Monday, January 04, 2021

Imperio de Mentiras Lunes 1/04/21, Chapter 67: Confrontations

No one here gets out alive.”

Mauricio told Majo that he had the proof of what had been done to Renata. She asked him to send it to her phone but he said he needed to show it to Renata. He wanted to see her, but Majo told him that was not possible. She explained that Renata had another crisis fit and was being heavily medicated. He began having a fit at this news, telling her that the medications were meant to make her forget what she knew. As he began stimming he told her that he was certain that Victoria ordered this. Majo said she would return when he had calmed down, but Mauricio insisted on talking to Renata. He flapped his arms a bit more before sitting down. [What medications are they shooting him up with?]

Nieves did her best to gaslight Clara by denying that she had anything to do with her working for El Cobra. She tried the typical guilt trip about getting money for her husband's surgery, finally playing the Ace of Spades over The Truth Will Get You Incarcerated (or Dead). Clara shot back with “I'd rather be in prison or dead than here with you” before walking out. Nieves called José Luis to rat out Mario for coming over with questions. She ratted out her own daughter for what she said during the “interrogation.” José Luis told her not to worry, not to say anything, and that he would be coming over to talk to Clara.

Clara went to see Leslie to see how things had gone. She told Clara that her illness seemed to be keeping her parents together.

Elisa arrived home and was greeted with a hug from Victoria who pretended concern, as usual. She expressed her increasing despair at being locked up and asked about her sisters. Victoria told her that Renata was asleep upstairs and it was Business As Usual about Majo. Elisa wanted to talk to her and help her. Victoria agreed. Elisa said she was going to get some rest and said she wanted to talk to Renata. Victoria tried to dissuade her for the usual reason, adding that Oscar had to administer drugs “to control her.” Elisa didn't like this, asking why she didn't call Dr Espinosa. Victoria claimed she tried but he didn't answer her calls. This became a civil-sounding disagreement which ended with Victoria playing the Victim and walking out [one guess as to where she's going].

Fernanda brought a report into Fabricio's office to hand over a report and he asked what she was doin there. She said she had not yet signed her resignation letter. He tried to make her leave – the company – but she confronted him with what she had learned from Dario. She knew that Elisa had been released when he had not been informed and she speculated on what he would say to her. She pointed out to him that “You are now one of us” and “Imagine what Elisa would think if she knew who you really are.” He smiled as he sat down.

Majo arrived home and found Elisa in the dining room. She told her about visiting Mauricio and finding out what had been done to Renata. Elisa didn't believe this, but Majo told her that Mauricio would not produce the evidence until he talked with Renata.

A chess-game confrontation took place at the precinct between José Luis and Mario which ended in a mild threat from one to the other.

Christina slithered into Leo's hospital room, ignoring the fact that she was not welcome. She came on with the usual statement of out-womaning her perceived competition, but Leo pule back into the pillow to avoid her threar of a kiss. She went on about the passion they shared [which must have been in her mind] and how he could never feel with Elisa what he had with her [We'd rather not know]. He told her that if she believed she could get him back by threatening the people in his life she was sickly mistaken. She told him his brother was in very hot water and if he wanted to put his hands in the fire to help him to watch out. “Because I love you very much.”

Elisa made the bad decision to confront Victoria about this, believing that her mother was incapable of doing such a thing to Renata. They had not seen Mauricio's evidence so didn't know if it was real. They went upstairs to see Renata, Elisa telling her to say nothing.

As Sara went to Leo's room Christina deliberately defied Leo by approaching Teresa in the corridor to play her sadistic mind games on her. Pretending to have mistaken Adriana for José Luis's wife, she tried to Rattle Teresa, who corrected her calmly. After a false apology Christina walked away from her and Teresa smiled, knowing she had someone's number.

Victoria arrived at Eugenio's lair, telling him she was considered a bother in her own house. He said she was a queen in his and they needed to plan for the future. When he said the word “wedding” she looked uneasy. She tried to stall further discussion by mentioning the business and he said Fabricio was in charge. Elisa would have to keep her distance until the court case was finished. He suggested they go away where no one can find them.

Elisa woke Renata, who was relieved to see her. She asked Majo if she had seen Mauricio, but Majo lied. Renata pled with her not to leave him alone “because he knows many things and his life could be in danger.” Majo looked at though she needed a vomitorium; she left the room. Elisa told Renata not to worry because they were going to go to see him.

Mario started telling Christina about his visit to Clara's home and what happened there. She demanded that he look for Clara and make her talk. He told her that José Luis seemed to have smelled a rat, which made Christina say that they had to get him out of the way.

Elisa checked on Majo, who said nothing was wrong. She said she wasn't drinking.

Clara took Leslie to the hospital to visit Leo, who was being released the next day. She left them alone and Leslie told him that José Luis and Adriana were lovers. She was looking for his help.

José Luis was at Adriana's and she served him coffee. He talked about his life going to pieces. They could not be together, he is under investigation, and he was sure that Leslie would not recover.

Alfonso told Fernanda that if she intended to fight for the insurance money she would need very good lawyers. The issue was that until the investigation into Augusto's murder uncovered the killer she would be the prime suspect. He stepped out and found Victoria, who insisted on talking to him. He said he wanted to get his laptop and notes, so she said they should go into his office.

Fernanda was there. Alfonso stepped out discreetly and may not have heard the cold verbal catfight that began with Victoria ordering Fernanda to leave the premises and Fernanda saying that only Fabricio had the power to order that... and a “This place isn't big enough for the both of us.”

Piedad visited Leo and apologized for what happened. She said she had not raised Dario to be a criminal, but he was so full of hatred and rancor that this had been inevitable. She blamed his father for Dario's desire for revenge. Leo said he didn't know how to help. She told him that Dario was in prison and that his father was Eugenio Serrano.

Christina had the nerve to go to the Cantú household. Elisa made her entrance in clothing far above Christina's pay grade and told her she was not welcome. Christina said she had something important to tell Majo. Elisa sent the maid to fetch her and Christina told her that Majo was going to have problems because she will be accused of being Dario's accomplice in the shooting of Leo. She played back the recording on her cell phone of Majo's comfession. Elisa asked what she wanted and inevitably she said that she was to renounce her claim to Leo and she would destroy the recording [I call BS on that]. She looked around, saying that everything they own would be state property after the convictions. Elisa pointed out that this was extortion and the irony of the situation. She had been blackmailed into the trafficking by a criminal and now being extorted by a law enforcer. Also that what Leo wanted was “to delete you from his life forever.” Christina said she could live without Leo, but “how will you feel if your sister is in prison? And yor family in ruin because of your stubbornness?” She gave her until noon the next day to answer.

As José Luis arrived at Nieves' place to talk to Clara, Piedad explained the situation to Leo. Dario's place as an illegitimate son led to him being involved in Eugenio's dirty business and therefore Dario was looking for revenge. This led Leo to conclude that Eugenio was behind the art trafficking and money laundering, which Piedad knew little about. She asked his help in getting Eugenio arrested because she feared what would happen to Dario in the prison.

José Luis started out saying that he understood the difficulty of dealing with the loss of a sister and a father in such a short period of time but there was nothing they could do. He would keep the police away from her as long as she remained silent because of what any of El Cobra's associates might do. Of course she let him know she knew one of his dirty little secrets and said she would zip it for Leslie's sake.

That was followed by him talking to Nieves where he said she was not to tell Leo that he had put Julia and El Cobra together and in return he wouldn't tell what she did with the money that came from this association. Also that she was responsible for the whole fiasco that led to Julia's death and would be if anything happened to Clara. “Silence is most beautiful; death is the most ugly.”

Victoria wanted desperately to be rid of Fernanda but Fabricio said she was going to remain. His decision and she would not be able to revoke it. Victoria called him a traitor and said that Elisa was now free to resume her place. Fabricio pointed out that she was still facing charges and he was not going to allow this to affect the business. This ended in a stalemate because Eugenio is now the majority shareholder.

Majo visited Dario in the prison. She thanked him for changing his statement. He then told her he was going to do serious hard time. He said he would miss her. “We will miss you, too,” she said. “You're going to be a father. I'm pregnant.”


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Thanks Urban Nice work. You always seem to get a few crucial details which I miss. Thanks

Majo! WTF? Twenty five episodes and you go get knocked up? Were ya drunk? Nevermind. At least it aint Clara's. :-)

Autocorrupt tricked me again.

Well good for Clara for sticking to Jose Luis- in the non-sexy way, because otherwise, eww- in a way no one else has. All the points to her!

And good for Fernanda for sticking it to Fabricio- also in a non-sexy way- although he still looked like he enjoyed it. I'm glad she was able to un-fire herself because really, if anyone should be running Grupo Cantu, it's her. She does more work in one episode than the rest of the Cantus have done the entire show. Make Clara and Leslie (if she ever graduates from high school) her assistants, and they can rule the world! Or at least Mexico City. Or wherever this is supposed to take place. Where is this taking place?

I thought it was a good episode even if Elisa is still dumb. No wonder her mother likes her best. And if you guys think this is a terrible show it's only because you didn't try watching Corazon Indomable. That one raised the bar (or lowered it?) for what counts as bad. Until an actual monkey shows up to Grupo Cantu, I'm sticking to the end to see the bad guys get what's coming to them and see all the guys finally get a decent hair cut and a shave. Are the barber shops in Mexico all shut down for Covid too?

Oops. That comment above was from Kelly. Forgot to sign it. Also wanted to say Leslie's hair at least looked good in that high bun. And it gives her the extra height she needs to be on this ride.

Thank you, Urban, you're always squeezing the best out of these episodes.

Kelly, YES, a million times yes to Corazon Indomable being the very worst novela I've had the chance to recap. The monkey, the neverending venganza nonsense, the stupid galan that makes Leo look like a rocket scientist...

Kirby " At least it aint Clara's. :-)" true that, how much more can poor Nieves endure! Haha...

I'm always rooting for Fernanda when it comes to Victoria or Fabricio, even. How long till his 5 days are over? Is he putting a bomb under Eww's wig while he's asleep? Maybe Sonia can help with that?

After all that she had to live, Elisa still thinks that her mom could never... She did see Renata's butchered belly, does she think she did it to herself? Or if it was the hospital,why isn't she pressing charges? To busy fighting with Cristina over Leo?
Speaking of, yesterday Cristina was blackmailing Elisa to stop seeing Leo, now it's Majo's turn. Funny how Cristina threatens everyone with investigations, but she is the most corrupt of them all.


Kirby: Majo is preggers with Dario's baby. Not shocked about this!

UA: Good Job on the recap.

Adriana: How far will Cristina go & when will Jose Luis get exposed for his complicity in multiple murders, etc., ?

Probably one of the most satisfying parts of this ep, and that is a stretch, is seeing the wheels gradually coming off for Vicky Vicious. Ren has her number and has for a while, thus Vic has to keep her agitated and drugged, Majo now sees her without rose colored glasses, even her houseplant Elisa is beginning to smell a rat.

She discovers that FerNasty has outsmarted her, and FabraDoodle is Boss Hog in her dead hubba's company now.

Save for a few horny flashes of her past passion with Ewww, that relationship spends most of the time on the rocks too. Never been back to the lake house Eww bought for a happy for her with her money?

It is like watching a Super Slo Motion of a really good train wreck.

Majo is preggers? Sheezo these TN girls sure are fertile. Couples I know try, and try and try. The TN girls you pee on their foot and you got twins.

The recap, screen shots - just wonderful Urban.

"Elisa made her entrance in clothing far above Christina's pay grade" was perfect. Excellent narrative.

Last night, my feelings toward Elisa changed from indifference to dislike. Her seemingly soothing dismissal of Majo's traumatic truth about Renata struck me as off. Either she is indeed incredibly stupid or she is deliberately denying.

Majo dreamily pregnant. Every pregnancy ends in disaster here. And while several emotions were evident on Dario's face at the news, not one of them was happiness.

Adriana Noel, I was happy to see Fernanda best Vicky as well. And Fab's little smile made me wonder if he and Fer really are kindred spirits. And Kelly, I like your list of assistants for Fer. She is the true power there, like it or not.

Mauricio drowns in worry for Renata as she does for him.

Clara is high on the endangered species list. And does Leslie really believe she is the catalyst keeping her parents "together"?

Is Leo going to be nursing his wounds for the duration? Worth noting that Dario who seemed to be far more injured, was ripping his IV out and getting on with it in no time flat.

Piedad is one tough woman.

Urban, this was great. Thank you.


Diana: "Is Leo going to be nursing his wounds for the duration? Worth noting that Dario who seemed to be far more injured, was ripping his IV out and getting on with it in no time flat."

I think they are inadvertently showing us the proof of the old adage 'Nice guys Finish Last.'

Or maybe Level headed Leo wants to follow orders and actually heal, whereas Dastardly Dario just wants to live long enough to 'get his revenge', or 'One More Majo Romp', or Terrorize some innocent young girl or other eye popping fun.

But plain vanilla Leo could not be expected to heal as quickly as Double Mocha Pecan Caramel Dario.

"One More Majo Romp" and "Double Mocha Pecan Caramel Dario" explains it all Kirby. Your razor sharp insight and humor always add so much.

Is this really the way this is going to end - Leo dormant and docile???

I've gone back and forth so many times but have to admit, a part of me is hoping there might be some salvation for Dario. Perhaps only for his resilience, intelligence, determination and fearlessness. Squandered? Perhaps. Notable nevertheless.



What awesome screenshots!! You managed to capture the best expressions of the episode.

Does anyone else think one can turn off the sound and still follow the storyline?

I miss Stevie's "inside " news. I wonder where Stevie went?? Missing Vivi, and many others, also. It was so nice to hear from Novela Maven the other day.

I'm still trying to figure who will be the one to bring Eugenio down — too many contenders: Dario, Victoria, Leo, Fabricio, José Luis, Christina, Elisa Renata, Sonia, Fernanda. Who else??

Other than the forced abortion and hysterectomy, what does Renata have on Victoria? I thought she hadn't remembered anything from her childhood.

UrbanA: Thanks for a great presentation! IMNSHO...

Clara is just one messed up daughter. The mother is a real work but then so is Victoria. All these daughters are like kick Mama to the curb whereas in old novellas, daughters respectfully put up with these faults and in the long run triumphed spiritually..... This doesn't sit well with me. Clara's smart mouth doesn't speak well of her at all. There are ways of respectfully taking issue with a parent or superior. The writers must have a whole in their personal world experience to ignore this.

"Christina slithered into Leo's hospital room" - great description. She makes my skin crawl.
Thanks for clarifying the accountant's full conversation with Fernanda. Bad audio. Also the conversation between Mario and Christina was unintelligible on audio. Much appreciated.

"Elisa made her entrance in clothing far above Christina's pay grade " - Nice cut!

Urban , thank you for capturing all the crazy that unfolded last night .

I also loved reading all the clever, funny ,insightful comments with my coffee this morning .

Crisscross just really wanted to crawl into that hospital bed with down and out, incapacitated , and lying low Leo., Cris, no means no. I don't understand dialogue, but Cris's constant smirk as she gets into everybody's personal space or Leo's bed is getting old.

Well another pregnancy...#3 . Pregnancy, wanted or unwanted ,is the writers go-to move when things get slow and they feel the need for more than menacing looks,threats , and smirks.

So ,El is back home in her funky clothes and denial .

Kelly, I also thought that Leslie looked cute with her new topknot hairdo .

Let's get Leo out of bed . Cris has an unfair advantage when he is horizontal and helpless as he heals.


Thank you, Urban! your ability to capture and interpret details is amazing! And the comments are right in line with my thinking--

Clara and Fer rocked and socked it to'em a couple of times. Yay! for them. But I still don't like Fer :-)

So how many times have we heard someone tell Cris, "That's illegal..." We've heard it from Leo, Majo and Elisa...yet NO ONE has reported her or done anything to set her up for a tremendous fall. Very irritating! but I suppose I should already be used to it; I shouldn't even have to wear a beanie anymore.

Kirby, "Majo is preggers? Sheezo these TN girls sure are fertile. Couples I know try, and try and try. The TN girls you pee on their foot and you got twins." This gave me one of many laughs this morning! :-D

Diana, "And does Leslie really believe she is the catalyst keeping her parents "together"?" This is one storyline that really irks me (more than others). You would expect this from a very young child; thought Leslie is small, she is not a child. And re: Eliesa, "Either she is indeed incredibly stupid or she is deliberately denying." Mostly incredibly STOOPID!

Adriana serving JL coffee . Really??? After the way he has treated her like a yoyo ...Get out...I love you....Go away....come here . I hate this particular storyline because JL is despicable and Adriana is pathetic.Move on , Adriana. Why would anyone want this loser?

Crisscross confronting Tere shows that she gets sick pleasure from hurting people for no reason . What exactly are her plans for JL and why does she think that she can get Leo by threatening everybody in his orbit ?

Thanks, guys. I get very frustrated with this one because of the inconsistencies and that there is almost nobody to root for.

If Elisa went to college in New York before living there for a while she would not have seen the deterioration of her parents' marriage the way her sisters did. She wasn't even home 24 hours when Augusto bit the dust.

Victoria came in with another accusation of Renata trying to push her down the stairs. I think she really believes that whopper by now.

I can't believe Majo is happy about being pregnant, but... Victoria's and Eugenio's reactions will be the highlights of a future episode. Felicidades in advance to whomever is lucky enough to catch that one.

Fernanda is just as poisonous as Victoria, but her mother was no prize, either.

When were we told that Fern was the main suspect in Augusto's murder?

Ahhh. ..Ew and Icky Will be so thrilled to know that they are going to be abuelo and abuela.

Susanlynn, we haven’t been told outright that Fer is the main suspect. That might have derived from Fer being named sole beneficiary for the insurance money. If she claims it, she will be the main suspect.

JL tells Nieves that she must not reveal that he put Julia and Dario give her and that she is responsible corvette fiasco that got Julia and Auggie killed . Wait! What? QTH ?

"Give her"???....was supposed to be " together. " sorry...rushing .

"Corvette" ....was supposed to be " for the" sorry ..hurrying .

Susanlynn I believe your autocurrupt and mine have somehow become friends behind our backs and are comparing notes. I had to delete my first comment, and I think Autocorrupt changed it AFTER I hit 'Publish your comment'. SNEAKY :-)


From toward the end where JLouse went to talk to Clara and then Nieves:

'That was followed by him talking to Nieves where he said she was not to tell Leo that he had put Julia and El Cobra together and in return he wouldn't tell what she did with the money that came from this association. Also that she was responsible for the whole fiasco that led to Julia's death and would be if anything happened to Clara. “Silence is most beautiful; death is the most ugly.”'

This implies that she has known all along that JL was in on the illegal dirty goings on. I guess we have known for quite a while that Nieves was in on / behind, Julia's involvement with Auggie and Eww. I wonder, did she know all along that Ewww was the main one? Does she now? Has she known all along that JL is dirty and kept her ugly mouth shut while Leo etc. almost gets killed trying to find out what she is hiding all along?

Susanlynn, we've long speculated in here that JL put Julia in contact with Eww. Leo was away in Monterey and big bro was keeping an eye on his girlfriend. So actually having that confirmation came as no surprise for me. On the other hand Fer being the prime suspect in the murders because of an insurance she didn't even know about looks like an idea the writers came up with because...well, why not, what else can they throw at us?

Urban I agree that it makes sense that Elisa was oblivious to many things happening back home because he was away living her own life. And when she was around, she was always the golden child.

Jardinera, I wouldn't agree with Clara's way of talking, either, but we've seen no redeeming qualities in Nieves so far. On the contrary, she has shown time and again that she is willing to sacrifice her daughters for money. The protagonists of years ago would suffer and suffer for 200+ episodes, and we would call them spineless and gullible. I don't mind Clara, I wish she'd teach Elisa a trick or two, actually :))

Victoria: Big question is whether we'll see flashbacks on who whacked Julia & Daddy Cantu ?

Ten million $US is a very strong motive. I was expecting also to hear about a double indemnity clause.

As for Clara and her viper of a mother I applaud her defending herself. Nieves deserves the ninth circle of hell for what she did to her daughters.

Kirby...yes, i am sure that our autocorrupts have become fast friends in cyberspace , and i know tbat mine often changes a word back to its preferred version after i have corrected it...sometimes repeatedly.

Adriana, i am wondering if tbe writers plotted out at tbe start who killed Aug and Julia , or if they thought that they would just let tbe story meander along its winding path before deciding who the killer \s was\ were. I think Neanderthal JL was tbe killer because he would be big enough to move Julia , but he might have done it on Ew's orders. Maybe Julia found out what Ew was doing and that JL was working for him. JL wouldnt want little bro to know that he was a bad guy.

Susanlynn, you might be right in saying that the writers decided to "wing it" when it came to the real killer. I mean, if it was JL, and there are hints about that, at first he was portrayed like a totally different character. If he did kill Julia, I'm sure it was at Eww's order. Maybe he only planned to kill Augusto and she was an uncomfortable witness? Or it was an accident? Or there are two murderers?? Maybe JL killed Augie and Cristina finished the job, killing Julia?

Urban, Majo looks to be living in her own little world, doesn't she? Gushing about Dario, trying to defend him in front of Elisa when he'd just shot Leo?? Maybe Majo and Renata will raise the baby while Dario serves his sentence? Or maybe he makes a deal with the DA or whatever and he gets away with community service? Cleaning up the Mexico streets that he once sullied?

Ah, too many questions, how many episodes left?

Thanks, Urban! Great recap and terrific screenshots. I particularly liked the one of Tere.

And ITA with your frustration "because of the inconsistencies and that there is almost nobody to root for." It's an uphill battle to care on some nights.

Elisa was a total girlboss in that turtleneck. Who woulda guessed?


Do we know why Eugenio wanted Augusto dead???

OMG you guys, was there really a real monkey in that tn? Too funny. Maybe it escaped from the writers' room...although it seems more like they keep escaping INTO the writers' room.

Susanlynn, my Autocurrupt (lol) only speaks French, so imagine what I come up with when I don't edit! Recaps are especially nice to write, I use English settings for them, but sometimes they just disappear. L'horreur!

Adriana, as we used to say in French class, quel fromage!

Adriana, and what about that other baby Ew told Icky he planned to "give" to odd notion since he and Icky took away Ren's chance to have a baby of ber own. Where in the world is Sonia? Do the writers know? Is she close to having her baby ? She doesnt serm to be at Fern's, Ew's, Nieves 's, so where did Ew stash her ? Nobody seems to know.... Or care.....where she is.

Did anyone else think tbat Leo didn't have much of a reaction when Piedad tokd him that Ew is Dario's father?

Blue Lass...ha !

Blue Lass, totally agree about the uphill battle. For me, it was especially hard during the holidays.
Oh, yes, there was a monkey in CI and that was not even in the top 10 WTF moments.
Victoria, I'm guessing Eww wanted Augie dead out of jealousy: the money, the family, the whole wholesome image. He was always in his shadow, married to a trophy wife, with a son that barely talked to him, Augie probably thought and acted like he was smarter than him. Who knows what eventually made him snap...

This is turning into a chatting board, we're all writing simultaneously!
Blue, I've never heard the "quel fromage" expression. You live, you learn, some days I feel I'll never be good enough in French (did I mention I set myself impossible standards?)

Susanlynn, whatever baby might be available, I'm sure Eww is ready and willing to offer it on a silver platter if it serves his purpose. I'w starting to feel like half the time we talk about the show's different characters, plots and all and the other half about "where is Sonia?" Who could have guessed that she'd become the "it" character? Maybe when all is said and done she will be the only one left standing, having survived childbirth and taking care of her own baby.

Adriana, "quel fromage" is just a joke. Don't use it in public. :D

We said a lot of funny things in Spanish class, too. For some reason Russian was never funny.

Adriana i have forgotten more French than I remember. The same little old teacher taught me English Lit, Latin, and French . She most!y had us memorize songs and poems . Then, I had an older French student who cringed every time i attempted to say anything in French to her. I still remember some French vocabulary .

Eugenio is all about the money and the power. Maybe Eugenio's first wife didn't measure up to Victoria in some way we'll never know, or maybe Eugenio just gets off on stealing from others.

As for Russian never being funny, I guess that's why there seems to be no comic operas in Russian.

Good point, UA. Even the bad ones are only bad in a painful way.

So...any bets on who will survive this show and who will not ? Do you think the baddies will die, go to jail, or escape punishment ?

Since this producer is wacko, I'm not placing any bets on the ending.

Urban, I'm here. I've read all the comments. All funny yall. Urban you
Did A remarkable job with this recap. The screenshots caught the
Facial Expressions perfectly. Thank
You much. One of many great story
Tellers on this patio.

Ok we seem to have an even clearer
Idea about why bitchy icky vicky
Wants renata kept doped up. So she
Forgets what she saw or heard when
She was a teen. I said if she could get away for along period of time
Her memories would probly start to
Reappear. Bitchg called oscar cuz he would do as bitchy and the rug tells him. He likes the money. But
This time I noticed he had a hint of a conscience, but didn't last to long Cuz he shot her up with that sleepytime Juice, aaaand out she went. Mauricio Tells this to majo who looks like she believes him, but she goes and tells the dumb blond fresh out the Poky aaand now we're back where we all were before
Eliesalot not believing that momma
And tio wouldn't do such horrible dastardly thing. She dumb and is in a Twilight zone of denial. And leo is probly out there with her. For a
Different reason.

As for crisscross tryin to French kiss leo while he is on his back lookin doped up....she should just go away she serves no real interest
Or Purpose in this story other than
To annoy me and the rest of the patio.

So I suppose we can ask that age old question "who dunit?" Who kilt
Augy n juls? Dang that would be a long list of over half the cast.
See the kind of person nieves is I
Think her daughter has a right to defend herself, and there is good reason why she talks to her mom that way. She had no respect for her daughter or her daughter's
Life. She pimped the girl out to one of the most evil murderous cold
Blooded persons ever walked on two
Feet. Well he seemed cold blooded he kinda is shoot. And then she done something that got her killed, and if that's not real bad enough she does the same thing to her other daughter. But this one tells momma where to get off. And if That's not bad enough again we are
Finding out she did something else
With the money other than what she said it would be for, transplanting
Organs so daddy could live. But dad had mommas number, that's why he asked Leo to protect clara, and he told clara dont believe nothing mom
Says cuz shes a bold face liar. He
Probly found out what she was really doing with the money. What an evil woman. I dont know who's the worst her or icky-bitch-vicky.

Majo is with child. Now With inky n ewgy's DNA running around in the blood that poor aint got a chance of surviving. Unless......


Steve I would love to see who whacked augy and juls. But I dont
Think juls was just collateral damage. The person(s) that did that
Kill was angry. And it could quit possibly have been an angry woman.
We have been guess since this boat
Set sail and still have no clue who
Did this.

Where's Waldo? Where's sonia? They
Are on vacation watching the Rest of us drive ourselves nuts tryin to figure out who-what-when-where-how
And why. And whatever.


Nina..thanks for reminding me about Clara's dad's final words to her. I wonder if Nieves has more secrets that we dont know about. It's fun watching Nieves and JL dance around snarling and threatening each other.

Who's zooming whom? .

I have a Zoom appointment in a few, but I think that we can expect a few of the evil ones to die but at least one to get away with their evil deeds. I just hope it isn't Eugenio.

I hope it's not nieves,bitchy iky,
Eugy,jl,especially crazycrissy and whoever else has wronged somebody.
That's pretty much the whole darn cast. Almost.

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