Saturday, June 18, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte 6/17/22, #80: Evil Wins While Blockheads Stand on Principle

Trust me when I tell you that having to re-wind to watch as honey drips from Olga's lying lips and Adrian's vile smile a mile giggling is truly giving me a leg up on sainthood. 
--  ed!

Ø  Andrea tells her mother to be kind to her papi.  Adrian has maneuvered the fonda's shutdown and now gotten it lifted by the so-called Health Department officials.   Vicente gives Magos the bad news about his decision to make an honest woman of Olga (as if).  Olga comes back to the boarding house while Adi and Natalia are still chatting.  She yells for Chole who eventually comes into the patio area with the others.  La Vulga feigning innocence advises all there that Chente has proposed.

Ø  Chente advises Magos it’s not what he wants but what is best for the baby.  Everyone, including Benji will have to learn to accept and even respect her along with the baby.  Magos is on fire inside because of how she warned her grandsons over and over and yet the bitch still got what she wanted and there’s nothing more to be done.  Chente asks if she couldn’t lighten up a bit and help him make this task easier on him?  Of course she will.

Ø  Adi wishes the Senorita de Vulga the best.  Certainly this is a very happy moment.  His whiskers curl even higher than before as their play-acting goes forth.  Sweetness and light pour forth from La Vulga and it’s as if she’s surrounded by the glow of the virgencita herself.  She comments that at least one good person is wishing her well since the others are frowning…. Nata is turned to stone but eventually manages to whisper a decent, principled good wish or two.  La Vulga sweetly and very softly tells her thank you because:  “None of this would have been possible without you.”  (Can we get a little volume HERE?.  Olga’s mellow-mouthed, softer than soft as the angels' verbal emissions are making me want to smash the tv set about now!!!!!!!.)  Chole goes off on her cousin for manipulating and insinuating herself so well as to force a man who doesn’t love her in the least into marriage.  No, Chole has better things to do than spread complements.  She’s got her shop to open, she says, and clients to attend to.  She leaves while La Vulga, who doesn’t miss a beat fills in that, well, what a pity: it’s obviously envy and jealousy at having been dumped by her own baby’s father, Don Tavo.  No time to ponder that.  She’s too anxious to spread the word throughout the barrio the good news. Adi gives her and Chente his heartfelt best.  She thanks him and expresses her heartfelt wishes (neither of them having hearts to feel a thing)  that he and Nata can rectify their differences to become a beloved couple and happy family once more.   Bye!

Ø  Back in the kitchen at Chente’s, Juanga and Jose Jose have taken sides and are fighting about it all.  JJ leaves for school.

Ø  Nata doesn’t want to owe Adi a thing for supposedly paying off her fines to get her fonda reopened.  He refuses to be offended by her kindly offering and will accept nothing.  He only used his influence and connections so it cost him nothing.  She thanks him and accepts that at face value. 

Ø  Vero pays a morning visit to Mario and tells him she suspects Adrian to have killed his sister but cannot prove it. 

Ø  Back in the barrio, Adi has raced over to congratulate Chente on his upcoming marriage.  “I understand your giving up Natalia because of this situation.  Blinded by principles, Chente says he’s not a man to abandon a woman and his children in need.  Grinning from ear to ear, Adi adds that those men never stop repenting their mistake, either.  “—Thank goodness, Chente, that you are not repeating my mistakes!! He slaps the counter with feigned righteous  emphasis

Ø  Adrian reminds Chente that since he got back all the money spent on the house that it now fully belongs to Natalia.  Now that he has the blessing of a wedding (iQue` alegri`a!) approaching, it only seems right that he finds himself another place to live with his new family.  Chente agrees and adds he doesn’t need the likes of Adrian reminding him of what he already knows.  So, Adi again nearly jumps for joy while giving him such heartfelt warm wishes on the new baby and the upcoming blessed marriage as he skips down the street to his next stop.  And….from across the street, some unknown mysterious individual is snapping Adrian’s picture as he leaves.

Ø  JJ spies on Hair Boy and Regina chatting and seemingly cozying up together.  He goes to the principal’s office and renounces his scholarship despite the principal’s advice not to waste his future.

Ø  Omar takes over the shop while Chente sees about a request to come over from Nata.  He does have the sense to ask Chente if he isn’t rushing the marriage decision a bit too quickly.  Chente says nopers; the choice was made and the decision is final.

Ø  Valentina arrives to visit Mario and finds Vero there.  She blows up until Vero leaves him with his barrio alleycat. 

Ø  Back on the prep school grounds, Regi heads on to her chemistry class; Lorilocks gets a text from none other than Adrian!  Hair Boy says yeah, they got Regi where they want her and JJ is no longer anywhere near her.  That’s the way Adi wants it, too.

Ø  Chente is surprised that Nata has found and bought back the red truck.  He decides to accept it.  They hug, but without the sexual abandon of before.  They have again decided to be friends, only friends despite their feeling and their principles. 

Ø  Across the way and around the block at Tavo’s garage, Claudio is given the chore of buying parts across the street from Chente’s.  However, he sees that Elias is there speaking with Omar.  No way will Clod humiliate himself by letting Elias see him having fallen so low.  Clod turns the corner and heads to the nearby cantina he loves to hang out in.  He spends Tavo’s parts money in there on booze and tacos….

Ø   Elias complains to Omi about having had grander expectations of him.  His real reason though for being there is to ask him and Andi to give his mother the opportunity to plan a real wedding, a fancy wedding like she’s always dreamed of giving him.  Omi gives a resounding no.  Eli says that if Samia isn’t involved in something entertaining she won’t stop hounding him.   As proof, Sami bugs him two or three times by calling him and asking him where he is and what he’s doing.  He lies he’s in a business meeting.  He agrees to the wedding plans on the condition that Elias leaves him the opportunity to make it on his own. Trato hecho!  It’s a deal!

Ø  Mario calms down Tina…tries calming her down.  She’s tired of him constantly chatting it up with his ex-novias.  She’s done.  She slams the door on her way out.

Ø  At the boarding house, Chente and Nata continue their chat.  He informs her he’s leaving the house now that he’s getting married.  She dislikes the idea since it’s what he bought with Lucia and has so many memories there.  He disagrees.  He’s leaving the furniture so she can move right back in tomorrow.  They tell each other that despite the problems that have separated them they will love each other forever.  They hug.  They cry.  They stand firm and firmly blinded by their principles.

Ø  An hour later and Tavo asks where Clod is.  Nobody can really say…Simba shows up.  Tavo fires him again and Tina jumps in to explain they”--’re short of hands and have a number of cars to return to people today.  Ok.  Simba!  Put on your overalls and get to work!”

Ø  JJ has given Chente the bad news about leaving the prep school and starting back at the barrio’s public high school.  Chente says a definitive NO.  He’s a fool to throw away the prestige of graduating from such a school,  but we’ll see.  Other problems abound….  Like that of marrying La Vulga.  Juanga walks in on him and JJ.  King of the hypocrites, he is.  Why is he marrying Olga?  Chente reminds him La Vulga is carrying his child.  You cannot have a kid without getting married.  And you don’t have to get married in this day and age!  You can still support the kid!  He won’t be the first to do this!   JJ pipes up and Chente tells him to stop twisting his support to favor his own decisions.  Then Juanga says he cannot be stuck in a marriage for the rest of his life with a woman he doesn’t love!  Magos walks in and insists that they must all support Chente’s decision and him fully so that this marriage works out.  Juanga complains that she is walking Chente to the slaughterhouse.  Chente says enough.  He’s making certain that both Benji and the baby are brought up in a decent household.  "--Now everyone get packed!  Tomorrow we’re moving out of here!"  

Ø  Andrea wants to help her mom with the reopening of the tavern, financially.

Ø   Chente explains Nata isn’t kicking them out; he was repaid his investment and she owns the house now legally.  He doesn’t want to impose on her and so they’re all leaving tomorrow.  Magos tells them she’s packing hers and Benji’s things.  They should all attend to their own, etc.  She leaves.  Chente walks over to the picture of Lucia and picks it up.  Juanga walks over and suggests that the last thing Chente should want to do is to dirty Lucia’s memory by marrying a woman he does not love.  

Jardinera: Let me guess: More winning by the villains ?

I'll be happy when this nonsense FINALLY ends!

Steve Boudreaux

Looking forward to the recap later. My recap of last night's Rey will be posted by tonight. Unfortunately due to Univision's screwups about the On Demand I can't watch anything a second time.

I totally feel your pain, Urban!

Steve - I am getting antsy myself!

Please forgive anything duplicated, since we only had high points, thankfully and much appreciated, from Jarifa. She and I were trying to reconstruct as Uni has done its best to be anything but On Demand, as it were.

O/T: Susanlynn, I am playing catch up for Amor Valiente. It stars two of Turkey's hottest actors and is from 2016. Telemundo at least is true to its On Demand public. So I will be there enjoying a binge filled weekend watching the capitulos till I can watch it with you all on the other patio. And, if you like that blonde hottie in tight jeans, and you like period pieces with lots of hot romance, lavish costumes, battles and tight escapes, I will let you all know in a few. Have to get the list. I watched with English CC but it can be seen with Spanish also.


OT..Jardinera, glad you will join us for Amor Val . I must admit that even though I am drawn to dark and handsome,Cesar is very good looking, strong and quiet which I always like in a galan . I need a hero. We have some interesting discussions about this show at the Telemundo site.

I think you recommended "Kurulus" to me , and I believe that the actor playing Korhan ( Suhan's bro) plays Nikolai, Osman's nemesis, in that dizi. The Turkey dizis seem to have strong galans.

Jardinera and Jarifa, a heartfelt thank you to the dynamic duo for forging through this muck to gift us with an excellent recap.

Loved “Lorilocks” and “They hug, but without the sexual abandon of before”, a few highlights of many.

I would say things had hit rock bottom but sadly, Benja does not yet know that thick as a brick Chente is marrying Olga. His new step mother will be the vile, darkest, demon of his dreams.

I had hoped Magos would try and talk some sense into Chente and am disappointed she has accepted his decision so readily. Where IS Rene Casados??

While the orcs march through this depressing tale, Adrian whose “whiskers curl even higher than before as their play-acting goes forth” sports a satanic smile, spewing his lies and machinations like Saruman on crack.

“She blows up until Vero leaves him with his barrio alleycat”. Even though there’s been some flirting and a kiss or two, Mario and Vale need to stop now. They have NO chance. And I’ve been meaning to ask – what IS Mario wearing on his lapel?? It looks like the accessory they sell to hook your glasses through so you don’t lose them. He has it in several colors it appears.

Omar should have talked with Andrea before agreeing to the wedding plans.

Tavo hiring Clod? Idiots both.

Time for JJ to go to a school where he can make real friends and leave Regi behind. Sorry but I prefer Andrea right now.

Little joy last night but thankfully, a smart, savvy and fun recap today.

Judy, hope you are enjoying sun and cool breezes today amiga.


O/T Susanlynn and other Amor Valiente lovers watch online or was on Netflix
Kurt Seyit ve Sura. - Jardinera654

Thanks, Jardinera and Jarifa. Love your recap. Your gift of snark makes last night's blockhead fest fun.

One can only hope that we will all be rewarded with a wedding between Chente and Vulga that hits new heights in horror. Does the blockhead even realize he will have to do the deed with Vulga to consummate the marriage?

I hate to see JJ leave the prep school just because of Reg.

The only thing left for Benja to do is run away from home. Even Dona Magos has given up.

Thanks, Jardinera and Jarifa. You made this episode a fun read although it was no fun to watch! I was surprised that Lorenzo is working with Adrian. I would think that would hinder his plans to get her into his bed, or any bed. I don’t think Adrian would take that too well.

Why would you give a drunk money? This show is filled with people with no thinking skills.

I’m wondering what kind of place Chente will get. I’m sure Olga expected to be the mistress of Lucia’s house. I dread poor Benja finding out. I hope it’s a very open floor plan so Olga can’t get Benja alone easily!

The other night I thought I saw someone taking a picture, and then someone mentioned it here. Last night I saw it and you guys confirmed it. I can’t think who it is but hope they plan to expose all!

Veronica is setting up Mario against Adrian. Mario doesn’t stand a chance. I hadn’t noticed anything on his suit, just that it doesn’t seem to fit very well.

We have to wait two nights! This is a show I think I could binge watch!

Diana/Liz/Niece: Thanks but it's been a true struggle. I don't ever think I have had to hold my nose more than in this one, not because I don't like the cast, cuz they're all top notch... but because the two protagonists are written so one-dimensionally and the two main villains--Olga and Adrian-- are written so well and played to perfection!! The scenes between Chente and victorious Adrian, as well as triumphant Olga spreading it on so thick with Chole as Nata gets her nose rubbed in it, just shredded me. Something from my past must be subconsciously responding.

To the dynamic duo Jarifa and Jardinera, a huge thank you for wading through this give us a rundown and who got run down and who did the running if we didn't know .

All the woman , you except Vero , Con, and Ulga should run corn he hills away from both the bad guys AND the supposed good guys.

So, I guess the trend now is to make galanless telenovelas in Mexico.
I think I despise dim, weepy, wimpy, sniveling Chente more than the actual villains. At this point , I don't know why Nat, Olga, or anyone would want him. Ugh . We know that Nat and Chente are end game but....why? Nat should just adopt Ben and let Chente be Olga's ride or die . He deserves thst fate for beand ng unbelievably dumb and gullible. yuck. These good guys are pathetic , so it is hard to cheer them on.

I have had it with watching drunk 24\7 Clod. Basta. We get it..demon alcohol will make you lose everything including your self respect, your liver, and most of your brain cells . basta. Next.

Lets talk about Tavo , an older , sad sack who somehow had the incredible luck to have a kind, sweet, buxom , younger woman fall in love with him ....and threw it all away. .

And what is up with Mario . Neither teeny bopper Val or mature, stable Fernando deserve this guy. He should just stay single until he figures out who he is .

At least the younger guys, Omer, Pepe, Juanga have some redeeming Qualities .

I need this show to end . #crankypants

Diana: Thinking that if PussnBoots has an evil cousin from the dark side!


Couldn't resist adding a picture of a smiling, self assured Pussnboots because of thinking that Adrian's his evil human side what with the whiskers and goatee. Ok. All done.

Susanlynn: I am with you this time re: wimpy, worthless, brainless, box o' rocks, so called galans. None of them are worth our time in this one. NEXT! (Oh, Carlos, qepd)

Judy, hope you're doing well. You're really never out of our thoughts, amiga!

"Thinking that if PussnBoots has an evil cousin from the dark side!

Love the pic Jardinera!! Just perfect!!


o/T: Amor Valiente hunk in this one is Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ pronounced Kavanch Tatlatu. Smokin'!!!!!!! Mexican Tn's need to find his Spanish-speaking double...Oh, yeah, we have one. Turkey has 10 of 'em. Talk about a walking work of art....He is currently in a Netflix Sci-fi show about a submarine. Kurt Seyit ve Sura or Love In War is what I first saw him in. It is a Hollywood-worthy series/production if y'all care to follow his work.

Jardinera and Jarifa, thank you for this recap and for hanging in so the rest of us suffer a little less.

Diana, I have been wondering about that very small lapel ribbon too. I don't know what it is for sure, but maybe it's a sign of mourning for his sister. Some cultures and subcultures show some symbol of mourning for a certain period.
OTOH, it might just be Metrosexual ribbon   :-)

Diana, I hate to do this because we usually agree, well, we sometimes agree... er, never mind. Because I can't argue with Judy Hi, Judy! right now, I am forced to argue with you:

"Time for JJ to go to a school where he can make real friends and leave Regi behind."
Nah. JJ will be back to rich kids' school soon, he and Regi will make up, JJ will be that Prepa's valedictorian and will go on to university and get his PhD in record time.

Mario and Vale need to stop now. They have NO chance.
Nah. Mario and Sprite/Chipmunk are endgame. Vale might have to slap him around now and then, to keep him in line, but it will work out fine.

I had hoped Magos would try and talk some sense into Chente and am disappointed she has accepted his decision so readily. Where IS Rene Casados??
This is just too very suspicious. I think doña Magos has something up her sleeve and Heri-whatever (Rene Casados) may be part of it. Or he might just have gotten a better part in a decent telenovela, who knows?

"Tavo hiring Clod? Idiots both."
Yay! We agree!



I absolutely agree with Diana, "Love the pic Jardinera!! Just perfect!!"

Diana, don't get used to it   :-)

Andy, Team Samia

OT....Jardinera,I agree. The Turkish Dizis feature very handsome galans, a plethora of possible telenovios , but I have trouble learning their names which is odd since I have taught so many international students .I have Burke Ozcivit and Engin Ayurek(?) In my memory banks, but I will have to work on this new galan's name. I like to think of him as Thor.Thanks for the info on Netflix. I have trouble finding titles on Netflix. I have been looking to see if Kurulus Osman is on Netflix.

Who is taking photos ? He photographed Adrian and Chente talking and then kept photographing Adrian as he walked away .

I was surprised that Hair boy is working for Adrian .I guess Adrian didn't realize the little weasel is thinking of getting Adrian's princessa into bed . However, I think Reg outweighs him and could pin him if he tries anything . When they lifted her in that dance, he didn't have any muscle to put into the lift ...the other 3 handled it . Hair just posed. Reg could beat him up if he gets aggressivo.

I think that we are supposed to think that Chente is muy noble . meh

So yeah, nobility is my meh. We need some kickass honchos to take care of Lorilocks if bed buddies is all he cares about. We need Juanga to smash Adrian since Chente has no bulk behind him. Nobody should drag J2p2 off Hair Boy when the time comes. Regina needs to get into the mud and see how good it feels. Hair Boy as an actor is cute but has no musculature... He was the only guy of the chamberlains who wore sleeves. Should be easy pickins for Jojo... Clod can be thrown into the clinic or a state hospital for addicts. Simba also needs to stop wasting valuable oxygen.... There should be blood in barrel back alleys. Ok. Rant over.

Barrio back alleys.


What is best for a child is a stable household. Vulga's helplessness act should have landed her in a psych ward. If someone were to describe this to Soledad she could easily see through it and say so.

With 12 or 13 episodes left someone has to catch Vulga abusing Benjamin. At this point it should be Chente or Juanga. Magos needs no convincing.

It actually would not shock me if the entire neighborhood knew that Vulga had been after Chente forever, including before he married Lucia. [Where has her ghost been lately?]

Natalia is managing to maintain a ladylike demeanor through this, but I hope she will have the chance to deliver a well-aimed Victorian slap to Vulga's ugly face.

2xJose had better change his mind and get back into that school.

Valentina had better not get too close to Veronica, who is pure poison, especialy to women who get her discarded men.

It does not shock me that Hair Boy is a minion of Adrian's. He isn't intelligent enough to see the long view: If he wins Regina Adrian would be using him like a puppet for the rest of his life. Here is hoping he makes the wrong move on Monday so Regina drops him. However, if he actually makes the move he is contemplating Adrian might turn on him big time.

Claudio is a lost cause. He will probably die of cirrhosis of the liver.

I can't believe that Elias would go along with Samia's ridiculous waste of money for a huge wedding. The most sensible thing in this example would be for Omar and Andrea to have thier civil ceremony and sign the documents and have the fancy wedding in the church after the baby is born.

Finally, I thing Valentina should go after Juanga. I love his closing line about Vulga defiling the house and Chente's memories of Lucia.

"Lets talk about Tavo , an older , sad sack who somehow had the incredible luck to have a kind, sweet, buxom , younger woman fall in love with him ....and threw it all away".

Say it sister! I like the fire this has lit under you Susanlynn. Well, well said!! Tavo should be kissing the ground Chloe walks on. I'd say kiss her feet but Clod already did that (sort of) with Conz so I won't go there.

Jardinera, I loved your "Hair Boy as an actor is cute but has no musculature". The fact he aligned with Adrian makes me loathe him even more". Clod needs some serious rehab, I completely agree. I don't know that there is any hope for his delusional sense of self though!

Andy. Bring it on amigo.

I don't think Mario is so deep that he would wear a remembrance of his sister. I just want to know what the darn thing is.

OK so I DID say it was time for JJ to leave snob central and with it, Lor and Reg. But that was only a wish, I know full well he will return, graduate and get back with Regi. That doesn't mean I like it. ☹

I think we have more than enough January/December "romance" with Tavo and Chloe. Yes, yes, I know the expression is May/December but in their case and to a lesser extent Vale and Mario's, it just seems so much more fitting. I keep looking at handsome Donovan. Is he simply eye candy? I hope not. Early on, when Vale first started drooling over Mario, there was a scene where Donovan stood shaking his head in disbelief. He has definitely noticed her. Why it isn't reciprocal is beyond me. When Vale actually went after Vero, she looked so well, silly. The good news is that Vero did NOT give her a rose.

Andy, I love your speculation that Magos may be cooking something up!!! Someone has to start asking the right questions. Oh, could Rene be taking the pictures??

Andy, congratulations on your election as President and Secretary as well as being the sole member of Team Samia. It must be exhausting wearing so many hats!


Lol, Diana!—but, I agree with Chente over staying in this school. He’s got to man up and look at the bigger picture. And, he needs to forget Regi because she’s overly opinionated. The more I hear out of her the less I like her. I think she loves the attention from the blue eyed Adonis and is attracted, but won’t admit it to herself. — Jardinera654

OT...(((Diana))).... It's funny how even though we have never met , you know me so well and know that I haven't had much fire for quite awhile. I guess these characters did get my fire up a little . ;)They are a good distraction.

Excellent recap! I am trying to learn Spanish from novelas and they have helped a lot, BUT, I haven't been too invested in this novela partly because I can't stand the characters. I LOVE little Ben, Granny Magos and her boyfriend and that's about it. Even Chente is a disappointment. I will hang in there until this novela ends, THEN, hopefully, a good one will come along with some great characters. I hope I'm not being too harsh on these guys. Forgive me if I am...


Thanks, Jardinera for another spirited and entertaining retelling of this dead in the water plot that seems to be circling the drain at this point. Loved the Puss in Boots; so appropriate. Anywho, Natalia should be the perfect match in terms of ethics/morality for Chente with her dedication to her “principles” which are just as extreme, naïve and twisted as his.

Diana, it is too bad we haven’t seen more of Donovan. He is a cutie.

I cannot wait to see the further misadventures of Chente and Natalia tomorrow!


Heartsings, there is no way you could be too harsh on any characters. We all respect each other’s opinions. ; )

Susanlynn: nothing wrong with distractions, amiga! You seem to be back to that smart cracking kid at the back of the school auditorium, keepin' us in stitches!

Andy/Steve: Happy Pappy's Day!
I says ITA with JoseJose's future. And speaking of graduating, will Andrea get her G.E.D.?

"Trust me when I tell you that having to re-wind to watch as honey drips from Olga's lying lips and Adrian's vile smile a mile giggling is truly giving me a leg up on sainthood. -- ed!"

I'm not watching this one, but I gotta say: You made my day! This was just brilliant snark!

A blast from the past from a Uni watcher from long ago. Now I'm pretty much only on the Telemundo pages.

Thanks, Jardinera654

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