Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Imperio de Mentiras Lunes 12/14/20, Chapter 55: So Little Time

Time is everything. We can't buy it back or sell it and it always has the last word. – Dashiell Hammett

Leo looked at Christina with suspicion. She said “We're going to talk about Julia and Elisa, but first I want to talk about me.” He was not looking for a crash course on black widow spiders.

Nieves and Clara had the same conversation as many others, with Nieves not wanting to accept this “unnatural” relationship between Clara and Majo. As Clara picked up her bag to leave, Nieves stopped her. She said “If she feels the same about you as you do about her, I won't say another word about it.”

Clara did not look convinced.

Sonia let Fabricio in to see her. He told her that if she helped him he would protect her. He needed the truth. She told him she and Marcelo attempted to escape and Fernanda gave him the artifact that got him caught and cost him his life. That Fernanda was up to her neck in all this.

She asked him to close the door. He had just been seen by one of Eugenio's goons, who closed the glass door. Before Fabricio could close the wooden one Juanito appeared. He stared and crouched down to look the child in the eyes.

Leo recognized that his emotions had gotten the best of him. For a moment. Christina insisted that violence was part of his personality. She implied that this related back to something between them. She stood up in a very choreographed manner,sat at the desk, and said she considered him incapable of controlling his emotions and she was putting that in her report. As she started writing on the form he tried to get her attention and she said – very superciliously – “If you don't realize you have a problem, you can't work with people in law enforcement.”
Christina, please don't do this.”
You will be thinking about this for a long time.”
She clearly had it in for him and he knew it.

Fabricio watched Juanito play on the floor. Carmen – looking much the worse for her illness – told him that she had hoped he would appear to take care of him. She was no longer capable of taking care of the boy and feared that he would be taken far away from his mother. She was calm that Fabricio would be able to protect him from Eugenio, who did many evil things. Fabricio asked whether she expected him to embrace Fernanda with open arms and forgive years of and deceptions. She said “She is the mother of your child. It would please me to see hi have a better life than I could give my own daughter. You come from a rich family.”
Money doesn't buy everything,” he replied.
Of course not. It doesn't buy time, for example. Because of that I ask you, I beg you to protect him. Protect them, please, because you are the only person who can do that.”
Don't ask that of me.”
Fabricio, look at me.” He did. “I need you to promise me you will. Have some compassion for a woman with so little time to live. Help me die in peace.”
I can't promise that.”
Would you do it for him?”
Juanito looked back at them. Fabricio was silent.

The doctor returned to his office and Teresa went to help Leslie dress to go home. José Luis asked the doctor what he thought. The doctor told him that it wasn't yet confirmed but he thought that Leslie might have leukemia. José Luis sat down and lost his composure. He kept saying she was so young and almost begged the doctor to do whatever it took to save her.

Mario took the slippery snake into an interrogation room. El Cobra tried to gaslight him into letting him escape in exchange for a hefty bribe.

José Luis and Teresa brought Leslie home. She looked weak or tired. She asked whether what she had done caused this. Teresa said “Partly,” but told her that her medications would make her better. She handed her a pill and a glass of water. José Luis promised her that he would do the impossible to see that she got better. Eugenio then called him, summoning him to his lair. He ended the call uncomfortably and said he had to go. Teresa told him to be careful. Leslie told him she loved him. He kissed her and left.

Elisa had just received the news that the galleries couldn't make payroll when Fabricio arrived. He insisted upon speaking to her alone. The accountant left and Fabricio told Elisa that he will stay until he is assured that her and her sisters' financial situation was satisfactory. He told her not to worry; he accepted that she did not return his feelings. He excused himself and went to Alonso's office.

José Luis arrived at Eugenio's ad told him that his son would be free within the week, but he would need more money to pay off guards. Eugenio said “What's the rush?” and that he wanted Dario to suffer. José Luis was surprised. When told “You are here to obey me” he said “Very well,” and left.

Carmen called Fernanda, who was relieved but could not leave the office. She told Carmen to be careful about Sonia but said she would explain later. Carmen told her that Fabricio had been there. They did not talk long. Fernanda saw Fabricio through the glass door and told him they had to talk.

Dario had his day in court. He pleaded guilty, but told the judge that the person he took his orders from, the one who got rich from his efforts, was still free.

Fabricio confronted Fernanda with the trap she helped Eugenio set, telling her he doesn't believe anything she says.

Mario called Leo to warn him that Dario pointed at Elisa as the accomplice and that a warrant had been issued for her arrest. José Luis was already on his way. Leo ended the call, as he was with Elisa. He told her they had to go. She resisted and he told her what had happened.

Fabricio and Fernanda continued to argue about her actions. He insisted upon the truth.

Elisa said she needed to talk to her sisters, but Leo said “We don't have time.”

As soon as they opened the gate, José Luis waved the warrant in their faces. He read the charges and let them go “until we get Dario to change his statement.” He told Leo to purchase another cell phone. He might not have done so if Adriana had not been with him. A second later Leslie called him to tell him she felt better but also to get him to promise that he would not divorce her mother. He told her not to worry about that and to concentrate on getting well. She sensed that he was avoiding giving her bad medical news. He told her not to be afraid.

Sara brought Leslie a cup of tea. The girl was trying to get her mother to tell her about her condition. Teresa told her the doctor said nothing, that they needed to wait for test results and that the fever was possibly from stress. Sara told her that they would help cure her.

Leo handed the new phone to Elisa and told her to only give the number to people she really trusted. They had to go away until José Luis could get Dario to change his statement. He told her not to worry; he would be with her.

Majo discovered that the precious bottle of mescal was missing from its usual hiding place. She called Clara and apologized for not taking her calls. She said she had been with her mother and it was hell. They tried to arrange a meeting when the police sirens were heard outside the Cantú mansion. She looked out the window and told Clara why she had to end the call. Clara went back inside. Nieves was waiting to hear this. Clara lied and said Majo said she loved her.
So now what?” Nieves demanded.
Nothing. If you want to move to Veracruz, go ahead. I' not going anywhere.”

José Luis, Adriana, and others were met by Victoria, who was as imperious as usual. Adriana explained that Dario Ramirez had identified Elisa as his accomplice. Victoria asked how they could believe a criminal and Adriana said they were just following orders. She asked if they had a search warrant and José Luis said they did not. Victoria then dismissed them.

José Luis took Adriana aside, telling her they needed to do the same at the Cantú offices. He put another officer in the lead and told the rest to follow. This was to buy Leo and Elisa some time.

On her way inside Victoria saw her other daughters and told them what happened. She then began guilt-tripping Majo over Dario having named Elisa as an accomplice. Majo denied it, mostly to herself. Victoria asked where Elisa was and they told her they didn't know. Majo called Elisa's cell. Elisa didn't know what to do. Leo told her to take the call, tell her she was alright and that she would not be hearing from her for a while and she would get a new number. He had no way of knowing that Majo was with anyone else.

Elisa told Majo she was splitting the scene until she could prove her innocence. Majo asked who she was with. Elisa told her she was with Leo but she wasn't to repeat anything to their mother. She was to see what was going on at the office and she would tell her what to do when she updates her. She was to talk to Fabricio to make sure that there was nothing incriminating her. She said their assets should be protected. Leo told her they might be followed and she ended the call.

Majo told Victoria that Elisa was alone, then said she was going to talk to Dario about this. “You're not going anywhere,” was the expected reply. Victoria then went back inside to call Eugenio to have him take charge of this. When she was out of earshot, Renata asked Majo whether Elisa was with Leo. Majo looked at their mother, then quietly said “Yes, but don't tell Mother.” They hugged.

Commandante Robles was not satisfied with Christina's report. It's conclusions were not scientific and would not hold up. When she claimed to know Leo “intimately” he dismissed her as incompetent to issue this report, and that to do so would be unethical. She smugly told him he was free to submit his opinion to upper eschelons, but for now she was in charge of the case and she recommended that Leo be suspended indefinitely.

José Luis et al arrived at the Cantú offices where they were met by Fabricio and Fernanda. She told them that Elisa was not there. José Luis directed the other cops to search the entire office, opening every door.

Victoria called Eugenio to tell him that his bastard ratted out her princess. He said he would see what he could do. She said he was going to resolve it, then ended the call. Eugenio called his mouthpiece, who explained that he couldn't stop Dario from doing this. Eugenio ordered him to revoke the statement. The lawyer told him that this would take time. Eugenio said he didn't care what had to be done.

The lawyer said that this would mean convincing Dario to change his statement. Eugenio said “Leave that to me.”

José Luis gave his business card to Fabricio with its usual exit speech. He then left with the other police. Eugenio called Fabricio to summon him to his lair. Fabricio told him “No. If you want to talk to me, come to the office.” Eugenio didn't look pleased. Fernanda looked concerned and asked Fabricio what they were going to do. He told her just to worry about the paternity test he asked for.

Majo explained things to Renata, who was feeling as useless as their mother accused her of being. She insisted on going to the office with her.

José Luis and Adriana talked about the report they needed to complete on the searches. She asked him why he did what he did and he replied that he didn't want Leo going through the same thing as what happened with Julia. His phone rang and he sent her to begin the report. When she was out of his office he took Eugenio's call, which was an order to pay Dario a visit and force him to retract his statement. He was to tell him that things would get worse for him if he did not. He was to make sure that Dario got no privileges in jail.

As he ended the call he turned and saw Fernanda in the doorway. He asked for Fabricio and she told him that he was in his office.

Fabricio reminded Eugenio that it was “your son” who did this and now the authorities were looking all over their holdings. They could succeed in saving the galleries but not Elisa. Eugenio told him he was working on getting Dario to change his statement. Fabricio said that could mean Dario would confess everything. Eugenio said then that he would have to take his place.

Renata and Majo arrived. Eugenio was unpleasantly surprised and Majo told hiim they didn't need his permission to come to an office where they had interests. She went to see Fabricio. Renata then asked Eugenio to help her. She told him what Mauricio found out. “I know you were with my mother and that you specifically recommended that hospital. I want to know the truth. Was it you who gave the order to kill my baby or was it my mother?”
Eugenio seemed caught off-guard.

Leo and Elisa hit a police roadblock. He had the fake New York ID with him that he was using at the beginning of the investigation, but Elisa has none such. She feigned a headache, saying she had forgotten it. The cop told them they needed to get out of the car.


The actress playing Christina is Iliana Fox, who played Susanna in Medicos.

The DNA test demand is finally here. It was long overdue.

UA: That Cristina girl is up to no good.

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typos before coffee.

Thanks Urban.
So what? did I mistakenly tune in to the Spanish version of 'World's Funniest Home Videos'?

Let me get this straight: Christina tells Leo he will not work in law enforcement? Ha! An understatement compared to what he has done to his former career. He will be washing or parking cars for the rest of his life if he is not in prison being a boyfriend with this latest stunt. I now see why he is only involved with crazy and criminal chicks, he is bat shit crazy himself. I'd want to think he pulled this lunacy AFTER Chrissy told him such, but in reality, he was talking about running long before she surfaced.

Oh I like that, and I didn't mean it that way, but she did kinda surface from the unseen deep like a submarine who appears unannounced out of nowhere. !Sorpresa! Torpedoes Away.

Now Adri and JLouse are velcroed together? He has to shoo her away to type a report just to talk to the other gangstas?

Leslie has Leukemia? Well at least she left behind a nice sex tape. >>FF>>

Ewww breezes in to Can'tDo like he owns the place. I liked the way MoJo handled his arrogant ass. Kudos to Renot-crazy too. She needs to get a gun too, just in case.

You just have to feel for FabraDoodle. His world is changing so fast it is impossible to keep up. How noble of him to capitulate to staying on while the Titanic sinks. Especially when none of the people he is trying to help cares as much about him as they do their favorite jacket.

Urban, thanks for your excellent recap. I thought I was the only one who still used “et al” these days. : ) Vicky sure knows how to boss Eugenio around. Funny. Another funny: Eugenio looked like a worm twisting on a hook when Renata was asking him about the abortion. They really didn’t need to add Leo’s ex as another complication in this story. There were enough already.

Everything about your recap soared to the skies Urban. Exceptional in every conceivable way.

I have never seen any TN with as crazy eyed a cast as this. Christina simply scares me. And not just her insane stare, but for what she said.

Leo has a temper no doubt. Are we being tantalized or purely mislead that he is the most monstrous of them all? He was clearly avoiding Christina's eyes. Well, of course any sane person would but was his avoidance tinged with guilt?

There was a bit of a swag when JLouse left after his conversation with Ewww, which did not go unnoticed. Ewww received another unexpected bit of cockiness when Majo put him sharply in his place.

JL must have a twin. There can be only one explanation for his totally erratic behavior and split personality. Seemingly kind one moment, hateful the next. Everyone in this TN has severe psychological issues.

Fab can't keep up Kirby. And as everyone has lied to or mislead him, he has absolutely no one he can trust. A psycho brother, a treacherous ex and Satan as a father.

Will Leslie be a(nother) sacrificial lamb??

Credit Renata for posing her question to Eugenio in a neutral zone. And yes, he was caught off guard How will he react to her calm accusation? What lies will he spew? I hope she hasn't signed Mauricio's death warrant.

Just grand Urban. Thank you!


Diana: "What lies will he spew? I hope she hasn't signed Mauricio's death warrant."

What is maddening is Ewww's tentacles seemingly reach anywhere he needs them. He looks like our current US CIA and FBI, when in reality he is just one little smarmy guy with bad hair. Do any of these people not smell a rat in that their whole orbit seems to be working against them? Doesn't anyone think of calling in an outsider from a different Law Enforcement Agency?

No matter what happens, just call Ewww and he will pull some strings or have xyz killed or tortured.

Kirby: Assuming Sonia will likely get whacked soon ?

Kirby, I always considered the ability to be omnipresent a heavenly one.

Obviously, it is also a hellish one.



I truly wish these writers would get certain things straight, such as the fact that a 1st trimester abortion isn't the murder of an actual baby.

Leukemia has become the Disease of the Year; this is now its own Bingo square.

Another reality check which I don't think we've had to call out yet: There are mental health professionals who are mentally ill themselves. I think Christina is one of them.

Steve I don't think so. No matter whose child she is carrying, for now, I think she is more valuable to Ewww alive than dead. In an EwwWorld that could change rather quickly though.

Urban: " There are mental health professionals who are mentally ill themselves. I think Christina is one of them."

I believe it is common knowledge that in college, the psychology majors were by and large known to be Looney Tunes.

As: "What's up with Lisa?" 'Psych major.'
"Oh, Figures."

Oh, yes indeed, Kirby. I was warned about that at freshman orientation.

A good friend of mine briefly dated a mental health pro who turned out to be a serious narcissist. He bailed on discovery.

Urban, thank you for the excellent recap, photos, and dialogue.

I didn't recognize the actress playing Cristina as Susana from Medicos. Is she saying that Leo has anger issues ? Where is this storyline headed?

Dario has crossed the border into Crazyville at this point and seems beyond redemption. In the beginning , The writers portrayed him as a poor soul with a sick mom whose raison d'etre was revenge on his evil dad. However, now he is joyfully terrorizing everybody . How does the actor keep doing those evil , crazy eyes?

Kirby....you Give the best names ...Fabradoodle ..ha

Diana, JL definite!y has a split personality . He seems to be getting really tired of little Eww bossing him Around . Les!ie is his Achilles heel.

Fern 's lies and schemes are backing her into a corner .

We are nervously awaiting a big show storm starting tomorrow. I hate snow. bah humbug

Urban your recap was eerily good.
Eerily cuz these people are crazy, and you Really brung out the crazy.

What the hell is wrong with these
People? I'm talkin bout the writers
.This christine person is like an
Escape Patient from the looney bin. Why is she trying to make leo out to be an Unstable cop that needs to be put out to pasture indefinently?I agree With you Urban, why bring this new Very unnecessary person(in my opinion)In at this late date to stir a pot that's about to explode because of all the explosive crazy ingredients thats already in?

And what is going on with jlower? I
Was watching him when he found out the news about leslie, a loving father who would die to save his child and then a few Minutes later hes this total bitch.
And then hes worried about leo his brother going through what Julia went through? Hot-n-cold! And crazy

And poodledoddle fab, who does he believe? Well we know who he does not believe, lying furball-fernasty
Is he going to help Sonia & protect
Fur-liar and little Jr Who does not
Talk? Maybe he knows the adults in
His orbit are a bunch of crazyass grinches and he is planin to hitch a ride on Santa's slay as soon as it's in his airspace. And I know what I just typed sounds crazy but
Look what we are dealing with.

I want to see what lies rughead is
Gonna tell renata.
Ewww the rughead,"when told you are here to obey me". Sounds like somebody has a little(god)complex. He really needs to be stopped. And jlower with That swagger, what is that about? It's all so insane, it goes with the environment we live in so just Roll With it and soon it will be over.


"Show storm is right"but I know
What you mean tho,"snow storm".

I think Blue Lass actually coined Fabradoodle, much as I'd love to steal it. :-)

Nina, your comments always make me smile and there were many great lines but
"What the hell is wrong with these People? I'm talkin bout the writers" was great.

Whatever "value" Cristina has here (and I have my doubts), she is way too late to the party. The highly populated mentally unstable community does not need another resident.


Thank you, Urban, lovely retelling of the crazy normal that has become Imperio.

So are se to believe that Leo has a dark side, too ? When does he plan to show it, before or after his is RIGHTFULLY suspended ?
Leslie is sick? What is the ENDGAME here? Will she need bone marrow or another obvious thing? Will she stop hanging out with people who are a whole generation older ?

Fabradoodle ;)))))))

Nina... ha..i am getting ready for a snow storm , but "showstorm "describes this telenovela !!!

Just spent an hour shoveling some of tbe snow we got yesterday and getting stuff under tbe patio roof in advance of tomorrow's snow.

Thank you, Urban, superior recap and screenshots!

I don't think Leo has a "dark" side, but he seems to have a history of anger issues. Looks like CrisBitch is here to shake up and mix up this web as she weaves her own. I'm really ready for this to end; my head hurts just trying to keep all the facts, lies and messed up writing straight. It's pretty bad when the only persons that hold my interest are those who are formally diagnosed as being looney...yes, Renata and Mau, though we're not seeing Mau as much as I'd like.

I've been keeping up with the airing of this convoluted mess in Mexico. Last night they (Las Estrellas) showed a promo for "Te Acuerdas de Mi" with Gabriel Soto; it is to start on January 18th in the same time slot in which Imperio is being aired. I'm assuming that it will replace Imperio which means that there are only 24 episodes until the Gran Final which is usually aired in a 2 hour time slot on a Sunday. If I am calculating correctly, Imperio will end up with 92 episodes after all. AND if that is correct, then we (in the US) have 37 more episodes to tolerate...and that is A LOT more of this crazy showstorm.

I'm not sure who wrote the recap kirby or Urban, but thank you both
You both are good at figuring out
How to decipher this buddle of hog and horse hockey.

So we go into the new year with this mess. Ok, Make it stop))))))).

Nooo it was Urban! I'm not that thorough. But thanks for the compliment.

You're welcome sir. Kirby are yall getting cold down there? cuz we're
Getting icy up here. Were you livin in florida when we got that snow in 89? That is the most snow I'd ever seen that wasn't on tv. No one could go shopping for christmas all
The bridges were closed, and if you were off the island after they were closed you could not get back on or to work, or from work. So much for a white Christmas. The kids loved it tho.

Thank you Urban🎄🌨

Nina: The 'cold front' came through yesterday, but it only dropped a few degrees. At seven tonight it is still 64 outside. I have the windows open enjoying cool crisp fresh air. Yes I was here for the snow. BUT I had lived in St. Louis a few years before, so I laughed at the snow and how it paralyzed everything.

People who had never tried to drive on it were apoplectic, not understanding why the cars would not GO as fast nor STOP nearly as quickly.

"Looks like CrisBitch is here to shake up and mix up this web as she weaves her own. I'm really ready for this to end; my head hurts just trying to keep all the facts, lies and messed up writing straight. It's pretty bad when the only persons that hold my interest are those who are formally diagnosed as being looney...yes, Renata and Mau, though we're not seeing Mau as much as I'd like".

Rgv Chick, thank you for capturing our overwhelming frustration so perfectly.

Love "CrisBitch"...😊


Lol, And the people that moved here Years before that probly forgot how to drive in the snow. It melted in 3 days,I was
So disappointed.

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