Saturday, April 16, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #36, 04/15/22: Gossip Girl Gets Burned And A Few Tables Get Turned

Parte 1~

So Elias has come to the jail to complain to Adrian about the sudden turn of affairs: he's learned that Adi arranged a deal with Piedro to purchase shares in Elias's company from Pedro.  So now, Adi has effectively used the money he embezzled from Elias and others to buy 30% ownership of Elias Hadad's company.  Adi remarks "-- a nice bit of irony, isn't it?"  Eli yells at him that it's a low-down dirty trick but Adi kicks away his chair in a fit of temper and screams back what's low-down and dirty is what he did to his daughter.  "--Andrea is a social climber!"  Adi grabs Eli by the collar.  "--Watch your mouth you dog!  I'm going to get back what Veronica stole from me!  And you better than anyone knows that money is power.  This guard and various others are on my payroll.  I could smash your damned head in and nobody would bother to stop me.  But, don't worry.  I wouldn't think of hurting my new business partner."  

Across the pond in Italy, Tania cannot seem to open any of Veronica or her (?) bank accounts.  It's supposedly all in a Swiss bank account.  Ver is hopping mad and Tania wonders if Pedro had something to do with this.  Ver says of course not; she's got him lying at her feet....

Back in Valle de Bravo, Natalia is on the phone asking for news about Andi while the locals are helping Vicente get his truck out of the mud.  

Back in the barrio, Teresa and Claudio are planning to somehow get Magos to the doctor for a quick look-see.  Eventually, Magos gets convinced and they driver her there.

At the same time, Andi gets out of a taxi in a shady part of the city and a shadier-looking broadly broad opens the gate and lets her in.

Meanwhile, Mario and Gustavo discuss Constanza's plan to sign over her fortune to him so he doesn't get a penny.  Tavo insists all he wants is the auto-repair shop his father left him and to get out from under the weight of this hideous marriage.  Then, says Mario, I will do what Constanza asks and you'll get your garage, but not a peso more.  Doesn't matter to Tavo.

Back in Adi's cell the paid guard hands over a cell phone and he calls Ver to brag.  "--How is jail?"  He laughs at her attempt to set a trap for him with Elias Hadad.  The flaw in the plan is that he's already rearranged the chairs on his Titanic.  He's getting back all the money she stole from him as well as the amount she got from Hadad to betray him when she ran off with Pedro.  Pedro had fun with her until he got bored and then made the best deal of his life with Adrian.  "--Impossible!  He doesn't have access to my accounts."  But her faithful little pet doggie did and he managed to get it from her.  They may bark at strangers, but they soon become friendly once they are petted."  So, Adi thanks her for getting him back to Mexico so he can convince Natalia that he's doing his rightful penance and that he's just one more victim of hers.  Nata will fall for it.  Ver will never see another centavo of "his" money or him.  He should never have left his wife for a worthless woman like her.  "--Enjoy jail!"  "--Enjoy poverty!"

Olga overhears Mario is looking for Andrea.  She cannot wait to give him the 411 about Nata and Chente spending the night let alone where to find Andi.  She spills all.

While Andi is reconsidering having come to this backstreet abortionist she gets a call from Papi.  She tells him she's thinking she's not going to go through with the pregnancy.

On the drive back with Chente, Nata explains how dumbfounded she is that her worst enemy, the woman who ran off with her husband, knows every little detail about her life.  HOW???????  

Finally, Chente and Nata arrive at Connie's.  Where's her daughter.  Who knows?  She refuses to answer her calls or her texts.  Well, Nata's upset because she'd left her daughter in Connie's care.  A minute later Andi walks through the door.  No, she didn't do anything yet.  What and who stopped her was her father; yes, he called her from jail just in time.  He convinced her not to do it--otherwise, she would have gone ahead and nobody, especially Nata, wouldn't have...couldn't have stopped her!  Connie, from the back bleachers, is quick to point out that for once Adrian actually avoided a tragedy instead of causing one.

In London, Omar continues to have nightmares about the Lady In Red waking up dead in his bed.....FF>>FF>>

Nata blames Connie for her carelessness.  Connie refuses to accept blame and how did she find out about it anyway?  Because of a phone call from a woman she didn't think she could believe...someone capable of playing a nasty trick on her." Who???  Well, Veronica!!  She knew every detail, including that my car broke down and I had to spend the night with Chente there in Valle de Bravo and that Andrea was getting an abortion--just everything about me and even my daughters!  How?" 

Regina and Andi have a heart-to-heart about the intended abortion and the role their father played in stopping it.  No, Regi wants nothing to do with the man after the warped and cruel way he abandoned them all.  

Conz is quick to jump on the fact that Nata spent the night with Chente--a working-class loser from the wrong side of town, despite his simple and honest explanation that nothing undue happened.  "--Oh, should I have looked up a gym trainer instead?"  Connie stops short of cracking wise with another sarcastic witticism.  She excuses herself and says she's got to take a pill for the migraine all of this ruckus has caused her.  Chente praises Nata for finally stopping her bully of a sister from hurting her.  She stood up for herself for once.  She thanks him for his help and support and then hugs him just as Mario appears in the doorway.

~end parte 1~

Parte 2~

Tere brings Magos a tray and finally talks her into letting Nata explain her health situation to her family after admitting it's a tumor on her ovaries and her embarrassment over it.

Mario needs to know that Andi's back home and doing okay.  Nata says she's fine and out of harm's way.  Chente breaks in long enough to taunt Mario for coming in a bit too late to be of any use.  Mario tells him to stick his nose out of it; he will also be taking Nata home when she asks him.  Nata gently pushes Chente out the door with a thankful hug and a meaningful peck on the cheek.  Conz walks back into the room and greets Mario.  Nata goes upstairs to speak to Andi.

Upstairs, Nata learns from Andi that Adi advised her to take a couple days to reconsider, and then if she decides to get the procedure he'll make sure she gets his written consent and will put her into a proper clinic.  Nata is heartbroken by the news that Adrian has re-entered her daughter's life and causing division and interfering with Nata's parenting.  She tries to persuade her daughter not to abort her baby but Andi explains she simply doesn't want the bother at this point in her life.  It's a responsibility that she is not emotionally equipped to accept.  (You can say that again!)  She takes Nata's attempt to accept responsibility for the life she's created is one more reason for her bratty child to scream at her that she never listens to her.  "--Why can't you be more like my dad?"  (Gawd forbid!)

Adrian's rep is following him in jail.  Valentina's ex, Felix,  walks over and wants to be on Team Adi.  Adi says he'll arrange for him to get out of jail if he pays a visit to Mario who's got a thing for his wife.  He doesn't have to ask twice.

Mario tells Conz he needs the money, so he'll manage her money.  He advises her to set up a company with her money in some foreign country before the divorce trial begins or she won't be able to hide it at that point.  

Vulga purposely starts spreading nasty rumors about Chente and the not-so-innocent, scheming Natalia who spent the night together in Valle de Bravo.  Chole tries to stop her but the damage is done.

Jose Jose questions Chente about his relationship with Nata.  Is he falling in love with her?  Chente avoids a straight answer.  He had to stay in the same place with her because of the downpour there.  But it was all respectable. She is an honest and forthright woman.  Chente warns him that half the barrio is gossiping about how he's got something cookin' with her.

Nata comes back downstairs and informs Conz of all the sordid details with Andi, the backroom abortionist, and his phone call.  She insists he's come back to interfere with her and the girls.  He's doing things and acting without consulting her which is absolutely revolting after the way he left them in the street with nothing!  Conz says she'll try talking to her and might be able to persuade her one way or another.

Elias comes home and informs Samia that Adi now owns 30% of the company. He joined forces with that scoundrel Pedro to turn the tables on him.   She cannot believe that after plotting against Omar and Andrea and whisking their son away to London that now they are business partners with her embezzling papi!  He plans to squash Adi by lowering the boom on him with the full force of Hadad Enterprises. "-- He'll learn just what real power is!" 

Chente pays a visit to Chole after hours and tells her about Lucia giving him her "sign from above" just when Nata called him at her graveside saying she needed his help.

Outside the rooming house and beauty salon, Mario finally informs Nata that it was Vulga who gave him the details about the abortion clinic and that Andrea would be there.  She walks into the lounge area of the rooming house to find Vulga playing pattycake with Juanga.  She hurries over and immediately slaps the craps out of La Vulga de Olga.

Conz promises Andrea that she will pay all her birthing expenses, give her a fabulous monthly stipend for ten years, an apartment, a new luxury car, pay for her to finish her studies anywhere in the world if she will just carry the baby to term and let her adopt it.


Jardinera, another stellar outing - excellent title.

Natalia, nearing the breaking point with Andrea, must contend with Olga's hatred and vindictiveness, allowing Vero to mercilessly taunt her. Connie continually works against her. Making one brief phone call, Adrian is back on Andrea's pedestal. "Nata is heartbroken by the news that Adrian has re-entered her daughter's life and causing division and interfering with Nata's parenting". To be honest, so far, Natalia has been one step behind and has made little inroad with reasoning with her stubborn, prideful daughter.

"Connie, from the back bleachers, is quick to point out that for once Adrian actually avoided a tragedy instead of causing one". Perhaps, but another tragedy is around the corner, namely your attempt to buy Andrea's baby.

I was completely lost as to what transpired with the money so thank you! Apparently, there is no honor among thieves. I was delighted Ver got scammed and that she definitely does not have Pedro "...lying at her feet".

I felt a sense of sadness when Magos started climbing the stairs, but it was for the actress, not the character.

If Adrian had to cheat anyone (again), I'm so glad it was Elias. Seeing him punch that brutish excuse for a man was gratifying. Natalia's slap of Olga was well deserved. I hope Natalia gets a quick infusion of courage. She is going to need it...

Jardinera, thank you for the excellent recap.

Happy almost Easter! Positive thoughts and prayers to our dear amiga Judy.


Loved the recap and especially the title, Jardinera, thanks!

I was not happy with Natalia allowing Mario to take over at Connie’s and sending Chente on his way. WTH?????? She relegated him to his lower class position, that she supposedly doesn’t believe in, without even trying.

Nor was I happy with Natalia hounding Andrea (an almost 18 year old with the experience of a 12 year old) to keep the baby. In that situation, Andrea was right it was her (rat bastard) of a FATHER who was supporting her in whatever decision she decided to take. The “religiosity” of these novelas and the resultant cultural norms sometimes get to me even though it is expected.

As for Adrián and Elías, I agree with you , Diana, that seeing Adrián “punch that brutish excuse of a man was gratifying.” The battle between these aging thieves and connivers should be fun.

I was happy with Natalia giving Olga a nice strong slap she deserved. That was the highlight of the episode for me. Diana, I, too, hope Natalia has what it takes.

Happy Easter and Passover to all! : )

Thanks, Jardinera, great recap. And I was confused about the money too, so thanks for explaining.

I think Andrea will have the baby, thanks to Connie’s gererous offer. But if her assets are in Mario’s name and something happens to Mario then what! But he’s supposed to save Valentina from the same thug that is going after him!

Loved the slap. I hope Natalia figures out Olga is giving Veronica the information on her. And can’t believe Adrian thinks he’ll get Natalia back!

Jardinera: Awesome job on the recap of last night's episode.

Conz promising Andrea that she'll adopt the baby. What could possibly go wrong ?

Liz: I hope you're right about Andrea having the baby.

Jarifa: Natalia is STUPID!

Diana: Happy Easter to you & your families!

Still praying for Judy's speedy recovery & Judy's family are in my prayers.

Steve Boudreaux

Jardinera, thanks for the snappy recap of all the slaps and traps.

It is fun watching the bad guys turn on each other.

I feel sorry for that poor unborn baby if Con adopts him\ber.

Adrian has no shame.

OT....Judy....sending love and healing prayers in your direction))))))). And besos xxxxxxx

Thanks, Jardinera. The speed at which things happen in this story gets me every time.

What I don't understand is that with all the provincial attitudes in these tales nobody except Simba and Soledad seems to know that Vulga is a slut. The beauty clients all seem ready -- even eager -- to believe her lies about Natalia.

Will Connie have any money when the time comes to pay the Handmaid or will she be shamed out the wazoo when the video is finally viral despite Willie being dead? Or if it's a boy will she be in court against Elias and Sami for custody?

On a related note it is appalling that parents have the legal right to force a minor daughter to carry a pregnancy to term. Andrea should not be having a baby. She is immature, selfish, inadequately educated, and -- worst of all -- will likely end up in the middle of a legal battle between Constanza and Elias. The only scenario worse than this was in Amor Bravio when Piedad guilt-tripped her daughter into continuing a pregnancy that resulted from incestuous rape.

Does anyone else think that Veronica might get away with her evil?

Urban, the Handmaid reference is so appropriate as well as your comment about minors being forced into motherhood. It is simply child abuse and potential child abuse of the future grandchild.

Jardinera, thank you for another excellent and great fun recap!

" ...Andi gets out of a taxi in a shady part of the city and a shadier-looking broadly broad opens the gate and lets her in."
A "shadier-looking broadly broad" she definitely was!   :-)

Elías really looked shocked and frightened with Adrián, and I was impressed with his acting. Quite a change from his former arrogance. The shoe is on the other foot now.

I don't understand how Adrián has managed all this. OK, maybe with lots and lots of money, but where did it come from? Pedro? Why would he throw in his lot with Adrián and dump Verónica?
Not that I doubt that any of these terrible people would hesitate if it benefited them, but what does Adrián offer? Whatever; beanie time.

I really had to laugh at Olga's "...spreading nasty rumors about Chente and the not-so-innocent, scheming Natalia who spent the night together in Valle de Bravo."
Definitely malicious on the part of our not-so-sweet Vulga, but the beauty parlor scene was a hoot!

I had to commiserate with Andrea a bit. About to turn 18 and now about to become a single mother and her immediate family is no longer rich. Did neither of Andrea's parents or Chuchú's parents talk to them about the harder facts of life?

Naughty Sammie is a fun bad girl yet again.

Naughty Olga Gossip Girl got smacked hard by Natalia! I was hoping for a good cat fight, but no such luck.

I wish everyone a happy Easter Sunday, Passover, and Easter Monday (when chocolate bunnies are 50% off).


Enjoyed all these thoughtful comments on a holiday weekend. I have some responses myself to how this episodio played out fora but later.

Wishing JudyB lots of those chocolate bunnies Andy is eager to munch on! Best if the Patio wishes today!! Much is besitos!

Best OF —gr auto subs

UA: Of course Veronica will get away with her evilness.

Steve Boudreaux

Happy ☺Easter , all.


When I re-watch old novelas (which is often now with the current lineup), I really miss reading the Caray recaps and comments which sometimes aren't available.

It's just not the same thing watching a novela without having Caray available!!!!


"Burp!" Oops, sorry!

I hope everyone, especially our Judy, had a nice holiday.


I believe Veronica will meet her maker later than sooner but she will or else will have to clean bathrooms in a bus station in some quaint central American wide spot in the road.


O/T Hey, Victoria! I feel the same way. There are some recaps that you'll find for ones now seen on VIX cable streaming channel that we covered when it was broadcast the first time, but it's not the same as live commenting.

One thing I must agree with evil Elias and that is his son, Omi --more like OMG than even Omi--is a real lightweight. He needs the grandson/grandchild to be as knowledgeable as he about bidnez, but conniving in a just manner rather than a perverse and evil one.

I believe Veronica will meet her maker later than sooner but she will or else will have to clean bathrooms in a bus station in some quaint central American wide spot in the road.

I like that. To bad that didn't happen to Alicia's mother in Si nos dejan. Wonder how that one is doing in the ratings in Mexico.

UA: Veronica will eventually meet her maker sooner or later.

Steve Boudreaux

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