Monday, August 23, 2021

DAYTIME TNs…y Mas (#1): Week of Aug 23, 2021

Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs!  This page is being provided to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 6PM.  If you would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

8 – 9 AM – Carita de Angel (Unimás)

9-11 AM – Amor Bravio (Unimás)

11 -12 PM – La Reina del Flow (Unimás)

12 -2 PM -   Fuego en La Sangre (Unimás)

2-3 PM -  La Madrastra (;Univisión)

3-4 PM –  Amor Eterno (Univisión) 

5-6 PM -  Hasta Que El Dinero Nos Separe (Unimás)

6-7 PM -   El Color de la Pasión (Unimás)

Click “Read more” for Galavisión Daytime TNs and other info—

2 – 4PM     Un Refugio Para El Amor

4 – 6PM    Vencer el Miedo

Other Announcements:

This page can also be used as a forum to keep in touch, discuss strolls down the Caray! Caray! memory lane, or anything else that is of interest to the patio.

Please remember that ANY daytime novela can be discussed and everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Friendly reminder to PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Color”). If there is a TN you would like added to the listing, please e-mail me at rgvchick627@

This page will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays before 12PM. 

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OT - La Madrastra

If any of you are watching this novela, I think it is being severely chopped up.

Also, if you think Michelle Vieth's accent is the pits, well, it occasioned a lot of criticism and laughs when the novela was first broadcast.

What do you mean chopped up? I watched the original and it seems to be the same.


- Sara asks the hospital records clerk if he can make a copy of the admittance record for her.
- Normita calls Rebeca to tell her about Amador returning to the factory. Rebeca agrees to take care of it.
- Tere vacuums in Rebeca’s room and it picks up the earring.
- Sara asks Leti for Ricardo’s phone number.
- Lalo tells Marcelo and Nazario that Amador returned to work.
- Marcelo confronts Amador. Amador thinks Rebeca will let him stay.
- Lucia and Nora talk about how much they miss their dad. Lucia tells her that she broke up with Marcelo. Lucia suddenly starts feeling dizzy.
- Sara wants to know what Ric told Alonso about Adriana’s death. Ric doesn’t have proof but says the details surrounding Adriana’s death are very suspicious.
- Ricardo tells Sara he has no reason to lie about what he knows. He tells her to be careful of Rebeca.
- Daniela shows up at Ric’s apartment and he lies to her about why Sara was there.
- Rebeca tells Amador to leave the factory. She doesn’t want his help and knows Al’s death was convenient for him. Amador says it was convenient for her too.
- Amador asks her if it’s really true that Alonso was alone when he died. Because he remembers that she showed up at his house that night to supposedly see Brigida.
- Rebeca tells Marcelo that he shouldn’t be at the factory either. Marcelo is sure Alonso talked to Rebeca before he died.
- Teresa removes the earring from the vacuum. Nora takes the earring from her.
- Sara goes to Casa Gaxiola and gives her condolences to Nora. She wants to talk to Rebeca.
- Sergio and Leti gossip about her dad and Daniela. Sergio is about to tell her something when the phone rings. It’s Gloria calling for Sergio.
- Rebeca refuses to talk to Sara. Sara tells her that she has proof that Reb was involved in Adriana’s death. Rebeca continues to deny everything and threatens Sara.
- As Rebeca attempts to kick Sara out Lucia intervenes. Sara tells her to take care of herself.
- Rebeca tells Lucia that Marcelo is still in Puebla and back working at the factory.
- Rebeca calls Mario. She wants Alonso’s will to be read ASAP.
- Lucia calls Marcelo and again tells him to leave town. He needs to see her one last time.
- Normita tells Nazario that she overheard Marcelo telling Rebeca that he lost his brother because of her. Nazario says now it won’t be easy putting up with the widow (Rebeca)
- Sara asks Magdalena more about Adriana’s death. Mags tells her about Clara.
- Marcelo tells Lucia to find Rebeca’s earring. He doesn’t tell her how he got the earring back the second time after he had given it to Lucia when she found it in his apartment.
- Amador and Ricardo talk business. Ric wants to be his legal advisor for the factory business. Ric reminds him that he is Amador’s alibi in Ligia’s death.
- Roman visits Nora. Nora isn’t sure she wants to continue the therapy sessions.
- Roman wants to talk to Lucia. He’s happy that Lucia and Nora seem to be getting along. Lucia starts to feel dizzy again.
- Magdalena asks Marcelo not to abandon Lucia. Marcelo tells her that he is worried about what will happen when Milagros and Nora find out about what happened to Federico.
- Roman asks Lucia if there is a possibility that she might be pregnant. Rebeca overhears.


Is Michelle Vieth still in the entertainment industry or did she retire to spend time with her family ?



- Lucia is at first surprised by Roman’s question but then agrees that it could be a possibility
- Roman encourages her to take a pregnancy test ASAP.
- Rebeca enters Lucia’s room and inquires about her health and thanks Roman and sees him out.
- Rebeca tells Roman that she’s surprised that he’s attentive towards Lucia. Rebeca tells him she can handle Nora.
- Milagros is surprised that Marcelo is affected by Alonso’s death. Marcelo tells her that Lucia broke up with him but he won’t give up on her.
- Nora is trying to get Lucia to eat. Lucia is surprised that she’s being nice to her. Nora says that their dad would’ve wanted them to get along.
- Lucia gets a text message from Marcelo saying how much he loves her.
- Magdalena asks Samuel to officiate a mass for Alonso. Samuel says he saw Rebeca days earlier at the church where the niches are and was at the niche of a young man named Federico Valdivia.
- Magdalena recognizes the name but denies Rebeca having any sort of relationship with Federico but does say that Fede was Marcelo’s brother.
- Leti asks Sara why she wanted to talk to Ricardo. Sara lies saying she wanted to know his intentions on getting closer to Leti. Leti doesn’t yet open the gift Ric left for her.
- Rodrigo is unsuccessful in finding a job. Sergio reminds him that his dad offered him to return to the factory but Rodrigo doesn’t want to go back because of Marcelo.
- Lucia goes to Rebeca’s room to look for Plot Earring. When Rebeca comes in she lies and says she wanted to talk to her about Roman.
- Rebeca asks Lucia if she’s thinking of getting back together with Marcelo. Lucia says not now at least.
- Rebeca notes that Marcelo is still working at the factory and Lucia says that he’ll stay there as long as she feels is necessary.
- Nora leaves Plot Earring in a drawer on her nightstand.
- Mario is suspicious that Magdalena is hiding something from him. Magdalena says it’s not her place to talk about other people's personal matters. He tells her that Rebeca wants to have Al’s will read ASAP.
- Nazario brings Lucia Alonso’s personal items from the morgue. She tells him the importance of the missing earring and Alonso having it in his possession when he died.
- Mario tells Marcelo that the majority of the factory’s shares are in the hands of Rebeca and Nora. Marcelo is worried that Rebeca will allow Amador to return to the factory.
- Rebeca tells Amador that he was right about her not being able to run the factory. She wants him to get rid of Marcelo. He tells her that some money is missing from the factory’s financial accounts that Marcelo is responsible for monitoring so fraud seems likely.
- Mario gives Marcelo the final version of the dissolution of the partnership between Amador and Alonso. Mario asks him why his brother’s ashes are in the church in Puebla.
- Marcelo tells Mario that his brother committed suicide.
- Lucia finds Plot Earrings match in Rebeca’s jewelry box.
- Rebeca is at a pharmacy.
- Roman calls Lucia asking her if she has done a pregnancy test yet. She says no.
- Leti visits Lucia. Lucia tells her that she broke up with Marcelo.
- Amador tells Ric that he needs him as a legal adviser for the factory but they’ll have to keep quiet about it.
- Leti seeks Lucia’s advice on if she should get close to her dad. Leti asks her if she’s worried about Nora stealing Marcelo from her.
- Nora wants to be friends with Marcelo. He reluctantly agrees just so there won’t be problems.
- Marcelo and Nazario discuss the contents of dissolution agreement.
- Rebeca puts what she got at the pharmacy in a glass of OJ and gives it to Lucia.
- Rebeca tells Lucia that the will reading will be the next day and that Amador will be running the factory. Lucia thinks Nazario would be the best option.
- Ricardo wants to live with Daniela and tells her to think about it. Alfredo shows up at her apartment. She introduces him to Ric but he says he already knows who Ric is.

OT - Michelle Vieth

Here are links to a Wikipedia articles.


TF: Looking forward to seeing the recap on today's episode. I hope Crazy Nora & Psycho Becca go down BIGLY.


- Ricardo quickly leaves Daniela’s apartment.
- Leti calls Ric to thank him for the gift he left her - a bracelet. They agree to meet up.
- Daniela tells Alfredo that Ricardo has supported her when he (Alf) and Marcelo haven’t. Alfredo reveals to Daniela that he hired someone to investigate Ric.
- Nora tells Lucia that she wants to be friends with Marcelo.
- Normita tells Marcelo about the mass for Alonso. She tells him that Amador and Rebeca seem to be up to no good.
- Lalo tells Vinicio to stay away from Teresa. Lalo punches him in the gut.
- Leti and Ricardo have an awkward conversation about her childhood and dating life. Leti leaves quickly as she has to attend the mass for Alonso.
- Ricardo tells Leti not to believe everything she’s heard about him. He says he’s far from perfect.
- Sergio gossips to Rodrigo about Lucia/Marcelo breakup.
- Marcelo shows up at the mass much to Lucia’s dismay.
- Daniela tells Ricardo that her dad had him investigated. She says she’s beginning to have doubts about why he wants to be with her.
- Daniela wants to know if there is something that her dad could potentially use against him.
- After the mass Marcelo asks Lucia if she’s found the earring. She says no.
- Lucia asks Roman, in front of Marcelo, to take her home.
- Roman asks Lucia if she’s told Marcelo about her potential pregnancy. She hasn’t taken a test yet. Roman wonders if he’ll ever have a chance at a relationship with her.
- Marcelo vents to Rafaela about potentially losing Lucia to Roman.
- Milagros asks Alfredo to help her find the woman responsible for Federico’s suicide. She tells him of three possible suspects: Lucia or Nora Gaxiola, or Rebeca Murillo. Alfredo says he once knew a woman named Adriana Murillo.
- Lucia decides to wait until the next morning to take the pregnancy test.
- Leti tells Sara about meeting with Ric for coffee. Sara has no objection to Leti spending time with him.
- Magdalena tells Mario that Lucia broke up with Marcelo. Off screen she finally tells him about Rebeca/Federico.
- Marcelo is surprised to learn that Alfredo is in Puebla.
- Sara asks Nazario if he’s heard anything more about Clara. He says no.
- Rebeca prepares more tainted OJ for Lucia.
- Lucia takes the pregnancy test but it accidentally falls down the sink as she’s waiting for the results.
- Marcelo asks Milagros if she asked Alfredo to come to Puebla. She lies and says no.
- Sara tells Nazario about Adriana’s hospital admittance records and what Ric told her about what Adriana knew about his involvement with Rebeca.
- Nazario tells Sara that Alonso told him he was suspicious of Rebeca concerning something.
- Outside his apartment, Lalo helps a young boy who happens to be Clara’s son. He introduces himself to Clara.

"ECDLP" Episode 84:

TF: Thank you very much for the detailed recap on today's episode. Psycho Becca & Crazy Nora love to make people go crazy!

FELS - I remembered to watch during lunchtime today. More good memories. LOL Really, it would be fun to watch again if the Great Brain Trust of Univision aired it for one hour only instead of two. What's the rush? ;-)

LA MADRASTRA - FELS ended before lunch was over, so I popped over to La Madrastra. Ohhhhh yes, Sra Ruffo was doing her iconic crying and "mis hijos". Ya basta. ;-)

It seems the daytime telenovelas are doomed to be the land of reruns.



Rebecca and Nora fail to see other people as people. Putting an abortifacient into Lucia's orange juice shows Rebecca's total disregard for her, especially if there would be a bad chemical reaction with the juice.

I would also not discount the possibility that Rebecca envies Lucia's youth, beauty, and fertility. Or that the baby was conceived in love. Wait a minute.... Rebecca cannot love. Is that it?


They are likely to be doubling up because there are 206 total episodes. If I had the time I would be watching it again to see those three hot brothers....

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