Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Imperio de Mentiras Lunes 11/16/20, Chapter 38: Choices In a Storm

Just the facts, my friends. The cold is coming in and I don't like typing with gloves on. – Dashiell Hammett

Leo asked José Luis about the mysterious money in the bank. Neither of them would have been able to save that much money from their salaries. José Luis evaded his questions and accused him of trying to sully his reputation on the eve of of his promotion. The tirade he had been on two days previously made a strong comeback. He tried playing the Brother card. Finally he told him to bring charges or get out of his sight.

Majo held Dario off at gunpoint. He practically dared her to kill him, but she said he was going to have to listen to her. “You don't love me. You are an evil sicko which only knows how to hurt,” she said. “Most of all me and my family. Is that love to you?”

He stared at her. “Put down the gun.” She did not.

Answer me! Is that love to you?” She would not stop.” “You fuck me, manipulate me, and have me watched.”

I don't want to lose you. Seriously.”

You have. I asked you a thousand times to leave me and my family alone! I asked you. Is this love to you?”

He looked down for a moment, as though he were ashamed.

See? You are empty. You are hollow,” she said. “You don't feel anything.”

This is Clara's fault, isn't it?” he asked. She moved in closer.

Don't be cowardly. Everything that's happened is your fault. You are a damned murderer for what you have done.”

José Luis denied accepting any bribes. He insisted the money was earned and saved against the possibility he would be killed in the line of duty. It was to take care of his wife and daughter and was therefore in Leslie's name. He then told Leo he didn't want him at the ceremony and said he would talk to his boss and arrange for him to be transferred back to Monterrey. He then walked out, not caring about Leo's reaction.

Don't hurt Clara. Don't mess with my people.”

My love –”

Don't say that word. The only thing I feel around you is fear.”

I saved your life –”

You turned me into your slave. Waiting for your calls all the time. Worrying you would hurt my family. It would have been better if you hadn't saved me.”

I did it for you, I swear.”

Majo weakened and relaxed her stance.

Once again with your words. Talk and talk. Very well, but it's really not worth it. I don't want to see you at my house. Not to see Clara or anyone. Because if you show up I will turn you in.” She was crying, but trying to maintain control. “And unlike you I will keep my word. I promise I will denounce you.”

She put the pistol in her purse and left. He stayed in bed. He did not try to stop her.

Fernanda scolded Fabricio for his obsession with proving himself to be better than Eugenio. He wanted to know what she was doing in Eugenio's house. He knew she was no friend to Sonia no matter what she said. She accused him of being genuinely interested in Elisa ever since she had put him up to the pretense of romantic intent. He subtly accused her of projecting her own hypocrisy on others, saying “The problem is you because you are full of hate.”

He looked at her for a moment, then took his jacket and left the office.

Elisa called Leo to tell him that Majo was missing. She was concerned that she might be with Cobra. He was the only person she could trust about this. He told her not to leave the house and to leave it to him. He told her he would be there shortly.

This did not get by Victoria, which Elisa didn't notice. She tried to assure her mother that they would find Majo.

Majo met Clara outside and told her she didn't have to worry. Clara was not so sure; she knew that Dario was a killer. Majo said she was certain because he loved her.

Before his swearing in José Luis thanked some of the attendees and met Sara and Leslie inside near his office. Teresa was not there. Sara had thought she was. Leslie thought she might have been fixing something up at home.

In fact, Teresa was looking for work so she could lave him.  Her limited education was going ti kuut her options.

Majo returned home accompanied by Clara. She told Victoria and Elisa that she and Clara had gone out for breakfast.

Why did you disconnect the security cameras?” Elisa asked her.

Because I don't want to be under surveillance. My life is mine and you have nothing to do with it. Get rid of them or I will destroy them all.”

The cameras are for our safety, especially yours,” Elisa told her.

Maria José directed Clara upstairs, past Victoria who sat down on a couch and sighed with relief. The doorbell rang.

Ay, thank God she's here.”

Mother, we're definitely exaggerating. Since all that stuff happened to you you've been very nervous. What is up with you?”

The maid had opened the door to Leo and Elisa told him that Majo had just arrived.

What? Where was she?”

She had gone out for breakfast, with Clara. She arrived with her.”

Well, less bad.” He noticed Victoria. “Good morning, Madam. How are you?”

Good morning, Leonardo. Thanks for coming but it's not necessary now. Maria José is here now.”


Victoria excused herself and left the room. Leo waited a few more seconds.

Do you think she's telling the truth?”

No.” She looked around. “I'm sure she was with Cobra but I didn't want to say this in front of my mother.”

Which is why your house needs to be watched.”

I know, I know. But she doesn't want to cooperate. No way.”

Leo took a call from his mother, who was waiting at the station. She reminded him of the ceremony and he told her he would be right there. He explained to Elisa that his brother was getting Tapia's job, which had made Elisa suspect that José Luis was as corrupt as Tapia. Thus he and José Luis had fought. She asked whether José Luis was involved with the art traffickers.

Majo was drinking from the bottle. Clara was worried and frightened. She was sure Dario would kill her. Majo was nervous, too. “I'm not sure when the storm will begin. And I'm afraid because I still love him.” She took a swig of tequila. “I'm afraid. I'm very afraid that I will never see him again.”

She drank the last of the bottle. At the same moment Dario did the same and let out the cry of a wounded animal.

Serita Martinez, a social worker, called Fernanda from the hospital to tell her that her mother was admitted to the emergency room. She was being sent to intensive care and it was urgent that Fernanda go there immediately. Her mother was accompanied by a small boy. If she didn't come the boy would be picked up by the police.

Leo told Elisa that his argument with José Luis had nothing to do with her' “just an argument between brothers.”
Just like me and my sisters,” she said. “We fight but we love each other.” However, she had fought with Leo and recognized that they needed to resolve it. It was the case getting in the way. They did not want to be separated.

José Luis was sworn in before the eyes of his mother, his daughter, and two of his colleagues.

A very drunken Majo gave the pistol to Clara for her protection. Clara didn't want it. Majo said that what they had to do was forget Dario. The very sober Clara did not buy this. Majo went on about now they should party. “And if he comes back what do I do?” Clara asked.
Shoot him.”

Elisa and Leo talked about having to separate for the time being. It was the case, her family issues, and the business. She saw him to the door as though he were going off to war.

Teresa and Reynaldo talked about the future. She was resolute that she needed to make her own money. He said it would not bother him if she needed to wait tables. However, she felt that to be against her sense of dignity. So would being his mistress for theh rest of her life. Reynaldo looked as though he realized he had bitten off too much and might choke.

Elisa thought back to making love with Leo and began to cry. Fabricio arrived. He suggested they talk elsewhere but Elisa said no; she wanted to go to the office. He insisted on going somewhere else as they were leaving.

Fernanda arrived at the hospital where the social worker escorted her to her office. A drunk tried to beg from her and she waited while looking around in distaste. She was told that Juanito was taken into custody because her mother was in no condition to look after him. She asked where her mother was and was told.

Leo went to the police station. He was too late for the ceremony, as Mario pointed out. He left the immediate office and Leo had a few words with Adriana about her relationship with José Luis. Speak of that devil he arrived and gave Leo the information about Leslie's bank account for his investigation. He told Adriana he wanted to see her in his office when she was finished. She looked confused.

Victoria entered the snake pit that was Eugenio's house and confronted Sonia, who was looking less than her best.

How cynical you are to come back to the home of a man you betrayed.”

No, no, no. Don't talk about what you don't know.”

I know a lot more than you think. I know women of your class very well but never have I known any more disgraceful than you.”

I understand your grief,” Sonia said.

You understand my grief?” Victoria asked, dripping condescension. “You fucked my daughter's husband. You made a fool of her. You and Marcelo betrayed Eugenio, my daughter, and the whole family when we gave you everything. And look at you now. In the middle of all this luxury you could wish for and don't deserve.”

I'm not here because I want to be,” Sonia said. “If I could leave, I would. Eugenio is keeping me here by force.”

Fernanda entered her mother's room and asked why she was there, of all places. Her mother replied that she could not afford better. Fernanda said she should have come to her. The doctor entered and told Fernanda he needed to speak to her.

Clara went home and concealed the pistol under her pillow while arguing with her mother, who did not believe that Majo could drive the Cobra away.

Victoria didn't believe a word that Sonia said. She pointed out there were no guards outside. She accused Sonia of lapping up the luxury. Sonia tried to get her to empathize, but Victoria would not. “Never. You can't put me in your place because I am a decent woman.” She told her she was good for nothing, and it was good that Marcelo had not seen her here... before she could betray him as well. That she was useless to him and to everyone else. Before she left she called her garbage under her breath. Just after Victoria left Sonia doubled over in pain.

Majo visited Renata, who had no idea when she would be released. She asked Majo to arrange for her to visit Marcelo in the prison. Majo was uneasy, but finally said she didn't like going to places like that. She tried distracting Renata by telling her she had broken up with Dario. Renata said that this was a good thing and that she had to get out of her depression. That meant she needed to stop drinking. Majo had her doubts, but Renata did not back down. She finally said that Renata had no idea about what she and Elisa had been through. She got up and left. Renata chased after her but was stopped by a nurse and by Mauricio, her inmate guru. He almost chanted at her to calm down. He then hugged her.

The doctor told Fernanda that her mother's condition was precarious. She had liver cancer and it had already spread across the stomach area and had metastized into other organs.

It was not operable and Carmen had very little time left.

José Luis closed his office door and sounded off about Leo, saying that “He is trying to destroy my career.” Adriana would not believe that. José Luis then told her she had to choose. “Him or me?”

Leo took out garbage and was still outside when Teresa arrived in Reynaldo's car. After Reynaldo left Leo confronted Teresa.

Sonia's pains became worse. She screamed for the maid. Victoria was still downstairs. When Maria went into Sonia's room to help her up Victoria just stood in the living room and listened.

Elisa and Fabricio were out looking at locations. She was satisfied with one that needed a lot of work but had an otherwise good view. She looked at him and asked what his expression was all about.

Don't reject me,” he said. “Elisa, I love you.” He moved in for a kiss.


Sorry this is so late and for the spacing. Google had no business changing the site and creating this problem. Before this my text would copy exactly as formatted.

There is a shitstorm coming and all these people will be affected. I am actually most worried about Adriana right now because she is being asked to make a choice that will make no sense. If Jose Luis took dirty money for any reason he is finished. His accusations against Leo are illogical; I wonder whether he envies that Leo has been decorated for bravery and success or for that he has a loving novia from a rich family. Those can be the only reasons for his resentment right now.

Screen shots, title and recap were superior Urban. No one weaves a story the way you do.

If we knew the hearts and minds of these mostly seedy characters, this would be so easy to unravel. But there are so many contradictions and complexities, it is exhausting to try and do so.

It appears JL had to have amassed that much money illegally. Providing for your child is laudable, but to do so via fraud is not.

There are still subtle reminders of what JL might have been, who we thought he was initially. Those have now faded.

The most animated we've seen Elisa was her questioning Leo about JL's promotion. And I agree Urban, Adriana is in an untenable position.

So Tere is going to steal the money after she'd brought it to Leo's attention?

Majo's words are now indelibly seared into Dario's brain. Understanding some of what makes him tick, she was spot on in what she needed to do to get him to listen. I am positive he has likely never been in such a vulnerable position.

With JL's gun now under Clara's pillow, what could possibly go wrong?

How did the all knowing Fer not realize her mother is deathly ill?

Fab has some of the puzzle assembled, except for a few errant pieces.

Elisa isn't dense (or, maybe she is). Why didn't she extend a firm arm pushing Fab away? She understands exactly what is going on. Is she hedging her bets? Is she afraid to hurt Fab's feelings? Beyond frustrating.

How many children is Vicky going to prevent from being born? Monstrous.

Excellent Urban - thank you.


Thank you, Urban, you never fail to impress me with your writing style.

So we are to believe that JL has been a dirty cop all this time, how else could he have saved all that money? If he truly hates Leo, I suspect this has been going on for a while, but Leo was too far away for it to become an issue. He probably feels like he needed to sacrifice in order to take care of his brother. Younger Leo's bright career must be his trigger - it all started going downhill when Leo was chosen over him for that promotion, an official proof that his brother is "better". Besides, a dirty cop will always find reasons to hate a decorated cop, because of his own weakness.

So Elisa and Leo are putting pause on their relationship, without actually splitting? When Leo finds out that Fab is trying to woo her, will her excuse be that "they were on a break"?

Nevermind Clara, Majo or Leslie - someone has to keep track of that gun. It has all of their finger prints (and JL's), it has already travelled through several houses, let's see what murder will be commited with it first.

Victoria not believing Sonia and saying that she will never become her was actually great to hear, because now I'm 100% sure that Victoria will end up alone, at Eww's mercy. I hope when the time comes Leo doesn't run to her rescue (although I'm sure that he will).

Thanks,Urban. Everything looked great to me and your recap was outstanding as usual. “Shitstorm” is perfect to describe what is coming down.

Seems like Teresa could be looking for another husband for the $$$. Will her current boyfriend go running for the hills?

Elisa was useless as usual. Diana, ITA she didn’t have to kiss Fab.

Fernanda always looks so annoyed when she has to deal with her mother in any way. Just wait until her built-in baby sitter is dead and gone.

Diana, I used to hear that money seized in drug busts in the US would be burned after trials are over and the evidence is no longer needed. That seems insanely wasteful to me and there should be something else to do with it. I wonder what they do in Mexico (officially, of course).

I doubt that Teresa really wants to work. She sat on her arse all this time watching television and eating. I doubt she ever went to college and she strikes me as being lazy. Sara does all the housework, shopping, and cooking. Not to mention parenting Leslie.

Adriana, I think the writers probably changed their minds about JL around ten episodes ago. His envy of Leo didn't seem apparent before the last few and that could have been about the distance between Monterrey and Mexico City. Leo is not only younger, decorated, and honest he is also single and much better-looking. He doesn't have the family grief that JL is experiencing. He has a pretty novia with mucho dinero. What's not to envy? But he needs to get over these things or he will be more miserable than he is.

Jarifa, the current happenings are going to do a squeeze play on Fernanda. We might even find out who Juanito's sperm donor is (or was).

Thanks, Urban, excellent recap! I too agree with "Shit Storm" when it hits the fan, very few will come out of it unscathed.

Just a slight correction: Teresa is not cleaning out JL's bank account. She is looking for a job. The lady gave her an application for a professional position but when Tere told her that she didn't finish the "prepa" the lady gave her an application for waitressing. I'm not her fan but when she told Rey that she was leaving JL but wouldn't be his mistress for the rest of her life, she earned points with me.

JL is looking darker and darker; what will we see next? Will it convince us that he is definitely dirty? or a misunderstood caring father?

Do we really think that Dar will leave Majo alone? In her dreams, I say! and not even there since she still wuuves him.

Diana, "Elisa isn't dense (or, maybe she is). Why didn't she extend a firm arm pushing Fab away?" Definitely not dense and you are spot on; she knows exactly how Fab feels about her.

Adriana, "Victoria not believing Sonia and saying that she will never become her was actually great to hear, because now I'm 100% sure that Victoria will end up alone, at Eww's mercy." From your lips to the TN gods ears...and hopeofully after she's been at Ewww's mercy, they will both be at the devil's mercy.

Jarifa, "Fernanda always looks so annoyed when she has to deal with her mother in any way." Very true! It was hard to believe that she would ask how her mother got so ill; maybe if she had listened when her mother told her about the growth she felt; her mother would have had a chance. Now Fer will have to deal with Juanito on her own; she actually looked worried when told that Juanito would be sent to social services.

Rgv Chick, thank you so much for clearing up that Tere isn't taking the money.

I also didn't quite understand the scene where she was filling out paperwork so thank you for telling us she was applying for work.

I have very mixed feelings about her. I am glad she is leaving JL and seeking employment. She realizes that Rey is a dead end and that's also a plus as you noted.

Jarifa, yes, you captured Fer's reaction to her mother perfectly. But her mother did sell her daughter, didn't she?

Urban, excellent suggestion that JLs stash is dirty drug money.


I see we're going to see the downfall of Leo here. Big question is whether Creepy Eugenio had a hand in this ?

Urban , thank you so much .

Question :What was up with those belly buttons on Vicky' s trousers? Very odd look. She sure has a stone cold heart.

I think those were the old time pooppers and she had them on bass ackwards.

Urba, I loved all the photos you have us.

Kirby, they reminded me of Navy uniform pants . Too many buttons on your belly , Vicky .

Adriana keeps getting drawn into Leo and JL's drama.Geez. belly

So, now that CLara has that pistols under her pillow, is she going to shoot Dario , her mother, or someone else.

Cold here today ...45..

Wow Urban, what an episode this was
I'm typing while tonights episode is on but no worries Im commenting on last night.

So I need to say this before it slips my mind. "You can't put in me
In your place I am a decent woman", HA!!! In what universe? The nerve of some people. She is selfish and pompous ingrate and a terrible mother, the worst mother ever. The bitch got balls.

Now the Castro look-a-like. He is very selfish. Hes a spoiled brat that has grown up to be a spoiled adult brat. That is the worst ever.

Poor leo, he's in this alone. They
Had to breakup so they can make up later. It's best for the case. "She
Saw him to the door as though he were going off to war". Well he kinda is, and the enemy is brutal.
And cold blooded, and she has yet to face that coldblooded heartless
Ingrate that passes himself off as
"Decent" man.

That guy that ren talks to is abit
Of an enigma, I think I'll keep an eye on him. Just a to see where he is going.

Dario is abit on the pathetic side.
Whatever will be will be(thank you
Doris Day).

Poodle guy
Mario. Just thought I'd mention their names. They are just....there

Thank you Urban. You did an amazing

Ps, did they really drop the "F" bomb? In this tn? Shocking.

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