Friday, December 04, 2020

Imperio de Mentiras #50, 12/4: The Cocktail Party of Doom


Galeria Cantu

Majo and Dario snipe at each other like they just broke up at the junior prom, but Dario's way meaner and Majo walks away in tears. She calls Leo to tattle that Dar's breaking curfew, and Leo spills to Adri, who texts Elisa. (Boy, once this gang gets the lines of communication open, there's no stopping them. Has anyone even had a dead battery or been sent to voicemail? The next thing you know they'll be looking through their peepholes before they open the door!)

Majo heads straight for the bar, but she's barely into her fishbowl of plonk before she's confronted by a refreshingly lucid Renata, who tells her that won't solve any of her problems and offers her a smothering tall-sister hug instead. The advantage of this is that Majo is literally blinded, which puts her out of action for a while. 

Depa Fer

We come in on Fab in mid-rant: "My dad is a mafioso and my brother is a psycho killer and you knew the whole time! Elisa is nice and you're a selfish liar!" Fer replies that she's not selfish; quite the contrary: "I'm the only one thinking about what's between the two of us." "What WAS between the two of us," Fab replies. "We're done." He looks like he just wet the bed. 

Casa Victoria 

Eu tells Vic he got all the original medical files off the nurse's phone. Vic is aghast: "You let her LEAVE?" (What? Does she have spare bedrooms to lock up grown women who aren't her daughters?) Eu assures her it's all taken care of; any problem can be solved, money. Yeah, that's it. 

She tells him they have to take care of Mau as well. Um, Vic? I don't think the two of you are using that phrase in quite the same way. 

Los Velasco

JL demands that Leslie be reasonable about his railroading of her mother, but she's having none of it. She spits insults at his solar plexus until he loses his temper and shouts that she better clean up her attitude because he's all she has left. "So, what? Are you going to hit me too? Go ahead!"

He seems to have forgotten about Fainting Sara, who appears from behind a pillar and tells him she doesn't even recognize him anymore. He tries the "forgive me, I don't know what came over me" act but he's been to the well once too often with that one and she just says no. How can he refuse to help his daughter? Why, she had to turn to Adri and Mario!

Cara de impactado de Jose Luis. I know we wanted everybody to start telling everybody things, but maybe they should stop now. 

Galeria Cantu, Part 2

Leo arrives to save the day, but Elisa tells him Dario's gone. "How do you know?" "Because he told me so." Siiiiigh. 

He doesn't want to leave, though, so he mopes around staring at her from across the room until Ren and her new take-charge personality march up and tell him what's what. "You love her; she loves you; that's all that matters. Grab her and go." He may even have taken some of that in, because he mopes a little more intensely. 

Mario calls Adri at the gallery and tells her the security footage from the hotel shows an unknown man entering Tere and Rey's room and then running away shortly afterward. She's super happy, but for the wrong reason -- she dashes over to Leo with the big news: your brother is innocent! 

Ren tells Elisa she's taking Majo home, but Elisa should stay behind because "she has things to do." Whether she knows it or not.

Casa Victoria, Part 2

Rumpled covers and hastily buttoned collars suggest that Vic and Eu finally did the deed, but we are mercifully spared the visuals. (THANKS, COVID.) Dario calls and tells his sperm donor that nursie has gone on to a better life. (Okay, gang, this is it: the litmus test for redemption. If anything has happened to that nurse, Dario permanently loses his table on the patio.)

Vic asks who he was talking to, and he absent-mindedly answers "my son." She says oh, how is Fabricio? He gets a super-weird expression on his face and somehow manages to pass it off as desperate suitorhood. So she agrees to marry him. Barf.

Cobra's Hideout

Fab wants to know which police Eu has in his pocket, and Dario says basically all of them. (That explains why his suit fits so badly.) Fab frets and dithers until Dar's ADHD takes over. He grabs his gun -- even bad guys keep them under the pillow! -- and tells his hermanito he has a fake-robbery date with Elisa, but he's moving it up. Gotta run!

Galeria Cantu, Part 3

All the party guests are gone, but Leo has managed to hang around by pretending to admire a picture. Elisa tells him he can stand there if he wants, but she's going to turn out the lights. "It doesn't matter," he says. "I know your face by heart." 

He goes in for the kiss and she kisses back. Then the theme song rolls in with full orchestration and, well, it's out of their hands now.

Depa Adri

Adriana is once again startled to find JL lurking in her darkened bedroom. (I can't believe she doesn't just expect it at this point. I understand it's hard to figure out whom to call when the police break in on the police, but couldn't she at least get a loud alarm and embarrass him a little?) 

JL alternately cajoles and menaces. He's way better at menacing. He tells her he'll never forgive Tere, but her he would forgive anything...except disloyalty. Then he asks her if she's sleeping with Mario. 

Galeria Cantu, Part 4

Elisa and Leo's snugglebunnies are disturbed by a loud noise elsewhere in the gallery, which turns out to be Dario and two of his thugs rappelling in from the ceiling a la Mission Impossible. Leo knocks out one of the thugs, but Dar gets the drop on him and holds him at gunpoint...until he's distracted by Elisa, allowing Leo to knock the gun away. There's a wicked good fight -- they've both got some moves we haven't seen before -- and Leo seems to be winning, but we'll see. 

You would think there'd be something heavy somewhere in that gallery for Elisa to whonk someone over the head with, but all she manages to do is find her phone and call Mario...who calls Adri...who immediately tells JL. Stop talking, people. I mean it. 

In other news:

* Majo and Ren take a detour to the manicomio to check on Mau, but the friendly night watchman tells them he's no longer there. Ren starts to lose her stuffing. (They wouldn't kill off two of her boyfriends, would they -- just when she's started putting complex sentences together?)

* Fer tells Eu that Dario gave Fab the 411 on everything: their shared parentage, the art trafficking and money laundering, how he's the source of all Elisa's problems, etc. She demands to see her mother and son now, but Eu's face shows it's clearly not the right moment. 

* Quote of the evening, from JL: "I'm not the bad guy in this telenovela."


Just watched this. Loved your take on it, BlueLass. Thanks. FINALLY a fight where the bad guy doesn’t have super hero fighting power over the good guy. ITA about Elisa not grabbing something heavy and hitting Darío with it. I never understand how the women can just stand by and do nothing but watch these brawls when they could be victimized next if the good guy loses or heartbroken if the good guy is killed. JL’s quote was the cherry on top.

Thank you Blue.
Probably the most significant thing E Lies a has done since we have known her was opening her little mouth and distracting Dar Pitbull for a split second. Then, dog catcher time. Whew. She already planned an insurance claim, for Scario's planned theft, now she can have a real one. You have to wonder how much stuff those two destroyed, up in there like Mission Impossible.

I have to say, if ole Leo __s like he fights, no wonder El can't keep her pants on.

Adri needs:.. 1. New locks....2 Restraining order....3..Several jumbo cans of Mace / pepper spray.

Ever wonder how many times RECENTLY Fab has wondered about that X girlfriend and X job back in London?

Blue Lass, you are right, if Dario killed the nice nurse or had her killed there is no road back. And this all because Stupid, dumbass, numbskull, airhead, Blondie E-LIES-a left her in the clutches of Monster B, V-icky. It seems that Squirrely is missing also.

JL and Adri “Then he asks her if she is sleeping with Mario” Um, who wants to know, dipshit.

“You would think there'd be something heavy somewhere in that gallery for Elisa to whonk someone over the head with, but all she manages to do is find her phone and call Mario...who calls Adri...who immediately tells JL. Stop talking, people. I mean it.”

I could not have put it better. Thank You.

So is FerNasty going down a checklist to assure herself that everyone everywhere has a reason to want her dead?

Thanks, Blue Lass! Great snark as always:

*She spits insults at his solar plexus (My fav)
*He may even have taken some of that in, because he mopes a little more intensely.
*I understand it's hard to figure out whom to call when the police break in on the police...
*(They wouldn't kill off two of her boyfriends, would they -- just when she's started putting complex sentences together?)


Adri needs:.. 1. New locks....2 Restraining order....3..Several jumbo cans of Mace / pepper spray. LOL! All this time and she hasn't thought to change the locks. Tell me again. How did she make captain?????


Jarifa: I was tracking with the rest of you wondering where was Eliesa when you really needed her. I suppose she valued the art statuary more than Leo.

Oooh, I just love reading a recap before watching the show, except the show is never quite as fun as your recap.

Loved "he mopes a little more intensely" and the way you thanked COVID for sparing us the visuals of that gross coupling... too bad we can't unthink it.

"Just when she's started putting complex sentences together"...good one!... and didn't Renata look darling in that dress and earrings and lucidity?

The loudest LOL goes to "That explains why his suit fits so badly." Clever you.

That's a hilarious "telenovela" quote from JL. I'll listen for it. It's right up there with Renata's heart not being a condominium.

Thanks, Blue!

R la O


Blue Lass: I think the Nurse got whacked!

Good morning , all. Another overcast , cold day where I am .

Blue Lass, I am halfway through your excellent retelling, but I had to stop and say thanks for the laughs .

Watching the buttoning scene after changing the channel for minute, I wondered if I had mercilfully missed an actual sofa moving scene . Does Icky ever take those trousers off ? NO, nevermind .I don't really want to know the details of that coupling .Blue Lass, I think you have a new contender for your rock band name ...Desperate Suitorhood.

Okay, I have a second cup of Gevalia Majestic Roast brewing . I only have a second cup of coffee on very special occasions. I am off to read the second half of your snappy recap.

Exceptional Blue Lass.

I would have to cut and paste your entire recap if I were to list every favorite lines.

"Fishbowl of plonk" and "before she's confronted by a refreshingly lucid Renata" were wonderful.

As she has been Nell Fenwick (tied to the tracks by Snidely Whiplash) this entire novela, to have had Elisa gather her courage and actually do something physical to thwart Dario would have been unimaginable. The small strides she's made simply aren't enough.

What made Eugenio cry? Was it anger/frustration or did Fab's betrayal affect him in some way? Not that I care. I had to turn the channel during his and Icky's "love" scene. Most of this is hard enough to stomach without seeing these gargoyles pawing each other.

Jardinera, *(They wouldn't kill off two of her boyfriends, would they -- just when she's started putting complex sentences together?)". The question of the day. Whatever slim chance Renata might have to recover from all that has happened would dissipate if Mauricio is murdered as well.

And yes, if Dario killed the nurse, he is dead to me.

So JL paid someone to kill Rey? I thought sure he had done it himself. And I didn't see anyone in the video so must have missed that.

Adri needs to take her blinders off.

"I know your face by heart." A sweet murmuring as evil continues to swirl unfettered.

Thank you!


Just finished the recap .

How can JL say with a straight face , " I am not the bad guy in this telenovela . ". ??? Wait ? What? has Be ever watched a telenovela? You are a seething ,nasty mass to everybody in your family and work orbit and you just killed someone in cold blood. Hello ?

Adriana is a dimwit letting this guy invade her home any time of the day or night.As a cop, does she not sense that he is a psychopath ?

Remember the good old days before cellphones , when characters had to lurk outside doors to get info? Now, everyone is constantly calling everyone.

I couldn't believe that Eliesalot ran to make a call for help instead of bashing Dario on the head with the nearest ancient , heavy relic . I am tiny , too, but I would have grabbed the closest heavy object and helped mi Amor by beaning the guy who was on top of him punching him in the face . #beproactive

Let's hope that Mauricio was clever enough to get both himself and the nurse who helped him our of the manicomio some place safe.

Adriana is pretty dim if she did not even consider perhaps JL hired someone to do the killing. Her being all effusive with "your brother is innocent" was gag worthy. I wonder if now that JL suggested that Tere had hired a hitman, if Adriana will consider that JL could have done it as well.

That was not a very good PSA to have Majo driving after her swim in the fishbowl of plonk.

Did Elisa had Leo her bra when they were just getting going? If not, what was that? And, if so, how did she get it off while still wearing her dress? Did that dress have a secret slit in the back?

Not only did Elisa not grab a weapon, but she took time to put her belt back on! Heaven forbid anyone should see her in something not form fitting.

Does anybody else get crackle every time during the previews?

R la O

Blue Lass, another savory treat filled with so many snarky sides. Thank you!

I thought abou tEliesa grabbing something to to hit Dario, but maybe we are being led to believe that Eliesa won't hurt a fly. And why did she call MArio instead of Adri, she has Adri on speed dial! least she did SOMETHING!

I have ot agree about Adri, she's becoming as wishy washy as Leo, but at least Leo isn;t being fooled by a psychocop.

Susanlynn, the nurse who helped Mau has gone to a better (higher) place. I don't think Dario would have killed her himself; he probably sent one of his minions, but, yes, Diana, it still should make Dario dead to us :-( BTW, where are Dario's minions when Ewww has his goons hold him so that he can beat him? hmmmm.

I really like what the writers are doing with Renata. FINALLY they're doing something right!


OOPS, I hit the publish button before I finished.

Kirby, "I have to say, if ole Leo __s like he fights, no wonder El can't keep her pants on." LOL Now if he could only use his other head just as well :-D

And now that Fab knows that Leo is about the only cop who who isn't "for sale", will Fab change his mind about Leo and join forces with him? I don't think Dar will ever join them, but two of three isn't bad, they can still take down Ewww.

BLue Lass, that "telenovela" quote was hilarious; glad you included that.

R la O , hmm. I didn't notice Eliesa taking off her bra and handing it to Leo, but I have seen my sister take hers off while still dressed and pull it out through her sleeve like a magic trick ........ Abrahcadabra. All I noticed with Eliesa swir!ing that colorful chiffon skirt around like she was in Dancing with The Stars . I think the actress liked that floaty, bright colored frock. Angelique is a good dancer . She was ON a dance competition years ago . It might still be on YouTube

Adriana publishing to the world that JL is innocent, as it was not actually HIM entering the Motel Deep 6 was just as dumbfoundingly senseless as her walking into a darkened house only to find JL and simply greeting him, sans gunfire. Here in Fla., he is DRT. Dead Right There. Like the police chick in Texas who got off from work and went to what she thought (supposedly) was her apt, but on the wrong floor, got in somehow and shot and killed the resident. The door was ostensibly ajar.

I didn't see the bra or flea collar or whatever removal. I am so sick of these two, plus half the show seems to be the stupid intro of them grunting out another one that I go to the kitchen or somewhere usually as soon as Carlos starts.

I wonder what Ewww's next move is now that Fern told him that Dario talked to Fab . Another beating for Dario? Is Eww worrying about Fab now not going along with his plan for the Cantdo women and Company?I am starting to wonder about what anvils JL, Ewwe,and Dario will receive . And will Icky get one, too ?

V-Icky got hers last night, a little one. :-)

Speaking of: If or when the girls figure out what is going on under their noses, they could wreak havoc.
1. Most modern Security cameras are wireless, and can be moved around at will. Some need power from a phone charger, some just have long life batteries. Hide one and put it online.

2. Every time the luurve looks eminent, call from a pay phone or throw away with some emergency.

3. Put itching powder in the Depends.

4. Stand outside the door and all three giggle loudly.

5. spike the ever present liguor with something whose effects are embarrasing.

6. Or help Fab, Dar and maybe Leo investigate and put the crustacean in prison.

Kirby, "If or when the girls figure out what is going on under their noses, they could wreak havoc." Yes, indeed!! Leo's Angels? Imperio Angels? CanToo Angels?

Sabrina -> Renata

Jill -> Eliesa

Kelly -> Majo

I liked your CanToo Dolls

Remember the other day when Majo 'disabaled' the cameras she had so much indigestion about? If she actually knew how to maybe unplug the cord, kinda like unplugging her hot rollers, I guess, maybe the three could move a camera.

Put the whole sorid mess online, and send a link to Ewww and Vic. You know once anything is in the wild, it is there forever.

'Tik Toc 3.4 million views overnight of geriatric couple acting like farm animals.'

Kirby..Eww would probably be ecstatic to have that out in cyberspace forever and ever. He is a legend in his own mind ....macho, macho man . I try not to imagine what that might look like. I don't even like thinking about him fully dressed .

And one MORE thing. Vic-ious is as evil aas Ewww or maybe more so, with what she did to Ren. So I believe she knows exactly what Eww did or had done to the little nice nurse. All she was trying to do is be a good person and look what it got her.

Great work, Blue Lass, Kirby, and Adriana. I've been behind all week due to various projects but I'm finally caught up.

Dario is on my shit list because of his emotional sadism. That's enough for me to want to see him in the 9th circle of Hell, but I want him to drag Eugenio with him. If he killed the nurse or even delegated that he needs to be in prison. The sequel would be a Televisa version of Prison Wives, starring Majo. She will need that great shrink from Pasion y Poder.

So Vicious and Eww finally did the horizontal mambo. At least we were spared the visuals.

More later.

Blue, lovely recap. All the stupid people in a twisted crooked row.

Vic has just gone all out nasty,she
Wants mau taken out. Now that's not what she said but that bitch knows
What could happen to Mauricio and she dont give a damn. Cuz she hates
Her daughter. I dont know who is
Worst, the rug or her. Those two deserve each other. They should die together. And they just might. Vick
Is just unredemable. "we have got to get rid of mauricio". Cold evil blooded bitch if I ever saw one.

Jlower should be kidnapped and dropped into the devils triangle as
Soon as possible.
And what is it with Sara runnin off
At the mouth? Don't she have some food or something to put in it? she
Just rattin out everybody.

Adriana just up and thinks that the guy running away isnt jlower(and it very well may not be)but what if it is? What is with this chick? Girl grow some brains. Now!

Quote of the evening, from jL:
"I'm not the bad guy in this telenovela". Lol. I saw that but had no idea what it was about. The
Actor probly had fun with that line And yes jL you are the bad guy in this telenovela,one of manyYou big ox.

So, ewwie the rug has been outed.
And he looks so sad with his pouty old lips, yuck!

Thank you Blue Lass. I Like the way you did the recap with parts 1-4 at
Different venues. The brothers, the
Yucky old couple after the yucky loving, I love the way leslie just stands up to her giant dad, she just gets face to face with his stomach and rips him a new one. And
He can't do a damn thing about it.
And lastly that fight scene, it was
Convincing enough. Monday night should be interesting.

Thank you Blue Lass.

Kirby, "put itching powder in their depends", lol. And, "stand outside their room door and giggle". Lol.
So funny kirby.

Adriana would have to wait til jlower took his depends off, and then they could break the sofa. That is just to horrible to even think about. What the hell is wrong with this woman? Her taste in men just sucks.

Crap, I really wanted Dario to be redeemable. But having the nurse killed has made him totally unredeemable, IMO.

This novela must have such a low US viewer rating because it doesn't even warrant an English translation on Wikipedia!

Don't look at the Spanish page because it's filled with spoilers!

It has an English-language Wikipedia page, but only with one-liners on each episode.

It is possible that JLower had one of Dario's thugs take out Reynaldo while he was elsewhere so there is likely to be an alibi coming up. He is irredeemable now.

Almost every Televisa novela has an inside joke about them. The first one I watched had it in the finale when two servants in the heroine's household watched a novela finale during a party going on by the pool. Raquel told them to enjoy themselves and then one said "Madre Dios, esa mujer es tan mala!" This was an echo of what had been happening in the story.

Nina... " his pouty old lips"....perfecto .

GOod Morning, Patio! Hoppy Sunday!

So how long will Dar remain locked up?

Will Daddy Wartlips come to the rescue??

Will Leo get another golden nugget from Eliesa as a reward?

Will Mau escape from the evils of Satan and his Queen of Darkness?

Will Poodle boy's hair straighten and turn gray from all the worry?

At the Emergency Room or in Jail?


She is almost afraid to NOW !

Yes, he is crazier than they are evil. BTW eviL is Live backwards.

And have him look like a younger Ewww? You are crazy too.


Good morning. Happy Sunday all...

Rgv Chick, Mauricio is aware of security loopholes as he has left the asylum several times. While he loves Renata, his thoughts have been only of her, wanting to help. I hope his frenzied thoughts have included the realization he is in grave danger. I'm crossing my fingers he is out there. Somewhere. But free.

If Ewwww lifts a finger to help Dario, it is only to save his own skin, not wanting him to "talk". He is so angry with Dario now, I wouldn't be surprised if he has him executed, perhaps even doing it himself.

Dario's only hope is to join forces with Leo. Otherwise, in jail he rots.

Here's hoping Leo has a fire lit under him and starts acting like the galan we want and expect.

Nina, also loved "pouty old lips". Perfect.


Our comments crossed Kirby.

On Mau "Yes, he is crazier than they are evil. BTW eviL is Live backwards". Perfect!


Hello there, all. Sunny but cold here.

I think Dario will now start talking and begrudgingly team up with Leo to get dear old dad. Will he tell Leo that he has recently told Fab all the details regarding their despicable dad ? Will be tell him that JLoutand Fern work for Ewww ?

I am hopeoing that Mauricio is smart enough to be hiding out somewhere .

Okay back to another Xmas movie .

Maybe Mauricio is hiding out in Ren's seldom used apartment !!!

hiding out in Ren's seldom used apartment !!! Brilliant.

That is probably actually one place they WOULDN'T think to look.

I say he is alive.


Susanlynn, " Mauricio is hiding out in Ren's seldom used apartment !!! We can only hope! Diana, crossing my fingers too 🤞🤞

Kirby, "And have him look like a younger Ewww? You are crazy too." Yeppers! that's what this TN is doing to me 🤪

Great discussion, everyone! I miss a few things now that I'm watching without my subtitles, so thanks for filling in some of the details.

Rgv Chick, I wasn't sure what Dar said about Leo, so I just left it out. Did he say he was the only honest cop in the place?

Susanlynn, I love the idea of Mau hiding out in Ren's apartment -- I'd forgotten that he knew where it was. Maybe he took the nurse with him...?

R la O, I had the same thought when Majo got out of the car at the manicomio. It's a tough call on designated driver: the one who drinks like a fish or the one who's likely to start screaming any minute? I still think they made the wrong choice.

I didn't see Elisa hand Leo anything; it just looked to me like she reached out in a sort of come-hither gesture. But maybe I'll watch again later if I'm not too busy. (I am familiar with the bra-out-the-sleeve trick, but that seems a little too prolo for our Elisa. And it would probably confuse poor simple Leo -- whenever I do it, the Blue Lad makes the sign of the cross to ward off witchcraft.)

I get the avances buzz, too. Wonder what that's about.

UA, do you remember the last episode of UNA FAMILIA CON SUERTE? The maid was wearing a shirt with all the catchphrases from the telenovela printed on it. It was hilarious.

Hey, we are still discussing the Friday episode on Sunday afternoon . Perhaps a side effect of our crazy reality . Well, that is my excuse . I need distraction .

I am not crazy and rarely drink, but I am not a confident driver. I think Ren should have taken the wheel.

I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow night. I am seldom right in my predictions , but I hopeo I am right about Mauricio hiding out at Ren's and that he will save from Mommy and Tio.

At this point, I hopeo Dario final!y realizes that he needs Leo to get revenge on Dad.

P.s. Did you notice that when Eww and Icky were buttoning up , neither had a hair out of place . Perhaps Eww can be a quick and gentle lover. .....ha....Just kidding .


Blue Lass, Fab asked Dar which cops they had "bought" and Dar replied,"All of them." Fab asked, "And Leonardo Velasco?" Dar responded, "Now that one, no one can buy with anything."

I watched for the bra thing, but couldn't find anything, The only thing that Eliesa slowly took off was her colorful top which looked more like a shawl when she took it over her shoulders and above her head. She was wearing a boustierre throughout the sex scene.

Perhaps Eww can be a quick and gentle lover. .....ha....Just kidding .

I thought she looked like she was not certain it had actually happened. Lots of these TN girls look more flumoxxed after just going to the bathroom.

Maybe she didn't feel anything. He probly drugged fab's mom and Dar's
Mom and when they woke up he was buttoning his shirt. Because he has NOTHING THERE)))))))))). We are so bad yall. Happy Sunday. Chilled and somewhat sunny up here, how is it down there kirby?

Nina... " We are so bad yall. Happy Sunday" ha ...You're not wrong .

OT- A nippy day in the RGV despite the sun shining off and on. We’ve gotten a couple of days of rain this month...after a two month rain haitus. Yesterday it rained most of the day, today it’s drying up.

A Balmy 73 and clear in the SunCoast.

Oh, Nina, thank you so much. Imagining Eu as a superannuated Ken doll is really sparing my inner eyeballs.

Blue Lass I was trying to figure out what you were talkin about, lol
I got it. Lol,that what its called? Ok lol lol:-)

The question is will Leo believe Dario as he snarls and tells him about Eww and his relationship with JL ? ..or will Leo get that wounded deer caught in the highlights look that has been his signature expression throughout this show? Leo is not a large and in charge galan who has inspired confidence. Dario, on the other hand, always has that annoying , mocking, arrogant look on his face like he is in control of everything.

Rgv Chick, thank you for noting the dialog from Dario stating Leo can't be bought. I agree. However, if his precious Elisa is put in any danger, all bets are off.

Susanlynn, how clever to suspect Mau may be in hiding in plain sight at Renata's.

Looking forward to watch tonight.


Looking at Leo and Dario legally, Leo does not really have the goods on Dar. He suspects a lot of stuff, but right now he does have breaking and entering, assaulting a police officer, coitus interruptus, well, almost, and being a mean old baddy.

There is a lot of other stuff which we have seen but Leo has not. He has suspicions, and down inside knows, but how much concrete proof does Leo have?

Yes Diana, Numbnutts would sell his Mom Sweet, Sweet Sara up the river to save worthless E-Lies-a.

I look forward to finding out what Dario tells Leo tonight and if Leo believes any of it. He would believe that Eww is Dario's dad , but will Leo believe that his brother is working for them ? And will Eliesallthe time believe Leo if he finds out that Dario is her tio's son ?

@ the DMV:
Now serving number 37. And your full name Miss?

"Eliesallthe Time Can'tDo"

" Um, OK, thank you Ms. Can'tDo, now do you go by Time or Eliesallthe?"

"Oh just call me Ellie."

" Ah, yeah, Good call. Is all the info on your license still........."

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