Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Imperio de mentiras, #57, Wednesday, 12/16/20 The hidden and the unhinged

 Just some bullet points this time, I'm typing the recap as I'm watching (and then putting scenes together, with a little bit of snark on the side).

Adriana gives up on Mario’s friendship because of JLow’s sick control over her. And then screams at him that he can't control her life. Yeah...

The happy Fabrapoodle family are waiting on the DNA results. Fab thinks Fer is a worthless whore (his exact words basically), he’s going to fight for Juanito if he's his son. 

The next day word of a video camera catching Elisa and some guy driving on a highway spreads faster than a certain virus that shall remain unnamed. 

Ren & Majo's day out

Ren and Majo decide to go visit Mauricio and Dario. 

Mau is looking worse than before, Ren apologizes for causing this. He can actually speak, but I wish he hadn't, it only makes him look nuttier.

Majo and Renata recruit Clara to go visit Dario. Majo wants to convince Dario to recant about Elisa. Nieves shows up to give her unwanted two cents, mentioning Majo and Clara’s made up love affair. Majo realizes Clara has feelings for her, apologizes for confusing her.  

Vic is searching for Majo and Ren, forces the maid to tell her where the girls went. She promptly calls Eww to tell him to stop his daughters from talking to their  boyfriends. Eww calls JLow to inquire about Piedad, gets restless when the “job” hasn’t been done, yet. Mario looks like has been listening on the conversation.

Majo goes to visit Dario in jail. JLow's call comes right before, he warns Dario not to talk or else his mother will suffer. When he visits with Majo, Dario tells her he accused Elisa all on his own, he had no accomplice. If she will help his mother, he will help with Elisa. "Take her someplace safe. I only care about the two of you in this world."

When Majo and Ren get back home, Vic wants Majo to sign the contract giving Fab the power to run Cantu. Ren is not happy with the idea, warns that they’re going to lose the company. 

Memories of the way we were

Elisa is wondering if she should tell her sisters about Fernanda and Augusto. Mario calls to warn Leo about Cristina snooping around. Leo doesn’t want to come to his hearing, Mario thinks that failing to appear could make things worse for him. Elisa agrees, she will stay hidden while he spies for both of them.

Adriana doesn’t want to be with JLow because Teresa's cheating made him afraid to love again (I swear THIS is her reason).  Cristina catches them kissing. She's searching for Leo, she knows they know where he is. She suggests Adriana has been promoted thanks to her horizontal expertise.

Enter Leo, denying anything and everything Elisa related. He accuses Cristina of using her official power in the present and scaring him away in the past. She comes on to him, says he wants him back. Once upon a time Leo rejected Cristina because he loved Julia. And look how good that turned out, Cristina points out. They agree they make one another crazy, but not for the same reasons. He looks disgusted, loves Elisa. He raises his voice a tiny bit, she finds it a turn on, calls it passionate.

Hide and Shriek

The maid who saw Elisa the night before lies to the cop who comes searching for her. Then she
warns Elisa that the police is looking for her. Elisa calls Leo (who has saved her in his phone with name and surname, no "love muffin", "corazon" or "sexy kitty" - oh wait, that would be Cristina). Cristina summons Leo to her house at night, or else… Leo calls Elisa back, she is scared, he’s coming to help. Adriana suggests Leo to ask Mario's help with Elisa, while he deals with Cristina.

Once the cops are gone, the maid advices Elisa to stay put, just in case they are still around. Elisa is very thankful, they bond.

Mario check in with the cops investigating the area Elisa is hiding. He sees a car speeding, is it Leo trying to reach Elisa?

Could be, because he eventually does get back to the love shack. Smooching ensues. When he leaves, shortly after, we see that Cristina has been following him. Ay, caray!

In other news: 

Fer gives Fab the contract that makes him CEO (only Ren and Majo need to sign it). With this, Fab terminates their agreement. Fer looks hurt. Who cares?

Eww is back to dirty business-ing, wants one of his goons to start training Fab in the family biz, prepare some art transport, use the NY gallery to cover their tracks. I couldn't bring myself to understand the instructions that he was giving to the guy... maybe someone else can explain this part better.

Nieves wants to talk to Leslie about Clara. Sara tells her that Leslie is very sick. Nieves tells Sara that Clara is gay for Majo. Oh, these nasty Cantu monsters… Good thing she’s a great mom, she’s even capable of locking Clara up. Sara tries to speak up for Clara, she would always love her boys, no matter what (are you sure, Sara?) Nieves thinks Majo is only making fun of Clara, using her.

Leslie is getting worse, they take her to the hospital. She loses a lot of blood, needs a transfusion. Sara calls JLow, who is busy doing Adriana and doesn’t answer the call.


This episode show them getting even stupider and stupider.
Thank you for the bullet points

I'll comment more tomorrow, gotta sleep.

Adriana Noel, stellar, perfect title.

You hit the few high and the very many low lights of this with precision and humor.

"Hide and Shriek" made me laugh. Just great.

"Adriana gives up on Mario’s friendship because of JLow’s sick control over her. And then screams at him that he can't control her life." Even the sane have succumbed to irrationality.

I agree that seeing Mauricio speak was worse than his silence. Thankfully Ewwww seems to be more concerned with threatening and maiming his children at this point than more retribution against Mauricio. The same cannot be said of Icky.

Nieves makes my skin crawl.

"They agree they make one another crazy, but not for the same reasons". Chris not a saint but is either indeed a wronged woman or totally BSC.

And Leo?? I don't know...

I really hopes Leslie doesn't die. Having her do so while her father fondles Adriana is so putrid, I have to purposefully purge that image from my mind.

Maybe the obvious has been staring us in the face this entire time??? Perhaps Mario is the mastermind and evilest of them all??? No? OK. I'm sure there is some explosive revelation waiting but at this point have no idea.

Adriana Noel, well, well done. Thank you!


I meant to mention that I do hope Majo gets Piedad to safety. She's suffered enough.

Perhaps Leo and Elisa's rather luxurious hideaway will be vacant shortly?


Ooo Adriana, nice one. Thanks Bunches.

So even Ms Chris has sense enough to follow dimwit Leo to the lair. I CAN NOT wait to see what she does next. I suspect I am supposed to be rooting for E-Lies-a based on her looks and station in life or something, but...she wears the goofyest clothes and mostly just pouts and squeaks. Maybe Chris can cuff her and bring her in.

I kept looking for marks on Mauricio's head, as in lobotomy, but didn't see anything, so he might be OK when and IF the drugs ever wear off.

Ole MoJo sure has a lot on her svelte shoulders lately, will she be able to get Piedad to safety? I understood E-lies-a's last words to her to run Can'tDo also. I suppose Fabrqadoodle is doing that now, as it is pretty much his company.

Speaking of Fab, the bloom is kinda off the rose with FerNasty isn't it?

"Cristina catches them kissing. She suggests Adriana has been promoted thanks to her horizontal expertise."

In the distant past, (3 weeks ago) I would have bristled at that, now, given a look at the new and estrogen-brained Adriana, I think I agree. So... what? has it dawned on her that her dreaded "Biological Clock is Ticking"?

Yes, Adri, your number of satisfying romps in the hay are countable now. But you are past the practical age to start a family. But the gorilla in the room, is that even if you did start one...WITH J LowerThanPondScum?

Could the DNA tests indicate ALMOST Fab, IE: actually Ewww? I do not know that much about the DNA testing thing.

Will Fer be fired and move out of her palacial apartment? I want to see her in the seedy part of town with her shopping cart and her things in cast off Wal Mart bags, digging through dumpsters for half eaten Big Macs and soggy fries.

Thank you, Adriana, your bullet points hit all the targets splendidly.

I wasn't as perturbed with Mau's conditions as others were. I was actually relieved the he was able to speak out "te quiero" to Renata; it shows some improvement from that last time we saw him.

Scario did tell Majo that he acted on his own, but right before that when she asked why he had made the accusations against El, he responded that they left him alone (or rather than they've hung out to dry. It was only after Majo asked who his boss was that Scario recanted and told her he did it on his own.

Seems that the Can'tDo girls' visits to their bfs ruffled some Vic-ious feathers. She ran squawking to Ewww and he promised to take care of Dario and told Vic not to worry about hte crazy one because he was quite high on meds. Dispicable turds!

It was indeed Leo who sped by past the cops while Mario talked to them...I think the plan
was to distract them.

Diana, "I really hope Leslie doesn't die. Having her do so while her father fondles Adriana is so putrid..." That was totally disgusting! Terrible writing once again (IMO). They have Adri pissed at JLow and run him out of her house after his fit with Mario and she turns right around and does the horizontal mambo with him??? QTH???? She's getting just as bad as JL! Maybe he's rubbing off on her...literally and figuratively!

Kirby, "Ole MoJo sure has a lot on her svelte shoulders lately, will she be able to get Piedad to safety? I understood E-lies-a's last words to her to run Can'tDo also." Yep, El instructed her to keep an eye on things, but Majo knows NADA about the business. Fab is pretty much running the company all on his own. And, though she'll make an attempt, I really don't think Majo would be able to figure out if anything was wrong...and it's not one of her priorities.

Dontcha just love watching Fab stick it to Fer? YESSSS!!

I didn't think he was still sticking it !

Good morning , all. I am snowed in until the guy who plows the driveway shows up, so I am not going anywhere until that happens. I don't think we got a foot of snow....maybe 8 or 9 inches.

Adriana, wow...that recap was much, much more than bullet points. I always marvel whenever I am reading your wonderful , detailed recaps because I realize that you are fluent in at least 3 languages . Amazing.

So...Cristina is using her Internal Affairs position to sexually harrass Leo and restart their Affair whom . She lost him to Julia ...Wow, what a new wrinkle .Maybe Cris killed Julia.

I wonder what sleepy Mario's role is supposed to be. Will he end up being a key figure in bringing Eww and JL down? JL treats Mario like an annoyance . Maybe that will lead to JL's downfall.

Maybe Mojo and Piedad could move in with Eliesa. Why exactly is that maid so willing to hide Eliesa? Did Leo pay her , or is she just supposed to be a good soul?

More later..gotta run.

Rgv Chick, it's cold and snowy out but your comments warmed my heart.

"Seems that the Can'tDo girls' visits to their bfs ruffled some Vic-ious feathers". Ha! Loved it.

"Maybe he's rubbing off on her...literally and figuratively!" Yes. Sadly. There isn't enough disinfectant in the world for JLouse.

Kirby, good question on the DNA testing. Wondered more than once if Ewww might be the father.

Susanlynn, I think the maid is just a good person. But of course as everyone's closets are full of skeletons, we question the simplest of gestures as most lack the basic human kindness.


Haha! Kirby! This kinda sticking, Fer does NOT like! LOL

Susanlynn, I'm pretty sure the housekeeper is a just a good soul...hopeofully the writers won't turn her into another psycho.

Diana and Kirby, I think that DNA tests do show that there is a relationship between a child and a relative but it can also confirm that the relative is not the father.

OT- I heard about all the snow. I always admire pictures of snow, but considering I "freeze" at 40 degrees, I would rather the snow stay in pics. It started out at 39 this morning but will get up to the low 70s this afternoon. Sunny and dry in the RGV...

Adriana Noel, thanks so much! You handled it masterfully. I haven't had a chance to watch yet, but the DVR *did* record it -- or says it did -- so I should be able to catch up tonight. You've certainly made it sound fun.

One question: Did Adri and JL really go all the way? I've started to feel sorry for her, with everybody assuming she slept her way to the top and the whole time she's not even getting any.


Nina, I keep searching for clues that Leo is deranged, too, maybe because I've seen too many stories where the good guy turns out to be bad or vice versa, in a completely unrealistic last minute recap. But as far as we know, he's GOOD, she's craaazy.

Kirby, I'm well versed in DNA shenanigans after having watched soaps for the last 30 years, give or take. I'm practically an expert (don't tell real doctors!!) As far as I know, a DNA test can show if a child is yours or is only sharing some of your blood, in an uncle/ sibling/ cousin etc... capacity. So a good test would show that Juanito is Fab's son or is only related to him. But then again, it depends on how close to reality the writers decide to take this.

RGV, Fab sure has Fer's number now. It only took him 10 years. I'm disappointed in him, though, so I'm kind of starting to root for Fernanda And Sonia to burn the Serrano mansion to the ground and run into the sunset with their Serrano offsprings.

Susanlynn, I've always had a fancy for foreign languages. They say that the sooner the child starts, the easier he/she develops those special genes. I was 8 when I started learning English, but my daughters are way ahead, 20 years from now they might write Caray Caray recaps in Chinese :))
I'm wondering about Mario, too, so far he's barely even been a sidekick, he basically just mops around, seems to have Jlow's number, but that's about it.

Diana,ITA that we can no longer trust anyone. Look at JL! Next thing you know, Marcelo is not really dead, Dariois hiding him in a fancy shack right across the street from Elisa's hideout.

I just finished the two episodes I missed last week, and I did manage to see El Pinqui for the 2-3 seconds he was on screen. He looked like he was casting his gaze around, trying and failing to make eye contact with somebody, so I'm wondering if he was paid to take the fall. Also wondering if we'll ever see him again, coz, you know, writers.

The two thugs who beat up Fab (wouldn't you be avoiding parking garages at this point?) said that Eu was just Dario's puppet, and there was somebody even bigger on top. It sounded like Eu was just trying to propagate his new revisionist history and not like there really is a Mr. Big, but we can hope. It would be a fun surprise.

Blue Lass, our comments crossed (as I've taken half an hour to finish mine, with kids screaming in the background.

From what we were shown JL and Adriana were making out when his phone rang. He mumbled something about needing a moment to forget about all the problems and then they took their affairs to another room. Thank God! If they're not interrupted again, we might as well agree that they've done it.
LOL at poor Adriana not even getting any. I can't argue with that, since everyone has already labeled her, she might as well take advantage, right?

Diana, LOVE your idea of Mario as Kaiser Soze. And Kirby's hope for a DNA surprise on Juanito, and Susanlynn's excellent suggestion that Chris killed Julia. And how about this: wouldn't Leslie's transfusion be an awesome opportunity for...something? Maybe her real father is Death's-Head Tapia.


Oh, yeah, I got that tiny detail about someone bigger than Eww, but who? Who is there left, that would actually shock us? Sara? The Cantu maid? Leo? (OOOOOO)

Maybe it's Victoria, in the drawing room, with the master plan.

Wow...just back inside from shoveling snow, and i love the new comments.

Lass, i have played a lot of C!ue. Kids love to play with the teeny , tiny weapons. Who is Mr.\Ms. Big??? I will guess Nieves with her mean stinkeye in the parlor.

Regarding Cristina suddenly popping in to this story, i think she is obsessed with Leo. She has materialized out of his murky past . All we know is that he left her and fell in love with ( and impregnated Julia).At least that is her story . It is going to be interesting to see what she tells Eliesa when they meet (spider>fly) because she has already been all up in everybody's face about Leo...commandante, JL, Adriana, Mario . Cris is going to be like a cat with a mouse when she gets to meet Leo's new amor. Leo that stricken look on his face whenever she is in his face. Like " oh no, not this chick. " Are we going to get anymore information about what happened between tbem . Has she been hinting that Leo has anger management problems ? Really? Sweet, kind Leo ? we have a consensus regarding JL and Adriana??? Did they or didnt they move the sofa??? And was Mario dozing on it when\if they did ?

OT..Adriana, yes, tbe younger you are , the faster and easier it is to learn a language. I have taugbt people from 16 to 80. Usually parents are frustrated because when they speak to their kids in tbeir native language, they answer in English. Some people are better with listening \speaking, while otbers are better at reading \writing a new language (like me, i am a visual !earner ).

Yay, plow guy is here.


Susanlynn, they did it.

And I would surely suggest that while the sofa may have moved, the earth did not.


Diana :)

Diana, thanks for clearing that up for me. I am glad that we didnt have to witness that sofa.moving event. . Adriana, you could do much better. Maybe she will end up with Mario . I think she is Leo's friend , but i also think she many have had a crush on him and perhaps decided to settle for his big brother if she couldnt have Lovely Leo. I think that Eliesa sensed that Adriana 's feelings for Leo Were based on more thsn just friendship. It's why best friends sonetimes end up together.

OT Diana, did you get a lot of snow ? Have you heard from Judy?

I hope Majo reminds Dario that if she saves Piedad, Piedad's life is in HER hands if he doesn't retract his statement. I can't be too sympathetic to Piedad given how much she excuses her murderous, manipulating liar of a son. I get it. He had a bad childhood and his mom is sick. But if he can afford to bribe a jail guard, he can afford some therapy and decent healthcare for his mom. At this point he's choosing to be a jerk.

Ditto Fabricio. He knows about his father and he still accuses Fernanda, the woman he slept with and then leaves for London using all his dad's money, of being a whore and bad mom. She's not great, true. But she's raised her kid on without exposing the boy to Eugenio (much), which is more than I suspect Fab will be capable of. He should piss off back to London.

Majo didn't sign that contract, did she?


Hello again gang. Adriana your bullet points are great. These people are getting more and more annoying.

Rughead lies as easy as he pees, O
Gross. And he gets away with it too
And how long will that last? In to 2021, yeah.

I thought poodleboy told ferliar to
Forget the DNA test. Didnt she have a thing with augy? What if he's els
And majo n ren's baby baby brother?
We already talked about that didnt
We? Done matter. I dont care if he is or if he ain't, Im just really tired of these people getting away with everything. Why am I still watching this show? Nothing else to watch but hallmark and the news. So
Hallmark it is.

But one good thing which isn't Good at all, adriana may be able to see what kind of monster shes movin the sofa with. His daughter could & may
Die while he is canoodling with adri. That is truely disgustingly n gross. What the hell is wrong with this woman? What does she see in this large man? What did tere see in him?

I don't understand why leo thought it was a good idea to run away with blondy. It makes no sense to me. And now this crazy internal nutjob
Is chomping at the bit to bury him in whatever it is you bury folk in
When you want to destroy them for rejecting you cuz you're not as hot as you thought you were. Leo that was a stupid idea anyways. But it's not as dumb and stupid as capt adriana's When she finds out the big mistake shes Making.

What did they give mauricio to put him In the condition he's in? His hands are all mingled and twisted.
He can't walk, hes bed ridden. Why are these people getting away with this. Why did whoever come up with this idea for a story. Nobody is winning on this but the bad ones.

Adriana I enjoyed the minicap. The
Episode sucked. Thank you for makin
It better.


I don't think Dario really has a million dollars. He was expecting his DAD to give him the million dollars. But now, not so much, eh?

Kelly, you make a good point about Fab. He can't stand Fernanda anymore, but Eww - he's OK with.
Majo didn't sign the contract yet, Renata started protesting as soon as Vic said that all that was needed was Majo's signature (since Ren has been deemed mentally unfit). She did have that scared and confused look, I'm thinking she'll sign.

OT - Susanlynn, my 5-year-old only speaks French for now, even if at home we speak native, which she understands perfectly. I'm not pushing her, she gets to practice with her grandparents and when she'll be older she'll better understand why it's important to speak different foreign languages. France is multicultural, most kids in her class come from different backgrounds, it's interesting to see how they develop.

Still waiting for snow around here.

Adriana Noel, what is native for you? Spanish?

And was I correct in reading that there are folks on the Patio who don't speak Spanish at all -- but still enjoy watching the melodrama?

Lass, I only understand and speak a bit of Spanish that I picked from the telenovelas and my students . My students were often scandalized when I told them that I watched telenovelas. I mostly watch the visual clues . I would be completely lost without the recaps.

I really hope majo can get piedad out of harms way, cuz she is the only one That's really sane on this show.
For my part they can get rid of everybody on the show except: maid at cantu central,Ren, mau, leslie ,mario,juanito, and Sonia. Yes I like sonia better than most of them
On here.

Thought bubbles are to die for! The pixes clipped are just great! LOLOLOL!

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