Saturday, January 02, 2021

Imperio de Mentiras #66, 1/1/21: In Which Some Lies Are Revealed, But More Are Told to Keep the Balance

Ay, Caray! I didn't realize the show was on tonight, so I hope you like it quick & dirty...

JL assures a hollow-eyed Leslie that the whole Adri thing was just a reaction to Tere's nostalgia-bonking with Raymundo and the eyeful she just got was their goodbye kiss, honest. That man has no shame.

Accountant guy tells Fer that Augie always took good care of all of them and especially her -- Augie really loved her, he told him so himself. (So is Augie supposed to be a good guy now, or are we on our fifth team of writers?) Fer offers him part of the cash to help her get the settlement, but he says he isn't in it for the ducats, he just wants to do what's right. For sure we won't be seeing him again. He doesn't fit in with the plot at all.

Fab gets Majo to sign the Very Important Papers by showing her that Elisa already okayed them. Dramatic music. 

Adri tells Leo that it was Mario who tipped Cris off about Elisa's surrender. And that's not all -- now IA is investigating JL, when all he did was meet with Eugenio to talk him out of pressing charges against Leo when he got all up in his grill at Marcelo's funeral. 

No puede ser! Leo can't believe Cris suspects his brother. Has he forgotten how recently he suspected his brother? Has he forgotten that inexplicably enormous secret bank account? Have we? The writers certainly have. Maybe Sonia found it in JL's glove box and is now living it up on the Riviera Maya with her mom, El Pinqui, and Raymundo's dog.

Eu summons some random legal guy and demands to know why Dario's hearing hasn't been scheduled. Random legal guy says but-but-but your son said to postpone it. Fabricio? He doesn't give the orders around here! Reschedule it immediately! Random legal guy squeaks up that there's an actual procedure for suborning a judge and you can't keep changing the instructions, but Eu flares his nostrils at him and he scurries away.

JL rips Clara a new one for taking Leslie down to the police station, but Clara has enough pride to just swan off. Leslie defends her after she leaves and tells JL that as long as he keeps his promise to her, everything will be wonderful again. Tere comes down the stairs and JL calls her in for another one of those weird dysfunctional-family group hugs. Upside: we now know how to say "abrazo grupal." Downside: we learned it from Jose Luis Velasco, so it will always be tainted with his scruffy beard hairs. 

Vic pressures Fab to hit on Elisa harder. She says she'll put in a good word, but he's no longer the perfect boyfriend what with the illegitimate kid and all...maybe she can repackage him as a new product: good daddy. He says he is a good daddy (but how in the world would he know what that looks like?) She tells him to get that damn insurance money back from Fernando. Use the kid if he has to.

Majo's weeping all over Renata about everything being her fault, but anyone who's seen a telenovela with a real fake priest knows that you cannot be absolved if you're just going to run out and do it again as soon as there's another jailbreak. Ren tells her to make herself useful and go check on Mau.

Eu gets in Fab's face about moving the hearing date, and Fab has the sense not to deny it. He argues that it benefits neither of them to have Elisa free and back in cahoots with that pesky Leo. Eu tells him to shut up and do as he's told.

Adri runs into Tere outside of Leo's room and they have a cringeworthy conversation in which Tere tells Adri how much she admires her, how she hasn't forgotten that Adri was the only one who defended her after that murder hotel thing, and now that the abrazo grupal has put her marriage back on track maybe they could be friends...? Adri agrees weakly. Somebody give that poor girl a one-way ticket to anywhere.

Next thing you know JL is back in Adri's apartment, telling her he doesn't want to lose her. She says she doesn't want to continue hurting his family, and anyway, he needs to lie low now that he's being investigated. Adri asks if he's told her everything, and of course he says yes, so she agrees to stay in his corner while they both try to figure out que the hell Cris wants. When you guys find out, let the rest of us know, ok? 

Eu promises Fer he'll hire a lawyer to help with her settlement but first she has to find out if it was Fab who helped Dario escape. Fer goes to the jail and puts on a damsel in distress act, begging him to get rid of Fab because he's trying to take her son. (Have these two even met before? I'm so confused...) Dario doesn't bite, so she tries to fan up the embers of second-son envy and when that doesn't work flat-out asks if he's afraid of his father. Dario sneers that he gets along just fine with his brother now that he's proven his loyalty by breaking him out of jail (um, the same jail he's right back in, but whatever. No one's ever accused him of being bright.) 

Fer says fine, never mind, let's just forget this conversation -- and I mean really forget it, or maybe someone will let it slip to Majo who your Dad is. This seems like a pretty dumb threat since practically everybody already knows this, but the guard comes by to take Dario to the hearing so I guess the conversation is over. Fer got what she came for, anyway.

Dario must have tidied up all the paperwork during the commercial break, because when we come back the "good" guard is letting Elisa out of her cage, and she is the happiest little hamster in all of Alternate Mexico. I'll kind of miss the junior-varsity prison uniform, but maybe they'll let her keep it. It's not like it will fit anyone else (unless they need to bust Leslie to add some drama later on.)

Fer informs Eu that his sons are ganging up on him. He reminds her that she needs to remain loyal to him: otherwise what will she live on after Vicky throws her out of Augie's love nest? It's not like she has a job or anything.

Majo goes to see Mau and tells him Ren had another episode. He tells her that Ren is not imagining things; dead nursy sent him copies of the medical chart detailing the forced abortion and subsequent hysterectomy. He clearly says "removal of the uterus," so at least that detail's cleared up. 

On Cristina's orders, Mario goes to re-grill Clara and Nieves about working with Dario. They lie that it was Dario who made contact but tell the truth about needing the money to purchase vital organs. Apparently Clara is looking a little too truthy, because Nieves ends the interview and throws Mario out of the house. He does not look entirely comatose, so he may be catching on.

Elisa cleans herself up and jumps right into (hospital) bed with Leo, while Adri waylays Cristina in the hallway. Couple #1 trades endearments; Couple #2 trades threats. Cris warns Adri that she doesn't want her for an enemy. (Is there actually anyone who's not her enemy?) Adri says one step further and she'll break her face. Adri wins.


Thank You much and much again Blue.

Before I forget it. “I'll kind of miss the junior-varsity prison uniform, but maybe they'll let her keep it. It's not like it will fit anyone else (unless they need to bust Leslie to add some drama later on.) “

I especially liked the Skechers workout sneakers Demi Lavato must have dropped off to her some time.

Is this show aimed at Flat Earthers or something? Who else would believe some of this, like with the insurance, for instance? Granted, the primary purpose of insurance companies is to get as much of people's money as possible, and to give as little of it back as possible. Claims about protection, happiness, security, warm fuzzy things etcetera are just advertising. Ewwww's notice to FurBaby that they might be interested in an investigation could have been right in there with “Ya know Fer, if you go too far over there, you will just fall off the Earth to the Never Yonder.”

And that Vic thinks she should have the proceeds is even more far fetched. There is a contract: If you, or anybody pays 'Insurance Co.' $xx every month or whenever, then if 'The Event' happens, Insurance Co. pays you $YYY.

Hello Allstate, my car has been totaled for a month now and I am still waiting on the check to replace it.

“Oh, Ms Nasty, your car was totally insured and was a total loss, your premiums were up to date, but Mrs. Crabbits next door asked for a new car so we just bought her one instead.” Just shoot me.

I did like seeing Adri stick up to Cris. But it did nothing to erase her blind brainless continued devotion to Ewww's butt boy JL. So she and Frog Face are going to be best buds? I wrote something along the same lines a while back, thinking it's sheer absurdity would be funny. Silly me, maybe I will fall off the edge of the Earth.

In Imperio Bizzaro World, it was almost comforting in a 'just stepped in doggie poo' kind of way to see V-Icky back in the potbelly pants. And I especially liked this:

"She tells him to get that damn insurance money back from Fernando. Use the kid if he has to." Let's collect our thoughts for a minute. What has FerNasty shown us which she values above all else, almost life itself? $$$$. What has she shown us that she values far less than any sane Mother would? Juanito! ding ding ding ding. Did we hear a bell ring?

Masterful Blue Lass.

"anyone who's seen a telenovela with a real fake priest knows that you cannot be absolved if you're just going to run out and do it again as soon as there's another jailbreak" was perfect. Also loved the uniform quote.

Rather than trying to solve the many pieces to this frustrating puzzle, Leo's mind and heart languish in Elisaland. Their reunion seemed surreal.

"...we learned it from Jose Luis Velasco, so it will always be tainted with his scruffy beard hairs" was great. He moves from one lie to the next with ease without conscience. I want to shake Adri and rouse her from the same stupor she is sharing with Leo. But I agree Kirby, it was a bit gratifying that she got the best of Cris.

Vicky is becoming more venomous every day. The looks she was shooting Major when Fab slithered in with the papers was cringe worthy. She hates Renata and Majo -without a doubt.

So Mau imparts Renata's tragic truth to Majo. Like trusting a child with a secret that will have severe consequences if told to the wrong person.

I still care about "hollow eyed Leslie", Renata, Mau and a few others.

Wondering if meek and mild Mario may finally start unraveling this yarn.

Blue Lass, thank you so much.


Blue Lass , thanks for another great recap of " As the Revoling Door Turns" We just keep going around and around on this Carousel of No Progress....people in and out of the jail and hospital and police station and each other's houses. "FX Movie channel has been showing " Mr. Hobbs Take a a Vacation " over and over , and I have reluctantly caught bits and pieces of it. Just now I heard Fabian singing " Jelly roll, gumdrop, milkshake ...Be my baby ! " and it made more sense to me than this show. However, I have decided to surrender to the crazy . My belief has been suspended . My beanie might explode, but I still love watching the unfolding of all the crazy.

JL is treating Adriana like yoyo...I want you...GET OUT ...I need you ....I AM LEAVING .... He has got to be bipolar . He has The creepiest " I am trying to be sincere" smile I have ever seen.

The writers seem to have forgotten who knows what about whom. They also seem to have misplaced Sonia. Will one of the writers suddenly remember where she is ?

Yes,all Clara seems to do is "swan" in and out of scenes as she is called on to babysit various people...Majo, Leslie .Or get yelled at by Mom , Mojo, Dario, Icky , JL. Clara is everybody's whipping boy. She also rides shotgun for Majo's ineffective visits to people .

Ineffectiveness is the overall theme of this show regarding both the good guys and the bad guys. I know that little troll Ewwy is supposed to be the Big Bad ,but he keeps telling people to do things and none of them do those things . He told Dario to kill Majo...didn't . He told JL to choose between killing 2 people ..was it Adriana and Leo (??) ...didnt. He is always threatening Fern and telling her to do or not do stuff....doesn't .

Tere was painted as terrible she is terrific and smiling sweetly. I agree that those dysfunctional family group hugs are cringeworthy. Poor Leslie ....stuck between the devil and the deep, blue sea.

Well, El succeeded where Craxycris failed. It didn't take long for El to get out of jail garb and into her groovy black Olivia Newton John Grease outfit and into that hospital bed . Somebody check Leo's monitor .


Surprise! It was on last night! I was also surprised when my record light came on. Still, you whipped up a good one.

So funny about the good accountant (and we now judge somebody's goodness just by them doing their job): "For sure we won't be seeing him again. He doesn't fit in with the plot."

Loved "but Eu flares his nostrils at him and he scurries away".

Also loved the "real fake priest" line. All the best telenovelas have one.

Others have mentioned it, but I also loved "It's not like (Elisa's JV prison uniform) will fit anyone else (unless they need to bust Leslie to add some drama later on)." I had visions of Leslie getting busted for buying dark ring eye concealer.

I'll be watching this in a bit and will add more later, but until then let's all have a 2021 socially distanced Abrazal Grupal en el patio. We aren't even bothered by JL's scruffy beard hairs.

R la O


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BlueLass what a lovely recap to start the first weekend of 2021. So full of lies...n stuff:)the episode
Not your recap, the recap was so
Fun. Love the snark.

"JL assures hollow-eyed Leslie that the whole adri thing was just a reaction to tere's nostalgia-bonkin of raymundo and the eyeful she just got was Their goodbye kiss, honest. That man has no shame". This is true, he Thinks les is stupid like the other Family members. She's one of the smart ones on this show.

"He just wants to do what's right. For sure we won't be seeing him again. He doesn't fit in with the plot at all". This is also true.
Honesty will never fit the plot in this show.

That was so easy how fer got it out of dario that fab broke him out of prison. Hes not to smart.
He wasn't even suspicious of her asking the question. Now hes ruined it for fabadooldle. But you can't trust Fabadoodle. I dont think he really likes his baby bro, or is he
The baby bro? Don't matter the DNA in that family tree is shot-to-hell

Mau is looking fine, if he and ren can just stop having those horrible
Episodes of fits they would be a couple to be reckoned with. So glad
He spelled it out to majo, but did it Register? When shes not crying shes Pickled. Did she believe him?
The smart people in this show needs to get together and have pow-wow, but that would mean the writers gotta get their brains to Working. But like you asked Blue, is This the 5th writing team we're on?

Yaaah, free at last from the poky.
And crazycris is on the move but no
Entrance for her, get her adri. And
Get a clue and stop being so dumb.

It seems that they have forgotten the gynormous secret bank account
Jl has. Well hes not worried. Cuz they are so dumb they believed the lie he told. So that's that.

Ok so happy first weekend yall. Stay safe the 2nd strain nof c-19 has hit the sunshine state, which ain't All that sunny right now. Kirby ya Got any sunshine down your way?

Thank you BlueLass.


Oh NiNa, not to brag, but yesterday and today, sunny and breezy not a cloud in the sky and mid EIGHTIES. But RGV has sent her little cold front our way, so today is our last warm day. Rain and turn cold tonight. Well, by cold, I mean mid 60s. Brrrr.... :-)

That bank account is so Super Extra Top Secret, even the writers don't know about it. But I'll betcha Crazy like a Fox Cris knows about it. Prolly knows where it came form too.

"Oh, that is my savings account for Leslie's college."

"Oh Yeah, how did you save up two and a half million in $IX MONTH$, Big Boy?"

It was muggy up here too. It will be chilled tomorrow up here. Also the 60s.

Icky vicky wants the insurance $$$$
Money, I hope she don't it. She is one evil bitch. She hates her kids.
I don't think rug likes his either.
They deserve each other.

I don't understand why Ew has anything to do with Fer's money. Why is she pleading with him to get some of it?

I hope Fab was taping Ew when he said that HE is the Grand PooBah of the whole corrupt organization.

R la O. Yes see my rant above about the totaled car. If the insurance was on Aug's life, and the insurer can not prove she was involved in his death, as it WAS a murder, and she is the beneficiary, neither Eww, Fab, Vic or any of the other creatures from the black lagoon has any claim on it. Simple.

I think the writers just do not think we will catch it. This show is again and again an insult to the intelligence of any normal person. Do they think we are all goat herders who have not discovered electricity yet?

The only gotcha is if Fer actually DID kill him or have a hand in it, and they all know it and she knows that they know it.

And if we are all out on a remote mountain with our Billys, Nannys and Kids, how are we watching their show? ? ? You can not power your Sony 4K rubbing two sticks together. :-)

Thanks for stopping by, everyone, and belated thanks to all of this week's recappers -- I was reading but not commenting because I was "on vacation," but I guess I'd better get back in gear as I have to return to work on Monday.

Now, off to roll the sidebar...

Thank you BlueLass for the excellent recap.
I was finally able to catch up on the last few episodes.
I was so happy to ÚLTIMAS SEMANAS on my TV screen.
This is the worst telenovela I’ve ever seen. Knowing it’s going to end soon is what I needed to hang in there. All of your recaps snd comments have made this show bearable!


Good morning and Happy New Year, my friends!

I was feeling a little nostalgic for the warmth of the Caray campfire this morning so I took a peek at the blog for the first time in ages. When I saw it was the brilliant, tart-tongued Blue Lass covering the latest episode, my inner Cher awakened. "Snap out of it!" she said. So I'll try. But first, 'un abrazo grupal' (Word!)

I've been watching this one the day after it airs because, you know, Maddow, and I gotta say, I'm eating it up with a spoon. Sure, the writing is absurd, and the wigs are bargain basement (why?), but the actors don't seem to have gotten the memo. I mean they are SELLING it. (That's why it's no El Tal.) And anyway, aren't we kind of relieved that the writers seem to have forgotten they threatened Leo's ma back in Episode 189 but have now allowed her to live long enough to mourn who knows how many family members?

But this is the voice I've been missing:

"Random legal guy squeaks up that there's an actual procedure for suborning a judge and you can't keep changing the instructions, but Eu flares his nostrils at him and he scurries away."

Am I the only one getting Passion Pits (Abismo de pasión) flashbacks here? Poor little Elisa (Elisa), daughter of crazy Augusto (Eugenio ). Anyhoo, as history repeats itself, telenovela history repeats on us. We take a Tums and soldier on.

Thank you all for keeping this amazing community going.

Thank you, Blue Lass! You're the gift that keeps on giving...and rolling these snappy recaps week after week!

OMG, NOVELAMAVEN is HERE!! I've never had the pleasure, but I've seen your comments which are always a joy to read...WELCOME BACK!!!

Ditto to everyone's comments! Especially Eliesa's JV look and Demi Lovato sneakers (good ones!). I'm not especially fond of her wardrobe, but it can be eye-catching and merits comment.

Kirby, "I did like seeing Adri stick up to Cris. But it did nothing to erase her blind brainless continued devotion to Ewww's butt boy JL. " Double ditto on that! I am still perplexed at her stupidity when it comes to JL...oh well, not going to dwell on that or any other crappy inconsistencies.

Diana, "Vicky is becoming more venomous every day. The looks she was shooting Major when Fab slithered in with the papers was cringe worthy." I've gotten to the point that ANY scene with Vic is cringeworthy! I'm praying to the TN GODs that she will be one to get her due anvil...and not let her get away like Catalina Cruella on Cuna de Lobos (2019).

Wow, I woke up to snow and a comment from Novelamaven . So nice to "see" you again. What a start to 2021.

This telenovela is a hot mess , but so are the daily news reports , so....I will stick with the fictional crazy over the real life crazy. Onward.

At this point, I can't remember who knows Dario is Ew's son ...Dario, Ew, Fab, Icky , Fern , JL....anyone else ?

Susanlynn, seems you got everyone on your list of "Who know Dar..." Well, except for Piedad, his mama, of course...oh and several of Ewww's minions. And another OH, Renata knows but she's so drugged up that she can't remember.

Chickie, thanks. I forgot that Ren caught that conversation between ewwie and Icky . We were all hoping that Mau would be the key to rescuing Ren From her mother's clutches . However, we then see Mau drugged and helpless. Now he seems to be more lucid , while Ren is again being sedated by Oscar on evil Icky's command . Muy frustrating

Keeping track of these characters and their lies and who know what is like memorizing a sequence of random numbers in some mental test. Versus a normal TN where it is like memorizing a numerical sequence which has some rhyme and reason.

Imperio: 194862394006269183474
Normal TN: 123456789101112131415

I don't know why I thought leo knew
About dario being ewgy's bad sperm
Deposit. Does he know? It doesn't matter if he does the writers are not gonna do anything ures while with that information. They'll just leave us in the dark like they do
Every week. The New year hasn't change a Thing.
Blind and brainless describes adri
Perfectly about her not seeing
Jlower for the swine he is. Great she tore cris a new one but she is needing to do that to her mattress
Partener. The ones that got the goods in this tn is being dumb and blind and stupid.
And the ones that would out smart the bad guys are kept doped up or sick with Cancer or even in jail.
Dario has the goods on daddy but wont use it to bring daddy down,cuz
Hes to hung up on crying alcoholic
Majo/mojo. Eliesalot is so inlove she can't even see straight. Well let's what crawls this week.

The good guys are so clueless that I think the bad guys are going to have to bring each other down although I don't know who will get that ball rolling . JL? CrossCriss? Fab? Dario? Fern? Will a chain reaction start so that they all fall down like dominoes ?

Our 'good guys' must not have seen that little ÚLTIMAS SEMANAS note that NiNa mentioned. Um...people, you are running out of time.

Does anybody still have Leo's email?

Leo needs to get his ugly Bro in prison before Leslie dies so she can go to the hereafter knowing what a scuzzbag her poppa is.

And Clara needs to get a GF and stop being all the misfits' Crying Towel.

And make a sex tape. :-)

Being on a fifth set of writers would totally explain this messed up telenovela.

Thank you, Blue Lass, I was laughing out loud reading your recap this morning. I've been off for a few days, trying to focus on family and eating a lot, but it was such a treat to read you. I haven't watched the episode, yet, so I need to hurry to catch up and get ready for my "penitence" on Wednesday.

"No puede ser! Leo can't believe Cris suspects his brother. Has he forgotten how recently he suspected his brother? Has he forgotten that inexplicably enormous secret bank account? Have we? The writers certainly have. Maybe Sonia found it in JL's glove box and is now living it up on the Riviera Maya with her mom, El Pinqui, and Raymundo's dog."

This paragraph sums up nicely how I feel about the show right now. The characters have forgotten half of the things they are supposed to keep track of and we are even worse. Who knows about Dario's true parentage? Or about JL -Adri Affair? Or about JL's suspicious money? Or this, or that... So many things, so much nonsense.

Are we in ultimas semanas? Yey! What novelas is replacing this one?

I'm looking forward to seeing this nightmare of a Telenovela end because it's quite obvious we're NOT going to see a happy ending.

Adriana Noel, I'm not sure what novela is replacing this, but I did see a promo of programs to come sometime last week. They showed a snippet of ¿Te Acuerdas de Mi? (with Gabe Soto) and La Hija del Embajador (Turkish novela); so I'm thinking that one of those two will replace Imperio.

It's the first one. At least that's what I've been able to find out.

Does anyone know how many episodes are left?


Thanks, Victoria. Wow, if there are 92 more episodes , the writers are going to have to do a lot more dancing around and around with these characters and storylines . Maybe we'll get one El's past lovers to conspire with Crosscris to separate the overcrowded lovers again...and again. I

Have the writers located little lost Sonia?

Is Clara getting paid by anyone anymore ? If not, how are she and her nasty mother supporting themselves . Sara's cake and coffee can only go so far .
Is Ren still paying rent on that forgotten apartment ?

Susanlynn, there are a total of 92 episodes and we are on 67 for tonight; so there will be 25 episodes left after tonight.

Not sure how accurate this is, but Telenovela Database Wikia says ¿Te Acuerdas de Mi? will premier on January 18 and it lists 86 episodes.

I read somewhere that La Hija del Embajador will have a March start. Don't know if that's accurate either. It's not finished airing in Turkey yet.



Oh and little lost Sonia is still lost somewhere out in space, probably flailing her arms and yelling out "Danger! Danger! Danger!" ;-)

dondi356, thanks for that info; the January 18th date is for the gran estreno in Mexico. If there are no more pre-emptions, the Gran Final for Imperio should be Feb. 5th making the gran estreno for the next TN on Feb. 8th.

The Gabriel Soto one looks interesting, but I don't really care for him either way. I will give it a try when it starts airing. But going by the predictions this year I will be turning to Telemundo, which I haven't watched in a while.

OMG, I forgot about Renata's apartment. No bueno! Sonia's mom must be hiding in there.

I don't find Imperio as bad as some of the novels I've watched before, I just think it's taking itself too seriously and failing miserably. The story is too convoluted, we've forgotten all about the murders that started the show because now we're so deep into Dario's parentage and JLow's "open office" policy. We have a washed-out galan and a gullible heroine, too many bad guys, and all the gloom and doom happening all day every day.

Years ago I used to watch Turkish novelas, I loved them long before they became a hit in Latin America. But after a while they became too much to endure, they are so over the top dramatic and most often than not finish in tears.

This is a true Adriana cuz I hated the ending with kemal dying to save his family.
He went through enough hell and he had to die with the enemy. We need happy endings in this environment even if its fantasy, it's a good break from this hellish reality we are living now And these complaints
Are falling on deaf ears cuz the writers don't care what we think. So we move forward with this ragtag team Of numnuts and their misery.

OMG, I'm going to get the gran final? NO BUENO. I can't even keep track of who's in jail this afternoon.

I think one of the reasons this show is so confusing is that I never understand WHY anyone does anything. None of the characters seems to know from one conversation to another whether they love/like/trust/are afraid of/are repelled by/want to live with/want to sleep with/want to get into a car with/want to talk to/want to work for/want to make a deal with/want to pay off/want to open the door to/want to blackmail/want to lie to/want to lie for/want to spy on/want to hire someone to kill/have completely forgotten the existence of any of the other characters, even on the same day. This script is like an abnormal psychology textbook with half the pages ripped out.

And hey, Novela Maven! Long time no e!

Well I miscalculated. Oops! Gran final should be Feb. 8th and Gran estreno for the next TN should be Feb 9th.

You can breathe now, Blue Lass...well, sort of. The gran final is usually 2 episodes long so you may get Part 1 (first of 2 episodes) of the Gran Final :-)

Whew! I was worried about having to tie up all the loose ends...or even remember all the loose ends...

Chickie..thanks...25 more episodes....that is still a lot of revolving door writing.

Blue Lass, you are right. So much that these characters do and say just does not make sense .

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