Saturday, January 30, 2021

Imperio de Mentiras #84/85, 1/29/2021: Goodbye Tiny Dancer, Hello Baby Throw-Rug

Apparently the mission of Mau & Ren was scrubbed after failing to achieve liftoff. She tells him everything is still wonderful; their love was bound to be "different." Def true that.

Elisa wakes up in Leo's jacket and gets her hand-delivered Starbucks from the nurse. She takes a deep breath of Leo/leather/coffee and smiles to herself. 

Clara holds Majo's hand and tells her she will always be with her. Majo says they are the best of just-friends. That's good enough for Clara, who is just happy she knows someone who isn't dead.

Sonia's baby is delivered by four gung-ho docs with Ren looking on from the observation area. Sonia looks as happy as we have ever seen her, which isn't saying much. The baby looks like an actual newborn. Where do they rent these damp infants?

The maid spills to Vic & Elisa about Mau & Ren's slumber party. Vic remarks that her daughters sure do pick a bunch of losers, then she & El go back to arguing about Eu and all the Very Important Papers he got Vic to sign. Vic says if he did betray her, he'll find out what she's capable of. El gives her a fierce little look. 

Leo's forgettable boss tells him they've got someone undercover in Eugenio's operation. 

Sonia watches through the observation window as her baby has a respiratory crisis in the incubator. She starts screaming and Eu grabs her from behind and claps his hand over her mouth.

Ren shows up at the hospital to gush to Majo that she's getting her baby today! She finally notices the horrified looks on Majo & Clara and realizes her faux pas. "Too soon...? Oh, I know! We'll share the baby!" Girl gets nuttier every day.

Fab intercepts Fer & Juanito as they wheel their bags out of the hotel. "How did I find you? Well, your friend Alfonso is a coward." He turns to the cab driver. "This trip is canceled." 

Vic shows up at Eu's place dressed like a mafiosa, which suits her way better than those dresses made out of the curtains. He asks her why she's acting so butch. (Pssst...I think she's just realized she's taller than he is.) She questions him firmly. He asks what she's accusing him of, and she asks what he's guilty of. He goes all sugar daddy and pops out a necklace. She says let's get married ASAP, but she doesn't look happy about it. (Who would?)

Tere & Sara find Leslie's bed empty and go completely nutso trying to find her all over town, but they are doomed to failure as she & Carlos are currently on a plane to Acapulco. (Did she at least have the sense to grab the shoebox so Carlos doesn't get a big bill?) Clara lies to cover for her.

Adri sets up a blind date between El & Leo at her place. Leo is predictably goo-goo-eyed, but Elisa just want to return his jacket...and admit that he was right about Eu all along. She tells him about the Very Important Papers, the Panamanian shell company, and the fact that Cristina is working for Eu. Leo tells her they have a guy so far into Eu's operation that no one has even heard of him until ultimos capitulos. 

Fab takes Fer back to the apartment and sends poor, mute Juanito down to the lobby all by himself to "wait." He puts his hands over his little ears like a baby raccoon. Fab locks Fernanda in the apartment and won't let her out until she signs the $10 mil his father. (Seriously? Is he that stupid? Oh, just forget I asked.)

Elisa calls Leo at the station, but he pretends the line is bugged so he has an excuse to go and see her. (The number of non-liars is now down to Mauricio, the Cantu maid, Juanito, and Sonia's baby.) The less-than-dynamic duo plan to set a trap for Eu by pretending that a particularly valuable antiquity is about to come onto the black market. Leo keeps edging closer, but Elisa firmly tells him they are allies, nothing more.

Eu pays for a covert DNA test and discovers that the baby is his. He doesn't look particularly happy -- maybe he's thinking about how long it takes to train up a little thug from puppyhood. 

Piedad rolls into the garden to visit Vicky, who tells the maid to leave them alone. (Alone with Vic? In a wheelchair? Piedad really is fearless...but the two of them are wearing perfectly color-coordinated outfits, which I believe is a secret message from wardrobe that they are now on the same side.) Piedad shows Vic photos of her and Eu, Eu holding baby Dario, etc. But she clinches it by telling her that she used to have money, but Eu bled her dry and then started abusing her. He did the same to Fabricio's Mom. (All the while a dramatic staircase is perfectly framed behind them, so the cameraman must be in on the secret messaging, too. Maybe the whole crew ran the writers out in disgust.) "Dario is unstoppable now," Piedad warns Vicky, whom we can only hope will be caught in the crossfire.

Chris meets up with Eu at the hideout. She wants her money; he wants something else first. They climb into the back of the limo, and I feel the urgent need to go and gargle. When I get back, Mario is surveilling the building from the street. He calls Adri, and she tells him to be careful. "Yeah, yeah," he says. Do I detect a little swagger? Is our Dormouse about to become Mighty Mouse?

Elisa confronts Fab at the office. "Do you really love me? Really really? Then resign the directorship." He hems and haws and makes a million lame excuses. She pulls an Eugenio and tells him she has declared war, and he's either with her or against her. He finally agrees. She advises him to take good care of Juanito: his father is capable of anything. 

JL calls Piedad and gives her the secret code to transfer money to Dario. She tells him to relay the message that she is totally on board with Dario's plans. I guess the grandchild-icide finally pushed her over the moral edge. 

Eu lets Ren hold the baby and proceeds to brainwash her further, claiming that her mother & sisters will make up any kind of story about him in order to take her baby away. She willingly slurps up all the Kool-Aid and tells him that he will always be "the best man in the world" to her. Guacala.

Fab marches into Fer's apartment and demands to know why she hasn't transferred the money and how did she get the door open, anyway? She says she called a locksmith, duh, and she isn't giving over any money because she doesn't believe he'll return Juanito anyway. He threatens to kill her and storms out. Adri emerges from the dark hallway with a tape recorder in her hand.

Elisa answers the phone Clara left in the's Carlos, saying Leslie is muy mal in Acapulco and needs her medicine. Elisa dashes over to Casa Velasco, but not before scoring two plane tickets for her & Leo. Sara & Tere are so relieved that Les has been found that it doesn't seem to occur to them that maybe they should be the ones going to Acapulco. Either that or they're just a couple of yentas who love a good "only-one-room-at-the-hotel" setup.

Adri & Mario share a glass of vino at her place. He tells her he's still in love with her. She firmly friendzones him once again. Sigh. 

Eu & Cris return to his place, where he is surprised to find Vic sitting on the sofa. "Why?" she points out. "I live here, too." She sends Eu down to the wine cellar so she and Cris can talk "woman to woman." Cris looks legitimately worried, but for now Vic just wants to play with her. "How long have you known my fiance? Too bad about you and Leo...he's back together with Elisa, didn't you know? They're totally in love. So when are you re-arresting Sonia?"

Beach Doc tells Leo & El that he gave Leslie a double-dose of morphine and she's resting comfortably. She doesn't have much time, but if they give her a hypo of eye-opener in the morning, she should be good to hit the sand. 

Carlos says he'll stay with her, and they tell him to call their room if he needs there was only one room after all. Oh, God, does that mean we get the song again???


Thank you, Blue, your snark was at warp speed with this. I especially liked:

"Dresses made out of the curtains" - Vic, Never the fashionista...

"the spy that nobody has heard of until ultimos capitulos " - who might that be, Fer? I guess that's why she was so sure that Eww is going down, because she's helping the cops do it?

"train up a little thug from puppyhood" - imagine a child being raised solely by Eww; he would probably learn to handle a gun before he's potty trained.

Sara and Tere, the 2 yentas- funny especially considering the gravity of Leslie's situation; what mother would allow uncle and uncle's ex to go instead of her to fetch her underaged dying daughter?

Thanks, Goodriana -- and I meant to add a comment thanking all the other recappers for hanging in there during these last weeks. You all have been on fire! So much wit & wisdom. So little to work with...

Excellent recap, Blue Lass! Thank you!

I was still holding on to hope that Sonia’s baby wasn’t Eugenio’s but oh well haha. Wishful thinking. Eugenio seemed reluctant to let Renata see the baby after discovering that it’s his. I’m interested to see how he will pull off getting the baby away from Sonia after it recovers while Sonia is still locked up.

I’m still intrigued by the fact that Renata defends Eugenio. There’s something going on there. I guess I kinda get why Elisa defends him to a certain point but Renata’s reason clearly very different.

So sad about Leslie but it does seem like she will hopefully get the chance to see the ocean.

The whole Cristina vs Victoria “rivalry” is very awkward haha


Blue Lass, yay..just started reading your eagerly awaited recap , but I had to stop and give a shout out to El smiling after sniffing that intoxicating combination of " Leo \leather\coffee.....and who wouldn't ? Okay, back to the recap.

Maybe the undercover cop is one of Eww's minions ..may be the one who got a few lines to say last night . You guess we ha e all given up hope that Dario is deep, deep, deep uncover.

And Clara , designated babysitter for everyone , does seem to be happy that one of her charges is still alive . Poor Clara.

Okay. Back to the rollicking recap .

Blue Lass, you certainly have a knack for intertwining such precious gems into a bunch of burning coals. Truly enjoyed your double whammy recap, thank you! And wow, thanks for that link to the "Tomb of the Red Queen" interesting!

I don't think the undercover cop has been working on the case for too long. And the minion who told Ewww about it has been his minion for quite some time. I think the undercover person will be the one who is supposed to be interested in buying the "valuable antiquity." But that's just my guess :-)

I thought the conversation between Cris and Vic-ious would be spicier. I'm just waiting for Vic to explode.

I think Renata defends Ewww solely out of interest for the getting the baby. She is really going to great lengths to convince herself and everyone else that getting the baby is her right.

Susanlynn, Clara has been the one constant in this whole mess...and she is probably the one who will end up with the least...que triste!


Blue Lass, your razor sharp wit and wisdom “I guess the grandchild-icide finally pushed her over the moral edge” and “ Dario is unstoppable now," Piedad warns Vicky, whom we can only hope will be caught in the crossfire” were instrumental in making these sordid events survivable.

“Maybe the whole crew ran the writers out in disgust” makes perfect sense.

While Vicky certainly diminished Cris’ trademark smirk, it didn’t totally dissipate. She stood ramrod straight meeting Vicky’s glacial stare straight on. And by knowing and assaulting Cris’ Achilles heel Leo by evoking Elisa’s hated name, she struck a hard blow.

In true telenovela fashion, Leslie arrives at her dream destination too ravaged to do anything but go to her room. Will Carlos end up carrying her to the beach where her last memory will be the white sand, azure blue sea and setting sun? Of course Elisa and Leo will be there, who will torture each other (and us) as they fight to keep some embers of their relationship alive. We do not care.

Who is the unknown infiltrator? Adriana, I would not have thought of Fer, a shrewd choice. I am happy though that Adriana has finally proven herself useful and that Fab will join JL for a long prison stint.

I can hardly bear to watch Renata who spirals further downward with each passing episode. Everything she did last night was painful and Majo’s face was beyond disturbing.

Hope has dissipated for any happy ending. Perhaps Clara will come to her senses, help herself to some money and go far, far away.

Our hopes rest with Dario. Some may say vengeanace, I say justice..

Thank you Blue Lass!


Twice the fun with this double episode recap! Besides all the lines that Adriana Noel mentioned, I have to point out these funnies:

"That's good enough for Clara, who is just happy she knows someone who isn't dead."

"Where do they rent these damp infants?" Seriously, that was a days old baby.

"Too soon?" Jajaja

"They have a guy so far into Eu's operation that no on e has even heard of him until ultimos capitulos."

Loved the very short list of non-liars.

"Alone with Vic? In a wheelchair?" I can't help but recall when Laura Ingalls sent Nellie Olsen rolling down that big hill.

"And I feel the urgent need to go gargle."

Say what you will about the writers, but I do like how they have made us fall in love with the two characters who have officially been diagnosed with mental illness. Granted, Mauricio and Renata may be the most lucid couple in this tn, and they are the most loveable.

Too bad about Lesli. I really thought she'd pull through. It's going to be no day at the beach for Carlos as he sits there with a cold body.

Victoria is a stealthy one popping up out of the shadows. It helps that Eu and Chris didn't wonder why they heard a phone beep. And I guess those pot belly pants don't swoosh as she walks.

Solo una semana mas!

R la O

Loved all the comments !

Maybe we have had no clue of Deep Uncover Person because the writers suddenly decided on this plot point as the show went careening to its end . Maybe it's Eww's maid , and she'll get to browbeat and handcuff him . Please , I want to see someone handcuff him .

Eww had a weird look on his nasty face when the doctor told him he was the baby's father . Why? He also spoke sharply to Ren right afterwards . What was up with that ? It is hard to watch Ren become increasing!y delusional about getting a baby . And that baby is still in an incubator. You can never tell what these writers will do next.

It looks like we Will be going to the beach next episode .

Watching Cris and Eww get into the backseat gave me nightmares . Ewww. Can't say Cris isn't earning her pay.

Icky seems to love playing cat and mouse with Cris .

Great work, Blue Lass.

If anyone can gaslight the preying mantis, Victoria could. I was actually cheering her on. LC is having a good time being evil.

I think Eugenio didn't expect the baby to be his and had not thought of what he would do in that situation. He may have previously led stupid Sonia into thinking he would let her live if the baby was his, but now he is determined to kill her. Victoria has probably realized that she could be next because he's gotten what he really wanted: todo el dinero.

More later; my dinner just arrived.

Thank you BlueLass. It don't take alot of time to put a masterpiece together.
I liked the recap better than the actual episode.
El needs to get off of her high pouty horse, leo has been telling her for awhile now that uncle/tio is a crook and she chose not to believe Him. Plus she's lied Many many times. And he need to stop being so forgiving and all the
Apologizing and let her apologize to him. And stop sendin her mean ungrateful butt coffee from the Starbucks down the street. When he
Put that black leather looking jacket over her I thought "probly
Has a closet full of black leather
Looking jackets". And lo and behold
Looky...hes wearing one. And Now wardrobe better get the one she was
Sleeping under & shine it up again.

Sonia should go and wash her face and mouth cuz ewgy got nasty hands.
They've been on creepycris. Yall don't use your imagination I don't want yall to throw up.

Yes I do think fabadoodle is crazy, he wants fer to sign the 10 million
Over to the rug for what reason? All the dogs are about to have their due. I wanna see rug,vicious
And fer and fabadoodle, crustycris
And jlow-lower-lowest get his.

I did not know that it would have been on 2 hours last night. That's
Nice surprise.

Now I see how sorry fabadoodle is.
Now he is deserving of having a dad
Like ewgy. And ewgy deserves him.
Dario lucked out, I don't think he has any of ewgy in him he hates him
To much to want to be like him. He
Will be outta the poky soon and then the fireworks.

So vicious and crazycris are going at each other. Cris is looking at her like she is better than she is in bed with ewgy. Neither one of them wins a prize with that. And he sure don't.

So the tn gods wont give leslie a much needed miracle. Sad, she is the main one that should not be given a death sentence with all of these evil nasty coldblooded black hearted creatures.

Do ya think adri is holding out for
Jlow? What is the point of that? And what if the undercover guy the
Forgettable guy in Charge was talkin about was jl? There So many surprises in this show why not that? Look at momma piedaddy, she's now on board with Dario to send the code to put money at his disposal. In what prison system is this allowed anywhere in the world? Only in tn land. Well I'm really lookin forward to seeing how This bowl of soup turns out.

And now ewgy don't want to give his son to renutty. Hows he gonna fix that mess he's made? And really ren
Don't need a baby she ain't right in the head, at no fault of hers.
But she knows she should not be stealing somebody's baby. Mau has called her on that too. She knows what she's doin is wrong. I hope sonia gets her baby and leave that

Thank you BlueLass, this was a nice
Weekend distarction.

No matter who gets to raise that baby we know that she will be used up and spat out, like Pieda and Fabricio's mother (whom the writers didn't even give a name to). Sonia's days are numbered and Victoria knows this. I reiterate my wish from yesterday.

Ps, those dresses vic was wearing looked like church dresses. The wardrobe people must have read out complaints and changed her outfits.
Didnt help one bit. She still a dog in dresses, or mom pants.

Urban I really hope sonia don't bit the dust dogonit. Shes been tortured over n over again by that troll she needs a break. I hope she gets her baby away from Ren and they take off maybe she can get ahold of some of that money that keeps poppin up.

Blue Lass: When's the Gran Final ?

Nina: Bold Prediction: Sonia will get whacked!

It will be on Stupid Bowl Sunday, most likely at 8PM EST (not yet on TV Guide's website). Why Univision is doing this is beyond me, as Monday finales have been done before.

Yep! Stupid Super Bowl Sunday and Yep! 8-10PM (E) Looneyvision is delusional if it thinks it can compete with the SUPER Bowl!

Thanks for weighing in, everyone. I tend to agree with those who have suggested that the "undercover cop" is some kind of deus ex machina the writers -- or who knows, the cleaning crew -- are trotting out at the last minute. Seriously, why didn't Leo's boss think of this before? He's not involved in any of the love triangles, blackmail schemes, midnight flits, or child abductions, so he should have time to do his job.

I’m glad we are getting a two hour finale and hope little to nothing is noticeably cut. I know the Mexican broadcast of the finale was on a Sunday (exactly two weeks ago today the 17th) so maybe that’s why the US broadcast scheduled it for Sunday....who knows but yeah for us it means it’s competing against the Super Bowl. I record all of the episodes anyway. And technically I haven’t even decided if I’m going to watch the new one taking its place.

I am eager to see how the writers decided to end the chaos . Icky seems to be focused on Cris right now and has put her hate for Sonia , Fern, and Dario on the back burner . Icky seemed to believe what Piedad was telling her about Eww fleecing both Piedad and Fab's mother of their money . Then he injured Piedad . Did Eww kill Fab ' s mother ? It must he a task for Icky to keep track OF all the people she hates and looks down on .

It guess poor Leslie will pass away at the beach . What a sad story The writers created for that character.

So who will survive after Eww and Fab fall? Are we supposed to feel sorry for Fern now that both Eww and Fab have manhandled her and Icky detests her ?


SuzyQ I remember piedad telling fab how his mother died. It seems that when she found out some things bout the Troll, if I'm not mistaken he made out like she was crazy had her locked up and she just wasted away
In lock up. Troll didnt give a good damn. Fab was away somewhere, the
Troll lied to fabi about how she died. I forget what episode that was but I do remember that fab had just found out that dario was big bro. I'm not sure about these details either but it went somethin like that. Maybe you can go back and find that episode. I don't have the patience to do that. Lol.
You know what's good about this is tho? That vicky is alot stronger than piedad and fabs mom, I wouldnt be to surprised if that bitch took his Trollass out. I wish somebody will. I saw the looks on his face when icky stands up to him and he look scared. He probly figure hes met his Match with this lady, she ain't no push over. Troll gota long blood trail leading to him and its Screaming. Time to pay the piper. Paybacks a BITCH!Um..There might be something to that saying.

Hi, Nina , thanks for the info on what happened to Fab's mother. Eww has along history of using and abusing women . Stone cold Icky may be his undoing . She may also turn out to be the one to wipe that cinstsbt, annoying smirk off Cris's face.

Well, it started snowing here this afternoon and is supposed to show into Tuesday afternoon. The prediction for my area is 10-16 inches but we might get 20+ . UFF. I hate winter.

I’m basically posting this to thank Blue Lass for her outstanding recap!
This is the first Telenovela that I’ve watched that I am not attached to any particular ending.
Of course, I'd like to see Eugenio, Vicky, JL, Fab, Chris, Dario, Fer get their comeuppance but I’m not holding out for a happy for any of the other characters. Renata has been a disappointment as has Adriana. Tere lies and for much of the telenovela was not a supportive mom to Leslie. I feel sorry for Sonia but she married Eugenio and chose to have an affair with Renata’s husband. Both Elisa and Leo continually lie to each other. Leo has demonstrated a total lack of skills in being a detective. Mario hasn’t been much better.
Clara, Leslie, Majo and Mar are innocents that have suffered throughout and have already received their unhappy endings.
It will be interesting to see what the writers decide but my expectations are low!

Blue Lass: You hit a home run with this snarkfest! Just a few like these below had me spitting out my morning coffee:

*the mission of Mau & Ren was scrubbed after failing to achieve liftoff

*Where do they rent these damp infants?

*dressed like a mafiosa, which suits her way better than those dresses made out of the curtains.

*The number of non-liars is now down to Mauricio, the Cantu maid, Juanito, and Sonia's baby.


RGV Chick: Univision is STUPID for putting the Gran Final on Super Bowl Sunday of all days.

They should've put the Gran Final on Saturday, February 6th at 8:00 PM CST!

Fe, that's why it's called "The Patio of Lowered Expectations." ;}

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