Thursday, August 19, 2021

DAYTIME TNs…y Mas (#2): Week of Aug 16, 2021

Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs!  This page is being provided to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 6PM.  If you would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

8 – 9 AM – Carita de Angel (Unimás)

9-11 AM – Amor Bravio (Unimás)

11 -12 PM – La Reina del Flow (Unimás)

12 -2 PM -   Fuego en La Sangre (Unimás)

2-3 PM -  La Madrastra (;Univisión)

3-4 PM –  Amor Eterno (Univisión) 

5-6 PM -  Hasta Que El Dinero Nos Separe (Unimás)

6-7 PM -   El Color de la Pasión (Unimás)

Click “Read more” for Galavisión Daytime TNs and other info—

2 – 4PM     Un Refugio Para El Amor

4 – 6PM    Vencer el Miedo

Schedule Changes (Schedules subject to change so please check your schedules :-/):


Other Announcements:

This page can also be used as a forum to keep in touch, discuss strolls down the Caray! Caray! memory lane, or anything else that is of interest to the patio.

Please remember that ANY daytime novela can be discussed and everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Friendly reminder to PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Color”). If there is a TN you would like added to the listing, please e-mail me at rgvchick627@

This page will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays before 12PM. 

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- Rebeca cries over Alonso’s lifeless body then takes the handkerchief out of his pocket and wipes the pill bottle then places it in his hand.
- Lucia can’t reach Alonso on the phone and has a bad feeling.
- Sara tells Nazario to go ahead and take Lucia home while she handles her discharge papers.
- Milagros tells Marcelo that she ran into Rebeca at the church.
- Rebeca sets up her alibi by going to Casa Zúñiga with the pretense of apologizing to Brigida. Amador is skeptical about Rebeca’s change of heart.
- Upon arriving back home Lucia, Nora and Naz see Alonso’s car. Nora checks the bedrooms but doesn’t find him.
- Lucia calls Alonso’s cell phone and it rings from somewhere in the house. Lucia realizes it’s coming from Al’s study.
- Lucia sees Alonso on the ground and begs him to wake up. Nazario sees the pill bottle and checks for a pulse but there is none.
- Nora runs up to her room and cries.
- Leti and Rodrigo are out together and run into Ricardo and Daniela. Leti tells Rod that the man is her father. Rod tells her that Dani is Ligia’s cousin. Leti tells him about Lucia’s accident.
- Nazario calls Marcelo to break the news to him about Alonso.
- Ricardo tells Daniela that he just found out that he has a daughter. Someone watches them from a distance.
- Sara gets the call from Nazario about Alonso. Sara cries alone in the hospital.
- Marcelo arrives at Casa Gaxiola. He asks Naz about Rebeca who is unseen outside in her car.
- Lucia accuses Marcelo of causing Alonso’s death. Nazario says it’s not Marcelo’s fault.
- Rebeca enters the house and runs into Marcelo. He is sure that she and Alonso had a confrontation about everything.
- Rebeca tells him she hasn’t been home and that she even saw his mom at the church. Marcelo tells her that Alonso is dead.
- Rebeca enters the study and immediately cries over Alonso (again). She is upset that she is the last to know about what happened.
- Lucia confirms to Rebeca that Nora knows so Rebeca goes to see her after asking Naz to handle everything.
- Nora wants to know why Alonso wanted to talk to Rebeca and why Rebeca wasn’t home.
- Nazario calls Mario who breaks the news to Magdalena. They plan to return to Puebla first thing in the morning.
- Nazario encourages Marcelo to go home and that he’ll notify him of the funeral arrangements. On his way out he runs into Sara and confirms the news.
- Rebeca refuses to let Sara in the house.
- Rodrigo tells Sergio about his outing with Leti and running into Leti’s father. Sergio tells him that Leti’s father is friends with Amador.
- Sara breaks the news to Leti about Alonso’s death.
- Lucia is distraught as Alonso’s body is removed from the house.
- Sergio tells Rodrigo that he found out that Alonso died.
- Having heard the news from Rodrigo, Brigida tells Amador about Alonso’s death. Amador relishes the fact that now he will become the sole owner of Talavera Gaxiola.


TF: RIP Alonso 😔.

I wonder how long before Rebeca & Crazy Nora loot the $$$.


Gracias, TF.

Where does Amador get off thinking he is now the sole owner of the tavalera? Did he even own half? Lucia is likely to inherit the lion's share of it but Amador probably thinks that all women are as stupid as Brigida.

Will anyone ever find out the truth about how Alonso died? Rebecca is now responsible for another tragedy. The ability to cover that up says how she really felt about Alonso. The woman is made of ice.


Exactly, Urban! Amador might be a shareholder but that doesn’t make him the boss now. Lucia is the only one equipped to run the business. Rebeca and Nora probably don’t know squat lol

Someone will surely have to find plot earring somewhere in Alonso’s study. That’s really the only clue. Lucia at least knows that Marcelo had it and had to have shown it/given it back to Alonso as proof of Rebeca’s culpability.


- Brigida doesn’t think Rebeca will allow Amador to take over the company and also says he’s forgetting about Marcelo who will soon marry Lucia.
- Brigida is surprised that Amador wants to go to the funeral.
- Rebeca flashes back to Alonso revealing he has her earring and it falling to the ground. She starts to look for it when Teresa comes in.
- Nora doesn’t think she has the will to attend the funeral. Rebeca tells her not to let Lucia get all of the attention.
- Teresa tells Lucia that she feels bad that Alonso let her leave the house the day before.
- Milagros wonders why Marcelo didn’t tell her the news about Alonso. She wants to accompany him to the funeral. Marcelo relents.
- Rebeca says she plans to have Alonso cremated but Lucia says he’ll be buried next to Adriana. Nora says that whatever Lucia wants is fine.
- Ricardo goes to visit Leti to give her something but she isn’t there and Sara tells him that Alonso died. The same mystery man from before watches Ric leave Sara’s house.
- At the funeral home, Normita tells Magdalena and Mario that something happened between Alonso and Marcelo. Al had fired him.
- Magdalena comforts Lucia while seemingly ignoring Rebeca.
- Magdalena asks Lucia why she is using crutches and Lucia says she’ll tell her later.
- Rebeca tells Magdalena that she needs her.
- Lucia sees Marcelo and Milagros arrive. Milagros gives her condolences. Lucia doesn’t say anything to them.
- Rodrigo and Sergio arrive. Rodrigo tells Lucia that he doesn’t want to be a bother but wanted to tell her how sorry he is.
- Lalo is suspicious of Vinicio talking to Teresa.
- Amador and Brigida arrive and give their condolences to Rebeca and Nora. Marcelo and Nazario give Amador a death stare.
- Elsewhere in the funeral home, Roman gives his condolences to Lucia. Marcelo sees them hugging.
- Amador asks Nora exactly how Alonso died. Nora says Al was alone when he had a heart attack.
- Ricardo tells Daniela that Rebeca’s husband died. Ricardo realizes that Amador will now have control over Alonso’s business.
- After the burial, Lucia breaks up with Marcelo. It doesn’t matter to her what caused her father’s death but she won’t marry Marcelo.
- Lucia says that her dad’s last words to her were not to marry Marcelo.
- Sara tells Leti that Ricardo came to see her and give her a gift. Sara says she wont oppose Leti being close to Ric if that’s what Leti wants.
- Amador asks Rodrigo if he wants to return to work at the factory. Rodrigo says no.
- Mario tells Magdalena that Alonso had gone to see him to make changes to his will. Lucia and Nora have equal share of the home and money but Rebeca and Nora are the majority owners of the factory. He is sure Amador will take advantage of the fact that Alonso is gone,
- Lucia tells Rebeca that she and Marcelo broke up. Rebeca says that Marcelo told her that he talked to Alonso about her before Alonso died.
- Rebeca maintains that Alonso did not confront her because she had gone out to see Roman then to see Brigida.
- Lucia says that Marcelo will leave Puebla and Nora will never find out what Rebeca did to Federico.
- Sara is alone visiting Alonso’s grave.
- Magdalena is surprised to learn that Lucia won’t marry Marcelo. She doesn’t think Lucia is being fair to Marcelo.
- Magdalena reminds Lucia that Marcelo’s role in the factory is crucial. Would Lucia want Rebeca or Amador to take over? Lucia says no but still doesn’t think that’s reason enough for her to continue a relationship with Marcelo.
- Nazario encourages Marcelo not to give up on fighting for Lucia.
- Amador returns to the factory with a smug attitude.
- Sara gets a call from the hospital records clerk who tells her that he found Adriana’s hospital admittance records and that she was in fact admitted to the hospital twice on the day she died. The first time, a man named Ricardo Marquez brought her in. Sara is stunned.



No doubt that Amador isn't competent to run the business except into the ground. Ditto Rebecca and Nora. None of them want to know this.

Deathbed promises are another bingo square, especially when they guarantee the survivor's future misery. I am reminded of the one in Corazon Salvaje when Aimee made Monica promise she would not reunite with Juan. That was the last evil act of hers. Alonso's demand was out of misunderstanding rather than selfishness.


TF: I'm glad Lucia put her foot down & told Psycho Rebeca that Alonso will be buried next to Lucia's mother.

Psycho Rebeca wants all of the $$$ very bad!


Not only the dinero but the casa.

I somehow missed this during the original run but an episode or two ago it was said that Alonso had that mansion built for Adriana, so it now rightfully belongs to Lucia.

Rebecca doesn't stop at stealing other women's men, she is looking to steal everything.


I was surprised that Nora didn’t object to Alonso being buried next to Adriana but I guess even without knowing Rebeca’s other secrets, she knows that Alonso loved Adriana and that he was seeking to divorce Rebeca before he died.

If I remember correctly the mystery man that’s been watching Ricardo was hired by Alfredo.



TF: I hope Lucia & Co., can get rid of the connivers who plan to loot Alonso's business, etc.,

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