Thursday, March 03, 2022

Mi Fortuna Eres Tu #6, 03/02/22: Bad Boys Big-Time Boogy, Mario Blows It, & Andi Gets Blown Off

Tania warns Natalia that if the company cannot resolve the fraud issue, the next best thing for her brother, Mario, is to leave the country.  Mari walks in on the two of them and is surprised to see Nata there.  Nata asks why he's so surprised she is back at the office.  She explains she's gotten a forensic accountant--Enrique--to trace back the accounts and assist them in locating everything.   Tania states she already looked through everything and the others left no trace.  Nobody can find a thing, rest assured!  Mario agrees another set of eyes could probably discover something they all overlooked.  (Especially a forensic accountant doncha think?)  Nata suggests then Tania should probably hand over the necessary passwords to the computer and various accounts so the accountant can get the show on the road already!  Mario asks so why haven't you done that by now?  Tania stalls saying she cannot just go handing out such things willy nilly! "--Besides, I don't take orders from her!"  Mario insists she hand over the passwords then and there.  Trammeling Tania then exits stage right to assist Enrique.

Across town at Vicente's Auto Parts open-air shop, Olga stops to visit with Chente and to find another way to insert herself....Why wasn't she allowed to join in the fun the night before?  Sorry, just a family thing and Benji is still not talking.  Vulga says she enjoys helping out with the housework and Benji, and sweetly places her hand over his (as Viewerville gets a load of her crazy nail polish).  He pulls away and says he really doesn't want to take advantage of her good will (let alone her willing).  Chente says there's only one woman his child wants to see (and it ain't her) so being ill, her being there will only disturb him more and .....Ugha won't stop insisting...she gives him a hug and says she will remain invisible, only being there when Benji's away at school cuz she only wants to help them both through this difficult time --Somebody throw the dude an oxygen mask and a full tank of O2.  He's being suffocated!  

Later on Tania warns big brother he could end up in jail by trying to be Nata's knight in shining armor.  He doesn't need rumors flying that he's having an affair with her, either.  

Olga has cooked and cleaned, but oops, she's also changed the furniture around and removed all photos of Lucia without Chente's permission.  This was the last straw.  He finally explodes. "-- Where are my wife's pictures???"  She took the liberty of throwing them inside the desk.....He finally lays down the law.  It's his house and his pictures and his kid and if she thinks that by moving around some furniture and taking down his wife's pictures she will erase the memory of the one woman in his life he's ever loved, she's wrong. "--You will never replace the only woman I've ever loved!  Do you understand???  Not as the woman of this house, nor the caretaker of my son, not in my heart.  Understood???  GET THAT STRAIGHT!!!"

Back at the office, Nata explains that from now on, they all will be working out of the same office so even though she doesn't intend to make besties with Tania, she can at least act polite and well-mannered while there.  Mario promises he's spoken with her and it will never happen again.  Yes, but what about him?  Is it true he's considering leaving the country?  Will he be pulling the same low-down tricks as Veronica???  Mario hands her his passport to keep as a show of good faith.  She refuses to take it and says she believes him.  Just then Enrique reports the numbered account he was tracking for her belongs to Mario!!

Meanwhile, Tania has returned to Ver's place and makes a call to Ver.  She assures her that all is going well in the D.F.and everything has been turning out just exactly as Ver had planned.  Ver says she'd love to see Nata's face once she learns that Mario has an offshore account as well.  Tania pricks herself on the roses while complaining to Ver that they've brought in an expert to review the books.  She tells Nata her roses love blood and explains vaguely that she's not the roses' only victim.....  Tania lastly informs Ver that Nata and Mario have begun living together and of course, they both think the worst.....

Nata wonders why there's an offshore account in Mario's name.  He swears he's got no idea and they need to find out.  (Well, shucks, if she's got a house she knew nothin' about fraudulently put in her name, well couldn't it be possible that the offshore account is fraudulent also?  Wait, that connection was too quick to make for these two who are supposed to be so well-educated and worldly.)  Mario hands her over his passport again and this time she accepts it.  She refuses to be left alone in the midst of all this financial and emotional chaos.

Back in the barrio, Valentina comes running over to Chole at the beauty shop to come quickly back to the rooming house cuz Vulga's about to commit suicide and she's locked the door and means bidnez!  Chole says it's the third time the girl has pulled this on everyone.  She goes to the locked door and says if she doesn't come out of the room on the count of three Mama will know all and Vulga will be sent packing back home.  Vulga comes out.....(FF>>FF>>)  

Andrea has called Omar to discuss her terrible, rotten, very bad day at school and at having to live like a sardine at Mario's.  She learns the unfortunate truth from Omi that now he will not be able to welcome her and her family as guests to live in the apartment.  (An immovable object has just been hit with the proverbial unstoppable force.)

Breakfast is bad at Chente's so he decides to play a bit of indoor soccer with Benji.  Looking at the soccer ball sets the boy off and he begins screaming as he has flashbacks to the loose soccer ball leading to his mother's being fatally shot.  

Chole insists that Vulga needs to set her sights lower than on Chente.  

Once back at Mario's digs, Andi asks again why Omi's gone back on his word.  Papi has laid down the law.  It's his parents or her.  He chooses his parents and La Vida Loca. 

Tania chats up Ver's maid who informs her that Ver loves her roses and the many secrets they hold.  (Anothercryptic reference to those darned yellow roses!  Anybody wanna venture a guess?) 

In the Caribbean, Adrian offers a diamond necklace as a peace offering to Ver. She compliments his ability as a peacemaker.  Ver mentions that Tania called her and had some interesting news.  Mario's taking on the responsibility of the company; also, Mario has moved on to Nata. Is Ver jealous?  Not on your life!  She finds it rather amusing.  But, from the look on Adrian's face which has gone from merry to mirthless in 2 seconds flat, he does not.

Nata arrives home just in time to pick up Mario's ringing phone.  "--Hola.  Bueno."  Once again there's nothing from the other end of the line.  Adrian hangs up.  He admits to Ver that she is correct because Nata answered Mario's phone.  He immediately changes the subject to a dinner meeting he has that night with a new possible associate interested in investing in the tourist complex Adrien's got in mind.  Dress for success!  Oh, she'll knock his socks off, don't worry, says La Ver. 

At the same time, Tania The Two-faced notices a striking photo of Ver wearing a striking, hi-split red evening gown.  She enters Ver's closet and chooses the very same gown and puts it on.  She then imagines herself as Ver and laughs throatily.  (Some psych major can take the time to classify this act.  I cannot.)

While Nata listens, Regi excitedly explains all about her possibility of going to the new area public high school.  Andi, however, relives the hell walk she went through that day and simply states she's not returning to school, period-- until Mama can afford to send her back to the best private prep.  Talk to the hand cuz the Andi brat face ain't listenin'. 

Aha!  Viewerville learns that Adrian has a secreted photo of La Familia Abandonada.  He quickly stashes it away upon hearing Ver's return to the room.  She's dressed to kill again in another lovely red, silky thing that shows her 6 foot long legs to purview perfection.  She immediately hands over their newly purchased fake passports.  They try on their new identities--Javier and Antonela-- for size.  

Back in the D.F. Mario's arrived home with the information gotten about the offshore account holding Chente's monthly payments.  Mario says it's now all in his attorney's hands.  He again swears he had no idea this paltry account existed.  They agree it's very likely something Ver and Adrian did behind his back.  She mentions the house they forged in her name.  Who'd a thunk it????  Ok.  They got to stick together.  United they are strong enough to triumph.  Nata admits this has been one hell of a shock and has left her with thousands of questions, all unanswered.  It's got her totally bowled over and she's ready to throw in the towel.  She doesn't know if she's got the strength to manage.  He hugs her and lends the proverbial shoulder to cry on.  Andi walks into the hallway and sees this, immediately misinterpreting the scene.  "--Am I interrupting?"  Mario leaves and Andi struts over.  "--Excuse me for bringing up earlier anything about an affair."  Nata replies,  "--If you think you're going to push my buttons, forget it,"  and then calmly turns her back on her and walks away.  (Ok.  So, did Ver secretly have an illegitimate child with Adrian 17 years ago and give her up to him for adoption?  Gotta wonder.) Andi figures she'll see about that!

Meanwhile, Adrian and Ver double-team the prospective investor to perfection, like the proverbial Swiss watch. (It's a thing of beauty for a former sales rep to behold.)   It's a fabulous market in that area, sayz she; he can double his investment in three years sayz he.  Mr. Mark says he's going to check into every detail before deciding. They say take all the time needed. "-- As for us, we have a couple of other interested parties wanting to speak with us and we will be going with whoever most aligns with our interests," sayz she.

Mario's in his Father-Knows-Best p.j.'s fixing something in the coffee maker.  Andi walks into the kitchen wearing her little 2 piece shorty PJ set, supposedly thinking she looks rather daring.  It's a harmless conversation and she gives him a fatherly peck on the cheek.  She heads back to the bedroom and lies to Mama about how Mario was looking her over, like hmm, he's got both of them in his sights. "--Wha????" Nata will have a convo with him immediately!  "--NO!  Obviously, he will deny it."  Suddenly Nata realizes it could be a petty scheme of Andi's to force her to move out of the apartment.  "--Ok.  So perhaps I misinterpreted things.  Happy?"  

Nata comes into the living room where Mario's been mulling over all sorts of problems.  She asks if Andi came and spoke with him. "-- Yup.  Apologized for her poor attitude and thanked me for allowing them to stay there."  They agree to be patient with the girl, even though the rudeness and impulsiveness is way too difficult for her to handle at times.  (Yeah, who said it stops with the terrible two's, anyway?)  He then opens some vino and mentions that even if he sells off all he owns it would only make a small dent in all that is owed the investors, and they want 100% return of their money.  He's in a hell of a pickle.  She asks how could they have been so totally unaware of what was happening with the company?  Well, he was totally involved with public relations, and the money and investing/sales were totally in Ver and Adrian's hands.  They toast to their naivete.  He admits she's more capable and much stronger than she thinks; on the other hand, he feels at times like running away.  He can't, she warns him, or she'll fall to pieces immediately!!  Tears begin to flow.  He begins falling for the weeping woman on his shoulder and suddenly kisses her.  Nata revolts. He apologizes for their momentary indiscretion.  "--NO!  YOUR indiscretion, not mine!  Tomorrow we're leaving!!"    (Scoooooooorrrrrre Team Andi!!!)  Nata surely knows what their/her friends will say...and neither can afford any more mistakes in life.  He's a jerk, and she's not Ver! Forgeddaboudit!!

That same night Benji is having a nightmare about the bad guys at the bank, the ball, and his mama.  

The next morning at breakfast Chente explains to his brothers how the house was put into Adrian's wife's name so he cannot sell it now.  No, she won't be kicking them out because she's a terrific gal.  She's getting a new document written up between them and will respect the money already paid out to her.  She's a really decent sort but has her temper also.  In fact, the first time he saw her she threw the picture of her husband against the wall and broke it, he tells them.  Chente begins to describe her, even to the eyes one can so easily get lost in.  (Ruh-rohhh!  Somebody's been doin' without for too long a time.)  Juanga warns against Chente falling for a wealthy woman, especially the house's owner who he scarcely even knows.  They'll betray you when you aren't even looking.

Across town, Mario apologizes again, but Nata's got her mind made up.  She and her daughters are grateful, but it's too dangerous and too heavy a burden for him to take on at this point.  She's got to live under a roof of her own.  Suddenly the doorbell rings.  Mario opens it and is handed a huge bouquet of yellow roses. (An operatic chorus swells to intensify the fear and shock Nata feels at seeing a huge, foreboding bouquet of yellow roses.)  It's for Nata and has a note from Ver.  "You will have to be my rose fertilizer."  Fertilizer may have a double entendre here.  However, "abono" can also mean a financial guarantee against another's default on a debt.  So...which is it?  Could it be both?


Thank you for this wonderful recap, Jardinera654!

Veronica is seriously sinister- her roses love blood, and Tania is not their first victim?? Does she water her roses with blood or something??? She is a stunningly beautiful woman- who is she, Elizabeth Bathory??

But sending that bouquet of roses to Natalia I think was is just sadistic. She and Adrian have already "won"... why torture the poor woman any further?? And to add that note, knowing what (little) we do about Veronica and her blood-roses, to say that Natalia will soon be fertilizer for them leaves me very scared that Veronica perhaps isn't finished with Natalia yet...

But WHY??? This is what I want to know. They were best friends! Isn't stealing the woman's husband and fortune and leaving her destitute and penniless enough??? What are her motivations???

Thank you again, Jardinera654. :-)

Jardinera , thank you for the fun this morning! You got it all. “Wait that connection was too quick” was the best. The existence of that bank account in Mario’s name (whether emptied out or not) doesn’t augure well for him. Maybe he should be the one getting out of town.After seeing Tania having such a wonderful time at Verónica’s all by her lonesome, I will no longer question why she helped set up her brother. There is something seriously wrong in that noggin’. As for another twisted and sick noggin’,Olga evidently has a history of threatening suicide. Loved the new aliases for Adrián and Verónica. Looking forward to tonight.

But, from the look on Adrian's face which has gone from merry to mirthless in 2 seconds flat.

Great one, Jardinera.

It looks like Natalia knows her brat well enough to realize when she is up to no good. This time Brat crossed a major line. Mario isn't Natalia's lover, but her assumption and reaction are huge red flags. Too bad she isn't a minor who could be sent to a strict Catholic school.

"Vulga" is a perfect nick for Olga. It describes her behavior perfectly. Taking family photos off their spaces is presumptuous and completely cruel in this example. He should throw her out and ban her from coming within 50 feet of his home. Soledad knows her history of threatening suicide, and I'm sure Vulga is faking it.

Anon, please post your name! I love your comparison of Veronica to Elizabeth Bathory! For the moment I will guess that Veronica has probably killed and used dismembered corpses as fertilizer; she is amoral enough to do such a thing. She could be the instrument of Adrian's Karmageddon, especially if he ever falters again.

Tania putting on Veronica's dress...

We don't know enough about any of these characters yet to land on what that means. Could she and Mario have grown up less affluent than they are now? I am guessing that their parents are dead so we will speculate until there is any conversation that tells us anything about their background. She is definitely lower on the corporate ladder than Veronica was based on how casually she dressed for the office. I don't think she knows everything, but she does know more than Natalia does.

This could be envy of Veronica's wardrobe and her lack of morals to do what she has done or... it could be be something sexual. Televisa hasn't done much yet in that area and this could be the time.

I don't think Mario created that account, but did Tania? She does not seem to care about him at all.

Anon: sorry about the typos, guys. I hope they're mostly corrected. Anyway, it was a gruesome sort of episodio. Elizabeth Bathory! Remains to be seen if Ver fills her bathtub full of "rejuvenating blood" or not. The yellow roses need her as fertilizer...what an open threat! It should have been enough, but Ver enjoys bullying or mentally abusing amongst other things, I guess.

Jardinera, just outstanding.

The title, "He pulls away and says he really doesn't want to take advantage of her good will (let alone her willing)", "Vulga" and "Trammeling Tania" were a few of my favorites.

I was recapping last night so was only able to see bits and pieces. Tania is definitely demented which creates a very real, unpredictable threat.

Benji's scenes were unbearable.

Andi's outsize ego is a marvel to behold.

"Taking family photos off their spaces is presumptuous and completely cruel in this example". I completely concur Urban. I saw a bit of the scene where Chente gives Olga a bit of what she deserves - outrage and dismissal. "As for another twisted and sick noggin’ was exactly right Jarifa!

Anon, I enjoyed your comments. I might suggest that Veronica has not quite won everything. Yet. She is cunning enough to rightly suspect that Adrian hasn't completely expunged Natalia from his mind or heart. And until and if that occurs, Natalia will always remain her threat.

Jardinera, as always clever and a wonderful read. Thank you!


My fortuna

Jardinera, thanks so much for every scary, awful detail. Yikes. This show started out grim with the very first episode , and it has some how managed to descend into even more a get and despair. I dont know if I can keep watching . I need something uplifting, and so far this isn't helping me. At least the Turkish dizi are so over the top tragic that you just kind of snicker and look at the gorgeous actors and move on .

Thank you, Jardinera, excellent recap. During the nightmare scene I was hoping they filmed Benji alone. It would be terrifying for a child to have to run from the clown and Olga, even in a filming.

As soon as I read that Veronica’s roses like blood I thought maybe she has people buried under her roses. Maybe the parents!

I am hoping for some romance. This has been pretty grim so far! Although there are likable characters.

Thanks for an excellent recap. I am often confused by this cast of rather unlikeable characters.

Olga..seriously her third threat of suicide? Really yet she struggles on. Jest saying it would be an excellent opportunity to off her with a little poison laced hair product. I mean she has been indicating she wants to end it all.

Tania yeah definitely some freakdom going on there. Also those green slacks. Go up a size those lines on the thigh backs indicate you have been eating too many candied yellow roses.

Ya gotta love those off shore accounts.

I of course hate entitled snot girl Andi. Of course she is a kid. But good for Omar realizing he has no future if he chooses her.


There is definitely something freaky going on with Tania. BTW, does she have or even make enough money to continue living in that house or is Veronica sending her just enough to meet those expenses?

Mi fortuna

I worry about that little guy playing Benjy. This is a pretty intense character for such a young boy to play.

The disrespectful way Andi treats her mother is repulsive . She needs a lesson in humility. I taught in a high school in a wealthy suburb , so I got to watch some real life Andis in action. They had no self awareness or empathy.

I am surprised Chente told off Olga so early in this tale , but she doesn't seem the type to give up easily on a guy she wants to draw into her web. I guess she doesn't understand that with her talons and multicolored hair she is the exAct opposite of Chente's beloved wife.

Adrian's mark is a familiar face.

Tania is weird crazy and seems to idolize mean Ver.

Yikes , what is planted beneath those yellow roses?

Whew boy, another horror upon horror episode. Pretty rough ride. Sure hope it smooths out a bit, but doesn't look like it.

"trammeling Tania" was funny as was Mario's "Father Knows Best pj's"

and of course this:

"Is Ver jealous? Not on your life! She finds it rather amusing. But, from the look on Adrian's face which has gone from merry to mirthless in 2 seconds flat, he does not."

And the scene of Tania trying on Veronica's red dress and make-up was creepy weird. Gotta agree with JARIFA'S "something's wrong in that noggin" observation.

Most of all, remembering your earlier working days, I enjoyed this:

[Veronica and Adrian's sales pitch] "...a thing of beauty for a former sales rep to behold". Yes indeed, you can truly appreciate how skilled that little maneuver was. Delightful.

Hmmmm....Chente is already gushing about another woman's eyes? Well alright, we know a romance is in the works, but this seems ultra-fast. But, I'm not going to kvetch since he's very clear about making Olfa (typo, but "Olfa" also seems a good nickname...or Odia...or Owful...or...Well, we don't like her, that's for sure!

The Mario kiss was icky, but I guess we needed a plot device to hoist Natalia out of there and into a battle for Chente's house...and heart. Onwards!

Enjoyed the recap and all the thoughtful comments. We've got a chummy patio here. Hope to have some kind of moniker for you "Anonymous" since with multiple anonymous postings, it gets confusing.


Hey, Susanlynn: we dizi dames all gotta stick together--those are a whole new source of melodrama magic and macho men for me, too. Je-je. --Chente dumping on Olga was done unusually fast in this. Seems she's as selfishly menacing and deceitful as Andi. I wonder if she was dumped on Chole as a last resort.

Liz/Diana: the little boy actor is just terrific! I think we were all more terrified than he ever was. I figured they may have done some CGI and blue screens to avoid anything too scary for a little one.

Fev: "those green slacks. Go up a size those lines on the thigh backs" LOL! I hated wearing those pants the first time they were in style. I thought maybe Wardrobe picked up some pants in a hurry at Walmart or Target because I noted Nata wears the same ones in white, also. Hideous!

Judy: The script depicting how those two grifters reeled in their marks and suddenly the methodology of the crimes they committed on otherwise intelligent sorts became crystal clear. I was also a bit confused about the timeline. From Lucia's death to Chente's fascination with Natalia's eyes is only about a week or two. That's way too soon to become attracted to another if the beloved was truly the love of your life.....beany time.

Jardinera, thank you for a sterling recap and another excellent title!

This telenovela is a bit creepy, especially in the Verónica-Tania axis. And what the heck did the maid mean about the roses? Does she actually know something?
This is a real shame, I think yellow roses are pretty.

Vulga (I don't want to misspell this) is so far not much fun, and that's a real shame as she could be. I loved her hair and even the third suicide threat (and Chole's reaction). How old is Olga supposed to be? When they're at certain ages girls can make you pull your hair out, as Andi and Vulga are showing us.

And Verónica & Tania... okay, it's quite an age span and might even include a few grandmothers.


Thank you for your recap Jardinera!

I really enjoyed Chente putting Olga in her place not once but twice, he made it clear that he did not think it was healthy for Benjamin to see her around so often, and he should know she's a liar when she said she enjoys housekeeping- no one likes housework, no one!

The Tania/Veronica thing is weird, Tania actually said she wants to be Veronica, is she going to Single White Female her?

Sadly someone posted a huge spoiler about the roses a week ago on another post :(


Is Los Ricos También Lloran a comedy???

Please answer if you know.

Victoria: OT Los Ricos as far as I know are not being broadcast right now on regualar channels. I have not looked into it, but it is broadcasting in Mexico currently, I think. Anyway, you may have to Google/Bing it to learn more.


Not a comedy, based on what I know about the original (which I have never seen).

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