Thursday, December 10, 2020

Imperio de mentiras, #53, Wednesday, 12/09/20 Liar, liar, Rug on fire

 Eww defends himself in front of Fab – "Dario is the big baddie who did everything, I was only trying to fix all his porquerias, protect Elisa and the Cantus. And if you go to the police, you will ruin everything."

One flew over the cuckoo’s nest

Majo and Clara manage to get into Mau’s room by saying they’re part of his family. He is obviously sedated, wide eyes open, looking like what nightmares are made of. Majo tells him that Renata send her to check up on him. A nurse shows up with big bottles of pills for Mau. She encourages Majo to keep talking to him, because even if he looks like a catatonic contortionist, he can hear her. She’s not to worry, they are taking good care of him, even if they are short staffed. Why so, Majo asks. Because the head nurse, Estela, has died and most of the staff is at her funeral. When Majo asks, the nurse explains that Estela was mugged and killed when trying to defend herself, but it was strange, because nothing was missing (rookie mistake, art traffickers must make terrible muggers). As the nurse is talking, Mauricio gets restless, his eyes threaten to jump out of his eye sockets. The nurse remembers that Majo used to come visit another patient, so Majo admits that she lied about being part of Mau’s family. It was her sister, Renata, who asked her to come visit. The nurse doesn’t mind, she knows the two were friends. Majo asks why he’s being sedated, was there an unwanted baby inside his belly, too? No, she doesn’t say that, but it would be an honest presumption, right? The nurse explains that he tried to run away, so they are keeping him drugged in order to avoid another crisis. And that is medicine at its finest.

Dario is with his lawyer. He demands to know what Eww is doing to get him out. The lawyer explains that they are waiting for his transfer. Then they will arrange for his case to be given to one of the judges that are on Ew's payroll. Dario wants an immediate transfer and a lot of money. And if Eww doesn’t obey, he will start talking. The lawyer promises to talk to the big boss. JLow is listening on the conversation from behind the glass mirror.

The love boat

Fer is gazing at Juanito’s picture on her phone when Eww summons her to her apartment in an hour. She tries to resist, but it’s an order. Eww hangs up just in time for Vic to demand an explanationabout what she heard earlier. He’s afraid if he tells her the truth, she will no longer want to stay with him. Ha, she should be so smart!

She’s confused, who is Dario, she heard him say it was his son. You can see Eww’s gray cells turning behind those porcine eyes, trying to come up with a decent enough lie.  He says that Dario is a delinquent who deserves to be in jail. He doesn’t know if he's his son. His mother, Piedad, used to work for him and she always lied to Dario, telling him that he was his father. She’s a blackmailer, he never cared for her, all he has ever cared about is the Cantus. He tried his best to help Dario, but it was of no use. He was such an imbecil, thinking that Dario could ever change. 

He also lets Victoria know that Sonia is leaving today, SHE will be the senora de la casa. Vic is not so sure, when he’ll be back she won’t be there anymore. Eww turns to go, but not without one last romantic menace: “ You will still be here, because you love me just as much as I love you.” God help us all.

 The butler did it

Back at the precinct, they managed to catch the guy who pulled the trigger on Rey. JLow gets all the credit for having looked into the gun more carefully.  Tere insisted that she only hid the gun but never shot it and they never found gun powder traces on her hands, so they examined the gun closely and found another set of finger prints that belonged to this poor soul. Leo asks why Tere is still in jail if she’s innocent. JLow takes Leo aside to explain that he allowed his jealousy to get the better of him. He did find his wife with her lover and he is a human being, he got mad. He asks Leo, the champ, to take Tere home, he needs to “take care” of this bozo who was conveniently found guilty. Leo is happy to oblige, he still believes his brother is in his corner.

Fer arrives home to Eww, who says she hasn’t earned her right to see her family, yet. Enter Sonia, who is going to live with Fer from now on. Fer is not happy with the idea, but Eww threatens to send her family out of the country if she doesn’t obey.

Elisa is preparing her last will and testament with Alfonso. She will leave all her Cantu stock to her sisters, the same for her apartment in NY. She must think that money laundering will get her the electric chair or life in prison. I hope she at least holds on to her collection of backpacks and gigantic chains. When Alfonso leaves, Leo calls. They set a date for the evening, they miss one another, luv you, luuuv you even more.

As cold as ice

Clara is gazing at her phone, too, at a picture of Majo (I bet she’s kind of happy that Dario forced her to spy on her, am I right?) Nieves surprises her, tries to gossip about Tere’s prison stint, but Clara won’t stoop so low. She tells her Cobra has been incarcerated, which makes Nieves extremely giddy. Now they can sell the house and go live in Veracruz with her sister. But Clara won’t hear of it, she will probably get called in to declare about one of the various shady things that she has been forced to do. Besides, she’s in love, but she won’t say who it is. Nieves insists they go, they have enough money, they can leave someone in charge of the house, and Clara can find a decent muchacho in Veracruz. Clara still refuses to go, she can’t leave Majo all alone. Nieves attacks Majo, Clara jumps to defend her, because she is IN LOVE with her.

Later in the evening Nieves still can’t believe what Clara said. Was she just trying to upset her?  If so, God will punish her. Clara protests, Nieves slaps her.

Majo arrives home to inform Renata that Mau is OK, as in not dead, because he is drugged and can’t utter a word (you know, usual manicomio treatment). Oh, and the nurse who helped you find out the truth has been killed in a robbery gone wrong.

Divide and conquer

Fer has found a spare bedroom for Sonia, since the broom closet is filled with all her numerous lies, half-truths and hair iron. Eww has one last gift for the new roomies before leaving the apartment: Sonia shouldn’t trust Fer, that artifact that she gave her to “help” her run away came from him, it was all a set up. He congratulates them for finally realizing how it is to sleep with the enemy. Before he finally leaves asks one last thing from Fer: to keep Fab in town no matter what. No matter what, she repeats? Yes, he urges and everyone is thinking about the same thing : Fab is about to find out that he is a daddy.

 An affair to forget

JLow is in his office, looking constipated with worry. Adriana walks by, hesitates, then decides to embrace the chaos and go into his office. She is just checking up on him, letting him know Leo has taken Tere home. Talk turns to divorce, but JLow can’t think about that now, and it’s because of (get this) Adriana. He doesn’t want to burden her with all that he’s feeling right now. Well, Adriana is ready to talk feelings, ‘cause hers are very strong and intense and forbidden. JLow doesn’t want to think about it for now, he just needs to feel something beautiful. They start swapping germs, just in time for Mario to notice them and run for the first barf bag he can find.

Tere is at home, her hair tousled, but still rocking that huge cleavage. Sara is happy to see her, hugs her, and welcomes her back home. Teresa apologizes, says she doesn’t deserve to be here, starts talking about Rey but Leo stops her, swiftly suggesting that this is a talk she should have with her husband, not her mother in law. Leslie comes down the stairs, but before she can actually see her mother, she faints. Que que what?

JLow wants to take advantage that nobody is at the office to do it on the desk or something. Adriana is saved by the ring tone, Leo is calling to let JLow know that Leslie is not feeling well. He runs to be with his family, leaving Adriana alone, hopefully realizing that she will always be the other woman.

When Leslie comes to later on, she’s happy to see her mother is home. She thinks the fainting was just because of all the problems they’ve been having.

The doctor examines her and then tells JLow  and Teresa that Leslie needs to rest. She told him about the difficult situation at home and he also knows about the bruises. This is news to Teresa, who is listening in shock as the doctor makes an appointment for Leslie to have a CT scan the next day to see if there is any kind of permanent damage.

When she decides to leave the office, too, Adriana notices Mario. He was waiting for her but he noticed that she was busy with the boss. He wanted to thank her for being on his side earlier and say that he understands why she does what she does and won’t judge her. He looks as if he’s just lost his best friend, maybe it’s time he cut his losses.

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Super Rug

Eww has prepared a romantic dinner for Icky. Kill me now. “Bienvenida a mi vida,” he says, his drooling eyes sending chills all through the Patio. She’s all like “Thanks, but no, thanks! I need to know the truth, first.”

Cue the dramatic music as Eww explains that Dario is a bastard who destroyed his life. He’s tried to help him and his mother, but she turned out to be a thief and a blackmailer. Vic asks if he ever slept with her, Eww admits it happened a few times (no biggie, a guy’s gotta do what a guy’s gotta do), but Dario is not his son. Victoria wonders how he could live not knowing. Eww scrambles for a satisfactory lie, good thing he remembers he’s impersonating a saint, because he says that he was trying to be charitable with Dario, nothing more. Victoria asks the million pesos question: “Did you tolerate his criminal activity the same way you tolerated the money laundering and Augusto’s involvement? You knew about all of it. And you LIED!"

She only has the upper hand for a second, because Eww comes up with another lie. He was trying to protect Elisa and the entire family. To make the story short for those who are getting confused by his explanations: he was helping Dario, but he was also helping Elisa and the Cantu clan, keeping his best amigo’s secret, trying to cure cancer, save the world. Victoria protest that it was his business, too and she shows a lot of guts, which tell me that she’s not scared of him, yet, and for whatever reason, Eww is doing his best to sound convincing. 

He further explains that Dario started it all, got Augie involved and then father of the year Augie made Elisa the only legal owner of the galleries, the perfect patsy. That’s why he called for Fab’s help, even if he won’t work with him anymore. And now, that Dario’s in jail, everything will get cleared up, he just needs her help to get Elisa out of the mess she’s in. He can only do it with her by his side, he loves her. They hold hands and promise NO MORE LIES.

 The devil made her do it

Fab quits formally in front of Elisa. Financial whiz that he is, he actually admits in front of his boss that one of the reasons for his resignation is the fact that she wouldn’t breakup with her boyfriend when he asked her to. He was only there to protect her (not work in his CFO capacity or whatever) and he has other reasons for leaving, but he can’t get into them because Elisa needs to remain a fool for another 30 episodes or so.

Enter Fer, asking Fab to stay when he wants to run from her like she was the pest. She tells him that Juanito is her son, not her nephew, like she said four or five lies ago. And he's the daddy, she was pregnant when he left for Londres. Fab doesn’t believe a word, she’s lied so many times, why would he believe her now? Why would she tell the truth now? Fer is afraid to lose him, Juanito needs him. Elisa tries to leave several times, finally manages to just as the half-truth telling gets good. Fab wants to go after her, Fer is shocked that he would care more about Elisa than what she just told him. He points out that he was not running after Elisa, he was trying to get away from her lies. 

Why hasn’t she told him the truth all these years they’ve been in contact? Fer explains that Eww forced her to keep quiet, she paid her to have an abortion, threatened to kill her. But, oh, she couldn’t do that, she was so happy to have a piece of him to cherish. So she disappeared for a while, gave birth, then when she was back she started working for Augusto Cantu, while her mother took care of the baby. She has been under duress all this time, Eww is playing with everyone’s lives. Fab listens to all of this with what has become his “I wish I were the gardener’s son” scowl. He just says that both Eww and Fer are big liars who lie easier than they breathe.

Love in the time of the mythomania

 Elisa and Renata share some good old fashioned gossip about Fer and Fab and their bundle of joy. Elisa had no clue Fab was the baby daddy, she only recently found about about Juanito. Renata is shocked, Elisa not so much anymore, wherever you turn your back there is another lie waiting for you (this coming from her is priceless). She explains to Renata that Fer disappeared at one time, for more than a year, supposedly studying abroad. She’s now sure that she knew about Augie’s dirty business. Ren plays big sister, offers to prepare some tea for Elisa, but she’s about to go ut again, see Leo. On second thought, she doesn’t feel like going, maybe she should cancel. Renata gets frantic, insists that Elisa doesn’t give up on a romantic night with the man she loves. She even offers to cook them dinner and her insistence makes Elisa cave.

Then Renata calls Leo, tells him about the change in plans. He’s surprised, doesn’t seen eager to be under the same roof with Victoria. Renata quickly explains that her mother is gone and she and Majo will hide in their rooms. Leo finally agrees, Ren suggests he bring red roses.  

The three sisters try to choose the right outfit for Elisa to wear. She doesn’t seem to like any of her dresses anymore, maybe because they all look the same.

Fer is at home, crying, with Sonia keeping her company. She accuses her of provoking Marcelo’s death and working for Eww. And if she thinks she will get her family back, she is just stupid. Eww will blackmail her and when he's done with her, he will get rid of her.

Leo arrives, looking as halfway handsome as he could be. Elisa shows up from behind him, sees the red roses, but instead of smiling and saying “thanks” like a normal girlfriend would, she goes into a useless story about she and Renata as kids, never admitting to her sister she hated cut flowers. He promises never to listen to other people’s advice, not even the ones who have the best intentions and who have spent a lot of time and energy cooking for them and decorating the huge Cantu garden better than a professional decorator could. I do hope Renata puts some of this new found energy into getting better mentally, her fangirling over Leolisa is a bit much.

Leo thinks that Ren is a great sister, but Elisa is amazing, so beautiful, more than ever. Snor…



What a fabulous recap. OMG, I'll never be able to go to sleep now because my stomach hurts from laughing at all the snark you inserted. What a gem of a recap!

Have you guys noticed Leo is always wearing that fake-looking leather jacket?


Adriana, loved the recap. “ . . . It’s Super Rug!” was the best. Thanks.

Doctors still make house calls. A blast from the past.

If Sonia and Fernanda were smart, they would join forces and get rid of the rug, roll him up in a rug and dump him.

Adriana: It's so damn obvious that Dario whacked the Nurse.

Victoria: Big question is whether Fernanda dies during Ultimos Capitulos 🤔 ?

Sensational Adriana Noel.

"porcine eyes" and "It's Super Rug" took the sting out of another painful episode.

Thank you for the nod to One flew over the cuckoo’s nest, one of the most impactful movies ever made. "wide eyes open, looking like what nightmares are made of" was too eerily reminiscent of Jack Nicholson's McMurphy. He cannot suffer that fate. And no nurse Ratched, I am sad Estela met such a dark end.

“Fer has found a spare bedroom for Sonia, since the broom closet is filled with all her numerous lies, half-truths and hair iron" made me grimly smile. I wish Sonia and Fer would concoct something to outsmart Ewww - great idea Jarifa.

I don;t know how Ewww keeps all his lies "straight". His lying rendition of his history with Piedad was revolting. "You will still be here, because you love me just as much as I love you.” God help us all" said everything.

Has Fab had a plaid jacket on in every scene?

I couldn't believe Adriana was swapping spit with JLouse. Has everyone forgotten he had Rey investigated right before he died???

I still can't believe Tere was actually released. And hasn't Leslie suffered enough??

Dario has unabated fury and can scowl and threaten with the best of them. But he is smart enough to know Ewww knows he betrayed him. Bluster will get you only so far.

So now Elisa is making her will? At least she's making time for a romantic interlude with Leo who is unfortunately following the wrong scent.

It's up to Mario and a nearly comatose Mauricio to come through. Hope is ebbing.

Thank you, thank you - marvelous.


Adriana, perfect Thanks.

I especially liked “I hope she at least holds on to her collection of backpacks and gigantic chains.”

BTW, these girls might be advised, that if you are a grownup and your Mom slaps you into three episodes from now, you are definitely allowed, nay, even expected, to slap back with all your youth and vigor.

I DO love TN logic when it suits youir agenda. “Little Juanito Neeeeeeds you, his Daddy, you just can't leave your little son.” Um.....Oh? exactly when did THIS need arise? He has not needed me, nor even his Mom for ther past six years. Liar, Liar, pants on fire.

JLow, and Adriana, (English translation Brain Dead) lip locking in an office with open door and GLASS WALLS? It is good that Super Mario got an eyeful.

OK, Sara's pregnancy fainting has morphed over to Leslie now. What are these people trying to pull on us.? Is there something in the air conditioning at that house? She needs to rest? We have not seen her not resting, next lower step in restfulness is the Mauricio.

Kill me now. “Bienvenida a mi vida,” he says, his drooling eyes sending chills all through the Patio . is repeatable. My thoughts exactly.

Every last one of these people shopuld be politicians, if their lips are moving, they are lying. “not her nephew, like she said four or five lies ago. “ Yup.

The last ten minutes of this episode I didn't even watch. From about the picking out clothes onward. Just turned it off. “Less than interested” in Leo and E-Lies-a is an understatement. It looks like I didn't misss anything worth watching.

Thanks again Adriana.

Yes Victoria, no matter the weather, the PLeather jacket is always there. El in a tank top, no bra and short shorts and Leo in a Pleather jacket. Ihave noticed a couple of others on this show with heavy leather coats too, seemingly at odds with the climate. Just dumb. Like when it is a hundred plus here in Florida and I see some hood Rat wearing a black long sleeved hoodie, I just do not believe he could possibly be cold.

Thank you, Adriana Noel! Your recao is so much more entertaining than the episode; your sides were the cherry(ies) on top.

"wide eyes open, looking like what nightmares are made of" perfect description! It seemed he was trying to speak; so I'm hopeoing that the meds will be reduced gradually.

Unbelievable how Ewww can just spit out those lies without even a blink...and Vic eats it up; she may not like it or fully believe it, but she still eats it up.

Adriana: how can someone so smart be such an idiot! Yuk!

I'm not sure it was a will tha Eliesa was having the accountant draw up, but it was something that would ensure Renata's and Majo's shares were well as her NY apartment.


Gracias, Adriana Noel for an excellent recap.
Again this episode left me scratching my head!
Aren’t the police/detectives following up on Pinky’s arrest.
Why did he follow Teresa and Reynaldo to the hotel? What was his motive for the killing? Aren’t they at all suspicious of JL? And Adriana, knowing how vindictive and jealous Jl was over Teresa’s infidelity, why is she kissing him?? What will happen to Pinky? Probably, when no one is looking, JL will release him. And Estela, the nurse? She was at the Cantu residence and then next day, she’s assaulted and killed?
So many loose ends!

Cher Adriana,Merci beaucoup , for that amazing recap. I loved the title and the subheadings.

Lots of prepositions...Dario is IN jail . Tere is OUT of jail. Leslie is ON the floor .

Lies and liars. Lying gets to be a habit with some people. Do they actually start to believe their own lies , or does it just get easier and easier to keep telling lies. This show certainly has the right title because the lies just keep coming and the liars just keep deceiving the innocents around them . Can anyone stop the lies ? Can anyone stop Eww, JLow , Dario ? Who ?

Seeing Mauricio drugged and senseless and finding out the the poor nurse was killed was so frustrating ...well, everything is frustrating now . I was so hoping that Mauricio was hiding out at Ren's abandoned apartment . Now what ? How can Mau save Ren when there seems to be no body to save Mau now?

That scene of JLow and Adriana getting it on in that fish bowl office made me want to change the channel ..yuck. Whatever in the world would make Adriana want to kiss him ? I thought she was supposed to be a smart, strong woman . If it was Fernando Colunva playing JL...I might buy her infatuation but JL??? The incredible hulk in a wrinkled shirt and a scruffy beard and wild eyes ??!! Really writers ? We are supposed to believe Adriana cannot resist this guy ?? No.

Fab looks like a truck hit him. Suddenly being told by Fern that he is a dad doesn't even seem to have registered in his fevered brain. DEspierta, Fab. Do something .

Leo is dazed and confused by Dario's wildeyed taunts about the love of his life Julia and the second runner-up love of his life Eliesa, so what to do next ??? Yes!!!! date night arranged by the Can't do sisters' catering and floral company. The longing looks and kisses as everything is burning out of control ???? Really writers ???

Who could possibly bring down the bad guys at this point ? Leo? Fab? Will the villains turn on each other ?? Fern seems to be buckling under Eww's pressuring her to control Fab . Does Sonia have any power or will to do anything ?

As our suspended animation continues in reality, it feels like this show is spinning its wheels as the lying liars who lie just keep fooling everybody .

Fe, this show appears to assume that we have a second grader's concept of law and order and the justice system. Adriana's Lustice system too.!

We have a Very Dirty cop who commits cold blooded murder. He covers his tracks with one tiny leaf from an oak tree, and Presto! nobody picks up the trail.

A perp is identified on grainy footage and bada bing bada boom, he is guilty and Frog Tere goes free. No questions asked, no investigation, nothing. Next episode they will prolly throw him in prison to be killed by paid goons and case solved.

I am more entertained by a squirrel eating a peanut. Are we supposed to be entertained by a whole orbit full of people who are one step away from needing to be watered every other day? I can get that at WalMart just trying to buy food.

BTW, Futball tonight?

Correction: Eliesa was wanted her shares divided between Renata and well as her apartment. At least she had neurons enough not to sign those shares over the Fab.


Futbol on tonight; so no Primetime TN. We get a rest from all the madness...and it gives us a chance to sort out all the lies :-)

Kirby...ridin' the same wave :-)

Fe: Once again, we're likely not getting a happy ending at this point.

RGV Chick: Let's cross our fingers law enforcement has the balls to bring down Creepy Eugenio & Co.,

Kirby: Sonia is WEAK & cannot do anything since her days are numbered. Big question is whether Elisa knows about Fab & Fernanda's horizontal "exercise sessions" ?

Susanlynn: More chaos to continue.

I am feeling exhausted from Suspending my disbelief.

Dario seems to be doomed now that Eww is vigorously pushing all the blame on him when he talks to Icky and Fab . Will Eww have Dario sent to jail and have him killed there ? Will be tell JL to get rid of Dario? Dario seems to have forgotten how in love he was with Mojo.

Fab needs to shake off his stupor and figure out how to deal with the mess he is finally seeing . At this point, he needs to confide in and work with Leo and maybe sleepy Mario because everyone else is corrupt .

Sonia really isn't very bright, is she? She finally gets to leave Eu's place, knows Ew has Fernanda's mother and child (I'm assuming she overheard) and is being threatened, and she has to pick a fight with Fer? Maybe work with her and get herself out of this situation would be a better option. Although Fer should have been smart enough to have put up some video cameras as insurance against Ew.

And Fabricio. He's learning how awful his father is and should be willing to hear Fer out about the threats he made to her, but no, he'd rather go follow the blond. I thought he liked Fernanda better anyway and Elisa was just part of the Plot. Maybe he and Sonia should get together. Fernanda could do better.

It's great that telenovela people have learned all about cell phones but now someone needs to tell them that phones are also recording devices and can be used against the bad guys. And also maybe mention voice mail so they don't feel the need to answer every single time.



Fab is in denial right now. I am hoping that he wakes up and realizes that if he truly wants to save the !ovely, desireab!e Eliesa from taking the fall for it all, he has to let Leo know what he found out from Dario. I think he believes Dario and his mom , not Ewww. He doesnt trust Fern anymore.

It seems that telenovelas no longer want to represent good triumphing over evil. Mwybe Eww and Icky will escape to some desert isle with all the Cantdo cash.

I think i hate JLowertbanlow more than Eww.

I am sorry that we wont get an episode tonight.

Fe, I agree with you about this show, there are so many lies you can't even see the plot. Good guys a BigO fat 0 bad guys 100% winning.
It's about 2 weeks before christmas
They better give us a christmas bonus. Especially cuz of what I saw last night with what they did to Mau.
I haven't even read the recap yet and this is pissin Me off. The man had enough problems and now they've Pumped him full of gawd nows what. I cant rant right now gotta bath and get relaxed. What the hell is wrong with these writers?Or whoever whoever is in charge, GG!!!!!

I'll be back later. Calmer. Maybe.'s only a show's only a show

It's only a show

It's only a show



Adriana Noel, thanks so much -- loved, loved, LOVED your section headers. I can rarely pull that off, but I might borrow Susanlynn's adjective idea. ;}

Susanlynn and another thing about JLouse, he is a little pinch shouldered stick figure. Men are supposed to have these big broad strong shoulders to carry the world, or their luuuuves problems on.

Next time look at the sleeve seams on his wrinkled shirt. If the shirt even almost fits, the seams where the sleeves are sewn in should be nearly vertical. IE you have some wide shoulders in there filling it out from sleeve to sleeve. His are drooping at about a 45 degree angle.

Kirby..exactly so. JL obviously never did any bridging to stregthen his neck and shoulder muscles to train for sports or spent lots of days hitting baseballs which create those broad shoulders.However, it looks like the actors playing Leo, Fab and Dario were athletes because they do have broad shoulders. !east literally if not figuratively. A guy with broad shoulders both !literally and figurative!y...that guy has it all.

I cannot figure out why the writers thougbt viewers would believe this story!ine of Adriana falling for JL.

I thougbt it was interesting tbat E!iesa wanted to know if Adriana had ever fallen for Leo. I wondered the same thing. Sometimes if love only goes obe way , it turns into a devoted friendship.

Adriana Noel, 5he wonderful story teller you are, in spite of the mess you had to work with you done
Good, Thank you much!

Now, I will do this without ranting
Which does absolutely no good at all. Cuz they are a boat of fools and liars. Who wouldn't know the truth if it cut their heads off.

Eww tryin to sound and look sexy was nauseating. And bitchy icky as
Tho she is so Pius and pure as the driven snow is just plain cow crap
Frozen in the snow.

" he looks as tho hes lost his best friend. May be he should cut his loses." Maybe he has lost his best friend, I just hope the loss is not fatal. I really thought she Was comin to her senses. I don't see
The attraction for this lying liar
But to each her own. I want him to fall and to fall hard.
Now ter is stuck in a loveless dead marriage to lying cheating murderer
Who's probly worse than his daddy was. Wouldn't be surprised if he &
Leo got a sister out there and she
Turns out to be fernasty. Why not? everything else is turned upside up
And down in this brain twister of a

And now she decides to tell fab he
The baby daddy or did eww tell her that when he said fab is about to find out hes a daddy? So she just beat him to it? Whatever, the whole
Thing is a perfect mess.

Sonia is living with fer. This reminds me of the movie "single white female", only this is on bad
Dope. Married pregnant female that is forced to live with single brown
female that lies as easily as she breathes and both of them are forced to live together by a crazy old guy who thinks hes Gods gift to
Women and the world.

This show is really living up to its title. Every family on this show is contaminated with liars.
Their good at it too. Which is really frustrating cuz the good guys are kind of useless when it comes to finding out that the liars

Thank you Adriana Noel. You made a silk purse out of a sow's ear.


You are speaking for me Kirby, Susanlynn, Steve, Nina!
I know that there are times during a telenovela that the plot is so preposterous that it’s beanie time. But watching this telenovela, it’s beanie time all the time!


Great work, Adriana. My faves:

You can see Eww’s gray cells turning behind those porcine eyes, trying to come up with a decent enough lie.

Eww turns to go, but not without one last romantic menace: “ You will still be here, because you love me just as much as I love you.” God help us all.

That one is particularly good because neither of the is capable of loving anyone. However, do either of them know that?

Elisa is preparing for the possibility that she could end up in the slammer. Better that anything of hers end up with her sisters than anyone else. She seems to be catching on that her mother would never let go of that stuff in an attempt to maintain control over her sisters and their issues.

Nieves is just as much of a narcissist as Victoria. It's like Ursula and Josefa from YNCELH all over again.

They start swapping germs, just in time for Mario to notice them and run for the first barf bag he can find. How apt!

Eugenio's epic lies in this episode have yet to penetrate Victoria's selfish brain. I suspect we will be in ultimos capitulos before she sees that he intends to steal everything her family has and destroy them in the process.

Fabricio is showing himself to be less intelligent than we thought. He should just demand a DNA test and send child support by wire from London.

I don't believe Fab will ever team with Leo. They are in opposing camps due to their both loving Eliza. I believe, just a quess, that Fab will be the one to endanger her. Leo wants to HELP her, but Fab wants to HAVE her.

I don't think that Fab's intent is toxic so much as it's selfish. He is not recognizing that Elisa's heart and hormones belong to Leo and he can't change her mind about this.

It was probably a waste of oxygen
For dario to tell fab about daddy
Damnedest. Hes in his own familial
Distress. He ain't in no condition to Help nobody. And neither is leo. He can't even see his own brother is Piece of dog puss. Evil mess this is.
The grinch is sweet compared to these people

You guys are rocking this comment section. I'll do my best to reply to each and everyone of you today, yesterday has been crazy long and busy for me.

Good mornibg, all. It's cold here. ..a hot oatmeal day.

I am eager to see what Fab does after he finally finishing processing all the shocking information Dario and Fern have dropped him against the lies that Eww used for damage control.

Will Eww now order JL to kill Dario to shut him up? Is Eww evil enough to kill his own Flesh and blood?


I agree with all of you about Adriana, how is she still able to fancy Jlow after everything that she's witnessed. I don't care that he's ugly or gorgeous, since beauty is subjective, but Adriana is a cop, she should see the signs a mile away. Same for Leo, but I guess they are both too close to Jlow to realize how rotten he is. Mario might be smarter if the writers allow him to shine a bit.

The whole Pinky thing was left wide open. What I got from Jlow instructing Leo to take Tere home while he finished with Pinky was that he needed to make sure that the guy didn't say anything that could get him into trouble. He was staying behind to do some damage control. Of course, nobody is talking about why the guy killed Rey or how he got into his room. The case must be investigated by the same invisible detectives that are investigating Sonia being found half-dead on a boat.

If Fab ever decides to share with Leo what he knows it would be like admitting Leo's capacity and importance. I have less trouble seeing him get Dario out of jail against Eww's wishes and starting to plot with him. Leo might as well remain oblivious until the last 3 capitulos when he will do something deemed heroic and get another medal.

If we try to comeup with a short description of the main characters, what would we get?

Fer (no actual murder, but a lot of aiding and abetting)
Victoria (she did order her unborn grandchild's death)

Dario (except from telling Majo that he was going to change and never did, I think he is among the more 'honest' of the bunch)

Fab (complotting with Fer for the constructora)

Adriana, wow ,that's a !ot of lying liars who lie. The remaining characters have decided to believe all those liars except Fab, Ren , and maybe Sleepy Mafio ( Somebody get this guy a Red Bull!)

Will Ren try to rescue Mau?

Renata's foetus was not viable outside the womb, so this doesn't count as murder under Mexican law. It was a crime in the sense that Victoria (with Eugenio's help) somehow coerced a doctor into violating medical ethics by making him perform an abortion not requested by the patient and then rendering the patient sterile. I don't recall the details of the surgery, though. Does anyone remember hearing whether it was tying her tubes or a hysterectomy? The latter would be much worse. In either case, that doctor needs to lose his license.

One thing that has been bothering me about our discussions is the tendency to vilify Elisa the most for lying when she is doing so solely for the purpose of protecting her family. Among the adults everyone else's lies are in the interests of greed and cruelty.


I'll bet you a case of Red Bull that Diablo changed MaRio to MaFio.

If you can posthumously keep your lying liar title, we have ole Marcelo too.

And while I am thinking, Little Miss Mojo kinda may have told a fib or two while she was being physically romantically involved with Master Dare-io. Like 'don't know where he is', 'can't recall what he looks like', 'was blindfolded the whole time,didn't see 'nuffin', 'screwin' him? what are you crazy?'....etc. But I still like her just based on her legs alone.

Urban, when talking with Ren about the opération, Mau said that they tied her tubes, I remember searching online for the different types of procedures- Ren's should be reversible but still remains dangerous...and having a kid while on meds is not Ok, regardless.
ITA that we give a lot of grief to Elisa for lieing, but maybe we do it because we would have liked her to be more take-charge.

Kirby, you're right about Majo, she used to lie à lot for Dario. I guess she's sorry now, huh?

Urban, i agree with you that Eliesalot lies to protect her family. I do love kirby's clever name for her though. I smile everytime i type it.

I cannot wait to see where the story goes tonight. I am eager to see what Fab does next.


Adriana, I wonder if MoJo is actually sorry now. She was all boo hoo when he had been caught and given a Leo style butt stomping. Thinking back, she was more torn up about it all than Dario, the recipient.

I just checked WebMD, which says that reversal of a tubal ligation has a 50-80% success rate for a subsequent pregnancy. However, there is a higher risk of ectopic pregnancy, which is dangerous to the woman and fatal to the foetus.

Renata probably could have IVF, but her psych meds definitely rule this out.

So in other words Urban ren has been screwed over by her evil moma
Out of hatred and jealousy and eww
Cuz he just wants icky to think he will do anything for her cuz he lu lu luuuurves her. I do not want to see him try and act sexy again. That is just to nauseating to see
At my age. Gross!

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