Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Imperio de Mentiras 56, 12/14/20: Upping The Anti As The Bad News Bears Come Knocking


Leonardo and Elisa are stuck at the roadblock being checked by the officer in charge. "My wife doesn't need an ambulance; she has a headache because she doesn't have the medicine I left at the hotel.  We just need to get that."  Finally, we've got a cop who can relate to spousal guilt trips;  he relents and lets them pull out of the roadblock.  Lucky for Leo and El (and the telenovela gods) that in this little corner of the alternate universe Mexico's police use walkie-talkies still instead of slick cell phones or laptops with Instagram and twitter-sharing options in their cop cars......

Back at Grupo Cantu, Renata still has her funky uncky Eugenio corralled and is laying her cards on the proverbial poker table.  She's seen the report where the type of nefarious operation performed on her is discussed in glorious detail.  All she wants to know is who the heck gave them permission to do that to her.  Ewwy diverts and skirts asking if she really thinks him capable of harming her.  She is his favorite of them all and knows this.  Truly, she's been off her meds too long and needs to continue taking them.  He kisses her and hugs her as Viewerville has visions of a mafioso's last kiss to the condemned. 


In another office at the Cantu Group Fabricio learns from Majo that El )  has escaped but not before (scraping the bottom of the barrel when) asking her to take charge of the bidnez and come to some accord with Fab.  And, she adds El ain't comin' back till she and Leo have proof of her innocence.  So where do they begin???   Well, El's flight from Justicia has left them between a rock and a hard place is Fab's response (excuse, more likely).  More than likely the company will be seized and locked.  This is where Fab shows what a worthless piece of oxygen-absorbing massive waste of space he truly has been.   "--Elisa said that you had insured our [inherited] assets."   "--Autos and property perhaps, but....not bank accounts or company stock holdings."  "--Are you telling me we now have nothing?" Yes indeedy, Speedy.....They're going to now have to think of plan C, D, and or E.  "--So we're going to lose the construction company?"  Fab sheepishly nods. 

At the fiscalia, Christina rudely sticks her head inside the glass-walled office where everybody who is anybody, as well as those who are not,  can see everything.  Christina notices as Jose Luis kisses his trophy squeeze of a captain, Adriana, on the lips to seal a date for din-din that evening.  (Sorry, but this part of Viewerville suddenly has a need to race to the bathroom and scour my skin, especially my lips.)  Christina wants a chat with Adri about her report and her evaluation of Leo's capacity to conduct himself professionally in regards to the Cantu investigations.  In particular, what about Leo's involvement with Elisa Cantu??  Adri tells her that it is irrelevant.  Christina rolls her pancaked eyeballs.  Christina snidely reminds Adri that Elisa is still illicitly involved with Dario Ramirez--Leo's pummeled piece of work, so... think again, Sweetcheeks.

Meanwhile, Ewwy gets a frantic call from Victoria as he is leaving Grupo Cantu.  What is going on with Elisa's being hounded by the authorities, not to mention the nurse that came to see Elisa recently?  Ewwy says these things are best spoken about in person, not over the phone.  So, he'll see her at his place in a few.   He nods to a car waiting in the shadows of the parking lot as he gets into his limo.  The car blinks its lights in answer.  

At the same time, El and Leo return to the love shack.  He assures her that Adri and Mario will contact him if there's anything to report.  For now, they'll be just fine here.  He takes her into his arms and carries her inside and onto the bed where a bit of nookie negates her nervous-nelly-issms for a while longer.  (FF>>FF>>)

Back to Adri and Christy.  Christina wants to know if Adri is covering up for Leo since she doesn't have any idea where he is right at that moment.  (Hey, bitch.  He was suspended so he isn't exactly on the clock, ya know?) Christy is as irritating as some fly that can't stop flitting around your face and hands.   "--You're his friend, right?"  Adri verbally swipes at the flittering, buzzing little beasty.  "--Yeah, but not his nanny."  Christy reminds her she's still head of internal affairs...She sees it differently. Christy apparently likes the intimidation as a technique.  She waits for the quiver and shakes.  When it doesn't happen she pushes a bit more.  She says it appears as if Adri might be covering up for her best buddy.  Dangerous to do. What Adri wouldn't give to have an electric fly zapper hanging head high about now.  

Darth Dario is getting his comeuppance in prison meanwhile.  He quickly learns that he's nobody special there, despite his dastardly daddy's pull.  The guard tells him no privileges here for him.  He leaves Dario in the hands of gorilla-like goons assigned as his new roomies.  They graciously give him the floor to sleep on.

Ewwy now entertains Vicki and informs her that Fab is quickly moving to protect the girls' and her holdings in Cantu prior to the law freezing all their assets.  Vicki wonders aloud how did it ever get this bad? (Is this a rhetorical question?)  She asks Ewwy if he killed the nurse.  Where could she have gone?   (WTQ?  Where did this come from?)  Ewwy poo-poos this notion.  "--Of course not!"  He blames Dario's quest for vengeance as the reason this has happened to all of them (him included, the poor little bidnezman.)  Vicki says she's the one who gave permission for the operation.  Well, Ewwy will do anything for the woman he loves, he swears, so making that nasty bit of paperwork disappear is not too much to ask and he is on it!  

Back in Cell Block Z, JL delivers Dario a message from Daddy.  "--Retract your statement about Elisa Cantu's involvement or you will stay here without money or protection."  Darth Dario threatens JL now.  He's got hours to make his daddy see reason or Dario will give a second statement involving  JL's sole participation in numerous of their criminal acts.  JL doesn't bat an eyelash.  "--Busy yourself with retracting your accusations against Elisa Cantu and I will see that you lack nothing here,"  Dario asks whose side is he on, Daddy's or his.  He insists again that if JL doesn't side with him the judge will learn about all the "little chores" he's done for the gang.

Ren, Majo and Fab are in the parking garage as the girls are leaving Grupo Cantu.  He tells them he's large and in charge and will take care of everything.  Not to worry. (That certainly makes me feel better.)  The girls drive away.  Daddy's thugs drive up, beat Fab to a pulp, and throw him into their car.  

Adri informs Mario that Christy is writing up her report any way she sees fit.  He says she's got it in for Leo for walking out on her.  (I think?)  He reads on his cell that there's a formal arrest warrant out for Elisa now.  Adri says she'll call Leo and advise him.  She does.  She adds that Christy's out to destroy him professionally any way she can.  Police get the video APB on their laptops finally.  Leo explains the bad news as if she's never heard of what an APB and a warrant are all about.  She wails that she cannot live the life of a criminal on the run.  She'll call the police and hand herself over to the authorities.

Leo tries to explain to El that she cannot hand herself in because then Dario wins.  This is his vengeance.  The head of the mafia gang wants illegal art trafficking to continue (fester?)  The best thing, for now, is for her to hide out till things clear up, till they get Dario to retract.  It is in the mafia don's best interest.

Ewwy suggests that he's done all he can where Dario is involved.  He's left him in prison without his support or backing to show his true luhhhhvvv for Vicki.  What else can they do, she wonders.  "--Name Fabricio head of Grupo Cantu."  Que?????

JL calmly gives Dario the second half of Ewwy's message to him:  retract or Mama is fish food.  Also, no matter who he hides behind or runs to in prison, he's going to have a pistol at his head.  So, best to stay on his good side.

Fab gets told by one of the two toughs beating him up that he's supposed to take over Dario's job.  Is this a message from Papi?  They laugh scornfully and tell him there's somebody much more powerful than that running things and knock him around some more.  (You can throw in a few from me too while you're at it.)

Back at the fiscalia, Adri begins to give JL a shoulder massage and invites him over for another romantic dinner.  He needs more time for himself, he's too burdened with all that goes on there.  He agrees.  She kisses him and tells him she'll be waiting.  (Ya gotta love those glass walls.)  

At the same time, Majo is on the phone with El catching her up on the meeting with Fab.  Ren is going to be a problem Majo thinks.  Ren runs into the room. grabs the phone, and starts a discussion out of the blue on what a great catch Leo is and how much he truly loves Elisa.  

Elisa hangs up and later tells Leo she hopes he can keep the press out of this.  Leo will do his best to convince JL to do just that.  

Christy starts a late-night chat with Mario.  She tells him she needs a really close friend of Leo's to try convincing him to drop the relationship with Elisa and not to destroy his remaining career by helping a criminal who's on the run. She wants Leo to meet with her tomorrow.   Before she leaves the floor she tells Mario she thought they could have or should have chosen him for the captain.  He defends Adri so this attempt at divide and conquer seems to have failed.  

JL has stopped at home to check on things and clean up.  Sarah asks him to stay for dinner.  He begs off because he's "got things to do at the fiscalia" still.  Just before he leaves, Leslie stumbles out into the hallway and collapses.  

Fab goes to see Ewwy and tell him about his beating.  Ewwy convinces him that joining up with them to learn the operation and how to conduct their business is the only way to protect their investments and avoid losing everything.  Fab asks him to try to get an appeal or some kind of legal protection.  He refuses and says all his money is tied up in the business investment.  He cannot afford to do that for Elisa.  Fab should just learn the illicit trade from the rest of the crooks and then when he's got them cold they will report them to the authorities.  Somewhere Fab lets it be known that he doesn't appreciate not being told he had a son.  Ewwy cannot be blamed for trying to protect Fab from a social climber like Fer.  

Fern arrives home and is upset to find that Juanito has been playing with Sonia.  She cannot stand the woman and tells her to leave the child alone.  Sonia tries to explain she was giving her dying mother a rest from the child but Fern doesn't want to hear it.  She tries to convince Fern that they all must leave and try escaping from Ewwy and Fab.  Ewwy's dangerous and Fab only listens to his father.  He's as useless as a concrete parachute.  Fern ignores Sonia's advice.

Mario comes over to Adriana's late in the evening.  She's blowing out the candles since JL didn't arrive for her romantic dinner due tMario comes over to Adriana's late in the evening.  She's blowing out the candles since JL didn't arrive for her romantic dinner due to Terry and Sarah's pleadings and Leslie's collapse; Adri, thinking it is JL relights the candles.  Mario sees the dinner table all laid out and as he begins to explain that Christy wants them to warn Leo off the Cantu case and away from Elisa Cantu, in particular.  JL walks in the front door with a bottle of wine.  "--What are you doing here?"  Mario frowns.  

Back at the Cantu manse, Majo has a nightmare about Dario sneaking in and dragging her away with him.  

At the love shack, El and Leo are taking a break from bed duty.  She wonders how many in the family knew all these horrible things about Daddy and the company he kept.  How little she really knew them. Now it's all much clearer.  All lies flying around her.  The only truth, says Leo, is that he loves her.  And, with that, it's back to ...uh where were we?..... Ah, yes. Things will eventually work out and it's time for a little more sweets in the sheets.


Jardinera: Thank you very much for the detailed recap.

Interesting to see if Dario retracts his statement against Dumb Blonde Elisa in order to save his Mommy.

“Adri verbally swipes at the flittering, buzzing little beasty” was one fabulous line of many Jardinera. Just excellent, start to finish.

“Back at Grupo Cantu, Renata still has her funky uncky Eugenio corralled and is laying her cards on the proverbial poker table”. Sigh. That said, Renata’s brave confrontation was laudable but lamentable. She may have just as well uttered “kill me now”.

For a few brief moments during his convo with JL, Dario looked sober and thoughtful. While not quite scared, his bluster momentarily vanished. I imagine it’s hard to be menacing while cell sharing with many more than intimidating massive men.

Seeing the wine and nibbles Leo and Elisa were savoring, I wondered if had sunk into either of their barely functioning brains that they are on the lamb? Where is the flea bag hotel, unclean sheets and the dirty windows with broken shades??? What on earth is Leo thinking? Alas he is not and I fear his brain might be permanently addled.

“Christina rolls her pancaked eyeballs” – perfect. She is almost as frightening as Icky Vicky.

Leslie collapses and JL still goes to Adri’s??

“there's somebody much more powerful than that running things”. And we wonder.

Jarifa, thank you, thank you!


At the roadblock we see El mentally thumbing through her LIE-brary looking for the one which will work here. Ah, 'Left ID at home' sounds good, use that one. Runner up- 'Feeling bad, real bad', for backup.

G'Dam Baby them APBs sure make me horny. Oh! you too? Let's duck in here and take care of that then. Yikes! a visitor! Noooo I'm not going to club you to death, we gotta have a fire, cause there is none HERE.

Kudos to ReN(otcray) giving it to Ewww. A good kick to the jewels would have been the perfect cherry on top. She can outrun his portly ass any day. “He kisses her and hugs her as Viewerville has visions of a mafioso's last kiss to the condemned.” was what I wondered too.

Funny how ChrisBitch's professional investigation of Leo's fitness for work as a Law Enforcement Officer, is about 98.5 % about his luuuurve life without her. You girls, some of us are on to you, you know.

Speaking of: Jardinera this whole paragraph where this hee haw is found was great; “(Hey, bitch. He was suspended so he isn't exactly on the clock, ya know?) Christy is as irritating as some fly that can't stop flitting around your face and hands."

In actuality, Christy Bitch fits in perfectly with these other losers and misfits who we mind numbingly watch night after night.

Ewww thinks he has the world by the ass. Blame all his murders on Dario, and beat FabraDoodle into replacing him. Shewww is just dumb and of the same cloth enough to pretty much believe his mountain of lies.

The romantic dinner says Three's a crowd pretty loudly doesn't it?

Thanks a bazillion Jardinera, nicely done.

Diana, I am pretty sure the line from the Beat Goons about "somebody more powerful than that' is simply what Ewww is using to try to throw Fab off his trail.

So let me get this straight: If Ewww is smart enough without even breaking a sweat to grab Fer's Mom, have Dar take El and Majo hostage at the beginning, etc. etc. etc. why oh why is Dario not smart enough to hide HIS Mom. He can afford it ---- he just offered a million dollars to the guard to release him.

Some of the stuff in this show is so patently transparent, WRITERS, that it is simply distracting.

And if there was a mill available for the release, why not give the cell goons a grand apiece to NOT beat him up? What am I missing?

Kirby: What are you missing? Your tin foil hat and/or your believe-a-beanie.
Diana: I wondered if had sunk into either of their barely functioning brains that they are on the lamb? Where is the flea bag hotel, unclean sheets and the dirty windows with broken shades???

Both of you outdid yourselves just in the comments! LOL!

Urban, thanks much for yesterday's recap -- a crackerjack treatment of an episode full of overboiled nuts. My DVR feature is not working on Imperio for some reason -- it's recording everthing else, natch -- so I am now permanently a day behind as I wait for On Demand to catch up.

And yes, Fabradoodle was mine -- it started with Kirby's Poodle-Boy, then FabPoodle (also Kirby?), then my neighbor's labradoodle. And so it goes.

I'm not waiting for last night's episode, though. Diving right into Jardinera's recap now.

Jardinera, thanks. I so enjoyed your recap this morning.

I couldn’t believe that Elisa just stood there in full view when the maid brought more firewood. Duh! She is supposed to be hiding out. It will be a miracle if she manages to successfully do that for any length of time. It is time, though, to get some hair dye and get rid of the goldilocks.


Good morning, all.

Jardinera , I am about to read what i know will be another stellar recap which will let me know what the characters are actually saying.
Here's what i got just from the visuals. .....Leo may be dazed and confused and not thinking clearly because he is completely under Eliesa's tiny spell, but he is a good kisser and seemed totally devoted to that love scene.

What can i say about rude, arrogant, BSC Cristina ??? Woman scorned??? Where are we going with this character? What trouble is she going to stir up for Leo? ..and why ? What happened between her and Leo ?

JL and Adriana???? Really ,Adriana ????

Mario looks sleepier and sleepier as more people get in his face harshing his mel!ow. He must be thinking about how unfair it is that Leo and JL get the girls and all he gets is people telling him what to do.

I fear for Ren confronting Ewwww.

Ewww is stone cold heartless ordering his goons to beat up his own son and i think he would capable of killing his otber son . Ewww is a monster.

Waiting for tbe snow.

Omigosh, too funny. Some of my faves were already picked up by previous comments, but here's a few more:

- Lucky for Leo and El (and the telenovela gods) that in this little corner of the alternate universe Mexico's police use walkie-talkies. (I know, right? But did you notice that Sonia actually looked through the peephole before letting Fab in the other day? PROGRESS.)

- The glass-walled office where everybody who is anybody, as well as those who are not, can see everything.

- What Adri wouldn't give to have an electric fly zapper hanging head high about now.

- They...knock him around some more. (You can throw in a few from me too while you're at it.)

- As useless as a concrete parachute.

- Worthless piece of oxygen-absorbing massive waste of space

- Leo's pummeled piece of work

And today's winner...

- Funky Uncky (that's a keeper for sure!)


OT: Thawing Turkey.

Food Network.."Plan on 24 hours of fridge thawing for every 5 pounds of frozen turkey."

WalMart way...Select frozen turkey and place in cart. Then...wander around WalMart looking for BOTH Cranberry sauce AND Fruitcake. When you get home just before Christmas, your Turkey is ready to go into the oven.

I DO have to give credit where credit is due: It was clever having E-Lies-a in the Luuurve Nest tell Leo "I will never lie to you again." which we all know has a prolly 99 percent chance of being a lie itself.!

Diana. " unclean sheets and the dirty windows with broken shades??? What on earth is Leo thinking?" And did he pay cash? Is it a renrtal he prepaid for on a term of 6 months or yearly? Unless cash, that is so easily traceable. Are they just trying to stay a step ahead of the popo to buy time until Ewww and Shewww can undo everything and the charges be dropped?

Um..still, they may not be in the clear even if all is well and bribed away shortly. Running from the popo when you are wanted is frowned on.

Like Chris Rock famously said. "Everybody knows, if the police have to come and get you, they're bringin an ass kicking with them."


Jardinera, this was such a fun read! Thank you! I have to admire those of you who have such a talent for adding sugar and spice to these dark, bland stories. There's too many good zinngers to list and others have done an excellent job of pointing them out.

Of all the frustrating scenes, I think I was most perturbed to see Adri pining over JL. She is usually strong, intelligent and astute and to see her pining over JLowest just irks me. IMO they are the most mismatched couple in this TN.

Diana, "For a few brief moments during his convo with JL, Dario looked sober and thoughtful. While not quite scared, his bluster momentarily vanished." I notice those moments too. He reminds me of a little boy full of anger and resentment who is given a treat and for a moment he lets his guard down and you see the brighter, more sensitive side that he tries so hard to hide. It's during those (brief) moments that I hope for some redemption for this lost soul.

Kirby, "G'Dam Baby them APBs sure make me horny. Oh! you too? Let's duck in here and take care of that then. Yikes! a visitor! Noooo I'm not going to club you to death, we gotta have a fire, cause there is none HERE." Too funny and so spot on!

Jarifa, "I couldn’t believe that Elisa just stood there in full view when the maid brought more firewood. Duh! " I second the DUH! she is just plain DUH-mb!

Susanlynn, "Mario looks sleepier and sleepier as more people get in his face harshing his mel!ow." Dontcha just wanna make him go wash his face? Maybe they should give him some toothpicks to keep his eyelids open.

Blue Lass, thanks for that great list of Jardinera's zingers :-)


What fun we are having today!

Blue Lass, agree with every single comment of Jardinera's you noted. All were great.

Suanlynn, I don't think Ewww would hesitate to kill either of his "boys". The only discussion would be whether or not he is capable of having any pangs of guilt. Ack.

"Running from the popo when you are wanted is frowned on". Yes, it certainly is Kirby! :) And I hate to say this but I don't think Leo is purposely waiting for Dario to retract his accusation about Elisa. I think he is just under her enchanting spell where his brain has abandoned all reason and logic.

I wondered for a brief moment if Leo could possibly be "BitchChris"' (credit Rgv Chick) stalker and she is turning the tables? Ummm, no. My previous comment pretty much refutes that theory.

Rgv Chick, yes, seeing Adri flirt with and actually kiss JL was stomach churning. I agree with you and Susanlynn that Mario needs a serious makeover. That, and to grow a personality.


Maybe Leo & Elisa can argue they didn't *know* there was a warrant out. After all, as Jardinera pointed out, he's currently unemployed and officially out of the loop -- and Elisa's never really all the way in it.

Thank you, Jardinera, excellent job, you never disappointed.

Diana, loved how you pointed out proper fugitive conditions, next thing you know they'll be nibbling fresh fruits for breakfast and having a walk on the beach.

RGV, for me it's hard to decide which is worse : AdriLow or EwwIcky. I can only advice you to do what I do when you see them: close your eyes and think of England.

Susanlynn, I actually miss snow, we don't get much of it around here. But it is a nightmare to deal with, that's for sure. I'm wondering about Cristina, too, is she really mental or is there some truth to her insanity ? They did choose a rather big name to play her, what if Leo really turns out to be less than a goody two shoes ? Sorry, I know you like him, but he's so boring right now... is he more boring or more stupid ? Hard to say.

Blue Lass, when I first started watching I was always ahead and afraid to write something spoilerish, now I'm always behind and needing to watch the show on ffw so I can keep up with all of you. I only stop to breathe when I'm recapping.

Auch, Jardinera, I meant " you never disappoint" autocorrect...

I am a bit curious about the back story on Chrissy B and Leo.

1. She is simply a cray cray stalker he had the good sense to discard long ago.
1a He does not seem to have the whatevers it takes to jettison a defective Love interest.
2. There is a whole 'nother Leo hiding inside which we have hardly glimpsed thus far.
2a Seems pretty implausible until you see those 'boiled egg' eyes. Does he ever blink?


2. There is a whole 'nother Leo hiding inside which we have hardly glimpsed thus far.

There HAS to be more than meets the eye....ummm, right?


Diana, i dont know . I thought Leo was a good guy and a decorated undercover cop , but in this show , who knows what the writers will think up next .

OT..we already have several inches of snow. Is the storm supposed to hit you ?/

Storming here too:
5:30 and light drizzle.... already down to 68 degrees out there.

Weather so bad, my motorcycle asked me yesterday if I was mad at it.


Kirby....ha. My flip flops asked me that same thing. Still snowing, snowing , snowing here.

Good one. :-)

"Snow, tbe leprosy of nature." ---Albert Camus . I agree with Albert!

Thank you Jardinera654. This was a
Nother frustrating episode where the bad guys move ahead and the good ones, a resounding 0. But you worked well with what you had. Love
The snarkiness.

What I want to see most is that old
Little troll ewww get his. And what
Was that the thug said about there being someone else more powerful than ewwgy to worry about? Did yall
Hear that?

And ewwy tells lies as easily as he
Walks. And now he has somehow got his stupid favorite son to Join the gang. And he does.

Ok what's wrong with adriana? Is she so hard up she prefers an old guy that is really just...I don't
Know, what does she see in this guy
? When he talks he sounds like he's got tobacco in his mouth or Snuff. Yall ever seen anybody talk with suff or tobacco in their mouth? Its nasty. And he's got that dirty lookin beard. Yuck adri. And those
People walkin around the precinct like they don't see through those glass Walls and doors.

Christy, the obsessed disgruntled
Jealous internal affairs bitch. She
Is mad cuz leo must have dumped her in the past and now she wants to humiliate him in front of everybody
And what better way to do that is to lock up his criminal girlfriend.

Fer should really listen to what sonia is saying to her about ewwwy
His favorite son poodle boy, who turned out to be totally useless.
Ewwy wants everything that augusto
Had. Looks like he is gonna get it cuz now poodleboy is about to take Charge of everything.

This show is getting more n more
Depressing. There is no joy, just evil. And bringing Christy in just
Made it worse. If GG wanted her to
Make stuff better it ain't happenin

Thank you jardinera.


Oh Nina, I am more than happy to see Ms. Twisted Chris all over Leo for ANY reason.
If she is interested, GREAT! Lying little Trendy Jackets needs some competition.

If she just wants to torture him for some wrong he did or she imagines he did, GREAT too. Let him see how much of a fight E-Lying-britches puts up in his defense.

I'd bet a nickel in either situation, she would just shitcan Leo and take up with Fabradoodle.

Obviously if I am still watching this show I am a gluton for heartbreak and anguish, or a sadistic ass who loves to see others suffer. Prolly both.

Sonia actually said something that made sense! Might do Fernanda some good to listen to her regarding Fabricio. If he is still whining about her after learning all he has about his father, then he might not be the one to save her.

Were the goons implying to Fab that there is someone controlling Eugenio, like Elisa maybe? Which, bwahahahahahaha. No. Even Fab shouldn't believe that. And he if he does, then he's too dumb even for Sonia.

Now Renata as crime boss, however, maybe. She sure didn't seem to be buying Eugenio's nonsense about the operation, and she might be the only one (other than Leo) who sees him for what he is: Evil guy who better be dead by the end of this.


Nina and Kelly. Yes the goons beating Fabradoodle said something to the effect that Eww is not the actual BIG GUY. I am pretty certain that was just a smoke screen from Eww to make Fab a little more loyal to Ewww maybe for protection from the hypothetical big guy.

And too, to hide it from Fab that his own Father sent men to beat the stuffing out of him. Ewww is now trying to recruit Fab to replace Dario, and even Fab is not crazy enough to form an alliance with someone who does that at the drop of a hat.

So Fab can't figure out his Mafia father had him beaten up?


Concrete parachute!

I love it!

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