Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #87 Olga's Hail Mary Quadruple-Cross 6/28/22

Gustavo is still mooning over the picture of Chole's ultrasound.

The neighborhood has joined together to cook much of the food so that Natalia will be able to open her fonda the next day.  She and her mother and daughters also were able to scrounge around to prepare everything ordered by Don Julian.  Happy, happy!  Joy, joy!

Gustavo appears at Chole's shop with a bouquet in hand and begs for forgiveness for doubting her.  He informs her that Fernanda confirmed that the supposed doctor who told him years ago that he was sterile was a conman who was fired.  (--and I hope, prosecuted?)  Although Fer has recommended taking new tests he won't because he knows in his heart her baby has to be his.  Chole tells him to go pound sand.

Regina is feeling guilty for jumping to conclusions about Jose Jose's guilt and apologizes to Vicente.  They end up hugging and her telling Chente she wishes her father had been like him.

Speaking of JJ, Magos and Heliodoro visit JJ to advise him they sold the farm, et al to help pay for his attorney's fees.  He will be well-represented. 

There's a call from the hospital for Regi to rush over.  It's an "emergency!"  She arrives to see Lorenzo.  Surprise!!! He can walk again!  What a relief!  However, when Regi asks him to withdraw charges against JJ, Lorilocks refuses.  He swears he'll make that trailer trash pay for what he's done, always "pushing him and starting things first!"  (Ok.  So Viewerville knows what a lying sack o' Shinola this turkey is.  Oh, if only Regi knew!)  Regi gets angry and tells him he's a rotten person for not changing his mind.  She later whines to Mama about it.  

Nata agrees to help Chente find JJ a good lawyer.  They head off in the truck.  He tells her that he's thought twice about getting married to La Vulga de Olga with the news that Sinbad de Nestor believes her baby is his.  Chente continues discussing Simba's impassioned plea when he thought he was dying.  He cannot get that confession about the baby out of his head.   (They've made every argument for it but one: the guy thought he was dying.  You don't usually lie on your way to Judgement Day.)  He wants now to cancel the wedding to wait till the baby's born and see what the paternity test results are before doing anything rash that ties him down for a lifetime.  Chente takes a moment to passionately kiss Nata again to emphasize his desire to marry her and only her.

Tavo goes back home to his cage where cagey Constanza is waiting once again to harass him.  (Speaking of lawyers, I think Tavo has a great case for spousal abuse.)  She grabs the ultrasound picture away from him, curses Chole, and burns it because he's dared go to Fer and learn that the supposed doctor was a quack, somebody easily bought to lie.  He finally puts 2+2 together and gets 4! (Will miracles never cease?) It had to be his rich bitch wife who paid that quack to make him believe all these years that he was sterile while she bullied him into believing he was despicable and worthless. Why would she do that?  To intimidate him and make him her toady, he claims. She finally admits it. She lied all these years to avoid having an ugly child--just look at himself in the mirror; be careful when it cracks, though!  He walks out of the manse and doesn't look back.

In the meantime, La Vulga slips into the kitchen, those lips just dripping with honied, soft-spoken resignation of her helpless state in the face of overwhelming odds.  Magos is told the same lie about Sinbad raping her and her being threatened by him to keep quiet.  She then shows Magos her papers from the clinic showing she was only two weeks preggers at the time and insists the incident with Simba was a few weeks earlier.  So, her child is definitely Chente's.  It's her great-grandchild.  Please make certain that Chente marries her!  Do it for her baby, Magos's great-grandchild!

Once Chente and Nata return to her house, he asks for another chance once he's proven Sinbad is Vulga's baby daddy.  Her answer is yes, but now is not the time for them to consider this.  First, get JJ out of jail. FF>>FF>>

At the neighborhood cantina, Claudio is drunk as a skunk; he's buying all the rounds for guests this evening.

That evening Olga has an appointment with Adrian in a back alleyway of some park.  She surprises him when she walks up to him; he pulls a gun on her.  

 "--Are you really going to pull a gun on the mother of your baby?"  He tells her not to repeat such foolishness.  "--But it's true.  The blessing in my belly is your kid  He needs to get Nata out of Chente's life and out of the barrio toot sweet.  He lists all the things he's done that have failed.  Vulga threatens him that if Chente doesn't marry her within a week, she'll tell Nata that during the entire time he was trying to reconcile with her he was entertaining Olga in his bed.  Adrian is about to slap her silly when Veronica appears out of nowhere and tells him to stop.  He learns they are BFF's now, and that ain't all!

Back at Chole's shop, she and Kimberly are locking down the garage door and getting ready to go home.  Chole is starting to cross the street when Connie races towards her in her Mersnotties Benz and nearly runs her over.  Luckily, though, Juanga is there and grabs her, getting her out of the way in the nick of time.  Who was that?  Dunno!  The car raced off so fast nobody could even see the plates.

In the alleyway again, Vero and Vulga threaten also to tell all that Simba was Adi's hired hand in the past few months of burglaries, car thefts, and assaults.  He was also the mastermind behind Chente's parts store being robbed and Nata's house being burgled. He warns her not to threaten him. It was a joint plan of hers and his!  Vulga "doesn't recall"....oh but what fun--him plotting with Simba to have him shoot Adi in the shoulder so he would become a hero in Nata's eyes.  She leaves Adi in Vero's capable hands.  Vero, for her part, tells him how much all the daringly evil stuff he's done makes her horny.  She'll even forgive him for diddling that piece of barrio riffraff, Olga.  

Adrian grabs Vero's throat and tells her not to say a word about what was discussed here this evening.  Vero assures him she's no idiot.  She knows that Nata's hefty inheritance is in play.  She just wants her share of it, ok?  They can share both their rewards and bedtime together.  He accedes.  They begin lip-smacking and she suggests her place...

Back in Vulga's room, Chente is there when she arrives.  She lies, all sweetly that she went to pray at church about his blessing, the baby.  He tells her he doubts still and doesn't trust her; they are going to wait till after the baby is born before thinking of any wedding.  

The next day Regi comes to visit JJ.  They hug.  She apologizes for doubting him.

Vulga pays a visit to Nata's house.  She tells her the same lie she told Magos about Nestor, aka, Sinbad, being her rapist and having bullied her into silence all this time.  (Does anybody stop to think of how many lies...."Perdon, perdon!" --how many times Little Miss Sweetness and Light has changed her story???  Queue the crickets.) The tests show she got preggers after that occurred.   She's not there to ask Nata any favors.  (No, she's resigned herself to her fate and feebly says that baby is definitely Chente's.  However, she's going to move out of the picture (--and let Nata determine what comes next....)

That morning, Magos gives Chente hell for ever doubting Olga.  Olga showed her the test results and the child is hers!  He must do right by her great-grandchild!!  He must!!


Thanks, Jardinera, for another fabulous and fun recap. Great title!

Olga never gives up. She is like a character from a horror movie that never dies.

Bad plot turn: I could not believe that the Granny Magos that had been portrayed so far would have fallen for Olga’s Hail Mary. I would have expected her to have asked Olga who else had she had sex with. A big thumbs down.

So, it looks like Chente’s short flirtation with actually thinking logically could be coming to an end.

Hurrah for Chole telling Tavo to get lost!

Cannot wait until tonight!


Jardinera, just wonderful!!

“Mersnotties Benz” had me laughing out loud. Excellent!!

“lips just dripping with honied, soft-spoken resignation of her helpless state in the face of overwhelming odds…” was superb.

Just when there seems to be the tiniest turn of the tide, a reckless maelstrom of stupidity overwhelms any coherent thought. Jarifa, I was stunned that Dona Magos fell for Olga’s lies. Yes, when the only voice of reason starts believing the obvio conniving villain, it is inexplicable and unimaginable. Bad, bad writers.

Tavo was dissed and dismissed. Well deserved and well done Chloe.

When Conz confessed what she’d done, I felt not the slightest bit of pity. He allowed her to dominate and manipulate him, all for his precious garage. He left any shred of self respect behind him long ago.

Even JJ couldn’t resist Rene’s big personality!

How far will Chente regress and how fast??? Guess we will find out tonight.

Excellent Jardinera. Thank you!

Judy, wishing you warm sunshine and sending virtual bouquets of flowers your way.


Jarifa: Olga does remind me of Freddie in Nightmare On Elm Street! Never wake up.

Diana: "Tavo was dissed and dismissed." Beautiful! No, I couldn't summon any pitty for Tavo. Clod, also, has got to get hit by a racing pie truck out of control. Make that a beer truck! He will go happily.....

Thanks, Jardinera, you do such a great job with the retails that I miss. This show is getting frustrating. Everything seems to go back and forth. Like watching a game of tennis! I can’t believe Natalia bought in to Olga’s new story. And Granny Magos! Anxious to see what happens tonight! Surely the end is near!

Great work, Jardinera.

“lips just dripping with honied, soft-spoken resignation of her helpless state in the face of overwhelming odds…” was enough to make me lose my appetite. Not for your words but the irony of them. Olga is the epitome of what I hate most in other women: Affected helplessness and an exploitative motive for it. When is anyone going to see the video on that cell phone?

As for the asshole who took Constanza's bribe to falsify test results, I hope that security cameras in such facilities have cut back on any similar things since then.

Judy, wishing you shrimp cocktail, a lobster entree, and champagne while we wait for the finale of this tale.

Jardinera, thank you for the recap, I missed half the episode so this really helped.

Why did the writers hit Magos with the stupid stick? She knows that Olga is obsessed with Chente, does she really think she's going to abort the baby and get rid of the one thing that will bind her to Chente forever?

The problem with most of these novelas so far is that abortion was considered unacceptable. Now that the laws in Mexico have changed I have to hope that this will no longer be a forbidden solution.

Not that pregnancy entrapment will ever stop being a novela plot point.

Jardinera, thank you! I missed some parts so this recap was especially helpful.

I truly do not know what to think about Magos, this is just so unlike her. I don't know if she is supposed to have had a change of heart or if she is just playing another angle. If this is a real change of heart it's totally unbelievable.

"Chole tells him to go pound sand." Too little, too late, Tavo.

Diana, "Just when there seems to be the tiniest turn of the tide, a reckless maelstrom of stupidity overwhelms any coherent thought."
This had me laughing, but yeah, a "reckless maelstrom of stupidity" is about right.

"When Conz confessed what she’d done, I felt not the slightest bit of pity. He allowed her to dominate and manipulate him, all for his precious garage. He left any shred of self respect behind him long ago."

Right? All for that stupid garage? I don't care that his father started the business, it just made no sense at all to be harrassed by that harpy for all those years for a garage. He did no favor for himself or even for Constanza. Maybe with someone else, or even alone, she might have evolved into a real human being.

This novela has been on the very edge of a reckless maelstrom of stupidity since its start. Now it's being sucked under, except we know it will get free somehow in the next few episodes.

Is it too soon to talk about weddings? Nata and Chente, Andrea and Omar, Olga and Simba and his crew...


“Wreckless maelstrom of stuoidity” That is a keeper, Andy!

Juju: "does she really think she's going to abort the baby and get rid of the one thing that will bind her to Chente forever?" ITA and

Urban: how many times has she threatened this abortion already, anyway? This is getting old!

Andy: Magos is my biggest disappointment. The writers should have kept her suspicious side very very alive.

Liz: I think Natalia may not totally believe --or want to believe-- Olga, which may be just as good. I remember when she failed to believe Olga's story earlier and tricked Chente. She could be holding her peace again.


Jardinera, thank you, mi amiga, for another snappy recap of all the...stuff that transpired in last night's episode .

Wow, I hope the actress playing Olgag is getting extra pay for the wardrobe given to her . yikes. You have to really put a lot if thought into looking that tacky . Was she wearing a bejeweled fanny pack last night ? How does Olg keep track of her tall tales as she turns on a dine to change her story.

Con is demented . She now tries to run down Chole after confessing her lie to Tavo and playing the ugly card ...ouch...low blow from tbe stone cold witch. What type of anvil are the writers crafting for her? I would like to see her lose that huge mansion and all her money since money and status is all she cares about .

Lets face it , Chole will eventually forgive tortured Tavo , and they will marry . We might not want that to happen , but the writers will keep that baby's parents together .


P.s. Juanga saves Cho!e from getting hit by Con's car. I guess he is the closest thing we get to a galan in this fractured tale . How times and telenovelas have changed.

I actually thought Chente was a good galan- a lot better than what we have had in the past but the boy kept losing brain cells as the novela went on. *Prayer circle for chentes brain cells*

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