Friday, January 22, 2021

Imperio de Mentiras, Ep. 79, 1/22/2021: Makin Babies, Looting Babies, Jail House Babies and Shootin Babies, these people are all crazy.


Tere takes the bag of money up to her room and plops it on the bed. (Surprised she didn’t spread it on the bed and roll in the dough). She recalls Leo telling her that JLow is involved with some very bad people.

At Fer’s apartment, Fab thanks the attorney for all he has done. The attorney explains that Fer implicated Sonia just as Ewww ordered. By this time, Sonia should be arrested. After the attorney leaves, Fer tells Fab that she has done everything Eww told her….now she would prefer that Ewww pay for all that he has done. Fer starts to walk away, but Fab pulls her back and gives her what he thinks she wants (him). As he strokes her face, Fer tells him that the three of them have to leave. Fab agrees, but first she has to get the 10 million. Fer points out that since JLow already confessed, the insurance agency has no reason to keep the money from her. Fab smiles and wants to roll in the sheets. Does this remind anyone else of a Fabradoodle rolling in three day old road kill?

At Casa Velasco, Leslie wants to go see Clara, but Tere talks her out of it. Leslie asks why Nieves was killed. Tere explains that thieves entered to rob the place. Leslie wonders if her father knows; he could help investigate and catch whoever did it (poor, delusional girl!) . When Leslie asks for her phone so that she can call her father, Tere tells her that she needs to rest and assures her that Clara is fine because Leo is with her. After Leslie insists on at least sending Clara a text message, Sara then enters and tells Leslie that Carlos is there to visit.

At Stone-dead’s house, Mario tells Clara that he will come for her the next day so that she can go give her statement, but Clara doesn’t want to since her mother is dead; and she is not interested in who killed her. Leo tells her not to be scared; JLow is in jail and if he had anything to do with the murder, Leo will make sure JLow pays for it. Clara knows that Stone-dead was far from being a good mother, but she was still her mother and she loved her; now she is gone and Clara feels that she is all alone. Leo makes a lame attempt to assure her that she still has them (and he thinks that is good??) . He suggests that she go stay with Leslie since she is out of the hospital. Whoopee, that will cheer poor Clara up, sitting there while Leslie dies too. Hide the pills, knives and guns, and put Clar on suicide watch. No wonder there are no pets in this show, you folks could not convince a Pet Rock to stay alive.!

At the Can’tDo manse, Ren asks Vic-ious if she knows when Sonia’s baby will be born—she dreams of him and can smell him; she wishes she already had him so that she can carry him and rock him to sleep. Oh Boy........Vic understands but her sisters need to see that she is more lucid or else they will be against the adoption. After Ren agrees, Vic explains that she will pave the way by telling her sisters that she is looking at different adoption agencies and other options. Ren worries that they may not bite, so Vic tells her that they won’t have doubts as long as Ren keeps quiet because if her sisters find out what they are doing, Vic and Ewww can end up in jail. Only a cray cray chick would go for this to begin with. Perfect Vic.

At Casa Velasco, Sara is praying for protection when Tere comes down. Sara worries that so many bad things have happened….ever since Julia was murdered; it’s been nothing but bad luck. She also worries about Clara so she told Leo to bring her to the house for a few days. Tere agrees, but they have to tell Clara not to say anything to Leslie about JLow since Leslie knows nothing about it. Tere then tells Sara that she will be going to visit JLow and invites Sara, but Sara refuses because she can’t face JLow without reproaching him for what he did and what he did to the family. She will only think of that son who she educated and raised with so much love…and how he is now a murderer. Sara feels like her heart is torn to pieces. But mostly, at her age, she knows she can not keep a whole TN full of lies straight for a ten minute visit!

Up in Leslie’s room, Carlos has brought her flowers and tells Leslie that he loves her. When Leslie tells him that she can’t stand being cooped up, Carlos tells her that when she is allowed to go out, he will take her to an incredible place. Leslie tells him that she wants to go sea the ocean, walk on the beach and look at the waves; she wants to do that before she dies. Leslie then talks about her father who is a commander…and tells Carlos to look him up on the internet so that he can see. Carlos obliges, but when Leslie sees his look of disdain, Leslie grabs the phone and sees JLow’s (pitiful) mugshot!! Rats! Them dam cellulite fones do more harm than good. Meanwhile, Tere is in her room coddling the bundles of money and looking for different places to hide them. She reminds you of a backyard squirrel with a handful of free peanuts. And as she thinks of all that moolah—Renata is in her own bedroom smelling and caressing a baby blanket, Sonia is in her jail cell worrying and breathing deeply; Fab and Fer do the doggie bump, Carlos lays beside Leslie hugging her tightly as she sobs; (Bad)Adriana drowns her sorrows in a bottle of beer; and Singer Carlos comes on as El thinks of (Bad)Adriana telling her that she and Leo deserve to be together and Leo looks at pictures of Eliesa as he remembers the first surprise picnic he prepared for her. Kinda reminds you of The Matrix.

Next Day—

The Can’tDo girls are having a nice breakfast together…but all is ruined when an evil presence besets them…Vic walks in. Renata tells her that Majo decided to have her baby after all. Vic feigns happiness and tells Majo that she will support her, but Majo is not easily fooled and sarcastically responds, “Don’t lie. I know it bothers you that I decided not to terminate my pregnancy…but thanks for your support.” Before Eliesa and Majo leave, Renata informs them that she has made a decision and will start adoption procedures because she too wants a baby. Vic reminds her that they had already spoken about it and nothing was sure…so she will look at options. Just then, Marta comes in and tells Renata that Mau is there to see her. Renata doesn’t want to see him, but when Eliesa offers to go talk to him, Renata quickly changes her mind.

Leo goes into Leslie’s room and sees that she is crying; so, she tells him that she already knows about her father. She wonders why he did it, but Leo only shakes his head and tells her that her father made mistakes(mistakes??? Killing someone is a mistake???). Leslie pleads with him to tell her that her father didn’t kill Julia. All he can do is hold her closely…and she asks him to promise to help her father and not to tell her mother and Sara that she found out about her (poor excuse of a) father. These people lie and create deception about everything. I bet they can't slice a tomatoe without telling a lie.

Outside Casa Can’tDo, Renata argues with Mauricio. She doesn’t want to see him; she doesn’t trust him anymore because of how he reacted when she told him about her baby. (Theft and probable murder of the bio Mother) Mau assures her that she can count on him, but not if it involves a stolen baby…that’s a crime (one good soul among all the evil)! Renata tells him to leave, but Mau wants her to explain what is going on and why she doesn’t want to report her mother and uncle for what they did to her. Renata will not give up on getting a baby! When Mau points out that they are just manipulating her to avoid being reported and that he loves her, Renata grabs him and pushes him out the door telling him that all she wants is to be a mother and to leave her be! Kid will never make it to first birthday with Looney Toones as a Mom.

Ewww and his crooked attorney go see Sonia is prison. She wonders if he came to make fun of how she and her baby are suffering. Ewww smirks as he tells her that the worst will be after the baby is born; THAT will be more amusing. Sonia has already done some research; she can have her baby with her there until he is six years old; and she doesn’t think she will be there that long. Ewww wonders if she is willing to raise her son in such a bad environment. When Sonia turns it around and asks if he will allow his son to be raised in this environment, Ewww replies that he will ask for a DNA test and, if the baby is his, he will take the baby away from her…and even if it’s not his, he can give the baby a life of luxury and a good family. Eww then makes Sonia an offer that he thinks she will be unable to refuse…she will end up with mucho dinero and her freedom. And Sonia KNOWs he is a man of his word, Old reliable Rug .

Tere goes to visit JLow and bumps into (Bad)Adriana who is also there to see him.

Majo goes to visit Piedad because she doesn’t know what to do. Piedad understands; she tells Majo that Dario is a good person, but he has suffered too much since he was a child. Dario would see how his father would beat her; and he was there when his father beat her so much that he left her paralyzed... that filled him with a lot of hate and a desire for vengeance; it made him into the person he is today. Majo asks who Dario’s father is; she has a right to know. Nodding her head, Piedad gives her the name, “Eugenio Serrano.” Majo is muy impactada! Ep 79 and you finally know who Kid to be's Grampa is? Just shoot me!

At the prison, wife trumps lover, so Tere gets to go in first to see JLow. She is there only to tell him that she has the money and asks if he sent someone to kill Nieves. JLow tells her that the money is to be used for whatever Leslie wants. He then adds that Stonedead had what was coming to her for being a thief and for selling out her own daughters; he doesn’t want to waste time talking about that stupid witch! Thanks, we finally agree on something dirtbag.

Tere and JL then talk about Leslie who misses her father. After JL tells Tere that he will call Leslie, he asks about his mother. Tere needs not say anything; her look of annoyance says it all. JL knows Sara will never forgive him, nor will his brother. Tere won’t blame him for anything, but asks that if there is anything he can do to vindicate himself for his mother and daughter, he should do it. She asks if he killed Julia, but JL only responds that he has already made the statement he had to give. Tere gives up and leaves since there is someone else waiting to see him. (Bad) Adri then walks in and sits down giving JL an admonishing look which JL does not appreciate.

At Grupo Can’tDo, Fab is showing Eliesa how he has gotten the company out of the red. El brings up that he hasn’t called a meeting for the Board of Directors; she would like to take control of the company again. Fab stutters that he understands but the Board doesn’t want to give her control until she is cleared of her charges for money laundering. Eliesa notes that Fab became uncomfortable when she brought up the subject, but Fab denies it and questions why she still does not trust him. Like...a broken clock is right twice a day. As they continue discussing, Majo storms in; she needs to talk to Eliesa...and asks Fab to leave and close the door. After he leaves, Majo tells Eliesa that Fab is a traitor just like Tío Ewww! Piedad just told her that Dario’s father is Ewww. Eliesa lowers her head as she admits that she already knew. Who is surprised? More secrets than the FBI.

At the prison, (Bad)Adriana questions JLow. There are too many inconsistencies and holes in his statement. She and Leo think that he is covering for Ewww. When she asks how much Ewww paid him to keep Leo out of the investigation, JLow snarls, “Leave me alone, both of you! And leave my daughter alone!” (Bad)Adriana continues with her questions; and JLow gets sarcastic. He thought she was there for an intimate visit, but she is only interrogating him! (Bad)Adriana again asks how much Ewww is paying him to be there., but JLow remains tight-lipped. When (Bad)Adriana tells him that he is going to be left all alone,, JLow snarls that he has always been alone.

At Grupo Can’tDo, Eliesa explains that she found out about Dario the day she found out about Majo’s pregnancy; so she felt she couldn’t say anything. Majo now understands why Eliesa was so cold to Ewww when they went for her after she was detained. Eliesa goes on to mention everything that points to Ewww being guilty…even though there is no hard evidence. When Eliesa adds that Leo is convinced that Ewww is the leader of the organization, Majo tells her she believes it too; and if that is true, then Ewww had their father killed. Eliesa puts on her blinders and isn’t convinced; she asks Majo to try to remember anything that would indicate that there is someone above Dario. (In a flashback) Majo recalls overhearing Dario telling Piedad that he was going to make “him” pay for all the suffering “he” had caused her and a minion asking Dario if he should call the “jefe” when Dario was bleeding. Majo quickly gets up; Ewww has to pay! Eliesa insists that they have no evidence. Majo thinks that Leo is the only one who can get the evidence that they need so she wants to go look for him, but Eliesa doesn’t think they should trust the brother of the man who killed their father! Majo insists that Leo is the only one she trusts and darts out to go look for him. As Eliesa chases after Majo, Fernanda is in another office and notices Eliesa running off. Fer then gets a call from the insurance agent who tells her that they can now release the money to her. Fer smiles from ear-to-ear.

At the troll’s warehouse, Ewww’s minions tell him everything is ready. Ewww hopes they won’t fail him. He then calls Fabpoodle who is at Grupo Can’tDo to tell him that they will be toasting with tequila; they have been following Leo and know he is at his house…and his men will be executing his orders! Fabpoodle looks like he has something trickling down his leg when Fer runs up and grabs him telling him that they are millionaires since she can go for her money. She wants to get it on right there, but Fabpoodle whispers, “Wait, not here.”

At (Bad)Adri’s apartment, Mario arrives, but (Bad)Adri wants to discuss nothing unless it has to do with work; so Mario assures her that it does have to do with the job. Mario hesitantly tells her that he has been offered JLow’s position. (Bad)Adri is surprised because she thought they would offer him her position first. It’s not that she doesn’t think he can do it, she is just surprised that they jumped him up so quickly. (Bad)Adri isn’t interested in the job; she is just waiting for them to accept her resignation. Mario scratches his head as he thought she would be happy for him. (Bad)Adri assures him that she is; they need someone like Mario in that position. (Bad)Adri is only waiting for her resignation to be approved so that they can transfer her to Leo’s team. Mario grabs her and tells her that he needs her at headquarters with him; but (Bad)Adri doubts that he can trust her…or maybe he is doing it just to make her life miserable. Mario wonders why she is on the defensive; he assures her that he is no traitor…he’s been after Cris all this time! When (Bad)Adri realizes that Mario is right, she apologizes. He only will accept the job if (Bad)Adri remains. But Super Mario still remains a virgin.

At Casa Velasco, Leslie and Sara leave to go visit Clara as Eliesa arrives. When Eliesa sees their long faces, she asks what happened; so Leslie tells her about Stone-dead being killed. After they leave, Eliesa tells Leo to chill, she is there only to look for her sister, and she will wait outside.

At Grupo Cantu, Fer and Fab are done with their deskapade and are redressing when Fab asks if Eliesa will return. Fer gives him a definite “No” and adds that Eliesa left with Majo…they went looking for Leo. Fab panics and calls his papa, but gets no answer. Fab feels a need to goooo!

Outside the Velasco home, Majo arrives, but Eliesa tries to stop her. As Majo insists that she needs to talk to Leo, Leo runs up to meet her, but hears a car swerving at the corner. He realizes that there is danger and orders the girls to “get inside!!” as he pulls out his gun! The goons quickly stop, get out of the car with their machine guns and bullets fly everywhere as the girls run inside and hit the ground for cover, Eliesa covering Majo with her body!! Leo gets in a couple of shots but he’s no match against the machine guns. When the shooting stops, Eliesa asks Majo if she is okay and Majo nods, but then realizes she is in pain. As they both look down, they see that Majo has been shot in her abdomen!!! OH NOES! THE BABY!! Majo slowly lies down as Eliesa cries and tells her not to close her eyes, but Majo passes out! Eliesa screams at LEOOO!! Call an ambulance…HURRRY!!! Leo is saved by being behind a metal rain barrel.

RGV and Kirbo

Kirby: Thank you very much for the detailed recap.

1.) Majo shot in the stomach. That unborn baby is a goner most likely.

2.) Big question is whether Creepy Eugenio ordered the hit ?

3.) Sonia still in danger.

4.) Adriana is likely going to get away with the crimes she committed.

5.) Super Mario still a virgin ?

6.) Wake me up when Fernanda & Fabricio get their Karma anvils.

1.) yes
2.) yes requested by Fab
3.) yes but safer in jail than out
4.) yes girl has no morals or brains
5.) forever, he's too nice
6.) Will do, phone still same?


OK, first I'm not a lawyer, but you don't need to be to see this.

The whole thing with 'Fer's' 10 Mill insurance money is so lame. Even if JL or whoever has confessed, it is just never that simple. There still has to be a trial, confession or not. Confessions are recanted routinely when it goes to trial. I believe a few of our jailbirds have recanted confessions or 'ironclad' testimony while in lockup in this show alone.

Even then, insurance companies, contrary to what their advertisements would have you believe, are far more interested in keeping your money than paying ANY of it back out. They have armies of attorneys whose sole purpose is to figure out some way, ANY way to not pay out a claim. ESPECIALLY when it is ten million dollars, this is not some twelve hundred dollar fender bender. They would prolly rather just sneak and have whoever killed Auggie whack Fer too rather than part with ten million smackeroos! :-) That's how it's done in these parts, right?

Thank you, RGKirby, our dynamic duo! I loved your title and your wit, I especially giggled at Clara's situation: "that will cheer poor Clara up, sitting there while Leslie dies too." I know it's sad, I felt sorry for her, but Leo has got to be the worst at cheering people up (or at being a boyfriend, or at doing his job... ouch).

Oh, no, the baby! This has to be the hit Eww was talking with Fab about yesterday. Leo will live to be useless another day, but Dario's offspring won't be as lucky. These poor Can't Do girls really can't do the whole pregnancy thing, can they? In the meantime, Sonia has been through every type of terror known to men and her baby is alive and kicking in her incarcerated belly. The kid must be a Serrano, as Marcelo proved to be too stupid to live.

Did I get it right or Bad Adri is supposed to go work for Leo's team? What would that be? We haven't seen Leo solve a case ver since minute 3 of the first capitulo and she's done somany questionable things lately, no sane police task force would want her. Oh, wait, these people are all mad. And Mario is about to become the New Tapia? Better be careful, dude, the two guys before you had the worst of luck. Whatever you do, don't answer any calls from Eugenio Serrano, he might take you to the dark side, too.

RgvChick and Kirby, the episode was taut and thrilling. The heart stopping, stupefying, tragic and unfathomable events were mirrored flawlessly in your ingenious recap.

The title, "wife trumps lover", "More secrets than the FBI" and "Stonedead" were among too many favorites to mention.

Was it an intentional decision to hire writers who so obviously detest babies? Is there any pregnancy that will come to fruition?

"He suggests that she go stay with Leslie since she is out of the hospital. Whoopee, that will cheer poor Clara up, sitting there while Leslie dies too". No need to say anything further.

(Tere) "asks if he killed Julia, but JL only responds that he has already made the statement he had to give." I'm stubbornly sticking with my initial suspicion that someone else killed Julia.

Shall we nominate Sonia for sainthood? An imperfect person but how long is she going to be tortured for her sins? And despite JL's protestations, she is the only person who is truly alone.

Whatever happens to Majo and her baby, Dario will declare all out war. Perhaps it will be up to him to end Ewwww. And Fab makes me sick...

Renata seemed to be on the precipice of breaking through and becoming a heroine. We hoped that she would overcome her mental illness and that her intuition and intelligence would be instrumental in bringing about the fall of Ewwww and Icky. Seeing Valkyrie Renata denying Mau's truths, pushing him beyond the gate without the slightest strain has made any hope evaporate.

When Leslie dies, there will be no reason for J Louse to keep Eugenio's guilt a secret, except for his own cowardly streak. Will meek and mild Mario be a key? Leo needs to let his adrenaline rush and go after Eugenio like a mad dog. I suspect Dario will get there first.

Thank you both. Really amazing.



Adriana, our comments crossed.

"Leo will live to be useless another day, but Dario's offspring won't be as lucky". Yes. Sadly - yes.


Good Adriana yes, as I understand it, (Bad)Adri's resignation was not from anything remotely to do with law enforcement, forever, in lieu of going straight to jail, as logic would dictate, but from her department, simply to join Leo's department. One flew over the Coo Coo's nest.

Fab pinning away longing for E-lies-a while passing the time with baby mama FerNasty and thinking that getting papa Ewww to kill his rival might give him a snowball's chance in their home planet hell shows his utter stupidity as per women. When the animal mating pheromone combination is right, the process cannot be halted, and the participants have little if any choice in the matter. If not, you will have more luck with a fire hydrant Fabradoodle.

Hey whatever happened to Sonia's Mom? And her little house we saw someone visit looking for her? Did the writers forget her or secretly kill her?

Did she get another job and is Guadalupe's Mom now on Televisa?

Diana, ITA with you about Sonia, enough with the torment already ! The first friendly person she's had to deal with in ages ( Bad Adri) betrayed her, too! I'm starting to believe that when all is said and done she will be the only one left standing, she's been through too much to have her killed, right? Right?

Renata's turn for the worse just shows that mental ilness is not something you can handle easily- just change the meds, give a few hugs ans encouragements and everything is fine. It's a life long battle and you need to have a strong supportive system. Ren only has Elisa, who is doing her best but has no clue how vicious her mother is. I still believe that Ren can be happy down the line, if she gets rid of her momma.

Kirby, Fab was such a waste of a character. Only Leo is worse at this point. What is his plan, to get Elisa AND the 10 mil ? And Juanito maybe ?
I'm thinking nobody really knows how bad Adri has really become. It bothers me so much that she's still seen as a good person, her stupidity alone should be a capital sin.

Kirby, love LOVE the title and the sides, thank you!

It hadn't occurred to me about the insurance money, but you are SO right, Kirby! Maybe Fab got to the agent somehow?? But even then, the agent has to respond to the agency owners, so quien sabe. Prolly just bad writing....again!

What is Leo thinking suggesting that Clara go stay with Leslie?? That's like taking someone out of a boiling pot and placing her into an even hotter one! Good grief! AdrianaN, "Leo has got to be the worst at cheering people up (or at being a boyfriend, or at doing his job... ouch)." I couldn't have said it better! 👎 LO-ser!

The whole (bad)Adriana thing doesn't surprise me at all. Just about everybody and their brother/sister should be in jail (Eliesa, Majo, Fer, Fab, etc., etc., etc!), but the only ones there were sent at Ewww's hand.

Kirby, "One flew over the Coo Coo's nest." Just one?? LOL

Diana, "I'm stubbornly sticking with my initial suspicion that someone else killed Julia." Shall we compete as to who is more stubborn about this? :-)

Kirby, I too have been wondering about Sonia's mom. Does Ewww still have her locked up somewhere? Is she being fed and/or watered?

Badriana kicking back with brewski was my favorite part of this episode. Maybe she was watching Headspace on Netflix and learning to meditate .

Kirby, thank you for that excellent recap of every crazy and corrupt detail.

Thank you RgvChick and Kirby for this detailed recap.
In the phone call from Ewww to Fab, Ewww told Fab that the plan was on its way, his men were heading to Leo’s house. So Fab is guilty of being part of an attempted murder in order to rid himself of Leo, his competition. As soon as Fer told Fab, while they were kissing, that Elisa and Majo had left the office to go to Leo’s house, Fab panicked. He knew the girls would be in danger. He panicked, broke from Fer and tried phoning Ewww to call off the ambush but could not reach him. Too late!


Oh how (Bad)Adri has fallen from grace. I'm not a hater, back early on I was thinking aloud that she had nice skin, etc. Little did I know that would be the singular nice thing I could scrounge up to say about her.

To the casual observer she has broken every law enforcement rule, except 'don't be late to work'.

But I haven't seen her time sheet either. :-(

If only El, ReNutty, and Majo knew that their loveable loyal Tio Ewww, FabraDoodle, and probably mom Vicious Vicky orchestrated the ambush. When are these girls going to take up arms and defend themselves? Crying and pouting only goes so far.

Or at least let someone with some firepower help them. Thankfully Leo and Super Mario are both still alive. Those two are about their last great hope for survival.

Great work, Kirby, RGVChick.

What is mystifying me about this is how could Eugenio plan the murder of Elisa and Majo without considering how he would explain this to V-ICK-toria? Or... did he think that she wouldn't even care?

Be prepared for 2-3 episodes of Su condicion es muy delicada about Majo. There is still time for that.

I strongly doubt that Fabricio's abortive attempt at stopping the shootout would have been effective. What he doesn't appear to understand is that Eugenio wants all the money and that he will be the last item on Eugenio's To Do list for murder. If he gets away with that and takes custody of Juanito, he will groom him to become as he is.

Chickie, forgive me for not thanking you . You and Kirby make a dynamic duo.

I have had a little trouble trying to post comments today.

Mario will not give up on pursuing Badriana. She friend zoned him a long time ago . Evident!y she prefers caveman faux Fidel....why ??? I will never understand what she saw in him that I am missing . QTH? I guess it is true that love is blind....Now if they had cast a hunk to play the part , maybe I could buy this whole storyline . She is obsessed with him . These writers love to show us women obsessed ...Cris, Mojo, Badriana .

I can accept Ren's fixation on getting a baby because when you lose a baby , you become obsessed with having another baby even if you do not have mental issues.

Urban, as far as I know Ewww didn't plan on hurting El and Majo. Not at this time anyway. They inadvertently wandered into a failed murder of Leo.

Because we can't edit posts to add things:

My hypothetical scheme of Eugenio's would most likely happen if he can get his hands on the life insurance payout. That would only happen if Fabricio marries Fernanda so he would need to kill her first so Fabricio gets the money. Eugenio kills Fabricio, the money goes to Juanito, and Eugenio gets custody of the boy and control of the $10MM.

He's worse than a Carcharodon carcharias. And V-ick-toria is a Komodo dragon.

Diana, love your characterization of SG as Renata. She's 5'9" and if she were a dramatic soprano I would want to see her as Brunnhilde!

There they are my tag team recapers

You two are hilarious together.
This episode is maddeningly sad and dangerous. I have to say when the evil grandmother from hell hears about majo being in the line of fire she will most likely want to take the shears to the old rug. But
Be hopeful that the bebe was killed
In the shower of lead. Yeah the old bitch is just that evil and black of heart.

"Leo makes a lame attempt to assure her that she still has them(and he thinks that is good??) He suggests that she go stay with Leslie since she is out of the hospital. Whoopie that will cheer poor clara up, sitting there while Leslie dies too." Yeah just was lying next to a dead momma to go sitting with a dying friend. That was nice of him to suggest that therapy worthy situation to continue.

Theres all kinds of jewels in this recap, heres another one of my favorits," Tere takes the bag of money up to her room and plops it on the bed.(Surprised she didn't spread it on the bed and roll in the dough)" Yeah naked. No! No! No!
Then the patio would need long term
Therapy. It's bad enough imagining the troll and evil vic strippin off
Their pjs to move the sofa. Yuch!

Fernanda is trash. And so is poodle
Hes suppose to be in love with elis
a, and hes in the sack with this
Dirtdobber. And he knew that his rughead daddy was gonna kill leo so
Now he only wants to stop it cuz el
And majo could get caught in the crossFire. Which did happen. Well, looks Like dario jr may not survive but I Hope he does. I also hope dario sr finds a way to get out of jail and Go after the troll. Somebody needs to stop this man. Although when el Finds out that tio troll is the one That ordered the hit on her beloved And her baby sister and baby may or May not die she could go full on Captain marvel on him & annihilate His trollrug butt. So many ways to Destroy this creature but he really Needs to suffer first cuz he loves To really torture people. He enjoys it. The sick bastard that he is. And make evil vic watch,cuz she's next.

Ok more late gotta go make saturday
Burgers for dinner.
Thank you guys for this fun recap.
Yall stay safe out there.


Adriana Noel, Sonia as soul survivor would be fine with me! But, let's do add Clara who has been innocent of any wrongdoing and completely undeserving of what has befallen her. It seems Renata will never get the help she so desperately needs and poor Leslie, the only other character that I care about has limited time here on earth.

RgvChick, I'm glad you are with me in thinking Julia was killed by someone else other than JL. Right now, I'm thinking Icky or Crisbitch but the pendulum is still swinging.

Urban, your noting that Eugenio wants it all is so true. Him taking Juanito and molding him in his likeness is frightening. And morbidly possible.


Diana, i thought Cris might have killed Julia when we found out she was from Leo's past and BSC obsessed with him .

Thanks RGV and Kirby!

In the long run, it’s probably better that Majo loses the baby even when she just decided she was going to keep it. Unlikely she and Dario will have a future together. That’s my prediction at the moment.

I actually don’t think JL killed Augusto and Julia but he sure as heck killed Stonedead lol love that nickname by the way. Bummer that Leslie had to find out that he was in jail the way that she did.

If it’s her plan, I don’t think Fernanda will be able to take the money and run so easily. And that’s also whether or not she’s planning on sharing it with Fabricio so they can supposedly play happy family or whatever. Juanito doesn’t deserve to lose both parents but we shall see what their fates will be. And I definitely hope Juanito doesn’t get stuck with his evil grandfather.

I want Sonia to survive and I actually do hope the whole baby stealing plot doesn’t work. No matter who the father is, she shouldn’t have that baby taken away from her.

Susanlynn, yes Crisbitch is high on the list for killing Julia. And TF, I do think Cris killed "Stonedead" (I too love that name), rather than JL. But I wouldn't bet on anything at this point!

Nina, yes, Icky will be gleeful if Majo loses the baby. I hope Icky's death is lingering and painful. I'm not sure I have ever said that before about a character...


Majo might have been better served by not trying to hide behind a glass doors. Or did I get that wrong? Pretty sure they were sheltering behind the glass front door, which somehow did nothing to stop the bullets. Who knew?

I'm rooting for Sonia to live, even if she's not the sharpest knife in a TN full of butter knives. Maybe she could go live in Renata's apartment since no one else seems to be using it. She could get together with Mau since no one (Renata) is using him right now either. Even with his mental health issues, he's still a better catch than most of these people.

I hope Fer doesn't put Fab's name on that bank account when the 10 million comes in. I'd be very disappointed in her if she doesn't maintain some cynicism towards Fab.


TF..yes, Sonia has been tbrough a lot , so i hope she abd her baby survive .

A lot of tbese people shoukd pay a price for their evil ways , but i tgink tbese writers want to shock us by not dropping anvils on everyone who deserves one.

I feel sorry for Sara because her whole family is crumbling. It appears that she will only have Tere to make cake and coffee for, but perhaps Clara will come and live with them. Clara deserves a cake making grandma.

Will Leo and El live to ride on tbat boat in the intro ? I am a hopeful romantic , so i hope so. I dont think Juanito will lose both his parents , but which parent will survive ? Ew and icky...bye bye .
Dario has survived beatings and bullets , so maybe he will survive to care for his mama. Ren? Mojo?

Kelly..ha...yeah , you're right ! Nobody has been using that nice apartment or Mau. Such a waste.

Not that I get shot at a lot anymore: but

"Pretty sure they were sheltering behind the glass front door, which somehow did nothing to stop the bullets. Who knew?"

Made a mental note.

If people read that Kelly may have saved so many lives.

Why in the world would they just stand there while bullets were flyin? My first thought would be to GO DOWN!!! Like to the floor so
The bullets wont hit my pregnant butt. Neither sister was thinking.
Dumb CantDo girls. I really hope the baby survives. Somebody needs to survive this insanity.

Nina..ha...I actually yelled out loud "Get down!!!!" I think I may have crouched down a bit as I sat there watching ! Wouldn't that be a natural reaction without even thinking about it ? ? ?

Kirby, ""Pretty sure they were sheltering behind the glass front door, which somehow did nothing to stop the bullets. Who knew?" Maybe they thought it was bullet-proof glass??? It is, ya know, the home of two cops! :-)

RgvChick, It is, ya know, the home of two cops!:) Yeah two dumb cops!
SusanLynn, Wouldnt that be a natural reaction without even thinking about it? Why yes, yes it
Would. If you have half a brain cell. And we all know these CantDo
Women are not prone to using their brains. That one brain cell has been worn out. It's no strike.

We are so bad yall, but ain't this fun?

Its the writers fault, they got the characters lookin stupid! And the
Actors are good at it too.


"It's on strike".

I just know poor Sara is sure going to have a mess to clean up. Wonder when she is going to admit that she just wishes she never had them, kinda like PieBad with DairyO.

Boys, if your friends can not clean up after themselves, I'm not going to let you have them over.

But ma, didn’t you say you wanted new decor...uhm, uhm, uhm, new paint?

Yes but I was getting my ideas from HGTV, not thugs R us.

Kirby: A good read! Road kill, bad enough but 3 day old????

Thanks Jardinera. Yes there is a 'Window of perfection' there around 60 to 70 hours.
Three days allows it to really ripen but it has not started drying out yet. Woof!

Nina, "Yes but I was getting my ideas from HGTV, not thugs R us." LOL Good one!!

Well, hopefully the plot will plod forward tonight . Will Mojo's baby survive ? Dario is going to go berserk when he finds out what happened ? Will this cause Fab to reconsider the deal he made with his devil dad ?

If Dairie was pissed at Ewwwie for crippling Mommie he will be extra pissed if he finds out pop popped his little Sonnie.

You know, the kind of pissed like a mad dog who gnaws through the jail cell steel bars and escapes to go kill Ewwie dearest.

I can just see D lookin all budgeted
Gnawing those dirty bats just grawlin
It will not take him days to get to that short troll with the eternal bad
Hair day.
They showed some previews of up coming
Episodes which I will not mention so
As notvtk ruin the moment if ya get my


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