Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Imperio de Mentiras 52, 12/8/20: Doin' The Jailhouse Rock 'Cause We're All Up To Our Necks In It


With an easily enraged Leonardo doing the questioning one on one in the interrogation room, Cobra, aka, Dario, manages to purposely push every single one of Leo's buttons.  He screams at Leo to hit him.  When Leo refuses, Cobra gives Leo a head butt that kicks his nemesis into high hostile gear.  Adriana and Mario have to race in to tear the two apart.  They manage to pull Leo off Cobra and out of the room.  Cobra gets his jollies threatening to sue Leo for police brutality.  

At the Cantu manse, Majo asks Elisa what will happen to Cobra.  "--They keep him in jail while they put together a case against him."  "--You think that he's going to accuse you--Sorry.  Didn't mean to...."  They agree they've got to think of a legal strategy.  Majo's all for that. She encourages El to do whatever she's got to do, shady or not, to keep from going to jail.  El only asks Majo to help take care of Renatta since Mama is a lost cause. (Hell, so is Majo.  A perfect case of the blind leading the blind.)

Back at Police Central, Adriana informs Leo of the impending lawsuit.  "--It should have been expected; it's meant to get me kicked off the investigation."  (Dario has your number, dude.  He wound you up and let you spin!)

At Fern's apartment, Fabricio is complaining to Fern that she knew from the beginning that his papi was a mafia mastermind and thug.  (Question: has this dude even changed his shirt and pants or shaved yet?  No wonder Fern is standing 6 feet away from him.)  Fern rubs his nose in it.  It's not as if Fab didn't realize it also at some level, she tells him. "-- Eugenio controls everyone and everything here.  We do his bidding; we're his puppets."  Fab refuses to accept his papi can control him also.  Fern tells him to take the blinders off and to act like a man instead of a whimpering child. (And take a bath and shave, already!!!)  If he wants to do something to change the outcome he's got to do it now., she insists.  (Sadly, this does not compute.)

Over at Ewwwy's house, Victoria has come, suitcase in hand.  She explains that she cannot stand returning to the Hell that her daughters have made at the manse.  She's told the girls that she's marrying him and (classy lady that she is) she's come to live with him.  (Yes, out of wedlock it would appear.)  

Meanwhile, Fern calls Ewwy to inform him that Fab is on the way to Ewwy's place to make a scene.  He instructs Maria, the housekeeper, to set up Sra. in the master bedroom and that she's going to be living there from now on.  Vicki's grateful, but she insists on knowing what's going to happen with Sonia now.....(We note this is the only time Ewwy ever looks like he's been caught with his hands in the proverbial cookie jar.)

El has called Fern trying to find Fab.  Fern lies flat out that she hasn't seen him, doesn't know what he's up to or where he is.  He's actually standing right there behind her.  El gets huffy and says but with the relationship you've had with him you should be able to.  You find him and tell him I want to speak to him, ASAP.  (Are Elisa's limits close to being reached with Fern?)

Across town, Jose Luis has brought Leslie to see Theresa.  It is a tearful reunion.  Theresa tearfully swears she had nothing to do with Reynaldo's untimely death.  JL informs Terry that he's got her lined up to see the judge and begin proceedings to get her case heard.  Maybe there's a chance to avoid going to prison afterall.    FF>>FF>> (What a great guy...not.)

Back at los Cantu, Majo has "summoned" Clara.  She tells her that Cobra has been captured.  That's as it should be and all is right with the world, right?  Majo is confused.  Yes, she's still in love with The Dangerous Bad Boy.  New topic: She wants Clara to be her friend.  Wow!  What an honor!  However, it comes with a request to help her take care of her sister, Ren.  Clara is pissed at this.  She claims all Majo wants is a helper, an aid.  She's got hurt or sensitive feelings ever since Majo made a play at her the other day in the bedroom.  (Yeah.  What was that all about, anyway?  Majo getting in touch with her masculine side or what?)  Majo naively tells Clara she's sorry and never meant to hurt her.  So, Clara leaves half disgusted and Majo is clueless again.  FF>>FF>>

Leslie comes back to the waiting area of the police station and cries on Sarah's shoulder.  It is hard to see her mama in such a pathetic state.....JL comes out to the waiting area now and asks what he can do to make Leslie feel better.  She replies with a sneer on her face to get her mother out of jail. (Duh!)  Sarah and she give JL a pointed snub (Double-Duh!) and leave the building together.  

Later on JL is back in the interrogation room with Cobra.  He tells him that Papi is doing all he can to get his little boy out of there.  Dario says, no problem really; he is enjoying his stay there.  And, everybody treats him well.  In fact the skuttlebutt is that JL's wife is a guest in the same establishment.  "--How can that be??  Is it true that she cheated on you?"  JL lunges at Cobra and tells him to keep his mouth shut or else!  Cobra demands that JL give his kid brother a lesson, or else Cobra will name JL as an accomplice and will list every job he's ever done for them and how much he was paid for it! (Oh noes!!)   "--So, get me out of this jail, ASAP!"  

Fabricio arrives at the manse and walks into the living room while El and Leo are liplocking.  He is not a happy camper.  Note the unibrow scowl.  

JL hurries down to the Comandante's office to inform him that Leo is being sued by Cobra for police brutality while in custody.  "--We can either suspend him or let the lawsuit take its course."

El questions if Fab finished decoupling the two galleries from the main business so she wouldn't come under suspicion of money laundering.  He tells her without hesitation that he didn't.  He had other, more pressing, things to attend to.  She is confused.  Why didn't he?  Fab reminds her he told her to keep her distance from Leo.  But she didn't.  Now she wants him to put his neck out for her despite her ignoring his explicit instructions.  He even went to his father who used his position to cover her tail-- he even bribed the judge to get it done.  Now they've got Cobra and once he opens up and unloads what he knows, everything Fab has tried to do will be all for nothing and his reputation will be a pile o' crap.  "--Sorry, Elisa, but you dug your own grave."  (It should be clear to El by now that hiring family and friends is problematic, especially when trying to cover your tracks and to avoid jail time.)

Back at Ewwwy's, Vicki asks her intended what he's going to do with Sonia at this point.  He tells her he needs more time.  She generously gives him a single day to decide.  

In Sarah's kitchen, Leslie is overwrought with Mama's situation and eating up a storm as a result. Once she's done she heads upstairs and looks guiltily at herself in the mirror.  She begins pummeling her nonexistant paunch.

Back at the police station, the comandante suspends Leo.  

Fab now speaks with Ewwy.  Vicki has snuck halfway down the stairs to listen in on the conversation.  "--Is Dario your son or not?"  After a bit of well-timed hesitation, Ewwy admits he is.  "--Dario is the biggest mistake of my life."  "--How can you say that about your son?"  "--I never thought of him as my son."  (That's simple enough.)  Ewwy lies, saying he tried helping the boy but he was too filled with resentment.  Dario ended up doing the dirty jobs because he never cared to study.  Fab tells him it's a load of cow manure.  Just then they hear Vicki on the stairs.  She heads back up hoping not to be heard.  (Too late.)  Ewwy quickly moves the conversation into his office.  

Back at los Cantu, the new psychiatrist and nurse arrive to take care of Renutty.  

At los Velasco, Nieves and Sarah are having coffee.  Nieves is aware of Terry's transgressions.  She pumps Sarah for some juicy gossip.  Sarah reminds her of the rumors surrounding Julia's death and suggests they just leave sleeping dogs lie for now.  While Sarah slips into the kitchen, Leslie comes downstairs and greets Nieves.  Nieves has the nerve to ask if Leslie is preggers or not.  Leslie tells her in no uncertain terms to button it.  

Back in Ewwy's office, Fab is supposing Papi will excuse his actions getting involved with art trafficking.  Yeah, he blames Dario for getting him involved.  However, Ewwy says he's a businman and cannot be blamed for taking hold of opportunities of any kind if they arrive.  However, he wasn't aware of Dario's dastardly doings until it was too late.  So, now both Ewwy's and Fabricio's fortunes and inheritance are tied up in art trafficking.  Later on, Dario got involved in moneylaundering and so, that as well is part of what their fortune is tied to.  In the end, Fab reasons that Vicki's hubby, Ewwy's best bud, was also involved in money laundering and art trafficking.  So, did he get his best friend involved so that he could murder him and end up married to his widow, Victoria?  (Fab's powers of deduction are amazing, ?verdad?)

Ren and Clara are having a conversation.  Things turn to boyfriends and falling in love.  Is Clara in love?  Who might it be?  Before we hear Clara's juicy confession. Majo comes in to inform her sister that the doc and his nurse are there to see her.  Ren asks a favor.....

Back at Grupo Cantu, the accountant is explaining to El.  He says that the galleries now belong to a group of lawyers in Panama.  She's no longer responsible for their actions with the galleries.  However,  Fab only did his job half-way (more likely half-assed, in true show of professionalism) and the federal auditors are still after Elisa Cantu (we assume for transactions prior to the transfer???).  Mr. Accountant cannot locate Fab so he cannot get the majority of questions resolved nor instructions for any of the next steps to take.  

Finally it dawns on Elisa that Fab and Fern have been out to get her.  Fern was the one who pushed Fab onto her.  Now, he's left her in the lurch and Fern, it turns out, having told so many lies in the past is just as capable of lying to her now about her and Fab's true intentions.  "--What's your game, Fernanda, since you were so insistant in having Fabricio get involved while you were still sleeping with him...  What was your plan?"  Fern insists her intentions are as pure as the wind driven snow and butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.....  She swears Fab left her in the lurch because he's so jealous of Leo.  El sniggers. "--Pah--leese!"

Adriana gets a last minute call to go pick up a criminal called El Pinkey.  He's apparently the guy who murdered Rey, Theresa's snatch, and so Terry's being freed.  Adri gives Leo the great news.  

Back at Ewwy's, Fab tells his daddy he saw how Dario's mother was left unable to stand on her own two feet.  "--And of course you believed her." This was, of course,  not to mention the way he drove his own mother to an early death.  "--I am ashamed to be your son!"  Ewwy yells that his mother was the love of his life!  Fab says naw, not only that but Papi is the one who dragged Elisa into this mess.  "--She believed you were her savior when you were actually her executioner!"  Ewwy insists it's all nonsense.  Dario is sick in the head, not to be believed.  Fab says he believes him more than Papi.  Well then, answers Ewwy, remember that if I go down, others will be going with me!  "--Do you really want to see Elisa behind bars????" 

 Ewwy finally offers to tell Fab the truth behind the lies.  "--It was all Dario's doing.  He planned Majo's kidnapping.  Right after that he began the moneylaundering."  "--BBBBut Dario says you are the one behind all this."  "--I am the leader of nothing!  All I am trying to do is to clean up the mess left behind, and to protect Elisa and her family!!  But, if you go to the police now you will ruin everything!"  (Cue the violins.)


Can't these people are through Ewww. They must be blind as bats.

Thank you, Jardinera, you're drop dead funny, did you know that?

"the blind leading the blind" might as well be the Cantu sisters' motto. Ren is certifiably insane, Majo is worse because she hasn't been diagnosed with anything, but she still acts like a lunatic, and Elisa... oh, better not even go there.

"Are Elisa's limits close to being reached with Fern?" It should've about time, if even El is starting to have enough, imagine this Patio.

"Sarah and she give JL a pointed snub (Double-Duh!)" - IT WAS ABOUT TIME!

"--Sorry, Elisa, but you dug your own grave." Yes, a million times this. Why should Fab bend over backward to save her tooshie, doesn't she have a cop boyfriend?

"Finally, it dawns on Elisa that Fab and Fern have been out to get her." Don't you just love it whenever Elisa gets an epiphany, her whole world is rocked, but she still won't believe that lovely to is up to no good?

How will the terrible trio live together under one roof? Will Eww divide his time between unwilling Sonia and barf inducing willing Victoria, like a true bygamist? Like the guy didn't have enough sins already...

Wonderful, Jardinera. Thanks.

I was surprised Victoria was able to remain as quiet as she was eavesdropping on the stairs. Will it make her doubt anything about Eugenio at all? Probably not.


Jardinera. Thanks. Funny Gal
Again ai ask no cameras, no microphones in INTERROGATION room? I know there is that observation mirror, no one behind it? It appears there truly is no way to knock some sense into Leo.

I was actually holding my breath for a few seconds, sure that THE MOMENT we all wait for had arrived and stinky hung over Poodle was telling E-lies-a that Tio Ewio was not what he seemed. But no. Not tonight.

So let me get this straight, WRITERS, they see some figure (prolly JL in disguise) go into the couple's room, and presto! the prime suspect Ter Frog Face is to be set free?

Another thing I am unclear on. What does hitting her stomach have to do with controlling Leslie's weight? If this worked, there would not be one player, save the kicker maybe, on the HS football team who weighed over a hundred !

Isn't it considered unethical, and sort of maybe a fireable thingy, for a popo officer to be boinking one of the leading suspects? Sick of the puppy show.

BTW, after we all tried yesterday to get an idea of Leslie's size, I could not help but notice that she looks tiny even by Sara. I caught myself watching her inside the house trying to see how much taller, if any,.... she was than the wall switches in the house, but could not catch her near one. YET

Pefect title Jaridera. As always, the recap was superb.

"classy lady that she is) she's come to live with him". Lording over the other occupant, his pregnant wife, a tortured prisoner.

"How will the terrible trio live together under one roof?" is the question of the day Adriana Noel!

Sonia's survival has always been in grave doubt. Now that Icky is firmly ensconced in the viper's pit, the question looms louder, screaming with even more urgency.

Jarifa, it will be interesting to see if Ewww chastises Icky for purposely listening in to his conversation with Fab. I don't think he will. And as she and he are cut from the same mold, she may bring Dario up but it will change nothing. These irredeemable demons only retaliate against those with a heart.

"She begins pummeling her nonexistant paunch". So many tortured souls. Leslie's reunion with Tere was almost impossible to watch.

"Sarah and she give JL a pointed snub (Double-Duh!) and leave the building together". Most excellent.

Did Fab think Ewww would admit to his crimes and beg forgiveness? From the list of crimes against man, woman and humanity, if even one or two were real, what more do you need man?

Dario was positively demonic last night. I half expected his head to fully rotate and that he would spew soup. Deep down, I thought there might be some sort of secret alliance with Leo. Last night blew that theory to shreds.

Leo, Adriana and Mario need to confab and hatch a plan. There are far more important things to be done than trying to save Elisa's hide.

Thank you Jardinera!


Diana: "Leo, Adriana and Mario need to confab and hatch a plan. There are far more important things to be done than trying to save Elisa's hide."

Agree..kinda. Jettison Leo. He ias worthless as tits on a bull. He only got dario because Dario dropped in unexpectedly while he was shagging Dario's co-conspirator.

He is a good fighter, but he can not control his temper or other parts of his anatomy, he is beginning to not look that smart, and is no more perceptive than most of the other numbskulls.

About all we have left is ReNutty, Mauricio, Ad and Super Mario. Good luck.

Fab might be a viable contender once he gets his head around the size of the corruption. Thankfully he now sees FerNasty as the dirty rag she is, and the blinders are even off on the wonderful, sexy, smart, rich, beautiful, much to be desired, traitorous, lying every breath E-lies-a. Thankfully also Fab did not buy the load Ewwww tried to give him about lit stick of dymamite Dario being the mastermind who sucked poor ole EwwwDaddy in.

Hello, all.

Jardinera, thank you, amiga,for another bouncy recap the continuing dark craziness.

Icky arriving at Eww's with that one small rolling suitcase was great . How many trousers and blouses was she able to fit in there? And Ewww ,she wants Sonia out of there so that she is queen of your castle, Snuggle bunny. Pronto .

Dario wants Jl to teach his !little brother a lesson ??? He wants JL to beat up Fab ? ? Dario has become irredeemable , I think.

I still cannot figure out why the writers changed several characters ' personalities midstream...Dario, JL, Tere. Was there a change of writers ? Were The writers fighting about the direction these characters should take?

Poor , lost Clara has become the Cantus and Dario's go to for help. Really ? Has she ever actually helped anyone ? She has been summoned by Icky, Dario and now Mojo to " help. "

The whole storyline with Leslie not wanting to get fat like Mom is....why??? I have never heard of teens hitting themselves in the stomach to this end ,and I taught in a senior high school where I furniture with anorexia and bulimia.


Furniture...what?...was supposed to be "I knew girls"

Sorry...hurrying .

Dario wants JL to teach JL's little brother a lesson.

kirby..okay..that makes more sense. So... What is JL's next stupid move ?

"Icky arriving at Eww's with that one small rolling suitcase was great ". How many trousers and blouses was she able to fit in there? Good question and one I wish I'd asked! I couldn't get over how quickly her principles reached dead bottom and only 3 or 4 months after Auggie's murder. So convenient and immature to blame the attitude of her adult daughters.
Poor , lost Clara = everybody's sounding board and/or crying towel.
About all we have left is ReNutty, Mauricio, Ad and Super Mario. Good luck. --ITA
Leo, Adriana and Mario need to confab and hatch a plan...They suddenly have transformed from the three musketeers to the gang who couldn't shoot straight.
Dario was positively demonic last night. I half expected his head to fully rotate and that he would spew soup. LOL!!
Jarifa: I was wondering what Mrs. Icky would do with the information she overheard. Maybe the Majo fruit doesn't fall very far from the V-icky tree?
You have hit on the eternal telenovela enigma. Why oh why are these protagonistas always blind as a bat? I think that would make a good discussion topic some day.

Adriana Noel:
Eliesa got her epiphany all right, but I was disappointed that the writers were so vague in leading up to that moment. And, ITA that she sees Mama as an idiot where Tio is concerned but doesn't consider Tio is a slimeball or a super smooth actor in all of this despite what Ren keeps saying.

Susanlynn: Dario wants JL to punish Leo for nosing around in and causing trouble for their branch of mafia's criminal doings so he'll leave and go back up north to Monterey.

Kirby, Fab seems to process things rather slowly. Not criticizing, I can relate.

What did he expect to accomplish by confronting his father? A full admission of guilt wasn't probable so did he think Eugenio could possibly explain away his crimes? He has seen Sonia in captivity with his own eyes and has done nothing. Dario's accusations with bulging eyes and neck muscles popping should have been enough to convince anyone. He let Leo into his psyche and it is impairing his judgment. Leo would have/should have been the logical one to team up with rather than Satan's other spawn.

Leo has been disappointing, no doubt. He has to redeem himself as the (supposed) lead galan here, right (?).

Adriana and Mario alone don't have much firepower. There needs to be someone to light the fire and unless Mauricio appears in all his glorious craziness, I have no idea who will be the savior here.


"a senior high school where I furniture with anorexia and bulimia"
Lols, Susanlynn, I was like: "what silly expression is this, I've never heard it before."
I was also surprised that Leslie would choose that to stay thin, her emotional problems are so big, she's right up there with Majo and Renata. Talk about disfunctional families, Juanito might have been better off not being around his bio parents.

She meant: "a senior high school where we had furniture with anorexia and bulimia"

Ikea? Amazon Fire tablet likes to change words. I change them. changes it back to the word it prefers. Now, both of my tablets are telling me that I have " low storage" and I don't know what to do about that ???????

Susanlynn, well, they are not talking about a bottom freezer fridge.

They are telling you that their memory has enough accumulated junk that it is or soon will affect their operation.

I should not go into it here, but search online how to cleanup your brand of tablet and the Operating sys it uses.


On Hernan Mendoza's height (JL) =181cm or roughly 5'11".

Here is a photo of Assira Abbate (Leslie) in a lineup with some normal-sized people, including Pilar Ixquic (Tere.) I'm thinking 4'10" tops.

Jardinera, thanks for a thoroughly entertaining recap. I don't know when I'll catch up for this week -- probably Thursday -- but I'm really looking forward to several of your saucily rendered scenes (especially Leslie telling off Nieves!)

And did you say "El Pinkey"...?!?

In true form, Eww blamed everything on Dario, our tragic figure in this drama. Fab seems to have been processing all the shocking facts Dario threw at him the other day , and I don't think he is buying what his dad is trying to sell him. I think Dario is mentally ill at this point. He wont have A happy ending. I don't think his mother 's love or Mojo's will save Dario from his fate mapped out for him by his evil father.

Thank you, Jardinera! I always admire how you sprinkle your recaps with such humor...and it adds so much more to the episode.

My main concern about this episode is Fab's look when he saw El and Leo up close and personal; and I'm wondering if his conversation with El was driven by his jealousy and not necessarily his frustration and/or loyalty to a father whom he is still having trouble believing that (Ewww) could be such a monster. I have to agree with Fer that Fab could not have been as blind as he is pretending to be; he did, after all, hate his father even before he returned from London...there had to be a reason. And we have to keep in mind that Fab was plotting along with Fer to take the company from he isn't as white a sheep as we may think. PLUS he does have Ewww's muck running through his veins. The question is which way will he go? Can he set aside his feelings for El or will he become the conniving %$&# that his sperm donor is.

Susanlynn "The whole storyline with Leslie not wanting to get fat like Mom is....why???" Because the writers said so...and they want to prolong our misery with these side storied that have nothing to do with the main plot. But on a serious note, I had never heard of hitting one's stomach as a form a losing weight, but a brief research on eating disorders does show that it is a way that some use to keep themselves from eating...or to punish themselves for eating.

Diana, "Leo has been disappointing, no doubt. He has to redeem himself as the (supposed) lead galan here, right (?)." I sure hope he does something, but I don't see it happening soon and if he dos something, it'll probably some stupid plan....remember that he suggested to El that they get away :-( Very disappointing!! I really don't see any of the men being galan material. Mas triste!


Blue Lass, if JL isn't very tall than Leslie must be very short. I am 5'1" and My hub was 6 '. The top of my head came to the top of his shoulder. I have loads of photos of the two of us side by side. Facing him , I looked at the third button on his shirt . Leslie seemed very short to me ...and I am a little person with lots of tall people in my orbit. If Angelique is 5'5" , I would like to see Leslie next to her. Mojo also seems small. Ren is quite a bit taller than her sisters and Clara.

Soooo which one is Leslie? :-)
Sheezo, I'm taller than Moose JL.

I always liked the second or third button girls.
You will not embarrass yourself if you find that you need to carry them sometime.

Susanlynn, I am not quite 5'4" and the Lad is 6'3" -- and I never wear heels. When we dance together (which we rarely do, except at weddings), he looks like he's hugging a parking meter. At least I imagine that's what he looks like; I can't see a thing.

Blue Lass, yes, being a small lass with big lad is grand, but when you slow dance, you are kind of moving b!indly around the floor. Hub also weighed twice as much as I did and was a heavyweight wrestler, so as soon as I started dating him, I felt like I had my own personal bodyguard.

Ok, I'm confused again.

Were Fernanda and Julia BOTH banging Auggie?

Victoria, like many of us, you too have been victimized by these sadistic writers. :-)
FerNasty, for sure.

The people in the show who hate Leo claim Julia was, the people who do not hate Leo quite as much do not claim Julia was. So nobody knows. Dario recently claimed to have bedded her too.

Shoot, if you don't have to show any proof, if Leo does not grow a pair and stop puppy dogging E-lies-a I might lay claim also. But thirds is nothing to brag about, so I am still mulling it over. :-(

From what little we saw of Julia , she seemed to be completely in love with Leo and excited about their baby. I think she somehow fell into the art thefts to earn money to help her sick father. I think that she was faithful to Leo. El read her diary which was filled with her love and devotion to Leo. Dario just loves to torment people by pushing their buttons, and he is clever enough to know exactly which button to push for each person he is tormenting .

Susanlynn, I'm with you on Julia's faithfulness to Leo; I've never really doubted it.

Thanks for clearing my question up.

I'm with you Susanlynn and Rgv Chick.

So much of Julia reflected a young at heart spirit, from her childlike bedroom to her gaily festooned diary, where she carefully preserved cherished mementos of Leo.

I would not have ever picked her as a courier though.I can't say nothing would shock me because so much of this has but I would be very surprised if she ever cheated on Leo.


Liars Liars Liars pants on fires.
Jardinera654 great recap.

Almost nobody tells the truth in this story.

Fernasty lies to cover her own ass, & Tells enough of the truth so who ever she's lying to at the time
Wont suspect shes lying.

I hope that fab don't let his lying rug head of a daddy convince him that dario is behind everything.

Its good if they have suspended leo
Cuz if that's what is happening He can go all Thomas magnum on all the crooks including his lady. Ya know
What? I really wish he'd step away from her for now cuz she keepin him from seeing with clarity. He knows that she is in the middle of a bad
Pot of soup and he dont know rather
He should ladle her out or just put
Her in the bowl with everybody else
. He needs to Get.It.Together. Now!

The only sure thing here is that the liars keep lying and nobody is
Finding out anything. Well there is fab, but he dont know which end is up either.

I guess what it comes down to is when the lies aren't believed more than the truth is anymore then we'l
See the tide change. Rightnow there is A tsunami of lies and the liars are in Control of it.

So tere is going home cuz some schlub jlower found to confess to putting a bigO hole in Rey's chest has confessed to the crime? Are we
Suppose to believe this bull? Like I said the tide needs to turn bfore
I turn the channel. I'm just sick of all the mess in real life and
On this show.

Dario is a big disapointment. Don't
Care anymore.
Ok done for now. Thank you jardinera.


Sorry I'm late, but I was out most of the day. Great work, Jardinera, on a very important episode.

Dario did look demonic and I'm surprised someone didn't send for an exorcist. He is now also so off the deep end because of his revelations to Fabricio. Fabricio looked like he had some IQ points until he confronted his sperm donor. That will be his undoing and Dario's in the end.

I said yesterday that Sonia is about at the halfway mark of pregnancy. I am certain that after she has the baby Eugenio will kill both her and the baby no matter who the sperm donor was. This tale is loaded with toxic parents who don't care about their children:

Nieves: Selling her daughters into crime
Teresa: Giving Leslie a complex about getting fat (not sure if I believe her about-face)
Victoria: Narcissistic and super-controlling
Eugenio: Turns both of his sons into criminals

JLowest has a patsy whom he framed for the murder of Reynaldo; has to be unless the writers are going to say later that JL did this crime while sleepwalking.

How much of the sub-standard writing is the result of adjustments made due to Covid?

As for the gay attraction that's out of left field, I'm sure that's about ratings.

Jardinera Dario looked like a demon possessed person and leo was not far behind. They should never do their eyes like that again.

I’m hanging in there because the comments and recaps are great, thanks Jardinera, and we’re almost halfway through. But I’m tired of all the lies and poor writing. There are so many lies that the plot has become a big mess! I really have nothing to add.

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