Thursday, December 03, 2020

Imperio de mentiras, #48, Wednesday, 12/02/20 "Suddenly Sharp and not a moment too soon"

 Fab asks Dario if Eww told him to kidnap Majo and get Elisa involved in money laundering. Dario mockingly congratulates his brother for being so sharp. Yes, this is the real world and their father is manipulating everyone that they know.

Fab realizes that all the money they have comes from dirty dealings. So what does Dario expect from him now, to turn evil, too? No, Dario wants his brother to use his new discovered hate in order to get his revenge. Fab asks details about his mother’s death. Dario knows that his mom was rich and didn’t truly know Eww at the beginning. By the time she realized his true nature, it was too late. She wanted to run away with Fab, but Eww locked her up. She became depressive and Ew watched her die slowly. Fab is shocked, how could he not know any of this, why didn’t his mom tell him what was going on? Dario bitterly explains that they were both going through the same thing, Piedad kept things hidden from him, too, but he realized the truth all the same. He saw the beatings, the screaming, he saw the monster in Eww. And once it was so bad, he had to take his mom to the hospital. That is when he promised himself that Eww will suffer just as much if not more.

Fab is still fighting the evidence, maybe his mother didn’t suffer the same abuse. Dario points out that Fab is only in denial, but he very well knows this is the truth, he’s just afraid to accept it. If he doesn’t have the courage to get his revenge, he better not stand in his way. He already has blood on his hands, he hopes Fab will do the same.

Never mind that this is a rewrite - at first we were told that Eww and Fab's mom had separated when he was a child. But instead of suggesting to bring their father down together, by using all the evidence that he surely must have on him after working for him for so long, Dario encourages his brother to become a criminal, too! I would actually feel bad for Dario if it weren't for his sadistic joy at hurting others, Majo included.

At the hotel Teresa is frantic, says that she has no clue what happened, she was in the bathroom. JL asks her to shut up, not say another word without a lawyer present. Then asks Adriana to interrogate her.

Teresa tries to explain to Adriana that she couldn’t have killed Reynaldo, he was her only friend, and he was helping her. Adriana reads her her rights. Tere insists to talk to Adriana woman to woman: JL is furious, he will never believe her. She and Rey were high school friends, they met by accident; she’d never cheated on JL before. Then she remembers Leslie, how will her daughter take all this information? She insists that she doesn’t know who got in the room, she was in the bathroom. Flashback to things happening exactly how Teresa is describing them: she went to the bathroom to take her clothes off (her shyness might have saved her life and condemned her to many years in prison). She heard a noise, came to the room, found Rey dead in bed and called the reception for an ambulance. Then found the gun and took it in her hands (WHY??) crying.

Adriana asks about Rey’s job and if he had enemies. Tere has no clue, they had better things to do when they met. She is handcuffed and begs Adriana one more time not to let her all alone with JL, he could kill her.

Fer is still with Elisa, explaining her half-truths and lies by omission. One lie led to another, then another, she did it all to be around important people, not be rejected, keep her job, and be Elisa’s friend. Elisa is supportive, she would have loved Fer regardless, and how could she lie all these years? Fer was afraid she was going to lose everything, but she ended up hurting her mother and her son. Elisa is like WTF!

Fer repeats that she was afraid she was going to lose her job, disappoint Elisa and Augusto. Her family is OK for now, living with her aunt (here come the lies again, she actually has an on off button for lying, this woman). Elisa thinks she should bring them back into her life, but Fer can’t do that right now. Elisa might not understand her, but can she forgive her and keep her secret? Elisa won’t judge her, she only wants to help, she loves Fer like a sister. And she’d like to meet her family whenever Fer is ready.

Elisa can understand lying, she herself was forced to lie. Fer starts pushing for information, she knows how to keep a secret, too. Elisa shares that Leo warned that she will end up in jail. Fer thinks Fab and Eww can help, but Elisa is afraid that not even they can do anything at this point. Poor Fer has gotten right back on her nasty manipulative horse: Leo is the only one who can save you, but he won’t do it, because he wants to destroy you and all your family. You can't trust him, you can only trust Fab. Elisa looks ... constipated at the thought.

Mauricio is happy to see Renata. Majo makes sure that Ren is glad, too, then she and the maid allow for the two friends to chat all alone in the garden. The maid promises Majo to keep Mau’s visit a secret from Victoria. Majo covers for Ren too, tells Icky that her sister is alone outside and needs her privacy.

In the garden, Mauricio confirms to Renata what she suspected all along: her baby had been removed from her womb and she went through a tubal ligation – her Fallopian tubes have been tied, so she can no longer have babies. (Side note to say that Mau doesn’t mention removal of her Fallopian tubes, a reverse operation is possible even if very dangerous – maybe someone else can elaborate on this, as I’m no expert). Renata is heartbroken and on the verge of another crisis. But Mau stops her from running screaming to the house, she needs to stay calm, or else they’ll lock her up again. Ren knows her mother did all this, Mau doesn’t disagree, but stresses that she needs to keep this to herself, if she wants to keep her freedom.

Eww shows up to visit, Ren and Mau hide from him  in the bushes. Ren knows that he was an accomplice. She’s crying, when Mau suggests she tell her sisters, she says that even they will consider her crazy if she told them all of this. Mau says that he has proof of the medical procedures, the nurse who told him took photos. Ren begs him to send her his proof, Mau will try to think of a way to do this. In the meantime, he has to get back to the manicomio or else they will realize he was gone. Renata thanks him for everything, Mau says his goodbye, but also mentions that he’s in love with her. This is probably not a good time, Ren has a lot on her mind. She is impressed with his declaration, doesn’t seem bothered by it. She ends up crying when he leaves, this has been a very hard day for Renata (and it’s not even over).  

Mario tells Leonardo about Teresa. Leo sees Teresa in handcuffs, he wants them removed, but Adriana can’t do that, she was found with the victim at the scene of the crime and she has been brought in for questioning. Teresa tells Leo that Rey was her lover, not her boss how she’d lied when they met the other day, but she swears she didn’t kill him. JL intervenes, asks Adriana to take her away. Leo warns Tere not to say anything without a lawyer and promises to help.

Fab arrives at the office, Fer wants to know where he has been. He screams that it’s none of her business and leaves, she follows him outside. Elisa sees the heated exchange. GO AFTER THEM!

Leo thinks this is all a mistake, but JL plays the perfect innocent husband who has been duped. He can’t get himself involved, she was found in a motel with her lover. She wanted to win one over him, now she will spend the rest of her life in jail. Leo reminds him that nothing has been proven, yet, JL shouldn't let jealousy get the better of him (as if!) JL wants Leo to stay out of it, he doesn’t know how to handle Leslie, either. What will his daughter and mother say when they hear how imbecil Teresa ruined everything without thinking of the consequences?

Leo gets permission to go to Tere’s interrogation. She’s with Adriana and Mario. He asks her to trust him, now that she’s given her statement, the police are checking for evidence in the room. She was there, how come she didn’t hear anything, was he in a fight with someone? Tere swears again that she’s innocent, JL shows up, the room gets icy cold all of a sudden. He says that Teresa needs a lawyer asap, and in the meantime she will be locked up in a cell, unable to talk to the outside world.

Adriana tells Leo that she knows Teresa is innocent, her declaration makes sense and they don’t have any physical evidence against her (for now). But JL has already convicted her. How does Leo plan to tell Leslie?

Later on Adriana tells JL that she believes Teresa but she doesn’t understand how she didn’t hear anything. And they’re still looking for the murder weapon. (Did Tere hide it after she found it and TOUCHED it like an idiot?) JL still thinks Tere is guilty and doesn’t want her anywhere near Leslie!

Leslie has been trying to reach her mom, but there is no answer. She shares her worry with Sara, Teresa was supposed to go see a lawyer but she hasn’t answered any of her calls. Clara comes to visit, wants to help Leslie with her self inflicted bruises. Leslie refuses to share any more private details about her life until Clara tells her who she’s in love with. After some hesitation Clara says that she’s in love with Majo.

Eww is visiting with Icky, thinks they should move in together. Icky doesn't think it's a great idea. Renata shows up, seeing what she just found out just now she deserves a big round of applause for keeping her cool when she sees them together on the couch. She asks them what up, what are their plans. Icky is very aggressive, asks Ren if she’s taken her pills, Ren promises not to kill them (hehe). Eww says nothing is going on, he loves Ren so much. Ren loves him, too, she gives him a very demonstrative hug, then warns they shouldn’t be doing this because mom could get jealous. Shouldn’t they all sit down and talk, she and her sisters deserve to know their plans for the future, right?

Fer has followed Fab in the parking lot, she demands to be acknowledged. He’s busy, he has a lot of problems. And he owes her no explanation since she’s the type of woman who would sleep with just about anybody. Fab drives off, Fer looks worried, but that is nothing compared to her face when she sees Elisa. Smart cookie that she is for once, our Elisa Dolittle followed them and witnessed the whole exchange. For my silly brain nothing too revealing was said, but Elisa Suddenly Sharp figures out the whole thing instantly. She points out to Fer that she forgot to mention part of her secrets. How can she push her in Fab’s arms while she’s sleeping with him, too? What kind of a person does that? Who is she? She doesn’t allow Fer the time to lie her way out of this, she’s done trusting her.

Talking to Mario, Adriana says that JL should not get involved. There is still no physical evidence tying Teresa to the murder (did she mention gun powder?). Mario asks about the victim’s family and Adriana mentions his name. Mario has a flash of recognition, but won’t tell Adriana what it is. Dude, TELL HER! Adriana gets upset, reminds him they have to stick together. Just then they get news that the murder weapon has been found.

Eww is still with Icky, insisting they tell the girls the truth, since they all suspect something anyway. Icky doesn’t want to do this, she feels ashamed, she’s their mother after all (OMG, this woman!) Elisa shows up, asks if they’ll be present for the gallery expo tonight. Majo and Ren come down the stairs, Ren says they should talk about what is going on. Icky gets very defensive, starts to scream at Ren about taking her pills, at Elisa about talking with Ren's new doctor. She’s acting like a cornered little mouse. I love it.

Renata suggests that their mother will go live with tio. Icky cries that this is humiliating and she won’t allow Ren’s delirium anymore. Eww intervenes to defend Icky’s honor by saying that their relationship is serious, since she’s a lady (and he’s a two timing tramp). Ren screams victoriously that she knew it, Icky forbids them to judge her, Majo is disappointed by all the denial and her mother never taking responsibility for anything. Eww concludes it all with saying that he’s asked Icky to marry him. Elisa is sad impactada by all the lying.

Fab is at his father’s house, frantically searching for something is his office desk. Sonia shows up, asks if he needs any help. He’s dismissive. LISTEN TO HER! Sonia won’t give up, she sees Fab handling some files and tells him that if he’s looking for something of his father’s, she might be able to help. She easily removes a false bottom drawer to reveal a secret compartment and show Fab nicely stacked Cantu logo files. Eww didn’t even have a lock on that drawer, the guy is really cocky.

JL visits Teresa to her jail cell. How does it feel knowing that she will spend the rest of her life in jail? Wouldn’t it have been better to just stay home like he said so? But, no, she needed a galan. Was she thinking of him when she was sleeping with that guy? Why did she kill him? Tere is afraid, swears that she didn’t do anything, but JL says that they have evidence against her. She’s all alone, and he won’t lift a finger to help.

Leo arrives home and does what JL should have done: tell Leslie and his mother about Teresa being in jail. It’s not shown if he shares the details of Tere being with her lover, but Leslie is sure that her mother is innocent. Just then Adriana calls Leo to tell him the gun was found and Tere’s fingerprints are all over it.


(Our)Adrianaaaaaaaa. Tank you merry mucho.

So FerNasty goes from whites, pinks and creams to a funeral droolotte but with hooker red shoes as she prepares to start damage control when the wheels begin to come off her scam of a life.

She visits E-lies-a first to 'fess up just enough of what she is afraid is certain to appear and conk Blondie over the head.. So she must have salt on her fingers for a few big fake tears and admits that her Mom is (for a while) actually alive, and she has a son too.

She fails to mention that she is boinking Fab, that she WAS boinking E-lies-a's Daddy, nor that she is in on the other criminal activity with Blondie as a victim. Who was it here who was beginning to feel sorry for her? Don't. Wanted to be E-lies-a's friend? She hates Eliesa. THEN has the gall to ask Eliesa to keep it hush hush.

Girl Love? If you are not going to show us some skin, I'm not interested. But if you two are going to make a video, send a copy to kirby@ kj.................. just kidding. I suppose it is not the first time a gal fell for her boss. But I fail to see how following Majo around and being treated like a dust mop makes a girl fall for Majo. I'll never understand young girls. Leslie shirt says 'Out of Curiosity'. These English shirts in TNs always amuse me.

The Grand Awakening continues for Fab. He was initially introduced as being a whiz at something, financial, I think. If in fact there is some horsepower upstairs, now is the time to slip it into gear and hit the gas.

Well, JL is off the rails. But in reality, how many of the homicides every day are over infidelity? That and drugs are pretty darn popular. Yawn. Now we have comatose Leo, brother of the perp and we hopeo he will get to the bottom of this? Only thing he has gotten to the bottom of is a pair of tiny panties. All the clues are there, but I'm not holding my breath. Will Leo figure out JLouse before El figures out Tio Eww or vice versa? Who knows.

OK, so Ren is already "Crazy" right? She is according to her Mom and her Mom's Doctors, so Ren, go kill the bitch and plead insanity. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezie Dam ! Mauricio is squirrely as all hell, but you work with what you are given right? He is about all we have right now for Renata.

The three Can'tDo girls need to really gang up on Mom Vicious now that Ren is home. El might be getting a clue, well, a clue for HER, finding that FerNasty has been pushing her to get with Fab when she was sleeping with him. Compute THAT Blondie!

Bombs Away, as Sonia helps Fab find Ewwww's secret Can'tDo documents. NICE.

I wish one of the girls has a taser when they confronted Vic-ious and Eww bristled in her defense. Like who the fork do you think you are dude? Shut Up and get out of our house.


Thanks, Adriana, for your excellent work. It was a pleasant surprise to have it confirmed that Darío, in spite of being a chip off the old block with his violent and sadistic tendencies, wants to make Eugenio pay in kind or worse for what he did to his mother. A tale of revenge is always welcome.

I wonder how hard it was for the actor playing Mauricio to keep his eyes open so wide. It is uncomfortable just looking at him.

Kirby, that would be a good twist if Renata did the old girl in.

Adriana Noel, a blockbuster episode, matched perfectly by your gripping, powerful recap.

"He already has blood on his hands, he hopes Fab will do the same". Dario's all consuming, burning rage demands Fab's complete fidelity and allegiance to destroying their father. The raw, bitter truths Fab has been assaulted with are mind numbing and overwhelming.

Mauricio's declaration was sweet yet so untimely. The look Renata gave him perfectly reflected the gamut of emotions she was experiencing (as only Susana Gonzalez can). And you're right Kirby, he IS all Ren has but he just might be all that she needs.

I am glad all three sisters were present to confront Satan and his queen of darkness. I do not want him under the same roof as Renata.

I don't know if it's good or bad that Mario didn't tell Adriana about JL asking him for info on Rey. Adriana is rather transparent and she might give something away. Still, Mario better be careful on how he handles this as it is the only key to Teresa's freedom.

Surprised Fer can keep track of what lies she's told to whom. Any interest in either her or Elisa I had initially are waning.

Leo, thank you for telling Sara and Leslie about Tere's trouble and for believing in her innocence. I must remind you though, that you are the lead galan here. Stop standing in the shadows, take that bewildered, wounded look off your handsome face and get to work. When Mauricio is being more effective than you, it's time to take a reality check. Ack.

Adriana Noel, thank you for the exceptional recap.


Good morning, all.

Adriana, i love your title. Now, i will grab A cup of coffee and read your recap of all the dark dealings that happened last night.

45 and sunny here. Brrrrr

Kirby, your "FerNasty goes from whites, pinks and creams to a funeral droolotte but with hooker red shoes" is such a stellar description. Where do you come up with this stuff?
I agree that Icky has screamed "wolf" enough, Renata should really scare her good - lock her in her room, drug her 5 o'clock tea or something - see how she likes it.

Jarifa, hearing Dario explain to Fab what has happened with their mothers and what has become his lifelong mission made me think that he does have an end game, some kind of a plan to destroy Eww. But what is he waiting for? Maybe Eww has been extra careful, but surely by now, Dario must have something on him.
During my recap, I forgot to mention how Eww asked Dario to go take care of Fer's mom and son (whatever that could mean). Dario said that it's dangerous to have them hidden at his house in Ajusco - if he wants Eww destroyed why doesn't he send an anonymous tip to the police? And where was Fab during that convo? I was so looking forward to seeing him appear from behind some hidden door when Eww left.

Diana, I'm afraid that Mario keeping his suspicions to himself will only get him killed. Last week JL asked him to get into Augie and Julia's death file, check it out see if they missed anything. What if he discovered something and confronts JL, asking him about Rey, too? Eww has already asked JLow to give Leo a lesson, killing Mario would be as effective as killing Adriana.

Adriana Noel, I didn't realize/remember that JL asked Mario to review Aug and Julia's files so thank you.

"... killing Mario would be as effective as killing Adriana" is oh so true!

And it occurred to me that just as Mario remembered being asked to look into Rey, JL certainly remembers asking him to do it. Troubling..


Adriana, you come up with such good titles and I always enjoy "seeing" the episode all over again through your eyes.

How on earth is Fab going to decipher through all the lies, half-truths and "nothing but the truth." Poor guy might end up in the looney bin with Mau...oh, then we would have a financial wiz and a financial genius working together...that just might work! They could help El and her sisters bring the company out of it's misery. Notice I didn't mention Satan and the queen of darkness" (Thank you, Diana :-) I'm wishing them off the universe.

Adriana, "Never mind that this is a rewrite - at first we were told that Eww and Fab's mom had separated when he was a child." and Diana, "Surprised Fer can keep track of what lies she's told to whom." I wish the writers could keep track of what they have thrown at us too. They also had Piedad tell Fab that Ewww beat her when she asked him to tell Soledad about her pregnancy...and that is how she ended up in the wheelchair. Then Dar tells Fab that he watched his mother get all those beatings from Eww until the time he had to take her to the hospital and she ended up in th ewheelchair. So did Dar jump out of the womb to take Piedad to the hospital?? Idiot writers! Do they think we aren't listening??? When you have such inconsistencies, including all the character 180s, it's hard to take the storylines's almost comical!

Kirby, I have to admire your hawk eyes, I hadn't noticed the change in Fer's clothes, but yeah, she is started to fall so black will suit her better in the hell she's going to.

Jarida, "I wonder how hard it was for the actor playing Mauricio to keep his eyes open so wide." And I'm wondering the same about Leo...only Mau makes it look more painful LOL Ohhh, maybe they should have an "eye off" jajajajajaja

Adriana, yes, i am afraid that Mario might be the innocent who gets killed. I hopeo he tells Leo, not Adriana, that JLug asked him to check Rey's license number . Adriana seems somehow under JL's spell, which would be more believab!e if they had chosen a more attractive villain. I dont buy women falling under tbe spell of eitber JL or Eww.

Bad vibes, bad vibes, go away! I don't want Mario OR Adriana killed off. They've given Adriana much more airtime and a more intense storyline; so if one of them has to die, I think it will be Adriana. boohooo...

Kirby, i am into color . I used to use different co!ored paper for handouts when i taught to stay organized. I wear a lot of black , but always add a bright color . I am still thinking about Fern's green lea ther culottes, i guess her somber black dress was supposed to indicate her seriousness as she " confessed" to Eliesalot. However the red, spike heels were like... "Yeah, i am still a badass."

Darn it, Adriana Noel, your recap was so gripping that now I have to watch the whole episode with no FFing whatsoever. :D

Didn't Eu and Vic just break up like yesterday? Or maybe earlier today, in Imperio time?

Does her particular type of 'badass' make you reach for the lysol spray?

Chickie, if only the writers were paid to keep all these details straight. Oh, wait, I guess they are. I know in soaps there is even someone who's main job is to take care of continuity errors... not to say that soaps get them right all the time.
In the very first talk Dario and his mom had about her condition, it was specified that he was 8 when she had her accident. So, old enough to remember and to witness stuff. That would be consistent with what he's told Fab, I guess Piedad and Fab's talk was the faux-pas.
I think Mario has a better chance to die because he's more expendable as a character and he's as important to Leo as Adriana is. She has been given a story outside being a cop, so she could be important in taking down JL. I don't want to see either one go, but if I were to choose another person to die, I'd say kill Eww's maid.

And while all of this is happening Leo surely looks like a secondary character at best. We're all rooting for this and that to unite in order to discover the truth - Leo and Fab, Fab and Dario, the Cantu sisters etc... For now, they're all islands, how about Leo wake up, put some pieces together, and start doing that award-winning investigation? I can only hope...


Adriana, " I don't want to see either one go, but if I were to choose another person to die, I'd say kill Eww's maid." I vote for that! And it wouldn't bother me if Ice-cold Nieves would melt away, too.

Adriana, it does seem that the writers are not keeping track of their own plots. I think it is called the show"s " canon" meaning the storyline that has already been established . The fans of Outlander on are in troubled when the tv show does not follow the canonical as set by the book seies by Diana Gabaldon. These sriters seem to break their own canon. Careless.

The characters who know firsthand the evilness of Eww are Dario, Ren, JL ,and Fern , so one or more must somehow reach out to Leo and\or Fab . The sisters are all starting to compare notes and recognize who their mother really is.

Susanlynn, add Sonia, Piedad and Fer's mother to that list :-)

Adriana, I can only think after the talk with his mother that Darío wants to destroy Eugenio in a much more up close and personal way. Maybe if he got the police involved they would be too impersonal for him.

Chickie, you're right. Is there anyone else who knows the dark side of Ewww? You know, I could get Eww fooling everyone if he Was tall, dark handsome, and charming , but the guy is none of those things. He is unattractive , humorless, and shorttempered besides being evil, coldhearted, and without empatby.

Jarifa, you're right, Dario wants to get Eww in a way that it truly hurts him. Jail would not be enough.

Chickie, how could I ever forget good old Nieves? Yeah, kill her first, I'm down with that.

Susanlynn, oh the canon and how the fans manage to find every single detail... Most shows get in big trouble with fans when they mess up with it. Having Teresa change in the bathroom was consistent with what she's done before when sleeping with Rey, might we assume that the writers only introduced Rey to have him killed as part of JL's rewrite ?

The comments are as hot today as last night's sizzling episode.

Adriana and Rgv Chick "...I'd say kill Eww's maid." Genius!

And Rgv Chick "And it wouldn't bother me if Ice-cold Nieves would melt away, too". From your wise words to the writer's ears... I wouldn't mind killing several of these reprehensible characters with one stone.

"Adriana seems somehow under JL's spell, which would be more believab!e if they had chosen a more attractive villain. I dont buy women falling under tbe spell of eitber JL or Eww". Me neither Susanlynn as I brush myself off.

Lysol is good Kirby. Another option is Clorox bleach which kills 99.9% of germs! :)


Diana, got that right! For best results, drink it! :)) Shaken, not stirred, and with a slice of lemon for flavor.

Adriana: How is Dario going to hurt Creepy Eugenio in the worst way ? What's Dario's true endgame of getting even with that creep ?

Susanlynn: It'll be interesting to see how Leslie's family will react if & when she gets outed as a lesbian.

Kirby: I couldn't stop laughing at your "Compute THAT Blondie" LOL referring to Dumb Elisa.

She's the female version of Scotty: "Elisa Doesn't Know" that Fab & Fernanda have been doing the secretive horizontal "exercise special".


I find the new intro with Leo and Eliesa in love, in a boat, in a bed so misleading because they have actually been estranged throughout most of this novela. The only sofa moving lately that We hashoen been shown has been done by Tere and Rey , and JL just stopped that. Marcelo was a busy bee blimibated eliminated quite awhile ago . Maybe the write thought that someone should moving sofas, so they suddenly decided Mojo should kiss Clara. PLease tell me that Adriana has not succumbed to JL's awkward begging .

Steve, I have no clue how Dario could get his revenge on. What does Eww truly care about? Maybe Dario could try romancing Icky, but wouldn't that be more punishement for him ? And I'm sure Eww only wants Icky for his ego
Lose all his money, his good name ?

Susanlynn, ITA about not having enough sexy time in this tn. I'm sure it has something to do with Covid, we can't even count on Fab and Fer for a good roll in the hay anymore.
Adriana did sleep with JL as far as I know.

Adriana, on no. I was hoping that novelaAdriana had been able to resist JL's constant pleading, especially since he rejected her when the writers originally depicted him as a good cop\son\hub\dad\bro and Adriana was depicted as a good cop\friend and a strong, smart woman who was attracted to good guy JL

So far, Adriana has been making JL sleep on the couch when he sleeps over. There was that one time when they started moving the couch, but Adriana stopped JL and went to her room...alone. So they haven’t done the deed, at least not yet . I’m hopeoing that Adriana keeps that chastity belt tightened.

Chickie, I was hopeoing that Adriana was staying strong and smart and not allowing the increasingly monstrous JL weasel his way into her bed. Hang in there, Adriana, stay strong. Do you think that Adriana believed what Tere said about being fearful of JL killing her?

Ay yie that JL is Boss Hog murderer, he can find out what Mario and Adriana are up to and if they get too close to his evil trail, reassign the offender. He also (this is a TN) can use the fact that he promoted Adri to make her sleep with him. That is especially true now that he is a new grieving widower, left and gilted by a cheating wife. Maybe all that could overcome the fact that every gal on the patio would rather sleep with a chainsaw than him.

Ha, Adriana didn't sleep with JL? I'm relieved, I was sure that all those sleepovers turned into more. Must be a Velasco thing, never any luck with the ladies.

Thank you Adriana. Your recap was amazing!
Maybe I missed something but did Tere ever see the divorce lawyer? I seem to remember seeing her in the waiting room of the lawyer but next scene she was in the motel.
I hope that Mario quickly made some copies of the report on Rey’s license plate that he gave to JL!

Fe: "I hope that Mario quickly made some copies of the report on Rey’s license plate that he gave to JL!"

It is a TN, there are no copiers in TNs. Having copiers and people using them would cut TNs down to 36 episodes.

Kirby, Thanks for the laugh! You are so right, copiers?? What was I thinking!?

How is Mauricio going to get the medical reports over to Renata? He could take a photo and message them to her. Does Renata even have a cell phone? Plus nobody’s cell phone’s are locked!
If Tere did actually see the divorce lawyer, he could testify on her behalf; confirming that JL was abusive and Tere was seeking a divorce.

Fe. Mau could always give them to Majo. She has a car and has been sober for hours now. I would trust her more than El as an adversary for Vic-ious. Dumb Blondie would just hand them over. Majo is a fighter.

Finally watched the episode; it was a corker. Adri did specifically say that the gun-residue tests on Tere were negative. What they did NOT say was where they found the gun (although there could have been several in Tere's cleavage.)

In the flashback, it sounded like it was fired with a silencer, but when she picked it up to put her obligatory telenovela-law fingerprints all over it, there was no silencer. I'm assuming JL did the deed and removed the silencer afterward.

BTW, I read in People en Espanol that they wrapped the last episode the last week in November, so I doubt if it will go into extra innings.

Thanks again, Adriana Noel!

Late to the party, but Oh Oh Oooooh
What a party. Adriana, the episode was great but you blew it out of the water. Yes you did girl. Thanks

Now a rant alert. Icky got the nerve to be humiliated about wantin
To be with the rug in front of her daughters but she is all ok about killing ren's baby and then having
Her Sterilized? Dont you just want to Biltch slap that bitch? I dont like her.
And that other bitch, the one that looks like castro? "You should have
Stayed home like I told you". Well really? So she stays home while he moves the couch with Adriana, on the couch?We were subjected to that
Horrible sight before thanksgiving thank the turkey gods. Why the heck
Did she pick up that gun? She is a
Cop's wife don't she know anything about fingerprints? Guess not.

Think mario but keep your mouth shut until you can talk to somebody
Who has a brain to think and put 2 & 2 together. Im writing this while
Watching tonights epi, but totally
Blind to it until tomorrow's recap.

This was good Adriana Noel thank U.

Ps,Ok, when's leo gonna wake up. He is The sleepiest galan I've ever seen.
He's not doing any thing. Is fabbie
gonna take his place? Do something
Writers, wake him up.


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