Thursday, June 17, 2021

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Suerte de Loli, Café con Aroma de Mujer y más: Week of June 14, 2021


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 9-10PM -   La Suerte de Loli
  • 10-11PM - Café con Aroma de Mujer

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.   Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement,this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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La Suerte de Loli - #101 – Parte 1 de 3

We begin where we left off yesterday with Pau staring at the Loli/Rafa/Jess group hug and looking furious. We see her stalk away.

Mati and Lupe talk about her carrying his and Art’s offspring. He tells her he doesn’t have an answer yet; it’s complicated. She tells him she’s aware that this is a lifetime commitment. If she were married, she’d have a child that way, but she’s not.

Rox calls Mati from the car where she’s handcuffed to the steering wheel. She tells him she’s been kidnapped, but she doesn’t want him to call the police. She wants to be on the air.

We hear her talk to her listeners. She says she’s in an odd situation. But she wants to give someone a message. It’s for a man who will achieve his dreams. She says the man is on a plane right now, but…Cesar, if you can hear me, you’re probably right not to want to see me again. But, since he left for Cancún, she hasn’t stopped thinking of him for a single second. [We see Dulce, not that far away, listening to the program on her phone.] Rox: “I love you with all my heart, and I’m prepared to try anything so we can be together.”

Vicente comes in to rant to Mati and the sound engineer about Rox not being at the station.

Octavio and Raúl talk. Raúl doesn’t understand why Octavio is making him a business partner. He doesn't have any money. Raúl is an honest person; he suggests other employees who’ve been there longer. Octavio tells him he just wants to help him out and he wants to help Nicky as well. The other Hunky Bar employees come in.

Carol is on a street in L.A. with a suitcase beside her. She can’t reach Marcelino. She calls his voice mail asking why he hasn’t come for her. We then see Bruno making copies at work and calling Carol. His call goes to her voice mail. But he discovers he has an audio file on his phone.

Pau ruins Angie’s day once again ranting to her about seeing the three together like a family. Angie, calm as always, tells her: Estás haciendo una tormenta en un vaso de agua. [You’re creating a storm in a glass of water, or as we say in English: you’re making a mountain out of a molehill.]

At GR Jess tells Loli and Rafa that Sam deserves to know that she has Leo’s heart. They both agree. And they’ll do this later. Jess gives Loli a warm hug and leaves. Loli then tells Rafa that all this has nothing to do with the radio station. And, after they talk with Sam, she never wants to see him at her house ever again.

Rox hears a knock on the glass of the passenger side of the car. “Go away, Dulce!” But, it’s Cesar, who opens the door and sits down. He tells her that there’s lots of flights to Cancún, but only one Rox. They kiss passionately.


La Suerte de Loli - #101 – Parte 2 de 3

Mati thanks Lupe for helping to slow Vicente’s roll. She reminds him in her normal arch Lupe way that she’s risking her job helping him. Mati invites her to dinner.

Rafa leaves Loli’s office and Bryan enters. He wants to talk. [Can’t these people ever have their emotional scenes somewhere besides the office?]

At Hunky Bar Octavio is sitting at a table with Apolo, Gabriel, Raúl and Romeo. [Where’s Adán?] He says that he also wants Apolo to be a partner. There is no one he trusts more. Octavio says that he’s looking for new horizons and wants people to take care of the bar. He tells Gabriel that he’s 18 now; Raúl is there for Nicky. Sometimes you need to let go of some things so that other things can appear. But he hugs Gabe and tells him that they’ll always be together because they’re family.

Rox tells Cesar that now he must realize that his ex is crazy.

At GR Bryan tells Loli he wants to know what she feels for him. [Again, inappropriate much?] But then Sam calls Loli to say that today the family who donated the heart want to meet her. Loli rushes out and Bryan, as usual, is understanding.

Cesar tries to convince Dulce to give him the handcuff key. She throws him a key that is not the right one. She tells him that they had an imaginary baby together. She finally throws him the right key.

Sam and Loli are together. The doorbell rings. It’s Rafa. Sam thinks he’s come to see Loli, but she explains that Rafa was the donor.

Bruno has come to get Carol. He asks her how she could believe what her grandfather said. He betrayed Bruno, he betrayed Melissa, and even Gema. “Your grandfather is not a good person. You can’t trust him." He tells her that what she did was wrong (kissing Gabe) and she has to face up to what she did.

Cesar and Rox come to her house. He asks if what she said on the radio was true and, what about Romeo. Rox: ¡Romeo, ni qué ocho cuartos! [A common Mexicanism meaning something that is not important.]

Lupe is at dinner with Mati and Art. Art asks what the celebration is for, and Lupe says that they’re going to be parents. Whoops! Mati did it again and Art is angry. He leaves the table.


La Suerte de Loli - #101 – Parte 3 de 3

Sam and Rafa are together with his arm around her. She thanks him profusely. She mentions that she wants to visit Leo’s grave. And she goes to her room. Loli imagines kissing Rafa but instead he just leaves.

Art and Mati talk about the Lupe situation. Mati says they’ve tried and tried to get a surrogate. He tells Art that something can be set up legally. Art says he’s in if Lupe renounces her maternal rights and that it’s not her egg. [I don’t think that’s what Lupe wants.]

Rox and Cesar have some pillow talk. He tells her he’s not going back to Mexico. He wants to stay in Los Angeles. When she wonders what he’ll do now that working at the former restaurant won’t work, he says he has an idea.

Bruno and Melissa have the talk with Carol they should have had a long time ago. Melissa tells Carol that it must be hard not to be the most popular girl in school but that this should be a lesson to Carol. After the talk, Bruno calls Sam.

Rafa is with Gonzalo. He says he’s tired of the relationship with Loli and says 3 times: ¡No más Loli! The doorbell rings. Who else? Pau, with that ear-to-ear Pepsodent smile. We see the next morning that she’s spent the night and is full of herself. After Rafa leaves for work, she picks up her phone immediately, probably to Angie (who should change her number) saying that Rafa is going to forget Loli completely.

Loli is about to have that talk with Bryan when Bruno rushes in saying that he has the recording implicating Vicente.

Rox talks with Mati, going on and on about why she can no longer be the surrogate, what with she and Cesar opening a restaurant and all. Mati never indicates they’d decided against her for the surrogate and just lets her apologize.

At the high school, several kids are looking at their phones. Sam walks in arm and arm with Carol. We then see the video Sam uploaded. Sam says she knows what Carol did was wrong, but she has forgiven her because they’re family. She wants them to stop bullying Carol. Bruno sticks his head into Sam’s video and ends up crying. The other mean girls come up and make nice.

Jess tells Sam that, because of Leo’s heart, they’re not just friends, but family.

Ay, Bruno. He finds the audio clip he needs but decides to play it in the break room. He can’t manage to stop it when Pau walks in for coffee. He stuffs it down his pants. But Pau, of course, rushes in to tell Vicente about the recording.

Vicente has gotten a letter about 18 months back alimony and/or child support he hasn’t paid. It’s come to $200K. He calls Silvia and threatens her with his lawyer.

Cafe episode 17

Thanks mucho for your recap, mwendwaE. I finally watched it!
I really did not like the way Sebas blamed Gaviota for insulting his family. What??!! They were rude to her all night long. When she finally spoke up before leaving the wedding, she honestly shared her truth!
Lemarcos really touched my heart in this episode. He truly loves and appreciates Marcela just as she is!
I hope that Sebas doesn’t fall for Lu’s manipulations!



Many thanks, novelera, for a terrific recap, complete with delightful, on-target remarks ("Pau, with that ear-to-ear Pepsodent smile") and some helpful Spanish phrases. I love that you include those!

Loli really drives me crazy at times. Only the presence of Braindead Bruno and his family keeps me from dismissing her even more--they make even her stupidities seem OK. One of those stupidities is telling Rafa, whose brother's heart is in Loli's godchild Sam, that she never wants to see him in her house again. Not ever. And then when he is about to leave, she either fantasizes about kissing him or actually does so (when I was watching the episode, I thought she actually had impulsively jumped him, kissed him passionately, and then let him walk out the door. In retrospect, I think your explanation makes more sense, but Loli so often acts impulsively--especially when it comes to kissing--that I assumed that that's what I was seeing with her and Rafa).

"Ay, Bruno" is right. Wouldn't it make more sense to push the button to turn the phone off? Instead, the Braindead Wonder tries to stuff the phone, with the audio still running, into his pants as Pau appears. Way to go, Bruno!

I too wondered where Adán was. And I felt sorry for Romeo, who seemed to be the only one Octavio wasn't promoting or helping. And yes, I think Mati and Arturo are in for some more chilly talks (even though they have only two days left to argue). But they need to have these talks both between themselves for Mati's latest failure to consult with Arturo before making an important decision that affects them both, and also between them and Lupe, who likely has a different notion of what her rights will be as a surrogate.

Wow...lots of issues to resolve in two days! I suspect some will be left on the cutting room floor. But please please please let's see Vile Vicente finally vanquished once and for all.


Excellent recap novelera! Your feistiness was on full display with the terrific side comments!

Dulce is one full plate of loca/crazy! I think I heard Cesar say he thought Rox should have called the police, but she didn’t want more drama. I hope the Cesar/Rox restaurant goes well.

Octavio is one generous and thoughtful guy. The world needs more people like him and I just need him! 😊

What Sam did for her awful Prima was great. I don’t think Carol will change a bit. At least Bruno and Melissa were slightly tolerable working to try and get Carol back on track. The whole phone recording was so typical for the Braindead (thanks Juanita) Bruno.

I enjoyed seeing Paulina furious, but then hated seeing her smirking after spending the night with Rafa. He sure doesn’t seem to mind that part of the relationship.

Brian and his whinnying is a huge disappointment. [Can’t these people ever have their emotional scenes somewhere besides the office?] you captured my exact thoughts novelera! I thought Brian might bring some function to the GR dysfunction but nope, he is just adding to it!

Art and Mati just seem to round and round every day. I am getting bored.

Vicente and Paulina need some serious karma in the last two episodes!



A random thought. Maybe Lupe could get advice from el más allá and have Mariana brief her on getting inseminated, probably not from Seed Bank.


It's sort of Caray etiquette not to comment on an episode until the recapper posts something.

But...a lot happened Thursday night. I'll await a recap before saying anything.


Loved the recap, novelera! Thanks so much. I found it extremely helpful. As always, thanks for the Spanish!

“[Can’t these people ever have their emotional scenes somewhere besides the office?]” and “Angie (who should change her number)” hear, hear!

I don’t think Lupe is a great candidate for surrogacy for a couple of reasons. She wants to be a mother. How old is she anyway?

Maybe Adan finally got an acting job.

Cesar-Rox restaurant sounds good. I wish they called the cops on Dulce.

When Octavio told Gabriel about letting go of things, Gabe said Octavio was worrying him. I hope nothing bad happens. What happened to Victoria? She didn’t show up uninvited last night.

Carol got off way too easy. I liked Bruno’s suggestion a couple of nights ago—to send Carol to military school. Jess called it when she said Carol won’t change.

Bruno looked a bit disgusted after he took that phone out of his pants.



Cafe 18
Sorry, by accident I put my comment on Cafe episode 18 on the daytime posts.
Also I didn’t realize there was an etiquette about waiting for a recap before commenting. Honestly, I didn’t even know there is someone who is recapping Cafe. I thought sometimes there might be a recap and sometimes not. I am really enjoying this telenovela and was just wanting to contribute and encourage comments.


I agree with Juanita. I loved the "ear-to-ear Pepsodent smile"!!!! And the Spanish phrases translated to English. Sometimes they don't make any sense when one translates a Spanish phrase word for word. I'm still stuck on:

"a quién le da pan que llore" or in English, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth." and

"qué más da" / "Me da igual" or in English, "It doesn't matter / what difference does it make?"


Fe, don't worry about posting comments on the other areas of Caray; i.e., Daytime Novelas.

We have had, so far, regular recaps on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Not sure what happened, but nothing so far for Thursday, June 17.

If nothing appears by tomorrow morning, I would assume it's OK to talk about what happened.

The reason I even brought it up and mentioned "Caray etiquette" is because we have people who log onto Caray from all three time zones in the U.S. and maybe even farther away. In the past people occasionally have put up comments containing spoilers before people in other time zones had even seen the episode.'s a bit time consuming at times, so the recap may not be up until several hours after it's aired.

It was deflating to work and work on the phrasing of a recap, post it, and find out that someone had jumped the gun with comments, not a full recap, that described things a recapper had worked so hard to write.

Thanks for clarifying Novelera.
Timing comments for this novela is a bit complicated because since it airs at 9pm I usually don’t even watch it until the next day.
And the recaps have not been consistent. From what I now understand is that there will only be recaps on Tuesdays and Thursdays?
I was expecting more people to be interested in this novela and I’m disappointed by the lack of comments. Nevertheless, I’ll keep watching as I think the acting and production are excellent and I never saw the original.


Thanks for clarifying Novelera.
Timing comments for this novela is a bit complicated because since it airs at 9pm I usually don’t even watch it until the next day.
And the recaps have not been consistent. From what I now understand is that there will only be recaps on Tuesdays and Thursdays?
I was expecting more people to be interested in this novela and I’m disappointed by the lack of comments. Nevertheless, I’ll keep watching as I think the acting and production are excellent and I never saw the original.


Loli #102 part 1

Loli wants to finish her talk with Brian. He stops her and tells her, I know what you’re going to say. Brian says he had a great time while they were together. But he also understands why it didn’t work out. Loli says she didn’t want to hurt him, it was never her intention. I…just think I’m not the right woman for you. [that’s what the patio said]

Octavio shows up at Loli’s office. Brian gets up, he says it’s their destiny to keep getting interrupted. He thanks Loli for everything and leaves.

Octavio has some very important news for Loli. He starts by telling her he has a new partner at the bar. It’s Raul, Nicky’s dad. Loli is surprised and she thinks it’s strange. Octavio drops the bomb—he did this because he’s moving to Mexico. [my heart is breaking] Loli is stunned.

Cesar arrives a Rox’ and he all excited. He saw 3 potential sites for their new restaurant. He launches into details and Rox stops him because she has something very important to tell him. Cesar is worried, he thinks she doesn’t want to go through with their plans for the restaurant and moving in together. He knew it.

Rox says hold on, there. She takes a breath and says this is difficult for her. She asks for a cushion from the couch. She drops it on the floor and gets down on her knee. She takes out a little box and presents it to Cesar. Would you like to move in with me, she asks? It’s a key to the apartment. He takes the key, of course, he says, it’s all I’ve ever wanted.

Octavio tells Loli he’s got everything settled and he’s leaving in a few days. Loli realizes he’s helping Raul because of Nicky. Nicky will be so upset, she says, we have to find the right time and place to tell him. Octavio tells her that Rosarito is close, and he will visit often. And Nicky can come to him, too. Loli says they will figure it out. Octavio says he needs to be with his mom now to make up for lost time. He also needs to get away and clear his head [and get Loli out of his heart?]

Bruno barges in and slams his phone down on Loli’s desk. Here’s the proof!

Loli listens to Bruno’s recording with Rafa and Don R. Rufino says, “with all the money you embezzled, if not outright stole, the company has very little capital. Your father will have to unload his stocks dirt cheap.” Loli says there was also a convo between Paulina and Vicente, but the phone didn’t record it.

Don R says he knew this but it hurts to hear his son and partner say it. Loli says she’s sorry. No, Don R says, I’m the one who’s sorry, I never should have trusted Vicente. How could I have been so blind?

Rogelio intends to take action. What are you going to do, Rafa asks? I’m going to have Vicente charged with embezzlement, fraud, and misappropriation of funds. He asks Loli for a copy of the recording. Rogelio leaves. Rafa can’t believe that Vicente just wanted to steal from his dad all along.

Loli plays another recording for Rafa. She didn’t want to play it for Rogelio. Things were already painful for him. Vicente says: “it was a win-win for everyone, Rafael did his part. Bringing him back to the station after Leo’s passing was a good decision. I knew I could count on him.” So, Rafa asks? Loli says that Vic didn’t know he was being recorded. Loli says I don’t know how I could have been so wrong about you. I never thought I’d be so disillusioned by you. [I guess Loli thinks Rafa has something to do with Vic’s crime?]

We have déjà vu as we watch Rox and Cesar argue over closet space. Maybe she can make some space. She has clothes she hasn’t worn in a long time. She takes out a skimpy, tiny, shiny dress. In the end, Cesar says what matters is she make room in her heart for him. That’s all he needs. He loves her. Then he says he’s going to prepare something tasty and healthy so they can both lose weight, and she can wear that pretty dress.



Loli #102 part 2

Rafa asks Loli, you think I’m capable of doing something like this? That doesn’t matter, she replies, I don’t even know who you are anymore. What matters is we have this on a recording. From Bruno, Rafa scoffs, how do you know if this is a legit recording? He demands, let’s set the record straight and go talk to Vicente now. Don R returns, he says Vicente isn’t here, he fled.

Guess who shows up at Octavio’s apartment? I was dying to see you, Victoria says as she flings her arms around him. Did you tell everyone, she asks? Everyone but Nicky, he replies. And Loli, she asks? Yes, I spoke with her, Octavio says, I will need her help with Nicky. I want to be very happy with you, Viki says, I can’t wait until we leave for Mexico. She hugs him again. He doesn’t look as enthusiastic as she does. “(Ugh, I just hate it that Victoria is the one…)”

Vicente fled? Rafa says someone must have tipped him off. Yes, but who? Loli says they were the only ones who knew. Don R mentions Bruno. Loli says she’ll speak with Bruno. Rafa reminds her they will also have to clear up the other matter later.

Bruno is talking to Lupe and another gossip girl. He can’t tell them too much because it’s a high level security situation. He says, if you have a job and continue to have one, it’s thanks to me. They laugh and mock him. Lupe calls him James Bond.

Loli calls Bruno away from those gossip hags. What is it? Is it about the recording? The gossip girls peer around the cubicle. Loli asks if he tipped Vicente off. Bruno is offended. Loli shouts at the gossips, get back to work! [Loli why don’t you just move away to another location?] Bruno says he wouldn’t do that and put his job, reputation and life on the line.

Loli says Bruno was working for Vic and she lost custody thanks to him, too. Bruno replies all that was in the past. He’s a new man now. The gossips are eavesdropping again. Bruno swears on his triplets he’s not a rat.

Angie gives Pau the news about Vic. What do you mean, Pau asks? Angie tells Pau about the recording, etc. and Don R wants to send him to prison! Pau pretends to be shocked. How terrible, she says, a family fighting over money. Pau adds, it’s a good thing I’m not involved with the Varela family. Angie knows her boss well and figures it out. Paulina Castro, you knew Vic was going to flee, didn’t you? All Pau says is, you are free to reach your own conclusions.

Rox calls Mati. She’s freaking out over her decision to let Cesar move in. Mati fills her in on the Vicente situation.

Lupe comes in to see Mati. He tells her we need to talk.

Octavio and Viki talk about the move. And Andresito, Octavio asks? Is he happy about moving to Mexico? He is, Viki says, I showed him pics of Rosarito. He’s happy to be close to the beach. Octavio is worried that they are moving in together so quickly and he thinks Andres doesn’t understand. Viki says her son is mature for his age. I know I said I didn’t want a father for him, she tells Octavio, but I know this is good for him. You’re his bio dad. [I’ll never ever like this woman for him]

Octavio looks a little sad. Viki knows it’s hard for him to leave Nicky. When are you telling him? Today. it will be the most difficult conversation of my life, he says. She gives him a hug. She says, you will be able to see him whenever you want. Besides, you will have us. We are going to be very happy in Mexico, [I wonder did Octavio really ask her to go to Mexico or is this another case of her inviting herself?] Octavio really looks unhappy. [I wonder is it just because of Nicky?]



Loli #102 part 3

Don R, Rafa and Loli play the recording for Rufino. Why did you do it, Don R asks? Rufino says he was set up by Vic. Loli says he’s just as guilty as Vic. Questions: How could you? How much money did Vicente offer you? Rufino says Vic is the only guilty one and he would have fled, too, if he was guilty. Difference is Vic was tipped off Loli tells him.

Mati tries to explain the situation to Lupe but she wants to speak first. She doesn’t think the surrogacy will work out. She doesn’t want to share custody, she doesn’t want to cause problems with Art and… her doctor said…she’s likely entering…. Mati finishes that sentence…menopause. Lupe says she will adopt.

Rufino is still trying to wiggle out of the blame. He says he defended Rogelio from his son. They ask him for Vic’s whereabouts. Where is the stolen money? The cops come in to arrest Rufino. Bye, bye! On his way out, Rufino says the snitch is still here and Vic planned it all! Loli also thinks the snitch is still here. Does she suspect Rafa is the snitch? Weird.

Loli and Rafa conduct interviews to find the snitch FF>> then we get to Rafa interviewing Pau. Pau throws Angie under the bus. [I’d like to see Pau under a bus!] Then she tells Rafa she suspects Loli because she is Vic’s sister! It’s suspicious, Pau says.

Very suspicious, Rafa replies. And he’s not referring to Loli. He asks Pau about the recording of her chat with Vicente. What were you talking about? Pau plays dumb—what recording? Pau says Vic was the CEO, it was normal for them to talk. She claims she has nothing to hide so investigate. Don’t depend on Bruno. She leaves.

Bruno corners Don R. He wants credit and a reward for saving the company with his recording. FF>> Rogelio gets away from his blather by claiming to have a meeting. Angie walks by and can’t believe Bruno thinks he’s a hero.

Loli and Rafa get nowhere with the interviews. Rafa says there are warrants out for Vic. He won’t be able to leave the country. Loli isn’t so sure about that. Anyway, Rafa says they will work together to solve this, whether Loli likes it or not. Loli wants to make it clear she’s doing this for Rogelio. She gets a call and says she’s on her way.

Rogelio fills Nora in on Vicente’s betrayal. She’s there for him.

Octavio stands before the mirror. How do I look, he asks Domingo? On the outside, great, but I don’t think you look as great on the inside, Dom answers. Octavio sadly says this day had to come. This is hard for him and he doesn’t want to upset Nicky.

Dom says, Nicky will miss you and I will, too. Octavio says he told Gabriel to look after Grandpa Domingo. Domingo goes over all his failings, Loli, gambling, losing his house. But Loli forgave me and gave me a second chance, he says, and now I have lots of grandchildren.

Octavio says decent people always get a second chance. He recounts how Domingo has turned things around, he’s working, getting a degree, he has his family. Dom says he won’t mess up this time. He tells Octavio, I wanted you as my SIL, but it wasn’t meant to be. [I so much wanted that, too!] He adds, you will always be my friend. Friends forever! Your loyal friend. Octavio says he will be back to visit, and they can have a beer. They hug. This was a touching scene.

Bruno and Melissa. Bruno fills her in on what happened and complains that he’s not getting the credit he deserves. FF>>

Loli has taken Nicky to the park. She asks him if he wants two scoops of chocolate chip ice cream. Nicky notes that this is an unusual treat. Octavio shows up and Nicky jumps into his arms. Octavio has a gift for him. Now Nicky knows that something is up. The park, the ice cream, the gift. Nicky turns to Octavio, dad… I’m nine… we can talk man-to-man. Just tell me what’s going on.



Loli #102 part 4

Octavio starts, we need to talk because there is something I’d like to tell you. Remember when you found out I wasn’t your real dad? Yes. Remember what I told you, Octavio says. I said nothing would change, that I would continue being your dad, that I’d be with you and look after you. Remember? He continues, that’s not going to change, but I’m moving to Mexico.

OMG the look on Nicky’s face is heartbreaking. When are you coming back, he asks Octavio? Octavio explains he’s moving to Rosarito to be with his mom. He’s going to live with her for a while. Nicky begins to cry. I’m never going to see you again, he sobs. Loli steps in, of course you are, you can visit whenever. Octavio tells him, you will visit Rosarito, it’s a nice place.

He gives Nicky his gift. It’s a telescope. You can see the stars at night, Octavio says, I will have one in Rosarito and I’ll watch them too. It will be like we are connected. If you ever want to talk to me, I’m there to listen. We will always be together. Nicky hugs Octavio and cries.

Octavio says, I love you, Nicky. Nicky returns, I love you, too, and I’m going to miss you so much. You mean the world to me, Octavio tells his boy, there’s no one else that I love more. We will always, always, always be together. [pause recap here so recapper can get a tissue]

I think Rafa is talking to the police on the phone. He says they questioned everyone but got nothing. Pau walks in and says she’s come in peace, despite his questioning, doubts and mistreatment (!). She’s here to remind him the book launch is tomorrow. Rafa says that’s not a priority for him right now. There are too many things to resolve. He wants to postpone. Of course, Pau is against that. The book is an achievement that you owe to Leo, she says, if you cancel, Vic wins. [more like she loses] He will think about it and leaves.

Octavio tells Loli he is heartbroken. He’s going to miss Nicky so much. Loli says Nicky is a strong boy and he will be okay. Loli takes out the phone and shows him one of the videos that Mari left her. Loli thinks this particular video was meant for him.

Mari is out of breath keeping up with little Nicky. She calls him a hurricane. She mentions that Sam is a much calmer child and she’s not as insistent on learning who her dad is. But Nicky will ask lots of questions, he will want to know about his dad. He’s too young now to understand his dad was a sperm donor. He will understand when he is older…although I won’t be there. Mari is sorry for leaving Loli with such a huge responsibility, but she knows she will be great like she is with everything. She ends the video to push Nicky on the swing.

Octavio wipes away tears. He hugs Loli and tells her she did well. She cries on his shoulder and tells him she doesn’t regret looking for him. He has no regrets either. Nicky changed my life forever, he tells her, thank you for finding me. Thank you, she says, for being the best non-dad in the world!

Octavio lays it out there, Loli, I’m in love with you. Muy enamorado. I thought we’d have a family of our own after our wedding. Ya basta, she says. Octavio sadly says, I’ve always known who your heart belongs to, I knew it deep down inside. I really care about you, he says, you’re family, too. They say they are going to miss each other. Very teary hugs. Nicky calls for them to play with him. [pause for another tissue]

Bruno and Mel in bed. He has a weird fantasy about Don R acknowledging his heroic contribution and renaming Global after him. FF>>

Gonzalo has some bad news for Rafa. It’s believed that Vicente escaped on a jet! That bastard!



Loli #102 part 5

Pau thinks she can take over Vicente’s position. She tells Angie she’s got everything it takes. Experience, contacts, her parents are shareholders. She gives Angie tasks to do (like make sure Loli is not invited to the book launch) and notices that Angie is not writing anything down and that Angie has been absentminded lately.

Angie says she’s exhausted. This has been very difficult. Rafa wasn’t sure about the book launch and Angie also thinks it’s not the best time. I don’t pay you to think, Pau says, I pay you to do what I say, when I say it. Ok she will give that this is a difficult period but the event she’s doing with Rafa will happen. No one will stop it. Do I make myself clear or do I have to spell it out, she tells Angie. [Pau is a disgusting creature]

Angie says it was just a suggestion. Not everything revolves around you and your wishes, she tells Pau. She adds, don’t take this the wrong way, but you can be mean sometimes. [glad she said it but does it matter?]

Pau answers, successful people are mean. [yes, some are called psychopaths, there have been studies.] We are unstoppable. We make things happen while the rest of you watch from a corner and bemoan your bad luck. That’s the difference between a leader and a follower. A successful person and a mediocre one. In other words, the difference between you and me. [Pau’s anvil can’t fall hard enough for me! Please let it be total humiliation.] Angie has no response, but she better be planning to snitch on Pau.

Sam is feeling down. Is it Gabriel, Jess asks? No, it’s Nicky. He’s been sad because Octavio moved to Mexico. Jess shares her own problem. Her parents are fighting again. She was excited about them getting back together but now it looks as if it won’t happen. Her dad is obviously unhappy, and he wants to cancel the book launch. Jess says, if it means not seeing the sour looks on their faces, I’d have them separate.

Doorbell rings at Rox’s and Cesar, “the man of the house”, goes to answer. It’s Dulce. [why didn’t Rox send her ass to jail?] She brought back the Batman undies she stole from his bag. She wanted to keep something of his. [Good grief, this woman is sick] The only thing that saves this scene is that Romeo shows up. He was in the neighborhood and brought Rox breakfast. Awkward.

Don R is meeting with his lawyers? Not sure. He says there’s no reason for him to leave the board or sell his shares or have the company declare bankruptcy. Why is Pau there? She says, just as long as you don’t endanger my family’s investment like he did with his incompetent son. She “apologizes” for being so blunt. He tells Pau that life teaches you and he doesn’t plan on making a mistake again. She says Vic’ disappearance is the best thing that could have happened. They can finally work to save the station. Don R agrees it’s what matters most, Global comes first.

Loli comes down the stairs. She’s on the phone with Rafa. She didn’t sleep last night thinking about Vicente. But she figures it’s better for Don R to have a son on the run and not in prison. Rafa is upset that Vic is getting away with his crimes. Loli is sort of relieved that Vic won’t be around to mess with them anymore. Uh, oh Loli, too soon to speak. Vic is standing at the table helping Nicky with something.

Vicente? Hi, sis, I’m just spending time with my nephew. Rafa is alarmed, Loli, is Vicente there?

And we are out and on to the gran final.


My last Loli recap. My thanks to the patio for reading and commenting and putting up with my delays, typos, bad grammar and absent punctuation. We were a small but determined group. I appreciate you all!



Wow, dondi356! What a superb recap! I can't believe you apologized at the end. Your recaps have been consistently amazing, including this one. We're the ones who should be (and are) thanking you.

As always, you've captured everything, and you've made excellent use of FF>> where needed. And I greatly appreciated your comments, which echoed my thoughts as well. Especially about Octavio.

In this episode, I was especially struck by Paulina's nasty remarks to Angie. They strongly reminded me of remarks Vicente made earlier in the novela, boasting that his making everyone afraid of him is the sign of a successful leader. I hope both Vicente and Paulina get what they deserve in the gran final. (For Pau, that might include total humiliation at her book launch when Rafa either doesn't show or DOES and announces that no, she has NOT gotten back her ex.)

dondi356, I too was struck by Octavio's lack of enthusiasm about the move to Mexico. Like you, I wondered whether his sadness is all due to leaving Nicky. Certainly a lot of it is, but when he and Vicki hugged, the lack of enthusiasm on his face suggests that he may not be looking forward to having Vicki in his life forever and ever.

At one point in the recap you say/ask "[I guess Loli thinks Rafa has something to do with Vic’s crime?]. How could she not be suspicious, when she hears on the tape, "Rafael did his part. Bringing him back to the station after Leo’s passing was a good decision. I knew I could count on him.” I don't recall the exact context that gave rise to "Rafael did his part" and "I knew I could count on him," but those statements do seem incriminating. We know that Rafa is innocent, but Loli clearly hasn't been watching the novela and reading our recaps. (Not to mention that if she had listened to some of us, she'd be marrying Octavio!)

Well, all I can say once again is MANY MANY THANKS for all your marvellous recaps and comments.


I have so enjoyed your recaps dondi356! You have set a high bar for the gran final recap! You covered everything so well, I am only going to highlight the characters I care about and those that need a horrible demise.

I was just sick about Octavio moving to Mexico! I had a hard time paying attention to the rest of the episode! It was one thing when he told Loli in the office but quite another when, as you so well put it:

Viki says, I can’t wait until we leave for Mexico. She hugs him again. He doesn’t look as enthusiastic as she does. “(Ugh, I just hate it that Victoria is the one…)” I HATE, HATE, HATE it!

You’re his bio dad. [I’ll never ever like this woman for him] Nope, me either! I can’t believe they are moving to Mexico and moving in together!

[I wonder did Octavio really ask her to go to Mexico or is this another case of her inviting herself?] Octavio really looks unhappy. [I wonder is it just because of Nicky?] It is just crazy that Octavio is going to leave Nicky!

“Friends forever! Your loyal friend. Octavio says he will be back to visit, and they can have a beer. They hug. This was a touching scene.” It really was a great scene.

Octavio tells his boy, there’s no one else that I love more. We will always, always, always be together. [pause recap here so recapper can get a tissue] and then

“Octavio lays it out there, Loli, I’m in love with you. Muy enamorado. I thought we’d have a family of our own after our wedding.” I had my tissue box on my lap. “I’ve always known who your heart belongs to” Stupid Rafa!

Every time Paulina was in a scene I could only think bad thoughts. You pointed this out perfectly: [Pau’s anvil can’t fall hard enough for me! Please let it be total humiliation.] Angie has no response, but she better be planning to snitch on Pau. Amen!

Vicente at Loli’s house with Nicky is just creepy and a bit scary. Guess we will just have to wait until Monday to see what happens.

Thank you so much dondi356! I learned so much from your awesome recap skills and comments!


Boy, from what you recap dondi356!, this episode seems like such a tear jerker!

I wonder what the title of the novela has to do with 'La suerte de Loli' because it seems as if she has had no Suerte at all, just bunches of boyfriends.

Thanks for the wonderful updates. This made the novela so much better for me to understand what was going on.


Dondi, you went out with a bang! Fantastic recap and I really loved how well you described the very touching scenes of Octavio bidding farewell to Nicky and Loli and also to Domingo. All though the novela (except maybe at the beginning with the two women in his bed that he cared nothing about) Octavio has been just a joy in every scene he's in. I hope we'll see some more of this Argentinian actor. And he helped me a lot with listening to the voseo!

As I understand it this launch event that Pau is so set on is a press event for a dual launch of their books: his book that's a compilation of his prior journalism and her "How to get back your ex." Paulina wants him to be the Ken doll for the press event. It wouldn't be the same to introduce a book with that title without the ex, er, scalp, at her side.

I got a kick out of the foursome at Rox's. Dulce just doesn't disappoint, does she? And she keeps affirming my theory; the more blue eyeshadow, the more nuts the female antagonist. I sure hope we aren't treated to Rox again thinking Cesar gives a rat's patootie about Dulce. He's just seemed incapable of really ever shutting her down the way she deserves.

I thought they said something about a private jet taking off from...somewhere. I recognized the name when I heard it, but it's gone now. That sure was a shocker, Vicente at Loli's house.

I am 99.9% sure that Angie will be Pau's downfall. She really sealed the deal last night by calling Angie mediocre.

I can't figure out why the writers decided to go with Octavio leaving for Mexico with a woman he sort of likes, but isn't all that enthusiastic about. Yes, those expressions on his face when Victoria draped herself all over him, gushing about how happy they'd be in Mexico didn't bode well. I've gotten the impression that his main interest in life, especially since he can't have Loli, is being a good father, something he clearly did not have himself.


Looks like this one could be open for comments.

It's a pretty dismal couple of episodes, Thursday and Friday.

Carlos Mario's plot worked to perfection. IIRC he decided upon it after Marcia told him about Sebastian perhaps coming back to Colombia because of his feelings for Gaviota. He definitely does not want Sebastian nosing around in his plans to launder money at Café Élites.

So he met with Wilson and more or less forced him to take the fall for the kidnapping. Somehow Wilson was negotiating a lighter sentence by confessing to taking part in the kidnapping. He said that it was some sort of a plan in which Don Octavio would not really be kidnapped; he would be rescued at the last minute. And he would be so grateful that he'd give a big reward to the person who saved him; i.e., Gaviota.

It was a supposedly neutral person who broke this news to Julia and Bernardo, a police lieutenant. Julia, of course, believed it. She told Aurelia to fire Gaviota and Carmenza immediately and get them off the property. And, to top it off, not tell them why.

There was an excellent scene with Carmenza telling Julia her truth. The actor playing Carmenza is terrific. She came right out with Julia's never liking her and having a suspicion about how Octavio had liked her. Carmenza just said that she only ever got from the boss was the money she earned working very, very hard.

Sebas is back in NYC, and Lucia, after another of those nasty phone calls from her father to hurry things along for the 25% baby bonus, she shows up at his apartment. There's some tale about a remodel of another apartment flooding hers. She pretends there's no hotel rooms available in NYC, and moves in. She's able to eavesdrop on Sebastian's calls.

The writers made it pretty clear how things were going to go when that sort of evil looking coffee picker that Gaviota won a bet with earlier on kept watching Carmenza and Gaviota. He looked clearly interested in how much the phone Sebas gave Gaviota was worth. Of course he stole it and, of course, Sebas can't call Gaviota. I was afraid the guy was going to steal the money Julia gave back to Gaviota.

Gaviota and Carmenza are in town; but, the kicker is that Gaviota is pregnant. I am not liking this early pregnancy trope of every old fashioned novela I've ever seen. Seems like they're signaling that she'll win the baby lottery.


Gaitan should sue for defamation. Zero resemblance between the wonderful original and this so-called remake.



Victoria, though I, like you, usually think of "suerte" as meaning good luck, I've been told that it also means fate or destiny. Thus, it doesn't necessarily imply something fortunate. My guess is that Loli's suerte will be fortunate, but we won't know for sure until Monday.


My thanks to you all, for reading and for the fabulous, insightful comments.

I waited to comment for a few reasons. Yesterday’s weather was nice, restrictions have been lifted and I needed to get past the emotional impact of the episode. It’s been a while since I felt so affected.

Once again, Octavio was the highlight. The scenes with Nicky and Domingo, wow! I enjoyed this character’s journey very much, even more than Loli’s. Too bad they gave him a meh ending. Octavio deserved every happiness. I suppose you could say it was realistic, that’s life, you don’t always get what you want. But it’s not a big reason I watch TNs!

novelera, I’ll give Octavio a pass on the threesomes because those women wanted it, too. Joaquín Ferreira did a fantastic job and I echo your hope that we see him again.

Juanita, I just couldn’t buy Loli’s quick insinuation/accusation that Rafa colluded with Vicente. She knows him better than that. I thought about it a little more and concluded she’s just upset about his reconciliation with Pau. “Loli clearly hasn't been watching the novela and reading our recaps. (Not to mention that if she had listened to some of us, she'd be marrying Octavio!)”— ah, don’t we just wish!

VVS, I’m continuing the cry: “’(Ugh, I just hate it that Victoria is the one…)’ I HATE, HATE, HATE it!” I tried to like “Stupid Rafa!” (LOL), I just couldn’t get over Octavio.

novelera, I will subscribe to your theory, “the more blue eyeshadow, the more nuts the female antagonist.” I totally agree with you “that his [Octavio’s] main interest in life, especially since he can't have Loli, is being a good father, something he clearly did not have himself.” I left this detail out but since you brought it up, Gonzalo told Rafa something happened at a private airport in Fresno, it was believed Vicente boarded a jet.



loli, herc, telemundo

As most of you know, La Suerte de Loli ends on Monday. Replacing it on Tuesday will be Hercai: Amor y venganza, a Turkish novela dubbed in Spanish. Though my usual recap day is Tuesday, I will not be able to recap this coming Tuesday. However, novelera has heroically offered to recap Tuesday's 2-hour opening episode. I'll try to recap later in the week. However, WE NEED MORE RECAPPERS! If more people don't volunteer, there will probably be NO recaps after the first week.

Telemundo has a brief synopsis in Spanish, a trailer, and more on its website. Here's a translation of part of Telemundo's synopsis: Hercai: Love and Vengeance takes place in the ancient Turkish city of Midyat. It tells the story of Reyyan Sadoglu and Miran Aslanbey, an impossible love born from revenge and betrayal. Reyyan is the granddaughter of the Sadoglu family, one of the most powerful in the city. She is mistreated by her grandfather Nasuh, who is the family's true leader. As a result, Reyyan looks for a means to get away at any cost. When she goes horseback riding, Reyyan meets Miran, since his car scares her horse and Reyyan falls to the ground. When Miran approaches her to help her, she ends up madly in love with him, and she accepts his marriage proposal without imagining that its motivation is revenge.

Reminder: WE NEED MORE RECAPPERS! Recaps needn't be long--1 or 2 pages is fine.

Hercai – Telemundo

I haven’t seen this one and I intend to watch. This ran 69 Turkish episodes and ended April 2021, so it’s a long one. I’m sure Telemundo will edit the heck out of it. I hope they keep the original soundtrack.

I’m still recapping Embajador every night so I couldn’t commit to more than what I did for Loli, a Friday recap that’s up over the weekend. It would be nice to have regular recappers. If not, I hope we at least get viewers and comments.

My thanks to novelera for heroically offering to recap the two hour premier.




Hello, everybody. I apologize for not posting something on Thursday, I was under the impression the show has been preemted because of football. I had people over this weekend and a baptism on Sunday, so no time to check on the site. Now as I read the comments I realize I was supposed to write something and the preemtion was mentioned on the Univision board, not here.
Once again, I am so sorry! It sounds like I lost a good show, I'm only now starting to catch up.



Novelera, thank you for writing a recap, you are single handedly keeping this show alive on the board.


Adriana Noel, not to worry about missing a recap for your UNPAID Thursday job. I sort of assumed something odd had happened. I didn't want to put anything up myself until I was sure you weren't just running late for some reason (happens to the best of us).

herc, telemundo

dondi356, it would be terrific if you're willing to do Friday recaps of Hercai!! Having the recap appear over the weekend would be fine (as I recall, almost all your Loli recaps appeared on Saturday, which left plenty of time for comments).

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