he is speaking from the deepest part of a newly awakened heart. And he is tired. Lili and Marco go in search of the man’s wife. Marco says he’s never had to give anyone this kind of news. She tells him it’s part of his work, not to worry but be calm, she will be with him and he shouldn’t feel badly; he did everything within his power to help the man. Marco says that won’t be important to the family. They approach Roman’s wife and Marco gives her the tragic news. Marco and Lili support the woman as her legs buckle under her and she cries out in grief and disbelief. The woman throws her arms around Marco’s neck and he freezes a bit, the awkwardness of the moment for him clear on his face. Marco manages to raise his arms to tentatively pat the woman’s back.

Afterwards, Lili debriefs Marco in the call room. He says it’s the first patient to die under his care. Marco sits on the couch and stares ahead, Lili stands and listens as he tells her he almost killed a patient in surgery. “Dr. Paredes was right when he said I shouldn’t continue in this.” “Marco, that’s not true. You still have so much to do here.” “Do you think so,” he says, still staring ahead. “Yes,” Lili says as she moves closer to Marco, leaning on the arm of the couch. “You’ve got the knowledge and the heart.” Marco finally looks at her, “Perhaps I’m not as good as you think.” “More like, you are very tired,” Lili says as she sits next to him on the couch. “Yes, with everything that’s happened, I can’t sleep.” “Then why don’t you stop turning the whole situation over and over in your mind and beating yourself up with it. That will help you.” Marco says he can’t, that he feels like everything is out of control, he doesn’t even have a place to put his clothes; he’s using various lockers. “I don’t know what to do, Lily,” Marco looks at Lili. She has an idea. He should leave what he needs in the locker room and she’ll keep the rest at her house. Marco looks at Lili as if he’s seeing her for the first time and manages a small smile. “You know what; nobody has helped me in this place like you. Thank you.” Pretty Lili smiles and nods.

The Zorra is fired. Amplify if you wish but Rene did it. He called Miryea into his office where Connie sat waiting. Miryea asked “what is SHE doing here!” Short and sweet. Rene tells Miryea she is fired and to go to the cashier’s office and pick up her severance check! Miryea refuses to look at Connie or cry but boldly slaps Connie’s picture face down on to the desk and gets close to Rene’s face and tells him he is going to regret this! Rene looks sheepish after she leaves. Connie asks Rene to tell her the truth about him and Miryea. He is incapable and launches into his “I was a victim of her seductive charms” lie. Puh-lease, Connie said she always knew and he should stop lying! Rene falls to his knees and begs; he fired her, what else does she want? Connie says she’s not sure, commands him to get off his knees and leaves. In the staff area Miryea ignores Regina’s urgent request to increase vitals on patients to every fifteen minutes. Without looking at her Miryea continues packing her desk and tells Regina to tell someone else; she doesn’t work here anymore and leaves. Puzzled look on Regina’s face.


MÉDICOS #75, 10-29-2020

Eerie foreshadowing of COVID-19 aid to frontline workers! Hold on! This is good! Paco and Elena want to help Daniel and his colleagues at the Instituto who have been working around the clock to save and treat victims of the gas pipeline explosion. They pack up assorted sandwiches and sides and cookies and coffee and other beverages and take them to our crew! Rafa, Clara, Daniel, Tania, Cinthia, Art, Regina, David AND Ana chow down on Paco and Elena’s food and it’s a feel good tableau of grabbing and chomping and happy chatter about the yummy bonanza!

Dignified Daniel has been reading the MÉDICOS Patio blogline! The next day Tania watches Daniel and Clara enjoying a meal in the cafeteria. Clara tells Daniel how good his parents are and how he enchants her! She thinks things are going good between them and that makes her so happy! Welp, got lots of work to do! Clara leaves, planting a big smackeroo on Daniel’s lips. A bit later in the staff area of the ER, Clara chats happily with Lili about how sweet Daniel’s parents are and how that’s why he is the way he is. Lili thinks Clara and Daniel make a cute couple! Back in the cafeteria, Tania approaches Daniel as he leaves. She says she needs to talk to him. “I was wrong. I thought I didn’t like you but with time I realized how much I did. Seeing you every day with Clara hurts me. I know you deserve to be happy, but I wish it were with me. I was a fool to let you go. Daniel, I am in love with you.” Daniel looks at her squarely and without wavering says, “Why are you like this? You don’t know how much it cost me to forget you. Why, when I am trying to start something new, why are you doing this to me? I never had to do anything to catch Clara’s eye but with you, I did everything and it got me nowhere! You know what? I think you’re doing all this because you see me with somebody else and you’re used to having things your way. Don’t be so egotistical; let me be happy!” Daniel walks away as Tania weakly calls “perdon” at his departing back. Later she sulks and mopes to Pam who offers her comfort. [Nobody else cares, Tania!]

Highly suggestible Art makes another sappy play at Regina after he talks to a happy Luis and Susana. In the course of describing the horror the Castillo administration has visited upon the Instituto, he mentions the pressure Regina is under. Susana notes that he seems especially worried about Regina. Art goofily smiles that it’s hard to hide how he feels about her. Susana says he should tell her. Art says she knows. Susana says tell her again. Yah. This is the guy who didn’t know to think more about caring for himself until a first year Psych Resident told him to do so. So, our episode ends with him showering her with effusive praise about how she handled the emergency and it’s such a privilege to work with her and Regina sort of responding with bright eyes and smile. [Gag me! Didn’t want to end with this!]


MÉDICOS #75, 10-29-2020

The case of the bogus prosthetic knee navigator! Cinthia has researched the multi-million peso surgical device she used in her Dad’s surgery and compared it with their own and it is absolutely clear that the one the Instituto has is NOT the cutting edge, latest version! She shares this suspicion with Rafa and Daniel: the navigator she used with her Dad gave real time onscreen guidance for the placement of the prosthetic knee but the one the Instituto has does not! Rafa suggests she talk to Rene but thankfully she discusses it with David first!

Cinthia and David talk in one of the surgical suites where the machine in question is nearby. I am distracted by David’s beautifully muscled arms deliciously erupting from his short sleeved scrub top. Ahem! Long story short: the machine they have has been altered to look identical to the new 2.0 version but is an older generation of the device! Yes, Cinthia is absolutely certain and says that if they’re being deceived, she has to tell Rene about it! David asks her to hold on and NOT speak to Rene. It takes a little convincing but Cinthia finally gets it that, as David put it, Rene is the one doing the deceiving! David makes Cinthia promise not to say anything but this important information will help Gonzalo’s case and should be shared immediately with his Lawyers! David tells her he is working on finding out who the suppliers are and determining what it really is that Rene bought. Cinthia asks David if he wants her to go with him. He declines and tells her that her discovery is very important! She tells David to be careful. David is paged to the ICU and leaves.

Papa Castillo FINALLY gets it! Cinthia is leaving the hospital where Andres is and gets another round of glowing praise from the ever present, ever smiling Juanpa. She sincerely thanks him for believing in and supporting her. He invites her to a celebratory dinner that night. Nope, Cinthia has to do a night shift in exchange for having been present at her Papa’s surgery. Okay, then tomorrow Juanpa suggests; he’ll text her! [Jeez, this guy won’t give my Girl a break!] The morning after her night shift, Cinthia goes to see Andres. Patricia is there; Cinthia says she’s okay, just tired after her night shift caring for all the victims of the explosion. Dr. Valero comes in and defers to Cinthia to do Andres’ examination. Cinthia examines Andres, declares the wound looks perfect and that he will be able to go home tomorrow and briefly outlines the recommended follow up care and therapy. Dr. Valero is so pleased and repeats his offer to have Cinthia join his team after she graduates! Dr. Valero leaves and Patricia warmly declares how proud she is of Cinthia; how much she loves and respects her and how happy she is to be her Mama! Patricia looks at Andres and prompts him: doesn’t he have something he wants to say to Cinthia?


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MÉDICOS #75, 10-29-2020 END

It takes effort but Andres calls Cinthia over, takes her hand and begins to cry as he thanks her for all the help she has given him. Cinthia offers the “no need to thank me,” but Andres continues. He says he can see this is what she loves. He doesn’t understand how she can exert so much effort to make sure people are well. Cinthia says it’s because it’s a calling, it’s a passion. Andres says he can see this means so much to her that she left everything behind. Andres says if he didn’t support her before, it’s because it’s not the life he wanted for her! Cinthia thinks Andres is going down the same old road. He asks her to wait. “I wanted you to enjoy everything I have and everything I could possibly give you.” He asks if the way she has chosen is going to require lots of sacrifice. Cinthia says yes. “Well, today I understand that you were born for this. How many hours have you gone without sleep?” Cinthia says with a tearful chuckle that she has lost count! “And you don’t complain, you just keep going and going; why?” “Because it’s what I love; it’s my life!” “I admire you, hija; this is something I would never be able to do. I’m sorry for not understanding before but today it is very clear to me that this is your vocation. I want you to know, that if you decide to continue on this path,” Andres inhales raggedly with emotion, “you will have all my support, hija!” “You have no idea what this means to me, Papa!” “Te amo mucho, hija!” “Yo a ti mas!” "I love you, daughter." "And I love you more!" Like a little girl, Cinthia climbs onto the bed and embraces her Papa! They cry happy tears as Patricia beams from the sofa in the background! Aaaaaaahhh!


Great work, Lila. My fave: This is indeed a different Marco; he looks differently and his vocal quality is even different, more resonant as if he is speaking from the deepest part of a newly awakened heart.

This is exactly what we never thought we'd see from him. However, epiphanies are great things. By the end of next season he should be just like Arturo in this situation.

Daniel is growing up a bit, too. He handled himself very well in this episode. His parents should be proud of him. He has their generosity of spirit. When Marco finally meets then he will envy Daniel.

Still not quite convinced about Cristina's father, though. Is he taking his wife's threat to leave him seriously?

Dr Valero is played by Alfonso Ituralde, whom I have seen in novelas ever since I've been watching them. Usually a supporting good guy, like somebody's loving father or the occasional doctor or parish priest.

MÉDICOS #75/84, 10-29-2020

GRACIAS, Urbanita!!!!

Urban, these actors are bringing it! I am so serious when I say this about Marco! The actor looks differently and his voice is indeed different; his posture is different! You are right, we NEVER thought we would see this from Marco!

I had to call Daniel "dignified" because he certainly recognized that Tania was playing with him, whether consciously or unconsciously, and he was NOT going to be part of her game! Good for him!

Aw, Urban, I think Andres is sincere. He was crying like a baby! I don't know who's going to take over the construction business though but that's where Patricia's sincerity is suspect! She says she respects Cinthia, but she's working harder than Juanpa to nail him as son-in-law and head of the Guerrero construction empire! I think Andres does finally get it but a season 2 would involve Cinthia fighting for the right to love Rafa!

And yes, I remember that actor just from those sorts of roles! Thanks for the info!

Medicos. Great recap as usual, Lila! I don't see how they'll finish this tn in the time remaining. I foresee a lot of cliffhangers for season 2. It will be interesting to see Mireya's revenge, tee hee! Like UA, I too admired your analysis of Marco's changed character, especially "empathic, caring human being." And I'm so glad Andres finally saw the light--very heartwarming and 1 plot line wrapped up.

MÉDICOS #75/84, 10-29-2020

Gracias, SpanProf!!!

Yep, we've got resolution between two Dads and their adult children: Gonzalo with Felipe and Andres with Cinthia. I would say Gonzalo's whole family is reconciled. Challenge for Aurora (unless they do a time lapse) is will she survive; divorce Javier and remarry Gonzalo. For the Guerreros, as stated above, will Cinthia's parents, especially Patricia, respect her love for Rafa or keep trying to force Juanpa on her! It could be Andres fighting with Cinthia for the right to choose who she loves! Now THAT would be a switch!

But yah, SpanProf, there's a lot to wrap up! Oh yeah, Susana and Luis are back together. I guess we have to wait for the next three shows to see what cliffs we're hanging off of!


MÉDICOS #75/84, 10-29-2020

Si te vuelve a molestar dile que hable conmigo, yo le doy su parte medico.

This is what Gonzalo said that I didn't understand when Felipe said Javier keeps blowing up his and Aurora's phone. Silly autocorrect put a -u after yo.

Medicos. Maybe what Gonzalo says to Felipe is about how much Javier owes for Aurora's treatment? That would be funny and certainly poetic justice!


Thanks Lila! I actually liked this episode.

I was actually kinda bummed to see that Marco’s patient died. But there are some things that are out of a doctor’s control. Marco did what he could but clearly it happened very quickly. Overall he definitely has changed and hopefully will improve in his life and career.

I’d think it would be a bad idea if Mireya’s position is left vacant. There’s certainly drama surrounding her affair with Rene but can the instituto afford to have that position empty and will there even be an effort to fill it as quickly as possible? Unless there’s more to be seen, Regina didn’t inquire as to what happened when Mireya told her that she didn’t work there anymore.

I was glad to see that Andres finally accepted Cinthia’s career. I hope there’s a conclusion to the apparent Cinthia/Rafa/JP love triangle. Or if Cinthia remains single I guess that’s okay too.

I agree that Daniel certainly held his own in this episode.


MÉDICOS #75/84, 10-29-2020

Hi, TF! No, it wasn't a bad episode, just for me the deaths were rocky and TF, you KNOW I don't like an episode if it looks like Regina is warming up to Art. That last scene bummed ME out. I know they're just playing with us, though.

Yah, I never thought I would want to hug Marco, but I did last night. He truly was like a different soul and he relayed very well that he was living in a different reality now. And Lili was so patient and accepting and helpful to him. What a kind and intelligent soul!

Hadn't thought about whether Miryea would be replaced! Excellent question! She's the head Nurse, so who gets to appoint a new one? Rene? No, maybe Ana? Will they even cover that? The only two Nurses with faces and identities are Lili and Clara. Reckon we'll see!

TF, I want Cinthia to accept that she loves Rafa and give my man the green light! Maybe now that things are resolved with her Papa that will happen? They've got to let us have one of the younger couples get together. I mean, they're nice people but Susana and Luis just don't do it for me. Doesn't look like the red thread couple are going to be together so at least let's have Rafa and Cinthia get it on!

Yep! Daniel's the Man! Thanks, TF!!!!



"Lili stays by Marco’s side like a kind of soul coach guiding him through this new world of being an empathic, caring human being, shorn of the shield of arrogance". Pure poetry. Lilting and lovely Lila.

"Like a little girl, Cinthia climbs onto the bed and embraces her Papa! They cry happy tears as Patricia beams from the sofa in the background! As his stoic, stone face softened a barely visible bit, we breathed a sigh of relief. Sometimes one must see in order to believe. To trust. To understand. Blind faith often is simply not enough.

"Gonzalo finally gets a smile from Felipe’s glassy blue eyes as he talks about all the things they can look forward to catching up on together!" It is hard to believe this father and son were ever estranged, isn't it? That said, I hope Felipe's calls were simply a catalyst for Felipe finally understanding how much Gonzalo loves him.

"David AND Ana chow down on Paco and Elena’s food and it’s a feel good tableau of grabbing and chomping and happy chatter about the yummy bonanza!" Yes, this certainly was a foreshadowing of things to come Lila.

"I never had to do anything to catch Clara’s eye but with you, I did everything and it got me nowhere! You know what? I think you’re doing all this because you see me with somebody else and you’re used to having things your way. Don’t be so egotistical; let me be happy!" Wow. If Daniel hasn't been reading Caray, perhaps the writers are?! And Lila, this (and your other) conversation translations are wonderful and so appreciated.

TF, Cin and Rafa seem destined to be together. I hope. But until annoying JuanPa gets the hint, this might carry over into season 2.

So happy you are enjoying the scenery "I am distracted by David’s beautifully muscled arms deliciously erupting from his short sleeved scrub top". :)

It's freezing here and it is snowing! That said, your recap has fueled our now toasty hearts and souls Lila. Gracias amiga




Lila, thanks for another detailed recap of all of last night's drama . Do you do a lot of writing for your job because you are a wizard with words ? I used to have to read and correct lots of compositions, and all your recaps are such a pleasure to read.

So...onward we move to the finale. Do we know definitely if there will be a second season for this show ? If so, we will probably not get resolutions for some of these storylines.


OT..Diana..oh no , you have snow!!! We had two days of chilly rain, but at least it wasnt snow.


Lila, thanks for my afternoon fun break!

Daniel stood up to Tania, but she's still under his skin. I hope he'll leave Clara so she (Clara) can move on and give her chocolate cake to someone who treasures her.

Cinthia's folks are something else. Two very controlling people. No wonder Cinthia bounded in the opposite direction of both of them in career and a mate. I'm glad her pop came around to her side after knee replacement, but I still don't like him. No people person he.

My favorite scene: The firing of Mireya. Goodie, Constanza still isn't satisfied and will come up with more hoops for Rene to jump through.

Oh-no, Cinthia is about the third person to tell David to be careful!


Lila, your recaps are amazing.

Felipe was complaining that Javier had the gall to keep calling to find out how Aurora was doing after the way he just dumped them. Gonzalo said, "If he calls again, send him to me. I'LL give him his medical report!" I took it as Gonzalo would read him the riot act. In other words, tell him off (and not very nicely)! That's why they laughed.

MÉDICOS #75/84, 10-29-2020

Buenos tardes, Diana, y MIL GRACIAS!!!!

Marco and Lili; Andres and Cinthia; Gonzalo and Felipe gave us some beautiful sigh-worthy moments, didn't they? It helped with the death for me and still seeing my David stone faced!

Diana, that scene with Paco and Elena bringing food was exactly like the early coverage of COVID! OMgosh! That was another scene that heartened me!

Wow. If Daniel hasn't been reading Caray, perhaps the writers are?! Diana, I know I said something to that effect and others did, too! I was so proud of Daniel and happy to not see him be made a fool of. Tania's tears don't upset me. A glance at the next passing hunk will wipe them away!

Diana! Those arms! Those arms! I can't go through the TV so wrap them around Regina! They need to stop playing with us!

GRACIAS, Diana! After this is over I may not only rewind some episodes but come back here just to read your comments!



Awwww, thank you, Susanlynn!!!! What a wonderful compliment! As a Medical Social Worker I used to write chart notes about my interactions with patients and families; that the staff enjoyed them so much was actually not a good thing: I was too verbose and maybe shared a bit too much! I love to write and as a teenager/young woman my best friend was my journal and I guess I did get good grades in English (and Spanish) composition! Christmas! How long ago was THAT!!! Thank you for asking!

I'm starting to get a little anxious, Susanlynn! I don't like Art grinning in Regina's face! Grrrrr.


MÉDICOS #75/84, 10-29-2020

Niecie!!!!! Hola!!! Oh, so you think he hasn't gotten Tania out of his hair? He'd better not hurt Clara; she is so sweet and smart. She'd probably make a great head nurse but not under slimebucket!

I'm glad her pop came around to her side after knee replacement, but I still don't like him. No people person he.

HAHAHAHAHA!!! Fair enough, Niecie! I don't dislike Patricia but she's not being honest about respecting that Cinthia is a grown woman with the right to make her own decisions while she's keeping Energizer Bunny Juanpa wound up! Sheesh!

Neeeeeecieeeeee! They're telling my David to be careful!!! I might need therapy on the Patio!! MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS!!!


Lila all i can say is that you have been such a strong, powerful, positive voice here at caray. I hope that you do not disappear as quickly as you appeared when this show ends. I would love to read your take on the characters abd storyline on Imperio...lots of snark on this wild ride. We can catch you up easily because it moves slowly. I !ook forward to your recaps and comments every day . I would miss you so much if you left now !
P.s. Social workers are a hardworking group of people. One of my nieces is one and my busband worked with many.


Ah, now I understand...Medical Social Worker...that explains your skill with medical issues and your compassionate heart LILA. What a perfect job for you. Technical issues prevented me from seeing last night's episode but you brought it to life beautifully. In fact, even though you're a crackerjack romance writer, I think your paragraph on Marco was really your finest yet:

Marco is attending the patient and tries valiantly to resuscitate him with the defibrillator paddles. Tania and Lili are with him. Tania has to gently but persistently tell Marco he’s done his best and to call the time of death. Lili stays by Marco’s side like a kind of soul coach guiding him through this new world of being an empathic, caring human being, shorn of the shield of arrogance. This is indeed a different Marco; he looks differently and his vocal quality is even different, more resonant as if he is speaking from the deepest part of a newly awakened heart. And he is tired. Lili and Marco go in search of the man’s wife. Marco says he’s never had to give anyone this kind of news. She tells him it’s part of his work, not to worry but be calm, she will be with him and he shouldn’t feel badly; he did everything within his power to help the man. Marco says that won’t be important to the family. They approach Roman’s wife and Marco gives her the tragic news. Marco and Lili support the woman as her legs buckle under her and she cries out in grief and disbelief. The woman throws her arms around Marco’s neck and he freezes a bit, the awkwardness of the moment for him clear on his face. Marco manages to raise his arms to tentatively pat the woman’s back.

Just WOW. You made me "see" that scene in the way you wrote it LILA. And it was powerful. Of course I also loved your noting of David's wonderful muscular arms. Dang, I am sorry I missed that.

And ANONYMOUS...thank you for explaining Gonzalo's quip.

LILA...this has been quite a journey. And you have made it such a richly rewarding one for the Patio. Thanks for being who you are and for pouring out your heart and soul, your humor and your smarts each and every day for us. Abrazotes y bezotes comadre!

MÉDICOS #75/84, 10-29-2020

Anon! Why thank you!!!!! I enjoy chewing the fat with y'all! GRACIAS for that translation! Gonzalo said it and then looked at Felipe slyly and they both burst out laughing! I just couldn't figure it out! Thank you! I am so glad the "Olmedos" are almost whole. I wonder if this will this be the end of Javier or do they plan to have him hanging around in season 2.

Gracias, Anon!

MÉDICOS #75/84, 10-29-2020

Rgv Chick!!!!! Are you okay, Girl?

MÉDICOS #75/84, 10-29-2020

Susanlynn@5:07pm Thank you so much, Susanlynn! I'll see. I'm afraid I've got a pile up of new work responsibilities and, even though I'm working from home, I need to tighten up! Or, BECAUSE I'm working from home, I need to tighten up. Anywho, we'll see!

MÉDICOS #75/84, 10-29-2020

JudyB!!!! Yes, I'm a bleeding heart Social Worker which is another reason why I know Luz's situation is impossible and ludicrous! She would be The Director with a staff that covers the whole hospital! Anyway, I know it's a plot device!

JudyB I am SO GLAD you could see the Marco scene! It makes me feel so good that folk who either didn't see the episode or whose Spanish is wobbly (not that mine is so strong) can enjoy these wonderful stories right along with me. I told you I'm an empath whether people are in the flesh, on a screen or in a book: it helps me discharge the emotion I pick up from the story to write about it. It gets it out of my head and heart! This is also why I don't watch a lot of TV or movies: it becomes an emotional and mental overload. It's why I REALLY had to break a news habit I had since my parents used to watch THREE (NBC, CBS, ABC) prime time news broadcasts back when I was a little girl! When COVID came and I was at home working, it all became too much! If I imbibe screne, I do a lot of documentaries on cultures and nature and history and I loooves me some paranormal stuff. YAH! Anyway, this is the freak behind the recaps, y'all!

Thank you so much!! Your kind words are treasures to me!!! I definitely will come back and read these comments when this trip is over, when I need a little pick me up. God Bless you, Querida Amiga!


great recap Lila! It’s amazing how beautifully you describe some very terrible scenes! (By terrible I mean sad, not bad lol)

I was also distracted by David’s sexy arms.. yum haha


Hi, UnOp! Missed you, Girl. Hope you're feeling all right! Thanks, Hon!

MEDICOS 10-30-2020

Hi Patio Peeps. LILA is taking a well-deserved night off--gearing up for the gran finale on Monday. And boy I sure hope it's a gran finale because tonight was a total stinker. The bad guys were on top and the good guys were getting twisted, maimed, threatened and crushed. Dadgummit! And no romance whatsoever!-- although there was a bit of a thaw between Regina and David. But let's take things in sequence...miserable though they were.

We begin with stalker, handsy Arturo hovering over Regina and assuring her for the umpteenth time that he's the only one who can make her happy. Switch to Ana's office where David is asking for the contact info on the providers of the recent "new" hospital equipment like the knee replacement contraption. Ana gives it to him as anxious, threatening type music swells in the background. Dun di dun dun. Ana's as worried about David as we are, and fears he's going to fight with the suppliers, but David swears all he's going to do is talk to them and get relevant info. And he wants Mireya's contact information as well. He needs to talk to her.

Better scene: Gonzalo telling Aurora how beautiful she is when she wakes up. And shares with her how happy he was when Felipe hugged him and called him Papa. She's feeling ill and hopeless again, but he reminds her of how much they have to live for now that the three of them are united again. All she wants is for him to promise that if she doesn't make it, he'll stay close to Felipe. He does, of course.

Another short scene at the private hospital. René goes to schmooze Andres, when Constanza unexpectedly shows up. He keeps trying to touch her and make like they're still a couple and she keeps pushing him away. She sweeps out with him scampering after her like a neurotic squirrel. "You have to forgive me!" he bleats. Constanza begs to differ. She doesn't have to do anything. I was happily gloating at this point, but of course later in the episode René is back on top, scheming with the corrupt UnderSecretary of Health, so my joy was short-lived.

David and Regina have a brief semi-sweet moment when he sees her leaving the hospital and commiserates with her evident fatigue. There's a tender, understanding look that gets nipped in the bud when Ana exits and says she's ready to leave. Regina pulls back. David's face falls. And suddenly I realize the whole damned episode is going to be a bummer.

And it is. Miguel arrives at Luz's door. But not with the reconciliation she hoped. Simply divorce papers that he wants her to sign RIGHT NOW. She begs, she pleads, she professes love, she pleads some more and he's a stone wall. Not nasty. Just completely checked out. He advises that they be civilized about it for Caro's sake but he's equally adamant that the marriage is over and he wants it ended.

Other than a brief meeting at the Vega law office where they talk about the court case coming up in 3 days, that was the opening sequence. Enough to tear your hair out!

MEDICOS 10-30-2020 Part 2

Hey, I'd like to tell you it gets better now but it doesn't. We see Arturo insisting on helping Regina and sealing his offer with a kiss on the cheek and a pat. (And later it gets even worse with him laying his hands on her lower back and on her shoulder. The man is definitely on a mission. Ugh.) Anyway, off he goes and Cinthia arrives. Reggie asks her if she should give Arturo a chance. And gets a LOOK. The same one we'd give Patio Peeps! Cinthia points out that Arturo is the polar opposite of David. And Regina admits that she still has feelings for our sexy Dr. Paredes. Same old same old. Anyway, let's forget that and move on to something even nastier. The oily Under Secretary arrives with a legal cohort, a Lic. Moyes, and they're ready to scheme with René to deep-six not only Gonzalo but Regina. The game plan is to so horrify the President with the "corruption" at the Instituto that he'll fire the Secretary of Health, put oily Under Secretary in his place and then...I guess (correct me if I'm wrong Patio) René might get a shot at being Under Secretary himself. And sure, Under Secretary admits that the Vega law office is powerful, but Alonso will be so busy with the el Ciego case that this hospital scheme will be a slam-dunk. They wrap up this love fest by calling in Regina, informing her she's accused of being a "complice" of Gonzalo in his irresponsible and fraudulent management of the Instituo and if she's judged guilty she'll have to leave her employment there. Forever. Regina stoutly defends her innocence but they sneer that she'd better save her arguments for the court. And find yourself a good lawyer missy!

By this time I've got a royal case of heartburn and was hoping that a sweet Clara/Daniel scene would cheer me up. But it was....well, not so sweet. She's pouting because she's working on the floor and he'll be down in Urgencias. She doesn't like to be separated from her beau! And when Tania arrives, she lays it on even thicker, planting a bodacious you're-my-property kiss on Daniel and giving a triumphant smile to the deflated Tania. And okay, I'm not a big Tania fan. But I'm not sure I'm a Clara fan any longer either. Just a little too Mean Girl for me.

Regina calls all the Urgencias staff together to inform them that she's under fire and will need to be at the court hearing in three days. Arturo will be Head of Urgencias in her absence. And if the judgement goes against her, she's "out" and Arturo will be the new Head period. Everyone pledges their loyalty and unshaken belief that she's the best and will be exonerated. Boy, we sure hope so. I do NOT want this to be the cliffhanger. Lordy!

Gonzalo goes to Luz' office to get Mireya's contact information and ends up empathizing with her divorce situation. Same deal as his. Luz admits she loves her work but ended up failing at the one job that really mattered--being Caro's Mom. She had hoped that Caro would be proud of the job that her mother was doing. But it didn't work out that way. Gonzalo understands all too well.

Regina sends them all back to work and we see Tania and Pamela off in a corner wondering if they'll even want to stay at the Instituto if Regina leaves and René keeps running roughshod over everybody. Meanwhile Arturo continues his full court press on our Reggie, and I've gone from heartburn to migraine. Call me a doc!

MEDICOS 10-30-2020 Part 3

Okay, gird your loins Patio. Here comes more. David explains to Marco that he has to leave for a while, and wants to put the him in total charge of the Outpatient Department in his absence. Marco, in his new persona, lights up with pleasure at the confidence David is showing and happily accepts the charge.

Now David goes off to meet with the slimy old equipment providers. He's convinced them the meeting has to be NOW because he's going on vacation and wants the equipment for his new practice ordered immediately. They meet at a café, David puts his phone on Record, and skillfully guides then through admitting that they sell older equipment as the latest version. Charge top dollar for it, but give the difference to their cooperative ally--David in this case.

Elsewhere Cinthia decides she's going to have to enlist her parents' help to stop René and save Regina. And Reggie learns from Gonzalo that the reason David has been spending so much time with Ana is to get info that will help expose all of René's fraudulent schemes. There is definitely a thaw, Patio Peeps. And Aurora, forgetting her nausea for a moment, encourages Regina to talk to David. It's clear he cares deeply for you, she counsels.

And that's the end of the good news, folks. After this, it's all downhill.

The more Gonzalo thinks about Regina's situation, the angrier he gets and storms off from Aurora's room to confront René. Who smirks and promises Gonzalo that both he and Reggie will end up in jail.

Meanwhile, David, with his precious phone recording, starts to get on his motorcycle to head back. Suddenly a woman nearby is hit by a car. He drops everything and rushes to help her. (I looked away for a moment but did a passerby pick up David's phone, walking off with the evidence? Help Patio Peeps. I have no rewind capacity.)

An ambulance is called, David's in the ambulance treating the woman who's in desperate straits. As they hurtle forward, speeding in and out of lanes, they crash. And everybody appears to be terribly injured--including our precious David.

And that's it Patio. They've served us up the worst possible scenario. And now they leave us wringing our hands and tearing our hair out over the weekend. It's standard Telenovela Practice. And it's cruel. But it works. You know darned right you'll be tuning in anxiously Monday to see what happens.

But hey, Happy Weekend anyway pals. We'll get through this. Together. Hang tough.



Gracias, Judy.

I didn't see anyone take David's phone but if he is in a coma it could prolong the tension into next season. It was green-lit, but production date is still TBD.

I also hate the idea of threats hanging over the heads of our good doctors in this tale. Rene's threats against Regina are particularly vile.


Whew! Thanks URBAN. I did catch a glimpse of a man walking looking at a phone but maybe he was being a casual Good Samaritan and calling the ambulance.

Lively Patio, feel free to rant and rave today. I'll be off most of the day wrangling baby and three-year-old. Pretty sure it's my last hurrah as far as grandchildren go, so enjoying it to the max. But have at it. The writers deserve a few rotten tomatoes, although those clever folks know what they're doing. We'll be sitting by the TV without fail Monday after what they put us through last night.



Just got up, haven't read the recap yet but had two things to say: One, the above thanks and

Two: Mi Daviiiiiiiid! NOOOOOOOOOO!

Okay, I feel better! I'll be back in a flash!


MÉDICOS #76/85, 10-20-2020

MIL GRACIAS QUERIDA!!!! Love how you masterfully handled this gut-punching episode and provided therapeutic relief with your on-target sniping!

We begin with stalker, handsy Arturo hovering over Regina and assuring her for the umpteenth time that he's the only one who can make her happy.

Better scene: Gonzalo telling Aurora how beautiful she is when she wakes up. And shares with her how happy he was when Felipe hugged him and called him Papa.

She sweeps out with him scampering after her like a neurotic squirrel.

David and Regina have a brief semi-sweet moment when he sees her leaving the hospital and commiserates with her evident fatigue. There's a tender, understanding look that gets nipped in the bud when Ana exits and says she's ready to leave. Regina pulls back. David's face falls. And suddenly I realize the whole damned episode is going to be a bummer.

AMEN, HERMANA!! Boy, did they pile it on!!

Like Diana noted a few days ago, Miguel is such a bland individual! I feel nothing for him! It even looked like they had to use a medicine dropper to drip tears on his eyes. Whatever, Miguel! Luz, you're still young, there must be a fine, unattached gentleman in the Instituto that would understand the rhythm of your life and make you muy feliz!

Reggie asks her if she should give Arturo a chance. And gets a LOOK. The same one we'd give Patio Peeps! Cinthia points out that Arturo is the polar opposite of David. And Regina admits that she still has feelings for our sexy Dr. Paredes. DOH, REGINA! YOU JUST BROKE UP WITH DAVID, WHAT, TWO WEEKS AGO???

You are absolutely right about the "oily Under Secretary"! He saw all the dirt Rene was doing, knows he has Rene by the short hairs and decided to use this to unseat his boss, surely a long-standing plan that the opportunistic, oily US is thrilled to have found a way to finally execute! I have to admit I did NOT see this coming! And accusing Regina as an accomplice works perfectly for Rene's original goal: to get rid of all principled Drs. so he could continue robbing the Instituto, the government and the Patrons for that matter!

But wait! There's more! JudyB, this is a damned fine recap and it actually makes me feel better about the episode! I don't know how you did it, but it's like a cathartic primal scream! Not done yet!


MÉDICOS #76/85, 10-20-2020

Now then, Clara/Daniel/Tania: I'm done with Daniel and Tania! Clara was acting the mean girl because, unfortunately, she let the "competition" take her there. I'm not mad at her; I'm happy for her: Daniel is too flaky and doesn't really want her anyway. If there's a second season I can see one of the "romantic" stories being Tania repeatedly making a fool out of the besotted Daniel and I will be totally WHATEVS!!!!

JudyB and Patio friends, I think Gonzalo and Regina WILL lose and the second season will be about the fight to unmask Rene and get them reinstated.

Meanwhile Arturo continues his full court press on our Reggie, and I've gone from heartburn to migraine. Call me a doc!

Oh, Amiga, you took one for the Patio! It WAS awwwwwful!!!

Never thought I'd say it, but I LOVE MARCO!!!! He was so happy to be in charge of the OPC!!

So novela love-starved am I that my heart soared at this scene:

Elsewhere . . . Reggie learns from Gonzalo that the reason David has been spending so much time with Ana is to get info that will help expose all of René's fraudulent schemes. There is definitely a thaw, Patio Peeps. And Aurora, forgetting her nausea for a moment, encourages Regina to talk to David. It's clear he cares deeply for you, she counsels.


JudyB! I did NOT see what happened to the phone! YIKES!!!

Everybody kept warning David to be careful! When the slimy used equipment dudes didn't bust him and shoot him I thought, Phew! It's gonna be all right and then....An ambulance is called, David's in the ambulance treating the woman who's in desperate straits. As they hurtle forward, speeding in and out of lanes, they crash. And everybody appears to be terribly injured--including our precious David.


I'm going to hold on to the scene where brick-headed Regina finally realized, no, she had to be TOLD that David was spending so much time with Ana, indeed had taken the job as Chief of the OPC so he could work from within to help HER and Gonzalo! JEEZO-SMOKIN-PETE!!! Maybe NOW will you definitively tell Art to back frickin' off!!!!

JudyB, GRACIAS DE VERDAD for not only giving me a break but for so efficiently, skillfully and therapeutically covering this heart-breaking episode! 😍❤😍

MÉDICOS #76/85, 10-20-2020

Enjoy those Graandbabies, JudyB! Me and the Peeps will keep the board hoppin'!


Judy, stellar. Just stellar.

You don't simply put words to a page. You deftly guided us through last night's maze of unhappiness, desperation and created a sterling summary in the process. And somehow, I always sense that there is a light of hope at the end of these narrowing tunnels, however dim it may be.

"The bad guys were on top and the good guys were getting twisted, maimed, threatened and crushed". Indeed!

“Not nasty. Just completely checked out. He advises that they be civilized about it for Caro's sake but he's equally adamant that the marriage is over and he wants it ended” perfectly described that hard to watch scene. When emotions are inflamed and passion, anger and hurt words are hurled, there is something remaining. Perhaps there is hope, perhaps not. But when there is nothing except acceptance that it is over, silence can be more chilling than anything.

"She sweeps out with him scampering after her like a neurotic squirrel" made me smile in delight.

"Marco, in his new persona, lights up with pleasure at the confidence David is showing and happily accepts the charge" has me rooting for him.

I thought Clara's actions childish but really, she is very young. I think her confidence is premature as Daniel is too kind to keep up the pretense if his feelings for Clara don't deepen, which I don't think they will.

The accident was unexpected and filmed in gory detail. Lila, I imagined you watching and felt for you! But we will need to see what the finale brings and yes there is always season 2.

I suspect the final will be action packed. I am hoping we get a glimpse of Rafa and Cin...

Judy, masterfully done as always. Gracias amiga.



I also wanted to mention "oily Undersecretary" which I loved Judy. It was obvious there were nefarious plans made but thank you for clarifying exactly what those were.

Lila, I was also completely taken aback by this as well. "He saw all the dirt Rene was doing, knows he has Rene by the short hairs and decided to use this to unseat his boss, surely a long-standing plan that the opportunistic, oily US is thrilled to have found a way to finally execute!...And accusing Regina as an accomplice works perfectly for Rene's original goal: to get rid of all principled Drs. so he could continue robbing the Instituto, the government and the Patrons for that matter!" said it all!

I am also enjoying any scene with Gonzalo, Aurora and Felipe, together or apart!



Good Day, Hard Rockin' Patio :-)

Judy, what a nice surprise to see your recap! I had missed your humor and snark. And, thank you Lila for the recaps this week. I've been a bit under the weather lately and this patio is rockin' so fast and hard that I've had trouble catching up. Finally made it!

Marco's redemption was not too surprising to me; he's been slooowly turning to the good side for a while. And he and Lili have my blessings. If he permanently remains the decent man and doctor he has become, then Lili takes one of the grand prizes.

The PHONE- David put it in his pocket right before he saw the accident. I thought he had thrown it to the passerby who called 911, but the passerby had his own phone. David's phone should still be in his pocket, hopefully in one piece!

I am lighting candles in hopes that the trial goes quickly on mOnday and that Rene is exposed. And oh, I hope Mireya feels scorned enough to start singing...or talking like a parrot!


Diana, "I thought Clara's actions childish..." Yeah, me too. It seems that the writers are turning her into a clingy leech after they made us like her...typical! Oh well, if Tania TRULY is in love with Daniel, then Daniel is the winner and I'll be happy.

Nasty admin and Oily secre...Not. Worth. My. Time.

I feel cheated that they've put Cinthia and Rafa on the back burner :-( Diana, I'm hoping to get a glimpse (or two) of them on Monday, too.

Medicos. Thanks, Judy B., for stepping up and writing a great recap! And good news about the phone, Rgv Chick. I must confess that I didn't see what happened to the phone either. Only 2 more episodes! I don't see how they can close up any of the main plot threads--cure David, reinstate Gonzalo and send Rene and Mireya to jail--let alone resolve the Regina-David romance, the Daniel-Clara-Tania situation, or much of anything else. Aaaaaaa! Needless to say, I will be glued to the set on Monday at 6 (central)


Judyb, thank you so much for bringing us this recap in the midst of caring for your grandchildren. You are amazing .

Since a second season is coming, i am sure that some of these storylines will be cliffhangers , but i hope we get a few happy endings , and i really need to see the anvils fall on Rene and Mir because of the havoc and pain they have caused to so many good, innocent people.

The sun is finally out here after seversl days of rain and gloom, so i was grateful to take a walk in the local park with our younger daughter for an hour . Medicos starting early on Monday and going for two hours? 7-9 eastern time.



Thank you JudyB! I’m sure the finale will be quite the ride and I’m hoping production is a go soon for the second season but with COVID and other drama going on, who knows how long we’ll have to wait.

I was glad to see the staff support Regina. They’ve all already been supporting Gonzalo and for the board to rope Regina into it is totally unfair. Hopefully David is okay and Gonzalo can take the helm of the instituto again. I’m sure David will end up being treated and hopefully saved by his colleagues.

Rene was pretty pathetic in asking (or really, demanding) Constanza to forgive him. He belongs in a jail cell, for sure.

I’m not really interested in the Daniel/Tania/Clara love triangle. I really have no prediction about what will happen with that.

As unfortunate as it might be I’m not surprised that Miguel didn’t budge. But did Luz actually sign the papers (yet)?



Susanlynn, yes, Médicos will run from 7:00-9:00 pm (E)


Judy, thank you for taking the time out of your busy Grandma duties to keep "feeding" this hungry patio with a scrumptious recap.

In my opinion, the Caray recappers are our own superhero group (think The Avengers or Justice League). They each have a certain style of writing (super power) and are ready to step in and "take care" of us when necessary. Bowing down to them.

We need to see the Regina they gave us at the beginning. The one that dealt decisively and firmly with that jerk Sergio. Her weak and whiny, "I didn't know, why didn't he tell meee?" About David's investigation with Ana was annoying. Helloooo! Hasn't he tried, more than once, to explain it to her? It's her fault that he hasn't been able to. Her "Talk to the hand. I don't want to hear it, there's nothing to explain" attitude should have made him leave her to whatever happens. But he hasn't. Even with her nasty attitude toward him, he's still doing everything he can to make things easier for her. At this point, I think Ana deserves him more. But, of course, "El Corazon no se manda."

MÉDICOS #76/85, 10-30-2020

Rgv Chick!!!! I missed you! I hope you feel better! Thank you for that on the phone. Now that you mention it, I remember seeing David put his phone in his pocket! Phew! They were playing ominous music, I just knew they had him. I think they were too greedy to notice and boy, did they sing like canaries! Good thing too!

Agree about Cinthia and Rafa. BOOO! If they consumate their love, they get star treatment! Rafa has been so pining for Cinthia. Y'all know I think Rafa is a fox and Cinthia is pretty in a smokin' hot way. Her teasing him for 85 episodes, though we know she does care for him, makes the anticipation for their scene go through the roof! At least for me!


MÉDICOS #76/85, 10-30-2020

Hey, Anon, I hear ya frustration about Regina. Girl was workin' my nerves, too! David certainly DID try to explain to her what was happening. And what was this David having to drop his head and follow Ana when she came out of the hosptial, breaking up the conversation with Regina! What the fudge!!!??? The boss lady thing was cute and sexy when David and Regina got it on the first time but, who the hell can't talk to who they want to in their professional OR personal life because their boss doesn't want them to!!!

Ok, calm down, Lila, plot device! Man! I'll be glad to see the old Regina AND the old David.

Anon, I couldn't have done this without JudyB and our Angel, Anita. That's all I say before I start watering my keyboard. This has been a heck of a ride. Thank you for your kind words, Anon!


MÉDICOS #76/85, 10-30-2020

Susanlyn!!!! You're at the top of the page!!!!

“You know things are grim when a telenovela recap and getting your teeth cleaned are the bright spots in the day." -- Susanlynn

I think you said this on OUR Patio! YAAAAY!!!!



Hola PATIO! How nice to come home (okay, "drag" home) from a day with the grands and find this lively discussion going as usual. This is a terrific group that LILA has assembled and kept going with her wonderful recaps and warm responses. And it's a privilege to sub for her every once in a while when her schedule gets even crazier than usual.

LILA...I particularly liked your term "brick-headed Regina" Too right. She has been the "wall" rather than our delectable Dr. Paredes during these last weeks. But God willing, she seems to be crumbling at last. Hope you and I get a nice juicy love scene at some point Monday night.

DIANA...Good analysis--"I thought Clara's actions childish but really, she is very young. I think her confidence is premature as Daniel is too kind to keep up the pretense if his feelings for Clara don't deepen, which I don't think they will."

I suspect, along with you, that the writers are going with Tania as End Game. After all she has star billing. The actress playing Clara does not.

RGV CHICK...Lady, I am lighting candles right along with you! And yes! let's get the scorned Mireya talking like a parrot. Pronto!

Also hope that you're feeling better. Getting sick at a time like this is pretty scary. There was someone in our son's office who came in with a 102 degree temperature, sick as a dog. But luckily it wasn't Covid. But still...WHY come in? Aaaargh.

SPANPROF...Oh dear, hope that you're wrong and the writers do close up SOME plot threads. I couldn't take another season of wRetched René.

SUSANLYNN...From your lips to God's ear..or at least the writers' ears. Give us a few Happy Endings to tide us over the long, dark, Winter to come.

TF...Did Luz actually sign the papers? No, I don't think she did. But it seems to me there's something in Mexico called Divorce Express where the other person doesn't have to sign. However, Miguel DID bring papers and I don't think she did anything--just begged for a reconciliation and second chance. I hope she gets it.

ANONYMOUS...How nice to characterize CarayCaray recappers as superheroes. LILA certainly is. On that I will agree. And if you're the ANONYMOUS who's been so helpful with interpreting the Spanish from time to time, you're a superhero also. Much appreciated. Some of us have studied it. Some of us are bi-lingual, having native speakers as parents. And some of us--like me--learned it from telenovelas and closed captioning in Spanish. Trying to stave off dementia. Don't know if learning another language helps, but I was willing to give it a try.

Well, gang...I'm going to kick back, relax and just drool in my bib a little bit. Maybe watch some of the Ohio State-Penn game. Still, games aren't nearly as interesting without the fans. AND TELENOVELAS WOULDN'T BE NEARLY AS INTERESTING WITHOUT THE PATIO! SO THANKS GUYS.

Look out your window at the big, full moon .

Don't forget to turn your clocks back an hour.

The moon was truly spectacular last night. So bright in a clear, dark sky. Fabulous.
I wish they'd stop with this daylight savings time bit though and just keep it the same all year. Little kids don't understand time change.

Ot...judyb...i am happy for the time chsnge since my granddaughter gets on the school bus at 7.15, so now she wont be standing. waiting in the dark.

That was a blue moon last night. Remember all those beautiful moon photos that kirby used to share with us?


JudyB, animals don't understand time change either...but it's good that Susanlynn's granddaughter doesn't have to stand waiting in the dark :-)


Well, the blue moon has brought me a chilly, rainy, gray day . Boo i cannot believe it is November. are your animalitos doing ? How many goats do you have now?



Thank you Judy!!

I felt so frustrated the entire episode, that i don’t even know where to begin lol. Well, let’s get the worst out of the way- Regina. I wanted to slap her to knock some sense into her. She’s thinking about giving Arturo a chance? SERIOUSLY?! How can she say she loves David while thinking about starting a relationship with Art? Why is she thinking about giving Art an opportunity when she didn’t even give David an opportunity (whom she supposedly loves)?! Ugh. Later with her “why didn’t David tell me?” I wanted to slap her again. YOU HAVEN’T LET HIM TALK TO YOU! How was he supposed to tell you? Telepathy?! And then her saying she knows David really well so she knows he’ll get to the bottom of everything, etc. Really? You know him? She LITERALLY said to him “no, no, no I DON’T know you.” If she really knew him and “knew” of his (very noble) intentions then why did she blow him off multiple times and is even thinking about starting something with Art?

I lost count of how many times people told David to “be careful” this episode, so I just knew something bad was going to happen. I couldn’t stop thinking about how David is putting himself in danger to help Regina, meanwhile she’s thinking about being with Art. By the time we saw her “thaw”, as Judy mentioned, I felt no relief. At that point I had already thought “I’m so done with her.”

Now, the sad.. David!! :( first of all, he is a genius! Lol. The way he handled the conversation with her providers, recording it, etc. was amazing! When he was looking at his phone afterwards, for a second I thought HE was going to get ran over! By the way, he put the phone in his pocket.

I have a feeling David’s life is going to be left hanging in the balance until next season! I hate to think it, but I can imagine the final scene being David flat-lining and we don’t find out if she survives until next season. Obviously, I love David and it’s not the ideal season finale for me personally, but that WOULD be an epic cliffhanger!

I hope Regina is there with him to witness him almost dying and I want her to feel terrible about all of this! It’s the least she could do!

Also, I thought Regina was being ridiculous announcing to all the staff that Art would he chief of ER is she gets fired. Does she seriously think she can make that decision? If Rene gets rid of her does she really think Rene is going to let her appoint Art before she leaves? Lol at that point Rene would fire Art too! Since he is one of “Gonzalo’s people”


Medicos. I hope David's survival doesn't depend on Daniel Arenas holding out for a more generous contract or something. :)


JudyB what a fantastic recap you provided as our lovely Lila takes a well-deserved break! I nominate you both for head writers of Medicos: Season 2.

Out of all of the excellent work, my fave line of the night was simply "Okay, gird your loins Patio". Yes, ma'am! That was the warning I should have heeded as I jumped both when the lady pedestrian got hit and then when ambulance got hit. I was not expecting either!

-Guess my romantic tooth will just have to be satisfied with a little Regina meltdown on Monday, but then I've been spending the past few weeks giving up on her and trying to prepare myself for the cast switch. Sigh.

-Well, that and hopefully a little Cinthia and Rafa. Rafa's really not my style visually, but he has truly become the white knight that gives me shivers with his supportive, make-my-girl-smile attitude. LOOOOVE that!!

-Love that Connie used Rene and dumped him again! LOL!

-Yay for Daniel! We were so worried he'd get trampled by Tania, but baby boy is more than capable of defending himself! Guess Tania's going to be even more drawn to the flame now that he's shown he's not just a sweet cream puff.


Is Livia definitely out for season 2? Did they a!ready pick a replacement?


Hola UNCOLICITED OPINIONS and HELLESHELLE. I love it when an episode makes people RANT and this one was surely rant-worthy and then some.

Yes, Regina has been so annoying she almost doesn't deserve Delectable David, but nevertheless, I hope she gets him. And I also hope Cinthia and Rafa have a cataclysmic encounter. Nope, I don't think anybody digs RAFA physically. He looks like a weedy drug addict with B.O. and hair that needs washing. BUT...the man has charm in his role, I must say, and he's won me over. And appears about to win Cinthia thoroughly over. JuanPa is blancmange pudding. Take him away!

Now hopefully, after Monday's gran finale, we'll have something to cheer about. Right now, not so much.

SUSANLYNN...Cold as a witche's ...hmmmm...something or other and even snowing here. I was out at a very windy farm with the 3-year-old and his Dad and man! we about got blown away. Lots of fresh air though, which I keep reminding myself is "good for you". But whew... And yes, I DO remember Kirby's wonderful moon pictures. Too bad that Google site is no longer going so that he can show them. Things change...not always for the better.

Cheers everybody. And BRRRRRRRRRRR

Ot...judyb..i had to smile when i read " colder than a... " because Hub used to say that ! I have aleays known that you and i are cosmically connected.

Cosmically connected is the very best way to be, Susanlynn. Cosmic connections never break.



Regina most definitely does NOT deserve David! But I want them to be together anyway lol. David DOES deserve to be happy and he’s only going to be happy with Regina sooo.. yeah

There has not been anything official announced about Livia, so we still don’t know if she is coming back or not

MÉDICOS #76/85, 10-30-2020

UnOP! PREACH, SISTER! You speak the TRUTH!

Regina. I wanted to slap her to knock some sense into her. She’s thinking about giving Arturo a chance? SERIOUSLY?! How can she say she loves David while thinking about starting a relationship with Art? Why is she thinking about giving Art an opportunity when she didn’t even give David an opportunity (whom she supposedly loves)?! Ugh. Later with her “why didn’t David tell me?” I wanted to slap her again. YOU HAVEN’T LET HIM TALK TO YOU! How was he supposed to tell you? Telepathy?! And then her saying she knows David really well so she knows he’ll get to the bottom of everything, etc. Really? You know him? She LITERALLY said to him “no, no, no I DON’T know you.” If she really knew him and “knew” of his (very noble) intentions then why did she blow him off multiple times and is even thinking about starting something with Art?

I don't like to dip in "real life," but are "they" trying to make us not like Regina/Livia? Me and Anon have already abeen dragging her! I'll just say MY DAVID DESERVES BETTER but if that's what he wants, I want him to have it!

DOH! The Hostess has a bee in her bonnet:

-Well, that and hopefully a little Cinthia and Rafa. Rafa's really not my style visually, but he has truly become the white knight that gives me shivers with his supportive, make-my-girl-smile attitude. LOOOOVE that!!

. . . Nope, I don't think anybody digs RAFA physically. .

Hellashelle and JudyB Bite your tongues! I THINK RAFA IS HAWT!!! I told y'all he triggers a teenage nerve! He may not be tastefully muscled like our David but yes, Rafa, I DIG YOU, MAN!!!��������

JAJAJAJAJA! I'm looking forward to some Rafa lovin' because David is pretty much rendered, um, out of action for a good little chunk of time. Gals, I kinda wish David had checked back in with Random Chick: she wasn't trying to get into his heart, would listen to him kvetch about brick head and got his ashes hauled all at the same time! Pobrecito!!!



CRAP! My emojis didn't come through: WINK, GRIN, ROFL, HEART EYES (for Rafa!)

Good Morning, Patio Peeps.

UnOP, I'm going to need a neck massage after all that nodding I did while reading your little rant on Regina. I purposefully didn't mention her previously because I . just. can't. stand. her anymore! I know David wants her, but would he be able to stand all her demands, neck popping and "Te juros"? Maybe he should tell her to change just like she is expecting him to change for her :-P

Susanlynn, my animalitos are doing well. I have 28 female goats now and only 1 male, but he has been "fixed" (pobrecito),I just couldn't afford to have anymore goats...financially and physically :-)


AMEN to you, too, Rgv Chick!! ANA WAS RIGHT IN WHAT SHE TOLD REGINA, and most of us thought she was just being mean!!!

only 1 male, but he has been "fixed" (pobrecito) . . . what, like David?


Oh, no, no , no, LIla! David’s wand is magical and can withstand any knife, sword...whatever!! LOL

Ot....Chickie...Wow..that one male has a harem . Do the goats have to be milked daily like cows ? Farms around me raise cows and sheep, so i dont have much experience with goats .

We have a lot of wind today.

Lila ..yes, for some reason emojis do not show up her. ;)

When you really love someone, you dont try to change him\her. ❤


Susanlynn, I don't have dairy goats so I only had to milk the goats for a while after their babies were weaned, then they dried up.


Oh, no, no , no, LIla! David’s wand is magical and can withstand any knife, sword...whatever!! LOL

Sorry, Rgv Chick!!!! I hope the magic wand is all right, but Regina didn't want any more of it when we know it was in TIP TOP SHAPE, now our man has had the crapped slammed out of him; he for sure isn't going to want/be able to wave the wand for a bit! POOR BABY!!!!

Let's see what happens tonight! TWO HOURS!!! I'm definitely gonna call on y'all to fill in some blanks; we'll make it totally interactive!!!



“ Maybe he should tell her to change just like she is expecting him to change for her :-P “

YES!! Now THAT would be a welcome plot twist! If after David’s accident Regina is there at his bedside saying she “forgives” him and wants to get back together, I would LOVE for David to not give in so easily. She needs to change too! She had all these demands for David as if she was perfect and at the first roadblock, completely abandoned the relationship. Regina needs to prove to David (and to the audience that SHE deserves David).

At the beginning of the TN, I admit I was not the biggest Regina fan. I thought she was always cold and rude with David. Then when you all explained her attitude, how it made sense after the stuff with Sergio, etc. I began to understand her from that point of view. But recently, even when I try to leave my love for David aside and understand her, I don’t. She loves David, but refuses to talk to him, so she’s going to date her other coworker instead.. how old is she? 13?

Lila, you bring up an interesting point about whether the writers are purposefully trying to make us dislike Regina.. if that was their intention then they have succeeded! Lol. I don’t think it has to do with Livia’s real-life issues because if they’re thinking about substituting the actress, there’s no point in the audience disliking the character.. but who knows! Just my speculation


UnOP ITA with you. You WERE understanding and patient with Regina and I was one of those defending her! She has no excuse anymore! "They" are making her look so flaky and superficial.

"Well, um, last week I um, liked David, but he, like, TOTALLY hasn't changed from when he was a hurt little boy and he likes AAAANNA so, I'm like, thinking I should give Art a chance? You know we kissed and everything at the Congress and he's got a super big heart and he's kinda cute.....

GAG ME!!!!!!



JudyB, great job. You are a doll to give Lila a weekend break. Thanks for shepherding us through this episode that went from grrrh! to oh-no!!! And always the laughs -- my fave:

Reggie asks her if she should give Arturo a chance. And gets a LOOK. The same one we'd give Patio Peeps!

Too bad it's Gonzalo telling Reggie what David is up to and likely the accident that will get her back to David's side. I wanted her to realize on her own that David punching Art is no where near on scale with Sergio's menage-a-trash in her bed and worth breaking up forever. Does she think Art is perfect and will never disappoint her? Nobody's perfect.

I have to give props to the filming and editing of the ambulance tumbling over. Even though I knew something bad was coming David's way, I was shocked and couldn't look away.

Time to gather up your snacks, beverage of choice, and a cozy blankie and snuggle in for tonight's finale . Let's hope we get some satisfaction regarding anvils for the evil ones and some happiness and peace for The good people.

Time to gather up your snacks, beverage of choice, and a cozy blankie and snuggle in for tonight's finale . Let's hope we get some satisfaction regarding anvils for the evil ones and some happiness and peace for The good people.


Thanks, Susanlynn! That was so nice; it was worth saying twice!

I plan to post Tuesday early afternoon so if you are able to, you can sleep in! This is our last hoorah (this season) so we'll take it easy. There will be enough tension in the show to go around!


I missed out on some fun "end of round 1" conversations! I agree with everyone, obviously.

I don't like to dip in "real life," but are "they" trying to make us not like Regina/Livia?
Lila, you are (as always) IN MY BRAIN. I've been wondering this for weeks. For a while, I was running on the theory that it was to phase Livia out, but then I realized the episodes original airings were from last November into this March, before her summer brouhaha. So now I'm just back to thinking this is a writing team letting the worst of traditional TNs creep into the New Age: dragging out the distance between the leads and making the heroine seem helpless in dumb ways. They "need" to keep the leads apart (for "tension" or whatever), but since they have pretty smart, logical New Age villains/ROs etc., they don't have a pregnancy or amnesia/new identity to drag this out and they did not bother to find a good replacement to logically keep them apart. Instead, they're relying on the old standby: rational heroine becomes so stubborn as to seem irrational and rather than explain/explore her character's reasons for these wildly unpopular decisions, we're just going to have her repeat the same three lines every episode for months: "I miss him! But we can't be together. I feel so alone/defeated/frustrated/put-upon." Bah humbug to that nonsense, I say!

if they’re thinking about substituting the actress, there’s no point in the audience disliking the character.. but who knows!
UnOp, this is why I hate cast changes. Either they're bringing in a new actress to play the same character, which is always awkward and ruins previous film for use in cute flashbacks/montages, or they're bringing in a new actress to play a new character entirely and that just messes with the True Love vibe of TNs which is so not cool. TNs are the last stronghold of True Love. I mean, you can't even count of Disney for that anymore!

Also, THIS: She had all these demands for David as if she was perfect and at the first roadblock, completely abandoned the relationship. Regina needs to prove to David (and to the audience that SHE deserves David).
Plus, from Rgv Chick : Maybe he should tell her to change just like she is expecting him to change for her
Pluse, from Niecie: Too bad it's Gonzalo telling Reggie what David is up to and likely the accident that will get her back to David's side. I wanted her to realize on her own that David punching Art is no where near on scale with Sergio's menage-a-trash in her bed and worth breaking up forever. Does she think Art is perfect and will never disappoint her? Nobody's perfect.
LADIES!!! As Lila said: Preach! Mmmm! I could've written those scenes, my friends. We, together, could have produced the riveting and character driven scenes we've been dying to see in Ultimas Capitulos. WHY DO THEY MAKE US SUFFER INSTEAD OF JUST GIVING US THE FANTASTIC SCENES WE CAN PRACTICALLY SEE FROM MILES AWAY???!!!

And now it's the gran final, Livia's out and we have to just wait for next season?! WHAT A WASTE!!!!!!!!!

Sigh. I need a moment, y'all. And some chocolate.


Planning to catch the finale of Medicos, even if I missed most episodes.

Hubby's surgery went well last Thursday and he is making good progress in his hospital recovery. Thanks for all the prayers and good wishes.

Planning to catch the finale of Medicos, even if I missed most episodes.

Hubby's surgery went well last Thursday and he is making good progress in his hospital recovery. Thanks for all the prayers and good wishes.


OMG, IT CAME ON AT 7 est....Good thing I'm taping!!!

MÉDICOS #76/85, 10-30-2020

La Paloma!

Thank God! Will continue to pray for smooth and complete recovery and that all the family is strengthened and supported!

I hope you already tuned in or if you're on a different time zone, please check your listing. I just discovered it on now so I'm glad the VCR is working! SHEESH!

Paloma! That is wonderful news! That's the kind of happy ending we love to hear :)

MÉDICOS #76/85, 10-30-2020

Hellashelle! I could just repeat your whole comment, IT IS SO ON POINT!!!!


Mmmm! I could've written those scenes, my friends. We, together, could have produced the riveting and character driven scenes we've been dying to see in Ultimas Capitulos. WHY DO THEY MAKE US SUFFER INSTEAD OF JUST GIVING US THE FANTASTIC SCENES WE CAN PRACTICALLY SEE FROM MILES AWAY???!!!

Hellashelle, I get the profit motive and ratings and all that and I ain't mad at them, but why the hell not give the viewer what they want? WHO THE HELL WANTS THIS:

this is a writing team letting the worst of traditional TNs creep into the New Age: dragging out the distance between the leads and making the heroine seem helpless in dumb ways. They "need" to keep the leads apart (for "tension" or whatever), but since they have pretty smart, logical New Age villains/ROs etc., they don't have a pregnancy or amnesia/new identity to drag this out and they did not bother to find a good replacement to logically keep them apart. Instead, they're relying on the old standby: rational heroine becomes so stubborn as to seem irrational and rather than explain/explore her character's reasons for these wildly unpopular decisions, we're just going to have her repeat the same three lines every episode for months: "I miss him! But we can't be together. I feel so alone/defeated/frustrated/put-upon." Bah humbug to that nonsense, I say!

I could thing a few other choice words, but I'll go with your "bah humbug" -- THE BUGGERS!

Thanks, Hellashelle!!!! I've got a feeling we're going to need more of this rant therapy!!!


Thanks NIECIE for the shout-out. It's a privilege to fill in for LILA once in a while. She's such an extraordinary recapper and the way she juices up the Patio is the best.

LA PALOMA...So glad to hear that your husband's surgery went well. Prayers and good thoughts will continue for his recovery and your resilience as caregiver. Sometimes I think we all should have majored in nursing studies!

LILA...So glad that taping saved the day. Our TV with DVR was non-functional for a few days, and I realized how much I depended on it for the Spanish-language shows.

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