Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Imperio de Mentiras 12/22/20, #61: The Big Cheese, The Big Squeeze, And A Chatty Sleaze Or Two

At the prison, Elisa's benefactor during her prison stay, she learns,  is none other than Christina, who reminds El that their deal is she keeps her distance from Leonardo, his family and his friends and then Chrissie Baby sees that Leo keeps his job, his reputation and no doubt his sheets warm.  Above all she's not to mention to anyone that Leo helped her to hide from the law.  El tells Chrissy not to let the door hit her where the good lord split her and if she never sees her again it would be too soon.  Chrissy just snickers "--See ya soon." and struts her stuff back the way she came.

In the barrio, Nieves begs Clara not to leave with Renata Cantu and Sofia.  Clara tells Mama to back off but in much richer terms.  As Ren's car pulls out, Jose Luis's car pulls in.  Nieves explains that  Poor LIttle Rich Girl Ren is El's sister, who just took Sonia,  who was there to speak to Leo to make a formal statement about someone who had hurt her; Ren has rushed the woman off to her house after learning that Sonia's preggers with Ren's dead hubby's baby. (Now that's a telenovela plotline!) 

At the Serrano Seat of Power, Victoria, having heard Eugenio's half-truths and he made-me-do-it's, has a heavy decision to make.  Ewwy wants an answer.  Does she stay or not?  She knows all about him now and they are just too old to play lovers' games.  Either she stays or they go their separate ways.  At the last second Madam Mule makes up her mind to stay.  There's one caveat however:  no more lies and half-truths.  She doesn't want to make another mistake like she did marrying Augusto.  She thought he was powerful and ruled half the world. including Ewwy.  But, she sees that she was wrong.  No, Auggie was only one more of Ewwy's puppets.  She's now got the man of her dreams and that's Ewwy.

JL, Ewwy's hound dog, races over to give him the news that he's learned that Sonia is with Renutty, saying she was ready to give a statement to Leo about someone who had hurt her.  "--Know anyone it might be?"  

Nieves, never one not to want to share, races to Sarah's to give Leo the news about Sofia and Renutty yowling like cats and dogs till Ren realized the woman was knocked up and expecting her dead hubby's kid.  Leo was surprised to hear that Sonia had a bun in the oven.   

Ewwy says there's nothing to do at this point.  He knows how to keep her under control.  JL says this could become problematic if Leo gets word of the details.  Ewwy says it's not his problem.  Get over to the prison and get Dario under control.  Find out who has come to visit him and what he's been telling them.  And, BTW, what's the news about Elisa?  "--She's in prison."  "--QTH?"  "--And why wasn't I told about this?"  JL relays there was no time and it even took Leo by surprise.  She turned herself in..  "--You tell Dario to retract his accusations immediately!  He should get the message for once!!"  

Vicki runs into JL as he's leaving Serrano and immediately wants to know if he's there to arrest her.  "--Take it easy, Ma'am.  I'm not here to arrest anyone."  He saunters out the front door.  She races into the living room and asks Ewwy why the officer was there.  "--Elisa turned herself in to the police."  Vicki is beside herself--not an easy feat,  After a couple of no puede ser's Ewwy reminds her that her daughter turned herself in.  "--Not good enough! I don't care who you have to speak to nor who you have to bribe but you get Elisa out of that jail!"

Over at los Can't-do, Ren determines to do the unthinkable -- she's decided to help the woman that the love of her life knocked up.  Leo shows up at the house a bit later.  Ren sends Clara upstairs to hide Sonia and keep her ignorant of Leo's arrival.  

Leo informs Ren that her sister went on her own to turn herself in-- which she has done in spades.  Ren, clear thinker that she is, determines through intellectual deduction that Leo has only ever wanted her sister behind bars and now he's done it.  So, discussion over!  She races up to her room to hide her head in the sand.  Leo's not done and says he's not leaving till she comes back down and finishes the discussion.  Eventually she returns and is curious enough to continue.

Over at Dario's mama's, both Majo and Mama are pleased with the result of their visit to the prison.  Dario, says Mama, will retract his statement, not because of her but because he's stuck in Park with Majo.  Mama Piedad advises Majo to give Dario a chance to make good, but if he doesn't, then just leave him.  Her life will be miserable otherwise.  

Back with Leo and Ren, El, he tells her is in prison because she refused to recognize or do anything about the illicit art situation.  Now she's paying the consequences.  However, the creep who got her there is Eugenio Serrano!  He's also the one responsible for Marcelo's pushing up daisies--and for that there is a witness.  And, when Ewwy learned about Sonia and Marc's affair he stuck her (preggers--the one time the female of the species becomes a vacuum for food) on a yacht in the middle of the ocean, handcuffed, and left to die of starvation.  He knows Sonia's in the house and he's got to speak to her and to take her to make her statement.  

El, listening to the rambunctious fellow inmates I believe, thinks back to what Chrissie demanded of her. 

At the hospital, JL and Theresa decide to become friends and try recuperating whatever there might have been between them for Leslie's sake.  FF>>FF>>  They take Lelie home and have a little celebration.  FF>>FF>>,

Leo does speak to Sonia, gets her confirmation that he's the leader of the art trafficking gang and that he's responsible for Marc's death not to mention leaving her to die of starvation.

Fabricio and Ewwy discuss their current situation and Ewwy's plans for the next step or two.  Papi plans to buy off a judge to get El freed.  Fab is definitely NOT comfortable with the direction of this conversation.  "--Welcome to the real world, son."  Fab just needs to go to visit El tomorrow and make her think they're actually moving Heaven and Earth to get her out.  They need her out to keep from losing his investment.  All for money?  "--That's what makes the world go round, sonny boy."  Ewwy pulls out the big guns.  "--You're my only heir. If it turns out this kid is your son then get the kid away from her.  He cannot grow up with that woman." 

Sonia wants free of unstable Renutty and wants her baby in a safe place.  She will give her statement because Ewwy is a monster who needs to be locked away.

Majo arrives back at the manse and informs Ren that Sra. Piedad spoke to Dario and he agreed to withdraw his statement.  Ren doubts it; Dario's been so trustworthy up to now, crimina that he is.....  Leo appears from upstairs and Majo demands to know why.  Sonia is giving her statement to the police about Tio Eugenio.  He'll be coming by tomorrow morning to drive her over to the police station.  Majo informs Leo of Dario's promise to withdraw his statement.  "--Ojala!"  (Yeah, they;ve heard it all before--and so have we.)

The next morning Ewwy gives Vicki the further bad news that Ren has taken in Sonia and is keeping her at the manse.  Sonia plans on testifying about the bidnez.  She knows too much.  It'll be a big headache for both of them if she does.  Why?  Because now Victoria (with her heart of stone) is his accomplice in all this.  

Back at the manse, Ren and Sonia have a candid heart to heart.  Ren knows Marc never loved her back in the same way she loved him.  That's why he sought out Sonia to get what he needed.  All poor Ren wanted was to have his child.  Oh well.  Sonia says she's sorry and never wanted to hurt her.  The night Ren was waiting on him in their new apartment, Sonia tells her she and Marc were about to run away together.  

While Fernanda is falling to pieces over the death and loss of her mother. Fab takes Juanito to get the DNA test.  

At the manse, Majo and Ren are making plans for the day once Leo arrives.  It just dawns on Majo that what Sonia has to say in her statement means that their "Uncle" is really bad news.  No, duh, says Ren and remarks that he deserves whatever he gets.  However, just as they get ready to leave, Mama shows up and wants to play cat versus mouse with Sonia.  Majo and Ren form a human chain, tell Mama what they truly think of her, which isn't much and what there is is rotten.  They manage to keep Mama at bay.  Leo's coming for Sonia soon to give her statement at the Fiscalia against Eugenio.  Funny how Vicki doesn't bat an eye when she hears what her fiance had done to his ex and Marc.  Ren notes it shouldn't surprise her that Ewwy is a murderer considering they murdered her unborn child.  

Back at Fern's, Fab is afraid to look at the test results so Fern does it for him.  It's all there.  She was not lying.  Now Fab is sorrier that ever.  

Vicki gives up and races off to give Ewwy the run down on Slutty Sonia's decision to make a statement to the police against him.  

Later that day Fab does as Papi wanted.  He tells Elisa about how hard they're working to get her out of jail. She accepts it without question.

Ewwy makes a angry call to JL to stop his brother from getting Sonia to the fiscalia to give her statement against him.  Too late, Sonia, Adriana and Leo are chatting it up on her way to give that statement.

Across town, Fern gets a knock at the door.  It is The Spurned Long Suffering Wife.  Vicki "comes in peace" and then lets Fernanda. have it right across the choppers.  "--I opened the doors of my house to you while you were screwing my husband!  You will return every cent to me and then I'm leaving you to wallow in the street." 



I think I'm confused about what Fabricio is up to? Is he on his father's side or against him?

Thank you so much for this fabulous recap, Jardinera! It's your typical clever and succinct snark. Muchas gracias.

I was heartened by Dario's red face and shamed tears when his mom ripped him a new one in yesterday's episode. I don't think he's going to survive until the end, or if he does, it'll be in the carcel. I wanted to root for him at the beginning, and if it turns out he didn't kill that nurse (or any other innocent) there is a glimmer of hope for him. I hope for him just for his mom's sake. But as of now I consider him a lost cause.

Same with Fernanda. I felt sorry for her with the loss of her mom, and I feel she is sincerely grieving, but I don't know how she can come out clean in all this. She has been so cold-hearted for so long.

Let's hope Mauricio is still going to be in the picture. He's a sweetie, a perfect flawed galán for Renata.

What was the point of Dario implicating Eliza anyway?

Victoria: Fabricio is on Creepy Eugenio's side obviously. Big question is whether Creepy Eugenio wants Fernanda killed too ?

Plus Sonia still will NOT be among the living.

Jardinera, you always weave a fine yarn. The title was excellent and there were so many great lines and comments with "Madam Mule" being my favorite.

"Leo was surprised to hear that Sonia had a bun in the oven". Rather inconceivable that the galan is the last to know. "Leo's coming for Sonia soon" had me stymied further. He LEFT Sonia there rather than taking her with him right away? Oh sorry, yes, Majo, Renata and Clara could easily have fended off Ewww and/or his goons should they have miraculously appeared. That said, I was surprised Vicky didn't just overpower tiny Majo and Clara and make her way up the stairs to torture Sonia further.

"Mama Piedad advises Majo to give Dario a chance to make good, but if he doesn't, then just leave him. Her life will be miserable otherwise". Yes, mama can be fairly fierce, she certainly brought Dario to heel. And Elvira, I agree with you, Dario may not have murdered anyone himself but I fear any prospect of a "normal" life is now far out of reach.

Renata's heart continues to beat soundly and kindly.

Where is Mauricio?

Jardinera, thank you so much.


Thanks Jardinera, Looooved 'hit ya where the Good Lord slit ya." have not heard that in years. Funny 'cap all around.

Victoria. Fab seems to be helping Ewww primarily because he is sort of being forced into it. His heart is not really in it, but he still carries the torch for worthless Elisa and wants her out of jail. Dario implicated El as revenge on Leo for nabbing him in the first place.

Diana, it was actually MoJo and Ren blocking the stairs. MoJo looks to be in excellent shape, and is not really scrawny, and Ren is as tall as Vi-Bitch, and cray cray enough to be thoroughly dangerous still. My money was on the girls. Sometimes youth does have an advantage. I was wishing for a genuine rumble started by a trademark Vic slap.

Kirby, thank you - yes, it was Renata not Clara helping MoJo guard their guest.

Bitter, bulky Vicky might have tried to bully her way through, but you are right, youth and fitness were a definite advantage.

And appreciate your pointing out that there was no resounding slap here. Vicky was vanquished (albeit temporarily) without her trademark violent slap :)


OT: Is it just me, or do those people in the super duper mask commercials look like they are putting on half of a bra?

Yes, I was really hoping for a slap-a-rama with Vic-ious and Ren.

She is about the same frame size, though slimmer, as Vic and I just think there are a hundred pent up slaps in there somewhere she needs to return to Mommie Dearest. All that hair is a disadvantage, as it is something to grab onto, and we never see it up out of harm's way.

Vicky Vicious never ceases to amaze, as she finds out more and more dirt on her Mr. Wonderful Ewww and takes it all in stride. "You had him killed? But he left a cigarette butt in your lawn, right?"

And I hopeo these writers are not holding their breath waiting for big Crocodile tears from the patio as more of these reprobates get their just rewards.

I was NOT crying along with FerNasty at the funeral. I felt a sense of relief for her dear Mom, her ordeal is finally ended. But truthfully the nice TN families treat their domestic help far better than Fer treated her Mom. Was she crying because her free housekeeper and babysitter / kid hider was gone?

So Vic-ious tries to slap FerNasty into episode eighty for her affair with her husband, and three breaths ago told Eww that she was FINALLY with the she had always wanted to be with? Cray cray too.

Good morning , all. I am about to read the recap, but i akways read the comments first and wanted to say that they were rollicking comments.

Icky really puts her all into those slaps . She is dressed to tbe nines and ready to rumble. I have to agree that Ren and Mojo could have kept Icky from storming the stairs to the tower where Sonia is hiding . I have two daughters and know tbat they woukd win in a fair fight. One is about my size and ther other is about 2-3 inches taller. Well, I have no plans to test it out anytime soon .

Icky has a massively p***** look on her face all the time now. Leo's perpetual look says sheer panic . Eliesa looks like she wants to evaporate. Fab's says, " wait? What? " Fern's = "Grrrr" Crazycriss = Crazy JL = " I'm bad..I'm good..I'n bad ...and so on Tere = "Where am I?" Sara = " I made a cake . Do you want coffee with your cake?

Hi all! Thanks for dropping in today. Busy week so spent time like forever wrapping this up. Love Susanlynn’s characterizations🤐

Being unfaithful seems the lesser of the many more terrible crimes committed here.

I think Sonia has suffered enough and deserves to live. That means she likely won't.

I also have no sympathy for Fernanda. Any humanity she is finally feeling or honestly experiencing is too late.

I doubt JL will survive and if Dario does, he'll be locked away without a key.

I still say Fab and Mojo ending up together might be a possibility after all. I have a 0% track record with my predictions, so why stop now.


I TA with Kirby. No pity from this corner of Viewrville, either. Victoria: no idea, and I fear he doesn’t either. Pie dad should have done it ages ago. Steve: remains to be seen. 🤐

Thanks Jardinera for the excellent recap.
The entire time Fernanda was cying out at the funeral for her mom to forgive her, I kept remembering an early episode where Fernanda accused her mom of pimping her out, especially in regard to Augusto. I remember Fernanda accusing her mom of obligating her to become Augusto’s lover. Another loose end.

Yup. Wonderied about that also. Guilting Mama for her bad choices

Jardinera, your recap deserves a five star rating. I always enjoy your snark :-)

In regards to Fabripoodle, I think he's on the fence with no clue yet as which side to go to. Ultimately, I think he's out for what's best for him; he's an amateur trying to play with high-stakes rollers and he may just lose everything, maybe even his life???, if he doesn't make up his mind. He's very cold when it coms to Fern and I certainly don't blame him, but the cold-hearted iceman role for him is hard for me to accept.

IMO, Dar implicated Eliesa because he thinks she was responsible for him getting caught...and also because, if he implicates his father, Ewww will kill him.

I really enjoyed watching Ren and Majo stand up against Vic. A slap or two would have been nice, but it was enough that Vic now knows that her daughters are against her--that probably hurts her more.


It seems that throughout this entire show, Dario gets some kind of sick pleasure out of intimidating and playing cat and mouse with everybody . He says he wants revenge on Eww for what he did to his mother ,but Dario seems to enjoy threatening people. He always has that nasty, creepy smirk on his face . I think that he has now gone off the deep end. I don't see any redemption for him now . I never saw him outlining a revenge plan against dear ,old, evil Dad.

Sara....I could use a cup OF coffee and some of your cake right now...this show has been exhausting to watch.... Not to mention 2020 in general. Cake, please. Let us eat cake.

I just had a thought...Dad + evil = Devil

Thank you, Jardinera, great recap ! I completely agree with you and Kirby, I don't feel pity for Fer or Dario, but I do hope that Sonia is somehow alive when all is said and done.

So now Vick has gone into maddness territory completely? She's 100% un agreement with all of Eww's half truths- like when he said he tried to save Majo from Dario... I wonder when she does find out the truth, will she even care anymore?

Susanlynn, love your description of the characters. I'd like some cake, too, if you don't mind sharing.

We all agree that in a fight between Vic and her daughters, she would end up losing. How about one between Dario and Eww, no goons around ? I would love it for Eww to get a good beating one of these days, preferably from Dario, while Sonia watches.
JL and Leo fight? Leo, maybe, because he's younger ?

Color me confused ! Leo didn't know Sonia was pregnant? Isn't everyone aware of this ? I mean, Elisa has to know, right, and she was hiding it from Ren to avoid another crisis...I'm lost....

Thanks, Jardinera! Super fun!

My faves:

- Christina...reminds El that their deal is she keeps her distance from Leonardo, his family and his friends and then Chrissie Baby sees that Leo keeps his job, his reputation and no doubt his sheets warm.

- Dario...stuck in park with Majo

- Now Fab is sorrier than ever.

And yes, let us light a candle for those sorry creatures we may never see again...Mauricio, El Pinqui, and the little Aztec surprise-kitty that caused all the trouble.

BTW, my sched says no Imperio this Thursday or Friday. Don't know yet about next week.

Ooo Adriana, Leo for sure. Remember how easily he beat big tough Scario Dario like a rented mule? I said at the time if he ..s like he fights, no wonder El (and Criscrazy) luuuuuuve him.

Blue Lass, my schedule matches yours PLUS Dec. 31st!

Thank you Jardinera for the recap. Thought that Mayo and Ren did a great job in preventing Icky-Vicky from going upstairs to confront Sonia. Apparently the writers allow only one slap by Vicky per episode and this time it was Fernanda's turn.
As for Sonia's fate, well I think the writers have it in for her. Perhaps only the baby will survive - with Renata waiting in the wings to take care of child of her dead husband. Scary.

I am eager to see who does what to whom tonight.

Well, what a jolly good recap. The episode was very telling.

Ewwgy is a good liar. Does vic-iky
Mcevil really believe this man after finding out he is such an
Evil lying murderer? She thought augy ruled the world & ewgy but it
Was the other way around. Is she
Aware that this troll is probly the
One that killed the father of her
Dazed and Confused children? Sure she is, but hes a cash cow that's all she cares about. I don't think shes capable of loving any man just as long as he gives her money & the power she Craves.
Now ren and majo knows what an ass
Tio ewwgy-troll is, when is elisa gonna get a clue?
When are the good guys gonna start to get some scoring? They are just
Falling flat.
It's like each night its more of the same. Mopping back and forth over n over again.

That slap was almost feelable through the pixels. That actress playing vicious-vicky is really good at being a bitch. That charact
-er is really mean. I can't see her being a loving mother holding a sweet baby in her arms. But then pinching the baby's nose until she
Dies, yeah I can see her doing that she's just that evil.

I can't stand cris. I want her to
Disappear. Before 2021. She wants
Her to stay away from leo and his family. And not tell anyone that he
Kept her from being arrested for something? What did she do to put a
Noose like that around Leo neck?
And he probly sorry he protected her. Sick bitch.

No I think adri just got screwed over by telling herself she was in love with that big ox. I really can
Not see her with mario, but he is better than jlower. O my gosh make it stop.

Jardinera654 thanks for a better look at this episode. The view is always better when you know what is being said.

Thank you and Merry Christmas!


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