Saturday, November 21, 2020

Imperio de Mentiras #41, Friday 11/20/20: Deals With Devils

Casa Cobra

JL tells Dario that the cops have their eye on both him and his papi. Now that he's large and in charge, he needs twice what they were paying Tapia to "buy more people." (Will he also get two bullets up the nostrils when they're tired of him? Don't think he's thought that far ahead.) 

Dario agrees but says he has to take care of Clara and Leo. "My brother is untouchable," says JL. "And Clara and Nieves are under my protection." Dario tells him to do whatever he needs to do..."just get them offa me." 

Poolhouse of Broken Hearts

Leo & Elisa, meanwhile, are still rehashing the previous night's argument. She is petulantly peeved that he can think there's anything between her and Fab in spite of the fact that he's stuck to her like lint on a sweater. Leo is direct: "He clearly has the hots for you. I'M the one who's the third wheel here." 

He walks away. She calls him back, but he doesn't come. Not so well trained after all.

Casa de Campo

Vic continues to maintain to Eu that she has no secrets. Sure, she followed Augusto the night of his death, but that was just to get a look at his fancy-woman, and anyway, she lost him in traffic. Eu suggests that there was someone following her following him -- Renata. She keeps saying she feels guilty about her father's death. She had access to the stolen art and probably gave it to Marcelo. What if the two of them killed Augie? 

Depa Fernasty

Fer is swanning around the apartment in a belted rose tunic and white slacks. That girl looks fabulous in everything, but her freakishly tiny waist is really starting to weird me out. Where does she keep her internal organs? 

Mom is oddly chipper for someone who's been told she only has a few episodes to live. Maybe all she ever wanted was her own nurse. She chatters away at Fer about what a mensch Fabricio is, but turns up the pressure on telling him the truth about Juanito. What is the truth? Does he have a son...or a little brother? 

We won't find out tonight, because Fer tells her it's not the right time. As she walks away, she looks sad, and maybe she is, because no one's watching.

On the Run

Mauricio manages to calm Renata down enough to get her away from the extremely rude prison guards (extremely rude even for prison guards, which is saying a lot.) They end up back at her barely used apartment, where she gives him the hysterical tour. 

When he reminds her that they have to go back to the hospital as she promised, she freaks out, throws a bunch of plush toys at him, and then brandishes a knife. He says he knows she won't hurt him, but then she turns the knife on herself. He calls Elisa. Smart move.

On the Street Where Everybody Lives

Leo catches up with Clara, which isn't difficult because she clearly has never been outdoors in high heels, and pressures her to spill the beans on her "job" at the Cantu mansion. She admits Dario hired her to spy on Majo. 

He leans on her further to help him catch Dario...who is watching from a parked car about 20 feet away. Dude! Situational awareness...? Anyway, I don't know why they don't just microchip Majo. Homegirl wouldn't feel a thing.

The Restaurant of Burned Bridges

Tere is in her purple waitress outfit serving her first client, unfortunately a drunk horny middle-aged guy who hasn't noticed all of the other servers are much better looking. He grabs her by the wrist and tries to make her join him in a little snort, which is where his day starts to go seriously wrong.  

Jose Luis whirls in like the white tornado, punches him out, kicks him while he's down, then grabs Tere and swings her around like a tether ball all the way out and all the way home. Somebody's getting his meal comped for sure, and somebody else is not getting a good reference.

Casa Velasco

JL is still raging and Tere wailing as they wheel through the front door. Unsurprisingly, it's all about him: "How could you think of working as a waitress? A waitress??? You're trying to humiliate me, aren't you? Making the whole world think I can't support you?" Tere points out that he's always complaining about supporting her, which is impressively logical under the circs, but he's not in the mood.

Sara tries to intervene. Could he possible talk to his wife like a person and not a wild animal? He seems to think his Mom will be more sympathetic when he tells her some guy was pawing at his wife, but Tere hijacks the moment by piping up that she'd rather be with any randy rando than with him. He draws his fist back and...

Sara suddenly remembers a crucial datum: "This is MY house!" Yay! "And if you can't behave...WE will leave!" Um, what? If this were Spanish 101, the instructor would suggest you take another look at those pronouns.

Casa de Campo, Part 2

Vic: A lot of people wanted Augie dead. How about you?

Eu: Naw, I was just jealous because he was married to you, my precious. Anyway, have you forgotten Renata's attempted escaleracide? 

Vic: She was just off her meds. 

Eu: You like your daughters more than me. Waaah.

Vic: Well, you have your pregnant ex living with you. Huh? 

Eu: Let's get married!

(Srsly? How does this smooth operator keep getting women to marry him? Oh, right: he throws houses at them.)

Just then Vic gets a call that Renata has escaped, and off they go back to Mexico. Saved by the ringtone! (Actually, those two can get married all they want, but please, please leave us out of the honeymoon.)

On the Run, Part 2

Elisa has managed to dial Ren down to conversational level, and Ren is sharing her undervalued wisdom. Who benefited from silencing Marcelo? The people who killed Augusto, the people who were trafficking in art. The enemy is inside the house.

Elisa seems to get at least half the picture, because she weakly protests. "Renata, Mama loves you." Just then there's a knock at the door. Yep, nothing says maternal love like showing up uninvited with two hospital orderlies and a creepy uncle. Bye, Renata.

Tiny Elisa's Big Adventure

Elisa has a long, drawn-out flashback of everything that's happened since Episode 1, which somehow galvanizes her to call Cobra and demand a F2F. She wants to "end this once and for all!" How she plans to do that from the back seat of a getaway car with a bag over her head is anyone's guess, but props for...well, squeaking louder.

At Cobra's hideout, she tells him she's not afraid of him anymore -- he needs her alive, after all. Oh yeah? That's what your daddy thought. She asks if he was the one who killed Augusto, and he says oh no, little girl; it's much more complicated than that. To her it's not complicated at all: she'll keep doing his dirty deeds, but he has to give up Majo once and for all. 

Dario looks constipated. Or maybe he's just thinking. We've never seen him think before, so who knows what it would look like?

In other news:

* Sonia tells Fab if he doesn't stop sniffing around, he could end up like Marcelo. From anyone but pink-nosed Sonia, that would sound like a threat. Well, it kind of is, but it's too subtle for Fab.

* After the disposable boyfriend's visit, Majo realizes that Dario was in the nightclub with them. Clara tries to talk her into helping with the honey trap, but she resists. When she's not hating him, she still loves him. Men! Can't live with them, can't set them up to be captured. Quite the conundrum.

* Fer marches into Fab's office with some Very Important Papers: Elisa's galleries are about to be audited. Ruh-roh.


Thank you Blue Lass. Nicely done as we finally get some movement.

Whoever yesterday said JLouse had gone off the rails, so what would you call the latest iteration of JLouse? Hey I have an idea, let's hook him up with Vic-ious V-icky.

But in reality, unglued craziness like that would get any cop in a sane country suspended and more likely fired, on the job or off. The thinking being that someone that unhinged will never be civil and level headed on the job. Poor ReNutty is showing herself to be the most sane, in touch with reality one of the whole crew. I want Vic-ious put in a cage with a hundred starving rats. (See who eats who, actually)

So the choice is Leo or Clara, and Leo is off the table, so Clara it is. Just as she has started to look almost cute.

E-Lies-A turns on the faucet and unbelievably Leo stands his ground, hmmm pup must not be thirsty any more.

Interesting little game Ewww and Vic-ious are playing at the Black Lagoon estate with 'Who killed Auggie?'. Nobody saw Ren following anybody in the surveillance videos. Hmmmm again. I would have thought she did not even have a car or license, as if she did she would be living in Texas by now.

Given his unique position in everyone's orbits, Fab Poodle Boy is doing about as good job investigating as Leo. Poor Leo has had Talapia and JLouse running interference though, Man the deck is sure stacked against him. You just have to root for him, er...well at least until we discover that HE is a serial killer or some other unbelievable twist like we did with his Bro. Dammit I was hopeoing (far more fervent hope than simply hoping) that Sonia would spill it to Poodle, but she just is not smart enough to consecutively get the same sum of two plus two .

If Fab has been cooling off on FerNasty, it should be the Fourth of July when he finds out he has a secret son. Yowzers. If he would have had any hesitation about sending her to prison when he finds out how NASTY FerNasty is, he will really have a conundrum on his hands if she is his son's Mom.

The Ren situation is truly heartbreaking, dead Hubby, dead Baby, sterilized, in a nut house when her Mom and sisters are the ones who should be there. Everything she has been saying makes sense tonight, far more than the “NON-CRAZY” ones. Could we blame her if she starts killing people? I wonder what recourse someone like Renutty might have in Real Life. Could she just run away and start a new life somewhere? Could Vicious have her found and brought back? Can she fight her diagnosis by crooked doctors? Dam, glad nobody ever discovered that I am cray cray. 'Cept you guys. :-)

Note to Mauricio, I know this is a bad time, but this chick looks fabulous in her under yonders.

And suddenly E-Lies-A is a tough chick with a brain and handing ultimatums to Scario Dario? OK. Nice thigh gap though in those black pants. And Majo is nutty AND drunk.


Blue you are right about that FerNasty waist, I keep catching myself trying to count how many segments make up her antennae.

"which is where his day starts to go seriously wrong." yesiree to say the least.

Blue Lass, I wanted to cut and paste your entire recap - a parcel of gems.

"She calls him back, but he doesn't come. Not so well trained after all" - perfect.

"Somebody's getting his meal comped for sure, and somebody else is not getting a good reference" was just great...

"Let's get married!" Sure, let me just kill my pesky wife and our unborn child (murdered child #2).

"Fer is swanning around the apartment...but her freakishly tiny waist is really starting to weird me out. Where does she keep her internal organs?" It's hard to tell although that may explain her lack of heart - there was no where to put it.

"As she walks away, she looks sad, and maybe she is, because no one's watching". I wonder if Fab is the father. Who, by the way, would be a wildly successful businessman if he channeled all the energy he's expending trying to figure out what makes Elisa and Fer tick (good luck with that) into his work. Oh wait! They are his work for everything seems to be ticking along without him.

Leo continues to be the knight in shining armor. I keep thinking, is there any way he could be on the dark side? Some kind of unholy alliance with Eugenio? Is there anyone truly as good and kind as he appears?

JLouse (good one) is becoming more violent every day. Does he not realize his new job does not give him immunity from manhandling his wife in public and beating her privately?

Instead of (once again) "mothering" her grown ass abusive son, Sara finally takes a stand. Abuse hurts everyone and there is no excuse for anyone privvy to it not to speak up. However, I'm alarmed that Leslie ran out of the house. Rather than being apologetic, I'm afraid he will hurt his daughter, a sweet child only wanting to protect her mother.

So, does everyone think Dario actually wanted to (or still does) have Clara killed?? If so, there is no redemption. Did he tell JL it was Leo or Clara only as he knew Leo wouldn't hurt either?

How much more will Sonia and Renata need to endure??

Elisa mustered up some slight steam. If she thinks Dario will give up Majo for one minute, she is greatly mistaken.

"The Ren situation is truly heartbreaking". It is isn't it Kirby? I readily admit Susanna Gonzales touches my heart in whatever character she plays. But here, it is though she is actually living it. I admit I cried along with her. She has endured every conceivable tragedy. She is crazy like a fox and still has a heart. While I think Mauricio will be a comforting, supportive presence, I have no doubt this damsel in more than distress will be able to save herself.

Blue Lass, thank you for the excellent recap.



Thank you so much, Blue Lass. Excellent job!

Only two comments:

Elisa has turned into such a wet rag. Every scene with her is so stagnant.

Sara finally woke up from spoiling her bouncing baby boy. Hope springs eternal!


Blue Lass another winner. And full
Of snarky snark.

Ewwww is getting more disgusting than usual. Now hes trying to just incriminate poor renata. The girl has got enough problems and this jack-ass is tryin push her off the cliff. I think he wants to get rid of all of augusto's children so he
Can have that gray rat to himself.
Yall saw how easy it was for him to
Have dario knock off majo. Shes still alive cuz babyboy loves her. And he would not give a flying fig of Elies-alot got caught For money laundering and selling stolen art.
I really want to see her pouty face
When she realizes that tio speaketh with poison fork tongue. The same he uses to kiss the gray rat with.

Jl is just disgusting. I hope his baby bro wont have to shoot him cuz
He is just really dark evil. I'm thinking he is worst than tapioca ever was. Which means there is a bullet waiting in the wings. From
Leo's gun. Thats if tere don't kill him defending herself from one of his "I have a right to rape you any time I want" raves. I think he is in competition with rughead being
A narrsasistic insane bastard. Some
Body is gonna end up dead soon in that family because of cray crazy jl. Hes either gonna kill his wife or that guy shes been sexing with.
And he wants more money. Greedy much?

So what happened to Mauricio after he called Elies-alot? The gray rat
Will probly have him locked up to keep him away from ren. Poor renata
She can't catch a break.

Leo aught to just go full throttle investigation mode cuz he has no help from the crooked police people
And I dont know if he will be able to trust Adriana now that she has a promotion from Fidel Castro 2.0.
Ay what a dilemma leo.

"Srsly? How does this Smooth Operator keep getting women to marry him? Oh, right he throws houses at them.) Yeah and then he imprisons them in said houses when they get knocked by him(from rape) or the Other guy(that he has killed .
Look out v-icky 🎶your day will coooome🎵 you'll get what you deserrrrve🎶. Yall remember that song from the sixties? I forget who sang it she probly dead by now.
Ok I'm done for now, my cooking show is on pbs,creat.

Thank you BlueLass. Yall stay safe.

Blue Lass, a juicy recap indeed; I savored every bit of it! Thank you!

Kirby and Jarifa have pointed out just about every thing I would have said and Diana has listed all the sweet nuggets that made me smile and nod. ..and Nina, you expressed everything I was feeling much better than I could about these odious characters.

The only thing I can add is that I noticed Ewww, or maybe it was Vic, who referred to Sonia as his EX wife; did they get a divorce off screen? They're in Mexico where it can happen faster than you can say,"WHAT?!"

Dear Blue Lass, thank you for that bouncy recap of all these lost souls.

Fab seems to be trying to figure out what is really going on , but he has not connected all the dots, and maybe he never will.

Leo now has one facial expression...hurt and confused . He has to focus on unraveling this mystery and stop pining after Eliesa because they just keep going around and around . The only romance and loving we get is the introduction . These folks are teasing us with Leo and Eliesa in that intro . Why?

It seems like shows today want to shock and do the unexpected. Is that what will happen here? Will innocents die instead of the baddies ?

I have given up on Dario Contrario . He is just too messed up. Maybe Leo , Mario, and Adriana,will have to uncover the villains unless JL manages to corrupt Adriana .

So ,,,did Ren follow Eww who was following Icky the night Aug and Julia were killed ? If so, I am surprised that he hasn't killed her. I

It's hard watching Susana Gonzales ' portrayal of Ren. It is so real.

Yes, Clara doesn't seem to have a lot of experience in walking in high heels .

"Yes, Clara doesn't seem to have a lot of experience in walking in high heels ." Shocking in that she must be all of five foot two. You'd think she would have mastered heels before riding a bike. Little sweetie.

And Susanlynn,
I am
Leo and E-Lies-A

He is like some Junior High kid who just lost his virginity
and she is a pouty life support system for plastic ___s and tight jeans. She has not ONE redeeming relationship quality, except maybe a relationship with a mirror or shrink.

By all reports Fab is pretty smart and has a real business head. His judgement is clouded right now by his longing for E-Lies-a, but he was once all gumby-eyed over FerNasty too. Once the bloom starts wearing off the rose with E, he may begin to see her as she really is also, like Leo does.

If we are lucky El will continue to openly pine for Leo while selfishly leading Fab on, much to his chagrin. That might be an eye opener to him also.

Disclaimer: Nobody should take relationship advice from me. But I know scads of what NOT to do, and when to cut and run.

When leslie came in to check on her mother she saw the bruises on her wrist & chest. Did that bastard rape her again or just beat her up?
And then she turned her little petite patootie around and when to find her evil wife beating raper of a daddy. Don't know what happened cuz I changed the channel when the commercial came on. I was between that and hallmark🎄movies. Did anybody else see that part?

He just manhandled her getting her out of the restaurant and into the house. After what he did to the free meal fellow he wouldn't have had the energy to mate anyway.

So funny, Blue! You and your recaps are the best way to start the weekend!

It's a good thing for all those poor students that they cancelled the 2020 Geography Bee, because you and your locale descriptions would win! Casa Cobra, Poolhouse of Broken Hearts, Depa Fernasty, On the Street Where Everyone Lives, Restaurant of Burned Bridges... so spot on.

Your heading of "Tiny Elisa's Big Adventure" was great, as was the description of her riding in the car with a sack over her head.

Loved "Fab stuck to her like lint", "where does she keep her internal organs?", "Mom is oddly chipper for someone who's been told she only has a few episodes left", and "Fer is sad because no one is watching". The "drunk horny middle-aged guy who hasn't notice all of the other servers are much better looking" is just great too!

"Renata's hysterical tour" was just heartbreaking. I wasn't saddened much when Marcelo died until we saw Renata find out. Sob! I love her and her "undervalued wisdom". She's the best sister and I agree that Majo could be microchipped and not even notice.

I don't want to say adios until I've mentioned "Dario looks constipated" and "Men! Can't live with them, can't set them up to be captured". Such fun lines.

And please leave us out of the honeymoon, indeed! Ugh, I do not want to see Ewww and his mussed mullet prancing around in a silk robe. But, if the writers do feel the need to share the honeymoon with us, please let it be at the Casa de Campo. I'd love a virtual tour of that place!

Rosemary la Otra

I missed the episode, but the recap is just as good. Better, really. So JL is firmly in the bad guy camp now? I don't see a hope of salvation or redemption for him or for Dario. Maybe if Dario would have backed off he could have had a chance. But continuing to threaten everyone in the life of his one true love is just not good. He's doomed.

Do we know that Juanito is Fabricio's child or is that parentage still up for grabs? How irritated would Eugenio be when he finds out he has a grandson that he couldn't leveraged for...something...all these years? Unless it's actually his child, which would be worse for so many reasons, mainly genetic.

On the plus side, Teresa may hate Sara just a little less now, so that's something.


Kelly, "would be worse for so many reasons, mainly genetic". Specially
Genetic. Can you just imagine the ribbing that poor kid would get cuz of that horrible rug o hair? Shameful. Makes ya wonder why fabs
Hair is so natruely curly and dario
Hair looks like it had a fight with
A comb and the comb lost. Genetics indeed.


I don't know how much longer I can hold out hope that Dario may be redeemed???

My big question is who is the most despicable character on this show? There are so many things choose from.....

Kelly. We do not have the DNA, but when FerNasty's dying Mom said Fer should tell the Father about his child and in the same breath enumerated what good guy Fabricio is, it was a pretty good clue. As for Dario, I still smell a (writers) rat as far as whether he is as evil as he seems. Like someone said above, his decree to JLouse to kill either Leo or Clara may have been purposefully hollow, knowing JLouse could do neither. Maybe just a Scario method to force JLouse to interfere with Leo's investigations?

Victoria, unfortunately for your , I see your namesake as the most evil one, Vic-ious V-icky Victoria. In my book, what she has done, and is still doing, to THREE daughters is far worse than any of the other MANY candidates. She's a winner.

Nina, yeah he cuts his hair with a ?weedeater? I suggest it has never seen a comb.

"Dario looks constipated"? Wait! Can people tell? I have to rethink a few times when someone was going to slap the shit out of me. ? ? ?


Thank you, Blue Lass, your recap had me laughing out loud all through my lunch break. The funnies part: describing Fer's mom who only has a few episodes to live, but is feeling better, because all she needed was a nurse :))

Kelly, something you said got me thinking: would someone like Eww, who knows everything, not be aware that Fer's son is related to him? A son or a grandson, he'd still be able to put two and two together.
If Fab put his big pants on and gave up on impressing dad, he would definitely see the clues to his father's true nature.

Oh, Icky and Eww had to cut their romantic day short? So sad, Renata sure has bad timing.

Was Ren really following Icky, or is Eww making this up? The cops have only seen Icky on the cameras. How many cars were after Augie, anyway?

Dario is one nasty piece of scary, but novela law says that as long as they don't commit a crime with intent characters can be redeemed. There has to be an explanation for Dario never actually killing someone. When Elisa slapped him in the parking lot, I was expecting him to slap her, too, but instead, he just shoved her a bit.

Adriana, I am thinking the same thing about Mostly Sario-No Bite Dario, and have flip flopped on him an embarrassing number of times.

1. His snarling and threats are almost overdone, I THINK.

2. His Bark / Bite ratio we noticed earlier.

3. Ewww eventually gave up on Dario killing Mop and implemented it himself

3. Just now he insists JLouse kill one of two unkillables, people even JLouse could not kill.

Good morning, everyone. Glad to see the comments continue.

Adriana, instead of Crazio slapping Eliesa , he kneed her rescuer Looking -for -Love- in -All -the- Wrong -Places Fab. My first impression as this show moved forward was that Dario's bark was scary but much worse than his bite . His love for his mother and hate for Eww made me think he might be redeemed . We shall see . I just thought he went off the deep end ordering loose canon JL to kill Leo or Clara. Why? Well, at this point, we know for sure that Dario is dangerous, reckless, and mentally unstable...yikes.

Fashion note to Eww...that leather jacket isnt working for you like you think it is. #silkpurse\sowsear

Two more things to note :
1) It's impossible to analyze this show in a logical manner , so we just have to get a massive pulley to suspend our disbelief.

2) It's hard to rank evil.

OT. P.s. Speaking of evil, i have been watching a marathon of "_Yellowstone" this weekend . Yikes . Talk about the Wild, Wild West . These characters make Dario and Eww look like choir boys . Yikes.

Victoria, excellent question.

Who is the evilest of them all?

I looked up psychopath vs. sociopath and found "A key difference between a psychopath and a sociopath is whether he has a conscience, the little voice inside that lets us know when we’re doing something wrong".

Eugenio is a psychopath, without morals or scruples. He seeks no justification nor does he seek approval. By any means necessary. There is no conscience to prick as he does not have one. I believe the evil was innate and he was born that way.

To me, evil is at its most heinous when it is chosen. When someone who knows and understands the difference between right and wrong, yet chooses the monstrous course of action, this is evil incarnate. Victoria. Her list of crimes are long and painful and I will not recount them here. Clearly seeing the anguish and agony she has caused Renata, a momentary prickling of her conscience was not enough - she continues to punish her child.

I usually advocate for life in prison for almost all but the most egregious crimes. I am willing to make an exception here.


I agree Diana. There are some nasty people here that need to leave this earthly plain. And some need prison time. But sometimes prison don't mean actually behind bars. It could be another kind of prison of their own making. I could see v-icky in something like that. She is just a horrible human being and she bearly
Deserves that title(human). Now eww
He'll die. He loves to torture soni
a cus he knows she's afraid of him.
Plus I think he probly put a bullet in augy's and Julia's head. Julia just for the fun of it. Hes a sick bitty. I think he hated augy becuz he had what he wanted, viciously V-
icky. Them two bitches deserve each other.

Blue Lass: thanks for much grins and guffaws this AM. These are only a few but the whole recap is obviously chock full.

"stuck to her like lint on a sweater"
"Where does she keep her internal organs?"
"They end up back at her barely used apartment, where she gives him the hysterical tour."
" catches up with Clara, which isn't difficult because she clearly has never been outdoors in high heels"
"On the Street Where Everybody Lives..." (not exactly My Fair Lady"
I'll stop here. Every paragraph has a snarkism well worth the side bar.


Nina, I loved your "It could be another kind of prison of their own making".

Being shunned by everyone, especially her daughters and emotional torment for the rest of her miserable life would be fitting.

Ewww killing Aug and Julia is an excellent and very plausible guess. I have a sneaking suspicion the killer is no one we expect. I could be totally off base but I have a few suspects that would be mind blowing. I know I'm way over thinking this but it's fun to speculate.


Good morning, all.

Nina.. "He's a sick bitty" gave me a giggle with my oatmeal.

Cant wait to see what happens tonight .

I am still pondering Dario ordering jL to kill either Leo or highheeled Clara. So does JL take orders from both Eww and Dario?nd

Fab is wandering around this pit of vipers cluelessly. Will he fina!ly wake up to discover what is going on here as he pursues Eliesa?

I still think Vic-ious killed Aug, but I'm not sure she could have killed Julia. Supposedly, Julia was not killed inside the car but was dragged and put there to make it look like they were having a relationship. I'm not sure Vic-ious would be able to do that. I thought she may have called Eww to come help her and he had Julia killed, but now that Ewww and Vic are pointing fingers at each other, it kinda blows my theory out the window. Bah-humbug!

Maybe it would be easier to try to figure out who is not the killer...

Juanito, Leslie, Ter-ribbit, Reynaldo, the housekeepers, uhmmm....uhmmm...Mario and Adriana (maybe), PoodleBoy was in London...hmmm...Elisa and Majo arrived home together before Vic-ious...another hmmm...that's about it folk (that I can think of)

Since tbe writere are now depjcting JL as a wifebeater with anger issues and a connection to Dario and Eww, i think he killed Aug and Julia..but why? He certainly could have easily moved Julia. think that i used to feel sorry for him getting shot in the line of duty and for having a miserable wife. What a quick turn the writers made with JL and his out of control hissyfits .


Rgv Chick, great list and I agree with your list of non-suspects, with the possible exception of Elisa.

I put nothing past Ick-Vic so agree she is very much in contention.

Pure conjecture. If my fun house mirror theory holds true, we could be seeing very selective sightings of a few flying under the radar. Could Julia and Aug have been killed by two different people for entirely different reasons? We always say Elisa seems to be the sane one in the family, but are we sure? Could she have a split personality? Think Sybil. Could the "bad" side been in on everything from the inception, deciding to put an end to Julia's threat to her father (and to herself)? Is she keeping Leo in her sights to make sure he doesn't get too close to the truth??

There have been news stories where people have physically done the impossible - lifting a car to free someone underneath. Crazed and evil can lend themselves to superhuman strength.

Susanlynn, I share your confusion about Dario telling JL to kill Leo or "highheeled Clara" (good one). I am not sure if I said anywhere that Dario likely knew full well JL wouldn't kill his brother. Or Clara. If Dario didn't suspect that and meant what he said, there is no redemption.



Gracias, Blue Lass. We are all heading into some very muddy waters here.

I don't see Elisa being like Raquel of CET and faking everything she presents to others now. That would require a bigger retcon job than what was done to JL.

If we go on the assumption that what we are seeing now is the true JL he could be my prime suspect, waiting for a chance to throw this in Leo's face.

Renata was on other meds and lacking in self-control, so I don't suspect her. Could she have been an eyewitness, though?

Fernanda is more likely because she is as cold as ice.

I can see Victoria stooping to this. If you have to say you have class, you probably really don't.

Wow yall, we have assumed, we have
Presumed, guessed, over thought and
Underthought, hoped, wished. What's left? We wait.

So yall done bought your turkeys?
Got your sweet potatos,canned pie
Mixed, red velvet cake mix and all that other stuff that we stuff our
Faces with this time of year only to work it off come spring just to
Put all back on thanksgiving and
Christmas 2021? Unless you're like me think small amount this year.

I hope yall have a safe and happy
Thanksgiving. I didnt have to buy a turkey somebody gave me one. Total
Surprise. I'm grateful. I wonder if the cantdo's will have a happy thanksgiving. Can you imagine them
Around the table. Keep the knife away from ren, she'd probly go after her mother instead of the turkey, or that turkey sitting next
To vicious V-inky, the turkey with the rug on. Ok I'm done til the next recap. Unless I think of what ever.

Diana, that's why I put a (maybe) for Elisa and Majo. Only thing is that they left the party together and arrived home together, so if Elisa did something, then Majo was right in there with her.

Yes, I did see that Rgv Chick, but I'm still uneasy about Elisa and as I can't explain Majo being there, just kind of glossed over it :)

Nina, I wouldn't mind if the "turkey with the rug on" got carved up a bit :)


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