Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Imperio de Mentiras, 1/5/21, #68: The Big Reveal - NOT

DarthDario's manhood has been assured for eternity as he's been told that Majo's preggers.  Hell no he won't reject her/it/them!  He loves the idea!  He assures Majo that he's never going to be the kind of psychopath papi that his papi obviously was.  BUT, speaking of psychopathic pappies...nobody but nobody, not even her sisters or mother (gawd forbid!) must learn about this--especially El Tio Ewwy--which of course means that the whole of DF will know posthaste, forthwith, aka, ASAP.   

Meanwhile, at the Cantu No-Can-Do casota, Elisa continues to mope; she remembers Christina's femme fatale fantasy regarding her mythical, hot, heavenly, bosomed-buddy relationship with Leonardo.  El flashes back to Cruel Chrisie's ultimate opportunity to save worthless Majo's gluteus maximus.   Either El abandons Leo for good. or Majo's going down as Dario Ramirez's willing accomplice (which we all know she was, the stupid twit).  

At Grupo Cantu, Fernanda asks Fabricio to help her get hold of the 10 million in life insurance; once she has it in her bank account he'll never see her again.  And she'll be able to afford the best attorneys to resist any custody challenges due to bad character? (Did I hear this correctly? So then why would he bother to even lift a finger?)    

And speaking of bad character and characters, Victoria is giving Eugenio Hell again for allowing Fern to come back to work after she fired the bitch.  "--We are not running a brothel!"  Ewwy, doesn't necessarily see the problem and certainly doesn't understand a scorned woman's point of view.  He does though, understand that they cannot (short of fiendish foul play) afford to have Fern spouting off or telling tales out of school.  They need her on their side.  She knows too many secrets about the company and his mafia.  His answer to bringing Vicki around: a huge engagement ring.  Yup --he knows Victoria's type and this seems to do the trick.  

Jose Luis has come to visit Leo at the hospital.  Leo warns him about Chrissie's accusations.  She's hot to prove JL is dirty and has been working with the criminal element, not to mention having an affair with an underling who he then promoted to Captain.  JL admits to asking Adriana recently to resign--supposedly to avoid Chrissie coming down on her with two lead feet.  He is in love with Adri and feels he cannot really kick her to the curb.  He then brings up the idea that he wants to transfer to the coast perhaps with the family so that Leslie can enjoy the warm weather and that might help with her illness.  (Not this illness..... but he will be able to separate from Adri and keep Leslie from getting upset all the time.) Naive Leo reminds JL that Christina is doing all this to harass him and if he's gone that should slow the show down a bit where JL is concerned.  JL wants to get Chrissie Cruel Witch out of the picture somehow before he should make the transfer, in order to help Leo out of a jam with IA.  (I think.)  

Back at los Cantu, Renata tells El that she shouldn't sacrifice her life for the benefit of everyone around her.  Let the cards fall where they may where she and Majo are both concerned.  (Hear! Hear! Couldn't agree more where the mindless Majo is concerned.)

Outside Leo's room, JL runs into Adri.  She manages to avoid his insistent pleading (The abusive jerk just fired her ass and dumped their supposed romance in the crapper!  Viewervilled gives a much-deserved shout-out to Adriana for politely pushing said hat of a donkey-rear aside.)

Dario's first call is to Mama Piedad to give her the news about Majo. (Did we doubt it?)  Piedad reminds him to get his priorities straight.  No more of this jail-break jetsam, shall we?

At the same time, Leo and Adri are discussing how to go about validating Piedad's claims.  There's a knock at the door and in glides Elisa.    He is on his feet instantly.  They liplock and Adri leaves them to it.  

At the Velasco dinner table, Theresa asks why one of the policewomen at the hospital might have confused Adriana with her, thinking that she was his wife instead.  JL plays dumb.  

Dario makes a call to Fab telling him he needs a bundle of billetes and quick to function in jail.  He gives Fab directions where to find it and how to put it into his account.  Fab doesn't really want to mess with dirty money, he says, since he's now the head of Grupo Cantu.  Appearances, you know.  Dario says don't make me laugh!  And then he suggests if he will help get him the cash he instead tell him who really murdered Augusto Cantu.  "--Was it Papa?"  "--Get me the cash and I will give you the information."

Back at los Cantu, the housekeeper shows El the pregnancy test she found in Majo's room while cleaning.  El goes downstairs to have a chat with the now very chipper Majo.  Once Ren leaves to take a walk, El asks about the pregnancy test.  El says it's Majo's life and her choice, but tell her about the test results.  Majo smiles and tells all, even that Dario was really happy to hear the news.  El says she's worried because she's going to have to protect Majo and help take care of her.  Majo's suspicious.  She says Dario worried her when he warned her not to tell a living soul (well, Mama's only half alive), especially since now she and the baby could be in danger.  El says it's to be expected with a man in that 'profession'.  He's bound to be looking over his shoulder all the time.  (And now our mental midget of a Majo gets that privilege as well.)

Adri, once back at the fiscalia, gives Mario grief over spilling information to Christina in Internal Affairs.  He says well, he recently did another interview with Julia's mom and sister the day before for IA.  It's a huge file and he wonders why/ if JL closed out the case. (Dunno which)  Just then Terry walks in and wants a sit down with Adri.  She obliges.  Terry tries acting obtuse about JL having a mistress.  Adri hems and haws till Terry finally comes out with it and asks her to please stay away from JL.  She obliges.  

Meanwhile, back at the Cantu manse, Vicky walks in on her three daughters, flashing her new engagement bling around.  The only one to notice, however, is Ren.  Vicki spars with Majo and El and Ren says they're doing just fine so she can return to Tio Ewwy's now.  El gets mad that Vicki is again insulting  Majo's choice in men.  El tells her to get lost, literally.  Vicki takes the hint harshly but leaves.  Ren tells them that Mama really came to show off the big engagement ring.  She's really going to marry Papi's best buddy--she really is.  

JL asks for a sitdown with the head Inspector.  He asks for a transfer to the coast for his daughter, to get Christina out of his hair, and to get her to stop breathing down Adriana's neck.  He admits he had an affair, a mutual relationship, and that Adri's promotion was totally earned as shown by her H.R. file.  Yes, he's willing to give up his promotion as head of the fiscalia and to transfer out to a lesser job under the Inspector on the coast.

That morning, meanwhile, Leo gets released from the hospital.    He leaves Mama Sarah and Leslie in the dust  There's somewhere he needs to rush to--police bidnez.

Ewwy makes a stop at Fern's and says he wants her to go by and check up on Sonia.  He needs a woman's point of view this time around.  He also advises her that he's taken care of the Victoria problem; she won't be a pain in Fern's tiny hiny any longer.  However, she will have to confront Elisa who is returning to the business today.  

Back at the fiscalia, Terry leaves and Mario returns.  He confronts Adriana about being nothing more to Terry and Leslie than The Other Woman.  She gets on his case about constantly insulting her despite her being over him professionally.  Now he has her job.  What more does he want?  Mario insists he did everything to protect both her and Leo from Chrissie The Cruel.  She doesn't buy it and calls him a traitor.  Again Mario's got to spell it out for Adri:  he got Chrissie off Leo's back when she was going to accuse him of being Elisa's willing accomplice in escaping justice and, he got Chrissie to stop hounding Adri about starting an IA investigation for sleeping with her boss. The yelling is so loud that people outside the office start looking through the window and at the commotion inside JL's office.  (Ever hear of using blinds in Mexico?)  Mario screams back at Adri to open her eyes and get wise for once.   JL has only been using her! "--Don't you realize it?"  Of course, this is another waste of precious oxygen.  FF>>FF>>

And, speaking of the Queen --itch of Roma, Chrissie comes to cash in on her phone recorded session of blabbermouth Majo from a couple of days before.  El has no choice but to agree to Chrissie The Cruel's blackmail.  Nope, no more time with Leo.  Cut it off this minute or Majo is headed for prison.

At the same time, Leo has gone to the prison to interview Dario. "-- I want to know if it's true what your mother told me.  Are you Eugenio Serrano's son or not??"  


It's hard to figure out who is the most despicable.

Thank you, Jardinera! I agree with you on Mario, he's wasting his breath, Adriana won't see JL for what he is unless he swings a gun at her, maybe not even then.

More later, I thought I had the time but mis hijas are calling! They're huuungry!

Oh Jardinera, you can make a fluff episode fun even. Thanks.

First, has Vic the sense to see if that rock will scratch glass? Thought not.

"You can tell NO ONE about our bun in the oven" IE: Put it on Farceboink and Twatter.

So if FerNasty gets her ten$ Fab never has to see her again. Whoa! What about joint custody. I'm not talking about whose weed it is, I mean Juanito.

It was interesting to see Super Mario briefly awake......For Naught!

OK, JL wants to simply transfer out of the pile of doggie doo doo he has created. But but but...he is in the employ of Ewwww THERE, not on the beach in Acapulco. Has he even asked Ewww about this?


Jardinera: Safe to say Eugenio might strangle Fernanda based on the previews from last night.

Kirby: Did they find Sonia's body yet ?

Great title Jardinera and oh so frustratingly true.

Laughed out loud at "Fern's tiny hiny". Your recaps are always fueled with fun and a wonderful read.

The inspector seemed to regard JLouse with the same loathsome regard as most of the patio.

While I was impressed with Mario's little tirade I'm not sure he was completely right. While it does suit his purposes to use Adri, it is a bit more. In his own twisted way I do think JL does haves feelings for Adri. But he is so emotionally volatile, you can only believe what you see in one given moment. Along with his friendship wit Adri, Mario is also being driven by jealousy.

So it took teary Tere to get Adri to leave JL alone. I had such high hopes for Adri but her intelligence has been tainted by her blind allegiance to a man who is dangerous, dishonest and out of reach. The inspector seemed to regard JLs request for a transfer with thinly veiled contempt.

As usual, our Renata was the only observant one, spotting the sizeable sparkler on Vick's pudgy finger. And I enjoyed seeing Vick being thwarted at every turn, losing her hold on the company, inch by inch.

So, all Elisa needed to do was to tell Leo she is being blackmailed and she isn't leaving him for realz. Nopis. More unnecessary suffering for him and for us.

I readily admit I feel for Majo. At the very beginning I was rooting for her and Dario. I know it's improbable and highly unlikely but I want some type of happy eding. For someone.

Excellent Jardinera, thank you!


Kirby, yes, I hardly think Ewwww has sanctioned JL's travel plans.

Does JL really think he can waltz away? Just another dimension to his twisted thinking and personality.


Well, Steve, Eww was asking/telling/ordering FerNasty to go check on her, so she must still be alive.

Kirby: " has Vic the sense to see if that rock will scratch glass?" LOL "Super Mario briefly awake......For Naught!" Snicker x2!!!
Diana: "The inspector seemed to regard JLouse with the same loathsome regard as most of the patio." He's been around long enough to probably realize that if someone is willing to give up a cushy job like JL's gotten that there's something rotten in the DF.
Victoria: I have decided there is NObody in this telenovela that I am rooting for. The closest might be Ren and Ma...
Steve: Sorry, I don't watch the previews. They're like spoilers to me even if they're fake clickbait. Don't think Fern will die due to Juanito needing a parental unit. Mom's generally take precedence.
Adriana Noel: Adriana is blind as a bat- tered broad could be. (eye rolls) } >))


Jardinera, thank you for another excellent reporting of ball the ongoing shenanigans . These people . Geez secrets in The Can'tDo mansion ..the maid shows the pregnancy test to El who has only recently gotten out of bed beige jail hoodie and back into her fab wardrobe. Wow. Having servants has its drawbacks .

So JL ( which autocorrect always changes to NO) now thinks he can magically make all has past bad decisions and crimes disappear by moving to the beach . I did recognize the word "playa" , but I thought he was just suggesting a quick family road trip for some fun in the sun .

Leo is now up and moving , and Mario woke momentarily from his long winter's nap. So....Now what...????

OK, to clear the air a bit, Let's get this straight. Ninety percent of the recent problems in the DF CDMX can be traced back to E-Lies-a either lying to Leo or simply witholding civilization-saving information. So she vowed on a top secret holy artifact that she would never..ever..not even three gadzillion years lie to Leo again..ever. Period.

Once again she is presented with the dilemma of doing something absolutely brainless, well, maybe brainless is a bad choice of word with her, as she is blackmailed into doing something even further brainless.

WHAT...NORMAL...WOMAN...would not go straight to Leo and tell him the whole sordid shitstory, and let him fix it. That is what everyone else in the DF does, except Leslie, as I suppose Leukemia is not one of his specialties. Does she just love wandering around looking like her pants are too tight? If she'd wear grownup clothes, maybe she could find something which fits.!

If she tells Leo, the two together, can cook up a plan to circumvent EvilCris' evil plan. Maybe even outsmart her.

Thanks, Jardinera! Very nicely put, all of it -- and I agree with all your opinions. ;}

Kirby....Well, El going lickety split to Loving Leo would be too logical .According to telenovela law, the starcrossed lovers must be repeatedly torn apart as various and sundry people and circumstances get in their way. So, Crissy is going to be able to continue smirk and smart all over Leo, and El is going to get all jealous and turn to Fab for comfort and joy. Fern gets all jealous and nasty. Meanwhile , all the bad folks will keep on wheeling and dealing to get what they want . What do tney want ? Do we remember ? Do they remember ? Oh and power . Big wheel keeps on turning as we roll on the river.

Bob Seeger

Tina Turner


Actually ..Creedence Clearwater Revival first ..written by John Fogerty.

I agree that Eliesa needs to talk to Leo about all of this, but is that going to help any? He hasn't proven to be all that resourceful so far, and now he's recovering a nearly fatal injury. He might as well have been hit in the head, it's not like he's been using it too much lately.

Why is Eww keeping Sonia alive? Does he care so much about the baby possibly being his? He doesn't have a paternal bone in his body, he barely tolerates one son and despises the other, why would he care about an unborn child that might not even be his? Plot contrivance to keep Sonia alive enough time to testify?

Jardinera, lovely recap. Thank you for the good snark.

I don't know who is worst, the circus on all the news outlets or this fake one. Vicky is now in the bed with augys disgusting so-called
Bff, who bnb happens to be the one
Behind all the misery that they are
Having. Well most of it. Ya know actually all the crap he has done has brung out all the misery these folk were in in the first place.

Mario-"open your eyes for once, jl
Had only bern using you! Don't you
Realize it?" No mario she does not.
Or maybe she does and she's hoping it ain't so. The other woman tends
To close her mind to her conscience
When its screaming at her to get a
Clue about her married lover. I am
Not speaking from experience I've seen and heard stuff. I don't get the attraction for somebody elses hubby or wife. Nothing good comes of it. Maybe that's just me. But girl you can do better than that jl
There is no sexiness there. What is
The attraction? I don't care, maybe
She will get a clue before February
Ending. If shes not dead by then.

The brothers are still in cahoots against papi rug. I'm wondering if poodleboy is still sticking to the
Plan he and big brother hatched to
Bring daddy rug down. I think there
Is so much stuff that will come to light before February. Did not know
February was spelled with two "Rs".
I'm 63 and just seeing that. Wow.

Majo should try really hard to keep
Evil vicky from finding she's gonna
Be a grandma of ewgys grand spawn.
She might try to have her unbabied and sterilized. I don't think this woman want to be a granny, which is
Good for the kid. Remember that movie"the visit"when the grandkids go to visit grandma and grandpa and
Grandma trys to kill them? But it's not really granny she got posessed
By some evil something. Icky vicky
Ain't posessed she just evil to the
Tonight we find out where Sonia is.
Yaaah! That preview they showed last night, I want to see what led up to that,ya know? with fer runnin
From ewgy.

Thank you Jardinera, you keep ilus entertained girl.


Hey yall do you think empire maybe preempted tonight?
They tried to show soap operas but
They didn't get around to finishing
General hospital.
May not see it tonight.:(

Nina. Just flipped over to LooneyVision and they have the US Senate electors debate on. 30 minutes to go.

And since this just came up a few minutes ago, when the P---sys came back to work from hiding under the bed, the TV guide prolly will not reflect the schedule. I suppose we just have to tune in and see. Hope Sonia can hold out for another night.

Yeah we're done for tonight with this, so I'm gonna watch "captain marvel" on TNT on demanding.

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