Saturday, November 07, 2020

Imperio de Mentiras #32, Friday 11/6/20: Danger Phones

The Reclusorio of the Open Door

The jailhouse thugs stroll into Marcelo's cell with a present for him: FaceTime with his nearest and dearest, which in this case means Eugenio gets to threaten Sonia in front of him, and then Sonia gets to watch the thugs beat him up. Talk about a bad connection. 

Eu tells him to retract his statement in the morning or things will get way worse, which Marcelo believes, because they always do. 

Adriana's House of the Revolving Door

The Three Musketeers are lolling around discussing their completely unauthorized case, but Leo's clearly not into it. His two sidekicks urge him to call Elisa and patch things up, because love is...and he deserves...frankly I stopped paying attention at this point because I was too busy marveling over the fact that he was taking romantic advice from two people who have never had a successful date in their entire lives, with each other or anyone else. Anyway, he calls her, but she's not very receptive (probably because Fernanda is dribbling a steady stream of distrust into her guisqui.)

Victoria's Home for Wayward Girls

Vic makes a stately descent of the Staircase of Doom in a flattering and age-appropriate black & white dress that she will probably be allowed to wear for about two minutes before wardrobe sticks her back into the potbelly pants. (Why do they hate her? Because she got herself a real hair stylist?) She waxes nostalgic about how nice it is to see Elisa & Fer together, just like when they were little tykes. Then she gets maudlin about Augusto and asks Elisa to produce a greeting-card sentiment about their marriage, which she obligingly does. 

But that's not enough. She pointedly asks Fernanda if she thinks her husband really loved her, or was he betraying her? Fernanda goes into a catatonic state and plays back a memory in which she demanded that Augusto leave his wife or no more cookies. Well, that puts a different complexion on things, doesn't it?

Back at Adriana's 

Okay, back to the non-case. The sidekicks let slip that Fer was getting it on with Augie, and Leo is all QUE QUE QUE??? We have to tell Elisa that her bestie is a big skinny liar! Well, we can't, because the non-case files are confidential. They kick around several theories about sexual harassment and blackmail and finally conclude that Fernanda was most likely an accomplice to all the shenanigans at the constructora. 

Suddenly the 4th Musketeer -- always a little out of step -- shows up outside and starts phoning to be let in. Adri tries to put him off, but the other two quickly figure out what's going on. Leo intercepts his brother on the front porch and drags him off to an all-night bar so he can whine about how he sucks at everything, which apparently takes all night, because when they finally get back home Mom has chilaquiles.

Back at Vic's 

Elisa gets a call that Renata's freaking out and asking for her, so off she goes with Fer in tow. Vic calls Eugenio asking why he isn't with Ren. He has a hard time explaining how hard it is to torment two medically restrained women in two different cities at the same time, but somehow he manages, because all the unrestrained women in that family are just so. damn. gullible. 

Meanwhile, up in Majo's pouting chamber, she gets a call from Dario. He tells her he's okay, they stopped the bleeding, and now she should get naked on the phone. Since she has an emotional age of about 11, she strips off her training bra walks Mom. Bet she gets grounded now for sure.

The Hospital for Wed Unmothers

Fer calls Fabricio from the lobby while Elisa is babbling her Hallmark sentiments at Renata. Elisa is stopped dead by the sight of Renata's surgical scars: three sets of very neat stitches in the rough shape of a uterus. Nope, it doesn't look like a miscarriage to us, either.

Elisa demands an explanation from the night-shift doc, but she gets absolutely nowhere until Fab shows up and finally earns his keep by claiming to be, or actually being, who knows, the Cantu family lawyer. He threatens all kinds of mayhem if Ren's chart isn't produced pronto. The medical cabal has covered its tracks by documenting that the spontaneous abortion was incomplete and surgery was necessary to remove the remaining tissue, but Elisa is fixated on who gave permission for the operation: Victoria, who fails to win Mother of the Day yet again. 

Back at the Reclusorio

No chilaquiles for Leo and Jose Luis, who have been called back to the jail -- Marcelo has been found dead, an apparent suicide. There's a weird, disembodied flashback of the thugs stringing him up with his own bedsheet, but no footage from the actual body being discovered. It's hard to imagine the makeup department passing up an opportunity to do hanged-man face, so I'm reserving judgment on whether this is actually true. In any case, everybody has to tell everybody now, so buckle up for another round of bad phone calls. 

Around Town

* Eu packs Sonia back to the house and gets a restraining order against Leo from Tapia.

* Elisa's ringtone for Leo sounds like a truck backing up, which is oddly appropriate.

* Clara tries to quit her job, but Dario does not accept her resignation.

* Majo comes down for breakfast in what looks like an actual blouse, but we don't get to see much of it because she catches Tio macking on Mom and totally grosses out. We're with ya, hon. 

* Elisa's been wearing that little Chinese jacket for like 48 hours and it still looks adorable. I want the name of her dry-cleaner.

* Amid all the bickering about who does/does not have the right to question/threaten/carry off Sonia, isn't anyone curious about how she managed to get handcuffed to a boat? That seems like a pretty significant oversight.


Blue Lass, loved the recap and your comments. Loved Elisa’s jacket, too. Elisa has had a unique and beautiful wardrobe. The last outstanding wardrobe I remember was also Angelique Boyer’s in “Lo que la vida me robó”.

“Training bra” exactly! Majo is a lost cause.

Somehow, I felt that there might have been a glimmer of intelligence finally when Elsa became suspicious of Renata’s surgery and started to push back. Finally, Fabricio was good for something.

JL is such a self-serving self-pitying goof. Wah! It made me sick that mommy wanted to go make JL some chilaquiles. Teresa should have gotten out of that mess years ago.

I felt bad for Clara who learned that one you are “in” there are no easy ways “out”.

Hello Ladies! It's so nice to be back on the patio with this good show. Unfortunately for me, I will only be a weekend lurker, but it gives me something to look forward to all week!

Blue, what a great recap to start off the weekend! Thank you! I LOVED the line "probably because Fernanda is dribbling a steady stream of distrust into her guisqui". So perfectly poetic!

"Victoria's stately descent of the Staircase of Doom". LOL. I totally agree about her clothes. I love Elisa's wardrobe, and Renata's even more, but all I can think with Victoria's pants is "neener". She does have great hair though.

"...all of the unrestrained women are just so. damn. gullible"

"Majo's pouting chamber", love it! She needs to take that lemon out of her mouth. And I really liked the line about her emotional age being 11 as she takes off her training bra.

Marcelo muere? Quizas? Can't wait to watch! Imagine the colors and bugged eyes the makeup crew from Medicos would have presented us! I do miss all their gore that I had to watch through squinted eyes. But, yeah, maybe he is still alive.

You are absolutely right on questioning why they haven't looked into WHO handcuffed Sonia to the boat floor. Leo even told them her husband was dangerous. Telenovela beanie time!

Thanks again, Blue. I'll be back after I watch it!

R la O

Blue Lass welcome to Lie Central. Great recap,too funny in many places, as 'taking romantic advice from two people.... and of course the training bra part. You sure made a grand entrance. Thanks bunches.

Like everyone else at the end of this episode after watching the Marcelo and Sonia video chat I thought"Wait, an attractive young woman is found near death chained to the floor in an untraceable, expensive boat out in the Gulf." The only L(aw) E(nforcement) O(fficer) who has shown any interest believes her hubba is trying to kill her and they blithely release her to go home with said Hubba? Well then no wonder the baddies thought nothing of kidnapping a couple of Can'tDos on a busy street in broad daylight. That is like jaywalking here it appears.

So Sonia can't rat out Rug because he will (has already) kill MopHead. So she can go ahead and tell all now, right? WRONG ! She does not know that, and the only LEO she knows knows it, but the baddies cleverly have made sure she will not find out.

Smart fellows. If these reprobates would apply all that cerebral horsepower to something useful we would surely have a solution to world hunger, and a cure for cancer and COVID 19, 20, 21, .....

Hey patio, are we seeing a glimmer of hope for Poodle Hair? He (Fabricio) seems to be less and less enchanted with this whole mess as additional secrets are revealed to him. His fire for FerNasty seems to have already gone out, and the original fake romance and corporate chicanery is being revealed as the tip of an insidious iceberg he looks to be dam uncomfortable with. Let's hope.

Blue lass,thank you for a fun recap of all the crazy.

Rosemary,,so nice to have you back on the patio.

Kirby...LEO...c!ever.I am beginning to think that you must be great at word games . I love them, too.

If you add a Princess phone , some 45s , and a photo of Elvis and take away the sexy photo texting, You are right there in my angst filled teen spirit bedroom. However,I would not be here on the patio discussing this weird show if I had ever told my mother to get out of my room .

I ,too, love Elies-a's clothes. I would wear them. Vicky's blouses and slacks seem to be right out of those old fifties movies. And this show has a thing about bras....We saw Elies-a remove hers when she and leo sealed the deal. Then , I was surprised to see Terri show us her Victoria Secret red satin number.Hello. Then, Mojo whips hers off to cheer up her ailing novio. It's the sixties all over again .Light the bonfire,

Well, I have a lot of dried !eaves to sweep off my real patio.

To all our peeps in Florida. ..stay safe and keep an eye on Eta.


Blue, I was waiting anxiously for your recap and YOU. DID. NOT. DISAPPOINT!! You came in a like fiery comet and I loved every minute...err word of it!

Let's start with talk about a bad connection Oh yes, most definitely. I am convinced that Sonia and Marcelo actually did love each other and to see each one at the mercy of such barbarians must have been torture. They should have known that their relationship was a "bad connection' from the get-go. Well, Nina, you finally got to see what you were waiting for...Marcelo being beaten and killed. He may have deserved the beating, but not death.

Anyway, he calls her, but she's not very receptive (probably because Fernanda is dribbling a steady stream of distrust into her guisqui.) FerNasty is SO good at lying; I wonder if she even knows what the truth looks like. And she has been doing it for YEARS!!! If they were friends since they were children, how can Elisa be so ignorant about who Fernanda really is...or is not!

Jarifa, "I felt that there might have been a glimmer of intelligence finally when Elsa became suspicious of Renata’s surgery and started to push back." Boy did El have us fooled.

Kirby, " are we seeing a glimmer of hope for Poodle Hair? He (Fabricio) seems to be less and less enchanted with this whole mess as additional secrets are revealed to him. Yeah, we are! But this show is full of so many liars that I am wondering if he is just pretending to be a good guy.

R dela O, you're absolutely right about the investigation on the boat having been dropped. IIRC Ewww was not wearing gloves so there must be plenty of fingerprints. Sloppy on the writer's part!!


Blue Lass, a fabulous recap. I laughed out loud at "potbelly pants". Perfect.

"He has a hard time explaining how hard it is to torment two medically restrained women in two different cities at the same time..." An excellent query. Eugenio does seamlessly manage to transport himself from one place to another, vilely threatening his victims through intimidation, coercion and torture. All without missing a beat.

We've had to endure watching Marcelo's bloody face since the first opening credit appeared. I thought surely he was dead. I hope he is because the thought of having him undergo further brutal punishment would be inhuman.

Speaking of, I hope Leo somehow finds his way to Sonia. To have her survive only to be immediately be found by her abuser and to be pregnant on top of it, seems unfathomable and unimaginable. The writers need to have mercy.

I also momentarily thought Elisa was on the verge of uncovering Vicky's barbaric actions. Seeing the incisions on Renata had my eyes welling up.

Kirby, I'm on the fence about Fab. He really hasn't done anything wrong. Yet. I was pleasantly surprised when he presented himself as an attorney. I think Elisa was a bit impressed as well.

After seeing what Dario did to Clara, I cut the slight thread he was hanging by.

"frankly I stopped paying attention at this point because I was too busy marveling over the fact that he was taking romantic advice from two people who have never had a successful date in their entire lives, with each other or anyone else". Excellent.

"JL is such a self-serving self-pitying goof. Wah! It made me sick that mommy wanted to go make JL some chilaquiles. Teresa should have gotten out of that mess years ago". Jarifa, thank you. Marvelous - could not agree more.

Is there any couple here who is actually in a healthy relationship???

Further, is there any individual here who is truly of sound mind and body??

Thank you Blue Lass.


Rgv Chick, our comments crossed.

"FerNasty is SO good at lying; I wonder if she even knows what the truth looks like. And she has been doing it for YEARS!!! If they were friends since they were children, how can Elisa be so ignorant about who Fernanda really is...or is not!"

Yes, another frustrating side plot. I keep wondering if there is anything deep under Elisa's still waters. If there is something buried deep beneath the surface, waiting to explode.

But, unless she is doing a masterful job of acting, I don't think she has any clue to who Fernanda is. But then again, she consistently treats Fer as the hired help. I can't recall her ever asking Fer how SHE is. A very one way relationship.


DIana, “Is there any couple/individual here who is truly of sound mind and body??” Excellent question to ponder. Every episode seems to uncover another unsavory detail about someone.

RgvChick, your “He may have deserved the beating but not death”. just supports my wish that Eugenio’s anvil isn’t too swift.

Yes, this show gets darker and darker . The few relationships we have seen are not shining examples of relationship goals.Renata and Marcelo and Sonia..that's done. Fern and Fab ...not fabulous. Mojo and Scario ...oh no. JL and Teri...a contest of who is the unhappiest. Adriana and JL...thanks but no thanks. Adriana and Mario...sorry, Mario, she likes them tall, bearded, and married...why? . Eww and Vicky...ewwwwww. I guess we are supposed to believe that Leo and Eliesa are in love.

"FerNasty is SO good at lying; I wonder if she even knows what the truth looks like."

If you asked her what time it is, I bet she'd choke looking at her watch trying to tell you.

FerNasty is sooo good at lying to herself, it just comes naturally with HUMANS.

Diana: " A very one way relationship." Same with her major BF Leo too. That relationship is about as lopsided as it can get. Well, there is one notch left, sleep with Fab, lie when E-Lies-a almost gets caught and then somehow try to justify it to Leo when she is really caught.

Get Mario a bigger lens for that Studebaker or whatever it is camera he has.

Blue Lass

What a wonderful recap. My many thanks.

Blue Lass, you just went for it without missing a bit. It's like you,ve been with us all along.
I have to go to bed, as I need to wake up in less than 5 hours, so I'll have to come back tomorrow, but I wanted to welcome you to the Liars patio.
Later !

Diana, (re:Elisa) "I don't think she has any clue to who Fernanda is. But then again, she consistently treats Fer as the hired help. I can't recall her ever asking Fer how SHE is." That is one of the reasons Fer hates her so much. And I can understand some ill-feelings toward someone who treats you like your beneath them, but to go so far as to plot against them to take EVERYTHING from them is a bit out there. I keep wondering why ELisa has no clue about Fer and her family since they grew up together, but now that you bring up this point, Elisa may just have not had an interest in knowing anything about Fer; maybe when they were children, Fer was just a "toy" to have around and spend time with.

And BTW, did these girls not have any other friends? Oh well, they had Fab who also grew up with them, but normally, (as depicted on several movies) rich girls tend to have a little clique that they hang around with. AND I notice that the other girls don't even mention any other friends either.

Blue Lass you buried a handful of little gems right at the very end. I especially liked:

Elisa's ringtone for Leo sounds like a truck backing up, which is oddly appropriate.

Poor Guy, and thus far I believe Scario is getting more action than him.
With E-Lies-a it is when she announces that he has earned a reward.
With MoJo it is like being a test rider for the world's fastest roller coaster.

I have a few questions...

My show was interrupted last night for Biden's pre-acceptance speech, so I missed what happened between Dario and Clara. How / with what did he threaten her?

Those incisions on Renata's belly... what does that tell us medically? Did they remove her ovaries?

Finally, I can't figure out if the other police guy, maybe he'd be the 5th Musketeer, the one who also talks to Dario, he wasn't in last night's episode... anyway, what is he trying to accomplish by playing both sides?

Thanks to anyone who can give me some answers.

R la O

R la O

Hopefully, someone responds because I'm wondering the exact same thing.

R la O:
1. When Clara tended her resignation, Dario told the other two retards to take her away and 'Do what they want' with her. IE: Repeatedly rape her for a couple weeks in TN jargon.

2. Not an expert, but it seemed to indicate a hysterectomy.

3. Are you asking about the Skeleton face looking fellow who is the Commondante or some such who is taking his orders from EwwwGenio? He is the only other Police figure we really see. He is the typical TN dirty cop. They have not shown us how he got involved with this. Typically TN crooks bribe at least one Law Enforcement person to cover their tracks. That is what I had assumed with Gilberto, who I suspect you are asking about.

3 cont'd He (Gilberto) is the one who Ewww called last night and told him to put a restraining order on Leo so he could not contact Sonia.

Thanks Kirby.

de nada

Blue Lass, you blow it out of the ballpark.

You went from describing the hair
To the clothes to the really bad
Relationship advice. Not to mention
The bad relationships.

I couldn't understand what was being said when Elie-sa was talking
To the doctor or when fab was just throwin his hairy weight around but
I could tell when the the powerplay
Fizzled out to NOTHING. She wont help her sister cuz she can't. She pretty much believes what momma tells her about her sister. Poor ren. She has no help in that house.
I wish someone who's maybe watching
From afar would kidnap her out of that slaughterhouse & keep her out of harm's way(a disgusting mother).

Dario is a big disapointment. I'm done with him. I saw what he did to clara, Come on hes hopeless.

I would love it if marc is still hear, but that's not likely. Alrite
Writers yall need to do something
Other than cranking out these dyer
Scripps of doom and disappointment.

I'm just tired of all the clueless
People that are suppose to b smart.
Dont they have a CSI department to
Check fingerprints and stuff? Where is gibs when we need him? I know gibs is navy But these people need all the help they can get. And when O when are they gonna get a clue about Gilbert?
The whole darn cast is clueless.

And it seems that nobody knows about locking the doors in that nut
House of the ill-fated. Majo giving
Dario a peep show and in pops mom
All shocked. And Dario puts his hand over the phone instead of Just hanging up. See, clueless. And
To turn my stomach even more rug
Moves in for a kkkkkiss, yuck! But
Is stoped by majo. What did she say
By the way when she saw them? Does anyone remember?

Thank you Blue Lass.

Majo said something to the effect of "And you talk to ME about morals?"
When she came down the stairs and returned the favor to Vic-ious for busting in on her stip show.


Thank you Sir kirby.
W ho at is that thing JL's mommie was gonna fix him? She has spoiled
Him. When I first saw him I thought he was Leo's dad. How far apart are leo and jl? 10,15 years? He's looks as old as his mother.


Not in my vocabulary. I assumed it was Mexican scrambled eggs to go with his scrambled brain.

It has to be his Fidel Castro disguise. Get him laid and shaved and a shampoo he'd look 20 years younger.

I guess less kissing, and now more phone sex and stripping.

Victoria...yes, where's the romance ? i prefer the kissing.

I want to thank the patio for making an absolutely boring novela tolerable. YOur recaps are delightful. In spite of that, I think I will get off of this one. So depressing and uninteresting. Only 2 or 3 likeable characters. I don't know why Univision would produce such trash. I am thoroughly enjoying Dulce Ambicion on Uni.
Much more fun to watch. Thanks again for your great recapping. I have followed you for years and you have made my novela watching such fun.

It does get better. But not a blockbuster. Por AB. Maybe she should join forces with SR in a third season of El Dragón!

I haven't seen one GG production yet I've liked.

Anon, well, you know it is not like 'Either with us or Not with us." You can always drop in and see what wackyness we have cooked up that day. I am glad you have enjoyed it here. Thanks


Please, can somebody tell me,
Dario is secret son of Eugenio or not?
thanks in advance

Yes. He is the not so secret son of Eugenio. Eugenio is the Father Dario has sworn revenge on for what he did to his (Dario's) Mother. We don't know what Eugenio did to her, but we have seen that she is bedridden.

Yes, Ewgenio has 2 sons, Fab and Dario. Dario is illegitimate and he hates his father for turning him into a criminal and putting his mother in a wheelchair (how exactly it's not yet clear).

The age difference between JL and mom could be because the actress who was supposed to play Sara gave up on the role because of Covid.
We do know that JL practically raised Leo, so all that responsability could have aged him.
I find it interesting that the writing for JL and Tere has changed, I think she's beeing written in a more sympathetic light, while he's becoming quite a douche.

Thanks for the clarification, Kirby.

But who is older Dario or Fabricio in this show?

Fab seems dumber, must be younger one, haha!

Victoria: I have little to go on, but you are prob right, that Fab is younger. Logically it seems that there was Dario's Mom, and then a little Dario, then she was discarded, and along came the 'Real' family, Farbicio and his Mom who everyone (Can'tDos) knows about. We do not know anything about Fab's Mom, obviously it is not Sonia. Hopefully we will see her at Ewww's FUNERAL. (or Hanging and Dismemberment) oh maybe shark bait.

Just visually, there does not appear to be a big age difference in the two though Dario might be a few older, but my eyes seem to have been trained more for women than boys.

Thanks Kirby and Adriana, I missed few episodes. So, Fabricio and Dario are half-brothers. Interesting...

All that extra hair makes it hard to know wich is older.
Fab once mentioned his parents breaking up but it's not clear if they were ever married.
One could even think that Eww could never truly commit to one woman because of his undieing love for Victoria (bleach)


Good Morning, Patio!

I'm pretty sure Dario is the elder of the two. And I'm assuming that Ewww was married to Fab's mother. Ewww would have probably made Fab into Dario's side kick if Fab was illegitimate...but this is just my guess.

Have an awesome day...and prepare for more lies, betrayals, threats, misbehavior, etc. etc. etc :-)

Anon, and I'm pretty sure Dario knows Fabulous Poodle is his half brother, but Fab does not know that Dar is his half brother. I THINK.

I know Fab does not know anything about Dario, and I am thinking that sometime around the recent gallery opening we saw that Dario knew about Fab, but was pretending not to at the opening. Dar had plans to meet Fab as an 'investor' the next day but got shot, and never a word was mentioned of his not showing up for said meeting. Writers of this show can hardly remember their own names it appears. Or maybe it is me... :-) :-)

RGV we were typing at the same time. Funny how that happens.

Hello. We haven't been given much information on Eww's offspring . For some reason, I thought Dario was the younger one. He saw Eww hugging Fab , so I think he knows Fab is Eww's son. It seems as though the writers didn't construct a solid storyline , so there is no Canon for us...or the writers to follow. I agree with Chickie that if Fab was illegitimate , he would have been brought into the evil family business with Dario. Fab seems pretty clueless about Ewww . I don't think we were ever told why he and Eww were estranged and he was living in London before Fern called him to come home and get into the Cantu business.

Oh, yeah, Dario knows that Fab is his bro, since Fab's parentage is common knowledge. Just the other day Eww was trying to taunt Dario, make him admit that he was jealous of his half brother after he had showed up at the gallery. Dario pretended not to care, but I'm not so sure.
I don't remember where I read this, but I was under the impression that Fab's mother was a woman Eww was in a relationship with and they had a child together. Maybe Eww chose to recognize him because the woman came from a rich family. Who knows...
Dario's mom lives in a nice house, but we don't know if this is just a house that Dario bought for her or if she had it from before.

We don't have any kind of background on Eww and his interest in the Cantus, but this is the most interesting part about the show - I wonder if they'll ever adress his evilness, or are we just supposed to take it like we see it.

The writers seem to want to keep us guessing about who is good and who is bad. At first, Terri appeared to be insufferable the way she treated her family and lazy sitting around all day snacking and complaining . Then , JL is forcing himself on her, and we are wondering if he is having an affair with Adriana. Dario is scario , but then he seems to be falling for his hostage, and we are all for his plan for vengance against his bad dad . He romances Mojo and is sweet and protective towards his mother , but be still threatens and harrasses Eliesa.

Eww and Fern and Vicky seem to be decinitely in the bad column.

I would like to see Dario, Fab , and Leo tag team against Ewww .


For a man who is suppose to not like women that much(cuz he says they are bad luck)has had his share
Of booty calls. He had some kind of thing with fabs mom, and for all we know shes pushin up daisys. And then there's piedad, Dario's mom, was she a one night stand? Whatever that was it soured cuz he done evil something And now she cant walk and babyboy wants him dead. Lets hope he gets his wish. Early christmas present. For us all. Probly wont get it tho. And then there's Sonia who He cursed into marrying him.
I wonder what his momma done to him or his daddy. There is a backstory
There yall. Will we get? Who knows.
2020 has been a year, maybe GG will
Surprise us. Somebody needs to surprise us.

Will we get it? Who knows.

Clara being the most vulnerable, sweetest, and possible most abused one of the whole bunch should just flat be off limits. Well, Ren, sort of, but a whole different situation. Anyway, I had been trying to rationalize Scario in preparation of his possibly doing what Susanlynn said, teaming with the one or two good guys against the forces of darkness.

BUT he completely blew it with me when he told the subhenchmen of his to basically go play with Clara as they pleased and then discard a toy whose batteries they had run down.... And that is when she 'changed her mind' about no longer working for him. There is where he crossed a line that is not UNcrossable. Thankfully Clara saved herself, but he is still dead to me. Falling for MaJo is not redemption.

Are Leo and Mario the only good guys who know how to use guns? They need to make a TN in Florida where everybody has eight or ten and ammo is measured in Ks (thousands) of rounds.

Nina and kirby , are you keeping an eye on Eta? My friends in Naples are battening down tbe hatches.

Kirby, i have been hoping that Dario is just really good at growling, snarling, and bluffing during his interactions with Mojo, Eliesa , and Clara. He does a lot of grabbing and threatening .

Rainy and cold here in FloriDUH with chicken shit little Eta out there in the Gulf already trying to blow all the leaves off the trees. Thankfully there is the warm cozy Patio.

Susanlynn, yes as though 2020 has not been the most bizarre time since the earth cooled, now we have a hurricane whose track resembles the path of a pinball. The spaghetti models show Eta more interested in points North of Naples, as in ME, and Tampa Bay.

Bouncing around in Nicaragua and then pestering Cuba sapped much if it's strength, but it now appears to be going out into the Gulf to replenish it's energy with some nice hot Gulf water.

Then it looks to be heading straight for ME. But Ha! The Gulf is already down to 80 degrees and storms really need water in the upper 80s or near 90 to really recharge. So if it does come ashore here it will probably just be an annoying little Cat 1 or 2. Right now the winds are about 60 or 70 mph. I don't think we have anything (weather wise) to worry about.

Susanlynn, "I have been hoping that Dario is just really good at growling, snarling, and bluffing..." Come to think of it, you're right Susanlynn. And he did kill the 2 goons that were going to kill Majo. I still don't think that he is an undercover cop since he is up to his neck in so much criminal activity (money laundering and art trafficking), but could it be possible that he is an informant???

This show speeds up and slows down just like Eta...and has more twists and turns than she does...and that is plenty!

Ot..I hope that Eta doesn't cause you or my friends in Naples or my cousin in Tampa any trouble . So many hurricanes this year that They went through the alphabet and then had to start the Greek alphabet. Hang in there, matey.

We have bean having sunny days in the 70s , but that changes on Tuesday. I have been enjoying picnics and walks at a nearby park before winter descends on us ,and we have to be inside most of the time . Covid cases are rising , and schools are going to all online classes again .

SusyQ, we up in the northern parts
Are windy and rainy. Some sun but it dont last. Last week we were chilly now we are hot. We wont know
If eta-mae will come up here until the middle of the week. For now
Just rain and more rain. And wind.
Kirby hang in there baby we got a week of this to go. I like the chilly weather myself. Stay safe SusyQ. Corona is nasty a bitch.

Thanks for reading and commenting, everyone! It's nice to be back on the Patio, which feels like the only place on earth that people actually understand what I'm talking about.

ITA with so many of your observations as well: there do not seem to be any emotionally healthy relationships (Diana); the writers can't seem to decide who is good and who is bad (Susanlynn); and there are a maximum of 2-3 likeable characters (Anonymous 9:39.) Every tn has its own unique flavor, but this one seems to be all dysfunction, all the time.

R la O, one of the medical cabal said something about Renata never being able to have children now, so hysterectomy was probably part of the package.

Victoria, given Eu's behavior and general demeanor, there's no reason Dario and Fab couldn't be exactly the same age.

RGV, I love the idea of Dario being an informant, if not an undercover cop. That would explain why such a point was made about him not being the one that killed they guy they threw on Elisa's car. And he told his henchman in the hospital NOT to kill Leo. Hmmm.

Nina and Kirby, chilaquiles are tortilla chips refried in salsa or enchilada sauce, and they are a very popular breakfast in Mexico. I don't really understand why. (Give me a breakfast tamal any day.)

First, chilaquiles are delicious, especially with green sauce. Yum.

Second, your last line made me laugh out loud. Pour forgotten Sonia. Everyone is so busy with other stuff (not getting Marcelo help, not getting Majo help, ignoring Renata all together, not working with the police to solve the murders or capture Dario) that they forgot all about Sonia. She's the murder hornets of this novela. Probably important, but just too much on top of everything else right now.

Dario should die. I can't see him being an informant. he's too self-centered. He's been shot, she's clearly hurting because of him, and he wants ANOTHER sex tape? And her being dumb enough to trust him? They should have arrested her for helping a criminal escape. She'd be better off in jail. I hope Clara tells on Dario to her. Probably won't help but then we don't have to feel so bad for her if she does someday get herself arrested.


Thank you Bluelass. I cant even pro
-nouce that word. And why he can go get his own breakfast? Spoiled grownass brat.
Has anyone shown sonia in that house/Prison? Did he even hire a nurse to look after her? After all she could be carrying is spawn. I hope shes not. And I hope she finds a way to get out of there.
Hey I saw something when they were goin off last week, they'er suppose
To be in "altumos sumanus" I'm not
Sure I spelled it correctly. Does it mean it's over the halfway mark
Through the show? If thats the case
We should be getting some answers.
At the most clear some stuff up.And
Some backstories. Whatever.

This comment has been removed by the author.

It's Jardinera654 on the hijo's ordenador.....

Blue Lass: Full of gems...

She gets maudlin about Augusto and asks Elisa to produce a greeting-card sentiment about their marriage, which she obligingly does. LOL

…he was taking romantic advice from two people who have never had a successful date in their entire lives, with each other or anyone else. (Ouch!)

He has a hard time explaining how hard it is to torment two medically restrained women in two different cities at the same time,

Elisa is fixated on who gave permission for the operation: Victoria, who fails to win Mother of the Day yet again.

isn't anyone curious about how she managed to get handcuffed to a boat? That seems like a pretty significant oversight.


So...where are we headed tonight. Will Dario be miraculously healed and ready for more snarling and threatening ? Will mojo be all "camera action " and sending him more provocative photos from her teen bedroom ? Will JL still be whining? Will Terri have another tryst with Rey that I don't want to see?

Susanlynn, yes, yes, yes, and I hope not!!

Will SOMEBODY on Caray be hacking into Dario's TikTok ands intercepting MoJo's show? Woof

Ah, gee, Kirby, I wonder who might do that LOL

OT: FWIW, that bipolar hurricane has been ETA has completely lost it's way now. It is about 300 miles offshore to the West of Fla out in the Gulf heading due North. Winds down to 50mph now, so if it hits the Fla panhandle it will just be a mild tropical storm.

johnson out

Kirby, kinda like our TN that’s fizzling out! LOL

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