Thursday, December 24, 2020

Imperio de mentiras, #62, Wednesday 23/12/20 Confession Interruptus... more than once

 Cristina goes to Elisa’s cell again, to remind her that she will help her get out of jail, if she stays away from Leo. Elisa thinks she’s ridiculous, but Cristina is serious and she has the power to do it. Think about it, or else!!

They are interrupted by Leo who comes for a visit. Elisa called him to let him know what Cristina is planning. Cristina thinks Elisa is acting stupid, she will get them both in jail.

Leo is waiting for Elisa, who doesn’t accept the visit, after all, the prison guard tells him she never wants to talk to him again. Leo doesn’t get why she called him then, but he's thrown out.

Cristina mocks Elisa, congratulates her for the shinny new lawyer that she has, then leaves. Elisa calls Fab, asking to know who hired her lawyer. She wants to see him.

JL storms into the office searching for Adriana. She is with Sonia, who is starting to testify against the man who harmed her: kidnapping, trying to kill her, the yacht debacle. When she is about to say the name, JL barges in. Sonia gets spooked, remembering the day he saw him at Eww's house. She starts shivering, JL wants to take her to see a doctor. Adriana explains he’s the Chief, Sonia almost says that she knows him. JL covers saying that he is Leo’s brother. Sonia remembers that she can only trust Leo and wants to talk to him!

Fer tells Vick she never wanted to hurt the family, she cares about Elisa. She was forced to do it. Vick calls her a luxury escort and forbids her from approaching Eww. And she should keep Juanito away from them, too. Or else, she will destroy her!

Leo is not answering, Sonia says that she wants to leave. Adriana tells JL she doesn’t think Sonia will talk. They chat about Leslie, then JL is left alone with Sonia, so he can “calm her”. She looks terrified, she tells JL he’s working for Eww. He closes the door, and starts to threaten her not to open her mouth.

Ren and Majo visit Elisa in jail. She explains that she couldn’t keep running. Dario will change his declaration, she will be free in a few days. Elisa knew jail was coming, she was doing something illegal. Majo feels guilty. They all agree they would do anything for one another. Elisa is afraid that Dario will continue to hurt Majo. Majo thinks he has a good heart deep down.

Dario is changing his declaration about Elisa, but the lawyer warns him that this is putting him in big jeopardy, he could get up to 40 years for the kidnapping alone. Dario feels shaken, but doesn’t change his mind. Besides, he wants to see the judge tonight, or else his loved ones will suffer.

Teresa is not sure she will be able to stand what is going on. Sara reminds her that she has to, because Leslie needs comfort and someone to bring her hope. They can’t lose their faith, it’s the only thing they have. And Teresa has to fight for her daughter. Sara will stand by her, help her cry or scream as much as she needs. But Leslie needs to see a strong, united front.

Renata tells Elisa about Sonia. SHE didn’t know about the pregnancy, either. Elisa declares that she doesn’t want to see Sonia or Leo. Then she starts weaping.

Back at the police station, Leo thinks that maybe Elisa is not allowed to see people. Adriana will look into it. He wants to see Sonia, who is already gone. Leo is surprised, JL has taken her because she almost fainted during her declaration.

Majo tells Clara how bad it was to see Elisa in jail. Clara tries to comfort her, Majo admits that Dario’s love is hurting her. Dario calls just then to let her know that he’s changing his declaration. Gracias, te amo! I’ll do everything for you! Ditto! Clara leaves in disgust.

Fab gets a warm welcome from Elisa. He will do whatever it takes to get her out. She’s worried about mom and her sisters, because Dario’s boss could be after them now. Fab says Dario is the boss. Elisa asks about Sonia, he plays dumb. Being locked up has her thinking stuff, doubting, she wasn’t sure if to call him or not. What about Juanito, what will he do? Fab will be the best father he can be for the boy, but for now she’s his priority.

Vic wants to know what Augie has been doing with his accounts in the last two years, especially if he was giving any money to Fer. Alfonso has to look into it asap.

Ren is visiting Mau, who is looking better, but still talking crazy. He still loves her, so he says it several times because he doesn’t remember telling it to her. The guy is smooth, he whispers ‘I love you’, and manages to steal a kiss.

Ren tells him about Sonia, is surprised that Mauricio remembers her. They talk about the pregnancy, Ren is hurting, but she thinks her treatment is working because she can control herself. Mau would like to leave this place, too, but his family won’t let him. Mau is not aware that Estela is dead, Ren tells him. Mau starts crying, thinks she died because of him, because he sent her to Ren's home. He has a crisis, Ren has to call a nurse.

 Dario is being escorted to his hearing with the judge by an army of special forces black ops or something. Regardless, they’re stopped and Dario is kidnapped with the cops looking on, not moving a finger to intervene.

Fab comes to visit Juanito, who already know he’s his dad and would like to go have a walk with him. They leave without telling anything to Fer, who gets frantic looking for them. She goes out to look for them, calls Fab. She finds them back home, gets into a fight with Fab, who tells her he will spend time with the child, too.

Sonia calls Leo, tells him she felt bad, she went to the doctor’s with JL. She can’t go on, the whole thing is affecting the baby. Eww isn’t aware of where she is, she doesn’t want to risk anything anymore. She will look for him when she’s ready. Then she hangs up. Eww is standing right next to her! He asks JL to leave them alone, HE will take care of Sonia. She looks more scared than ever when JL leaves the car.

Alfonso discovers that Augie was paying Fer a monthly allowance and her apartment was on his name. Vic wants to throw her out, but there is more: Augie took out a 10 Mil. Dollars life insurance policy on Fernanda’s name. She never claimed the money, she must not be aware it exists.

Clara visits Leslie, they talk about her disease. Leslie doesn’t know how sick she truly is, but it even got her parents to stop talking about the divorce. She’s afraid to die. She can’t talk about it with her family, she’d like to keep going out, but she feels so tired all the time.

Eww is talking to someone on the phone, he's upset about something, asks “who helped her”. Fer arrives, says she’s sick of Fab, he wants to take Juanito. If Ew doesn’t stop him, she will tell Elisa everything, Majo’s kidnapping included. Eww looks startled, but he doesn't have the time to start threatening her, because Victoria arrives home. And she's not in a good mood. 

Leo gets reinstated as a cop and has a new mission. Dario has escaped, he needs to find him.

Fab is the one who “rescued” Dario. He tells him he can’t recant about Elisa, he prefers to see her locked up before seeing her free and in Leo’s arms. They drink to Dario’s freedom.


Adriana Noel,

"Confession Interruptus... more than once". Brilliant.

"Leo thinks that maybe Elisa is not allowed to see people". My dear man, are your brain cells functioning at all?

"She looks more scared than ever when JL leaves the car". As she should. We have no doubt Sonia is the writers favorite whipping girl. Her harrowing journey continues as we wonder how much more she will have to endure.

We need at least one miracle at Christmas. I vote for Leslie's recovery.

Reality being revealed rapidly is assaulting Vicky in her stone cold face and heart.

For a moment, Mauricio and Renata's kiss seemed sweet. And then, we see how truly troubled he is. Shattering to see.

"Fab says Dario is the boss". Ummm. Hardly. The ending was a surprise, and credit the writers for providing a little bit of a Michael Corleone reveal of the heir apparent.

Adriana Noel, your recaps are always a breath of fresh air - witty and wonderful.

As Christmas Eve draws near, I send my affection and gratitude to all the patio denizens. Thank you for making Caray, Caray a safe, secure and supportive haven. I pray for happiness for all...


Thank you, Diana, you're always so sweet and you have a nice word to say to everyone. Truth be told, I did this recap on the run, I'm spreading myself a little bit too thin these days. So I just stuck to the main events, you liking it is all the more important.

I hadn't thought of the whole "heir apparent" detail. For me it was just: "huh, wasn't Dario supposed to save Elisa in order to save Majo in order to save whatever is left of his poor soul? But a little nod of approval from Fab and they start breaking bread and drinking whiskey? What would momma say?

Adriana Noel

Adriana, you never disappoint, even when you are 'spread thin'. Thank you.

“The guy is smooth, he whispers ‘I love you’, and manages to steal a kiss. “ But then that smoothness quickly melts into a big puddle of cray cray.

“ Dario is being escorted to his hearing with the judge by an army of special forces black ops or something. Regardless, they’re stopped and Dario is kidnapped by BLM or Antifa with the cops looking on, not moving a finger to intervene. “

Fab and Fer need work on this co-parenting thing. Will Juan call them parents or just his 'Fs”?

Ooooo that ten Mill insurance scrambles things. Luuuurve to give it to Fer to annoy Vic-ious, but don't actually want Fer to have it either.

So FabraDoodle has Minions, is kidnapping people and drinking hard liquor now? I suppose he believes he has earned a Can'tDo wench?


Great work, Adriana and Jardinera for the previous episode.

Nobody outside of Eugenio's household has seen Sonia for a long time except for Victoria, who has had more than a few nasty words with her. None of her daughters knew that Sonia was pregnant and Leo hadn't seen her either; no charges of stupidity apply here.

Poor Mauricio. I am still of the opinion that his relatives (whom we haven't met and likely won't) did this to him to steal his a$$et$. I still also think that Renata's mental illness was initiated by Victoria and I'm waiting for proof. We should be seeing her shrink appointments.

I want all three Cantu sisters to bitchslap Christina until she offs herself.

Fabricio is getting higher on my shit list. When the hell are men going to realize that women are people with the right to their own choices? He needs to transport himself to that Star Trek episode and order an android version of Elisa from Harry Mudd because Elisa doesn't want him. As for the rest of his agenda, the jury is out as to whether he is falling in with Eugenio for real or whether he is going to use Dario to help him take him down.

Kirby, I know what you mean about Fer and Icky's war. I mean, I despise Fer but I double despise Icky. Hard choices, hard choices. To think that Elisa had to ask lovely tio for money to save the company while dad only cared about Fer. Sure, he knew that his family will be ok, but it stinks, right? I love it! Can the heirs nuit be informed about a life insurance, even if it's not in their name??

Urban, thank you for clarifying the whole Sonia pregnancy mystery - it's been so long since this stopped being news that it's étrange that it's only becoming common knowledge now.

I have to wonder how Fernanda ended yo with the life insurance benefits. Did Eugenio have anything to do with it in planning Augusto's demise? Will he try to steal it? Many more questions remain....

Maybe auggie didn't even know he had that insurance policy Fer had a lot of control in that company

How many times have we seen a man with 14 insurance policies on a wife who knew nothing about it?

Adriana, thank you so much for that detailed recap of all the Shenanigans this very busy time of year.

Wow, we got a few surprises in this episode . There's a life insurance policy that has Fern's name on it . Question, : wouldn't the person whose name is on a life insurance policy be notified when the estate is being settled ? How long ago did Augie die?

And Fab has now gone to the dark side , kidnapping big brother , and telling him not to change his testimony because he would rather have Eliesa in jail than with Leo. Ah yes, a sign of true love . "If I cannot have you, nobody can , especially not Leo, so I am fine with letting you sit in a grungy, dirty , creepy jail cell. "

I cannot believe that after being passed from one person to another, Sonia is back in Eww's slimy clutcbes.

...and Fern....Fab doesn't want her anymore , but he wants Juanito whom Fern has suddenly decided to want. Fern , you are between the devil and the deep,blue sea...a rock and a hard place...Icky and Ewwy.

So many grinches in this tale. Will any of their hearts grow three sizes before the finale?.....maybe Dario .

Merry Christmas Eve Day to all the patio peeps. ❤

Kirby....I think sometimes people don't know that their names are on insurance policies. Also,if Fern set up that policy, wouldn't she have run to cash it in asap?. Would the family be made aware of that policy and the name on it when Augie's estate was settled ? I know that it can take a year to settle an estate in the U.S. Wonder if it is the same in Mexico. I wonder how much time has passed since Angie was killed . How far along is Sonia ?

Adriana Noel, thanks for cranking it out a la vispera de la navidad! You are a trooper -- and you didn't miss a thing.

That ending was a total eff-with. I almost jumped out of my chair. Fab seems to be going all baby mafioso, trying it on for size...and Eugenio is NOT going to be pleased. (Where did he get the money to hire the thugs, though? I mean, they can't be the same ones that beat HIM up in the parking garage, can they? Where did I leave that stupid beanie...)

Poor, poor Mau...he IS the (indirect) cause of that poor nurse's death. How will he live with that?

Thank you Adriana Noel,this a good episode. Better recap tho.

Fabpoodle is very disappointing. I Thought he was getting big bro out so they could go after their troll of a sperm doner. He wants to keep
Elisa in the poky so she wont be with leo. I'm surprised he is not working with crazy cris. And dario, what the hell are you doing.
Hes already recanted his accusation
Against elisa. What the hell are these writers doing?

Why didnt fer cash in the large insurance policy? And run? Did she even know about it? Or maybe the troll found Out about it and stole it to keep her from findinng out about it? So many maybes and what the hell's and what its.

I like seeing mau act normal but he is stressed up his family won't let
Him out of the meat shop. They look
Noce together if only they could be
Clear of the scope they need to take. That and bad family members.
Of course he may have a normal fam-only, maybe. Fant say the same for the coocoo squad that is rens lovin family.

Jlower looked very troubled when he watched the troll drive off With sonia begging him to not leave her.
But he had to do what he was told cuz the troll got his hand up his butt cuz hes a puppet like all the others. His daughter is at death's door and he can do this to someone else. He deserves whatever is comin
Down on him. And I don't care. Tere
And leslie is better off without him.
Glad leo is back on the force. Hes
Gonna have to use his training to
Get the troll and everybody in that
Cesspool with him. And of that is
Including poodle and his big bro
Wipe them out.

The writers are being very sneaky with that twist involving poodle &
Dario. Before I knew what was said I was thinking even hoping they're gonna team up to get the troll. He
Got plan but what?

Merry Christmas yall. Enjoy the day and your family. Be careful.

Diana let's hope for two miracles for christmas, leslie recovers and
Sonia gets a break. Miracles happen
We can only hope.

Nina, you raised an excellent point. Maybe Ewwww knew or found out about the life insurance policy. I'm not sure how these things work. If the beneficiary (Fer) dies, who would the money go to, if anyone???

And yes, I should have mentioned Sonia as well as Leslie. Both need and deserve a miracle.

And yes, it is indeed Christmas - no better time for a miracle on earth.


Yeah when O read that he blamed himself for the nurse getting killed, the thought came to me it
Was Kinda his fault. Unintentional
Tho. He was tryin to look after his lady love with her being in that hell house with wicked vicious vic.

I Meant "dope", not scope.
And what "ifs" not its.

Diana, if Fer dies, the money should go to Juanito. And since he's a minor, it should be handled by his father, provided that he recognizes him. Therefor, the money ends up in the Serrano Clan.

I don't think Mau has anything to blame himself for, even if it's only human that he'd feel the worst, crazy or not. The only culpable here is Eww, as usual.

Adriana Noel

Thank you Adriana Noel! So, it would go to Juanito. I think and hope Fab will recognize him, but it appears this will end up being blood money regardless...

Oh, I completely agree Mauricio did not do anything wrong. But of course he is devastated as he has a heart. And a conscience. Neither of which Ewwww possesses.

Have a wonderful day with your family -



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