Friday, January 22, 2021

Imperio de mentiras, #78, Thursday, 01/21/21 The perils of Sonia.... still

 Nieves dies with Clara sobbing next to her. I feel bad for her, in less than a year she’s lost her sister, father and mother. That being said, Nieves deserved to die times a million.

Elisa is crying, too, but not for Nieves. She’s remembering Leo’s smooth skill at cooking pasta back in NY, when life was simpler.

Mario phones Leo to let him know a 911 call came from Julia’s house; apparently a homicide. Leo goes to see what’s going on, gets stopped by Teresa, who is having a hard time with everything that is going on. Leo tries to cheer her up, asks her to stay calm for Leslie. When Leo’s gone, JLow calls Teresa from lockup – he asks her to stay in the house the next day, she will receive the rest of the money needed for Leslie’s treatment. Teresa mentions that something strange is going on at Clara’s, does he know what that is? He doesn’t care, she insists, he reminds her that he’s in prison and repeats that she needs to put their dirty money to good use.

 Elisa goes to Majo’s room to ask her to take care of Renata the next day, since she’ll be at the office. Majo is crying, asks Elisa to go with her to have an abortion. I’m pro-choice, but I have a hard time with this decision. Dario is a criminal, but Majo loved him and she has the resources to take care of that baby!

Nieves is dead. Leo and Mario are talking about what happened, then Mario goes to talk to Clara. He carefully asks her questions about what she’s seen, but she’s not of much help. Leo asks Mario to postpone the talk, since Clara is not doing well, and he hugs her. He can’t believe what is going on, so much horror. Clara says she’s all alone now, Leo assures her that they are her family. Clara thinks Nieves was killed because of all that money, she knew her mom will get into trouble. Then she spills the beans about the money Nieves stole and JLow’s screaming “visit”. She also mentions all the things that Nieves knew about JLow, like the fact that JLow got Julia involved with Dario.

Flashback to JLow and Nieves talking about how Julia will get involved with the art traffickers. JLow warns Nieves that it will be very dangerous, but Nieves says “no importa”(!!!) – as Clara eavesdrops, Julia will do it for her family. And Nieves will forever be in his debt. JLow insists that they need to keep quiet, these are dangerous people. He’s almost asking her not to do it, but Nieves assures him that Julia will never talk if the cops catch her. JLow warns that Julia can never get caught, the bad dudes will kill her. Nieves tells JLow that he will hand her the money, since she’s in charge, and Julia is OK with this.

Back in the present Clara says that JLow has always been keeping an eye of them, and when Clara wanted to talk to Leo and tell him the truth she only changed her mind because she wanted to protect Leslie. Leo is shocked that every time he finds out something new about his brother, it’s worse than the things he already knew. Then Clara explains how Nieves got her hands on JLow’s dirty money and how mad JLow was when he came by. She’s sure Nieves stole that money and look what happened now – JLow had her killed.

The next day Elisa wants to make sure Majo realizes what she’s about to do. Renata comes down, asking what they’re planning, she’s in a good mood, thinks they’re going to the doctor for a checkup. When Majo explains, Renata gets predictably upset, makes a comparison with her situation. Majo tells her to butt out, Ren asks for Elisa’s help. Elisa is obviously struggling with Majo’s decision, too, but she thinks they shouldn’t interfere. Majo runs to the car, while Renata can’t wrap her head around this.

At the car, Majo is crying, doesn’t want to talk about it anymore. Elisa says this won’t be easy, Majo asks her not to make it harder on her. They drive off, with Majo sobbing on the passenger seat.

Strong knocks at the door, Teresa goes to open – it’s a guy, handing her a duffel bag full of mucho dinero sucio. She grabs the bag and heads upstairs.

Leo wants to talk to JLow, Mario thinks it’s not a good idea to do it while upset. But Leo won’t wait, he’s sick of it!

He goes to JLow’s cell and the talk goes like this:

“Who are you? Can you look at me and answer that? You’re not my brother. Did you kill Nieves for having stolen your dirty money?” Grabs him: “Did you involve Julia in the art trafficking? Did you kill her?”

“I only introduced her to Cobra, Nieves handed her over to him.”

“How did it feel like killing her?” JLow keeps silent. “Say something, explain all of this to me. Did you need the money, did they pressure you? I will find out what you’ve been doing, I will retrace all of your steps and I will find out who was behind you. Was it Eugenio Serrano?”

“There is no escape for me.”

Mario comes to let Leo know that JLow is about to be transferred.

Leo meets with Fab in the hallway; he’s come to visit Fer.

“Are you afraid that she will declare agains Eugenio? You can’t see her, she’s in a restricted area.”

“You must feel like the most imbecil cop, you had the assassin of your fiancée before your eyes this while time.” Point for Fab

“And you? You’re just your father’s pelele! (love this word for dummy) And you’re still waiting for Elisa to give you the time of day.” Point for Leo

Bottom line, they’re both L O S E R S. They get into it, Adriana separates them. Then she informs Sonia that she needs to give a new statement to the judge, she’s being accused of art trafficking and perjury (I think).

Teresa is at the hospital, talking with the new doc, who confirms that nothing more can be done for Leslie, they can only take care that her last days are comfortable. Tere thought they could do something for her, but the doc explains it’s too late, her disease is too advanced.

Renata talks with Vic on the phone about Majo. Vic thinks the abortion is a good idea, Ren wonders if she’ll have her baby. She's going everything that they asked of her. Vic tries to sound reassuring, Ren wants mommy to go baby shopping with her.

When she hangs up, Victoria tells Eww that she’s sick of Renata’s baby obsession. Eww says that the Sonia situation is solved, his judge friend will take care of it. But Vic wants the charges dropped because Sonia is about to give birth. Eww is surprised, he thought that Vic despised Sonia. Yes, she does, but it’s better to give her her freedom and some money, so they can have her baby for Renata. If they don’t do that, Renata won’t keep silent about what they’ve done to her in the manicomio. Eww thinks that Sonia won’t just hand over her baby so Vic suggest stealing it and killing Sonia. Even Eww looks shocked and disgusted by this – I love his face – dude, Vic is too much villain even for you.

Dario gets the visit of his new lawyer, one that Eww sent. He has a message for him – cause no more problems and follow the instructions. The judge is waiting for his declaration. Dario wants to borrow his phone. He calls his mom, asks if she’s OK. She assures him that she’s fine, he needs to think about him and Majo and his son. Forget about your revenge! Dario promises to do it, but who believes him?

Sonia is in front of a judge , she admits that she was indeed Mauricio’s amante, like Fer said, but she didn’t know about Eww’s dirty dealings. Also, it was Fer who gave her that artifact, but it was a trap to get rid of her. Then Eww left her to die on the yacht. The coast guard saved her and when Eww found out she was pregnant, he kept her locked up in his house for a while. Then she was taken to Fer’s house, until she could get away and search for Leo. She’s only alive because of her son, Eww wants to know if he’s the father. It’s a miracle Sonia still remembers everything that has happened to her so far, I’ve lost track a long time ago.

Dario declares, too, he says that Eww was not the boss, he was. He was paying Tapioca and JLow acted as the hitman. His first job was to kill Augie, who was starting to interfere in the art trafficking, Julia was just an uncomfortable witness. Leo is present for the whole declaration.

Majo and Elisa arrive at the clinic. Majo remembers the teddy bear Renata offered her and Dario’s happiness when he found out the news. She apologizes (to the baby?). The nurse comes to ask if she’s ready.

Cristina comes to Leo’s house, the door was open. Leo is in no mood to chat, asks her to leave. She reminds him she’s a professional therapist, tells him that JLow will be in protected custody because he’s a cop. She did it for Leslie. Leo asks her to stop interfering with his family, she has what she wanted, JLow in jail, him and Elisa separated. Cristina wants to be friends, Leo says it won’t happen. She goes in for an amigo kiss, but he pushes her away. She apologizes, she couldn’t resist the impulse. He asks her who ordered the investigation against JLow, which of the bosses knew about it? She doesn’t answer, but he apparently gets it. I didn’t, what am I missing?

Majo is at home, Elisa puts her to bed, then goes to talk to Ren. Majo remembers how she changed her mind, touches her growing belly and smiles. Poor baby, we couldn’t even see him this morning, he was probably hiding.

Renata wants to know what is going on, she’s upset because Elisa doesn’t trust her. Elisa explains that JLow killed Augie. Ren asks what about Leo, did he know about it? Elisa can’t believe he didn’t, he’s cop, a smart man, how could he not know?? HOW COULD HE NOT KNOW! Caray is in full agreement. Ren doesn’t think he kept this hidden to hurt her. Elisa realizes that she’s more lucid than ever. (Is she?) Ren wants to tell her something because she needs her sister’s help.

Eww is telling Fab that he wants “it” to look like retribution (ajusto de cuentas), blame it on the brother, while Fab continues his plan with Fer – they need the 10 million. Is he planning to have JLow killed in jail?

Sonia arrives in her cell, she’s scared out of her mind. She wants to make a phone call. The guard says she can’t do it now, it’s too late. Sonia asks for a doctor, since she’s having contractions. But the infirmeria is closed now, so she better not bother them – she needs to go to sleep.

Leo asks Teresa about the confrontation with Nieves; Teresa tries to lie that it was just their savings that Nieves stole. Leo doesn’t buy it, says that Clara mentioned a lot of money and the people who killed Nieves are very dangerous. She needs to be careful.

He’s going to see Clara, and Tere runs to the duffel bag – she remembers Leo’s warning while looking at the mucho dinero.


Adriana: Sonia will get whacked in prison you watch!

I wouldn't be shocked if we see Teresa & maybe Clara joining the Body Count too.

OUR Adriana (The Good One) thanks for your snappy recap. I especially liked. "Bottom line, they’re both L O S E R S. They get into it, Adriana separates them." And (bad) Adri..WHY? They are on Leo's turf, he will beat Fab like a rented mule, let the boys play. Surprised she didn't get punched,jumping her trite little ass up in there.

And you are not alone, 'which of the bosses knew about it? She doesn’t answer, but he apparently gets it. I didn’t, what am I missing?' I didn't get it either. I thought they cut something.

So Cris even tries womankind's secret, not quite secret after all trump card, the 'Lets just be Bop Buddies' then line. Knowing that will sometimes get her in the door. And even old dumbass Leo didn't fall for it. Well, Cris, give it a few more episodes of his having not hooked up with Elisa, and he might ripen a bit.

Good for Majo. Dario may be a shithead, but he has good genes, look at his teeth and hair. It'll be a healthy pretty kid.

Icky Vicky Vicious never wants a crisis or baby to go to waste. The English language does not have a singular word which adequately describes her evilness. She needs a whole paragraph. I am still thinking a solitary cell with many starving rats is the way to go. She does not get a lethal injection or poison or just her head lopped off, that is waaaay to sudden.

Well, wait, when you are beheaded, how long after the 'event' is the head still thinking and realizing it is disconnected from the body, you know, lungs and heart? A couple of days, I might go for, but just seconds, that one is out!

I agree, it looked like Ewwww noticed that he had met his match. I am interested to see what we eventually find out about Vic, as everything right now with her just looks like the tip of the iceberg.

Thanks again Good Adriana.

Great work, Adriana.

There is just no way Leo could have known from the outset about his brother being corrupt and still been able to carry on. He was living in Monterrey up until the first or second episode. JL was his surrogate father when their father died in the line of duty, so his reluctance to accept this reality is equal to Elisa's.

If Sonia is having contractions she needs to be in the infirmary. The rise of prison parenthood in Mexico necessitates 24/7 availability of medical care, even if pregnant prisoners are moved to hospitals to give birth. I don't see Sonia getting whacked before the baby is born, but I can see her dying in childbirth which will frustrate the law because the truth will die with her and Eugenio, because he will be robbed of the opportunity to torture her more and kill her himself.

Or not, because it now looks like he is cowardly compared to Victoria. Like Arrango compared to Ursula in YNCELH.

More later; I'm not yet caffeinated.

Urban, JL had everyone fooled, us included. We all thought he was a good guy with a nasty wife, then we saw he had a bit of a temper... and a crush on a coworker... and then all of a sudden, he became despicable.
Going by their timeline, JL was forced to work for Eww (they threteaned to harm Leslie if not), some time later Julia's family was in need of money and he hooked up Julia with Dario, with Nieves cheering from the sidelines and counting the pesos. I can see the scene : Julia is sad because her dad is sick, she confides in JL who promised his champ to keep an eye on his gf, there is no money for pop's medicine... wait, JL might have a solution... enter Nieves with her poisonous arguments and the rest is history.
And like other posters have said before, I'm not sure JL is the killer, either, we never got the whole flashback.

Kirby, I was happy that Majo decided to keep the baby, too. That child will be loved no matter what paternal genes it has.

Adriana: I do expect the flashbacks on that fateful night to be revealed in the Gran Final.

Kirby: Happy Majo kept the baby. Just stay away from Creepy Renata & Co.,

Dario should've exposed Creepy Eugenio & Co.,

Adriana, an amazing, completely engrossing recap.

Thank you so much for including dialog which is so helpful for those of us with less than stellar language skills.

"Even Eww looks shocked and disgusted by this – I love his face – dude, Vic is too much villain even for you" defined that moment perfectly. Merriam-Webster defines subhuman as "unsuitable to or unfit for human beings". Vicky herself unfit to be a human being.

"Icky Vicky Vicious never wants a crisis or baby to go to waste" - so grimly true Kirby.How did she cloak her fiendish, beastly, brutal, power seeking countenance all of those years? Evil was present from the beginning, fed by years of jealousy, avarice, hatred and so many other sordid emotions.

So Sonia finally moves from Adri's. TO JAIL. Huh?

Urban, I fear Sonia will not make it either...and after what she has been through, she deserves to live.

It is the children who have borne the brunt here. I've never seen so many children at risk, especially the unborn. Renata's child murdered, Sonia's child's future in grave peril, Leslie doomed and Clara an orphan. I was so happy Majo changed her mind!

So there is no hope for Leslie??

Tere and JL still bound despite the anger, hatred and resentment built over the lifetime of a marriage.

So Dario goes along, denying Ewww as complicit as Ewww preens and congratulates himself. What a total mess.

Adriana this was excellent. Thank you, thank you.


Majo is in no position to raise a child. Elisa is the only one of the three sisters who is because she is the only mentally healthy one and the only one who knows how to make an honest living.

She would need to get away from her family to do this. Especially from Victoria, in view of how she screwed up Renata and Majo.

Nieves got her just desserts. However, Clara is not ready to be on her own yet no matter what her chronological age is. Maybe she should be nanny to Elisa's future kids.

We don't know what will happen to Sonia's baby. Yet. We can't count on Eugenio to keep the promise he made. And what if the baby has his DNA?

Adriana Noel, I think your "Mucho Dinero Sucio" should have been the show's title all along. Not that there aren't plenty of lies, but it's hardly an empire -- more a series of outback way-stations attached to cute jacket stores.

I thought perhaps Christina's failing to answer when Leo asked her who ordered the investigation was confirming that she did it on her own, with no official backing. But who knows why that girl does anything.

Cher Adriana, merci for reporting all the doom and gloom .
Poor Sonia. The writers love to torture her and put her IN harm's way .I knew Mojo would not go through with it. Love to read her message tops.

Later gators .

AdrianaN, muy excelente! Thank you!

I was a bit surprised at how much Clara cried for her so-called mama. They've been at odds for so long; it seemed a bit too many tears for someone who is so not deserving of them. The flashback only supported what a monster Stone was. She may as well have killed Julia by her own hand.

"which of the bosses knew about it? She doesn’t answer, but he apparently gets it. I didn’t, what am I missing?" I think Leo was confirming that Cris was acting on her own (vengeance) without any directives from her bosses. What good that would do is another question. I don't think Leo will or can do anything about it.

Regarding Vic-ious, Kirby, "The English language does not have a singular word which adequately describes her evilness. She needs a whole paragraph." ITA!! I want to see her dunked in boiling oil ve-e-e-ry slow-w-wly.

So all of JLow's efforts and taking the fall for Ewww will be futile...he can not save Leslie. I feel for Leslie...not at all for JLow.


Blue, I posted before I read your comment. We seem to have the same perception about Cris's silence. And it seems she acted on her own when she got the money back from Nieves...without even Ewww knowing about it.

RGV...does "acted on her own when she got the money back from Nieves...without even Ewww knowing about it." mean that sweet sexy loveable Krissy Killed Stone Heart Niever or what the F her name was?

If so, she has joined a pretty exclusive clu...wait, who on this show has NOT killed somebody yet? Club prolly not that exclusive after all...nevermind.

RGV and Blue, I thought about Cris acting on her own, too, but Leo doesn't know yet that she's working for Eww, so the big boss behind it all might very well be Mr. Eugenio Serrano himself. One fall guy (Dario) wasn't enough, he needed two.
About Sonia's death - we've been predicting it since the first capitulos, but she's proven to be very resilient; she even managed to survive sure death on that boat, while pregnant. What if the writers surprise us and she actually has her baby, gets to raise it, and goes far away from the madness?
I was thinking about the same thing when the doctor told Teresa that Leslie is dying - all that "sacrifice" from JLow was for nothing. What will Teresa do with all the money?

I don't think Cris acted on her own, I think things are still being handled by Eww, he's tying up loose ends.

I'm not sure if Cris actually killed Stonedead Nieves herself or had someone do it, but she did tell JLow that he was right about Stonedead having the money and that she was going to keep half of it. If Ewww would have been involved, I think he would have wanted most of the money.

AdrianaN, no, Leo doesn't know that Cris works for Ewww. I think he was just trying to corner her into admitting that she acted on her own when she went after JLow. If she named one of her (good) bosses, Leo could always confirm by asking that boss.

StoneDead Nieves Only You. :-)

She didn't even have that money long enough to count it all. pity pity.

Did you all notice how Sonia didn't mention where she was after Eww kept her at Fer's house? She went from that to "I got away", which happened about the time that Leo got out of the hospital. But she didn't get away from Fer's pristine apartment, so where was she after that? Does Fer have more houses? Was she talking about the place where Jaunito and her mom used to live ?

Hmmmm has it dawned on Clara yet that she may be sort of alone, but she is quite rich and she will be alone only if she chooses to be?

Hmmm, how is Clara rich ?

Stone had that duffle bag full of money

Oh no, wait, Stone did not have it any more, my bad. Her killer took it and gave it to Tere. can't keep up. Thanks.

You always have to follow the dinero.

The laundered money in PASL went from El Ciego through Carlos and back, with Carlos keeping whatever percentage is usual for this. When he gave Alejandra the ransom money -- which was his dirty money -- it went right back to El Ciego.

Adriana, you have an excellent synopsis of the path of JL's into darkness.

Ding dong the witch is dead ...well, one of the witches.

To quote The Beatles " and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make . ". One of my favorite quotes and an eternal truth. Love is all that matters when all is said and done.


Dario says to MoJo, "Girl, I like your face"
And MoJo says this as she takes him by the hand

Ob-la-di ob-la-da life goes on bra
La-la how their life goes on
Ob-la-di ob-la-da life goes on (hold my) bra
La-la how their life goes on


AdrianaNoel, a very lovely recap to another very Insane episode. These
People are just off off off.

What kind of cop is leo? It's like
His brain cells are went on a weird vacation to the twilight zone and
Decided to visit the outer limits and stay there. I know that sounds
Like a strange analogy is a strange
Analogy but this show kinda takes us there. Every friggin night that they are on.

Ewgy is walkin around just totally
Distroyong lives and getting away with it. Theres less than two weeks left of this braindead saga and we
Still don't know not even a tiddle of an idea what the endgame is. I mean there are some stories where
You can kinda see the light at the
End of the tunnel but we are flying
Blind here. Sounds like I'm venting
Bit I'm not. I'm just amazed at the
One sidedness of this show. The one
s that are suppose to be the good guys are pretty much paralyzed,cant
Do nothing to stop the bad guys. Evil icky vicky is even more evil than the troll. Je better sleep with one <●> open, and not on his back either. This bitch hates her children. If she could eat them she would just to get them out of her
Ewgy is different, in a bad way. It
Ain't nice to use your offspring &
And then toss them like so much

Leo is not angry enough with his lo
Life brother. I just don't get why the writers got him acting so non

Tere and the stash of cash. How is she gonna pay the doctor? Take wads
Of cash to every doctor's visit?

I genuinely felt sorry for clara.
Nieves was a lowlife but that was momma, and when she goes theren9s nothing to jold been on to. But the
Way ni3vw lived killed. All she cared about was money. Not even her
Daughters lives mattered more than money. So stupid. She had that coming.

Crazy cristy. Enough said.
Leo just looks tired of everything and everybody. Love seeing him sock
Poodleboy in the gut.

Poor sonia.

Glad majo didn't do the deed. Now what?
Renata is kinda getting on my nerve to with that baby obsession. No lol
Angel should be subjected to that family of......use your imagination

So everybody lies and ewgy gets a
Get-outta-jail free card. Well right now I'm to tired to care but
When the stuff hits the fan for him
And his troll queen I want to be up
Front and center. It will be really glorious to see him and his evil troll queen get theirs.

Thank you AdrianaNoel for a really good recap.


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