Monday, February 01, 2021

Imperio de Mentiras Lunes 2/2/21, Chapter 86: The Long Goodbye

Dear Readers: One life ends and another begins... in the same hellhole. As our tale winds down we still don't know who will survive. – Velma, secretary to Mr Hammett

Adriana took Fernanda into the interrogation room, saying that someone would shortly be there to take her statement. Fernanda was afraid that Fabricio would try to take her son away. She said that the money was Juanito's. Adriana told her that her only chance – her last one now – was to denounce Eugenio. The police could do nothing if she did not.

Neither Leo nor Elisa had slept the night before. Leo said that Leslie's face appeared before him every time he shut his eyes. He could not get over the injustice of death coming to someone as young as his niece. Elisa said nothing, but looked as though she understood perfectly.

José Luis and Dario discussed the Great Escape. Dario was to follow all instructions until he was out of the facility when he would be taken to Majo. Alejandro – Dario's guard-accomplice – came in and told him his lawyer was waiting to see him. Dario said he didn't have one but José Luis said it was part of the plan. Alejandro expected his payment and José Luis said he would get his share. They went out to the meeting.

Carlos and Leslie held hands as he explained about calling her family. He assured her they were not angry with her. They kissed. Leo and Elisa arrived to check up on her. They ordered a huge breakfast for her and Carlos. She told them she had dreamed about her father being free. She also said she loved them and would miss them. Carlos watched sadly as Elisa half-hugged her and she smiled at Leo.

Sonia's doctor walked down the corridor with Eugenio, telling im that the baby's condition is stable and that he will be alright. He said that the baby would be in his mother's room and was shocked when Eugenio said that the baby was not to be with her. The doctor said that it was essential that the baby be nursed by his mother in the first days of life, but Eugenio told him that this was not to be and that was an order. The doctor said this was a violation of medical ethics. Eugenio got in his face and said “The baby stays here, whatever your price is.”

Leo spoke with Adriana, telling her that Leslie was not well. The doctors had to increase the morphine dosage to stave off the pain. He asked if she could help to get José Luis on the phone to talk to Leslie, explaining that the doctors did not know how much time she had left. She said she would help; she was just about to leave to go to the prison.

Sonia looked into the nursery at her baby and asked the nurse to get him for her. She tried to get out of this, but eventually agreed.

The “lawyer” told Dario that this was to happen in an hour, as it would be the busiest time for lawyer visits for the inmates. He was to escape through the parking lot; the man he was to meet would recognize him. Alejandro left as Dario changed clothes with his “lawyer.”

More of the same conflict between Victoria and Renata over Sonia and the baby. Renata finally said that she thought something had gone wrong but did not know what. She was sure that her sisters opposed this. Victoria said she would help her; she was not to worry. Sonia would be in prison. She said they should go to the hospital to see the baby. She swore she would defend her and the child.

Teresa and Sara set up a smartphone to have a video call with Leslie. The women told her that they were worried about her and she told them not to. This began with smiles but ended with tears. Although none of them said anything about it they all knew that this could be the last time they saw each other. Both mother and grandmother cried immediately as the call ended.

José Luis saw Dario out in his disguise just as Adriana arrived to talk to him. Dario walked out, showing a business card to another guard.

Sonia was in the nursery holding her son when the preying mantis arrived with a quartet of underlings. She knocked on the glass to get Sonia's attention.

Fabricio let himself into Fernanda's apartment. She had not transferred the $10 million and she refused to, saying it was for Juanito. He signaled his accomplice who chased Fernanda, caught her easily, and brought her back toward the entrance, telling her she will do as he says.

Adriana explained why she had come to see him and José Luis became understandably agitated. He asked Alejandro to arrange for him to call Leslie.

A doctor told Clara that Majo was getting better and should be able to leave the hosptal in a few days. He walked away and she went down the corridor toward her room. Dario came up from behind and asked for Majo's room number. She stared at him as if to determine what he was up to, then told him it was the room behind him. He looked up and made her remain as a lookout. She was to obey or else. He went inside, closing the doot behind him.

Alejandro showed José Luis and Adriana to an empty room in the infirmary but they could not reach Leo. José Luis said to keep trying as an alarm sounded. Alejandro came back, telling José Luis he needed to get back to his cell immediately; the alarm was to alert about an escapee, Dario Ramirez.

Elisa and Carlos watched as Leo led his niece toward the water's edge. She had a faraway look as she felt the breeze. Carlos and Elisa looked at each other and said nothing. Both knew that this was going to be her only experience of the sea. She smiled as she felt the water hit her feet.

As Fabricio's henchman tried to force Fernanda to transfer the money at gunpoint,

Dario woke Majo saying he had come for her. She told him this was madness because they must be looking for him. She told him that his father was responsible for the loss of their baby. That he was also responsible for the death of Leo's fiancée. Dario swore that Eugenio would pay and Majo told him to let Leo take care of that. Dario asked “the last thing I will ask of you in this life”, to trust him and him alone.

Fabricio's henchman pulled back the trigger mechanism and ordered Fernanda once more to transfer the money or her brains would be all over the place. She cowered, then somehow saw Mario enter the apartment, pistol in hand. He had a whole team with him and there was a brief standoff. Mario got behind the henchman and put his pistol near his head.

This enabled the others to disarm and cuff him. Fernanda was frozen in fright and incoherence. Mario kept telling her to calm down, finally telling her that this can't be over unless she denounces Eugenio and Fabricio. She asked about Sonia and he told her what happened. Fernanda said that Fabricio wanted to take her son away.

Leslie asked Leo to take care of her mother, his mother, and himself. He smiled for her benefit, then Elisa approached and did the same. Leslie said that when she goes she wanted to be a star to watch over them. Elisa kissed her hand and Leslie thanked her.

Renata arrived at the nursery and noticed that “her” baby was missing. She told the nurse, the same one that allowed Sonia into the nursery. She told Renata that there was no baby in that particular incubator. Victoria tried to stop Renata from calling attention to them, but Renata said that this was her baby. The nurse told them that the mother of that baby was taken by police to the woman's prison.

Leslie told Leo to take care of Elisa “because I can see she is the love of your life.” Leo promised he would. She looked about to collapse., then composed herself and called Carlos. They kissed. Leo and Elisa cried as they watched them walking out into the tide.

Renata lost her composure, demanding to know where the baby was. Victoria clenched her teeth as she tried to get Renata to stop embarrassing her as the nurse said she would have to call security. Renata sat down and Victoria explained to the nurse that Renata had wanted to adopt Sonia's baby. She asked what happened and the nurse said she was forbidden to give out any information and Victoria would have to talk to the clinic's director. Renata got up as the nurse walked away and Victoria stopped her as the nurse said she was calling security. Victoria then got in Renata's face, asking her if she wanted to go to prison. Finally she told her to get her purse and calm down. She may have, for a moment.

Leo and Elisa watched Leslie and Carlos in the surf. A strong wave suddenly knocked Leslie down. Carlos caught her before she went underwater. He carried her to shore and handed her to Leo, who laid her down on the sand. They each called her name, telling her to wake up.

The alarm was still ringing. Adriana told Alejandro she would take charge of José Luis. He told her that it was her responsibility if anything went wrong. Alejandro left the room. José Luis thanked Adriana and asked her to try calling again.

Sonia's doctor handed the baby over to Eugenio, giving condolences on Sonia's situation. He then told him he would have the paperwork ready shortly. He sat down and the preying mantis asked what he planned to do. He said that he was going to give the baby to Renata but was no longer so inclined. Christina told him to be careful because things were getting very complicated. Renata will spin out of control and tell the world what he had done. There were too many open situations as well. He reminded her that she had not completed her promise either. She was to turn Leo in to him. Alive.

Several cops appeared in the hospital corridor. Clara tried to remain calm. Majo tried to convince Dario to leave the retribution to Leo so he would not end up in prison again. She brought up the idea of them going away together and starting over. Clara walked in and told him there were police in the hospital. He asked how they knew he was there; she didn't know.

Leslie opened her eyes and she asked forgiveness for making them worry. She told Leo she needed to talk to her father to say goodbye. He called Adriana and got her this time. She passed the phone to José Luis who thanked Leo for what he's done.

Leo then gave Leslie his phone and walked away to give her privacy on the call. She told him she loved him, he said he loved her and asked her to forgive him. She told him she saw the sea and it was beautiful. He told her he loved her. When she said nothing, he knew those were the last words she ever heard. He hand dropped at her side as Leo turned around and realized she had just died.

Both men cried.

Eugenio listened to Christina. He handed over the baby to Renata. Victoria pretended to be pleased.


This was a difficult episode, amigos. RIP, Leslie, who had more courage than most of the other characters in this story.

Thank you, Urban, this was indeed hard to watch, I kept looking at the time stamp to see when it will be over. Still don't get why Teresa didn't go instead of Elisa, she should have been on that beach with her daughter.

Dario is out of prison and Majo tells him they can both run away together? Being a fugitive is of no concern to this little princess, apparently.

Renata will finally have her baby, I guess. She is so deranged, she never even stopped to think about what this might do to Sonia. And speaking of, what will keep poor Sonia alive now?

Thank You Urban. Urban and Adriana, yes there was more umph in this one episode with Leslie than the whole rest of this show. Brave little Leslie faced her inevitable end with courage and grace. She completed her few minor last wishes, said goodbye to her loved ones and accepted her end. Through no fault of her own her young life ended after it had hardly started, and her story cast a huge shadow over the petty lives of the others in this story. Bless her little heart. To make it worse, her story was far more realistic and believable than all the other nonsense we have sat through here.

So ole Dar cleans up a bit, puts SOMETHING on that wild hair and walks right out? But..but ..but we STILL have somebody in jail who does not want to be there. Exact same size lawyer is left there with no easy explanation of why now! I suppose we will be expected to accept whatever ploy they pitch to us at this late stage.

Oh my. ReNUTTY finally gets her contraband baby. She is waaaay too cray cray to have a bay bay. She should not be trusted with caring for a frigging cactus. Not that he had a lot of say in it, but little McNutty didn't have a lot of palatable choices, ReNutty, Satan Bad Hair and Vic-ious, or CDMX's most maligned woman Sonia. Poor kid. Poor Sonia is back in prison now, right, so she might be a tad safer than running loose covered in bullseyes.

So they prolly noticed pretty soon that they had an uneeded attorney and did NOT have Dario. So where would they look for him first? Toys-R-Us? Local Billiards Hall? Soup Kitchen? Wherever his Girlfriend is? BINGO ! Where does genius go? You got it.

Adriana: RIP Leslie 😔

UA: I still expect Sonia to get whacked this week.

Kirby: Dario needs to find a way to get out of the hospital.

One other thing, Tere stray strand should give Master CarlosNotSinger one of those boxes of money just because. He knew what he was signing up for and accompanied Leslie on her short journey as a true friend and lover. More of that whatever inside that it takes to be a real man than ANY of the other people in this mess.

Steve maybe he will now just steal a lab coat, stethoscope and a clipboard, and walk out of there too. Worked once.

Urban: Thank you for a truly faithful rendering of this episodio. Your screen shots and captions are always marvelous and an obvious work of love. I thought the title was extremely apropos; I would have been rather more irreverent with it, however. I actually considered this the "overly" long goodbye. I kept looking at the clock wondering when it would be over. By the time it did end Leslie might as well have been martyred and sainted--or probably Carlos should have been. JMO. Sorry, I know others loved this character but Leslie simply was never one of my favorites. At any rate, you have done yeoman's work on this novela and my hat is off to you, along with the other recappers working alongside me on this team. You all have contributed to a lot of much-needed giggle-time and much provocation of thought. It was like "old times" around here, truly. Thanks, Amiga! Hope we're able to work on another recapping team in the near future.....

For prime time I will wait for something new from favorites of mine be they actors or producers. I personally find this one exhausting because of its pacing and constant U-turns.

This episode's "scenes" only averaged one minute each. I find this more annoying than even the most illogical plot twists. My concern is that the opening title sequence could be misleading us as to the ending. That would not be the first time Televisa does this to an audience and this producer likes downbeat or ambiguous endings.

I will be contributing to the updates on QT in daytime for now. I have been missing the architectural and set designs of novelas past.

Thanks, Urban.

Agree with everyone that this episode was truly heart-wrenching. Yes, a bit long but I think it merited the time spent with the good-byes. I can't say that the Leslie storylines were all good but this last one was the only one I can commend the writers for. I even felt sorry for JLow. He may have been hateful, but he loved his doubt.

My beanie was strapped on tight as Dario simply walked out of the prison. So what did happen to the attorney? Was he knocked out and tied up to make it look like he wasn't in on it? Will we ever know? MEHHHH...bigger fish to fry!

AdrianaN, "what will keep poor Sonia alive now?" Not much, but as Kirby stated, "she might be a tad safer than running loose covered in bullseyes." Ewww has more pressing things right now; so hopefully he'll leave her alone just long enough for his sorry butt to get stung and hung.

Kirby, "little McNutty didn't have a lot of palatable choices, ReNutty, Satan Bad Hair and Vic-ious, or CDMX's most maligned woman Sonia" May the TN gods help that child!! Maybe a band of gypsies will come along and steal it.


Jardinera, "doing" this novela with all of you was truly great, made me miss the good old days, when I first found Caray Caray - can't believe that was in 2012-ish. We've lost a few good people along the way, but those who are still around are among the very best. And new faces (ugh, writing voices) are always welcome - dear lurkers, whoever you are, show yourselves, you are our fuel :)

Urban, like you, I'm also waiting for a favorite actor or special show before I jump into recapping again... I'd love to start watching something else, though, so what do you guys suggest? QT is fun, but the protas ugh... Acuerdas looks good, too, but Soto ugh... Loli is meh, even with the great cast... I'm picky, I know, maybe the new Levy one?

Urban , thank you so much for providing us with every detsil of this heartwrenching, terrifying, frustrating episode complete with photos.

Loved all tbe commnents, too.

Jardinera, i agree that it fe!t like old times here on the patio . Yesterday, i had an hour phibe call with my sister ,and i was trying to explain that i bave bedn watching telenovelas and hangung out here since our mother died 13 years ago . I started thinking about folks we have met and lost here...Anita, Dr.Carlos, Madeline. It really is a special place.

Kirby, i must tell you tbat your comments give me a smile every day . I appreciate it . You often mention exactly what i have noticed and pondered . What isvup with Tere's strsy strand ? Perfecto. Dario, indeed, cleans up nicely . When he puts on a suit and tie, combs his unruly hair, and stops with the wild eyes abd snarking demeanor ...viola ! Galan material. The actor nust has to dial it back a smidge.

And Leslie, what can i say ? As someone who loves the seashore but lives two to tbree hours away from it, i can relate to her desire to die there. I bave heard the voices of loved ones i have lost as i walk along the waters edge listening to the waves speaking . Carolos was a true and loving friend and lover, a wonderful combination , abd Leo a loving tio , but it was cruel nktbto have Leslies mother and abuela with her at tbe end. Being there at t he end of a !oved one' s life is impor tant for b oth the ones leaving this world and the ones staying bebind. i also felt sorry for JL.

Well, we got about 20 inches of snow. I shoveled 3 tines yesterd ay, and i need to go out again . Uff

Urban, beautifully written and made even more powerful with your lovely screen shots.

Rest in Peace sweet Leslie. May you find the happiness you so richly deserve in the next life. At least you had Carlos' love and Leo's support as you slipped from one world to the next.

I have a question. What do you bring to the beach? You bring beach towels. Seeing soaking wet Leslie laid on the cold, cement like sand was hard to watch. Let's not strain the writers' brains to try and come up with something to make our little heroine's death a bit more comfortable.

I am glad Leslie and JL spoke, but only because it was important to her. And yes, Adriana, it should have been Tere, not Elisa there with her daughter at the end. The only consolation is that she and Sara will mourn together.

Sonia. Sad, sad Sonia. What atrocity is next for this poor creature? "Ewww has more pressing things right now; so hopefully he'll leave her alone just long enough for his sorry butt to get stung and hung". Perfect RgvChick. We can only hope.

I was on the edge of my seat when Fernanda had that gun to her head. Michelle brought it! You could feel her sheer terror. All too realistically portrayed. I hope Fab rots in hell. Or jail. Either work for me.

It is fitting that Dario and Majo are the star crossed lovers. Love them or hate them, they've fought heaven, hell and each other to try and be together. While seemingly doomed, there is much war yet to be waged.

For a very brief moment, it seemed Ewwww actually seemed to be a bit benevolent toward his child. I never thought he would actually turn the child over to Renata! "She is waaaay too cray cray to have a bay bay" made me laugh Kirby although completely true. Will Icky be doing baby duty??? Helping to raise Sonia's baby? Maybe there is a God.

Elisa. Utterly useless.

Urban, thank you for all of your work on this. You always enrich and enlighten.


Susanlynn, our comments crossed.

"When he puts on a suit and tie, combs his unruly hair, and stops with the wild eyes add snarking demeanor ...viola ! Galan material".I agree Dario was totally hawt. It's those bad boys. Exciting and forbidden.


Diana,i wonder what fate these unreliable writers have crafted for these crazy, flawed , starcrossed lovers . I am exoecting that tbey want to shock and shake us , so ibsm trying to steel myself to be prepared for anything ib the finale.

Kirby, Ren is definitely " too cray cray for baybay. " And Eww and Ick are too evil . Poor little thing. Will his mother survive to save him ? I am hopeoing so.

Diana: Don't expect Sonia to be among the living much longer this week. Fernanda needs to WATCH HER BACK because Crazy Fabricio is determined to take Juanito away from her.


Kirby, "too cray cray for a bay bay" is the comment of the week. I've been saying this ever since her first doctor told her that she should not get pregnant on psych meds.

I'm sure that Eugenio won't let Renata get out of his radar. The wheels are turning in his perverted brain about how long he will allow her to live before offing her to leave him as damaged as Dario and Fabricio.

SusanLynn do not put your snow shovel away yet.

As I understand it Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow today.

Soooo only another month and a half of misery.

Cheers Toots.


Leslie, QEPD. Not even killing Eugenio could have fixed this. But there was a moment that JL threatened to kill Eugenio, and Eu was like, go ahead and I'll destroy your family. But how can he do anything if he's dead? JL's punishment is to contemplate that for the rest of his life, which I guess to be 4 more chapters. It'll be a miracle if he survives even to the ultimo capitulo.

But, hey! Fernando kept her money and can witness that Fabricio is a criminal and put him in jail too. Silver lining. Mario is finally showing his worth and is now too good for Adriana. I hope he remembers that.


Kelly: Fabricio might kill Elisa for all we know since he's obsessed with the Dumbass Blonde.

Steve- Would anyone mind at this point? It would be sad for Leo to lose TWO loves of his life, but he can do better.


Steve: Then Fab better do it quick, as Adri has him on her tape recorder and the stwat team surely got him when they saved FerNasty. And right now El-idiot is in Acupulco or Florida or somewhere on the beach.

K: Leo TWO loves...third time is the charm.....

K shovel is still handy since more snow is predicted for Sunday. Most of my days lately have been filled with shoveling and searching for The vaccine. Life in The Twilight Zone.

Question: did Fab pass Mario in the hallway when he left so that his borrowed henchman could terrorize his son's mother in private ?

What a sad episode but thank you so much for the recap, UA.

RIP Leslie. So heartbreaking to see how weak and fragile she was in her last moments. At least she got to say goodbye to the people she loved.

Things will certainly get interesting now that Renata has the baby. If anyone finds out that Eugenio is the father of that baby things will be even MORE interesting.

I don’t have a solid prediction about Dario and Majo. If Dario gets caught and sent back to prison will Majo stick by him even with no hope of him ever getting released? Will she move on with someone else? Will she end up alone? What if even death is Dario’s fate? So many possibilities....

Poor Sonia. She’s certainly going to suffer even more without her baby. Definitely others deserve to be in prison instead of her. I hope there can be a chance of redemption for Renata with this whole baby-gate lol especially if Sonia is released by the end of this.

Even though recent telenovelas don't seem to have storybook endings , I hope that some innocents and semi innocents will be left standing at the end . I hope Sonia is released from jail so she can raise her son . I would like to see Leo and El together . That's what poor Leslie wanted to see when she was a star shining down at them. One of her dying requests was for Leo to take care of El. At her young age, Leslie was in love with love . Me too .

Fern doesn't deserve a happy ending after all her scheming , but Juanito does , and he has nobody else , so I hope she survives to take care of him. . I think Fab is headed for prison since he hasn't been there yet except visitor.

As for Dario and Mojo, maybe they will die together .

Eww and Icky ....death ? Prison ?


I don't even want to try to predict the ending of this one. It would not surprise me to see Dario and Majo die together, Renata back in the manicomio, and as for Eugenio and Victoria... killing each other like Severiano and Candela in LSdP?

I don't want to see Fernanda get off scot-free, but that is likely. I also don't trust the opening credits because there is at least one past example where the main couple did not have the happy ending implied by the title sequence.

Aaarrgh. These people...the less suitable they are for contribution to the gene pool, the more fertile they seem to be. Like rabbits who need an exorcism.

The only one who might qualify to pass hers on is Clara and guess what? Not likely as science currently stands.

Wait a minute, Super Mario is not bad, but he would prolly fall asleep right in the middle of that gene thingy and never complete, so he's out too.

Vic and Ewww should kill each other somehow.

Fer should lose all that money and have to get a real job and raise her son the old fashioned way working her ass off and being a real parent, and sleeping four hours a day.

I do have a prediction about who the killer is but I still feel like there’s more clues to be revealed.

The most confusing part for me has always been everything going on inside the precinct: Cristina, Mario, JL, and even Adriana. It just seems like a jumbled mess to me.

..and who is the informant in Eww's operation that the writers seem to have just invented ? Cris seems to be omnipresent ..everywhere, all the time in everybody's face and enjoying everybody's pain and distress . Did she kill Julia out of jealousy and Auggie just happened to be there or did Eww outbursts but in Auggie and Julia just happened to be there ? How long has Chris been in Eww's employ ? Will the writers tie up any of the loose ends ?

Susanlynn: Are you sure Cristina killed Julia & Daddy Cantu ?


Good question, Susanlynn.

Christina had a motive to kill Julia. She also would have dragged the body rather than carried it. Was she in Eugenio's employ then? Does that matter? All that matters here is that she is a sadistic bitch. Probably the reincarnation of Erzebet Bathory.

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Urban,lovely recap of a sad episode

This is about the time when I start my "I can stand" rant. So I'll wait a few paragraphs.

Im hoping that sonia survives. This woman has suffered so much and she
Kinda brung it on herself, but she
Has more than paid for her stupid
Decision to have an affair with a
Man whose wife is loopy, while she is married to a mob boss who's more
Crazier than renutty. He wanted to cause sonia more pain than anything
Which is why he took the baby. And
Why is she in prison again? Probly
Something she could serve for with
A bracelet on her ankle. Do they
Have that in mexico?

Leslie is one bright star That has burned out. No more bright stars for this horror show.

As much as I know that dario wants to kill papi, I dont think he can
Do it justice. Me thinks somebody else will do it lots better but he
Can start the wheels to turning.

Have I said how much I can't stand
Fabidoodoo. Hes a sneaky stupid kid
who is cowardice and useless. And I
Really hope he goes to prison for some years. He wouldnt last a mouth
In there cause they would smell his
Intitled ass 8ft away.

Renata Renata Renata, I'm sorry she is messed up mentally but she just should not have that baby. I want sonia to have her own baby even tho
Ewgy was the sperm doner, what they
Are doing to renata is wrong for her and wrong for sonia.

I cant stand fer, shes a liar and a
Manipulater but I do hope she can at least try and be a decent human
Being for her son cuz daddy will be
Either dead or in prison.

So ewgy want crazycris to bring leo
To him so he can kill him? That'd be a neat trick of she can do it. I
Want to see that bitch get hers too

I hope this end isn't screwed up like "Amor Eterno". That was the worst ending I've ever seen I and
Dont want to see another one like it ever again.
Atleast leslie died surrounded by love.
Thank you Urban.

Kirby, "wait a minute,supper mario is not bad, but he would prolly fall asleep right in the middle of that gene thingy and never complete so he's out too." Now kirby be nice
Mario is a decent guy. Hes probly
The only uncorrupted cop besides leo that's up in rank that troll do
Not own. Hes got super sperm. Lol.

SuzyQ stay warm girl, hot chocolate
Make a pot of chili, dont wear yourself out shoveling snow. We're
Cold here in florida but not like you guys. 20s lo 30s I'm liking it.
More cold to come since putraturny
Didnt see his shadow. Lol.

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