Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Imperio de Mentiras #87, 02/2/21: Of Martyrdom, Male Egos And Manias


As realization hits Carlos, Leonardo, and Elisa that angelic young Leslie has breathed her last, tears flow non-stop. This corner of  Viewerville, being somewhat more practical during this adventure to Acapulco, is wondering how Carlos will explain to madre y padre where he has been and where he got the no-small-fortune to fly him and his ailing girlfriend there, dying wish or no.  

So, back in the D.F., in Maria Jose's hospital room, Majo is trying to get out of bed to race off with Dario to parts unknown, unseen by any of Mexico's Finest, which would necessarily include Leo and Posse as well as, regrettably, Christina. She may have gone over to The Dark Side, but she does know how to sniff 'em out.  (Perhaps when this novela ends she might consider joining the cast of Bounty Hunter.  Just a thought.....)  As it stands, Dario reminds Majo she's there for a reason and that she is ill and must stay till her doctor discharges her.  But, no, Majo insists there are cops outside the entrance and in the hallways--Keystone though they may be.  She believes they can escape unseen {while she hobbles I suppose) and hightail it across the border somewhere.  Just then Clara returns from her reconnaissance mission to inform Dario and Majo that these police are from the prison but are there for somebody else's needs, not tracking down Dario.

Majo's doctor enters and is surprised at the crowd there now, especially with Dario's presence.  (What? It's the suit, right? It's an off-the-rack, tacky looking jacket and a size or two too small.  Say, do we think that wardrobe actually was smart enough to have intended that?)  Sr. Doctor asks the others to leave because he's going to take out Majo's stitches.  Dario fudges and tells him he's her hubby and will want to stay.  Clara mugs along with Majo.  Sr. Doctor frowns and sighs loudly but we assume he continues with the de-stitching.

At the Candu and Done Did It, Renutty-nata is calmed by Sonia's abducted newborn she has in her arms.  Eugenio and Victoria retire to another room for a Big People chat.  Ewwy asks what's up with Vicki's attitude?  Vick-icky says she cannot help wondering if Ewwy's giving that baby to Ren has an ulterior motive behind it.  "--Pshaww!  What ulterior motive??? My only intention is making you happy; Renata's being controlled makes you happy, my love."  She suggests it's now time to see about getting hold of a notary.  The idea, we presume --and so does Ewwy-- is to go over the prenuptual agreements.  As soon as Majo is released to go home the wedding plans will be back on track, says Vic.  Ok.  Ewwy, somewhat stuttering, agrees he will do this in the next day or so.  

Hmm, maybe watching a hundred stitches being removed was too much for Dario and Clara. They eventually leave the room and sneak behind a hall corner,  tippy-toeing so that the policemen at the other end of the hall don't realize they're there.  Clara and Dario start bickering.  so much for incognitos.....  Clara tells Dario what she really thinks of him:  he's nothing but a selfish prick coming there and bringing the possibility of a manhunt to the hospital and into Majo's sick-room.  He wonder's what's happened to the mousey side-kick/companion.  Clara admits she's in love with his girlfriend.  Dario takes it royally.  Oh, she's jealous of him?  How cute!  Clara speaks to him like any love-lorn male suitor might. (Say, this could even have been a speech written for Messy Mario, come to think of it.  Why no interesting 2nd male presence like in most novelas?  We get a shlub like Mario and a gay girl this time around.   Not my idea of threatening 2nd love interest. Too last century, I suppose.) She fairly yells at him to get out of Majo's life, already!. "--You cause her nothing but hurt and harm!"   Dario grabs her arm and shushes her..  A policeman who happens by and overhears the hustle-hassle asks what he's going on there.  He and she are caught and speechless.  (Thanks a bunch, Clara.)

Some quick thinking on Dario's part has the cop believing that they're just  a couple of adult siblings arguing like a couple of grade-school brats and it got out of hand.  Clara says that yes, this man is her brother.  The cop leaves.  Clara asks why Dario's there.  He has plans to avenge
Fetus Darjo's death and Mama Piedad's paralizing beatings both caused by Papi Eu.  Well, says Clara, it's painful having lost the baby, and Majo's so in love with him.  So, if he cannot get his act together and make something of his life then he's better off leaving Majo alone!  (Neither I nor Dario are taking this young woman's bleating and barking seriously.)

Across town, Theresa gets the bad news that Leslie is gone.  She relays this to Sarah and they share a tearful, heart-breaking cry.  Leo now is back in the hotel room with El.  Bleary-eyed, he flashes back to the last few months and now, hours, that he and she and then Carlos shared with his angel of a dead niece.  El tries comforting him with words of his emotional strength and faith that will get him over this hump eventually.  FF>>FF>>

Clara has gotten word of her BFF's death by now and Majo sympathizes with her.  Yes, she has no more family, per se, but she will have their friendship--as long as Carla realizes it is just that and nothing more.  Clara admits she's well aware of the line she shouldn't think to ever cross.  (I'm sorry.  Is this supposed to be the equivalent of let's just be friends?  I am just not feeling it.  Please send the plot developers and C team of writers back to school.  This time make certain they actually graduated from writing school.)

Adriana and Messy Mario discuss her having set up a dragnet around the hospital and Piedad's place.  Dario's likely to end up in one of those two places. Mario is certain that Dario had help escaping.   What's wrong, now, though is that she cannot help but think that Jose Luis was acting weird and not just because of his daughter's final phone call.  Mario suggests it could be that he was in on Dario's great escape.  Suddenly, through the huge glass wall, who should be arriving but Fernanda, fresh from giving her statement accusing Fabricio of attempted kidnapping and murder. But, did she also include Ewwy in that report?

Back in Majo's hospital room, Clara tries convincing  Majo that Dario's up to no good--only out for veneance, which always includes murder and mayhem.  Wasn't what happened at Leo's a few days back enough to make her see reason?  Oh, but Dario was not part of that!  But Clara insists he was a part of her sister's and Majo's father's murders!  That should be enough to convince Majo to leave him once and for all.  Majo yells at Clara to shut up and just get lost!  Leave, already!  Clara has sense enough to leave for a bit.  She returns and says it's only because she's in love with Majo that she's so emotional.  Majo accepts the apology and they hug.  Besties all over again.

Back at los Cantu Won't Never Do, Ren has summoned Mauricio.  He is charmed by the little baby but he realizes from Ren's past "slip-ups about where the baby came from and how she is in possession of him now" that something illegal is afoot.   She keeps worrying that someone will take "her" baby from her.  Mau suggests that if she actually adopted him, it should be fine.  (Guess they have no birth-mother's ex post facto rights laws across the border....)  

The wake takes place and all Leslie, Terry, Sarah and Leonardo's friends and family are there.  El and Leo say Adios.  Clara cries in Leo's arms.  She tells him that with Leslie and Majo gone, she doesn't know how much longer she will last.  What. does she mean???  Why, Majo means to escape with Dario!  He escaped from jail and was with Majo at the hospital just a while ago.  Yes, the idea is to run but he means to kill Ewwy first.

Late that night Fern is awakened by somebody entering her apartment.  Who could it be?  Is she just having a nightmare?  Well, no and yes.  Dario has picked the new lock apparently and gotten inside her place.  She sees the entrant and then we see a suited man placing his hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming.

JL is in the showers when who should appear to peak over and through the bars of the male showers but Twerky Smirky Chrissy The Crimestopper.  She stutters at first giving him her condolences.  She says she knows JL helped Dario to escape and wants to know where he's holding up.  JL tells her she's [still] a cop; "--Go do your job."  As in invessssstigate. They've got men around Piedad's, but not in Majo's hospital room.  JL admits he's escaped to kill his "bossman."  (That's bad guy code for Eugenio Serrano.)  So, she wants to know where Deathstart Dario is, what his intentions are, and who is helping him.  JL's not about to help her with anything.  "--We had a deal, remember?"  "--Come on, Christina!  Making a deal with you is like making deals with drunks.  The next day nobody remembers a thing.  You'll betray me the first chance you get.  You can't help it.  It's part of your nature. Your'e a damned traitorous witch." Well, she warns him that if he doesn't help and she goes to the bossman, Sarah will be the first to pay the consequences. JL has had enough and decides to give her a taste of her own medicine.  He comes out from the shower wall ala naturel which is enough to cause her a very visible bit of throw-up in her mouth.  (Adriana she is not.)  "--I have a message for your bossman, Little Miss Errand Girl.  If I got Dario out of here I can just as easily get myself out of here.  So, if he touches a hair of my mother's I will torture him until he begs...till he pleads in between screams of anguish for me to kill him. Tell him  that." 

Dario now calls Fabricio at the office on Fern's phone to let him know he's escaped and is on a personal errand of deathly vengeance.  Daddy and Baby Bro are in his sights. "--Run if you want to live."  Click.  Ruh-Roh!  (And Fab was just beginning to perfect his new Bad Guy Mafioso image, too.).  

Dario let's Fern in on the secret.  He reminds her that she once asked him to kill Fab for her.  She should be pleased now.  Fern is too impactada to do more than effect a wide-eyed wince.  

Fab swallows hard as he quickly speed dials Papi.  Ewwy answers. Panic in his voice, Fab relays that Dario just called and threatened the both of them. "-- He's escaped from jail and is coming to kill us both!" 

Back at Leslie's wake, Mario, always the worse for wear, shows up to give Leo the update on the search for Dario Ramirez. Security cameras are everywhere the guy might be or head for.  Leo reminds him that they've got to catch the dude before all Hell breaks loose.  Better keep watch on Christina, Eugenio and Fabricio cuz it'll concern them as well.  "--We cannot let the bastard escape.  He plans to run away with keep close watch on her also."  They now have cameras there at the hospital as well.  Mario also reports that Clara was with Dario and Majo at the hospital.  Leo says Clara had mentioned that to him a bit ago.  Mario then states that Fernanda has filed a complaint against Fabricio.  They also got hold of the lawyer who helped Dario escape and arrested him. --Wait, I thought Mario was the Fiscalia now.  What am I missing?  Leo is giving Mr. Fiscalia instructions?

In the meantime, Ewwy has rushed to Grupo Cantu to calm Fab down.  Fab is ready to run fast and far.  Ewwy tells him not to be so antsy.  He will put men around to protect him.  (If it's more like the gang who couldn't shoot straight, I'd start packing my bags, Fabby Boy.)  Seems Fab might be thinking the same thing.  Thanks but no thanks, Pops.  Just then they see cops in the front office through more of those ever-popular huge glass tell-all walls.  Yup.  Adri and the uniforms are there; she informs Fab that he's now under arrest for kidnapping.  Ewwy starts to object loudly.  Adri interjects even more loudly.  Ewwy needs to shut his pie hole cuz she's got the court order in her hot little hands.  "--Be aware that the next one will be for you!"  Fab breaks in and insists he didn't break the law;  he's the boy's father afterall.  She reminds him that he is not allowed to take the boy without the mother's permission.  "--Papi, save me from jail!!  Papa!"  

At the same time, Mau has aparrently made an emergency call to El.  When she arrives he tells her he's got to speak with her before she goes into speak with her sister.  "--I believe she's committing a serious crime."  El says she's not in the mood for another one of his wild conspiracies.  He insists he's under psychiatric treatment but that doesn't mean he's insane, nor that he doesn't know what he's talking about.  "--Renatta is commiting a crime.  She's stealing a baby."  "--What???"  He nods. "-- It's Sonia's baby, and Renatta knows it."  "--!No puede ser!"  "--And I'll tell you something more.  Her mother knows it also."  

Ok.  El wants to know where he got all this from.  Mau tells her that Ren confessed this to him quite a while ago and that her mother and uncle were giving her this child.  A while back, El reminds him, he told her that her mother and uncle were the cause of Ren's abortion; now he's telling her that they were stealing Sonia's child and giving it to her sister.  El, totally at her wits' end, complains this is total lunacy.  "--Bingo!" he replies.  "--That's exactly what I told her!  But your sister doesn't want to understand."  "--What you're telling me is a serious crime.  It will get Ren into a huge amount of trouble if anyone not in the family hears about this.  The proceedings...the's all totally legal."  "--NO! NOOOOOOOOO!  The baby is stolen.  What I'm telling you is completely true!  I fear you don't believe me.  Renata was so sad about the loss of her child, the abortion. she asked me to help her look  into it and find proof.  She was going to report them to the police.  Then later she changed her mind and told me it was all a lie."  

El reminds Mau she read the doctor's report.  He disagrees and insists that was a falsified report.  The original report that he got a chance to see said Ren's baby was alive. "-- Her mother and uncle offered her Sonia's shut her up and keep her from reporting them to the police.  Now Ren feels this is divine justice since it is supposedly Marcelo's child.  I know it sounds totally insane but there's nobody crazy here.  Here there exists only very depraved, wicked people, beginning with your mother and uncle."  El begins to say that if what he's saying is true...--It IS true he yells back.  "--It is Sonia's baby.  You can prove it yourself. I assure you of this." 

Back at Grupo I Can Do Anything To You, Ewwy's lawyer has been summoned.  He tells the lawyer to do whatever is necessary and pay as much as he needs to, but he wants Fernanda in jail and he wants that boy back.  The lawyer insists it will be extremely difficult since the kid was registered as hers alone.  They can demand a DNA test.  They can also try for custody.  Ewwy's all for falsifying whatever just so "that protitute" ends up behind bars and legally no longer has custody.  Once the lawyer leaves, Ewwy calls Christina.  He tells her to make certain that nobody mistreats his son while he's in jail.  Then she's to go after Dario and do what needs to be done.  

Back at the Can't Do That manse, El holds the new baby and tries chatting it up with Renutty.  "--Which orphanage did you find this child in, Renata?" Ren starts crying and gets up to leave the room.  Ren's crying because she feels useless as a new mother.  El tells her that all mothers of preemies feel the same way.  Perhaps I cannot be a mother because I am not well.  El says don't think like that.  She shows Ren how to give the baby milk and act calmly around it.  Note that her question goes unanswered.  

Meanwhile in Majo's room, Vicki is suffering hotflashes and gripes at the nurse to start the airconditiong.....Majo complains that Mama hasn't been around much at all, let alone by her side.  She can leave if she woul rather.  Vicki says not at all, she's fine and of course wants to be with Majo.  "--Blackmailing me again?"   Nope, answers Majo.  "--Soon I won't be around anymore.  I'm being discharged tomorrow and will no longer be a problem.  You can deal with all your other obligations once again."  Vicki's phone rings at that moment.  It's Ewwy. "--If Majo's there, don't say a word, but the fact is that Dario escaped from jail.  He's certain to come there and the police are going to find out."  Vicki pretty much tells him to take care of the police and hangs up.  Vicki tells Majo that it was her uncle and he sends his love and greetings.  She sneers back that she's overjoyed that he should take the time to do so.  Majo then yells at her mother not to touch her while she tries getting up and going to the bathroom on her own.  

Dario's stuffing his mouth and telling Fern he'll be gone shortly.  She tells him he doesn't yet know that Fab will be in jail now because she accused him of kidnapping.  Dario figures he'll be out in no time.  Papi will see to that.  Then the fun begins, right?  Ewwy always preferred him says Fern.  Dario and she goes on about that for a bit.  Dario tells her that Eugenio killed his baby when he ordered his men to kill Leo.  So now he's going to kill Ewwy.....  


Thanks for this complete and delightfully snarky recap, Jardinera! I have missed these recaps but have been following the novela (crazy as it is)! Thank you to all the recappers!

Thank you, Jardinera, I loved the recap and I also liked the episode. I was on the edge of my seat when Mau was talking with Elisa, afraid that she won't listen to him. Thankfully, this is ultimos capitulos, if the good guys don't get smart now, then when?

The people still waiting for Dario to show up at Majo's hospital surely don't know him. That was his FIRST stop, idiots! That's why he's always one step ahead of you all. Let's see if he's the one to finish off Eww... one can only wish. Majo is delusional to thinks she'll be able to sneak into the sunset with Dario... but not as delusional as Renata. Enough said! Having a preemie in the care of a loony... poor child, he'd be better of being raised by wolves... actual wolves, I mean.

As I look at Leo and Co "solving" these crimes around them, I can't help but wonder: would they ever figure out anything if the bad guys didn't turn against one another? eww turned on JL to save himself. Dario, had he acted with caution and not in the heat of passion, would have been free. Fab is behind bars only because Fer talked. So what did the police do in the meantime? Search for Sonia? LOL

Adriana: As far as I'm concerned, Sonia is DEAD! Nobody will search for her.

Kirby: Clara still in love with Majo ? LOL 🤣

UA: The suspect list on who whacked Daddy Cantu & Julia keeps growing.


Jardinera, this was wonderful.

"los Cantu Won't Never Do", "Mario, always the worse for wear" and "twerky Smirky Chrissy The Crimestopper" were among many favorites.

“Ren's crying because she feels useless as a new mother”. Really?? Not having the slightest idea how to hold, handle or take care of it, my God, she didn’t even know how to put the bottle in the baby’s mouth! ELISA “shows Ren how to give the baby milk and act calmly around it”. What alternate universe is this?

“He insists he's under psychiatric treatment but that doesn't mean he's insane, nor that he doesn't know what he's talking about”. Our unsung hero’s words fall on deaf ears. It’s completely understandable that the baby was legitimately adopted by a woman who is deranged with grief and unable to take care of herself let alone any other human being.

I can’t say clothes make the man, but even Dario's "ill fitted off-the-rack, tacky looking jacket" looked pretty good. When his eyes aren't blazing with fury, Dario is really good looking. You are so right Adriana, he is always one step ahead of everyone else.

"Vick-icky says she cannot help wondering if Ewwy's giving that baby to Ren has an ulterior motive behind It". Huh? Stupidity is catching.

I hope there are heinous endings for Eugenio, Vicky and Chris.

The devil is in the details. Except here, where it's threaded throughout the prickly fabric of this tale,

Jardinera, thank you!



Gracias, Jardinera. You caught it all.

Mauricio is very fast on the uptake. I'm annoyed that we didn't get more backstory on him but I suspect that he was victimized in a manner similar to Renata and spent a lot of time on psych meds that have messed him up. He's not completely well, but he looks like he has a good chance for that. I'm sure his money was stolen so he may have little chance of recovering it.

JL has nothing to lose now. If he is the one to ultimately take out the preying mantis, that's alright with me although I'd rather see her end up in the manicomio for what she does to people's minds. That is the most appropriate fate for her.

Thank You Jardinera. Wow the wacky just keeps on wacking. Seeing stupid shit ReNUTTY with the little one was bad enough, but then when the last candidate for Mother of the year, E-Lies-a bests her handily is telling. When crazy guy Mau from the looney bin thinks she is cray cray, Ren really is beyond repair. Poor thing is ready for recycling.

But the REAL criminals here are Vic-ious and Ewww for stealing poor Sonia's baby and giving it to ReNutty like giving an energetic puppy a chew toy. Hell does have a back room for those types, si?

Ya know, maybe Majo and Dar could actually run away. If what we have seen thus far for Law Enforcement is representative of all the Latino world, they should be fine if they move a few blocks away. Just meet PieDad at WalMart or somewhere to let her see the grandkids, etc. Don't go to her house, and don't visit Vic and Ewww in prison.

Thank you all for loyally returning to read the stuff I end up throwing willy nilly onto this drawing board. As usual, this rendition of the terrific original has been so twisted out of shape I cringe anymore with each remaining episodio. Your comments are on target as usual and extremely entertaining. I gotta agree, it would be a wonderful anvil of fortune to see Chrissy Crimestopper heading to the manicomio --totally divine justice. As for Mau, I hope he gets off meds, finds another gal to fall for, and joins the real world once more. He deserves it as his own sort of divine intervention for saving Sonia's baby from a fate worse than death. I couldn't bear to see Renuntty smothering that child in the middle of one of her mental fits. She needs to be returned to a real treatment center and kept on her meds via drips indefinitely. Geeeesus she makes me cringe. And, please don't let her anywhere near any babies! Mama and Ewwy are just plain criminals. Throw ol' JL in there as well. Socio and Psychopaths that got no place taking up oxygen. Dario may well hide behind the inevitable that devil made me do it.

Oh, but once this disaster ends, do look on Netflix or online at YouTube to find any number of great Turkish novelas. Some only have Spanish dubbing, but many more now have the English. The Mexican actors who dub in Spanish are wonderful and some are voices we recognize. The original for this was much more a dramedy and a wonderful love story. Black Money Love. Acting is great and the romantic couples are terrific.

Jardinera , thank you for going above and beyond the call of duty to recap this study in futility . It reminds me of my endless, fruitless attempts to get an appointment for the vaccine ....the angst goes on and on with no relief.

Watching Ren clutch that poor , tiny , swaddled up baby was cringeworthy. As the old saying goes , " Be careful what you wish for . " Susana Gonzales must have gone home exhausted each day from the intensity of those scenes.

WOW...Crissy literally pops up everywhere ...the shower in the prison...really ? The guy IN The shower behind JL just kept shampooing and rinsing his hair . I liked when JL stepped out to speak with her face to face .....

Well, driveway still not plowed .

Susanlynn: "Crissy literally pops up everywhere ...the shower in the prison...really? The guy IN The shower behind JL just kept shampooing and rinsing his hair "
LOL, maybe Cris shows up like this all the time and the guy is used to her? :))

OT SusanLynn, yes winter sucks. Too cold to take the boat out today. Jet Skis...forget it. Motorcycle, maybe, but with a heavy leather jacket. UFF ! Why bother just take the car.

And CrisEvil pops up EVERY---Where. Like I asked many of this she-devil are there anyway? A is at the precinct watching Mario, while B is showering with JL and C is skulking around following Leo.

Adriana, crissy now seems to be the messenger girl delivering threats between JL and Eww. Dario has vowed to make See pay ever since the beginning of this show. The good guys are all just doing spinning their wheels, so whichever guy will take out another bad guy . Dario and JL both have it in for Eww .Chrissy keeps pushing JL's buttons , and JL seems to have nothing g for now that Leslieis gone , so he is dangerous to the evil ones. Leo seems to be in a different show at this point as he and his family grieve the loss of Leslie.

I look forward to a shower every morning . Now I am going to have to wonder if Chrissy will be standing there on the bathmat when I step out . I think I hate her the most of all the evil ones. She seems to take such pleasure in terrorizing everyone ..and that arrogant smirk. Ugh so, who is going to take down whom? Lots of talk, but no action .


Susanlynn "and JL seems to have nothing to live for now that Leslie is gone, so he is dangerous to the evil ones."
Yessiree, maybe the most dangerous one of them all now that he is not afraid of death.

"Leo seems to be in a different show at this point as he and his family grieve the loss of Leslie."

Exactly, should have been a separate show. I am soooo sick of him and El mooning over each other. Maybe if they could have a threesome with Fab they would all be happy. Get a life you losers.

It seems like no matter who does what or who is arrested or in prison, as long as Ewww is not in Solitary in handcuffs with Duct Tape over his mouth and blindfolded, he can just get them out or have them locked up almost on a whim.

Kirby: Yep. Ewwy is the Puppet Master. Susanlynn: Hang in there for the next one of these. A couple of our earlier favorites play choice roles. Don't slip on that bath mat either! Freezing down here and this is supposed to be zone 10, aka semi tropical! Tell that to my succulents! I've been down her 11 yrs. now and don't remember as cold or long lasting chill zone timeline called "winter" down here. Usually we get 2 days or a max of a week of chill and then it all goes back to normal. Palms and gators stay happy.

Jardinera, whenever I see your name,I think of your conversations with Dr Carlos. Do you remember him advising me to get one of those anti- seasick patches but cautioning me not to put one behind each ear as one of his patients did! Captain Sylvia Sharkbait also gave me lots of advice before our first cruise .

I am hanging in until the end . I just can't see any of these do-nothing good guys doing anything to stop the madness. My money is on JL and Dario on dealing out justice for Eww, Ick, Crissy, and Crybaby Fab.


Let's not forget that at least some part of the shooting was affected by Covid and some of the actors caught it. Had that not been the case we might have gotten more of what the title credits gave us.

Jardinera, thank you!
During the scenes with Mau, Elisa and Renata, I kept thinking why doesn’t anyone go to the prison to talk to Sonia?! In 2 seconds they’d discover that her baby was taken from her.

" Dario now calls Fab"....this guy just does not comprehend the importance of the element of surprise when wanting to kill someone. he's like a Bond villain . He loves to tell his victims his plans . Idiot .

Thanks Jardinera!

There were times in previous episodes where viewerville was made to think that Renata was not all there but then when she’d open her mouth she’d actually make sense. I don’t think that’s the case with her anymore but definitely is with Mauricio. He has seen and heard a lot. I hope Elisa believes him.

The ubiquitous Cristina. Ever since Leo told Elisa about his history with Cristina and how she came to be obsessed with him I’ve always been creeped out by her but in this episode she reached a new level of creepy. The prison showers? Really?

I almost find Dario to be pretty smart but certainly unpredictable. See if these stealth moves get him anywhere. I still wouldn’t underestimate Eugenio.

I would’ve liked to see a scene with Sonia back in prison wondering about her baby in this episode but it’s certainly possible that could happen soon if not in tonight’s episode.

Boy it would be something if smirking assed Cris is actually the extra double secret undercover agent and her cray cray antics have just been a very very good act all along.

It is actually almost plausible. Well, in this show, completely do-able.

Sonia is just a wet dishrag. No resolve, no plan, no brain, no backbone, no principals. Most Moms would fight and claw like a grissly bear for their child. Not Sonia. A few obligatory tears and she is ready for Ewww or whoever to send her wherever. Before that child was born she should have been on a different planet. She had a bountious excess of chances to escape and sat on her pretty ass and moped and cried.

I don't see Christina as anything but a sadistic bitch whose greatest pleasure is to mess with others' mental health. If she were truly undercover she would be acting contrary to best practices.

Leo should have reported her back in the day and gotten her licenses revoked. She is as evil as Victoria, or more so because she has a License to Kill as well as to gaslight. Maybe those two should have a cage match.

Majo needs a shrink, too. Big time. They should ind the first one who treated Eladio of PyP.

I can't imagine sadistic Crazycrissy as the undercover cop , but unless it is one of Eww ' s underlings or lawyers , none of whom we have really met in any substantial way, who could it be ? Dario? That ship sailed a long time ago. At the very beginning , several people thought this might be a possibility . Some even thought Tapped out Tapioca or JLow might be undercover .

Urban. OMG I had forgotten about Eladio's shrink in Passion and Power, another Susana Gonzales show.

Urban: "she has a License to Kill as well as to gaslight. Maybe those two should have a cage match" ITA and LOLOL!
Susanlynn: Chrissie is too busy trying to be the under-the-covers cop to be an undercover op..... And yes, I do remember and miss ol' Dr. onboard Carlos. QEPD.

TF--I wonder if Dario truly has the killing genes in him, myself. All hat and no cattle.
Two ...Cats. Glad you're back for the fin.

Fe: I wish I'd thought of that! You must get yourself a foil beanie like the rest of us have and then you wouldn't think of such sensible things!


Ha!Ha! I’ve already worn out several beanies watching this telenovela. Guess I need another one! Gracias.

Jardinera what a snarke fest this is.
I laughed at the new names for the
The family that cant do nothing at all right. "Can't do and done did it, Cantu wont never do, I can do anything to you, Can't do that". This fits them perfectly.

Now what the hell is wrong with El?
Why cant she see what a lying bitch
Mama is? She dont believe nothin.

I can stand fabidoodoo. I'd love to see him in prison squirming with
Fear like the little spoiled piss
Head he is. Yeah put his intitled
Ass in prison.

Do yall think El believed maurico?
Cuz I sure as hell did. The man is very lucid, he ain't crazy cray.Not
Like renuty at all. Poor girl. She is in no condition to be nobody's
I really want sonia to get her baby
This show is so freaking Brian blow
-ing(that's thebes bbn I can think of to describe it. 3 more nights of
Excruciating cantu, can't do you do, Don't want to do. Which means they will pack a whole lot of who
Done dat into this Mind boggle of a

The smirk is slowly ugh being wiped off of crazycristy's face. Jl wont
Let her get to him. He sauntered out of that shower in all his glory
And told her to tell ewgy where to put his threats. The smirk ran away
We are gonna beanies for the next 3
Nights of this train wreck.

Ok I've been hearing this through
Out this story. What the hell did
renata see or hear these two evil
People do that they have to control renata? And They have been saying stuff that before the forced abortion and sterilization. Some bad stuff has gone bkn on in that family way back when renata was a kid. Her mom evil icky-vicky found the need to keep her doped up so she would appear as being unstable.
They most have done some stuff way before the story started the night of the Galleria celebration. A lot of stuff will come in 3 nights.

Thank you Jardinera.


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