Thursday, December 31, 2020

Imperio de mentiras, Wednesday, #65, 12/30/20 The sick, the hurting and the insane

 Leo and Dario are in a fight for their lives. The gun goes off  and … Leo is on the ground, wounded, while Majo and Piedad look on in shock. Leo is well enough to asks Majo to call the cops, Piedad wants to call a doctor. Dario screams that he was only defending himself, while Majo finally calls for medical help.

Renata has been sedated by Creepy Oscar, who is back in the picture. Vic doesn’t know what got her so hot and bothered, wants a stronger sedative, since she’s afraid Ren might wake up and hurt her. She also wants the nurse to spend the night. Oscar says there is no need for another sedative, Ren will sleep through the night. Vic suggests committing her again, even Oscar seems to think this is too much.

 Leslie is asleep, Teresa wakes her up to eat, but Leslie is not up for it. Teresa suggests getting out of the bed for a while and Leslie finally agrees, but she has a hard time doing it on her own.

JLow tries to reach Adriana, apologizes on her answering machine, says “te amo” just in time for Leslie to hear him. Sara has prepared lunch, she’s fixing a tea for Leslie, who asks her mom’s help, while silently rejecting her father. Adriana calls JLow back, letting him know what happened with Leo. He is grave, he lost a lot of blood. JLow tells the family what happened.

Fab tells Eww that Vic is upset and she is making mistakes because of that. They were talking about Dario and Renata heard them. Eww asks Fab if he can trust him, wants to give his son some good news: Dario has been caught! And just before that, he shot Leo. Two birds, one stone.

Leo is in the hospital, they’re preparing him for the OR. Adriana comes screaming at an unconscious Leo that everything is going to be OK. JLow and Sara arrive, too, Adriana tells them that Leo's in a bad shape, everyone is worried.

Piedad and Majo are brought in to declare about the shooting by Mario. Cristina asks for details, Mario tells him what happened with Leo and Dario. She wants to go to the clinic, Mario doesn’t think it prudent. She enquirers about Majo, needs a favor from Mario.

Majo calls Elisa, gives her the latest. When she hears about the fight and Leo being shot, Elisa is overwhelmed. Majo is defending Dario, says it was an accident! Elisa’s phone battery dies, she asks for the guard to help.

Later when Elisa wants her phone back, the dirty guard is already gone. The new one is big and mean and won't stand for any princessy shenanigans.

Cristina takes Majo to an interrogation room for a chat. She's filming everything on her phone, Majo thinks it’s illegal. Cristina wants her version of what happened. What was she doing with Dario? They know Elisa was working with him. Majo defends Elisa and wants to leave, but Cristina is not finished.

A nurse gives Sara some pills for her blood pressure. The doctor arrives, says the operation was very difficult, but no organ was affected. Now they have to wait. Nobody can see Leo for now, he will stay sedated for the rest of the night. Sara wants to stick around, asks JLow to go get her a change of clothes. He insists that she go home, Adriana offers to take her.

Eww calls JLow, who looks fed up. Eww thinks it’s his fault Dario escaped, now Majo is being interrogated. Eww orders for Majo to be freed and for Piedad to be taken back home, too. Victoria hears the last part of the conversation, wants Eww to make sure that Elisa is set free, too. Eww assures her that Dario will testify the next day and make that happen.Vic gives Eww an ultimatum, he actually looks troubled.

Fab is scolding Dario for not sticking to their 5 days plan. Dario only wants to declare, keep his promise to Majo and Piedad. Fab insists on the 5 days delay, but Dario DOES NOT CARE, carajo!

Clara is taking care of Leslie, talking with Majo on the phone. Majo wants a drink, Clara is happy that Dario is in jail. She can’t come over, she’s taking care of Leslie. When she hangs up, Leslie tells her that she looks super enamorada. Clara admits it, but says she also understands that Majo is not for her.

Adriana and Sara arrive home, Sara offers coffee. Teresa comes to chat about the many troubles the Velascos have had recently. Leslie comes down, as soon as she's alone with Adriana she asks her to get lost and leave her father alone.

Cristina is at Leo’s bedside, holding his hand, when JLow walks in. She looks really worried, he asks her to get out. She reminds him about the Adriana ultimatum, kisses Leo’s hand, caresses his cheek and leaves. JLow is feeling like we all do, nodding his head in disbelief.

Majo comes to see  Elisa, who asks about Leo immediately. Majo apologizes, knows everything is her fault. But Dario will change his declaration, he didn’t want to hurt Leo. Elisa is sick of hearing about Dario, wants Majo to STAY AWAY from him. Elisa also asks Majo to send a message to Leo: she loves him, she want him to forgive her.

Leo wakes up, asks about Dario. JLow confirms that he has been caught, Leo wants his brother to make sure that Dario will save Elisa. He also wants JLow to find Sonia and Eugenio Serrano.

Cristina summons Adriana and Mario to her office to ask about JLow and Eww relationship. Adriana explains JLow is only helping Leo investigate Eww, defends JLow  several times, Cristina says there is proof that they have a relationship. Adriana is outraged, says that JLow cleaned up the precinct of all the dirty cops. Mario looks on. Cristina is not surprised that Adriana would defend JLow, that's why she’s already looking for a replacement for Adriana and she found one, in Mario. And no, he didn’t do anything against Adriana, he just gave Cristina Elisa Cantu's hiding place.
Adriana accuses Mario of treason and cynicism. Mario doesn’t defend himself.

Leslie tells Clara about JLow and Adriana. She thinks Adriana is to blame for the divorce, wants to get out of the house, go talk to her father.

Alfonso visits Fernanda, lets her know that she's being fired. Fer asks if Fab was OK with it. Alfonso nods yes, she starts crying. Alfonso tells her about the 10 Million insurance, she needs to claim that money.

Fab bribes the prosecutor, wants him to postpone Dario’s arraignment for a few days.

Majo visits Leo, tells him about Elisa’s message for him. She calls Elisa, who is now with the "good" guard, who gives her the phone. Leo and Elisa talk, they’re happy to hear one another. Leo assures Elisa that JLow will get Dario to talk. And they will soon be together again. Majo cries while she listens on. When he hangs up, Leo thanks Majo, she apologizes for what Dario did. Leo insists it’s not her fault, Dario is a criminal who will have to pay for everything that he has done. Majo feels bad, Leo reassures her that she’s a good sister.

Fab takes Elisa something to sign (what is it?), she looks doubtful, but not of him. She does trust him and she’s confident that she will get her job back, so she signs. Fab looks like the cat who ate the canary. He mocks Leo for acting irresponsibly, Elisa defends him, thinks now Dario will  testify in her favor. Fab doesn’t think that’s so easy, it will take time. He’s trying to hurry things, but she has to be patient. He’d give anything to see her free. And he has a good news: their sales are going great and business in general is good.

Adriana wants to resign, JLow apologizes, but Adriana knows Cristina is to blame. There is nothing she won’t do to help him, she just wants the truth. He says he loves her, nobody will ever come between them – Enter Leslie!


Adriana: When is Ultimos Capitulos coming ?

Thank you Adriana. Great recap of a Bugs Bunny episode. Or maybe the Roadrunner and Wiley Coyote. IE: to Majo..Leo assures her she is a good sister. HUH? And what would she need to do to be a BAD Sister?

Married JLouse cheates on his cheating wife with Adri and discards her like bathroom tissue and she still will support him til the end of time? Huh?

So old Leo was gut shot but the bullet managed to navigate ...around all the plumbing, filters, and tanks down there and do minimum damage? OK. Was it the same gun and smart bullets which shot Dario before and he was up and about in 72 hours?

Little Leslie looks even more small and frail now than she did. I was kinda shocked that Adri would show her face in Tere Frog's house, no matter the circumstances. That is kind of a universal No No, going to the jilted wive's house and FACING her as if you two are in the same Pinochle club. Kudos to little pipsqueak Leslie.

That evil Vic has finally gotten poor Ren back on the hard stuff. She (Vicious) can die any time. How would Vic like it to be injected with maybe Heroine? The gift that keeps on giving.

Was Sonia Raptured away and now looking down on all this with amusement? Is she hidden so well that the WRITERS do not even know where she is? ? ? ? ? Did they forget? Wasn't JL ordered to kill Adri? Did HE forget?

Did E-Lies-a actually sign over the company to Fabradoodle? Do the guards know to water her every Friday and set her by a window for some sun?

Her battery dying right THEN was soo realistic, to anyone who has furtively watched the battery bar as they download or install some critical app or update on our gifts from Satan.

Oh Adriana, the title could not be more fitting.

It was such an intense episode and your sharp perception and all encompassing summary kept up at every turn.

The more that occurs, the murkier this all seems.

Does Fab truly believe that keeping Elisa imprisoned will make her care for him? What's next - killing Leo, finishing what his brother inadvertently started?

Will Vicky continue ordering Eugenio to do what SHE wants? Further, how long will he tolerate it?

Will Fab be able to get the money and run?

"Adriana accuses Mario of treason and cynicism. Mario doesn’t defend himself". Sigh.

Isn't it enough the writers have given Leslie a terrible disease? Will she now try to become JLouse's moral compass? Good luck with that.

Seeing Renata in Oscar's despicable hands was the worst scene of the night. Another soul who does not deserve this vile treatment.

While this story exudes violence, physical and mental torture and atrocities of all kinds, there is not one believable love story to be found. Our obsessed galan and soft, simpering heroine? The bad boy bent on revenge and his victimized love? The big bad cop and his associate whom he berates one minute and praises the next? Even Renata's love was one sided and not returned.

Where IS Sonia?

Adriana, wonderful. Thank you.


"That evil Vic has finally gotten poor Ren back on the hard stuff. She (Vicious) can die any time".

Our comments crossed Kirby. Vick's demise cannot come soon enough for me.

And "Do the guards know to water her every Friday and set her by a window for some sun?" made me smile. I think you've discovered her secret! :)

Diana there ANYONE in Mexico who can not be bought off IE: is corrupt? Law enforcement, Judges, Medical Doctors, Prison Guards, Housekeepers, Majo, Elisa, Vic-ious. Hell, didn't we see Dario paying off the Taco lady on the corner earlier? j kidding.

Thank you, Adriana Noel! I commend anyone who can retell such a sordid mess in a such a superb manner.

I'm certainly not worried about Leo; he's the alleged galan and can't die, at least not yet. Like Nina, I saw that other Turkish TN where dreamy eyed galan was blown to pieces along with his nemesis. Hopefully this will have a better ending!

Kirby, "That evil Vic has finally gotten poor Ren back on the hard stuff. She (Vicious) can die any time. " worth repeating several times! I was, however, pleasantly surprised that Oscar didn't bow and give Ren more meds. Is he finally getting a conscience? AND...
"Was Sonia Raptured away and now looking down on all this with amusement? Is she hidden so well that the WRITERS do not even know where she is? ? ? ? ? Did they forget? Wasn't JL ordered to kill Adri? Did HE forget?" I've given up trying to keep up with all the inconsistencies in this fiasco of a TN. I'm wondering if the actors ever questioned the writers about their contradictory dialogue and actions. Did they we care anymore? I'm tired of shaking my head and rolling my eyes.

Steve, ultimas semanas are drawing near...YAY!

Diana, "While this story exudes violence, physical and mental torture and atrocities of all kinds, there is not one believable love story to be found. Our obsessed galan and soft, simpering heroine? The bad boy bent on revenge and his victimized love? The big bad cop and his associate whom he berates one minute and praises the next? Even Renata's love was one sided and not returned." This coming from you is of no surprise...always insightful and eloquently written.

Kirby, according to Dario, Leo is the ONLY one who they couldn't buy off. Gets me to thinking who else is being bought off...

Adriana, merci . C'est magnifique. you did a fine job of reporting all the misery flowing throughout last night's episode.

I don't know why it didn't occur to me that it was Leo's turn to take the bullet after the rerun of the wrest!ing match with Dario ..Deja vue all over again .

Everything last night felt like going through a revolving door as the writers just replayed previous storylines. Icky is back at the mansion ordering had penny Oscar to sedate poor Ren. Here we go again . Bipolar JL is smarming all over clueless, feckless Adriana ....but this time poor, sick Leslie wanders in the OPEN DOOR. How do these people keep living?

And once again poor Sara is dragged to the hospital after her second son bashed shot. Coffee? Anyone want coffee?

During the scenes of Eliesa in her dreary jailcell, I couldn't take my eyes off that face sketched on the wall..self portrait ? It looked eerily like El.

Watching CrazedCrissy slobber all over helpless Leo' s hand was disgusting . I was afraid she was going to climb in that hospital bed with him. Ugh

So...where are we going ? Where do you want this show to go ?

Didn't Ew order JL to kill one of two people? I cannot remember which two people, but so far JL just seems to ignore Ew's orders and Ew doesn't follow through on whatever he planned to do to JL if he didn't.

These people are all procrastinators supreme . How many times have we heard Dario rant about getting revenge on dear ,old ,dirty dealing dad ? Get out your daytimer and pencil in a definite date. Dario's back in jail.

Hoppy New Year and pass the Tequila ! These 'Sucks Donkey Balls' TNs sure bring out the best on the patio. When the TN has gotten so bad to be hardly worth watching, the patio makes it worth it again. I'd keep watching just to be able to understand the patio comments.

Such as: "Watching CrazedCrissy slobber all over helpless Leo' s hand was disgusting . I was afraid she was going to climb in that hospital bed with him. Ugh"

Yes that face on the wall looked to at least have El's current Hairdon't.

Diana, you are so right about the lack of any true love stories in this show. Most of these folks love only themselves . Then , we have those pining for people who don't return their love..Adriana, Ren, Crazycris , Clara . Leo and Eliesa are the starcrossed lovers who are the only people featured in that new intro , so I guess they are the couple we are supposed to focus on . I still cannot figure out why they changed the original intro. If they kill off Leo in the finale , I will be very angry .

To quote Tina Turner " What's Love Got to Do with It? " Gone is the old message of telenovelas that love conquers all .

Happy New Year's Eve all. It is a dark, cokd, rainy day here . A fitting end to a bizarre 2020.

Kirby,,, original blogmom Melinama ( Jane) always said that the bad shows always produced the funniest comments . So much to mock.


Kirby: If they kill off Adriana, I'm done with this chaotic Telenovela.

Steve, they will not kill off Adri. She is too entertainingly messed up to dispose of.

I really admire all you recappers for giving us such entertaining reads during this dreary holiday season!

I think they should have called this novela 'Hairdo'. We have Mophead, Eww; Poodledo, Fabricio; Wetmops, Majo, Elisa, and Sonia; Wild Mountain Man, José Luis; Bouffant Lady, Victoria, SOS Pad, Marío; Pinhead, Adriana. I could go on and on. Only Renata has a nice hairdo, IMO. And a great wardrobe.

Which writers are worse, 'La gata' or here in 'Imperior'?

Victoria. That's a tough call , but I think "La Gata" was even at the dump . Uff

RgvChick, thank you for perfectly capturing the mood of the patio as well as our utter frustration: "I've given up trying to keep up with all the inconsistencies in this fiasco of a TN. I'm wondering if the actors ever questioned the writers about their contradictory dialogue and actions. Did they we care anymore?" My interest is indeed waning. At this point, I'm most interested in who will die and who will be spared.

Susanlynn - yes, the wall art!!! So glad you mentioned it, I did notice it but forgot about it overnight. It DID look like Elisa.

Victoria, I'm grateful for many things including the fact I didn't see La Gata :)

Enjoying hanging out on the patio with everyone this New Years Eve.

Here's hoping 2021 is safer and happier for all....


Diana, yes, i wondered if Eliesa sketched a self portrait to pass tbe time . I thought it was so odd !!!

Well, i put inside and outside Christmas decorations away today.

Happy New Year, all. Goodbye 2020.

I didn't see La Gata, but saw the other version of it, Gata Salvaje with Marjorie de Sousa where she became one of my first Telenovela Novias.

I put the Christmas stuff away also today. 84 degrees today, and that big wreath and candles in the windows just felt wrong.

Happy New Year to everyone!

Kirby.. .. Wow 84 . My friend in Naples tells me that the Florida temperatures have been up and down. Here we are damp and chilly .

Weather so crazy here that I heard the local TV weather chick say "And your Bipolar weather forecast coming up after the break."

Thank you Adriana, good eve of new
Years eve recap.

These people are soooo crazy nutty
Crazy. Whoda thunk that leo woulda
Been the one to catch the bullet?
And the troll with bad hair thinks
He could be dead.
The troll looked worried when vicky
Gave him the ultimatum, see I told
Ya he looks scared of that woman.
She is the only woman that talks to him like that. He try to slap her like he do fer and sonia she'll
Probly rip the rug off his head and beat him with it and stuff it down his throat.

Adriana is a brainless jackass. She
A stupid one. Jl will most likely pull her down with him. A drowning
Man dont want to die alone. She has no shame, she comes to the house actin all "I'll be friendly tere but I Want your husband, sorry". Leslie Got her number.

So, what's faboodle have planned for 5 days from now their time? I dont trust him. He has el sign some
Voodoo paper and he was smiling way
To much. She didnt even read it. Always read stuff before signing it
That way when you wake up your soul
Is still intact. And what's dario up too? See he should've been tryin to see what his baby bro is up to instead of trying to deflower majo
Again and again and again. Instead he wants to leave, and pissin moma off and shooting police in the gut.
And now hes back in the poky where
His sperm doner wants him. Hes his
Own worst enemy. And stop making your eyes bug out of their Sockets while fighting leo. And stop it the fightin leo. Lol.

And vicky with the dopping ren saga
Oscar grow a pair and tell her no.
He scared of her just like ewwgy.

Thank you AdrianaNoel



SusyQ I would like the insanity of this show to leave with 2020! Vamos

Kirby you are so right about this patio. The stuff we say is so funny
SusyQ, "la gata's life at the dump,
Victoria, SOS Pad,mario. And I dont know what to make of Mario's hair. What is it doing? I haven't even figured out the presidents hair yet
And he's leaving in a few weeks.

I was telling someone today this time last week we were freezing and I loved it. And there is still an overload of christmas movies on the
Hallmark channels. And guess what?
They will also be playin christmas movies every thursday and friday through out the year 2021. Yaaah?

Ok they started shooting off fire works today and it's getting Louder in my neighborhood. An hour & two
2 minutes and 2021 will be here. I'm Hoping for a better year how bout yall!

An hour now!

These crazies down here in Sarasota started right after noon with the fireworks. At first I thought they were just warming up. You know, even Billy Graham clears his throat before he preaches. But they have been fine tuning it off and on all afternoon and night. Shocked that these Yo Ho's have any left by midnight.

I never could get accustomed to the Latin American custom of fireworks at Christmas. México, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Colombia, Venezuela, and the Dominican Republic—all Countries where we lived and where my husband went crazy with the fireworks while I searched for cypress/pine branches to pin to the wall in our hotel room with handmade ornaments.

He carried the custom here to Charlotte—my hometown; and the kids, even the neighbors, love it. Any occasion for fireworks and across the border into SC he goes to buy them.

Now the custom has spread up to the Southeast from LA.

Do you guys in other states hear them at Christmas? I would imagine so. One Christmas, we had snow; another Christmas, a picnic on the porch another. As far as I can remember, Charlotte has seen more than 1 foot of snow since the early 1990s.

How about you guys?

I wish you all a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2021, new year.


Sorry, Charlotte has NOT seen....


I have yet to watch, but Happy New Year to you all

No fireworks here. Still overcast .

Well, we are all going to have to wait and see what happens next in this telenovela and what happens next in 2021. Time will tell.

Is Imperil on tonight ?

I wish you all health and happiness. Stay well and safe.

Victoria when I lived in St. Louis, Mo. no Christmas fireworks. Back then anyway, Missouri was quite devout.

Then I moved to FloriDuh, with all these Spanish, and any semblance of the old devout Christmas was gone, just another drunken, loud music, fireworks, day off work. Last night mixed in with the fireworks there was a lot of gunfire. Just Juan and Guadelupe having a little fun.

And now its the boringest day of the year. If you don't have cable tv you're sunk, cuz all thats on is football. And the rose parade first I went to work today and not much happening there either. So is empire coming on tonight? Well it
Aught to the holidays are over, for
Another 11 more months.
Anybody cookin hopinjohn about now?
Think Ill wait til sunday, its fri
Not much cooking around my house on fridays. Its sandwich night or what
Ever you can find in the fridge.
Ok yall have a good one. Happy new
January 1.

Every time I see SOS pad (Mario) I think of Napolean ->->->->->

Yes, Imperio will be back tonight as well as the rest of the regular shows.

Cold front blew in yesterday so we were in the high 30s this morning..2 days ago it was in the low 80s...and we'll be back into the 80's by midweek next week...talking 'bout bipolar weather? :-)

Well my avatar was supposed to change to a pic of Napolean, but it's refusing to do so LOL


AT&T U-verse shows that it will air tonight as scheduled on Univision.

Ha...just got an email from my friend in Naples, Florida saying that she couldnt fall asleep when she went to bed at 12 because of all the fireworks going off !

I am starting to wonder if the bad guys are going to have to bring themselves down because of none of the good guys have a clue.

And now its the boringest day of the year. If you don't have cable tv you're sunk, cuz all thats on is football.

News flash! There is life outside of TV. A whole big interesting world out there, but you can't do it sitting down. :-)

Great as always Adriana Noel! You always do these justice and give me quite a few chuckles along the way. No CC for me and you caught things from Chrissie --the actress playing her always mumbles her lines. So, thanks for the clarifications! It drives me crazy!!

"Adriana comes screaming at an unconscious Leo that everything is going to be OK" --Sheesh!! Say, she's supposed to be a police Captain and a boss. This was anything but professional.

O/T: I lived in ST. Louis and St. Charles Co. till moving to S. FL myself 10 yrs. Ago. St. Charles County must be the place for fireworks. My daughter and Son-in-law sit on their balcony every NYear's. Sounds like WW3 every time. We got bupkiss everywhere we lived around there.


Yes Jardinera, I lived out in Harvester and worked at McDonell Douglas across the river.

Giving the house a good cleaning is good to do on New years day. But to hear something on tv other than football is refreshing. Yeah theres stuff to do besides sittin but miss Corona is in that big world and I dont want to run into her so I am
Stayin home when I have to. Yard cleaning comes to kind :-) my neighbor cousin has this maple tree
So it's gotten so windy up here since yesterday and the tree Has lost all the its leaves in the wind
And they are all over the neighbor
Hood. I used to love rakin the yard
But age and work prevents it. But there is hope. Dont look like much hope for the cantdo ladies. They R
Jailed, dopedup, and inlove with a
Criminal. And their momma is as you
Say kirby BSC. I hope their year is
Better and soon.

It would be great if, at the end, Piedad is the one who kills Ewwww.....
Just a thought.

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