Monday, November 02, 2020

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Todo por Mi Hija, Falsa Identidad 2 y más: Week of November 2, 2020

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week:  Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current evening telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

  • 9-10PM  - Todo por Mi Hija
  • 10-11PM - Falsa Identidad 2

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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I'll do the recap tonight.



Hija #40 part 1

Oyku is about to read Asu’s diary when she hears voices outside the door—a man and a woman. She puts the diary back. She asks who is there? Asu, is that you? No one answers her. Who’s there? Asu? The people outside start fighting. Oyku gets scared. She goes into her room, closes the door and jumps into bed. She tells herself, it’s alright, it’s alright, I’m not scared, I’m not scared.

I think she closes her eyes and imagines a lovely scenario. Asu shows up at the charity event all dressed in white and she hands Oyku a pretty, professional looking cake. She made it just for Oyku. Okyu smiles in her bed and I think she falls asleep. Cut to the bar where Asu downs her last drink and pays the tab.

Asu arrives home and she stumbles into bed with Oyku. She cuddles up and says Oyku saying, you smell so nice. Oyku wakes up and sees Asu in the bed.

Asu drives Oyku to school the next morning. Oyku is silent as they drive. Asu notes she’s been silent all morning. Oyku asks her, why did you leave me alone last night? Why do you say that asks Asu? I woke up and you were not there. I noticed you were back when I woke up this morning. Asu tries lying; she went to see a friend and was only gone for a half hour. Oyku calls her on it. Don’t lie Asu, you still reek of alcohol.

Demir calls while they are on their way to school. He asks. how are you? Oyku tells him not to worry she ate and took her meds. They go over the daily rules. Asu pulls up to the school. Asu tells Oyku she will see her at the charity event. Ilayda and crew are watching from across the street.

Ilayda approaches Oyku in the classroom and asks who is picking her up from school today. Another girl laughs and says is its probably Social Services. Oyku says MYOB. Ilayda continues to taunt, many of us are curious about who comes to pick you up. Oyku wonders if Ilayda has anything better to do. Well, they just want to know who that woman was. It’s my mom, answers Oyku. You have a mom? So, your parents just showed up recently? The other girl chimes in, it must be difficult for them to decide whether or not they want to be your parents.

Ilayda disses the way Asu dresses. Got to admire Oyku, she stays calm and stands her ground. She defends Asu saysing, my mom dresses well and she’s very beautiful. She has big eyes. Besides, have you guys seen yourselves in the mirror? Oyku says her mom is coming to the charity event. We get a ‘yeah, right’ from Ilayda. Oyku looks a little worried that Asu might not show up.

Ugur and Demir meet with Sunger. Sunger is aware that Demir has left the business. Nevertheless, Sunger fills him in on the idea to scam other con men. Demir is listening; what’s the job? There’s a very expensive ring. It was from a very wealthy refugee. Sunger wants it. Demir thinks about it and since it’s about scamming the scammers, Demir will take the job. Ugur is surprised. Demir asks about their cut; it’s 20%. Sunger gives them the file and sends them off with an advance.

Ugur is excited about the job, while Demir is not. Ugur thinks they will be like Robin Hood stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. Demir plans to tell Oyku he is working tonight.



Hija #40 part 2

Demir and Ugur wait for Oyku after school. Oyku is subdued. Demir hugs and kisses her. She doesn’t reciprocate. Demir wonders what’s wrong. Is it Asu? No it’s not, she says and starts walking. What did you do with Asu? We ate, colored and watched a movie. Did Cemal stop by? No, Asu told him not to come. Demir and Ugur seem concerned by Oyku’s demeanor. Demir asks Oyku if she missed him. Of course, she answers. They hug and then the three hold hands as they walk home.

They must have stopped at a store on the way home because they have ingredients to make the cakes that Ugur promised for the event. Oyku and Demir tease him about the cakes, but they will help him bake. They find a recipe online and, of course, the baking session is a disaster and a big mess. All the cakes are burned.

There’s a knock at the door. It must be Candan says Demir. Candan? Ugur has to make his escape out the window once again. Candan comes in and she sees they are a mess. Oyku says they were baking cakes. Candan asks if she could have one. Demir says she probably shouldn’t.

That night, Ugur and Demir head off to do the job for Sunger. Ugur told his mom he has a date and Demir said he was working at the construction site. At the hotel, the mark shows them the ring. He tells our guys it belonged to a governor during the Ottoman Empire. Ugur pretends he’s not interested. He goes to the window and says he’s more interested in seeing Istanbul. Ugur unlocks the balcony door while he’s there. Demir likes the ring and asks Ugur’s opinion. Ugur remains skeptical; he wonders why there is no certificate for the ring. The mark says there is no need; the ring is 100% authentic. Demir proposes they go downstairs to the lobby to discuss. The mark locks the ring away in the room safe. We see a shot of the room next to the mark’s.

Candan asks Oyku what she wants to read. It's The Little Prince. Oyku never gets tired of it. Candan feels the same way. Candan starts to read. "Goodbye, said the Fox, and now here is my secret, a very simple secret. It’s only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye." Oyku asks Candan what that means. Candan says it means that only your heart can see the truth of the things you see around you. It means you don’t have to look with your eyes; you listen with your heart. Oyku thinks about it and says that’s very beautiful, thank you Candan.

Back at the job, the mark says he wants 62 million for the ring. Ugur is still playing the skeptic. Demir is all for it. They can continue to discuss while Demir goes to use the restroom. Instead, Demir goes back upstairs. He enters the room next to the mark’s. He goes out on the balcony and sneaks across to the mark’s room. He enters through the balcony door that Ugur had unlocked. Demir has a gadget that opens the safe and he gets the ring. Demir goes back downstairs. Ugur wants to think it over. They decide to meet again tomorrow to close the deal. They shake on it and our guys leave. Ugur asks Demir, did you get it? Of course, he did. They take off in a hurry.

Demir arrives home. Candan is asleep on the couch. Demir stand over her for a second. He wakes her. How was work she asks? Fine. Candan says she has to go; she has an early appointment tomorrow. Demir asks her if she wants to stay for a coffee. No, she has to go. He thanks her. She is cool to him and leaves.

Demir is waiting for Oyku to leave for school. Ugur shows up and asks if they have the cakes. I have no idea why they even want to take them. Oyku asks if Demir is coming to the charity event. Of course. He just has to pay a few bills and then he will be there. Ugur takes Oyku to school. She doesn’t look very happy. I suppose she’s worried that both Demir and Asu will show up and make a scene.



Hija #40 part 3

Candan is at her new house with a cleaning lady. Mufide calls. She tells Candan she would have come but she was sick. Mufide invites Candan over for tea and Candan accepts. Uh oh.

Demir has taken care of his bills. He goes food shopping; he’s happily filling the cart.
We are at the charity event. Ilayda goes over to Oyku and says I see you uncle has come because your mother couldn’t. She looks at their cakes and calls them disgusting. Ilayda says, I hope no one dies. Ugur tells Ilayda to get lost, the witch thing was only for the play. Oyku asks Ugur if anyone could die from food poisoning. Ugur is in complete denial about the cakes.

Sevgi comes over and Ugur offers one of the cakes. She can hardly bite through it. Sevgi tries to be gracious, making mmm…mmm sounds. She asks for a napkin. Ugur tells her they are completely homemade and 100% organic (well carbon is an organic compound). Sevgi says she will eat it as she walks and spares Oyku’s and Ugur’s feelings. Oyku says, ay Ugur, the teacher almost lost a tooth! Oyku looks around. I think she’s looking for Demir and/or Asu to show.

Cut to Asu. Shes talking to Cemal she wants to stay home and rest today. We see she’s resting on the couch with a bottle of beer. And I guess she’s forgotten about the charity event.

Ilayda stops by again and says looks like your mom isn’t coming. Get lost, Ilayda. But Ilayda keeps rubbing it in. She says normal moms are like mine. They dress normal. They speak normal. Oyku tells Ilayda again to leave. Ilayda just wants to be helpful; she doesn’t want Oyku to be sad and that’s why Oyku shouldn’t expect anything. Oyku looks around and watches the other moms with their kids. She cries silently. Cut to Asu passed out on the couch and empty beer bottles nearby.

Demir gets a call. The DNA results are ready. They won’t give results over the phone so Demir says he will be right there.

Candan rings Mufide’s doorbell. Welcome. Come in. Candan sees the pic of Demir and Oyku and picks it up. Mufide tells her Oyku is like her granddaughter. That’s her with her dad. He is best friends with my son, Ugur. They gave me a copy of the photo. Candan asks, you know Demir? Mufide laughs, of course; he’s like a son to me.

Candan is surprised, who would have thought. Candan says she also knows Demir. I told him you helped me find the house, but he didn’t tell me he knows you. Mufide shows Candan a pic of Ugur. Candan immediately flashes back to the time Demir and Ugur tried to scam her and then when Ugur was busted and taken away by the police. She’s in shock.

Demir arrives to pick up the DNA results. He gets the envelope, stares at it but he doesn’t open it. He thanks the clerk and leaves. Outside, he’s still staring at the envelope.

There’s a knock at Cemal's door. It’s Candan. She asks him, please tell me everything you know about Demir.

And we are out.




Thanks very much, dondi356, for another superb recap. I loved your aside on Ugur's boasting that the cakes were 100% organic: "(well carbon is an organic compound)." Like you, I'm surprised they still bring these disasters to the charity event.

Ugur is such a strange character. Mostly, he's a hopeless idiot. Every now and then, however, he shows some cleverness, as when he tells Ilayda to get lost, that the evil witch was just for the play.

I was glad when Oyku asked Asu why she left her alone, and called her on it when she lied, telling her she could still smell the alcohol. I hope Oyku remembers this for the court hearing.

OTOH, perhaps not even such damning testimony about Asu will save Demir now that Candan realizes who Ugur is and has gone to Cemal's to get everything he knows (or can concoct) about Demir. Oy.

There's no episode tonight for some strange reason :-). I'll plan to recap Wednesday's episode.


Thanks, Juanita.

To be correct Carbon is an element, the compounds it forms are organic. But you got the drift.

ITA about Ugur. He's a bumbler but he's also a good support for Demir and Oyku. The Sevgi stuff is too painful to watch.

Why do I feel the writers are setting us up for a huge let down with the custody case.

Yes, no episode tonight. I hope there is one tomorrow! ;)




Thanks again, dondi. As I've said before, you're missing a career writing screenplays!

OK, show of hands. Anyone think the DNA reveal would happen in last night's episode? Anyone?

And on Wednesday we'll surely get a looooong scene of Cemal blackening Demir's reputation and she'll swallow it whole. I'm starting to get annoyed with the way she constantly denies her feelings for Demir and believes Cemal.

It was clever the way they had her find out about Ugur, and Demir as well, of course.

Ugur and Sevgi doesn't bother me as much as the rest of you. I am assuming she'll get a look at the relationship he has with his mother and be touched by it.

Looking back at an earlier episode, Asu was given one day and a night with Oyku. Why does she get away with showing up when she feels like it.

Also, why the insistence on Oyku having a babysitter all the time. The kid completely took care of herself while she lived with her "tía".


Dondi, thank you for such a well-crafted recap!

I am somewhat surprised at Oyku's sudden change of heart toward Asu. I thought Oyku was just pretending to tolerate Asu, but that dream she had sure proved otherwise. I am wondering if Oyku's wish/need to have a mother is steering her toward a path of total disappointment and emotional pain.

Oyku's ability to "read" people and speak her mind still surprises me. Loved how she handled Asu's lies about where she was the night before and Ilayda's attempts to putting her down.

I like watching Candan with Oyku, but Candan's cold treatment of Demir is disheartening. And oh my, now that Cemal will probably "blacken Demir's reputation" (thanks Novelera :-), Candan is sure to completely distance herself from him...and the one who will suffer most will be Oyku.

I don't remember what the judge ruled regarding visitation rights. I'm assuming that the "one day and night" was on a per week basis???

I am crossing my fingers that the DNA results confirm that Demir is Oyku's father. It has to be that way, que no? If otherwise, the show would be over! And Dondi, I too fear that the custody hearing will be an awful let down.

I think Demir wants someone watching Oyku 24/7 because of her episodes and other symptoms she is already showing.

Juanita, "Ugur is such a strange character. Mostly, he's a hopeless idiot. Every now and then, however, he shows some cleverness, as when he tells Ilayda to get lost, that the evil witch was just for the play" ITA about Ugur and I did shout out a "Yesss!" when he told Ilayda to get lost LOL

Todo por mi hija - #41 - p 1 de 3

Candan has come to Cemal's to find out everything about Demir, but what Cemal has told her has of course upset her a lot. "He came to my house to steal! I thought I was helping him!" Cemal urges her to calm down (yeah, right). Candan continues, "How could I have been so stupid? I wanted to help especially because he was Oyku's father." Cemal notes that "worst of all, Demir was using a young child for his benefit."

Ugur calls Demir about the charity event. It had slipped Demir's mind, but he tells Ugur he'll be there right away. He still hasn't opened the envelope with the DNA results. He can't bring himself to do it. "Not now, not now," he says.

An angry Candan asks Cemal why he didn't tell her all this about Demir at the beginning. Slimy Cemal says he didn't want to interfere with her personal life. However, he realizes he was wrong not to tell her sooner. He apologizes. Candan says coldly, "Thank you for telling me. Goodbye" and leaves. As soon as she's out the door, a smirk appears on Cemal's face.

Candan gets into her car. She's remembering the first time she met Oyku, and then other events--her meeting the "art experts," and Demir's rescuing her painting from Ugur's clutches. She sits at the steering wheel, sobbing. "Dammit, why did I trust you?" she asks the absent Demir.

The absent Demir has arrived at Oyku's school for the charity event. Oyku tells him it's over. She's angry and hurt. Demir tries to please her, telling her that he brought her favorite dessert, the chocolate that she likes. She tells him she doesn't want chocolate, she doesn't want anything. Ugur asks Oyku whether she's angry because they didn't sell more cakes.

When Demir and Oyku arrive back at the house, he tries cheering her up at the door with a lighthearted "After you, angry Princess." Oyku remains sullen. Demir then asks whether she has homework, and he tells her to do it. Oyku goes into her room. Demir takes the envelope containing the DNA results out of his jacket pocket and hides it inside a container in a kitchen cabinet.

Oyku takes out her diary and unlocks it. She remembers Ilayda and the other girls being nasty to her at school. Then she writes in the diary that "Asu didn't come to the charity event, nor did my father. Other parents came, but not mine." Her memories go from bad to worse, as she recalls Cemal telling her that Demir is not her biological father. Oyku then tears up the diary page. Demir calls to her to come have dinner. She tells him she's not going to eat. She's not hungry. Demir then comes to her room and asks her to come help him cook. She's sitting at her desk with her hood up once again over her hair. No, she replies, I have homework. You can do it later, Demir tells her. Finally he picks her up and carries her into the kitchen.

"We have to talk," Demir tells Oyku. "Please tell me what I did for you to treat me this way." "Are you my real father?" Oyku asks, and repeats the question. "If you're not my father you shouldn't be taking care of me." "Of course I'm your father," Demir replies. "Then why did you take a test?" asks Oyku. Demir is stunned that she knows about this. "It's for the court," he tells her, and then asks how she knew. Oyku says she overheard him talking with Ugur. She asks him whether he'll be her father. He tells her it depends on the court. Asu may lie to try to get a favorable verdict. He adds, "I had to do it so I wouldn't lose you." Oyku asks yet again, "Are you my father or not? You promised not to lie to me." They stare at each other for a long time. Then Demir goes to get the envelope with the results.

Todo por mi hija - #41 - p 2 de 3

Demir brings the unopened envelope. "What that?" Oyku asks. "The results of the test." "What does it say?" asks Oyku. "I don't know," reples Demir. "I couldn't look." He pauses for a moment and then says, "It was a dumb idea. I've been doing a lot of thinking. You taught me to be a father and a better person. Above all, you taught me I was capable of love." [My eyes are tearing up as I write this.] He continues, "I'm not used to trusting people, or loving. Sometimes I forget what you taught me." He rips up the envelope with the test results. "I don't care," he announces. "I'm your father. Neither the test nor Asu nor Cemal nor the court can change that. You are my daughter, and you'll be so forever. I'll never give you up." The two of them hug. Demir goes to throw away the little pieces of paper he tore up. He hesitates, then goes outside and drops them in a larger garbage receptacle.

Demir then calls Ugur, who is eager to know the test results. "Oyku is my daughter," Demir declares. "I knew it!" exclaims Ugur. "The two of you are so similar!" Mufide hears Ugur speaking loudly and asks what he's talking about. Ugur claims it's about business, and he goes into a fast explanation designed to confuse Mufide. He succeeds. She then tells him that she has a new young woman to introduce him to. She then tells him that Candan came to visit her today. Mufide tells him they talked about Demir and Oyku, and then she showed Candan a photo of Ugur. Ugur is stunned.

Meanwhile, Candan is at her new house,unpacking and having a fit. She's throwing things on the floor. She comes upon a drawing that Oyku had made for her. Candan cries and crumples it. Then she uncrumples it and puts it carefully away. She continues to cry, and then she goes out.

Ugur calls Demir, wanting to tell him about his mother showing his photo to Candan. But the call is interrupted by a knock at Demir's door. It's a furious Candan. Her first words to him are "You're a thief, right? Everything was a lie." "I can explain," says Demir. Candan continues, "You lied with no remorse. I trusted you. Have you no shame? Say something!" Oyku comes out of her room, greets Candan, and asks why the two of them were shouting. Candan mumbles something about a problem at work. Demir tells Oyku to say goodnight to Candan and go to bed. After Oyku has returned to her room, Candan tells Demir, "We'll talk about this after Oyku is at school. This conversation is not over!"

The next morning, Demir comes into Oyku's room to get her up for school and sees her sewing a sock. He says he'll do it. Oyku points out that he doesn't know how to sew and she does. Her aunt taught her. He says they can buy new socks, but Oyku points out that they don't have much money. Demir goes back to insisting that he can sew the sock, so Oyku hands it to him. He quickly sews it, but Oyku is not pleased with the results. Demir assures her that no one will see it inside her shoe.

The lawyer calls Demir. The next hearing will be in a week. Demir should come to the lawyer's office and bring Oyku so they can prep her for the hearing. Demir doesn't want Oyku to get involved at this point, so he'll come to the lawyer's office by himself. The lawyer also asks about payment--it's late. Demir claims he forgot and told the lawyer he'll take care of it, not to worry. The lawyer tells Demir he'll be in his office all day. Demir should come when he can.

Todo por mi hija - #41 - p 3 de 3

When Demir gets off the phone, Oyku wants to know what the lawyer said. It's about the case. It's soon. How soon? In a week. Oyku seems somewhat taken aback that it's so soon. Demir tells her that he'll be with her, that the judge will want to ask her some questions. She shouldn't worry. Oyku assures him, "I know what to tell the judge."

Mufide has arranged for a young woman named Umram to come by. [So perhaps this was the woman Mufide had in mind for Ugur when she spoke with him earlier in the episode.] Umram appears with her mother. Ugur greets them and says he has to go to work. Mufide asks why he has to go to work, since he's the boss. Ugur says a quick "Nice meeting you, adios," and he leaves. Mufide tells Umram that Ugur is very shy.

Demir takes Oyku to school. As she's going up the steps, Demir tells her not to go so fast. She stops, comes back down the steps, and says, "Papa, I'm not sick any more. I've been taking the medicine. I fainted at the play because I was tired."

After Oyku leaves, Demir gets a call from Asu. She asks to speak with Oyku. When Demir informs her Oyku is in school, Asu asks Demir about the charity event. She had promised Oyku she'd come and bring something, and she was wondering what to buy. "It was yesterday," Demir informs Asu. Asu hangs up and then says, "Dammit, Asu, you've done it again."

Ugur goes to Candan's clinic. She's on the phone, but when she sees Ugur she hangs up, stunned to see him. And Viewerville will have to wait until the next episode to see this interesting development.


Well, we knew Cemal would make sure Candan got her feathers flustered...and that she did. Her poor books saw the worst of it! I was relieved to see that she picked up Oyku's picture and stored it in a safe place. It's a good sign that Candan doesn't blame Oyku for anything. For a while I feared she might think that Oyku was in on the fraud.

Oh, Juanita, I could not help but shed some tears when Demir opened himself up to Oyku and tore up the envelope. My eyes teared up just reading it in your recap. I'm not so sure it was a good idea that he threw away the torn up envelop; what if the results confirmed that he is truly the father; it would have helped in the custody fight in case Asu claims he isn't the father!

Can't wait to hear what Oyku will tell the judge. I'm betting that Asu leaving her alone at night to go drinking will come up..crossing my fingers!

I was glad to see Candan go confront Demir. Now if only Demir does as good a job of opening up and being honest, not only about his past, but his feelings for her.

And oh, gawd, I hope Ugur doesn't mess things up more!! I'm afraid to even think about the stupid things he could tell Candan. TN gods, please let this be one of his brighter moments!


Another fine recap, Juanita!

Well, I get why Demir did what he did, but I personally wanted to know if he was the bio dad! And, Rgv Chick, I hadn't thought about Asu claiming he was not Oyku's father in court. But, OTOH, if she did that, the judge might order a test.

I'm glad Oyku's attitude toward her father is over. The little girl playing the role surely says a lot with her facial expressions, even when she has no lines.

As for Cemal, I again hope these Turkish writers are up to the task of punishing him like he'd be punished in the ones written in the U.S. or Mexico.


Thanks very much, Rgv Chick and novelera, for your excellent comments.
Rgv Chick, I too wondered whether Candan would think that Oyku was in on the deception from the start. Certainly Oyku's approaching Candan in the restaurant could easily be seen as a scam. Especially now that Candan realizes how profoundly Demir has deceived her. But, as you say, her uncrumpling the picture Oyku drew and putting it in a safe place strongly suggests that Candan's feelings for Oyku remain very strong, and she isn't thinking that Oyku too is deceiving her.

novelera, I too wish that Demir hadn't torn up the DNA results. I'm hoping he still has the crumpled note that Asu's father slipped to Oyku in the hospital. And yes, the judge might order a DNA test, but I'm sure we've both seen telenovelas where the bad guy either alters the report or pays for a phony report. I don't think I could handle that sort of thing right now.


Beautiful recap, Juanita. Thanks so much. Great comments by everyone.

These confessional scenes between Oyku and Demir are amazing.

The DNA test! I was shouting at Demir, open it, open it! Very frustrating but I think the writers want to drive home the fact that the emotional bond between Demir and Oyku is unbreakable and has nothing to do with DNA. I still think they are setting us up for a Oyku-Demir separation of some sort.

Yes, the court could order a paternity test and yes, Cemal could find a way to tamper with it. But I can better picture him doing something despicable to influence the custody battle. I could see him threatening Demir with harming Oyku or threatening Oyku with harming Demir.

I am hoping that the admirable Ugur shows up tonight and gives Candan a reason to forgive Demir.

I can do a recap tonight but it probably won’t be up until tomorrow late morning.



Thanks very much, dondi356. I think you're right about the point of Demir's not opening the envelope. What he has come to feel for Oyku has very little to do with whether or not he's her biological father. But I hope you're not right about our being set up for a possible separation. Alas, the vast majority of your predictions turn out to be on target; I'm just hoping that won't be the case this time.

I'm very happy that you're willing to do a recap tonight. You needn't feel any hesitation about getting it posted tomorrow "late morning." I think you're on the East Coast, and for me, here on the West Coast, your late morning is my 8 or 9 am! A great time to read your recap and drink my morning coffee!


Oh my goodness, I was rereading the comments and just noticed I didn’t thank you, Juanita. I was so anxious to comment on what I was reading that it just slipped my mind. A BIG thank you for such an excellent recap that caught so many details that I overlooked.

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