Friday, June 17, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #79 Discussion Page

Hi patio-

So it's one step forward two steps back- my nephew came back from juvie last night (yay) but then my boyfriends dad had a medical emergency, we don't know what happened but he was in the kitchen discussing dinner plans when suddenly he was unable to talk, they had to call 911 and he is still hospitalized because his blood pressure won't come down and the doctors still don't know what cased this episode, they don't think it was a stroke or a blood clot but they can't say for sure what happened.

I thought I could catch the episode on the app but Univision is four days behind on posting the new episodes. I'll be back to normal next week :)


Princess, I am so sorry your family is experiencing such a difficult time. Prayers to all there and a huge hug to you.

I will leave astute comments on what exactly transpired to those who actually understood what was said and who have a far better memory than I. I will say it was another disaster.

I will note one interesting scene where Natalia, Fernanda and Mario were sitting and discussing Natalia's situation. Vale was playing with Benja. Such a stark contrast. Vale at the kiddies table so to speak.

After, Mario and Fernanda ended up going out for drinks. Was it past Vale's bedtime?? Anyhoo, Vero, (who cannot stand any of the male characters she considers "hers" to be seen with anyone else), slithers over trying to spew. I don't know what was said but Mario just seemed to sit there and stare (you know, like he always does) but Fernanda seemed to go toe to toe with her, so she got up and left.

I'm sure someone already mentioned this but the sofa in Tavo's office has chair parts as armrests. Very cool.


te sofa in Tavo's office has CAR parts as armrests. Very cool.


Thank you, Princess Juju, for posting the comment page with all you have to deal with and Uni not posting its episodes on demand in a timely manner.

Here is what I remember:

1. Even though he has been thrown out by Tere, Claudio keep hanging around and making obnoxious drunken appearances. Tavo ends up giving him a job washing cars, changing tires. Sure . . .

2. Tere and Julián hit it off. He wants to take her out for dinner. She accepts.

3. Olga threatens Adrián with making it public that he is the father of her baby. He calls her stupid and warns her not to threaten him. She slaps him hard.He slaps her back even harder and almost knocks her over. He suggests that she play her pregnancy card very carefully because if Natalia suspects that he is the father of the baby, he will kill her.

4. Natalia is still playing stupid adhering to her values and childhood experiences without a dad in the home and will not be with equally clueless Chente blah blah blah.

5. Chente tells Ben that Natalia is not coming back and Olga is coming to stay. Ben goes berserk and tells him that Olga is a witch and was responsible for granny getting sick and his mother dying. That seems to bother Chente. Anyway after hearing the news that Olga is there to stay, Ben runs down the stairs. Chente conveniently trips as he goes after him. Olga goes to torment Ben on the stairs telling him about the baby and he pushes her out of his way. Olga falls down the stairs. She is unconscious. They call an ambulance. She has bruises but the baby is okay. Chente asks her about what Ben said. She sees it as nonsense but in the mean time manages to talk Chente into marrying her.

6. Vale is jealous of Mario’s friendship with Fernanda.

7. Regina still sees 2XJosé as the enemy.

8. Vero darkens the table where Mario and Fernanda are talking over a glass of wine. She seems intent on just being obnoxious to both of them. Somebody is taking photos of Mario and Vero.

I found it interesting that holier than thou Regina who is so against violence slapped 2XJosé when he told her that Lorenzo only wanted to get her into bed and then pushed him hard out of her way. Really????

There was too much Claudio for me.

I liked Granny Magos teaching Ben the “one day at a time” prayer.

Diana, I will have to give a closer look to the arms rests on the sofa. That IS cool. Good point that Vale fit right in at the kiddies’ table.

Oh yeah, Vero told Mario they were accomplices because they were both with Elías to bring Adrián down.

Chente emphasizes that Olga had an accident and that Ben did not intentionally push her. Olga doesn’t seem to quite believe that.


Princess Juju, I'm so sorry. I hope your boyfriend's dad is better soon. Prayers for your family. (((()))))

Jarifa, thanks for the highlights (uh, lowlights). Yep, Chente. That's the way to go. Marry the woman that makes your little boy go beserk whenever she's near. I dunno, but he might be the dumbest in TN history.

Princess , I am sending out good vibrations for you and your family )))))))

Diana and Jarifa, thanks for commenting .

Wow,,Adrian really hauled off and hit Olga. I know that the writers will reunite Nat with Chente , but I wouldn't want him . He is clueless.

Poor Ben . I cringe every time Olga is around him . Her anvil will be enormous for the way she has continually....and joyfully ..terrorized that sweet little guy . She seems to delight in the abuse.

Princess Juju, I'm sorry to hear about your family problems. It never rains but it pours. Anyway, this was a good episode to miss, mostly a downer.

To say Chente is as dumb as a box of rocks is insulting to boxes of rocks everywhere.

Not nice of dim bulb Mario to walk off leaving Vale all puckered up with nobody to plant one on.

I can't say I'm pleased that Adrián was so rough and threatening with Olga, but it's about time she actually realized that she's playing with dangerous people. It's hard sometimes to believe that she was really planning to kill Natalia, or that she was dealing with sleazy Simba.
It's silly to think you can go around slapping just anybody, more than silly, it can be dangerous.

Now sleazy Verónica, and someone taking pictures. We're in últimas semanas, can't we speed things up a bit? Please?

Yep, I've gone full cranky again.


Andy, it's easy to slip into " full cranky " with this show .

What is up with Mario facilitating between teen Vale and ultra mature Fernanda ? I think they can both do better.

Reg's quincenera seems to have gone to her head. She has had a big personality change if she can't see through that wealthy little weasel Lorenzo . The last straw for me was the cardigan around his shoulders . For some reason , that particular style always jettisons me into full cranky .

Well, another reason I am cranky is the hot, humid day we are having.

Regarding Olgas fall , I just watched that scene . Olga was grabbing Ben's arms and threatening him . Then she looked up and saw Chente at the top of the stairs , is she let go of Ben's arms and fell backwards . Be did not push her . It was all her fault . Poor Ben. More trauma.

Uh oh, Vero brought Mario a dozen yellow roses.

Diana, I just looked at the sofa , the arms look like car fins with lights and then there is a bumper along the bottom of that turquoise leather seat.

Susanlynn, thanks for rewatching that fall scene and setting us straight.

Sorry for your family problems Princess Juju. Sending prayers that all will be well.

I also thought Olga did the fall herself. It looked like she was digging into his arms and then let go. Yes Chente, marry the girl that drugged you and abused your son. When Olga said she’d love them both equally I wondered if she’ll abuse her own baby too. Natalia needs to stay away from them all.

Yes, Mario got yellow roses from Veronica! Maybe if she finds out who got Olga pregnant Olga will get some. But hope she doesn’t plan to kill Mario. There’s too many people in this telenovela that deserve killing!

Claudio was dumped for being a drunk and has stayed drunk. No one respects him and he’s really useless. I wonder why he just doesn’t decide to get help.

I never noticed the arms of the couch, I’ll have to look tonight.

Yes, Regina is acting so unlike herself. I always felt she was wise concerning her dad but she can’t tell a decent guy from a sleeze. I bet Lorenzo did say that he planned to take Regina to bed and that’s why 2xJose hit him. Guess Regina will wise up when he tries to.


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