Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #38 4/19/22: Discussion Page and Highlights

 Sorry, patio peeps.  No time to do the page for last night's episodio.  The only  a few things of great importance is that Natalia admitted to Magos that she's in love with Vicente, Felix is in the barrio searching for Mario but got the wrong address as given by Claudio to Adrian.  Valentina's seen him outside the garage and avoided him seeing her by doing a wonderous liplock on Mario.  Clod's also warned Mario that Adrian wanted his address and since he doesn't trust Adrian he gave out a false one.  Omar got out of a motel room bed and Veronica was in the other room rushing him to get dressed.  Samia told Constanza that Elias has had a change of heart so that if the baby is a boy and is Omar's he will inherit and be responsible for the kid.  Conz spit nails at Sam for even considering this.  She's raising the kid and ain't nobody else to stick their honker noses into it.


You got it all! Thanks, Jardinera. When will Omar learn his lesson and not end up waking up in a bed other than his own unaware of how he got there? What a loser! He and Andrea deserve each other.

I am impressed with Chente wanting to better himself for Natalia. Fernanda is a gem.

Highlight for me was the conversation between Granny Magos and Natalia.

You got the important stuff. A few details:

Valentina told Mario about why she is running from Felix. He had courted her and brought her to his town after the death of the grandfather she loved, saying she could join his family business.... which turned out to be a brothel. After some time waiting tables in its bar he attempted to prostitute her. I didn't catch the rest of the dialogue but it sounded like she fought back, cut him, and ran for her life. She never reported this to police as she did not trust them.

Vulga went to a bruja who shooed Kim out of her "office" and scolded Vulga for requesting that she do harm to Benjamin, saying that this is too dangerous. That left Vulga to tell her about getting another woman out of her way. No resolution to this yet.

Omar's parents' reaction when they find out about Veronica will be amusing.

Claudio playing double agent will eventually or sooner blow up in his face.

An excellent recap Jardinera.

"Conz spit nails" was perfect. Connie is despicable but I completely enjoyed her eviscerating Sami.

Jarifa, I loved Magos' scene with Chente as well as Natalia. Such powerful acting. I kept wondering if everyone knew how ill Carmen was, and indeed if she knew. When Chente lay down next to her and cried, my eyes were misty.

Olga going to the bruja to get rid of Benja? So, the bruja wouldn't do it but is considering doing harm to Natalia. Olga makes me ill.

Urban, thank you so much for explaining the Valentina/Mario conversation which I understood little of.

Hmmm, I didn't see Vero and Omar in what I watched...

Judy, sending heartfelt wishes for a good day!

Jardinera, thank you so much.


Great summary Jardinera. So Claudio has a bit of knowing what’s right and wrong. I hope the prison guard didn’t overhear him.
I also did not see a scene with Omar and Victoria. I also did not realize Olga asked the witch to get rid of Benja. What an evil woman.
Glad to hear Valentina never had to become a prostitute. That was something I wasn’t sure of.
There are all different types of evil in this telenovela!

Thanks, Jardinera.

Kudos to the Bruja who has "some" standards. I didn't realize last night that she went off because Olga wants to harm a child and not just Natalia.

Claudio is a nogoodnik, but I do admire him trying to maneuver when everybody else is just plain clueless.

Like Diana, Omar and Veronica were not in what I saw last night.

Yes, the tearful scene with Dona Magos and Chente was tough. Too real.

Thank you, Jardinera, for this recap; and thank you, Jarifa, for yesterday's. I have fallen behind on a lot of things and am just now catching up.

I'm sorry to hear about Olga being so bad. Good-looking Bad Girls can be a lot of fun for guys, but they can be only so bad before they are no longer fun. Things are not looking good for Olga but I'll hold off judgment just a little longer. I'm hoping the love of a good, though brainless, guy like Juanga can bring her around.

OTOH, I'm glad I missed the boo-hoo stuff with doña Magos. I hate that stuff and usually just FFWD. If I need a good cry I just catch up on the news.

JUDY, I miss both you and your insightful comments, and I hope to see you and your avatar back here soon.


Thanks Jardinera. I also did not see the scene of Omar in the hotel room with Veronica. But she must be up to something!

Claudio surprised me again! He must have a little bit of decency in him to try and protect Mario.

Olga is really evil, wanting a witch to harm a little boy. I can’t believe she actually thinks she’ll end up with Chente.

And Andrea and her dad bonding in the jail. I think he’s only sorry he lost his money, or maybe Veronica, since he seems to have gotten his money back.

I haven't been able to watch this show and I won't be able to watch corvette next month or so. I appreciate the recaps.

What is Vero doing with Omar ???

Has Abuela passed away ?/

Vulgar is despicable.

OT...Hi, Judy...I hope that you are getting better with each passing day. You are in my thoughts and prayers dear friend . Besos xxxx,

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