Thursday, June 03, 2021

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Suerte de Loli, Café con Aroma de Mujer y más: Week of May 31, 2021


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 9-10PM -   La Suerte de Loli
  • 10-11PM - Café con Aroma de Mujer

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.   Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement,this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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La Suerte de Loli - #91 – Parte 1 de 2

From Wedesday night: Rafa overhears Leo and Vicente (actually Leo was refusing to help Vicente anymore but Rafa didn't hear that part). Rafa ignores several calls from Leo while he’s sitting with Loli at the hospital. We see Leo texting and driving and then swerve into the path of a semi. Rafa learns what’s happened and rushes in, saying to the doctors that he’s the brother.

Rafa and Loli sit side by side while Rafa blames himself for not forgiving Leo. The doctor comes out and says that Leo is quite weak, but they’re going to operate. He says that Rafa can go in for a minute before they take Leo to the operating room. We get some typical telenovela bedside remorse. Rafa tells Leo that he’s sorry he tried to be his father instead of his brother. Leo’s hand moves toward Rafa’s as if he’s understood.

At Hunky Bar Domingo, Roberto/Divina and Apolo discuss Apolo taking over things at the bar while everyone else is at the hospital. R/D tells Apolo he must be happy that Octavio didn’t marry Loli. Apolo replies that he didn’t want Octavio’s marriage, but not this way. He refers to R/D as mija and tells R/D that his wigs must be frying his brain.

Paulina is on the air at Global Radio with Angie sitting at the same desk. She’s talking about toxic relationships and that “they” would do whatever to keep you. [Are you listening, Vicente?] She says that this was going to be her last show, but she’s staying because her listeners want her to do so. [not according to the recent ratings]

When there’s a commercial break she tells Angie she’s not staying because Vicente threatened her. She’ll leave when SHE wants to leave [after she’s tried every trick in the book to get Rafa back]. Angie tells her that because of Sam’s health problems, Loli didn’t get married after all. Pau’s mouth drops open and stays open.

Bruno comes home. Melissa thinks he’s delivered his letter of resignation. She has a list of ideas for how they can do some work together. After looking uncomfortable for a while, he tells her he stayed because Vicente begged him to stay. Of course, he’ll get triple salary. FF>>>>

Gabriel is at the hospital very upset and Octavio comforts him.

Mati is taking care of Nicky while everyone else is at the hospital. Nicky asks Mati if his mother misses Sam so much that she wants to take her to be with her in heaven. Mati tells him no and, as usual, comes up with the perfect answer. He says that Nicky’s mother wanted her children to be together. Mati also says that he might soon be a father and Nicky assures him he’ll make a great papá.

At Casa Loli Domingo comforts Nora in the kitchen.

Melissa tells Bruno that she heard about Rogelio proposing to la sueter. They both look happy about the prospects of wealth by marriage.

Melissa has some false labor and we learn that the triplets are all girls.


La Suerte de Loli - #91 – Parte 2 de 2

Mati and Art are looking at a site for egg donors. Mati is getting frustrated. He says he hasn’t thought much about women since leaving the closet. They do finally agree on someone.

Rox is forcing herself to eat well. She remembers Cesar promising to wait each day at a street corner with a rose in his hand for her.

Nora and Domingo talk about Rogelio’s proposal. Nora tells him that everyone in the family must agree with the decision were she to accept. Domingo says that if the two of them care for each other, he’ll swallow his anger.

Leo goes into convulsions in the recovery room.

While a bolero plays Rox sees Cesar just where he said he’d be, white rose in hand.

At the hospital Paulina calls some media outlet, identifies herself, and says she has some information about Vicente Varela.

At Hunky Bar Gabriel tells Octavio that he wants to give Sam his heart. He justifies this by saying he knows he’ll stay an orphan, while Sam has a family that loves her. [Gabriel, I don’t think any cardiologist would carve a heart out of a healthy young person simply because they wanted to give it.]

Cesar is at Rox’s kitchen table with her. He’s come up with a great low-calorie meal for her. She narrows her eyes and asks if he isn’t getting his directions from Veronica. He insists that is not so. After a bit of back and forth, they agree to try again…very slowly.

The doctor comes out to say that Leo is in a coma and has no cerebral activity. Rafa refuses to accept this and wants other opinions.

Mati is at home and on the phone. The plan had been to mix Art’s and his sperm so neither would know the actual biological father. [The writers kind of made it sound like Art and Mati thought both sperm would work; sorry guys, only one swimmer makes the grade.] The nurse tells Mati that Art has a low sperm count. Mati’s is fine. When Art comes in Mati lies to him, telling him they have to “do it” again.

Last evening Rogelio told Vicente that he was again changing his will. When Bruno shows up in Vicente’s office, Venomous Vicente tells Bruno he could end up harmed by this. He thinks his father spends a lot of time at Loli’s. He wants Bruno to get him a copy of the new will.

Nora has gone completely to the good side. She gently tells Gabriel about how brave Sam was when she had to have stitches in her head without anesthesia.

Angie tells Vicente about Leo being brain dead.

Sam’s doctor comes out. She tells the family that Sam’s heart stopped. They were able to save her, but she’s delicada.

The doctor tells Rafa that, for situations like that of Leo, it would be a good thing if the family considered organ donation. But Rafa's in denial and insists on another doctor, even though Leo’s surgeon tells Rafa Leo would be unlikely to survive being moved.

The female doctor tells Loli and Nora that there’s a possible donor. The donor is compatible. Loli: “It’s not Leonardo Contreras, is it?

Novelera is not liking this development. Leo being the donor is predictable. But then Rafa is left with terrible guilt. I have a small hope that maybe Leo has a miracle and that the donor is some other person.

Cafe con aroma de mujer - Capitulo 8

Ivan remembers how Sebas defended Gaviota when he tried to go too far with her, but only tells Lucrecia that he doesn't care what his brother does with his life as long as he goes back to NY ASAP.

At the cantina, Bernardo and Carlos talk, it looks like they have plenty of things in common.
Arthur and Paula also chat, about traveling and living in the now. He mentions that Carlos is gay and thinks Bernie is, too. Paula is like "no way"! Marcela and Lemarcos don't look too happy, after their talk about Julia.
Paula reminds Marcela that she's eating too much. Marcela points out that Paula is thin, but still alone. Paula suggests that maybe Lemarcos is after Marcela's money. What a sorry excuse for a sister!

Lucia and Lucrecia talk wedding plans, Sebas couldn't care less. Lucia tries to get Sebas to invite her to spend the night, Sebas is forcing himself to be very polite, mentions problems with the company and with Ivan. Lucia thinks he shouldn't care that much, but he has to, it's his family.

Gaviota sings again. And sings, and sings. Paula appreciates her singing, especially since she spends the whole day working in the fields. Marcela films Gaviota and sends the video to Sebas, who receives it just as he's talking with Lucia. She looks at the video, too, he makes it seem like it's not important. Lucia is surprised because he never used to care about people at the ranch. She starts to caress him, offers to spend the night, tries to kiss him. Sebas admits he met someone else and Lucia gets upset. She thinks they can get past everything, they've been together for 5 years. He's sorry, he didn't plan this. Lucia thinks he was waiting for this other woman when they dropped by unannounced and storms off with Lucrecia and Ivan.

Alone, Sebas calls Gaviota, gets the answering machine. Then he looks at the video again and smiles. At the cantina, Leonidas is watching Gaviota sing, with the same idiot smile on his face. He invites her for a drink, they talk about the meeting about the medical insurance. Gaviota would like to have more information about this and about the different ways they can grow coffee. Leonidas is impressed by her smarts.
Marcela sees Gaviota with Leonidas, wonders who he is. Then she and Lemarcos talk about how her family sees him. Also, she doesn't want to be called "gordita" anymore, even if he does it lovingly.

Lucia and Lucrecia talk about Sebastian , el desgraciado. But who is the woman he's with? The model living in the same apartment building in NY OR someone he met in Colombia?

That is when my episode ended, but I think this can't be right because it's only about 30 minutes worth of scenes. (the first 10 or so minutes were things that Novelera already mentioned in her recap)



Rafael Amaya has signed with Telemundo for a multi-project deal, with his first project slated to air later this year.



Many thanks, novelera, for this excellent, succinct recap, complete with some terrific side comments. I especially like the ones near the start when Pau is doing her podcast and then explains to Angie that she'll leave when she wants to "[after she’s tried every trick in the book to get Rafa back]". Yup!

Speaking of Paulina, I think she offered the media source she called from the hospital not just info but some serious dirt about Vicente. She promises that their publications will fly off the shelves and asks "Are you willing to drop the bomb?" Should be interesting!

Thanks very much for FF>> through much of the Bruno/Melissa scene!

When Rafa talks to Leo in the hospital before Leo is taken to the OR for surgery, you say "Leo’s hand moves toward Rafa’s as if he’s understood." Yes, I think Leo is motioning with his hand for Rafa to come closer, and when Rafa does so, I'm under the impression that Leo whispers "I forgive you." Am I mistaken?

So is Domingo in love with Nora? IIRC, Domingo says that if Rogelio marries Nora, it will be yet another time when Rogelio has stolen a woman he loves, or something to that effect. And I think he also said that once before.

You make a good point about Rafa being left with enormous guilt if Leo dies and his heart is donated to Sam. I agree, but if the doctors are correct and Leo is brain dead, he's going to die, and I think Rafa's guilt will be at least a little softened by Leo's heart being used to save Sam, who herself will soon die if a donor is not found. (And, of course, Sam is loved by the two women Rafa cares about most, Loli and Jess.) So yes, the novela is an interesting mix of slapstick comedy and some serious issues. Actually, I find the almost out-of-control cartoon happiness we see in the novela's beginning, end, and breaks really jarring right now, often coming as it does right after scenes like the ones with Leo.


Thanks so much, Adriana Noel, for your excellent recap. I got a kick out of: she sings, and sings, and sings.

There were a couple of other scenes that I remember. Perhaps others remember more.

Carlos asked Bernie to come outside with him. He had to make a call and it was too noisy in the bar. Bernie seemed pleased to do so. In fact, Bernie seemed to be totally into Carlos. Carlos went in for a kiss and Bernie became furious. He punched Carlos and then punched him again when he got up. Several people saw this. The gist was that Bernie was not going to be outed as gay. Carlos gets to his feet and angrily says something to the effect that Bernie was leading him on.

Later in the show Bernie mentioned an interest in some woman. Maybe he wanted to invite her to the wedding. Not certain about this part. His mother was very happy because this woman is classy, beautiful, etc.

Gaviota, against her mother's wishes went to talk once more about the land. Before she goes she and her mother more or less say they've given up on getting the hectare of land. They just want to be let off the hook about the 10% penalty. She asks Ivan if they can work something out. Ivan has an interesting expression on his face. I'm sure she doesn't mean what I think Ivan has in mind. But the episode ends there.


Novelera, thank you for filling in the blanks. I noticed the last few days that the episodes I watch end at a different time than what you recap, for exemple. I didn't want to go into what was for me the next episode because I didn't know where to stop. I did see the Bernie kiss as a preview and, boy, that was a smooch ! Bernie has a lot of work to do dealing with his true self.
Sébastian, after hiding his connection to Gaviota in front of Lucia just as he did in front of his mother (before their relationship had gotten this serious), is another one who needs to work on himself. He told Marcela that he and Gaviota came from different worlds, but was this just a nicer way for him to say that he was ashamed to be seen with her? At the very least, he didn't fall for Lucia's charm. Her indignation was laughable, since she was the one to break up with him and demand that he never contact her again.



Thank you, Adriana Noel! "Gaviota sings again. And sings, and sings." LOL!

I believe Bernie said that the woman he was on the phone with was the daughter of his mother's best friend and he did want to invite her to the wedding. His mother also made a comment about how the men in the family have great taste in partners, the women not so much.

Of course Gaviota rushes off from the fields hot headed to try to talk to Ivan about the contract, leaving her cell phone behind. She interrupts him on a call rather rudely and starts a rapid fire of reasons why they would have never signed penalty terms like that in their humble position. When she says the word "negotiate" he shifts from condescending jerk boss into lecher mode. Admittedly I am not looking forward to whatever happens next, in spite of her mother giving her benedicion (twice).



FYI - I posted my comment before I saw Adriana Noel's about episodes possibly ending at different times...? I only commented through the end of what was aired for me on 06/03.
The feed I am watching is Xfinity in the Pacific Time Zone. I believe novelera said she had DirecTV? Sincere apologies if I posted comments on something that some viewers had yet to see.



SO LEO IS DEAD as a doornail.. can't let that heart go to waste.. did we see that coming.??. yea!

Melissa and chubby... when does he crash and burn..he is a loser!!!!!

Sperm donor... okay.. !??? baby daddy no matter how you cut it!! how many lbs..does Rox have to lose so she dont lose her life?????



LaChicaBlanca, Your comments ended at the same moment in the novela as did mine. You did not give away anything that I did not see. I do have DirecTV. And, from what I've seen, Telemundo shows the exact same episode three hours earlier on the East Coast.

I may have something a bit different and, for me, a real benefit. My channel lineup is the "Latino" one. Don't exactly know why but this gives me two opportunities to watch a novela. I have La Suerte de Loli and Cafe both available to me at 6 and 7 PM, respectively on a channel labeled TELEe. They also are in the channel lineup at 9 and 10 PM, Pacific time zone labeled TELEw. I am in California

This is a big help for when I recap. On a night that I will be doing a recap I watch the earlier episode (recorded on my DVR for commercial skipping) once through and then begin writing my recap while moving quickly through the episode the second time. Doing it this way means that I can condense a scene a bit. Writing while watching, for me, would force me to write down everything. This gets my recap up at a more or less decent hour.

LaChicaBlanca, no worries, you didn't spoil anything, the site I watch has all the shows that have aired in Colombia (they are on épisode 18 I believe), so I was able to watch what happens next.
Gaviota is a bit of a hothead. It will most likely get her into trouble soon.
Dona Julia is in for a very rude awakening when it comes to her kids's love lives. Can't wait!

Gracias novelera and Adriana Noel for the recaps.
I have Spectrum and my episode ended with Gaviota speaking with Ivan about the 10% penalty.
I think Sebas is so far acting very much the galan. He told Gaviota he was serious about her and also assured her mom that his intentions were sincere.
When Lucia tried to seduce him he told her; “conocí a otra mujer.” He is trying not to hurt her feelings and also navigate around an elitist family; except for Marcela and maybe Bernie. Bernie is confused as he has not yet accepted that he is gay. He asked the daughter of his mother’s close friend to be his date at the wedding just to vanquish the gay rumors. I can’t stand Lucia. She’s the one who broke up with Sebas and she is only trying to get him back for money/inheritance on orders from her father.


Thanks so much novelera for the Wednesday review and Thursday recap. I know you are also working on Café and I appreciate the time you spent. I agree with your asides.

So the next impediment to Loli/Rafa will be the heart transplant. Loli will beg and Rafa will resist, until she talks him into pulling the plug on his brother. They will kiss and make up, his divorce will become final, they will get married and she will get custody of the kids.

Leo, we hardly knew ye, but it was enough. His character can be described in Wikipedia as “heart transplant donor”.

Juanita, Domingo did say something about Rogelio taking all the women he loves. I assumed that included Rocio, Loli and Nora. It’s obvious he cares about Nora but not sure to what extent. It’s hard for me to picture them together, but who knows.

I also thought I heard the “I forgive you” but I wasn’t quite sure who said it.

Lucky me gets to recap tonight.




I coulsn't watch live last night and my dvr didn't record. I'll have to wait for the ep to be posted online. I'll get the recap up as soon as I can. Sorry for the delay.



I want to thank all those that are recapping this novela, as I dropped out many episodes ago and reading the great recaps has enabled me to keep track of the story without being irritated by the silliness of the plot. I love SN and am sorry to see what the writers have done to her character, IMHO.

I can't imagine how one can be a recapper for a terrible novela and put up with writing a recap for some "beanie" ones. La Gata (didn't watch) and Fuego in la Sangre (I'll watch anything with Eduardo Yáñez) come to mind. In fact I'm re-watching Guadalupe right now. Then I'll switch over to Café, although I really wanted to watch the Guy Ecker version first.

I really enjoyed capitulo 11.
Loved seeing Julia defend and believe Gaviota and not believe Ivan’s lies. (She told Ivan that she saw him trying to abuse Gaviota!) I wish she had honored her husband’s wish to give Gaviota and her mom the land Octavio gifted them. But I do think she will come around. Loved how she was sneaking and enjoying the cookies Lemarcos baked. Interested being introduced to Carlos’ father, who is an honest man, like Octavio and doesn’t want to have anything to do with his son‘s dirty money! Carlos’s wife, I think her name is Marcia, is cheating on Carlos with Ivan. Yikes!
I didn’t understand the very short conversation Aurelio had with another man over lunch. Did anyone understand who and what they were talking about? Lucia now knows who the other woman is in Sebas’ life. On Monday we’ll see what she’ll do.


Café I meant capitulo 9


Telemundo finally posted the episode. I'll have something up tonight.




Thanks, Fe! I totally agree about Julia and Ivan. I watched that whole scene a couple of times. It was well done. Julia tore up the agreement Carmenza and Gaviota had signed and Ivan was beside himself. I couldn't tell if he wanted to continue to use the agreement to try to get $15 million pesos in penalty from Gaviota or to continue to pressure her to "pay it off" with sex.

Julia told Gaviota to read what she signs! And I believe she was impressed when Gaviota said that, if the $7 million in cash were found, it could be applied toward the penalty AND that she'd pay the rest off slowly with part of her wages being kept back.

I also thought Julia had a strong intuition that Ivan probably took the money. She asked him if he'd seen it because he was in his father's office when, if Gaviota told the truth, it would have still been on his desk. Gaviota clearly described a manila envelope.

So far I'm not seeing Lucía as an awful female antagonist. She became angry with Sebas in the scene in New York for something pretty reasonable. If they are a couple, why do they live on opposite ends of NY City, and why doesn't she see him for 10 days.

I suppose Viewerville are supposed to assume that her father's feckless behavior regarding money and his suggestion that Sebas is the solution are driving her. Maybe she really does still love him.

She's been a good friend to Lucrecia and his family appear to like her. So why shouldn't she try again after 5 years as some sort of couple?

But I'm certain the writers will be going with her going to any lengths to separate him from Gaviota.

There was an interesting scene close to the end with Carlos Mario and Marcia. He raved about hating the Vallejos, including Ivan. So part of the money laundering scheme could be to damage the whole family.

I'm really confused about Arthur and Paula. I clearly remember the scene where Paula perked up around him, losing her millennial bored behavior when she met him. And then stalking off in a huff when his, I thought, wife walked up. So...did the writers forget that the nice guy Arthur seems to be has a wife? Are they ever going to explain how he's been coming on to Paula since the beginning despite being married?


I got on a currency converter. The 7 million Colombian pesos that Carmenza and Gaviota insisted on giving Don Octavio are $1,921 USD, probably not an unreasonable life savings for people who do agricultural work.

The 15 million Colombian pesos would be $4,117, the 10% penalty. So the value of the hectare of land Don Octavio wanted to give them is worth approx $41,000 USD. Interesting.

Thanks Novelera for adding great details about conversation with Julia and also peso converter.
Is Arthur the Colombian that came to visit Casablanca with his gay friend and was flirting with Paula? If that’s him then I don’t think he’s married. I thought I heard him tell Paula that he met his most recent girlfriend at the airport. He said he likes to act in the present and Paula agreed that she, too, was like that. When he said goodbye, he didn’t kiss her and she looked disappointed but lo and behold, he couldn’t leave her and surprised her by coming to her room!
Agree that Lucia so far has not been evil. However, the relationship with Sebas seemed to lack passion and commitment since they had been together for 5 years and were still living apart, hadn’t seen each other in NY for 10 days and Sebas had forgotten about the theatre tickets she bought. In the end; however, she broke up with him and probably would not have gone to see him in Columbia without her father’s insistence, based on a need for his money!



Arthur is the American guy and he did come to Casablanca with a Colombian gay guy whose name I have forgotten. If I were truly obsessive about my need to back up my memory I might go on the Telemundo site and look for that episode that partially took place at a sort of fair in the village near Casablanca. But you are probably right. His behavior makes more sense if the blonde woman who walked up and put her arm through Arthur's was not his wife.

novelera; yes you’re right; Arthur is American not Colombian. I think the gay Columbian’s name is Carlos but I’m not sure.


Hi all. I am late to the commenting party after taking a couple of days off and away from the computer.

dondi356, I needed to catch up on episodes and those great recaps from novelera on Wednesday and Thursday, so no rush for that recap.

You sure covered those two sad episodes well novelera, thank you! I won’t comment too much because I don’t want to get ahead of dondi356’s recap.

I do think it will be very difficult for Rafa to let go of Leo and I also heard Leo tell Rafa that he forgave him before they wheeled him into the operating room.

I am agreeing more and more with Domingo about Don Rogelio. Juanita, I don’t think Don R loves Norita, I just think he likes the company. I like that Norita is holding strong.

Poor Gabriel, how sad to think your life is worth nothing. Octavio once again has proven how worthy he is to be a dad.

This made me laugh novelera: [The writers kind of made it sound like Art and Mati thought both sperm would work; sorry guys, only one swimmer makes the grade.] What are they thinking? Did the doctor not explain the conception process?

I like that Angie and Rox seem to be making some reflective moves to be better people, Angie distancing herself from Paulina and Rox trying to see the best in being healthier and accepting Cesar for who he is.

I appreciate all the recappers for Loli! We are down to a few episodes.



Victoria, I'm sorry you stopped watching this novela, though I can certainly understand why you did. I'm writint now in response to your question about how one can recap a disappointing novela. It's true that La Suerte de Loli is at times infuriatingly stupid, especially in the scenes involving Bruno and/or Melissa, and Silvia Navarro's role isn't worthy of her. However, I've also found a lot to enjoy. I've been impressed with a number of the other actors, perhaps in part because their roles were less silly/stupid/inane. I'm thinking in particular of Joaquín Ferrera as Octavio, Rosa Maria Bianchi as Nora, Felipe Betancourt as Cesar, and, of course, Diego Escalona as Nicky, to name some who come immediately to my mind. And there's the great eye candy from some of the scenes at Hunky Bar!

Also, of course, it's a lot of fun, both as a recapper and a commenter, to make fun of all the stupidities, improbabilities, etc. that we're confronted with. It's especially enjoyable when there's a community of people contributing to the discussion and the snark.


As one who loves to watch and re-watch novelas, I can honestly say watching one without the benefit of a Caray recap isn't half as much fun!


Thank you, Novelera and Fe, for your input into Julia's conversation with Ivan. I was happy to see that Julia is not blinded by motherly love, I think she is the type of woman who has has such a sheltered life, it was always easier for her to just go along to get along. Now that Octavio is dead she's going to have to step up her game, she can't pretend to have one of her "male" kids be by her side all the time.

From what I could get Arthur was single, the type who loved to travel and live in the moment, that's what he told Paula during their talk at the cantina. I'm pretty sure he's not married.

I think Lucia had very legitimate reasons to break up with Sebas and she asked him point-blank to forget she even existed. He was obviously not interested in a commitment and she was fed up with waiting. It was her father pushing her to take advantage of the Valejo money that is driving her right now. Of course, the fact that there might be another woman so fast after their break-up must be hard to accept, also. I don't see her as all bad, either, but Sebas' continuous rejection might get her to do something crazy. And with Lucrecia as a sounding board... God help us all.


Loli #92 part 1

So sorry for the delay. It took a while for them to post the ep and as I watched, it kept crashing. ¡Maldita sea, Telemundo!

Loli does not want to ask Rafa about donating Leo’s heart. Bruno and Nora think otherwise. Put yourself in Rafa’s place, Loli says.

Rafa is sitting with Leo and Pau brings her father in. He came as soon as Pau told him the news. Don Alonso says it’s a shame, someone so young and active. Life isn’t always fair, he says to Rafa. Rafa says he’s taking Leo someplace where they can make him better. Don Alonso tells Rafa he can count on his support for whatever he needs.

¡Dios mio! Art is still in the bathroom! He calls out “Franciiiiiscooooo” and he’s finally finished. Mati is super jealous and demands to know who Francisco is.

Loli comes into Leo’s room to see Rafa. He’s sorry about Sam. He tells Loli that everyone is telling him to take Leo off life support, but he just can’t pull the plug. Loli says it’s okay, he doesn’t have to, and she comforts him. [Does he know that Leo and Sam are a match?]

Bruno gets a call from Vicente. He heard about Leo’s accident and that he is in the same hospital as Sam. Vic reminds Bruno not to forget about his special request. I’m on it, Bruno replies.

On cue, Don R shows up and tells Nora his lawyers have drafted a new will. He needs to review the changes. Nora wonders why he had to change the will again. He’s done so much for her grandchildren. Bruno butts into the conversation. Rogelio goes to see Rafa and leaves his briefcase on the seat. Bruno is going to take a look, but Rogelio returns to retrieve it in time.

Angie and Pau have coffee in the cafeteria. Rafa’s in denial, Pau says. Angie says she knows how Rafa feels. She can’t believe it, Leo is so young. Angie cries and Pau asks if she’s okay. Angie admits she was with Leo, he was her mystery man. Why didn’t you tell me, Pau says. You were always busy, Angie replies. And that’s the limit of Pau’s sympathy for Angie. Pau gets a phone call. Tomorrow is great! Perfect! You won’t be sorry, Pau says to the caller. Angie says she doesn’t even want to know what Pau’s plotting. Pau tells her, Vicente will regret threatening her.

Art tells Mati that Francisco was a platonic friend from HS, and he wasn’t even out of the closet then. They have a spat about Francisco. Hey, it got the job done, Art presents Mati with his sample. Mati keeps buggin’ out. I told you to think about, Hawaii, the Empire State Building, he says, but I didn’t give permission to think about Octavio! Octavio, Art asks? [hmm… was Mati thinking about Octavio? Does he share our opinions?]

Pau brings Rafa coffee. She pulls up a chair. She tells him to get some rest and she will stay. No, he wants to stay with Leo in case a hospital calls to take him. Don R comes in. I can’t imagine the pain you must feel, he tells Rafa. He respectfully advises that the best thing to do might be to listen to the doctors and says goodbye to your brother.

Loli pleads with God. Don’t take her, she has her whole life ahead of her. She starts a Mari video. Mari was searching for a book Sam needed, Primero Sueño by Sister Juana Ines de la Cruz. The woman who was sitting next to Loli leaves a book behind. Guess what book it is?

Right after that, the doctor comes in and says they found a donor who is not Leo. Someone in Arizona. It will take 2 hours for the heart to get here. The heart won’t last more than 6 hours. Nora is worried about the time so she still wants Loli to talk to Rafa. Loli turns to Bruno since he’s the legal guardian and asks what they should do. Bruno defers to Loli, whatever she decides is good enough for him. He calls himself and Loli a team.

Jess tells Rafa they found a heart for Sam.



Loli #92 part 2

Vic shows up at the hospital. He sees Pau and she asks why he’s there. He claims it’s to support Rafa. Pau suspects otherwise because Vic doesn’t care about anyone but himself. Pau says that Rafa is not doing well and seeing Vic won’t be good for anyone.

Gabriel continues to worry about Sam. She’s running out of time, he says. He adds, I wish Rafa wasn’t so selfish. Octavio reminds him it’s Rafa’s brother, what if it was your sister? Octavio and Gabe get the good news about the Arizona donor.

Pau tells Rafa it’s been four hours and no hospital has answered us. Pau is beginning to think it’s pointless. Leo is gone. What is the rush, Rafa says in exasperation, why is everyone rushing? Maybe he can give life to other people, Pau says, it would give his life the meaning he was searching for. Rafa signs the donor papers but he’s not ready to pull the plug yet. He gets a call from a hospital in Seattle that is willing to take Leo.

Roberto gets a threatening phone call from Zancudo. Roberto handles it with style. Apolo walks in at the end of the call. Roberto tells Apolo it was just some thug that got upset over a minor issue. Apolo thinks he should report this to the police. Roberto says it’s nothing.

Loli sees that Leo being taken to Seattle. Rafa is going with him. They hug good bye and they wish they could be there for each other at this time. Pau watches them through the door.

The waiting is stressful for everyone. The doctor comes back out. Bad news, the helicopter was grounded for bad weather. It looks like the heart won’t get there in time. The doctor says they will have to wait for another donor. Loli gets a text from Rafa: “Everything will be ok after Sam gets her surgery. I’ll call when I get to Seattle.” She texts back but doesn’t tell him what happened with Sam’s heart.

Octavio comforts Loli.

The Seattle doctor assures Rafa they will do all they can. There may be a procedure that can help Leo. They need to run tests first.

Mati is trying to find out who Francisco is. Art calls Mati as he’s driving and tells him he’s getting sushi for dinner and also does a Toyota commercial from his car.

Roberto writes a goodbye letter for Octavio that starts, Dearest Octavio, you stud, you manly man. I have no words to thank you for all you’ve done for me. Unfortunately, everything in life comes to an end and today I must bid you and the bar adieu. I’d never forgive myself if anyone got hurt because of me. Zancudo is after me and the best thing to do is lay low. Good luck with the kids, Loli and the bar. Your friend forever, Divina Gonce. We see Roberto leave with his suitcase.

Octavo asks for a few more days with Gabe and gets only two. Gabe loses it and even pushes Octavio. Octavio tries to calm him. He tells him sometimes you just have to wait. Gabe says he’s been waiting all his life: for his parents, for a better place for Cristi, for Octavio to adopt them. He waits but nothing happens. Octavio promises him he will marry Loli and adopt them. Gabe says don’t make promises you can’t keep.

Octavio realizes Roberto/Divina’s things are gone and tries to call. No answer.

Pau talks Rafa into going to the hotel to get some rest.

Loli spends some time with Sam. We will find you a heart, she says. She tells Sam her father knows what’s going on but he can’t come because he’s on tour. He also released a song “Sam II”, which is a hit in China.



Loli #92 part 3

Bruno comes in to join Loli and Sam. Sam reminds him of Mari when she was little. Bruno says he wishes he got to know Sam better. [IIRC he said the same thing about Mari after she died]. Then he corrects himself, I want to get to know her better. Loli says he will. She says, everything Sam does is incredible. Not one day has passed that she didn’t fill me with joy or joke. She’s so full of light. She’s worth getting to know, Loli tells Bruno. She mentions Sam cutting Mari’s hair while she slept. She wanted to be a doctor to cure her mother. [I feel awful saying this scene went on a little too long for me]

Bruno tries to talk Loli into getting rest and he will stay. He finally convinces her. She tells him, don’t leave her and call me if anything happens. Bruno actually seems like a normal person in this scene.

Nora can’t sleep—she is afraid something bad will happen. She already lost her daughter. Dom covers her with a blanket and Nora asks him to stay with her. He tells her she will never be alone, your friend is here.

Loli is having dinner at Mel’s with Nicky and Carol and she is going to spend the night. This makes Nicky happy. There’s a debate between Mel and Loli on how to care for Nicky. Carol tells them to shut up. Nicky grabs Loli’s hand and places it on Mel’s belly. Can you feel the triplets, he asks? They are always moving. Loli says it feels like gas.

Mel asks, how much time does Sam have left? Loli does the “flame of transmutation” thing. Loli gets upset and tells Mel that Sam has her whole life ahead of her. Mel says she’s pregnant, not stupid. [your comments welcomed here] Loli tells Mel to have faith. Mel just needs to know, and she doesn’t like lies. [comments?] Loli finishes the conversation—Sam will be okay!

Rafa is still waiting for Leo’s test results. Pau tells Rafa he has taught them all the meaning of courage. Look at what you are doing with your brother. She gives him a hug and tells him she’s going shopping for clothes for them to wear.

The Mami’s Chat blows up. Topic is the talent show. Nicky’s Tia Melissa is MIA and she promised cupcakes.

Loli calls Octavio about the talent show. Yes, he knows he has to help with the choreography. She tells him she also needs help with the moms in the chat. Helping intense moms is his specialty and he’s on it. Loli says she doesn’t know what she’d do without him. He returns the sentiment. Octavio is going up to the school before going back to the hospital.

Apolo comes in for breakfast. He asks about Sam and Loli. Octavio shows Apolo the letter Roberto/Divina left. Apolo says Zancudo’s call must have really scared her, Zancudo called her, Octavio asks?

The doctor has bad news for Rafa. Leo’s brain damage is irreversible. There is nothing that can be done for him.

And we are out.




Thank you, Adriana Noel and Novelera...and everyone elsew ho contributed details.

I had a feeling someone would interrupt Ivan and Gaviota, but I never thought it would be Julia. An eye-opener for Julia, indeed! And good thing she heard most of the conversation or she would have sided with her spawn. I half expected Julia to tell Gaviota to leave right away, but was pleasantly surprised that she had Gaviota explain what was going on. What impressed me most is that Julia agreed to look for Gaviota's money and even if they didn't find it, Julia would give the 7 mil to Gaviota anyway. Some points for Julia! And I too enjoyed her secretly savoring LeMarcos's cookies.

I'm on the fence about Lucia right now. She hasn't done anything really bad yet, but I can see her making Gaviota's life miserable, not only because she needs to marry Sebas, but simply because she would not be able to tolerate someone like Gaviota (or anyone else) taking her candy from her.



Thanks very much, dondi356, for this excellent recap! It was not only complete and very enjoyable, it also pointed out some things I had missed. And special thanks for not giving up in the face of so many difficulties getting to see the episode!

One of the things I missed was Rogelio's returning in time to thwart BBBB's intent to get or copy the will. I was wondering throughout the episode about what happened with the will. I somehow also missed the fact that Rafa actually signed the donor permission.

I agree, Pau seemed so callous when confronted with what Leo had meant to Angie.

And speaking of Pau, what was she doing in Seattle with Rafa?? The last I saw, she was watching Loli and Rafa hug goodbye before he got on the helicopter to take Leo to Seattle.

Yes, Bruno seemed like a normal person in the scene with Loli, but I wasn't and still am not buying that. The writers seem to think that someone can be a total jerk and fool for forty-some-odd years and then abracadabra, Telenovela Magic turns him into a normal person. I had a hard time buying this with Carol, and I'm having an even harder time with Bumbling Backstabbing Birdbrain Bruno. No, NO, NO!!

I loved your "Mel says she’s pregnant, not stupid. [your comments welcomed here]." Your comment says it all! Ditto the later aside re Melissa's objections to lies.

I thought both Rogelio and Domingo came off very well in this episode. I was impressed with Rogelio's saying that he couldn't imagine the pain and helplessness that Rafa must feel. Those were the perfect words to describe Rafa's state. And though Rogelio suggested that Rafa listen to the doctors and say goodbye to Leo, he didn't advise Rafa to stop life support. Rogelio's wisdom and delicacy really shone. As for Domingo, the scene between him and Nora was quite moving. At times he has come off as a bumbling blowhard, but here he was sensitive and caring.

I can't tell whether Leo will wind up being the organ donor. It does seem more likely than not, given the finality of the Seattle doctor's assessment and the urgency of Sam's need. But these writers seem addicted to Telenovela Magic, so I guess we'll have to wait and see. (Perhaps someone will shoot Zancudo in the head and his heart will somehow prove to be a match! Frankly, it makes a lot more sense for the donor to be Leo, but "sense" often seems absent in this novela.)


The recap is absolute perfection dondi356. Although a more serious overall theme, I loved so many of your comments: (just to point out a few)

Mel says she’s pregnant, not stupid. [your comments welcomed here] Loli tells Mel to have faith. Mel just needs to know, and she doesn’t like lies. [comments?] Oh, I have tons of comments, but being Sunday and I just came home from church…

Bruno: [I feel awful saying this scene went on a little too long for me]: I thought the same thing. BBBB (thanks Juanita) is not going to change for any of us, I don’t care what the writers do!

Art [hmm… was Mati thinking about Octavio? Does he share our opinions?] I guess Octavio is indeed a telenovio for many of us, including Roberto.

Paulina ignoring poor Angie’s suffering is just proof how shallow she really is! Why in the heck did she get to go to Seattle?

dondi356, I am also confused as to whether Rafa actually knows that Leo is a match for Sam. I don’t think he does know. It might be easier for him to let Leo go knowing his heart would help Sam, there has to be some comfort in that.

I was really hoping the AZ heart was going to pan out and that the neurologist in Seattle could help Leo, but that does not look like it is going to happen.

I hope the Zacundo character doesn’t hurt Divina/Roberto! I am sure Octavio and the Hunky Boys will come to the rescue!

I appreciate your dedication in writing this terrific recap dondi356. I am very unimpressed with the Telemundo CC and the online app to watch episodes. ¡Maldita sea, Telemundo! Indeed!



Thanks, Juanita, for your kind words and comments.

I agree 100% on your answer to Victoria. I’m glad she’s finding the recaps helpful and entertaining. If it wasn’t for the patio and my commitment to recap, I would have gone into half watching mode on this.

You better believe Pau was going to Seattle. A perfect opportunity for the Rafa Reconquista. And I bet she would have even jumped onto that helicopter ala Zurdo on LRDS2. We just need someone to send Pau crashing through the skylight.

I’m thinking they are going to fly Leo back to LA to be the donor. They are making it seem it’s so easy to find a donor heart. Too much Telenovela Medicine & Magic. It’s becoming more ridiculous than heartbreaking, YMMV.

Sam’s plight is a sad one but when Loli spoke about what a joy she is, etc. I didn’t feel it. I blame the writers for how they developed the character.

I see they are calling this Etapa Final but no ultimos. Are we sure this is only 100 episodes?




Thanks, VVS! I didn’t see your comment before I posted.

LOL—“Oh, I have tons of comments, but being Sunday and I just came home from church…” I'll be headed for the confessional by the end of this.

I'm worried about Roberto/Divina, too. And I'm worried if Octavio goes after Zancudo.




Hello all, quick note about the episode count- it’s not the same as Colombia’s. I started watching this when it aired on RCN (Colombia) a few weeks ago, but only watched thru ep.7. Yesterday I started watching ep. 8 on the Telemundo app and it appeared I had missed a big chunk so I had to go back and watch Telemundo’s episode 7. So the US and Colombian airings are about an episode off.

I was very (pleasantly) surprised with Julia’s response! I was relieved she said she would give Gaviota her money back. In TNs it’s not often that the “fair” thing happens!


dondi356, I loved your "And I bet she would have even jumped onto that helicopter ala Zurdo on LRDS2. We just need someone to send Pau crashing through the skylight." (My emoticons don't seem to work on this site, so just imagine that you see a thumbs up next to your great remark.

BTW, I think I've seen an "Últimos capítulos" sign sometime in the last couple of days.


Dondi, you should get a purple heart for this recap! [purple for saving us from a no recap situation and also for purple prose, used a lot in TNs] You got it all, and with great style.

And, commenting later than others I got to see your fantastic fantasy of Pau jumping into the helicopter a la Zurdo. Way to knit scenes from two novelas together!

And, of course, Pau would accompany Rafa to Seattle to show how supportive she is and how great (she thinks) it would be for them to get back together. Crashing through the skylight...perfect!

Apologies if this is a bit graphic, but I kept thinking: Why does Art need to go into the bathroom like a teenager to "produce" something? They are a couple. Why can't they "help" each other with the samples together in the same room?

So I guess they're sticking with Lupillo being Sam's father, even though no DNA test was ever done.

I have to say I felt totally jerked around by this episode. I felt a little angry after it was over. My hope was exactly that...a different heart for Sam and for Leo to have a miracle recovery. They certainly hinted enough with the Seattle doctor talking about a "new procedure". Gah! certainly looks like it's going to be Leo's heart and Rafa left with the guilt.

Yep, we could come up with some zingers about Melissa's "I'm pregnant, not stupid." Actually she is not as stupid as Bruno. They're seemingly on the road to redemption for her, but she's been a calculating female dog through the whole novela.

Divina! Come baaaack! She's been a pleasure in every episode since the Loli in the cell episode.


Thanks, novelera, for your kind words. I agree with your comments.

I’ve got LRDS on my mind lately. It pops up in my Netflix recommends. I can’t wait for season 3 and I hope we are not disappointed.

About Art and Mati, are they worried about contamination? Otherwise, I have no idea.

Lupillo as Sam’s dad was and is stupid.

“calculating female dog” –good one.

I’ve enjoyed watching Roberto/Divina, too, and I want them both back safe and sound.

I feel totally jerked around by this whole show.




UnsolicitedOpinions, your explanation about the episodes makes very much sense, that's why my episodes are a little behind compared to what Telemundo is showing. I must have the Colombian version. SO does that mean that Telemundo is cutting some of the scenes, or are Colombian episodes longer (my guess), so Telemundo will end up having more capitulos by the end?


Not watching this, but I noticed you guys discuss Osvaldo Benavides having a part in The Good Doctor. He just scored a series regular position starting next fall. Good for him!

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