Thursday, June 10, 2021

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Suerte de Loli, Café con Aroma de Mujer, y más: Week of June 7, 2021


Here's Page 2 for the week. The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 9-10PM—La Suerte de Loli
• 10-11PM—Café con Aroma de Mujer

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Belated thanks, novelera, for your very helpful and much appreciated Wednesday quickie. I think you've covered all the high points. I enjoyed it when Angie told Vicente she was leaving Global Radio, and that no one wants to work for him. Of course, he replies that she should go, he doesn't need her (hah!). And then she tells him she's going to work for Paulina! (Actually, given Angie's recognizing how egocentric Pau is, I wonder how long Angie will be happy working for her.)

One thing I hadn't been sure about until last night's episode was whether Melissa had really agreed with Bruno's decision. He kept saying that he wanted his action to be a team decision, but on Tuesday it looked to me as if Bruno was acting by himself. And sure enough, last night's episode showed Mad Mercenary Melissa conitnuing to be unhappy about Bruno's turning over custody to Loli. So when he actually told Loli, he hadn't yet gotten Melissa's buy in. Of course, she eventually comes round, saying she believes in him (Um, WHY?) and that "Life will repay us" (oh, right!).

One puzzling scene for me was Rafa's discussion with Gonzalo, where he tells him that he's going back to Paulina. On Tuesday night's episode, Gonzalo seemed to be urging/advising him to do exactly that. But last night, when Rafa tells him of his decision, Gonzalo doesn't seem all that pleased, and asks him "Do you really want to get over Loli?" Has Gonzalo has been reading too much Ralph Waldo Emerson ("A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.")? Or perhaps he simply has a bad memory. (I can relate to that.) We should tell him to read our recaps.


Juanita, I don't remember a scene in which Gonzalo was in favor of Rafa going back with Paulina. But then my memory ain't what it used to be!

I think last night's conversation was Gonzalo, more as a friend than an attorney, knowing full well that Rafa really does love Loli and going back to Paulina because he's in some state of wanting a peaceful family life won't make him happy in the long run.

I didn't say much in the "quickie" but Rafa kind of exploded in his conversation with Gonzalo, more or less saying that being with Loli was crazy-making (true dat), a real roller-coaster ride.


Novelera, In Tuesday night's episode, Rafa and Gonzalo talk. It was mostly about Leo, but toward the end of their chat, Gonzalo says to Rafa, "The person who was good for you and always by your side was Paulina." This was reported in that sometimes reliable source, the Tuesday recap, followed by a parenthetical "[Juanita groans.]" That's why I was somewhat puzzled by Gonzalo's less-than-enthusiastic response when, in last night's episode, Rafa tells him he's going back to Paulina.

I'm pretty sure this return to Paulina will have a short shelf-life.


La Suerte de Loli - #96 – Parte 1 de 3

In the lobby at Global Radio Vicente tears up the document Loli brought with her that authorizes her to be in charge of GR. She asks him if he’s still 6 years old. He says he doesn’t’ care about the kids; it’s his radio station. Loli: “So...what? You’re going to call your lawyer, the Board of Directors, your guardian angel?” He tries to block her from going past him, but Rufino takes him by the arm. The gossip girls let out a cheer at her arrival.

In his office with Rufino, Vicente says that Loli’s just after the money. [There’s a dicho for this. Piensa el ladrón que todos son de su condición. Someone who’s a crook assumes everyone else is the same.] Rufino tells him that Loli is doing what the board asked en pleno (the full board of directors). Vicente: “They met without me?”

Rufino tells Chente that he himself also has shares. And Vicente hasn’t made the best decisions. “Estas llevando por las patas la empresa que su padre creyó por años.” (You’re ruining the business your father built up.) “You have to recognize that for the good of all concerned this has gotten away from you.”

Rox calls Loli to say that the implantation of the embryo did not take and she’s not pregnant. Art and Mati are depressed. Loli tells her not to worry. She only has to sacar de la barranca Global Radio and then she’ll concentrate on Rox. (drag the company out of the ditch).

Lupe and another gossip girl come into Loli’s office to moan about the state of things. Even Pancho, the security guy, quit. Loli tells them to breathe and she throws an invisible purple light at them to calm them.

Bruno. [Give me strength!] He’s delivering an apparent 500 pound package without a dolly…and delivering it to the wrong address.

Rafa and Gonzalo are meeting with a representative of Pau’s publisher. His book is a done deal, and the rep seems pleased. Gonzalo thinks he’ll go back to GR now that the deal is signed, but Rafa is not so sure.

Sam is back at school. Jess tells her she’s sure Leo is happy. [I thought the donation of Leo’s heart was supposed to be a secret between Loli and Rafa.] Carol walks up making nice and Joaquín and Jess give her matching stink eyes. She leaves, saying she doesn’t like to be around people with a bad vibe. Jess does not tell Sam why they’re not happy with Carol.

Loli and Rufino are in her office looking at some documents that show a huge amount having been taken out of the company, and the accounting department didn’t do anything. It’s also mentioned that the money went into foreign accounts. Rufino says he’ll investigate. Loli looks at him for a while, head cocked to one side, and then thanks him, rather curtly.

Loli gets some kind of social media beep on her phone and sees that Pau has posted videos or pictures of the happy family trip overseas.

Bruno gets a call from someone saying he’s two hours late.

Brian, Loli’s shrink is at her house. He’s definitely showing more than a professional interest in Loli. Nicky walks in with sunglasses on and a backward baseball cap. He says he is working on a 13 colonies rap for class. He shows them his moves. The kid is delightful. Brian joins in to rap one of the 13 original colonies.


La Suerte de Loli - #96 – Parte 2 de 3

Rafa and Jess arrive at the door. Jess rushes off to Sam’s room. Seeing Brian Rafa announces that she’s now dating the therapist. Loli: “and you needed some time away…with Paulina.” He replies that he went alone, but they surprised him. Don R and Nora come into the room. Don R asks if everything is OK. Rafa and Loli shrug.

Bruno and Melissa are on the sofa. They have enlarged the fake belly to an insane size. Bruno has his feet in a bucket of…something. Bruno’s Pinocchio nose grows as he goes on about how his boss called him several times to congratulate him on what a great job he’s doing. Carol the brat comes in and says she doesn’t want her father dropping her off in that van. Bruno gets a call after Melissa and Carol leave the room and looks surprised.

Loli has another chat with Mariana in her bedroom about seeing Rafa and Pau together on vacation. She watches one of Mariana’s videos in which she says she’s going to learn to tap dance. She ends up saying she’s sure Loli will find something to make her happy, something that’s not a man. Loli muses: her work makes her happy, the kids make her happy, but she can’t stop thinking about Rafa. She knows she needs to turn the page. “Could it be Brian?”

Rafa appears to have moved into Pau’s place. He’s thinking about Brian and Loli. Pau walks in and coos at him that now he’s got it all.

We see two family breakfasts, one after the other. At Loli’s Domingo talks about when he graduates from his business admin course he’ll bring money to support the household. Loli and Nora exchange a doubtul look. Sam offers to help him with his studies. Brian has just stopped by to say hello on his way to work. Nicky asks if he’s Loli’s boyfriend.

At Casa Pau Jess is in a good mood. The three are having breakfast also. Jess mentions that she watched a movie with Sam the night before; her father brought her to Loli’s house. Rafa beats a quick retreat from the breakfast table. Angie calls HER shrink, Angie, to say that he sensed something going on with Rafa and now knows it was because he saw Loli.

Rox, Mati and Art are at the obstetrician’s office. Rox has been examined. Before they only had a piece of paper saying she wasn’t pregnant, but the OB says that Rox’s uterus did not accept the embryo. Mati interjects that Rox was doing the hormone therapy religiously. The doctor says she’s sorry, but Rox is not in an ideal condition to be pregnant. After everyone leaves so she can get dressed, she cries.

Gabriel is at Hunky Bar with Octavio. It’s his birthday; he’s just turned 18. He can thus leave the group home and, later, it’s even mentioned that he could have Christi live with him.

Loli comes to work after the family breakfast. Lupe throws some files on her desk and tells her she has a full calendar today, meetings with lawyers and bankers. When Loli wonders why bankers, Lupe whispers that there are a lot of debts.

Mati and Rox show up to help Loli save the radio station.


La Suerte de Loli - #96 – Parte 3 de 3

Octavio brings Nicky home to Loli’s. Looks like the two of them, plus Gabriel, have been playing soccer. Everything seems very happy until Raul shows up and Nicky launches himself at the bio dad. Octavio to Gabriel: Parece que ya empiezo se sobrar acá, no? (Looks like I’m starting to be redundant here.)

Bruno tries to get past a Rottweiler to make a delivery. And when the owner gets the dog under control, he sort of lets a huge smart TV drop a couple of feet onto the sidewalk.

Rafa signs the book deal while Pau looks on. He gets a call. “Today?”

Rufino tells Chente that Loli has discovered the missing money and won’t just stand by. Chente laughs and says Loli isn’t capable enough to discover the truth…unless Rufino sells his soul and betrays him. Rufino tells him he tried to warn him and that he has to do something so Loli doesn’t find out YOU made those transactions.

[And…for once novelera is pleased when someone overhears something in this novela.] Loli has overheard. “I knew it. I knew you were moving money out of the business!” Chente: “You think I’d steal from my own company?” Loli: “I think you’d steal from everyone: your father, the shareholders, Sam and Nicky. But I’m not going to let you use GR as a caja chica (petty cash). He tells her they don’t have time for this [because the business needs to be saved from his mismanagement]. She tells him he’ll having plenty of time when he’s rotting in jail.

Vicente: “¡Guau, sacaste las uñas! (showed your claws). I was right in not swallowing that tale about you renouncing your inheritance in favor of the kids. I always knew you were after my father’s money." Loli: “I understand you’d think that because that’s YOUR plan. Go ahead and do what you have to but (she makes a growling sound and pretends to have claws) I’m going to scratch you."

After she leaves Vicente tells Rufino that he’s not worried. He made all the transactions using the names of other people.

Mati and Art talk. Mati seems to want to try again with Rox, but Art tells him he doesn’t think that’s a good idea. Each attempt costs a lot.

Octavio is missing Divina. [So am I.] The doorbell rings. Send not to know for whom the bell tolls, it’s nearly always Victoria. She smiles in the doorway. Octavio smiles back, saying he needed some company. Andresito appears to have had a personality change and embraces Octavio.

Bruno comes home lying through his teeth about how they love him at work. Melissa is sure he’ll get a raise. She sends Carol to order some pizzas. And then he tells her the long list of things that went wrong and…he was fired. Melissa begins to cry.

Mati pretends to be doing a survey of the women in the office. The last of three choices is “lending your uterus”. They all flee.

Idiot Bruno mentions asking Nora to give them the house in Mexico while she’s alive. Even Melissa realizes that this would let Nora know they’d seen her will.

Octavio tells Victoria he’d like to spend more time with Andrés. She’s in favor, even though she said otherwise when she stormed out a few episodes ago. She notices he has no wedding ring. He tells her that it’s a long story. Viewerville learns that she didn’t just show up. He called her. So…looks like Victoria will be the one for Rafa, at least to novelera.

Loli comes in and finds Rafa at GR. Don R. comes in and says that he re-hired him.

The recap will be up in about an hour. I hope I don't spoil things for you again :) Sometimes during my recaps I combine scenes and then they are out of order.
Let me know if you did get to see Seb and Marce talk...if not then they cut the scene for US airing.


Adriana Noel here
CAFE - Part 1

Seb calls Aura at the office to let her know that the reunion will be taking place at the ranch. Aura wasn’t even aware they were going to talk about the audit today, Ivan never mentioned it. She has important papers, the findings of Javier and Don Octavio’s investigation. Seb asks her to email them, but she can’t, the folder would be too big and she only has hard copies. She will take the first plane out of Bogota and bring them to him. Seb will wait for her at the airport. Just before she leaves the office, Aura makes copies of all the documents. I’m sure this will come in handy later on.
Marcela informs her mother and Paula that Aura is coming over with important documents that concern the investigation Octavio was doing and Sebastien is going to pick her up at the airport. Ivan eavesdrops, he looks terrified, goes outside and looks at Seb’s car.
Leonidas is with the workers again. He and Gaviota talk, he invites her to one of his lectures about coffee. He also brings her a book she can learn from. Later on he asks Gaviota to be part of a documentary he’s planning to shoot. It’s not for now, but it could be fun, traveling, visiting different ranches. She will do it, she doesn’t even need to be paid. He won’t have that, she thanks him again for the book. She’s happy and still has hope she will one day have her own land. She will learn everything from the book he brought her, he promises to bring her some more.
Seb has a flat tire, just like we thought. He calls Aura to let her know he’ll be late. Ivan is rushing to get to the airport. PE calls him to say he’s arrived, Ivan tells him about Aura. So what do those documents include? Ivan says they need to get those papers before Sebastian.
Aura arrives just in time for Ivan and PE to greet her. He takes the papers and asks why he didn’t know about the investigation. Aura wants to come with them, Ivan wonders why it has to be Seb to get the documents and threatens she could lose her job. In the car Ivan asks Javier to burn the documents when they arrive in Bogota.
Seb arrives at the airport, Ivan calls for him. Aura is gone, but Ivan has the documents (some of them), he pretends he doesn’t know what that’s about. Seb leaves Aura a message, asking why she left.
Julia and the other kids talk about the bad dealings at the company. Bernie is surprised, Julia asks them to stop speculating. Bernie confirms that Gabriela is coming to the wedding.
Ivan explains to the family that the audit company that Seb hired has finished their job. He knows that some of them have been doubting him. If it is proven that he’s done mistakes, he will quit his job. They open the sealed envelopes that contain the results on the audit. As it turns out, Javier was the bad guy. Seb tries to defend him, he was the one investigating everything. Julia is reluctant to believe it, too, Marcela thinks the whole thing is very convenient, he’s dead and can’t defend himself. And what about Aura’s documents?


CAFE - part 2

There is nothing significant in them. When PE leaves to take a call outside, Ivan says that Octavio was having doubts about him. Seb goes outside to call Aura, PE listens to their talk. Aura says she gave everything to Ivan, Seb says that there were only a few documents. She’s afraid, she says she surely exaggerated, he asks her to trust him and tell him the truth. She doesn’t fess up, says that she gave all the documents to Ivan. Is she sure of what she’s saying? Aura insists she is. After she hangs up, she retrieves her copies of the documents from the desk.
Maricucha and Margara both think that Leonidas likes Gaviota.
Julia is now sure that Javier was a bad guy, Ivan thinks that’s why he was killed. Julia thinks they all need to apologize to him, the only one who killed himself working for the company. Paula and Bernie are in his corner, Ivan suggests they choose a new president and gerente (financial director from what I gather). He can do both in the meantime. Seb doesn’t think he should, Marcela asks Seb to step up, since Julia says Ivan is the only one who has been working for the family company. Seb thinks he could stay home, close to the family. Ivan is afraid because they were never able to get along, this could make things harder for the company. He asks their mother to decide, but it backfires on him, because Julia thinks it would be a great idea, a way for them to learn to work together.
Carmenza thinks Gaviota should ask Seb about the waitressing job. Gaviota prefers to tell Aurelio that she doesn’t want to go, but Carmenza says that she, on the other hand, has to go.
Aurelio tells Margara he’d rather she returned to coffee picking, she does it better than Maracucha, who is a better cook. They fight about their relationship, Aurelio never promised her anything, apparently. Margara speaks about her troubled past and how she lost her son, but she will never allow anyone else to disrespect her.
Sebastian tells Gaviota that he might stick around. She’s happy, he says he loves her no matter what, but he’d like for her to help him. She worries about Dona Julia, he says they will all love her, and she’s coming to the wedding. She’s afraid, he says its’ time they stop hiding. She mentions how she was supposed to waitress the wedding, Seb says that they will have to find someone else.

Hopefully, I didn't spoil to much!


Many thanks yet again, novelera, for another excellent recap. I loved your asides, and I am especially grateful for all the Spanish, especially llevando por las patas.

I don't have much to add. I too thought that Melissa's belly seemed ludicrously enlarged. I kept expecting her to fall over, frontwards. I still can't imagine Braindead Bruno and Mercenary Melissa coping with triplets. And the thought of that disastrous couple raising three more kids like Carol is truly scary. Even one more is one too many.

Yes, it now looks as if Victoria is in for the long haul. Sigh. Octavio deserves someone a lot better.

And what's with Mindless Mati and his ridiculous "survey"? I can't decide which is worse, his coming up with that so-called survey or his surprise that every woman flees after hearing the choices.

I too was under the impression that only Rafa and Loli knew that Sam received Leo's heart. The only thing I can think of is that Sam expressed her sorrow to Jess that Leo died, and Jess says something like Wherever he is,Leo is happy [that Sam survived]. I guess it's possible to take that as just stressing that Leo is happy [in heaven, presumably] not because Sam has his heart but simply because she survived. But it's a bit of a stretch.


Excellent recap novelera! I agree with Juanita, I so appreciate all the extra Spanish lessons especially what Octavio said after dropping off Nicky and seeing Raul just sort of take over. Octavio to Gabriel: Parece que ya empiezo se sobrar acá, no? (Looks like I’m starting to be redundant here.) I could not understand a word of what he said and of course the Telemundo CC are the worst!

I really hated it that Octavio called Victoria with the other brat, ugh, Andy. I too miss Divina (who has a new name that I did not catch during the Wednesday episode). Glad that Gabriel is 18 but I hope he doesn’t run off to Mexico. I think Octavio is more than willing to take care of he and Christe.

Bruno, Melissa and Carol. Enough said.

Now Chente, that was interesting. So he has been stealing/laundering money out of Global Radio? I don’t understand how Rufino can play both sides in any reasonable way. Now I hope Chente does go to jail.

Is Don R playing matchmaker or just knows that Loli and Rafa can bring GR back from the brink? I am sure Pau is not going to be at all happy and that makes me happy! 😊



You spoiled nothing Adriana Noel, thank you! I really appreciate the recap.

I was so glad you clarified the whole other documents/investigation story because it did look like Aura took that big binder with her, so I am glad she copied it. I hope she will not be so afraid and let Sebas know what is going on.

The Sebas/ Marcela conversation took place about 5 minutes into the episode. I was so happy at the end of this episode that Sebas told Gaviota to find a nice dress because she would be going to the wedding with him! Can’t wait to see the reactions from the mean girls, Julia and everyone else!

Leonidas is very charming with those cute dimples. He does indeed like Gaviota but I think will be respectful of her relationship with Sebas.

Thanks again Adriana Noel, I am really enjoying this novela.



Thanks, Juanita and VVS. I HATE it when a typo ruins an inserted phrase in Spanish. What Octavio said was Parece que ya empiezo de sobrar acá, no? (Looks like I’m starting to be redundant here.)

I put in the "for whom the bell tolls" quote because I've hated it every time Victoria showed up with that smarmy smile on her face. But...Octavio needs a family, and the three of them last night looked like they'd become that. I predict Octavio will still spend time with Nicky but not be wounded by his newfound love for Raul since he now has Andrés.

Yes, Rufino continuing to be on Chente's side is confusing. At least last night he alluded to having felt the pain himself since, as a Board member, he has acciones (shares) in GR. I suspect he's inserted into the plot as a sounding board for our villain. Shakespeare did it differently, not bringing in obscure actors for the villains to reveal themselves to. Instead he created soliloquies in which the villain addressed the 4th wall, letting the audience know what to expect from the bad guys. I particularly like the scene when Richard III lets us all know what he's up to.

Don R bringing back Rafa could be construed as a slap in the face to Loli. She's said that she's in charge, but now Rafa is the President over her head?


Thanks once more, Adriana Noel, for your excellent recap. It was a pretty convoluted chapter and your recap was very helpful.

The scene with the envelopes was quite interesting. I have the hardest time understanding Ivan, even with Spanish subtitles on. A couple of episodes ago we saw him talking with Pablo Emilio (think it was over the phone) about everything having been set up. P.E. was sitting in a room full of guys with computers. We've construed them here as hackers.

So, what Ivan said to his family was that he did not know what was in the envelopes (a Pinocchio level lie). And he'd quit if something shady was in there. The blame was cast on Javier, who had been working with Don Octavio to root out the corruption. He then alluded to the fact that, if they didn't believe what was in the envelopes, they could go to some web site that would confirm what he'd said.

The split in the family is becoming tiresome. Paula, who knows nothing about the business except whether her credit cards get paid, agreed with Ivan, who's getting Arthur a job. When Sebas made that perfectly logical remark about why Javier would begin an investigation into the finances if he were the one at the bottom of it, it didn't seem to register with anyone except Marcela. Julia set her jaw and insisted that Ivan was in the right.

Something that seemed out of sequence was the scene of Paula and Arthur when he told her he didn't want a job at Café Élites and then later we saw Ivan promising Paula he'd find a job for Arthur. Why would she keep on with this when Arthur had already refused.

Does anyone else remember a scene early on where Margara was talking to some kind of slick guy and they were planning...something. This was when the captions were crap. I somehow came away with the impression that Margara was on some sort of spy mission at Casablanca.

I hope they show Gaviota's entrance at the wedding tonight.

Sadly, the documents that Aura copied won't come to light until, probably, the last week of the novela. I'm a veteran and have been led down the garden path too often in TNs by carefully placed objects that would reveal the guilty party.

I am enjoying the scenes with Gaviota and Leonidas, although I could do without her repeatedly saying she couldn't possibly learn all these things. How many times have we seen the innocent protagonist from a lower class background say they...couldn't possibly... Only for them to turn out to be a hidden genius. I'm sure this is where they're going.


Another great recap, novelera! Thanks so much for the dicho, vocab and asides.

Juanita, I assumed that Sam was just giving condolences to Jess and she accepted them saying Leo would be happy she survived. I didn’t think they knew. But I would expect that news to come out before the end.

This thing with Brian is the latest estupidez.

Octavio continues to be on a downer. He must be desperate to call Victoria. Why do I feel like he’s getting the consolation prize?

Can Octavio still adopt Gabriel? Adults can be adopted in some states. That would give Gabe legal rights as a bio child would have. Don’t know about CA.

We all miss Roberto/Divina. I think he said the new name was Patti Brunette or something close to that.

I’m borrowing your “[Give me strength!]” to do the recap tonight.




For anyone interested in the story of Osvaldo Benavides having a role in the next season of The Good Doctor, on the season finale they gave some back story.

He's an American citizen but moved to Mexico when he was very young. When asked why he isn't practicing in the U.S., the back story was that he did something stupid (DUI? can't remember exactly) and then didn't show up for his court date. There's a warrant out for his arrest, and that's why he's at the sort-of Doctors without Borders clinic in Guatemala.

The woman he slept with in the first part and then spoke with on a bus in the second more or less told him that the hospital could fix this situation and hire him.

So they neatly got around the fact that some viewers might wonder how he could work in the U.S. as an undocumented person.


Thank you for the recap, Adriana Noel!

Novelera, I too remember Margara sneaking off from the group when the workers were all at the town fair for a brief but secret meeting with some guy she seemed to know very well.
I didnt understand what they were talking about (lagging subtitles), but I got the impression they were touching base on a devious plan. I also dont get why Margara sometimes acts like she is friends with the other ladies and other times she is downright hostile. Obviously this character/plot line has yet to reveal itself.

Looking forward to tonight episode!


Adriana Noel, gracias! Your recap was perfect!
I think Aura lied to Sebas about the documents because Ivan insinuated that he could have fired her for not telling him about the papers. She’s worried about her job, but I think that eventually she will reveal the documents! I just hope it’s not during the final week of the telenovela!
I remember a visual from the first few episodes of a woman being raped. After Margara spoke about her troubled past, I’m pretty sure it was her. No wonder she is filled with hostility. I hope she can get some help.
If Sebas wasn’t in the picture, I think that Leonidas would be perfect for Gaviota. I He is guapo, smart and has a lovely energy!
Glad Sebas invited Gaviota to the wedding. Should be an exciting episode!


Osvaldo's character was caught with marijuana. In the finale, Esmaralda Pimentel was the short haired, bi-lingual nurse at the hospital. Both were good.

Loli #97 part 1

Neither Loli nor Rafa knew the other was returning to Global. Don R says he called them because they are the best and he can trust them blindly. If anyone can save Global, it’s you two. Is that a problem, Rogelio asks? Yep, it’s a problem for Loli, she thought she’d be working alone, with her own team, blah, blah, blah. Rafa says he feels like he’s reliving history. Thank you, Don R, for stepping in and shutting them up. He tells them we need to save Global. Right, that’s what matters, Loli says.

Vicente walks in and says, having a party and I’m not invited? He’s especially unhappy to see his father there. Loli says, this man is here because I asked him to come and in fact, he should have never left the exec board. Vic leaves. Rogelio repeats his trust in Loli and Rafa.

Pau is supposed to be working with Angie but she’s more worried that Rafa still has feelings for Loli. Angie tries to get her back on track, but Pau continues to look at her phone searching through Loli’s and Rafa’s social media to find any clues. Angie is annoyed. Pau reminds Angie her book is ‘How I Got My Ex Back’, so this is her job. Pau makes a call.

Octavio is happy he can keep seeing Andres. [poor man is that desperate]. Just him, Viki asks? Ah, you too, Octavio says, I’d love that. [I don’t, but if that what makes him happy…] How about tomorrow, he asks, some whiskey? She doesn’t drink whiskey, but maybe a beer…or two... That’s fine with Octavio. Andres shows Octavio he just solved Rubik’s Cube in 3 mins, but there was one time he did it in 1.5. Octavio is floored and says the sperm bank must have made a mistake, he can’t be my child, he’s a genius.

Rafa and Loli try to work through the idea of working together again. It’s rather awkward. She mentions he’s back with Pau and he mentions she’s with Brian. She will be in charge of production and he will be in charge of programming and talent. They have it all worked out, just like old times. Yeah, viewerville knows, they still love each other.

Gabe comes to see Sam and he is very excited. Sam, not so much. He can hardly believe he’s out of that place. Sam says it’s a great birthday gift. Gabe tells her, the best gift is being here with you. He tells her his plans. He was going to go to Mexico with Cristi but now he’s thinking of finding a job in LA. He can rent a place, save money, bring his sister to live with him. And Sam, too, if she wants.

She just stars at him with a dull look. What’s wrong, he asks? We can see each other whenever we want. I thought of you this whole time. Really, she asks, then why were you kissing my cousin?

Brian shows up at Global. He’s brought flowers for Loli. Rafa messes with Brian and tells him Loli hates flowers. But give them to her, she might have changed.

Did your cousin tell you that, Gabe asks? No, Sam says, but she told her friends who told the whole school. Sam asks for the truth. Gabe tells her she kissed him. He swears to it. He tells Sam, I love you. I want to be with you here or in Mexico or wherever. She not sure she wants to be with him anymore. Because of the kiss? Not just that, she says, I almost died. I need time to think and reflect. I want to understand my new life. Gabe says, why don’t you do it with me? I can help. No, she needs to be alone for a while.

Loli likes Brian’s flowers [probably more than she like Brian]. Brian tells her the reason for his visit. How do you feel about me, and can we be together? She starts choking.
Pau calls Rafa to ask when he’s coming home for dinner. Where are you, she asks? He’s back at Global, this place is a mess and Rogelio asked me to help, he says. Pau says she’s surprised but it’s fine. We can talk later. Pau is not happy.



Loli #97 part 2

Loli tries to let Brian down gently, they get along, have fun…. Rafa is spying on them, and Lupe sneaks up behind him and calls him out. [it takes one to know one] She pulls mini binoculars out of her cleavage and walks away. They’re warm, Rafa says.

Back to Brian. He sees the writing on the wall. There’s always a “but”, he says. Loli says, the truth is I’m focused on the radio and the kids, and I don’t have time right now. [she leaves out she still loves Rafa] He’s clearly disappointed but says he understands and will give her time. [Poor guy, did he really think he could date Silvia Navarro?]

Rox asks Mati what he was whispering about in the cubicles. He avoids talking about it.
A woman rushes in and talks about her family medical history. Mati tries to pass it off as medical insurance stuff. He manages to send her off, but the damage is done. Rox wants the truth. Are you looking for another surrogate, she asks? He denies it and makes an excuse to leave.

Gabe tells Octavio that Sam dumped him because of a kiss Carol gave him. Gabe explains what happened with Carol. He doesn’t understand why he is paying for something he didn’t do. Sam wants nothing to do with me, he tells Octavio. Octavio tells Gabe he should insist until Sam hears the truth. Look who’s talking, Gabe replies, you were crazy in love with Loli and you let her go. Octavio says it’s not the same. Gabe is ready to give up. He says, you just have to know how to lose sometimes.

Bruno came to talk to Nora. Skip the virtual game part. Nora asks about his new job. It wasn’t for him, he tells her. She picks up right away, don’t tell me you were fired. He says he quit and he needs to speak to her about a delicate topic. She thinks he wants her to ask Don R for his job back. She tells him she will call Loli since she’s the mera mera there now. She doesn’t give Bruno a chance to explain. She calls Loli and gets Bruno an appointment for tomorrow.

Apolo asks Octavio if he’s going out with Viki. Something like that, he replies. Octavio likes having Andres in his life. Apolo asks about Nicky. Octavio says he will always be with Nicky as he promised. But he feels Nicky doesn’t need him much anymore, just like Loli.

Apolo does his thing. He tells Octavio, that makes me want to slit my wrists with animal crackers. Loli said she would still marry you and you said no, he reminds Octavio. You had her and let her go. Octavio says it wasn’t fair for him or for Loli. He quotes Gabe, you just have to know how to lose sometimes. It’s time to move on to what’s next, and it’s not so bad, it’s Viki. Apolo approves.

Rafa and Pau have dinner. She brings up his return to Global. They should have talked about it. He says it happened so fast and he’s always going to say yes when Don R asks for help. She asks if Loli was called back, too. Yes. Pau gets up from the table and brings back their divorce paperwork. She asks him to rip up them up.

You weren’t kidding, Gonzalo says to Rafa. We are not getting a divorce, Rafa replies. I’ll have to stop the entire process, Gonzalo says, which I’ll charge you for anyway. I can’t believe you are getting back with Pau. I’d say you’re crazy, but I want to continue to be your lawyer. Don’t get mad at me, he tells Rafa, I do wish you a lot of luck getting over Loli. You are going to need it.

Lupe is not happy to see Bruno back at the office. Did Vicente call you or did you call him, she asks? Hello to you too, Lupe, he replies, you always give me a warm welcome. He says he’s working for Loli this time.



Loli #97 part 3

Rafa walks by and asks Bruno what he’s doing here. He thanks Bruno for returning the kids and choosing their happiness over his self interest. Bruno gives him a sincere apology and says he’s there to help Loli. [notice Lupe in the background, snacking and taking it all in] Rafa mentions how Vicente helped him get the kids from Loli. Loli walks in at that point. She asks Bruno, what else did you do to screw me over?

In her office, Bruno comes clean with Loli about all the dirty things he did for Vic and how Vic helped him out. Loli goes nuts. If you’re really sorry, Loli says, you’re going to help me prove that Vic is stealing from Global.

Lupe has been lurking and listening to Loli and Bruno. She tells Bruno it’s good Loli found out about your lies and put you in your place. Bruno bursts her bubble and tells her Loli made him Sales Director of Global and the announcement has been made. Vic overhears and tells Bruno he can barely spell “ventas”. Right, so next we see Bruno trying to spell “ventas”. Good grief.

Bruno sneaks into Vic’s office and roots around for proof. He drops Vic’s whiskey glass when he hears Vic returning to the office. Bruno’s put together some of the pieces of the glass and is holding them. What the hell are you doing in my office, Vic asks? Bruno blurts out, I know everything that Loli is planning to take you down. They are mad at you and want to stop you. I have information, Bruno tells him, in exchange for this glass. Vic asks Bruno if he’s right in the head.

Pau has done something without asking Rafa first. She blames it on her dad being worried about his investment. Pau is coming back to Global. Rafa says he will talk to Loli about making space for her show. Pau says she doesn’t want to do a show, she wants to be the businesswoman saving Global. Rafa is surprised.

Vic and Bruno sit down. They talk about Loli’s plans. Bruno says she want to take clients, contracts, etc. behind your back. He adds, she made him Sales Director because she knows me and my great PR skills. Vic says he would like to take advantage of Bruno’s position. From now on, tell me everything Loli does so I can be a step ahead of her. Vic lets Bruno keep the glass. What is Bruno going to do now? Be a double agent?

Jess and Sam talk. Jess is asking about Sam’s break up with Gabriel. Sam couldn’t let it slide, Gabe kissed her cousin while she was dying in the hospital. And the worst part was how she found out. The gossips spread it through the whole school. Sam asks if Jess knew. Yes. She blows up at Jess, why didn’t you tell me! Sam walks off in a huff.

Vic talks to Rufino about Loli’s plans for him. Rufino tries to talk sense to Vic. Say what you want about Loli, but she is an honest person. Vic says she wants his inheritance. And what is your interest, Rufino asks? If it’s true what you say about Loli, you are after the same thing. He adds, the Varela siblings are more alike than we thought. Never compare me to Loli, Vic warns, I’m nothing like her and she’s nothing to me. Rufino warns him not to get caught up in office gossip.

Bruno makes a call that will probably get him into deeper trouble. I think he’s asking Altimio for help. No idea what that jerk can help him with. He reminds Altimio that he saved him from Zancudo. See you later.

Rufino says what is important now is that Loli is looking for proof to blame you for the missing money. Vic is confident she won’t find anything. Vic thinks Bruno might be useful because Loli trusts him.

Pau shows up at Loli’s office. We’re not the best of friends, Pau says. [where have we heard that before?] but we have something that unites us—the station. [and Rafa] Pau continues, me because of my parents and you because of the kids. [and Rafa] We both want Global to be on top again. [and both want to be on top of Rafa]



Loli #97 part 4

Pau proposes they try to get along to work on it. Loli warily agrees. And as a friendly gesture, Pau has brought an invite to a showcase. She proudly explains, Rafa and I are going to present my new book, “How I Got My Ex Back”.

Rafa walks in and Loli congratulates him on the showcase. How romantic, she says. She needs to get back to work now. There’s a radio station to save. Pau has an idea about that, she wants to create a special for the clients. Great, Loli says, did you talk to Rafa about it? Not yet, but Pau schedules a meeting but they will have to meet later.

Dom has dressed Gabe in a button-down shirt, which is buttoned all the way to the top! Is he’s giving him tips to get Sam back, too? Call her “my darling”, he tells the kid.

Apolo comes in with a big bottle of expensive champagne to celebrate the Seed Bank settlement. Gabe asks where his glass is. Romeo says it’s chilling in the fridge till you turn 21. Octavio asks Gabe what’s up with the costume. Dom says he’s looking for a job and for Sam to give him a second chance. Octavio says if you want Sam back, it doesn’t matter how you’re dressed. He fixes his shirt, unbuttoning the top. He tells Gabe, speak from the heart and it will go great.

Octavio gets a call from Viki. She’s returning his messages. What is the celebration? He won’t ruin the surprise. He asks her to come over and they can cook dinner together.

Pau is talking about her show returning. Rafa is not listening to a word she’s saying. Angie comes in and says she has an interview for the book. Rafa takes that opportunity to run off. Pau mentions to Angie that Rafa is acting weird. He’s not the same Rafa as on the trip and it’s Loli’s fault. Now they will see each other every day, she gripes. Didn’t you cancel the divorce, Angie asks? Yes, but I’m not naïve, I’ll do everything to keep them apart. She needs Angie’s help.

Loli vents to Rox about Pau attitude and that she’s back with Rafa. Rox doubts that they are really back together. Loli shows Rox the invite. Rox thinks it just another one of Pau’s tricks. Remember how she bragged about her marriage when it was falling apart? Rox feels Pau took advantage of Rafa’s vulnerability over Leo. [bingo!]

The conversation shifts to Rox preparing to be a surrogate. Do you really want to do it, Loli asks? Of course, she answers. Loli gets a text from Brian about having some wine, I think.

Lupe confronts Mati about his searching for a surrogate at the office. He denies it. She has reliable info about it and also mentions about Art and the fertility juice. Mati says if anyone is interested there’s a form. Rox overhears and gets very upset. She walks away. Mati says he screwed up and Rox will never forgive him.

Altimio is at Bruno’s and they are practicing some sort of script. Who is that other guy with them? Is it Felipe? Mel takes Bruno aside and wishes he didn’t ask these criminals for help. Bruno says he’s fighting fire with fire to catch Vicente.

Brian hasn’t stopped trying. He shows up at Global with dinner and she seems happy to see him.

Pau starts her show.

Don R asks Rafa how things are going. Rafa says it’s a challenge but one they will overcome. Rogelio asks if the challenge is the station or, “that one”. He motions towards, Brian and Loli eating dinner in her office.

Pau continues with her show. [what happened to the businesswoman?] She asks for call-ins and texts Angie to launch the bomb. The first caller asks: Pau is it true that you and Rafael canceled your divorce? Pau plays coy at first. The “caller” presses her for an answer. Your book is about getting your ex back.

Pau says she didn’t want to say anything until the book was out but….she can’t hide it any longer. I’m happy to have my family back together again and I’m happy to be with the love of my life. My divorce is officially canceled.

Loli snaps her chopsticks.

And we are out.




Brava, dondi356, for another superlative recap. It's wonderfully complete, full of useful detail, and great asides. I laughed out loud at "[Poor guy, did he really think he could date Silvia Navarro?]." Yeah, he'd have little chance with Silvia, but from what we've seen in this novela, just about anyone can date Loli! Actually, I think your best aside is the one we don't see. You report "And as a friendly gesture, Pau has brought an invite to a showcase. She proudly explains, Rafa and I are going to present my new book, “How I Got My Ex Back”." And no comment follows, at least not visibly. That silence says it all.

Yikes--I just looked at the time. I've gotta leave in a few minutes, so I'll stop here. Again, MANY THANKS!!


You have totally outdone yourself on this recap dondi356! What detail! I had to wonder if I watched the same episode. Here are just a few of my favorites:

Andres shows Octavio he just solved Rubik’s Cube in 3 mins, but there was one time he did it in 1.5. Octavio is floored and says the sperm bank must have made a mistake, he can’t be my child, he’s a genius. I say another DNA test is in order, we know that sperm bank is not reliable and I just can’t see Octavio with Victoria and her brat.

Loli likes Brian’s flowers [probably more than she like Brian] [Poor guy, did he really think he could date Silvia Navarro?] This was too funny! I also found Rafa pretty funny trying to sway Brian from giving her the flowers and taking the “very warm” mini binoculars from Lupe.

Vic asks Bruno if he’s right in the head. We all know that Bruno is not right in the head! What is Bruno going to do now? Be a double agent? Bruno has been nothing but duplicitous so I don’t thing this is too far out of his meager range of thought.

Altimio is at Bruno’s and they are practicing some sort of script. Who is that other guy with them? Is it Felipe? It sure was Felipe!

We both want Global to be on top again. [and both want to be on top of Rafa] Ha-ha! So true! Paulina is really quite insecure. Loli snapping her chop sticks at the end is indicative of her desire to probably snap that skinny witch in half!

I found Sam’s attitude during the episode interesting. She was not too nice with Gabe or Jess. All those two did was worry about her and she now wants to be alone? Could it be that with Leo’s heart, his personality was transplanted too? We have seen all kinds of Telenovela medical and travel anomalies after all! Thanks again dondi356!



Wonderful detailed recap, dondi. You should get a blue ribbon for your asides, which were terrific.

This is the second time the goofy writers have turned Sam into a different person. The first was, after she and Loli got through her resentment at Loli, going ballistic when Lupillo was trying to kiss Loli. She blamed it on Loli and was quite nasty.

Interesting idea about Sam having gotten Leo's personality along with the heart, VVS!

Pau is just outrageous. She gives Loli that card about Getting Back with your Ex and announces she and Rafa will do a segment about it. Rafa, of course, knows nada.

This whole episode was just goofy. I felt for you, dondi, the whole way through.

Actually, remember when Bruno sold some person on a large sponsorship of the Latin Music Festival (that Viewerville never saw anything of). He's apparently been a liar all his life, so he might actually be able to sell radio sponsors.

Rafa's jealousy of Brian is kind of ridiculous. He's back living with Pau, so he has absolutely no right to be so obviously jealous.

It took me a minute to remember Felipe. That scene of Bruno with two guys just didn't register. Felipe was the guy Melissa kidnapped from the hospital, the one who was living on the streets when Bruno looked for the car Zancudo wanted.

I think Bruno is sincere about helping Loli prove Chente is a crook. I suppose he's sucking up to him to get his confidence. But he screws up everything he does, so it would take a miracle for him to be of any help at all.


Two weeks have passed. The whole episode was pretty much all about the wedding.

The professional chef stood them up for the wedding. Julia insisted that, if Marcela and Lemarcos were to be asked to cook, she wasn't going to do it. The real culprit, Lucrecia didn't have to fix her mess. Ivan gave the world's most reluctant apology to his sister and her boyfriend.

Pablo Emilio keeps trying over and over again to get Ivan back in the money laundering business, at one point saying that Ivan's company was on its deathbed. Credit Ivan for resisting, even saying he wasn't going to ruin his family name. Carlos Mario sent him a wedding present of a bottle of whiskey and a bunch of cash. I keep remembering the night C.M's father rejected him and he sounded off to his wife that his real goal is ruining the Vallejos.

Sebastian walks into the outside group of wedding guests with Gaviota. Everyone is shocked. His mother, speaking from gritted teeth takes Sebas off, which leaves Gaviota to take all the harsh stares and an order to leave by Ivan.

Julia tells Sebas about his father giving Gaviota the hectare of land, and he appears shocked. What? Is this somehow going to drive a wedge between them?

Gaviota wants to leave, but her mother comes up and gives her a speech about being tough and how special she is.


Thank you, Novelera, always nice to read your view on the story. I agree with you about Ivan, to his credit he did try to get out of the nasty dealings several times now. And he was horrified when he found out about Javier's "accident". But CM and PE both have their agendas and Ivan is weak and stupid.

Does Gaviota own any longer, non-red dresses ? Especially to see the future MIL, I would have covered head to toes LOL (Patio: "that's not how Sebas likes it).
More later, I'm at work.
Thanks again, Novelera, for pulling double duty.

Thank you so much Novelera for this recap.
Yes, it seems like Ivan does no longer want to continue laundering money for Carlos Mario but will probably succumb to the temptation again.
At any rate he is guilty of doing so in the past, plus he is guilty of being an accessory to Javiar’s death and of stealing Gaviota’s and Carmenza’s money. (Maybe he didn’t want Javier killed but he wanted him out of the picture!)
I didn’t like that Sebas left Gaviota standing alone for so long at the wedding! Why should he be upset that Gaviota had not told him about the gift of land Octavio had left her!
And Lucrecia should have had to apologize to Marcela and Lemarcos!



I enjoyed Marce laughing at Ivan when he told her the fancy chef bailed. I laughed too. It's petty but Ivan deserved it, and Lucrecia will get hers during the reception when she finally finds out who was doing the cooking. But Marce and LeMarcos should have taken Ivan's offer for money too.

I also enjoyed how well the field workers worked with the new chefs on the job, and Margots snippiness at the whole thing. I'm still on her side as long as she causes grief for Ivan, but she really was a bit of a snob.

Unlike Carmenza who is great always. She was on top of the plot to make Gaviota waitress, and now ready to make her daughter stick around, maintain her pride, and show all these jerks who the better person is. But Sebas better hurry back.


Kurulus Osman

Dondi- I finished the second season of Kurulus Osman, oh wait, it hasn't finished in Turkey yet, now I have to wait a week for the next show (pulling my hair out)

how do you like Ertugrul, after 150 episodes that never quit, I'm going to have to go with this being my all time novela favorite on multiple fronts.

in the mean time I found another, recently shown 20/21, "Uyanis: Büyük Selcuklu", a couple centuries earlier about the Seljuk empire, a cross between Ertugrul (no tents) and Magnificent century (palaces and mother sultana err Hatun) starring Bugra Gülsoy as the Sultan (Demir from Todo Por Mi Hija) who oddly enough was separated from his son at birth who has now come back into his life, what?



I took a short break from the internet after posting my weekend recaps. I needed to go out into the world and get a few things done.

You are too kind, my patio mates. Great observations and comments.

Juanita, I think you are right, “just about anyone can date Loli! “ and “That silence says it all.”— so many times this is the case. I wish they employed that technique a little more in this show. Let the actors act instead of overact.

VVS, glad you confirmed the other guy was Felipe. And I’m glad you mentioned Leo’s personality may have been transplanted, too. That thought crossed my mind as well. “I just can’t see Octavio with Victoria and her brat.”—I agree he deserves better.

novelera, I think we all deserve blue ribbons for sticking this one out. Yes, I remember Bruno got the big sponsorship for the Latin Music Festival that Sal took credit for. You’re right, sales may be his thing.

We only have a week left.



OT, Osman, Ertuğrul

Hi, deb! It’s slow going for me with Ertuğrul. To be honest at this point, I don’t know if I will like this more than MC, but I’m not very far into the story. My mom told me to stick with it, it gets better as it goes along. I’m watching it on Netflix.

I think I will enjoy Osman more because of Burak.

I am aware of Uyanis: Büyük Selcuklu, don’t know if/when I will ever get to it.

I know, Turkish shows are once a week. It’s hard to wait!

Thanks for the links.




Looks like the Ottoman Empire has conquered our deb! Don't know if we'll ever get her back to novelas originating in Spanish.

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