Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte, 06/21/22 #82: Missions Impossible

Vicente and Magos discuss the upsetting news that Benji wants to "divorce" his family because he doesn't want to live with Olga. Natalia comes in to say she's keeping Benji's room for him.

Benji, Regina and Lorenzo discuss her "talent" at reporting and uploading it to her personal "channel."  Lorilocks praises Regina's reporting talents.

Omer, Samia and Andrea discuss having a simple wedding.  Sami promises to spend less and moderate her desires for pomp in this circumstance.  Omi says they really want a simple civil ceremony and Andi says they want it in record time: a week at most.  Samia is talking about a dress to camouflage (?) Andi's baby bump.

Elias meets Veronica at a very public restaurant where he lays a large lascivious lip-lock on the vicious  vixen.  No, he doesn't care that everyone who is anyone may have just seen them.  For now he's got his wife fully occupied with wedding arrangements.  She hopes for an invitation to this event of the year..  She doesn't promise to behave.  He has to explain his reasons on finally giving up on separating Omi and Andi.  It's because the kid will be his one and only heir of his entire Hadad Dynasty.  He also mentions that he's changed his mind about destroying Adrian Cantu now that the two families are uniting via marriage.  Adi. for as much as Elias detests him, is a genious at moneymaking.  Yes, he's a true talent at moneylaundering, agrees Vero; he's also dangerous and untrustworthy.  Elias says he's well aware of that.   He kisses her again and we see that somebody is photographing those very visible, as in  totally indiscreet, displays of affected affection.

And, speaking of the affected, Hair Boy promises to view all Regi's online.reports.  He asks to become part of her "team" and Regi suggests maybe after exams so they don't become distracted.  Lorilocks reminds her how making the reports will keep him cheered up  Unfortunately, for Lorenzo, somebody stuck a knife in his jeep's tires.  He's got a flat to get fixed.  They immediately suspect Jose Jose Pepe Pepe....He convinces her this fight is between him and JoseJose and she shouldn't become involved.  He'll face JJ over this himself.

Chente's family has finished unpacking at the boarding house.  Olga lets him know she was not fooled by JoJo taking her off so that Chente could speak to Nata alone.  Too bad, is his response.  She kindly reminds him he'll have to forget Nata.  He tells her that's impossible and won't ever happen.  She changes the subject to getting permission from the barrio priest to get married at the end of the week.  (Happy, happy, joy, joy....NOT!).  Chente looks to be suffocating this time when she hugs him.

That night, Mario visits Nata.and asks how she's getting on.  Well, her dreadful experience with Adi has conditioned her to move ahead despite the adversities she may confront.  No doubt, he adds, Adi won't miss any opportunity to approach her now.  Yep, he used his influence to get the fonda open again.  Of course, Chente is suffering about now, with all these unexpected changes in his life.  She is also.  Mario mentions that Vero's told he she suspects Adrian to be behind Tania's death.  

And, speaking of Adrian, somebody is again taking pictures from the bushes of him and Eli (briefcase in hand), meeting outside Adi's new manse.  Inside, Eli explains he needs the briefcase's contents "cleaned" for him in the next week or two.  Adi says that doesn't give hiim much time.  "--Just get it done and don't ask questions.  Now, tell me how you plans for a rapproachment with your wife are going."  Adi says just fine, and each time better than the last.

Mario explains that Adrian did in fact go to Italy right after getting out of jail.  He brought him back Tania's ashes.  Yes, he does feel Adi's capable of having killed her; his decision to reconnect with him in business dealings was only as a way of trying to expose Adrian.  For now it's only Vero's suspicions.  Nata worries for his safety. Anyway, Vero's hard to make out.  Why would she bring this up, anyway?  Perhaps for vengeance.  Although she hates him she's still quite in love with Adrian.  Nata reminds him they should trust either Vero or Adi.  

Back at the rooming house, La Vulga de Olga tries convincing Chente that now they're getting married, the two of them should share the same bed.  He disagrees.  "--Even if we should get married tomorrow, I don't want to sleep with you.  So, don't get used to the idea that anything like that will happen.  She pleasantly insists that married couples normally sleep together but he interrupts her --"Normally, a couple loves each other.  That's not us." She hits him with another guilt trip:  "--I thought you had changed, Chente and would give me my proper place in your family.  I should have aborted the child when your son pushed me down the stairs.  Now you treat me like this, as if I was a nuissance.." (You said it!)  He reminds her if this relationship/household arrangement is going to work, then...get used to it.  Chente explains that he is giving her "her place" as it isn't right for a woman to sleep with a man who desires another woman."  

Regi complains to Nata about JJ slashing Lorilocks's tires.  Nata reminds her if she doesn't have the proof then it isn't certain and she should not blame him.  Talk turns to Nata's distrust of Regi's daddy.  All the good deeds he's done recently is only a means to convince everyone of what a grand person he's become.  He's been trying to erase all the harm he did and the worst of it is that he's succeeding.  

Meanwhile, Adi is getting the money laundering underway.  Nata's out for a walk and gets kidnapped and thrown into a black van.  

Benji and Mago's find Claudio asleep on a park bench and wake him up.  He begs Magos to help him get Teresa back.  She can barely stand his smell; she ends up repaying him the 5 pesos he offered her at the doorway the first day they met.  

Nata's kidnappers are really the Federales who want her to play up to Adi so they can get the proof they need to put him in jail for money laundering and to also put Elias in jail for illegal arms dealing.

Simba has also kidnapped Vero for Adrian.  He plays Jekyll and Hyde while offering her a pot of money to leave the country and to never darken his door again.   

Hair Boy confronts JoJo and claims he slashed the jeep's tires.  JJ denies any such thing. "--  You naco!  Being a bad boy won't win over Regina to you.  She's already chosen me!  You disgust her you piece of crap!"  Chente walks in on them just as JJ's about to hit the shit out of Hair Boy and keeps him from it.  Hair Boy sneers at JJ and exits stage left.

Vero says she'd take the money but she's not leaving without him.  He insists their relationship is so dead; that rigor mortis has set in. She attempts to seduce him again.  She dares him to kiss her (Visions of a Lay's potato chip commercial comes to mind:  Bet you can't eat just one!)  He kisses her passionately and pushes her away.  He tells her he won't let her get in his way now that he has Nata the way he wants her: vulnerable and disappointed totally in that naco imbecile that left her because he knocked up another woman.  Vero says she knows he doesn't love her so what's he really looking for with her?  Adi tells her to forgeddabowdit cuz his and Elia's business dealings are off-limits for her.  And don't think she'll get Eli to cross him because he only cares about the big bucks.  He won't dare cross Adrian right now because he knows it wouldn't be financially convenient. "--He wants to destroy you, Adrian."  "--Let him try!  In the end, it will be me who destroys Elias Hadad!  I am going to get it all!  Every bit of it!"

Back at the Federales' offices, Nata tries explaining that Mario is only one more victim of her hubby.  He's joined business negotiations with them in order to trap them and prove they're dirty.  The Federales need to join forces with Mario also.  He could help them.  She also adds that Mario's sister's death took place under mysterious circumstances as well.  Mario suspects Adi had something to do with it as well.  They warn him, as their informant,  to be discreet and speak to nobody about their plans.  (Really?  Telenovela rule numero uno is that everybody tells everyone else what nobody else is supposed to know about so that everybody who is anybody learns it all in nothing flat-except, of course for the protagonists.)   

In the kitchen, Tere, Andi, and Juanga are preparing for the reopening of the tavern and note that Nata isn't back yet with the nuts from the market.  She calls them to explain she's had some legal paperwork to finalize and will get home soon.  The cops explain to Nata that Elias is too powerful and influential to do a raid on his businesses.  That would alert the crooks and they'd shut down and flee the country.  

Chente makes JJ stay with him working at the parts shop since he still hasn't signed up for the barrio school.  He doesn't want him walking the streets and becoming a troublemaker.  Chente leaves for an errand and Omi tries to get JJ into better spirits and says Chente only wants the best for him.  JJ tells him to stay out of it since he's besties with the dude's family.  Omi says he's buds with Mau, but has nothing to do with Lorenzo.  JJ says ok.  What bugs him is that Lorenzo only wants to take advantage of Regi; he doesn't really care about her.  But nobody will listen.  Omi says he believes him and not to forget that she's Andi's sister; he will not let anybody play with Regi's affections.  

The cops won't accept Mario's help till they are convinced he isn't dirty, no matter what she says.  She eventually agrees to help them out. 

Hair Boy shmoozes Regi up some more.  FF>>FF>>

Vero rushes over to Eli's office to play the helpless maiden with him.  She tells him how Adi wanted to pay her to get her out of the country.  He begins to kiss her to "calm" her fears.  They get carried away with smooching and Samia eventually walks in on the two of them!!  She pretends she could care less.  If he wants his affairs then go for it. She only has two demands:  1.  Don't contradict her in front of the woman.  2.  He must be discreet; he cannot let Vero destroy their marriage like she did Natalia and Adrian's.  Samia emphasizes this with a slap and leaves the room.  Finally, outside in the hall, she lets loose and whimpers.

Nata meets for coffee with Mario and tells him all about the Federales and convinces him to speak with them so they won't put him in jail also.

That evening, the restaurant is full.  However, Nata is back with Adrian and lies to him that she wants a reconciliation, of sorts. due to her disappointing fling with Chente.  

Jardinera, excellent as always.

“large lascivious lip-lock on the vicious vixen” was my favorite of many.

There is so much double crossing going on, it’s almost impossible to keep up.

So many unhealthy relationships but Adrian and Vero are among the sickest (first place goes to Olga for her one sided obsession). I was very surprised Samia reacted the way she did, telling Eli she’d look the other way subject to her conditions. She really does love him...

I’m sure Lor slashed his own tire. I’m tired of looking at his perfect hair.

So, I will just say it. I want more of Omar and Andrea, the only genuinely happy couple here.

Can Clod just get hit by a bus now?? Basta.

Well, now we know who was taking the pictures. Interesting to see Juan Vidal in a role on the right side of the law.

Judy, glad you are here. This is a lot of dreck to absorb isn’t it? Thankfully, hopefully the tide will turn soon.

Thank you Jardinera!


LOL…can’t Clod just get hit by a bus now? ITA about Hair Boy slashing his own tire. I was wondering if he has Tavo replace it for him or not.—Jardinera654

Stellar recap..As I have mentioned I really pay little attention. I am currently rereading the Harry Potter books. Yes I am Old and too many marathons on weekend TV, made me realize the books had alot the movies didn't.
So I looked up only to see Nate being abducted right in the middle of Harry and the sorting hat. Yes I was intrigued. That also is due to my new preference for the Turkish Dizis. Yeah everytime a black Van appears someone is goin down. (See yesterday Amor Val).

Not to digress,.
After the Feds nabbed June Cleaver, sorry I meant Nate, convinced her to help and the show ended; my husband was mocking.

He said she is so stupid.
I actually stuck up for limp Nate. I thought she could finally send this group of asshats to jail.

My husband laughed and said it is a Mafia, Send them to jail and someone else from the organization steps up. She would be dead in no time.

Yep I forgot about that... snitches get stitches.

Oh Nate..

Hogwarts Fev

Jardinera, loved the recap!

I really enjoyed last night’s episode.

2X José needs to watch himself or he will end up in jail.

Who would have thought that the Feds were involved and that Nat will be involved in bringing Adrián down?

Will Natalia have to wear a wire???? Wouldn’t that be a good one?

Didn’t like Olga scheduling what sounds like a “church” wedding. Chente will never get out.

At least Chente “says” he won’t be sleeping with Olga for now.

Diana, Claudio needs to be run over ASAP. It is the only way Tere will be free. Loved GrannyMagos’ putting him down.


Hogwarts/ Jarifa… lots of good points but unable to address them right now. Grrr. Anyway I have given up on Chente and Natalia. If Fate kicks them over the finish line, I will try clap, but no longer losing sleep over it. Lol. —Jardinera654

Great work, Jardinera.

Hair Boy is only going to end up profoundly embarrassed, which he deserves. He is probably only seeking to destroy Regina's rep as a "good" girl.

Vulga will not get her wish. Since almost nothing is wasted as a clue I think somebody will overhear Simba going after her to find out if he is the sperm donor (I really hate the ghetto term "baby daddy").

Claudio will end up dead one way or the other (speculation, not spoiler). I loved Magos' gesture. How much does 20 pesos buy, anyway?

Omar is really stepping up to galan status. Maybe this actor will be the next big romantic lead. And yes, I still have issues with Andrea.

When Adrian handed Tania's ashes to Mario he said that Pedro sent them. This still does not tell us whether he knows that Venomous Veronica is her killer. I kind of think he is not smart enough to figure that out.

As for whether Elias will not destroy Adrian, I wouldn't count on anything he says. For the sake of her grandchild I hope Samia had the smarts to have her finances separate from Elias' because when he falls the feds are likely to seize his assets as well as his ass.

Lol ... it's not "love" Samia feels for Elias. She would do anything to keep her "sociedad" status quo, including looking the other way when he strays. Horrors! Mustn't let their peers see that they don't have a perfect marriage!

Omar is played by Brazilian actor Rodrigo Brand who is also appearing in “La mexicana y el güero.”

OT....FEV....years ago someone named "beckster" did the funniest recaps here at caray. She was especially fond of the term "asshat." Are you that person ?

Gracias, Jardinera! I didn't get a chance to see this latest episode, so your recap is a godsend.

I am a bit amazed with the rapid fire developments happening now. And just when I begin to think that Elías might be somewhat human, basically because of the "deal" he struck with Omar about the wedding, now it seems he's as bad as ever. Poor Samia.

Jarifa, thanks for the info on Rodrigo Brand, I didn't realize he was Brazilian. These TN actors come from all over the world!

And, "Didn’t like Olga scheduling what sounds like a “church” wedding. Chente will never get out.
At least Chente “says” he won’t be sleeping with Olga for now."

Chente is a dimwit for sure, but he's a stand-up guy. He'll stick with his own cold bed, and I don't expect any church wedding either. I still have to believe that it will be Natalia and Chente together at the end, and we've seen that they're both religious, esp Nata, so unless Olga is going to go to, um, purgatory at best, no canoodling, no Church vows for her and Chente.

At least I hope not. So few episodes left, untangling Chente/Olga entanglements would be too time consuming.


Thanks, Jardinera, a great recap. I totally missed that Granny Magos was giving Claudio back the money he gave her when she was at her door! Did Simba have Claudio robbed just for the fun of it?!

Natalia being kidnapped by the feds was a little over the top. And then to find out Elias and Adrian are dealing in guns! Two weeks left and a huge plot appears! I thought they did investments dishonestly.

The feds don’t trust Mario so Natalia goes straight to Mario to warn him. I think he’s innocent but I would listen to the cops.

I hope it’s Regina that finally ruins Lorenzo’s face and hair. Hope she can beat him to a pulp! I also think he slashed his own tire. Mainly because 2xJose was pretty busy helping with the move.

I really expected more of a reaction from Sami when she caught hubby and home wrecker. She is more concerned with what people say. I think the rest of the episodes are going to be packed with action.


One more thing: Mario is now realizing he never should have never gotten involved with Adrián again no matter the reason. At least he called himself stupid so I didn’t have to.

Jardinera, thank you for another of your signature snappy recaps.

Wow,, it has certainly hit the fan and is spraying here, there, and everywhere .

I kind of feel sorry for the actress playing Vicious Vero because she has to kiss all these slimy, smarmy guys.

Chente has finally been olgaed , and Olga is trying her best to officially rope and hogtie him. Chente,you are one dumb bunny falling for her manipulations . Well, at least she hasn't had a chance to terrorize little Ben . ( What are they doing to this poor kid's hair ?)

Hairboy is getting overconfident . I am looking forward to his comeuppance as the anvils fall as we know they will. I wonder what the writers decided what be a proper punishment for a shotty , rich teen. Maybe be will lose that sweater he likes to wrap around his shoulders.

Samia didn't seem surprised walking in on Elias and Vero necking in the office . Elias got quite a lot of fingerpointing and ultimatums , but I am shocked that Vero didn't get even one finger snap . I guess Samia and Elias were never a lovematch. Here, Vero, catch . You can have him.

Okay, now Nat is part of a sting to get those nogoodniks. Yay.

And what will poor, hogtied Chente think when it appears that Nat is back with Puss in Boots ? Meow ow.

It's the final countdown. Let the chips fall where we want them to fall .


I eagerly await Benji's revenge....

Great recap as per usual! As for Claudio, funny how he's always disheveled but his clothes are always spotless and his beard is always neatly trimmed. He is so unbelievable. I still LOVE little Ben and Granny Magos and I still hate the spawn from hell, Olga, and her demon accomplice, Adrian. Anywho, looking forward to the end of this novela and on to something new and better. :-)



Jardinera: Good Job on the recap of last night's episode.

I see the villains are still winning plus the potential increase in the Body Count.

Steve Boudreaux

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