Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Mi fortuna es amarte #73 Wed. 6/8/22 Treading Water--OR--Thank Goodness for Ben and Heliodoro

 Hey,  JudyB,  looks like it could be another exciting episode tonight.  We have some Valencia orange infused tequila for your drinking pleasure with some nachos. Save me a seat!

1. Chente agrees that he is the biggest imbecile of all  because he has no idea how any of this happened. He begs for one more chance to show that he didn't do it but Natalia refuses. He would never want to hurt her or Olga. Olga  has been through so much. Natalia has a hard time containing  her anger and sarcastically agrees: "Yes, Poor Olga." Natalia then admits she feels sorry for Olga knowing everything she has done just to get a crumb of Chente's attention. Chente insists he would never hurt Natalia on purpose. She tells him he is worse than Adrián. She will never forgive him. He did the same thing to her that Adrián did after knowing how Adrián cheated on her. He tries to touch her as he begs to be forgiven again. She removes his hands and tells him not to touch her. She informs him that he has lost her forever. She knows who she is, what she is worth and she has her dignity.  She does not deserve to spend her life with another miserable man like him. His cheating hurts her so deeply but his lies insult her!! 

2. Tere asks Chole if she thinks she can solve things with Tavo. Chole says she thinks not because of how  he offended her and treated her as if she was the worst woman of them all. Tere believes in miracles and thought that Tavo would have been happy finding out she was pregnant. Chole plans on proving that the baby is Tavo's and then she will prevent him from returning to her life. She tells Tere she cannot imagine the horrible things that he said to her doubting  her and her love. He is sure she slept with somebody else and so he rejected their child. Julián Reus the caterer walks in the door looking for Natalia. Tere says she is her daughter and introduces herself. There seems to be some attraction. Tere directs him to the kitchen to find Natalia. 

3. Chente says he knows he made a mistake and he will have to live with the consequences but he will not stop until he finds out what happened last night. He isn't about to lose her. Chole tells Natalia that Julián is there for her. Natalia tells her she will be ready in a minute. She tells Chente to go because at this moment the most important thing for her are her daughters and her work. She has to deal with her client. Chente says he is done interrupting her work. She tells him that one day when neither he or Olga is in the house, she wants to come by for her and Regina's things. He says to let him know when.

4. Julián comes in asking Natalia if she is ready for her first event. Yes, she is ready. He is there to pick up  the rest of the food.  She says everything is ready. JuanGa comes in with Julián's workers to load up the rest of the food. Chente wants to talk to JuanGa who tells him this isn't the place or time. JuanGa tells him about GrannyMagos who is threatening to go back to her town if Olga isn't out of the house. Chente was hoping the JuanGa believed him. JuanGa asks how could he believe him when Natalia caught him in the act. Chente still cannot get his head around how this all happened. JuanGa says Chente taught him how to face adversity like a man, now it is his turn to do exactly that. He needs to accept that they both made a mistake. Olga doesn't deserve to be hurt any more. He tells him to get home before GrannyMagos and Olga kill each other. JuanGa has work to do. 

5. The doctor tells Adrián he is being released and gives him a list of things he needs to do. Regina arrives with 2XJosé. He is so happy to see Regina. He tells her that he is being released and suggests that all three of them go back to the house so they can order out something to celebrate. They all agree.

6.  Chente goes to see Granny Magos who is in the middle of packing. He tells her that she cannot go back yet because she still has treatment she still needs after her surgery and she has an appointment today. Being her direct self, Granny Magos tells him she doesn't want to be there to see him destroy his life on account of that evil woman. She will not tolerate it. Chente asks her not to go now since he is needing her more than ever. Granny Magos gives him one condition: if she stays Olga has to go.  He assures her that he will talk to Olga. Granny Magos wants to know how he had to do such a stupid thing. What is he going to tell Natalia when she finds out?  Chente tells her that Natalia has found out already and that Granny Magos has no idea of how he is dying from the pain and the shame. He cannot deal with the anger that he feels for himself for having betrayed Natalia. He is afraid tat she will never forgive him.  Granny Magos looks at her pathetic grandson and hugs him. 

7. At the hospital, 2XJosé is helping Adrián tie his shoes as he is ready to be released. Regina watches and asks  her father he is still in pain. He admits he is a little but it is getting less all the time. She thanks him for defending her mother and gives him a hug as he kisses her on the head and smiles.

8. Vale has brought Mario to a carnitas stand and orders some good looking pork. As they sit and wait for the order, they chat.   A smiling  Mario says that business with him is going better than he had imagined. His work is absorbing his attention. 

9. Adrián is serving Regina and 2XJosé lunch at the "family" home. Adrián tells Regina he is very worried about her mother. Andrea brought him up to date about what Chente did. Regina says Andrea didn't have any reason  to tell him about that.  She asks him not to get involved.  He says that he really feels a great deal of sadness for her mother. She was so full of hope of loving that man who, it looks like, never took her seriously. He finally asks what 2XJosé has to say. 2XJosé decides to quote his grandmother: "Let him who is without sin, cast the first stone."Adrián smiles saying that he has guts and admits he really likes that but he is right. He is the most unlikely person to be criticizing his brother. Regina tells her father that she doesn't want him  to use this as a reason to try to get her mother to go back to him. Adrián informs her that he agreed to sign the divorce papers in case she didn't know.  He goes on to say that although they are separated, he will never stop worrying about them or loving her mother. He says now that he was so close to death, he understands that he cannot force her mother to love him again. All he really wants is for her is to find happiness because she deserves it. He is still smiling and now so is Regina. 

10. At the country club with Andrea and Omar, Samia says she has convinced Elías that they were made for each other and he has agreed to them getting married. Omar finds that hard to believe and asks why? Samia says that his father is very excited about the baby that is on the way. Omar says it is too late for him to want to be a part of their lives. Andrea agrees with Omar. Samia adds that neither Elías or Adrián are perfect and if her father deserves another chance then why not Elías? Omar tries to shut her down by saying that he doesn't think his father is sorry for anything he did. Samia says he is saying that only because he hasn't spoken to him. She informs him that Elías spoke with Adrián and that they have agreed that Omar formally ask for Andrea's hand in marriage. Andrea tells Omar that she planted that idea with her father and tells Samia they don't need her to plan any thing. It seems a little too late for that because Samia adds that she has already organized a supper  at Adrián's house so both families can enjoy the good love vibes of their union.  

11. As they enjoy their carnitas, Vale has a question for Mario. Where is their relationship going?  He answers  where would she like to see it going. She explains that she is not a big fan of things being done half-way especially if it is something serious like being novios.  He seriously asks being novios?? Mario is  honest and admits that he never saw things going so quickly with her. She accuses him of regressing. He says no,  because neither of them knows where their relationship is going to go but they should give themselves a chance to find out, right? She smiles.

12. At some banquet hall, Natalia is setting up for their first catering event with JuanGa.  She tells him that this never would have been possible without everyones's help. He asks if that includes his brother. He says even though Chente has had the rug pulled out from under him, he still loves her with all his heart.  Natalia disagrees saying that if he really did love her, things would have never turned out like this. JuanGa reminds her that Chente is her partner and he thinks it is important that they get along.  Natalia admits  that she hadn't thought of that.  She says she will have to get the money together that he invested in the business so she can return it to him. She invites JuanGa to be her one and only partner since he has always talked about owning his own business.  JuanGa asks if she is talking to him and looks happy. 

13. Back  at Chente's, he is in the dining room with Granny Magos and Ben. Ben  is working on his addition. He asks where his Mama Natalia is. She always worked with him on his numbers. Chente has to explain the she and Regina went to Chole's. He asks when she is coming back. Chente has to explain the sometimes couples fight. Ben says that he never fought with his mother. Chente tries to explain that every relationship is different. They get no farther as Olga comes happily skipping down the stairs. She puts her hands on Chente's shoulders and asks him if he has told Ben that Natalia isnot going to live there any longer because she is no longer his novia. As Ben looks horrified and starts to panic, Olga tells him not to worry because she can be his new mommy. Ben screams NO and runs out of the room. Chente asks Olga what is going on with her?? What is wrong with her???  Feigning being upset, she defends herself saying it is always for the best that children know the truth. Chente turns from her in disgust and goes after Ben. 

14. Ben has made it out of the patio and on to the street. He hides behind a parked car from his father.

15. Granny Magos tells Olga to get out of the house. If Chente won't throw her out, she will. Olga tries to defend herself. Granny Magos says she can leave on her own or she will call the police to remove her. Chente realizes that Ben has left the house and goes out to look for him. 

16. Ben hears Chente calling  for him  but he stays hidden. He finally gets up and make a run for it down the street away from Chente. Chente sees him and runs after him.

17. Olga tries to plead her case with Granny Magos. She has only been good to Granny Magos for her to be treating her this way.  Granny Magos says that she knows perfectly well what kind of prostitute Olga is.  She has spent years trying to seduce Chente and finally she achieved her end. She invaded the house like mildew and wrapped Chente up in her skills as a whore.  (meretriz: yes! yet another word for whore!!)  She tells her that she won't get what she wants because her grandson will never leave Natalia for her.  Olga  informs GrannyMagos that Chente never mentioned that when said he made her "his' last night. Granny Magos thinks that she is shameless. After more insults, Olga says she has had enough of her insults. GrannyMagos tells her to get out once and for all and never to come back. Olga gets in her face and says she is right she is like mildew and neither Chente nor her nor anyone will get her out of the house so easily. 

18. Chente is chasing Ben down the sidewalk.  Ben runs between cars and out into the street right in front  of an oncoming car. Fortunately, the car is able to break in time.  Ben pauses and starts crying and running away from Chente again. He runs into Chole's boarding house crying. Chente arrives and grabs him telling him he will never do something like that  that to him again.  He almost got run over. Ben shouts that it is Chente's fault.  He wants to be here with his Mamá Natalia. He doesn't want to be with Chente. He keeps screamingin Chente's face for him to GET OUT!  Chente steps back. 

19. Mario and Vale are still flirting as he walks her back to work. She tells him to get real spiffy for tonight because she is going to plan a real cool date for them. She is keeping their destination a surprise. 

20. Chole tries to calm Ben down and go back home. Ben starts to scream that he doesn't want to live with Olga. He wants to live with his Mamá Natalia. Chole tries to explain to Ben that Natalia is not there. She will tell her that he came by. Ben wants to wait. Chente  tries to pick him up but Ben squirms away and runs to go hide.  He refuses to be with Chente. Chole offers to keep Ben there with her until Chente  gets things squared away at home. Chente says nothing as Chole runs after Ben. She says he can help her at the beauty shop until Natalia gets back.  Ben says he will help her. She takes Ben to Kim in the shop because Chente wants to talk to her alone.

21. Connie asks Tere where the "new ambassador"  is off to. It turns out that Claudio is off to buy a new suit for tonight. As Connie starts to compare what he will look like when compared to Chente, Tere tells her that Natalia has broken up with Chente. Connie is overjoyed that her sister finally has gotten some common sense. Tere says he ended up being a miserable guy just like Adrián. Connie says NO! in "disbelief"  savoring the bad news. She laughs out loud imagining that he must have cheated on her. Tere isn't laughing. 

22. Chente tells Chole  what a nightmare it was was waking up. He says things were so good with him and his Natalia. They were in love  and feeling like a family more than ever.  Chole reminds him that a night of drinking did his relationship in. He feels in his heart that he didn't betray Natalia. She knows that he feels absolutely nothing for Olga. She wishes she could do something to help him out. He asks her to please take Olga in again at her boarding house. Chole says she cannot with Natalia and her daughters living there. Chente is desperate because he cannot have her at his house anymore. He tried to help Olga out but he cannot do any more for her. He reminds her that Olga is her cousin, her family.

23. Tere doesn't know what Connie finds so funny about her sister's situation; she is suffering. Connie thinks she went looking it.  Tere asks her to refrain from those  kind of comments in front of Natalia. She needs her family's support. Connie said she tried to warn both Natalia  and Tavo. That is what they get from rolling around in the mud. Tere wants to change the topic. She is upset by the way Connie talks. Connie thinks she is only upset because she is always right. She reminds Tere about her great friend Chole who doesn't know who she got pregnant with. Tere tells her that she doesn't think that Chole is lying. Something tells her that that baby is Tavo's. Connie can understand her mother buying  Claudia's lies but Chole's??? She emphasizes the fact that Tavo is sterile. 

24. Natalia returns to Chole's with JuanGa. As soon as he sees her, Ben screams out her name and goes running to her. She grabs and hugs him in tears. Crying,  he asks her why she left the house. Doesn't she love him anymore? Natalia tells him that she will never stop loving him because she adores being with him, playing with him, and doing his homework with him. He starts to sob. She holds him tight and tells him she will see him everyday. JuanGa reminds him that they will be working out of the fonda at the house and Natalia says they will be neighbors with her living so close by. He can come and visit her here every afternoon. Ben wants her living with him. He misses her so much. She misses him, too as they cry together. 

25.  Chente goes into Olga's room and starts packing up her things. She comes in trying to stop him. She wants to talk about "them." He tells her that there is no "them." He informs her that she cannot live for one more minute in his house. She asks if he is really going to throw her out after making love to her. He insists that he would have to love her in order to make love to her so that cannot be true.  Olga goes to her next tactic reminding him that he promised to take care of her and not leave her alone. She reminds him that she was raped because of him. He answers saying she is right. He was going to help her get back on her feet but all  she wants to do is control him though the guilt he has felt. She moans that she has no where to go. He tells her that Chole has  agreed to take her back. He tells her to hurry up and get packed up.  

26. Connie  calls Samia because she wants to make sure that Tavo is invited to the event tonight. 

27. JuanGa is down in  the dumps about Olga. He explains to Kim that he was happy with Olga but there was very little love in return. Kim doesn't know why he wants her. She can give him some good love. She is dying to be his novia. She takes off her jacket showing off her figure. JuanGa decides to go for it thinking that Kim might be able to get Olga out of his system once and for all and soon they are kissing. 2XJosé comes in from school  interrupting  them. JuanGa is not pleased.2XJosê says he has to get ready to go to a special event where Omar is going to ask for Andrea's hand and doesn't know how to dress. JuanGa says no worries because he and 2XJosé's recent "sister-in-law" Kim will get him all decked out. 

28. At Chole's, Natalia is with Ben as she touches base with Andrea and Regina. She is finding out that Samia has arranged a supper for that night where Omar is going to ask  for Andrea's hand. Natalia tells Andrea she is sorry but she  isn't up to seeing anyone. Andrea tells her that she has to be there. Omar will be asking for HER hand in marriage. Andrea expresses how super nervous her in-laws make her. Natalia explains  that the damage that the Haddad have  done to them is not simply erased  by a festive occasion. Andrea knows that but now since she is marrying Omar, they will be her family. She wants her baby to be  born surrounded by love. It pleases Natalia and makes her proud to hear Andrea talk like she is thinking first about her child. Natalia finally agrees to attend. They all hug including Ben.

29. Olga arrives back at Chole's with Chente pulling her luggage. Chole tells Olga that the only reason she is  back is because Olga's mother asked her to take charge of her and she is her aunt's "law" in this case.  Chole makes it clear that doesn't mean that she is happy with her and they will  be talking about later. Chente moves on with the luggage and Olga as Natalia emerges with Ben and her  daughters. Natalia asks Chole if they can arrange something for Andrea's engagement later  at the boardinghouse. 

30. Chente asks Natalia if they can talk for a moment as Olga watches. Chole gets her to move her baggage to her room. Chente sends Benja with the sisters.  That leaves only Natalia and Chente. She can barely stand to look at him. 

31. JuanGa is getting 2XJosé all dressed and styled for the event even with aqua steaks in his hair to match his shirt.  

32. Natalia doesn't know what kind of game Chente is playing with having Olga move into the boarding house where she is now living. He insists she didn't do it to make her uncomfortable. He did it to make amends. She says it is a little late for that. He explains that he will clear out the house taking   Granny Magos and Ben with him so she can return. He is only asking for a couple of days so he can find a place where he can move.  In tears, Natalia refuses to take the roof over the heads of Granny Magos and Ben. She recognizes how tight his financial situation is. He says he has his two hands so he can get along. He tells her she can have the house because it is really hers. She isn't  asking him to make any sacrifices for her because she also has two hands. It won't be the first time she has to support herself because a man betrayed her. She turns and leaves.    

33. That evening, Omar asks his father if he really is accepting his marriage to Andrea or if it is just part of one of his schemes. Elías says it comes down to the fact  that the child will be his grandchild and he will not see it grow up as a beggar.  Omar makes it clear that he is not asking for his help. Well, Elías is not offering him any. Elías says that the child will be his heir. Omar says he is not interested in his money and wants nothing from him. 

34. At Chole's, Vale is  all dressed up for her supper date with Mario. She insists on driving because where they are going is a surprise. 

35. Ben demands to know why his Mamá Natalia left the house. Chente says he made a mistake.  He did something he shouldn't have and now she is real sad. Ben wants to know when she will be back. Chente doesn't know. Maybe he needs things to cool down a bit.  Ben asks if it is all because of that witch Olga. When Chente doesn't answer, he asks again. Chente starts saying it is  a long story but is saved by a knock at the door.

36. An older man is at the door. Chente doesn't know him but the man knows that he must be Chente. He wanted to meet him. He gives Chente a hug and almost lifts him off then ground and then pulls something in his back. Chente asks if he knows him. The man explains the he is is Heliodoro Flores Santiago. As GrannyMagos peeks out from behind a door, Heliodoro asks where the most beautiful flower of the three Huastecas, AKA doña Magos, is. He sees his Magarita. They hug  and are overjoyed to see each other. He starts to kiss GrannyMagos and Chente puts a stop to it. Granny Magos tells Chente to relax and that Heliodoro is her novio. Chente is shocked. 

37. Everyone is at Adrián's for the shindig. He is sweating and not looking well. Natalia goes after him and says he should have  put this off since he just got out of the hospital today. He says that Andrea was so excited, he couldn't fail her. He asks how she is doing. He heard about her and Chente. She refuses to talk about that. He heard it had something to do with Olga. He reminds her that she has a house here. She and Regina can come live there anytime she wants. She starts to refuse when he answers for her saying that he already knows that she doesn't want to share a house with him. He offers to stay in a hotel while she is there.  He only wants to see her and his daughter  protected.  He sees them being in danger all the time in that neighborhood. She finally accepts his offer. 

38. Heliodoro is all over Granny Magos telling her how much he has been missing his Huasteca flower and reminding her that they never have been apart for so long. The town isn't the same without her. She tells him that she had a problem and they operated on her but thanks to the Virgin of Peace, she is as good as new. Chente asks to talk to GrannyMagos alone for a second. Ben will take care of Heliodoro who  tells him  that GrannyMagos has told him a lot about him. He knows that Ben likes soccer. etc.

39. Adrián, who is fading fast,  thanks Natalia for allowing him to help her at this time. It means a lot to him. Natalia makes it clear that he cannot live there while she is looking for another place to live. He assures her he will do whatever is necessary for her sense of peace. She can trust him. She has one last condition: that he sign the divorce papers before she moves  in. As he stands there sweating, she asks if he feels okay. He says he does. She leaves. 



If it weren’t for Ben and Heliodoro, I think I would have been in snooze city.

As for romance in the world of older people, I appreciate novelas not writing it off. I still remember “Mi marido tiene más familia” where 2 woman (played by Silvia Pinal and Carmen Salinas) were in competition for the same guy. It was a hoot.

Wow! A pretty decent episode, and you got it all and in great style, Jarifa. Thank you much.
And "As for romance in the world of older people, I appreciate novelas not writing it off." Me too! As I have to explain to some whippersnapper occasionally, I'm old, not dead!

Much as this was a good episode, it was really about setting us up for the next one, which might have made it a bit boring. Now I want to see how the party goes; what silliness Samia provides; how Vale and Mario make out, er... get along, that is; what evil Constanza has planned; what evil Adrián has planned; what evil Elías has planned. Who have I missed? Olga is not invited.
If Tavo shows up I certainly hope he doesn't do anything stupid, he's done enough of that already.

Is Fernanda just a memory for Mario now?

More later, hopefully. You have been warned.


Jarifa: Howdy from the Alamo City!

Good Job on the recap of last night's episode!

I see we're now in Ultimas Semanas!

Steve Boudreaux

Andy, funny how Fernanda has just disappeared since she does't have a romantic partner to be paired with.

Steve, HOLA from Chicagoland! Yes, things are starting to cook in últimas semanas

Two highlights for me:

I do admit that I enjoyed Olga being compared to "mildew" and her embracing it. I had to laugh at that one.

Also, there was yet another word for "whore" I had never heard: "meretriz". It is supposed to be out of style but if they used it in a novela, they are trusting that the audience must have has heard it, somewhere sometime, right? Anyway, it was appropriate for an older woman like Grann Magos to use.

Cannot wait for tonight!

Thanks, Jarifa, I actually relaxed a bit in this episode. JuanGa might be getting over Olga, Olga is now out of the house, and Natalia might get those divorce papers signed! Of course tonight could change everything again.

I really thought Adrian was faking the sweating and weakness. Telling Regina about being close to death was a bit of a stretch. I’ll be glad when his daughters discover how he really is.

Not much going on with the auto parts business and the set up to trap Adrian. Not sure how that’s supposed to work.

I thought it was common knowledge that Olga and Adrian had been seen together. But nobody’s getting a connection yet! I predict one of two things, Andrea will recognize Olga’s laugh from the bedroom scene, or Omar will realize Chente was given the same drug he was given. I can’t believe Sami thinks his father should be forgiven for that. That would have been grounds for divorce in my marriage.


Jarifa, your analytical observations meshed with your wise wit to provide yet another amazing recap.

“(meretriz: yes! yet another word for whore!!).” Love it.

“She invaded the house like mildew and wrapped Chente up in her skills as a whore” was incredible. It seems a shame that real life would leave little opportunity to throw “meretriz” as well as Dona Magos’ words in someone’s face! (I’m gonna write these down though, you know, just in case). 😊

Best part of the show? Rene Casados! I’ve had a crush ever since I first saw him in Fuego en la Sangre as Padre Tadeo many years ago. I was smiling as broadly as Benja.

I really felt for Natalia. Of course she doesn’t believe Chente, how could her mind overrule what her eyes saw all to clearly. So what will happen? Liz, your thoughts that “Andrea will recognize Olga’s laugh from the bedroom scene, or Omar will realize Chente was given the same drug he was given” were excellent. I didn’t give Olga’s laugh a second thought but that may be crucial down the line. Omar has proven to be the one port in this storm ravaged plot so you may be right on that as well.

Did anyone else think Benja was going to be hit by a car? My hand is waving wildly.

Surely the appearance of Julián Reus means the end of Claudio? The not so subtle sparks between he and Tere gave hope her life won’t be spent with such a loser. Marco Muñoz as Julián is cast against type but it’s working.

“Samia adds that she has already organized a supper at Adrián's house so both families can enjoy the good love vibes of their union”. Why do I think this won’t be the veritable love fest it purports to be??

“2XJosé is helping Adrián tie his shoes”. I love hearing Adrian say “Pepe, Pepe” – for some reason, it just makes me laugh. When 2XJose was tying the shoes, it seemed to be that when he stood up he started to laugh and caught himself.

So tonight we will see “what silliness Samia provides; how Vale and Mario make out, er... get along, that is; what evil Constanza has planned; what evil Adrián has planned; what evil Elías has planned”. I’m with you Andy! Well said. I also think you’re exactly right in that Tavo will somehow make an even bigger fool of himself (as Connie insisted he be invited). Since Chente won’t be there, I’m betting Olga is a no show.

Judy, I know you like Rene Casados as well and was thinking of you as soon as I saw him!!

Jarifa, thank you for this wonderful recap! Sorry for going on, there is just so much to savor.


Gracias, Jarifa. You are a trooper.

I still can't believe that in this day and age Omar has to ask Andrea's parents for permission to marry her and people still make rituals out of this. Andrea may be childish but she is of legal age.

Give him time to hear Chente's story. As a past victim of this sort of drug he is the most likely person to put those puzzle pieces together now. This could provoke an argument with Andrea, though, because she is still a classist snob.

Poor little Benjamin.

We all know that this dinner party will be a disaster.

I want Vulga to meet a horrible end.

BTW, Maria Rojo (Magos) is 78 in real life. Rene Casados is only 60. Go cougars!

Urban, I wasn't sure how old Maria Rojo was although I knew Rene was younger. Magos is young at heart and the characters are already adorable together. And believable. I'll join you in saying good for you Magos!

The 20 plus (real life) age difference between Mario and Vale does bother me. She is a lively sprite who acts her age and he is buttoned up, staid, provincial and rather joyless. They don't seem compatible at all. She needs to look at Donovan for the cute, available guy he is and he needs to realize Fernanda is perfect, although still too good for him.


Fun comments!

I forgot to mention earlier that I just loved that big, slightly sly smile of doña Magos when she saw her novio. I laughed out loud.

Diana, of Mario and Vale, "She is a lively sprite who acts her age and he is buttoned up, staid, provincial and rather joyless."

Absolutely true, but I really can't see him with Fernanda either.

I have to laugh sometimes when I think of Jarifa's (also sly) comment from a while back about telenovelas being a "novel art form", and then think about how much time we spend on the patio doing old-fashioned matchmaking with the characters. What's old is new again.



I am currently working on the Karmageddon discussion page, which I hope to post by the end of next week.

Liz, I totally agree that Adrian was really putting on an act trying to look weak. Yes, Omar could be the key!

Diana, I am also a fan of ReneCasados. The last thing I saw him in was the “Mi marido tiene familia” novelas. He is perfect for GrannyMagos. I also thought that Ben was going to get hit by the car And was surprised when he wasn’t. I think that the actor playing Ben did a real good job for portraying a kid in the middle of a major meltdown.

Urban, I do not think that asking for Andrea’s hand is required, but it’s just another ritual make the rich feel special in this case. I found it Interesting that Samia told nobody about it until the day it was going to happen. Was everybody including Natalia just supposed to drop everything for the event? Yes! Go cougars!

Andy, yes Granny Magos did have a slightly sly smile. I think Chente has A lot to learn about his granny!

I am posting from my phone so I will have to see if this really works.

It did!

Ridrigo Brand is 26 years old, so it's only 2 years.

Always put in the word "actor" when doing a search. You don't know how many other guys have the same name. I realized that when googling "Gerardo Fernandez" and discovered at least two others of that name before adding "son of Vicente Fernandez." It's also the name of the little brother of Pedro Fernandez and they are not related to Vicente.

Jarifa,thank you for every detail I haven't watched this episode yet , but I enjoyed the recap and comments . I record this show while I watch two hours of " Amor Valiente" on Telemundo featuring a muy macho Viking \Thor traditional galan who looks like a model for the Eddie Bauer catalog . He looks like he might lead Chente into the woods and leave him there . #coyotes I don't want anyone to end up with Chente .He is passive and oblivious and gets on my last nerve .Nat , concentrate on your restaurant and family . Your luck with men bas been awful .

Diana,,I remember Padre Tadeo . We called him Pad Tad. Rene always had a twinkle in his eyes. I am anxious to see Abuelas novio. I guess she isn't dying anymore . She has to stay alive to defeat Awful Olga.

Regarding the terms for hos, I always favored , " ramira. " (sp?) They threw that word around a lot in Alborado whenever the subject of Don Luis's long-term mistress Perla arose. Ah yes, the ramiras in the bordello in old Mexico.

Yes, Susanlynn, “ramera” is another often used novela choice! It looks like Granny Magos was having a lot more fun with Heliodoro than anybody knew. ; )

I'm with you Diana. I've been a huge fan of Rene Casados since I saw him in "Fuego en la Sangre" as Father Tadeo (Pad Tad). I was flipping through the channels and I saw this gorgeous man on the show. I started watching immediately. I also loved him as Noel Vidal in "Corazon Salvaje" and as Gonzalo Monterrubio in "Cuando Me Enamoro". Rene and David Zepeda have also worked together before in "Abismo de Pasion". I'm not too thrilled about this novela, but, oh well...Heartsings

Susanlynn, yes, Rene did always "have a twinkle in his eyes!"

Anon, you have such a good memory!! I loved Corazon Salvaje and also saw the other TNS you mentioned he was in. My memory is not good so remember little of those parts other than I feel a bit happier and lighter when I see him!


Rene Casados is an excellent actor and I always love watching him. I truly wish that Televisa would buy the story rights to Dark Shadows and cast him as Nicolas Blair.

Thanks, Jarifa! Your title is perfecto!

Normally I resent when a new character shows up at the end. But Heliodoro is like a breath of fresh air. I'm a Rene fan too. Loved when his Padre Tadeo could feel the evil and shudder when the arch villain drew near.

I have to admit though that I thought Dona Magos' man would be more boy-toy. The age difference doesn't seem so great.

Chente's discomfort with Dona Magos' love life is a hoot.

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