Monday, July 18, 2022

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): La Mexicana y El Guero, La Hija del Embajador*, & Mujer de Nadie- Week of July 18, 2022

ANNOUNCEMENT: Univision Primetime TNS will be preempted on Thursday due to Premios Juventud.)

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series! There’s still much mayhem for our protag on Mujer de Nadie; Weirdo, Darcy, Princess Juju and Urban are continue with their noteworthy recaps. There’s interesting and entertaining discussion on LMYEG.  DieHard Dondi356 continues with spectacular recaps of La Hija del Embajador: Season 3!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

11-12 PM  La Hija del Embajador 3: Ep. 49-51 (*on Unimás-Últimos Capítulos!!)    

8-9 PM  La Mexicana y el Guero:  Ep. 33-35

10-11PM – Mujer de Nadie: Ep. 15-17


Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Guero”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

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Praying for Judy B.

Steve Boudreaux


Darcy, Weirdo, SpanProf, Kirby, Susanlynn, Stevey, RGV Chick, Novelera, Niecie, Dondi356 & Co:

I'm NOT shocked they're doing a 2nd Season of "DESALMADA".

The Body Count might increase to 100+ by then.

Steve Boudreaux


Steve, "I'm NOT shocked they're doing a 2nd Season of "DESALMADA"."

Neither am I, Steve. Those who did "La desalmada" amply demonstrated that they have no scruples or shame, so it's not that surprising.

The only surprising thing is that anyone would fund it or would watch it, though I think the original was fairly popular.

It could only be because of Macrón.




René and the new and improved Luis were over the top funny. René comes across much better when he is dealing with Luis, he seems less naco and less to be taken seriously, which is a good thing in René's case.

Gladys and her "mom", Marcia, were having a great time and taking great advantage of Happy Hour. But it never takes all that much to depress poor Marcia, which depressed Gladys, and a really, really, really good cry was had by both! Boo, hoo; boo, hoo! I almost wanted to join in   :-)
But I didn't, I just laughed. I know, I'm terrible.

Women and girls can really dish it out. I thought that Megan and la Murciélaga were going to stand there all day trading insults. But Luis and René were even better, with some fancy footwork and physicality   :-)

Score one for the guys, but we'll see what Megan plans for Chío's whatever-that-animalito-is.

OK, Andrea had her panties bunched up again, this time because Tyler wants Olinka to go to Mexico and this could jeopardize everything. She has a conversation with Katya who says, "Aunque más que una señorita, soy una perruchita, como mi madre." I don't know what "perruchita" means, but it sounds interesting...
I'm just curious.

And on to doña Maty and Tyler arranging her wedding party. No snobby stuff for doña Maty! Expensive fine wine, "Ewww! bitter." She is a card, and having a great time. It's a good thing that Tráiler is filthy rich, she would bankrupt most people, as she may have done to a couple of ex-husbands   :-)

Mario and Gladys are getting quite domestic. Almost boring. But time will tell.

And Gonzalo got a good look at Marcia, compliments of the selfsame Marcia. The fun never stops at Campo amor. Quite honestly.

Now Big Bad Sebastián is all out of sorts because he broke up with Diego. So why do it in the first place, dummy? FFWD >> FFWD >>

And Andrea caught Katya and Diego together. But doing nothing much. I do want to hear his response to Andrea's question, though I think I know the answer.



Andy, I believe perruchita is the diminutive of perra, it sounds like she's calling herself a little bitch like her mother. But it could have another meaning in slang...


Darcy, thank you for this suggestion! And I think you're right.
Andrea does think of herself that way sometimes, quite often, and I think she would love for her daughter to adopt a bit more of that attitude. Actually, I know a few women like that myself.




My bad! "It could only be because of Macrón."

Actually Macron, Emmanuel Macron, is the current president of France. Macarrón (macaroon) was the lovable dog in La desalmada.

I think one could argue that La desalmada was also a dog, just not so lovable. But it would be unkind of me to say this, so I won't.



Mexicana. I thought Megan was terrible to kidnap Chio's pet Pua--just mean! I too wonder what kind of animal Pua is; doesn't seem to be a guinea pig or pet rat. It's obvious why Diego doesn't respond to Katya even though they are curled up in bed together. If Andrea had any doubts about whether Diego was gay, this should resolve them--and should leave Katya suspecting that was the case. Tyler is incredibly generous. Too bad he's in an environment where people take advantage of that.

Mujer July 18th, 2022:

Here's your quick recap patio:

Gertrudis shoots her rat bastard husband in the leg, she wants to finish him off or let him bleed out but he begs her to call an ambulance and Pedro takes the gun from her. Guys he got shot in the leg, it was like a flesh wound I don't understand this whole "he's bleeding out" nonsense, also, if he dies he dies, but sadly he lives to see another day. Heriberto's time might be running out though, Alejandra wants him dead and I have a feeling that Alejandra always gets what she wants, she sends someone to talk to Gertrudis and let her know that Heriberto needs to be "eliminated"- Gertrudis is all like "but he just got shot"-and I'm like "it's the perfect time to send him to puppy lake, he can't even run!"

Gertrudis and Heriberto talk while he is recovering in the hospital, she tells him that if he messes with her reputation (by being a rapist) and by extension her business he will get a bullet in the head, he wants her to stop seeing Pedro but she's like "nah" and tells him to get better quickly because she hates the hospital smell.

Mujer 2:

While Gertrudis and Pedro are busy with Heriberto, Lucia runs away and back to safety, she wants to make a report to the police but Isaura discourages her from doing so- they all agree to leave San Jacinto because it's clearly not safe there, Heriberto has minios all over the town.

Once back home Alejandra finds out what happened (hence the reason she really wants Heriberto dead). Casilda and Leonardo talk, she wonders out loud if Lucia is to blame for all the harassment she gets from men, Lucia overhears her and is very upset because she thought of Casilda as a friend, and not only that, she also got a call from Tona who confessed to being the person that gave Heriberto the information on where she was, Tona tells Lucia that he threatened the safety of her family if she did not disclose that Lucia was in town. It's all too much for Lucia and she leaves with Fernando who she has not introduced to Alejandra as her boyfriend.


Correction: Lucia introduced Fernando as her boyfriend.

In other news, Michelles is going to get into sex work as a way of helping Alfredo pay off his debts, Paulina questions her about this and Michelle says that Alfredo's problems are her problems too and that she's doing what any supportive partner would do in this situation, which is to help. Silvia had told Michelle that while they make money it's really not * a lot of money* and tries to keep her from going through this massively stupid idea but Michelle is an idiot and she marches forward with her plan.

Leonardo snitches on Casilda to Alejandra, he tells her that Casilda really hurt Lucia but he does not tell her what exactly was said. Alejandra confronts Casilda and Casila admits to blaming Lucia for the harassment, Alejandra tells Casilda to apologize to Lucia or else she will get her stuff, put it in a trash bag and toss her out into the streets, in a very cruel moment Alejandra tells Casilda that she will never know what it's like to have men treat her the way they treat Lucia because she's ugly.

Mexicana. Maybe Pua is some kind of hedgehog?


Carlos goes to see Michelle, their mom is worried about her but Michelle tells him she's fine but that she has to go.

Carlos stays and has dinner with Diego and Paulina, after dinner Carlos shoots his shot and kisses Pau but Diego- who has been creeping on them interrupts the kiss, then he and Paulina get into a blowout where she tells him that he's suffocating her and that she wants to be left alone to live her life and make mistakes, then she tells him to go buy himself a life.

At the club Alejandra meets Michelle and tells her that once she starts working for her there's no going back.

Finally in Fernando's apartment Lucia falls asleep, she's had a hard emotional day, she's dealing with Tona selling her out and Casilda's comments also hurt alot, she tells Fernando that if a friend thinks this is all her fault then what do other people think of her? She finally falls asleep and a short while later there's a knock on the door. It's Roxana, and she's there demanding to meet her!

That's it for today patio!


Thank you Princess for this fantastic recap! It was so satisfying to see Paulina finally go off on Diego and tell him to get a life and leave hers alone!! You go girl! I hope she sticks to her guns and goes out and does what she wants, (but hopefully that won't be Carlos) brother be damned! She is right he needs to go buy a life.

I didn't get that Ale wanted Heri dead, I thought she just wanted him out of the business deals - wanted to ruin him financially, I need to pay closer attention. I tend to tune out when the villains are meeting unless I'm recapping. I did not that Gerti said she had wanted to kill Lucia but Heri got in the way - that's one cold hearted witch! I guess she too thought it was Lucia's fault that Heri wanted to rape you and she could afford the rapist rumors by eliminating his temptation.....sick

What Casilda said about Lucia was horrible but given the psychological abuse Ale has surely been giving her for years and her preoccupation with love and sex it's not really surprising....she and Michelle both need some serious mental health attention.



SpanProf, I have no idea what kind of animal Pua is, I have even wondered a few times if it's a real animal at all, or something that Special Effects & Robotics cobbled together in Cuernavaca. Thank you for his/her/its/their name, I didn't catch it.

Anyway, I'm concerned for poor Pua, and for Megan as well. She might just have to face the Wrath of la Murciélaga!


Mujer #15

Gracias, Juju. Succinct and precise.

I think Alejandra wanted to see Heriberto suffer but realizes that her own life would be easier if he were sent to Dante's inferno. As long as he's alive she will be looking over her shoulder.

As for bleeding out, the thigh is a dangerous place to be shot because of the size of femoral arteries and veins. That can bleed out very quickly, but he wasn't hit high enough for that. He will recover to cause more trouble. The previous version of this story had 95 episodes so there is much action to anticipate.

I had a gut feeling that Alejandra's brothel would become a trap. Michelle is an idiot. When Diego shows up she will be in boiling water. And Alfredo will ultimately find out and really abuse her over it.

Totally agree that both she and Casilda need mental health assistance.

On another note, Marcus Ornellas' eyebrows look too much like those of Groucho Marx. He needs to have some work done on them since it looks like he will be the next JS.


"Actually Macron, Emmanuel Macron, is the current president of France. Macarrón (macaroon) was the lovable dog in La desalmada.

I think one could argue that La desalmada was also a dog, just not so lovable. But it would be unkind of me to say this, so I won't".

I just laughed out loud Andy. Thank you so much.

I haven't watched this at all recently but I have to remember to check the Primetime postings so I don't miss gems like this.



Diana, thank you for your kind words. This is a totally fun novela, very heavy on the fun, very light on the villanas, and I foresee only a few marshmallow anvils at the end. You might want to try it when it rolls around again.

They fooled me and I was totally bummed out that poor Púas had gone on to indeterminate animal heaven. Thank goodness he/she/it/they is safe! For now.

Paulina should definitely wear that dress and clincher "belt"(?) combination more often. She might even interest Sebastián. Well, maybe.

SpanProf, you were right, Púas is a hedgehog! Rocío said (and thank you, Srta CC!) " un erizo de tierra." Erizo de mar is a sea urchin. And "púa" is a sharp point, prong, etc. I'm glad that's all cleared up, this is almost like work, to which I'm allergic.

JudyB, I hope all is going well and you will soon be commenting here again. All sorts of fun here, hedgehogs in Mexicana, and they will almost certainly bring back Macarrón in Desalmada II, and maybe even a boyfriend for Juana.

More later.


Mujer de Nadie, Capítulo 16, Martes, July 19, 2022 - Parte 1/7

We left off episode 15 with Roxana who saw Lucía at Fer's.

Roxana can't stop laughing for some reason and says that the town's so small, Lucía is one of the tenant of Rafael's places, Rox's husband, who also is Fer' socio. Lucía probably didn't know that, judging from the look on her face. Rox says that she's here because Rafael asked her to get some papers or something and could have never imagined that she would find Lucía here. Fer asks Lucía "from where do you know Rafael?" and Rox says that Rafael is a friend of Alejandra, Lucía's tía. Rox adds that she knew her as Rafael's tenant and now as Fer's novia. She repeats that she came for the papers and Fer goes to get them. Rox tells Lucía "you don't know how pleased Rafael will be".

Michelle is at the club and asks Alejandra for a job because she "needs the money to be independent". Alejandra tells her that she can start working today and Michelle was definitely not expecting that. Michelle says that she thought they would have an interview first so she can meet Ale but she says that she already met her, what else does she want? Michelle wants to get to know the place, the clients e.t.c. Ale tells her that since she wants to meet the clients, this job isn't for her. Michelle says that this is new to her and she needs to work (go work at a coffee shop, at a library, SOMEWHERE ELSE!) and tells Ale to trust her. She does give her an opportunity, but if Michelle lets her down, she's fired immediately. Ale tells Pilar, who is right behind them, to give Michelle a tour. Michelle thanks Ale and exits with Pilar.

Casilda (with her mask on) is kissing with Leonardo. Leo receives a text from Alejandra telling him to go to her office right now. He leaves. Casilda is very happy. She gets out and Silvia tells her she saw Leonardo leave. Casilda says that it is the most wonderful night of her life. Silvia is happy for Casilda, but also wants to end this madness. Casilda says that this madness will never end, she wants to be with Leonardo every night and then says 24/7, for 365 days (lol, I was just about to say "what about the leap years?" but she said "and the leap years too"). She starts jumping on the bed and laughing.

Leo goes to Ale's office. I didn't catch the first part, it was something about Silvia, I think. Anyway, Ale tells him to make sure that nobody else learns about the place and then says "if you know what you have to do"(?) Leo says "sí" and leaves.

Mujer de Nadie, Capítulo 16, Martes, July 19, 2022 - Parte 2/7

Roxana finally gets her malditos papeles. She tells Lucía and Fer that they are such a cute couple and invites them for dinner at her place! Anyway, she FINALLY leaves.

Lucía asks Fer if he's okay, he says yes, it's just that he didn't expect Rafael to send his wife for the documents. Lucía asks him if she always comes at this time and Fer says no, Rafael is always coming to get the documents. Lucía points to a wine bottle and says that it wasn't there before, did Rox bring it to him? He says yes. Lucía tells him that the way Roxana talks to him and touches him isn't the way his partner's wife would and asks him what would have happened if she wasn't there? Fer says nothing and that the time will come when they'll be able to talk about this sensitive issue(?). Lucía tells him that Alfredo was cheating on her for months and asks him for how many months he will do it? She leaves.

Pilar tells Michelle that she's beautiful and that a client will come any moment now. Michelle says that she's very anxious. Leonardo comes and Pilar leaves. Leo says "you're new here, right?". Michelle nods and gets something to drink. She is VERY nervous.

Meanwhile, we see that Alejandra has cameras everywhere, except the rooms of course and sees Michelle with Leonardo. Leo kisses Michelle's neck. It is clear that she's having doubts, she even tries to push Leo away. Ale doesn't look happy. Michelle now actually pushes Leo away and leaves.

Pilar goes downstairs and tells Alejandra that she has to leave. Alejandra asks her why and I think it's something about Lucía, because Ale asks Pilar "didn't she go out with Fernando?" Ale wonders what happened and says that if Fer did anything to her she'll make him disappear. Pilar goes to leave as Leo comes down.

Ale tells Pilar to stay here and asks Leo from where did he find Michelle and he says that she's a classmate of Silvia at the university. Ale isn't pleased with this answer, but Leo says that she just needs money like the rest here. Ale says that she needs money, but then she runs away from him, does he think that's normal? Leo says that many girls ended up fighting at the last moment, it's logical. She then says something about the university professor and is mad at Leo because he's putting the company at risk, he even let Michelle keep her cellphone! (And that's important for whatever reason. Maybe to not leave whenever she wants or something?)

Mujer de Nadie, Capítulo 16, Martes, July 19, 2022 - Parte 3/7

Ale adds that in this company, the client's identities are secure and tells him to find out everything about Michelle. She also wants him to find out why was she was so interested in meeting her (Ale) in person. He says he'll have that information tomorrow. Alejandra says that they also have the cameras and both Leo and Pilar leave.

Michelle is driving away and Alfredo calls her. She picks it up. Alfredo starts saying that he wasn't grateful enough blah blah blah. Michelle either says "I would do anything for you" or "I thought I could do anything for you", but she's also crying and it's hard to tell. Anyway, there's a guy in front of the car(?), did she accidentally almost run him over or something? She continues to cry and starts hitting the steering wheel. She's having a mental breakdown or something.

Lucía tells Pilar about what happened at Fer's and that Fer and Roxana were lovers. Pilar basically tells Lucía to give Fer an opportunity to explain.

Roxana is looking at a picture of Rafael and her when Rafael comes in and says he has great news, the shopping center at San Jacinto is in construction. Then he sees Roxana's face and asks her if her mom's having problems. She says no, she has problems, she still believes in love, which is so random I expect Rafael to realize that something is off. But nope, he's an idiot. He says that life goes on, tontita and tries to kiss her. She gets up and is upset about him calling her tontita. She says she just wants someone to love her! Rafael's empty brain thinks that she has a period. She leaves.

Isaura is talking to the phone with Pedro and asks about Heri. Pedro says that he is still in the hospital (I think) and Isaura says "la hierba mala nunca muere", english version: "the creaking door hangs longest". Pedro tells her not to say that(!). Isaura reminds him that Lucía was about to report him. Pedro tries to say something but Gertrudis calls out his name. Isaura hears this and Pedro says it's his mom (LOL XD) and hangs up. He opens the bathroom door. Gert asks him who was he talking to and Pedro says to Juventino, his shift changed, he is going to work in the morning, he tells him when the shifts change on the last minute. Gert tells him to take advantage of the hours that Heri is in the hospital and pushes him on the bed.

Mujer de Nadie, Capítulo 16, Martes, July 19, 2022 - Parte 4/7

Isaura sees Lucía and asks her "where are you going?" Lucía says she's going to the talavera and Isaura is surprised because it's late. Lucía tells her she wants to think and Isaura says she's just like her father and asks her what problem does she have. She doesn't really tell her and asks Isaura why isn't she at work? She says she took the day off to take care of her and asks her when is she coming home. Lucía doesn't know, tells Isaura to rest and leaves.

Somebody went to the roard where Michelle is. He asks Michelle what happened and she says that she hit a man with her car. The guy asks her if she got hit but Michelle says that she's sorry she called him, so he must be a friend of hers. He wants to take her to the hospital, but she says no, then he wants to take her home, but she refuses again. She gets in her car, but the guy sits on the driver's seat, so I guess he will take her home?

Lucía is in the talavera. She gets a message from Fer but doesn't read it. She looks like she's thinking. She takes some clay and starts working. She makes a cute cup and says out loud "Why did you have to lie to me?" She looks sad, as if she's about to cry. She then says she really needs her dad. Lucía decides to read Fer's message, or actually, messages. He wants to talk to her and explain.

Michelle is now at home. She apologizes to Marta, she doesn't want her to worry. Marta tells her that the important thing is that she's here, at home. Michelle says that she's tired of making so many mistakes and Marta hugs her. Michelle is crying and says that she can't even drive. Marta tells her that anyone can have an accident. Michelle says that she can't even leave the house, here she is again! (Lol) Marta is happy because she's here with her and tells her that she thinks of Michelle. Mich says that maybe she should have gotten a job, she wants to do something for her family too. They hug again.

It's a new day. Pilar is walking with her doctor (Gabino) and they are talking about Pilar's medical results. She thinks she has something serious but he says he wouldn't be able to fool her, of course it's nothing serious! He then proposes to have a meal at his house to meet his children! Pilar thinks it's embarrassing, but Gabino insists that it's not. He tells her to think about it and they go somewhere (they don't show us where yet).

Mujer de Nadie, Capítulo 16, Martes, July 19, 2022 - Parte 5/7

Fer is outside Lucía's house. Lucía is getting back from the talavera and Fer sees her entering her house. He tells her that he wants to explain everything and that he sent her a message, but she didn't respond. Lucía says that she needs time. Fer says he respects it, he only needs to explain the situation, she knows what he feels for her! Lucía tells him "Explain what?" and that there's nothing to explain, she saw everything yesterday, he should have explained himself then! He says that he wanted to protect their relationship (?) and that she should tell him what to do to show her it won't happen again. Lucía needs time. Isaura is listening to the whole conversation...

Pilar and Gabino got something to eat and are now walking. They sit at a table of a place and Gabino says that this is where Pilar taught him patience, tolerance, hope and love. Gabino tells her that everything is going to go well, his children are going to accept her e.t.c.

Isaura tells Alejandra that Lucía and Fernando are arguing outside. Ale is angry because they're fighting on the street and says "Lucía fell asleep at the talavera last night, right?" Isaura confirms it and says that when she starts to sell stuff, she'll be working all day. Ale doesn't look pleased. Casilda gets down the stairs while saying "good morning" about 300 times. She smells some flowers and Ale asks her who is she looking for, I think. Casilda says that she's in a good mood, can't someone be in a good mood in this house? Lucía comes in and Ale asks her why was she fighting with Fer? She didn't expect her to know and Isaura says that she overhead something and told her aunt. Casilda asks "you fought with Fernando?" but Ale tells her to shut up. Lucía goes upstairs. Isaurs says that she's changing boyfriends all the time ("better", adds Ale) and I think she called her a natural tontita?! Anyway, she and Casilda go to eat breakfast. Ale doesn't go with them.

Fer has driven away with his awful, what-the-heck-is-that-color car and as he gets out of his car, Roxana does the same. He asks her if she's following him and she starts saying that she loves him blah blah blah. Fer tells her to forget that they even had a thing and Rox says that she won't stop fighting for him. Fer leaves.

Lucía is at her room and gets a text from Fer ("you're very important for me, I don't want to lose you"). She starts writing a message back to him, we can't see what though.

Mujer de Nadie, Capítulo 16, Martes, July 19, 2022 - Parte 6/7

Heri is at the hospital and starts whining that he hates this place and that he slept alone. Gert is there and tells him "and what did you want? You wanted me to sleep here on this couch?" She then shows him today's paper and says that he brother paid a lot of money to say it was an attempted robbery. Heri says that if they knew it was Gert who shot, there would have been more copies sold. Gert says that if they knew he tried to abuse someone, there would have been even more copies sold. Gert says that she saw her with desperation in her face, she was disgusted. Juventino comes in and asks how's Heri doing. Gert tells him that the doctor said he will start the therapy e.t.c. and mentions that they're going to give him a cane. "Can you imagine him, running behind girls with a cane?" she tells her brother while laughing. "Or he's going to buy one of these wheelchairs" says Gert again and she and Juventino laugh. Heri tells them to stop. Gert says that Rafael talked to her about business and Heri's out of the shopping center project in San Jacinto because he's a dangerous man and says that he should behave very well if he wants to have any influence.

Pilar is talking with Ale. Ale blames Fer and says that it's a pity Lucía met him. Pilar thinks that Ale should hear Fer too. Ale says there's something else that's bothering her. Pilar realizes that it's about Michelle. Ale doesn't want any mistakes, privacy is important in this company and doesn't want Leonardo to let her down too.

Michelle is with Silvia and Claudia. Silvia says that her job in on the line, Alejandra is very angry, they recommend her and she ran away! Michelle is angry too. Silvia tells her to not ask her for favors again and Michelle says that she doesn't need her for favors. She walks away and gets a message. We don't see who is it from or what the message says. Michelle types back. A black car (it's presumably Leo) is coming closer. She sees this and goes the other way. The car keeps following her and she starts to run. The car goes the other way and Michelle is still running. She accidentally hits the guy who helped her out with the car last night and she hugs him. The car is there, Leo lowers the window and sees them.

Mujer de Nadie, Capítulo 16, Martes, July 19, 2022 - Parte 7/7

Lucía and Fer are in a forest together. He explains the situation and that now he and Rox have broken up. He lied to protect their relationship but he was an idiot. He then says about the company/Rafael signing thing and that he didn't know Rox was Rafael's wife (since they didn't know anything about each other's life) and he didn't have a choice. Rox calls him, Fer shows it to Lucía and tells her that he won't respond. He doesn't accept the call.

Rox is enraged and calls him again.

Lucía asks Fer if he's still interested in Rox and he says no, she told Rox but she doesn't get it! And now he has her husband as his socio. Lucía says she believes him and that they shouldn't hide things from one another anymore. They kiss.

Fer checks his phone and it's Rox calling him. He tells Lucía. Rox is screaming at the phone (I bet my right hand that Lucía picked it up) that he'll lose it all if he doesn't break up with Lucía. Surprise, surprise (NOT)! It IS Lucía who picked up the phone. Roxana's face when she heard Lucía's voice was priceless. She goes full attack mode, saying "Oh, now you answer his phone, too?" and then asks if they're together. Lucía says yes and Fer told her everything about this relationship. Rox asks her what is she going to do and Lucía says that she's going to be happy and she should be, too. Rox hangs up, looking defeated. She then has a mental breakdown and goes Michelle mode; she pushes a vase off the table and screams like a 2-year-old.

Lucía and Fer look at each other and kiss.

And we have the Fin del Capítulo.

Mujer de Nadie

Oops, before I forget again...
Great recap, Juju!

They should put Michelle's face right next to the word "estupida".

Diego is awful as always. I'm glad Paulina told him to get a life.

Now for yesterday's episode:

I'm glad Michelle left the club. Her plan was crazy and stupid, I hope she realizes how much Alfredo ruins her life soon. I bet that she'll end up with that friend of hers, the one who she called about the car thing.

Casilda annoys me so much! I'm obviously sorry for her since she was abused and everything, but she still annoys me.

Weirdly enough, I like Pilar with Gabino. Never thought I'd say it, but this couple is starting to become one of my faves... Not going to lie. How about "Gabilar" as a ship name?

Roxana is cunning, I'm sure she'll cause problems to LucíFer (I should really stop with the ship names, but this one is so funny. Since this relationship is everybody's worst fear, I thought making a cool demon/devil name would be cool. Anyway, unnecessary explanation.)

Was I the only one who laughed out loud when Pedro told Isaura that Gert is his mom? XD

Mujer de Nadie

On Parte 5/7, I meant "is IN her room", not "is AT her room"... Ugh.


Weirdo, great job. Thank you for that detailed recap as the story spins on .

Lucifer......ha . Never thought of that.

Roxana is not a happy camper . She is going to cause a lot of trouble.

Pedro juggling his two women is funny. I am trying to figure out where I saw Gert before. Her outfits are awful. Yikes . Wardrobe seems to pick out the most unflattering clothes they can find for her.

I like Pilar . Her scenes with her beau are sweet.


Thank you Weirdo! You captured every moment and did it with flair!

The guy who rescued Michelle was Nestor, the same dude who was with Paulina when the truck got robbed and also the same dude Michelle kissed last week for only her crazy brain knows what reason…. I would agree with you about them ending up together if I didn’t think Michelle was headed toward a padded room and a straight jacket! But who knows? Maybe she’ll overcome crazy! I do like Nestor though, from what little we’ve seen of him he seems like a decent guy and this novela is sorely lacking in that department so far!

I didn’t laugh out loud at Pedro, probably because I wasn’t listening to him speak but I cracked up at Casilda so thrilled with herself for tricking Prince not so Charming into sleeping with her and walking around the next morning like the sun was shinier than ever before!!! Utterly sad but still funny!

Mujer #16

Good work, Juju.

I am still trying to figure out what Alejandra is planning for Lucia. We probably can assume the possibility of her wanting to sell Lucia's virginity to the highest bidder; she is that cold-blooded, but she may want to try to marry her off to someone who can be useful in her schemes. She seems not to believe in love, but she might be bitter about a past hurt and think that "If I can't be happy nobody else is allowed to be happy." That is probably why she treats Pilar the way she does.

Pilar definitely has something serious and I hope this information comes soon.

Heriberto will be out of action for a while since he will need rehab. Does that mean he will be off our screens? I hope so.

Lucia told her off beautifully but Roxana isn't going anywhere. She is determined to make Lucia's life hell so that she will leave Fernando. She is already making his life difficult. Roxana is even more unhinged than Michelle.

Embajador S3 # 49 part 1

Kavruk is preparing for bed when Zehra’s phone rings. He picks up the phone. It’s a real estate agent. Karvuk answers and the agent launches right into the conversation. Zehra Hanım, an apartment has been found for you. I’m her husband, Kavruk says, you can tell me, and I will tell her. The agent says it’s a luxury apartment near Maçka Park. A good neighborhood with a view of the sea. It’s in Istanbul, Kavruk asks? Yes, the agent replies, it’s a studio apartment like she wanted. I’ll send photos. Poor Kavruk is heartsick.

Zehra enters the bedroom fresh from a shower. She notices Kavruk’s state. Did something happen, she asks? Kavruk sighs and says he needs to go out for air and rushes out of the room. Zehra gives a look like “what’s wrong with him?” and goes back to drying her hair.

Dudu asks Sedat if they could leave. It’s late and she’s cold. Don’t go, he says, don’t leave me. I need you. He moves his chair to the same side of the table as hers. He makes an impassioned plea. I’ve been through a lot and I’m tired. In fact, I had given up until I met you. You gave me hope. I dreamed of you for months. I see the same light in your pretty eyes. I know you feel the same. You feel the same way, right?

She didn’t expect this. Well… I… it’s true… Dudu replies, but you said it so quickly and it’s strange. He puts his hand on her chin. Give yourself to me, he says and moves in for a kiss. Dudu closes her eyes. But it’s a bait and switch. He handcuffs her! Sedat, she cries out, what are you doing?! Take these off!

It’s part of the game, Sedat explains. Don’t play with me like this, she asserts, take these off, please! Come on, don’t ruin the surprise, he replies, you will have fun. She’s panicked and shouts at him to remove the cuffs. You shouldn’t shout, he tells her, you will ruin your voice. I’ll give you a clue. He raises his arms and yells, you can shout all you want! Nobody will hear you!

What do you think you are doing, Dudu asks, why are you doing it? I only want to hear one thing from you, he hisses, Mavi. Where is she? Dudu has no idea. I have no relationship with her, she says. But you have with Sancar, Sedat answers angrily. You think I don’t realize you are a spy? I only helped him once, Dudu replies, I swear. I swear I don’t know anything, I don’t have any contact with him.

You expect me to believe that, he shouts. She swears she knows nothing. I’m not even close to them, she says. He screams, you sold me out for someone you’re not even close with? He lifts her off the chair. Where are you taking me, she cries. Shouting won’t help you, he tells her. Walk! She struggles and begs. Sedat leads her away.

Elvan, Yahya and Gediz return home. Elvan is relieved. [Turkish] Yahya relates his mom always said that “to have children is to constantly live in fear” and she was right. Elvan smiles and places her hand on his arm. She thanks him for coming. She’s going to put the baby to bed and Yahya says he’ll go. Well, that was a long lingering look of a goodbye between them. Seems like Elvan might be softening on Yahya. [Elvan, don’t look at him like that!]

Crazy Sedat is driving Miss Dudu somewhere. She’s in full panic mode. Let me go… why are you doing this, etc. He shouts at her to shut up. Dudu tries to shout at a passing car. Sedat ducks her head down. She continues to plead.
Meanwhile, Guven is trying to reach Sedat. Nihat comes in and has to admit they screwed up again. Sedat got away from them. We don’t know where he is. Guven tries calling again.


Embajador S3 # 49 part 2

Necdet comes out to the porch and finds Kavruk sleeping on the bench. Necdet tries to wake him. Kavruk’s face is cold to the touch. Ay, why did you sleep outside, Necdet asks? Necdet shakes Kavruk awake. Necdet questions, why did you sleep outside when you have a warm bed inside? Go to bed, at least you won’t freeze to death. Kavruk, replies, you’re the last person I expected to see and it’s none of your business. Kavruk gathers himself up and leaves.

They cut: Gulsiye comes to the porch and asks what’s going on. He tells her Kavruk slept there all night. Kavruk took the bride from the mansion, but the bride did not take him to the mansion. They both smile. Necdet continues, do you know what’s important, my cookie? Not to take the bride from the mansion, but to win her heart. If I marry you, I will not even move two steps away from your warm bed.

Gulsiye reaches out as to give him a slap and he flinches. Lord have mercy, Gulsiye says, look at your words. I’ll tell Sancar Abi. Necdet dares her. if the path that leads to you is through the beatings of Sancar Abi, I agree! Gulsiye gives him a flirty look and tosses her scarf and leaves. Necdet thinks he’s finally won Gulsiye over. Let Sancar Abi beat me all day if Gulsiye looks at me like that, he declares.

At the safe house, Sancar says, it’s as if my feet were poured with concrete. I don’t feel like leaving at all. Mavi tells him to go, the three of us will be waiting here. Finish your work and come back for us. Melek agrees they will always wait because they love him very much. Sancar kisses Melek and says he loves them both very much. He hugs Mavi. She assures him they will be safe. Inshallah. Sancar puts on his cap and leaves.

Zehra is getting ready to leave when Kavruk returns to the bedroom. She barely looks at him. He stops her from going. She’s left her phone on a dresser and he gives it to her. He tells her they are sending photos of the apartment. Deer in the headlights look from Zehra. He told me it’s like one you were looking for. It has a view of the sea as you were asking. For one person.

I swear I was going to tell you Kavruk, Zehra replies. [maybe after she left for Istanbul?] Not necessary, he tells her, I understand. You only loved me to make your mother angry. The more she forbade you the more, you wanted me. [Turkish] But now your mother loves me, and I became boring. The veil fell from your eyes.

Zehra sits on the bed. [Turkish] Kavruk starts, the love that I thought was real was like a candy apple. I was led like a child to the reddest one. But it turned out to be wormy. Now the candy is gone, the apple is rotten and all I’m left with is the stick. Zehra makes a feeble attempt at explaining. Kavruk, I love you very much, really. It’s marriage I just don’t love. I couldn’t do it. You didn’t love marriage, he replies, and you didn’t love marriage with me.

Kavruk sits on the bed with Zehra. I loved an impossible love, he tells her. When I saw you from a distance, I dreamed of being by your side like a fairy tale. When it became reality, you couldn’t see me as a husband worthy of you. I understand. We forced something that was impossible. We thought that love was going to be enough, but in the end, it wasn’t. I guess I can never be what you are to me.

Zehra gets teary and takes Kavruk’s hand. You are the last person I want to hurt. I swear. I never wanted this to happen nor end in this way. [but it did] Please forgive me. Kavruk sighs and says-- let’s get divorced. She has the nerve to look shocked and upset. When your brother’s affairs are settled, he says, we will not delay. We will divorce. Kavruk pulls his hand away, gets up and leaves the room. Zehra cries.


Embajador S3 # 49 part 3

Sancar comes to see Guven. Guven cracks, you didn’t hit anyone to enter. Prison worked. You behave like a man. Sancar ignores that remark and replies, I came to talk to you. Guven asks, this means you have hidden my granddaughter these months? I didn’t hide her, Sancar says, I am protecting her. Mavi didn’t kidnap my granddaughter, I know, Guven answers, you’re hiding her. Sancar responds with a sly smile. Guven threatens to call the police and take Melek.

Sancar hands Guven his phone and tells him to call. I can spend more months in prison without problems. But then I will spend my whole life with my daughter. While I was in prison you couldn’t find her. What makes you think you will do it now? My daughter is with Mavi and I am not worried about them. So, I am going to serve my sentence. You’re not worried at all, Guven asks, so you’ll just go to prison? And she will live like a fugitive until she turns 18? You would really do that to her just to protect her from me?

Sancar answers, if you were really doing this to protect your granddaughter, you wouldn’t mind if she was with people that would look out for her. Let me tell you something. After Nare left, Melek got sick. She was very sick. She started losing her hair. And what did you do? You used that as proof to take custody. But I’m ready to forget this. Melek is fine now, thanks to Mavi. I’m also fine. My daughter has accepted her as if she was her mother. She calls her that, she loves her. We are a family again. Don’t ruin it. if you have a heart, let your granddaughter live a happy life.

Guven shakes his head no. I will not give up custody, I can’t. Sancar asks why. Because you will consider it as you won, Guven replies, and Sedat will not leave you alone. You sent that psycho Sedat, Sancar tells him, and if you hadn’t helped him none of this would have happened. Do you realize you created a monster? You put Mavi and your granddaughter’s lives in danger. And all because you wanted to ruin me. You jeopardized Melek.

Sancar pushes the phone towards Guven (and he pushed it right off the table, lol) Call, go ahead. I’ll wait here. Leave it like this, Sancar offers, if you give up, you can see Melek once a week. You can heal your relationship with her. But if you don’t, I’m going to hide her until you die. I swear. You know me. Think about it. It’s your decision. Sancar leaves.

Sancar returns to the mansion. Yahya, Gulsiye and Halise are waiting. Halise rushes over. How are Mavi and Melek?! Sancar shushes her. Halise says all the bugs were cleaned out. No one can hear us. That’s great news, Sancar declares. Halise excitedly asks for Mavi and Melek again. Calm down, Sancar replies, they’re fine, everything is fine. A relief. Now Halise takes him to task. Didn’t it occur to you to think about me? I have a heart condition. My heart could stop from worrying so much. Didn’t you think about how I’d feel?

You’re right, Sancar admits and says he had to do it. He’s sorry. Sancar shows everyone a recording of Melek and Mavi. Melek says she misses everyone but they have to stay here a little longer. Don’t worry, okay? Mavi apologizes for what she had to do. Halise gets excited seeing the very pregnant Mavi. They watch the video again.

Dudu is tied to a chair. Sedat enters with something to eat. She asks for water. He teases her with it. First tell me something to earn it. Here’s the deal, the more things you share with me, the more I’ll share with you. I swear I don’t know anything, Dudu cries, if I knew, I would have told you. Sedat shouts at her, Mavi evaporated or what?! Someone must know where she is!


Embajador S3 # 49 part 4

Sancar knows where she is, Dudu replies, he went there. But he didn’t even tell Yahya. I have no idea where he has her. Very good, Sedat says, we are making progress. When did Sancar see Mavi? Yesterday. And today, he’s going to the olive grove, she says. I swear that’s all I know. Very good, Sedat tells her, you did well. you told me you knew nothing. She asks for the water and he holds it as she drinks. He holds up a sandwich and asks, what else? She cries, please let me go. I don’t know anything else. I can’t do that, he says, you are my guest until I find Mavi. You will see I can be very hospitable or the opposite. He takes a bite of the sandwich.

Sancar speaks with Faruk on the phone and tells him Guven doesn’t want to reason, so we ought to talk about custody. We will meet at the olive grove. Sancar asks Yahya if he’s heard from Dudu. No, nothing, and he sent Necdet out to look for her.

Halise says she was thinking of staying with Mavi and Melek until the custody stuff is over. Mavi is pregnant, she says, and we shouldn’t leave her alone. Yes, I told her, Sancar replies, don’t worry. She said she would give birth there but she won’t leave Melek. Halise seems impressed. That woman isn’t afraid of anything, she says. Okay, then, I’ll go and help Mavi and Melek. Besides I miss Melek very much. We’ll see about that later, Sancar tells her, okay? Calm down.

Necdet reports back he couldn’t find Dudu. Neighbors haven’t seen her and she’s not answering her phone. Yahya wonders if the bad guys realized and did something to her. Halise asks why would anyone harm Dudu? Did something happen? Sancar says he will tell her later, but they have to go now. Sancar and Yahya run off.

Guven is composing an email to Nare: Daughter, I’ve tried everything to contact you but it didn’t work. This is my last hope, that you receive this and you can contact me. I received devastating news today. I must see you. Guven is interrupted by Sancar’s shouts—get out of my way! He decked the guard and makes a beeline to Guven. He grabs him by the throat, just like in the good old days. Sancar says, I’m going to ask you one question, where is Dudu?

Cut to Dudu and Sedat. You’re making this very difficult and that’s bad for you, he tells her as he stands behind her and holds her head. And it’s only going to get worse. What a shame.

Sancar and Yahya are driving. Yahya urges his brother to drive faster, that sicko could kill the girl. It looks like they’re tracking Dudu somehow.

Dudu begs, please don’t do this. If you want, I can go to Istanbul with you. He laughs. You believed me when I told you that? You are a very naïve girl. I’m only going back to Istanbul when I have Mavi. He shouts, understand?! Dudu whimpers.

Sedat has let go of Dudu. He’s been swallowing pills. In the Turkish, she asks him why he takes them but he doesn’t answer. He looks at his watch. Dudu begs him yet again not to do this. He grabs her head again. You’re no use to me anymore, he tells her. You’re garbage. There’s no reason to continue. Don’t do this, she pleads. Don’t speak, he replies.

He picks up a rope and says, I ran out of patience. We are going to end this at once. She cries, please… He puts the rope around her neck. Sancar busts open the door, points a gun and shouts, Sedat! Let her go now! I warn you! Sedat drops the rope and holds Dudu’s head like he aims to twist it off. Dudu shouts for Sancar to save her.

We see Yahya lurking outside by the sliding glass door. He slides it open, quietly, while Sancar has Sedat distracted. Sedat threatens to break Dudu’s neck. Let her go, Sancar says, don’t involve her in this. Sedat says that Sancar already did that. Yahya steps inside.


Embajador S3 # 49 part 5

Sancar tells Sedat to settle the score with him, not Dudu. Sedat shouts, rest assured, that’s what I’ll do! Yahya calls out, Sedat! And when Sedat turns, Sancar hits him. Sedat falls and Sancar holds him on the ground with his gun pointed on him. Yahya frees Dudu and takes her outside to the truck.

Now you’re going to pay for all you’ve done, Sancar says to the psycho. He’s got Sedat by the throat. We’re all going to pay for what we have done, dear Sancar, Sedat squeaks out. Sancar agrees.

Sancar brings Sedat outside. Yahya tells him that the phone doesn’t get a signal where they are. Sedat says it’s obvious I wasn’t going to a place that had a signal. I’m sure you did the same with Mavi. We are taking you to the police, Sancar replies, you will die in prison. And they throw Sedat in the rear of the truck. I hope you like the darkness, Sancar says, because now you’re going to live in it. Sancar closes him in and they drive off.

Sedat has a flashback. He speaks with Guven. Sancar will come and ask for Dudu and I want you to tell him where I will be. I want him to come and find us. What are you plotting, Guven asks? I’m going to keep my promise, Sedat replies, I will return your granddaughter and I’ll have Mavi. That’s the deal. Sedat takes something out of his pocket and places it in the truck. A tracking device.

Yahya asks Dudu if she is okay. I was afraid, she replies, he will be in prison for a while, right? If not, I won’t be able to sleep. Don’t worry, Yayha says, after all he’s done, they’ll give him at least 20 years. Yahya asks for Sancar’s thoughts. Sancar says he knows something is wrong. This was too easy. Yahya just brushes that off. Faruk is at the police station, Sancar says, I’ll bring you there and then go. Yahya’s good with that. They arrive at the station. Sedat and Dudu are taken inside. Yahya accompanies Dudu. The cop thanks Sancar.

Sancar goes to his truck and a car pulls up. Halise gets out. You caught that guy? Yes, he’s been taken in, Sancar replies, and Dudu is okay. Where are you going, she asks? Yahya is with Dudu, he explains, I’ve got things to do. Are you going to Melek and Mavi, she asks, I want to go! Now’s not the time, he responds. Then when will it be time, she snaps back, they are my family, too and I miss them a lot. Halise hops in the truck and Sancar can’t believe it. They argue. Sancar has no choice but to give in. They drive away.

This seems a bit strange but everyone is being questioned in the same room. The cop asks Sedat why he kidnapped Dudu. Sedat denies kidnapping her. She came on her own, he says. Dudu calls him a liar. I went with him because he said we’d have dinner. But he cuffed me and tortured me. He tricked me and had me there without food or water. He kidnapped me!

Yahya says they found her tied up in a vacant house in the Milas area. This man was torturing her. The cops says they will investigate and he sends officers off to the site. The cop tells Sedat it won’t help him to deny this. You have other complaints for other crimes. Better you confess, you could lower your sentence. I will not confess to something I didn’t do, Sedat replies. He adds, I don’t feel well and I want you to take me to the hospital. The cop orders Sedat to a cell, while he talks to the DA.


Embajador S3 # 49 part 6

Elvan and Gediz come to the mansion. She’s welcomed by Gulsiye and Zehra. Elvan looks around and Gulsiye tells her if you’re looking for Yahya, he left early. He didn’t inform you? Elvan denies this. Why would I be looking for Yahya? Then she adds, it’s that he didn’t call me. I was worried. That’s all. Zehra says, if you were not looking then it was the baby looking for Yahya when you arrived.

Zehra continues, that got us thinking…. He (Yahya) spends time in your house, you see each other often. He goes to see you at your store… we thought maybe… never mind. Elvan objects. What are you saying? You exaggerate. It’s because he wants to see the boy. And sometimes, as with all children, there are emergencies and then he helps me, and truthfully, it has been a relief. But we are just friends. That’s all. Just that. Then she adds, but we practically live together. What? Zehra and Gulsiye’s eyes pop. Elvan quickly recovers, but we really live separate lives. That’s enough!

Gulsiye and Zehra laugh. Zehra says, if you’re friends, then go ahead and call him. Nothing wrong with that. Friends call each other sometimes. Gulsiye agrees. Call him as a friend, Elvan asks? Yep. Okay, then I’ll call, she says. Elvan dials her phone.

And we are out.


Mexicana. Good observations, Andy! I too was relieved that Puas wasn't killed in traffic and that Megan gave him back. I wonder if she will get hers? Maybe Megan should pay the money robbed from Boni's store because Chio was falling asleep from staying up all night looking for him. If Erika doesn't want her old job back, I wonder if Tyler will help her get another one. I suspect that Maty's wedding will go forward. I hope this is too much of a comedy for Salvatore to pass away during the ceremony or right afterward.


Jaime and doña Maty are always good for a laugh. She really looked aghast at that limp french fry. But she has the perfect wedding dress now and the show must go on even if it kills... him   :-)

SpanProf, I hope you're right, that Jaime Salvatorre survives the wedding. If not, poor Maty will be in mourning for at least a couple of days before pulling herself out of it and becoming a merry widow. Not that she doesn't care for Jaime, she does, but if there was ever one to not live in the past, it's our doña Maty.

Now that I've gotten over the scare I had concerning Púas I have to pay more attention to Mario, Gladys, Erika, and Paulina, and Andrea's involvement with Gladys's "medical problem". I've gotten a bit mixed up about who knows what or whom or how, etc., etc. Things are proving once again that there are no more than two or three degrees of separation in CDMX.

Marcia was looking really good, so Luis better not overplay his hand. And Gonzalo is in big, big trouble with Helena. Big trouble.

I was looking at a couple of things on Wikipedia today, among them the entry for Nicandro Díaz González, the producer of La mexicana y el güero. Before Mexicana he did Hijas de la luna and after he did Mi fortuna es amarte. Dazed and confused, I am.


Thanks, Dondi, I knew Sedat did something in the truck but I didn’t know what. So they now can track Sancar. And Sancar was right that it was too easy. He needed to toss Halise out of the truck. She’s just going to be in the way when Sancar has to fight for Mavi and Malek, and we know he will

I’m so disappointed in Zehra. She was looking for an apartment so she could leave Karruk. Not even going to try and save her marriage.

Patiently waiting for Bora to reappear and take Elven and baby away with him. I fear we’re running out of time.



Muchisimas gracias, Dondi. Reading through this past week's recaps is like reading a novel, a very good novel.

Yay, both Dudu and Necdet do the right thing. Dudu needs a fresh start. Maybe move to Istanbul.

Ugh, Zehra. What a self-centered ninny she turned out to be. Suffering from ennui about married life. Dingdong, it's give and take and you're giving a big fat nothing. Kavruk, stop treating her like some little princess. I wish for Zehra an endless loop of Halise telling her "I told you so!" And as far as Zehra being a sharp cookie in business, I fail to see it.


Thank you Dondi!! Another flawless fantastic recap as always!!

Something about Zehra just doesn’t ring true….if it is this is just about the oddest unexpected plot twist ever and I don’t like it!!! But I also don’t believe it! I am still thinking there is something else coming, some sort of explanation. I thought it was Mavi/Melek but that is off the table. Her reactions are uneven though. She’s resolute, then crying and like you said oddly shocked and impacted by Kavruk suggesting divorce. Then she is feeling all playful and at ease later that same afternoon just having fun with and teasing Elvan??? That just doesn’t add up….

Speaking of, I still don’t understand why Sancar went to so much trouble to hide the fact that he hid Mavi and Melek if he was just going to announce to everyone INCLUDING Guven that he had done it!!!???? This show is confusing the heck out of me the last couple episodes but I still can’t wait to go home from work and watch last night’s episode!!!



Dondi, thank you this excellent review of every twist and turn as we tumble to the end of our tale (sniff sniffle)

Darcy, ditto to everything you just expressed. Doesn't make sense.


Thanks for the comments, everyone!

Zehra, the "self-centered ninny", (thanks, Niecie) is a most disappointing character. Poorly written and poorly acted. I feel sorry for Kavruk and any actor that has scenes with her.

Sancar is a bit over confident he can protect Mavi and Melek.


Oh, bummmmer! Poor Helena now knows that Gonzalo was still in love with Andrea. Not only did he keep the photos but the advice he gave Brandon essentially confirmed it.
OK, I suppose we had to have some heartbreak in this novela at some point. I suppose there's a rule about it. But she really was torn up about it   :-(

But I'm hoping for the best. It's been 20 years, two kids, a frightening struggle with Helena's cancer; time to let go of Andrea, that old Andrea is long gone.
But eventually Gonzalo will learn Katya is his daughter, I'm surprised he doesn't know already. I think he did ask once. Didn't he?

Tyler and Erika looked like they were having fun, but I'm not ready to buy into Tyler/Erika yet.

Loved the "family" gathering to receive their salaries, which Andrea had reduced because of the cast's slip-ups. I can't argue that there were no slip-ups, including Little Melody as a ghost, but they really need that money, that's why they are there.

They had their first family argument, a free-for-all really, and great fun to watch. Hopefully they will take it as a bonding experience when tempers cool a bit.

Erika takes a moment out of her practically-a-fantasy date to stick it to Andrea. Andrea blows up. Works for me!

Paulina invited the now all alone Sebastián out for a drink. And said a little prayer to Saint Anthony for some "luck" with him. The poor girl is clueless. She asked Saint Anthony for a miracle. If she only knew.

Naturally, they had to go to the same restaurant as Katya and Diego. To stick it to Diego, Sebastián does some heavy mouth docking with Paulina, and Paulina responds. Gee, I hope the silly girl doesn't think San Antonio is answering her prayer.
This is all soooo silly and juvenile. Why am I watching it? Ah, no, don't answer!



Mujer de Nadie Capitulo 17 parte 1/6

We come back to Michelle hugging Nestor with all her might, he warns her that she only has three hours to let him go! (LOL) She lets go and apologizes mentioning she was scared because she thought someone was following her. Nestor reacts immediately and is about to go look for someone following her but Michelle says no and pulls him back. She’s more than a little manic and clearly spooked but Nestor can’t get any coherent info from her and she abruptly changes the subject asking why he’s there. Nestor shakes his head at the sudden conversation change and tells her he came to tell her something about her car but it doesn’t matter now, what happened? He offers to give her a ride home. Michelle still doesn’t tell him what happened and instead asks why he would give her a ride home. Nestor says why is the wrong question, the correct question is for what; and the answer is to take care of her. Nestor puts his hands on the sides of her face trying to get her to calm down and tells her he’s going to take care of her, she’s safe with him, she can relax. Michelle looks like that penetrated a little and is a little calmer as she says okay and allows Nestor to lead her off to the car.

Lucia and Fernando arrive back at her store and Fernando says she’s been really quiet. Is she okay? Are they okay? Lucia says that she’s thinking about Roxanna and how reckless it is for her to play with Rafael and Fernando like she is, she’s playing with fire! Fernando agrees. He thinks he should talk to Rafael and tell him what happened. He’s going to find out eventually and Fernando wants him to hear it from him. Lucia thinks that’s quite a risk considering Fernando is dependent on Rafael financially but Fernando says he’s going to have to take the chance. Lucia says no matter what happens Fernando can count on her and he thanks for. Cue the big make out session and these two are enjoying their smooches until they are interrupted by a clearing of the throat. It’s Tonia! Fernando quickly excuses himself to leave the ladies alone and Tonia approaches Lucia. It’s a tense and uncomfortable conversation as Tonia apologizes again but Lucia lets her off the hook quickly and the friends reconcile. Lucia says she’s glad Tonia is there and maybe she’ll prove to be her lucky charm!

Ale has gone to see Roxanna and Roxi is NOT happy to see her. She informs her that Rafa isn’t home but Ale says she’s here to see her. Ale tells her to sit. Roxi says she’s no longer her employee and they are definitely not friends! What does Ale want? Ale wants to talk about Roxi’s arrangement with Fernando and Roxi makes some comment about Lucia running to auntie with all the gossip. Roxi thinks Ale is here to defend Lucia and make her stay away from Fernando but Ale says she wants just the opposite! She’s here because she wants Roxi to do whatever she has to do to get Fernando away from Lucia! (I do not understand why Ale is so dead set against Fernando)

Silva and Claudia are walking in the courtyard at school and talking about what happened with Michelle. Claudia especially is worried about losing her job, neither girl saw anything or noticed anything going on in the club that would explain Michelle’s freaking out. They get further down the walkway and we see they are meeting with Leo. Silva tries to make a joke about him coming to see her but he shuts her down coldly and tells both girls this is not a game (I’m liking this Leo dude less and less every day, he was alright as the hapless skirt chasing lackey but I don’t like this enforcer side at all) they are told to watch Michelle closely and tell him anything and everything that may come out of her mouth. The girls leave and some dude comes and hands him an envelop with Michelle’s basic info – it looked like a one-page resume. He thanks the dude and tells him to wait for further instructions…dun dun dun.



Mujer de Nadie Capitulo 17 parte 2/6

Lucia and Tonia are meeting with a potential client and Lucia explains all about her new shop and her background and the connections she has established in order to do a big job like the one the guy needs done. The guy likes what he hears and a deal is made. Lucia has the job! And this is a big opportunity for her new business. The girls are excited.

Michelle comes home and Marta is so happy to have her darling daughter back in the house that she bought her favorite flowers and she baked like 40 types of cupcakes! She’s also grateful to Nestor for bringing Michelle home, such a gentleman! Marta is also excited because she’s thinking about taking some samples to a bakery near by and seeing if she can get a job and bake in the bakery! Michelle thinks mom should slow her roll and is worried she shouldn’t take on such a big commitment but Marta doesn’t know why not. She’s raised three children, she’s capable!! Nestor throws his two cents out there unsolicited and says he thinks Marta should go for it! Marta is happy for the encouragement and Michelle is looking like she doesn’t understand what is happening in her own house! Marta offers Nestor some cupcakes and he gladly accepts. Nestor is the perfect taste taster, he takes big bites and listens intently to all Marta’s explanations about which kind is which. (I don’t think this guy is actually trying to charm the mom, but he couldn’t have done a better job if he was trying) Michelle tries to get her mom to calm down saying that’s enough and mom goes off to get something leaving Michelle and Nestor alone.

Nestor is still eating and asks if Michelle wants one but she says no with just a little distain. He ignores that and asks if she is feeling better and why she thinks someone was following her but Michelle immediately shushes him. She doesn’t want her mom to know. She doesn’t want anyone to worry. Nestor agrees not to say anything but really what’s up? You don’t have any bad debts or anything like that, why would anyone be following you? Michele doesn’t know but she asks him again not to say anything to anyone, not even Paulina. Nestor promises he won’t say a word.

Marta comes back and asks if Nestor wants to stay and eat and Michelle says no, but Nestor says yes!! (LOL) Michelle says Nestor has to go back to the office but Nestor is done at the office, he can stay! Marta is thrilled because today is a celebration since her girl is back in the house! Marta hurries out presumably to get the food ready and Michelle looks entirely putout while Nestor just shrugs and takes another bite of his cupcake. (LOL I like this guy!!! He’s funny and comfortable with himself. With so many less than likable guys in this show it’s nice to see one that isn’t a tool! And I like the way he isn’t cowed at all by Michelle and her attitude! If Michelle had any sense at all she would kick Alfi to the curb and trade up to this guy!)

Leo is waiting outside Roxi’s house for Ale and doing some cell phone investigation. He grins ear to ear at his good luck when he comes across a FB post of Michelle with Fernando! The post confirms they are siblings. Ale comes out of the house grumbling and fit to be tied. Leo tells her he sometimes thinks that she’s a woman with the luck of the devil! She wants to know what he is talking about and he says her problem just turned into an opportunity. Ale doesn’t like his beating around the brush and she warns him he better not just being trying to get out of trouble because she’s still mad at him about last night. Leo says he doesn’t have to try to butter anyone up because he’s good at his job. He then tells her and good news…. That girl at the club, Michelle? She’s Fernando’s sister! He shows her the picture.



Mujer de Nadie Capitulo 17 parte 3/6

Casilda is at her shrine and thanking San Antonio that she finally had the good fortune to trick Leo into sleeping with her! Hehe. Isaura comes in and finds the shrine and laughs! She tells Casi that she won’t ever have the good luck of getting Leo because he has bad habits not bad taste! (Ouch!) The girls have another ‘you keep my secrets and I’ll keep yours’ conversation and reluctantly make a pact. (Isa is horrible but these two are good scene partners they react off each other well and are funny together!)

Lucia goes to see Carlos and Jesus who are clearly friends of hers, she needs lots and lots of material and needs to be assured that she will be getting both quantity and quality. Carlos assures her and she looks around admiring the beauty of their work area. Everybody is all smiles and happiness.

Back to the lunch that amuses everyone except Michelle, and we see they are just finishing up. Nestor rains down complements on Marta who just beams under his praise and Michelle rolls her eyes. Michelle can’t take anymore and announces she’s going out (She is clearly not impressed by Nestor but she has horrible taste in men as we know). Marta wants to know where she’s going but Carlos comes home at that very moment and says it’s obvious, she’s going to go see her boyfriend as always. Michelle wants to know what’s wrong with that but Carlos isn’t criticizing just commenting. Carlos greets Nestor and Nestor rather coldly returns the greeting proving he is a good judge of character on top of everything else! Nestor says he has to go too and he insists on clearing the plates from the table even over Marta’s protests that he doesn’t have to. He leaves and Carlos comments on how his mom seems very chummy with Nestor and she admits that from where she’s sitting, Nestor seems like a much better choice than that jerk Michelle is dating (That’s what I’ve been saying Marta!) Nestor ducks in again and says goodbye.

Carlos thinks Michelle is too smart not to notice Marta’s trying to push her towards Nestor. Marta thinks Carlos should stop criticizing her efforts and get his own love life. Carlos informs her that he HAS his own love life, he’s dating a wonderful girl. Marta is very excited to hear it until he reveals the girl is Paulina!! Shouldn’t Carlos go out and find a girl who likes him and not someone who sees him has second best? Carlos is offended but Marta says it’s true, Paulina prefers Fernando! Carlos is very upset as he feels his mom has no faith in him. (Nah dude, she can just read the neon writing on the wall!)

Lucia is still in the shop with Carlos and she tells him they need to talk. She’s bringing him a lot of business but also creating less work since she’s going to do a lot of the job herself in her store – she’s going to need a very good discount!!! Carlos laughs and says her father taught her well. He agrees she’ll get her discount but they’ll talk about the details later! Lucia agrees that’s perfect! (You can tell these are friends who trust each other because Lucia isn’t at all nervous about waiting til the end to find out what exactly the discount will be)

Unfortunately for Fernando, Roxi isn’t a good friend, and she’s waiting for him outside his building (?) She tells him that she came in peace and doesn’t wait to make trouble. She’s ready to admit defeat and accept things are over. Fernando is relieved until Roxi comments that they never got to say goodbye and kisses him!! We hear some clicks and it’s obvious someone is taking pictures of the kiss. Fernando immediately pulls back saying Roxi always has to make everything complicated. He storms off.



Mujer de Nadie Capitulo 17 parte 4/6

Heri is in the hospital looking all kinds of manic and ripping Rafa a new one for trying to get him removed from the business dealings. And for not even being man enough to tell him instead of his wife (the horror!) Rafa is a cross between accusatory and consolatory as he tells Heri this doesn’t have to be forever, it’s temporary, but at the end of the day Heri and his reputation are bad for business right now. Heri doesn’t think anyone should care about his reputation but Rafa tells him to face facts, no one wants to do business with a rapist!!! He also yells at a poor nurse/doc who has the bad luck of trying to enter the room at that moment. Rafa gets a ding on his cell. Someone has sent him the pic of Roxi kissing Fernando!!!

Heri smiles at the look on Rafa’s face and asks if it’s bad news but Rafa claims he never receives bad news! (LOL) Rafa goes back to the reason he’s there, he wants to propose a deal. An idea for future business dealings, maybe Heri could even have his own business, what does he say? Heri dismisses this immediate (not sure why) and Rafa says it’s a shame, he didn’t take him for a man to be content with only what his wife and brother-in-law allowed him. He wishes him a quick recovery and goes to leave, but Heri tells him to sit down.

Fernando is now in his office with Diego and he can’t take anymore!!! Roxanna is STILL harassing him! He needs to find a way out. He has to talk to Rafael. He thinks Rafa is a reasonable business man who will understand (hahahahaha) Diego doesn’t like this as it will put their business in jeopardy but Fernando thinks Diego had his part to play in that as well. Diego is surprised but Fernando says he doesn’t care how many times he denied it, it’s obvious Diego conspired with Roxanna to set up this business deal with Rafa. Diego says nothing but his face gives it away, Fernando’s suspicions are true. Fernando wants to stop arguing and come up with a plan! They need to get Rafa out of the business immediately. Diego disagrees, Rafa is the salvation of the business they can’t afford to lose him. Fernando gets a call from an unknown caller and his voice is very formal and respectful as he agrees to meet the caller in the place requested.

Michelle is returning home with Alfi and telling him some story about why her ‘friend’ can’t loan her the money. She is so disappointed. Alfi is thinking he should leave the city – go lay low somewhere until this blows over. Michelle says there’s no way she can leave school right now, but Alfi wasn’t suggesting they leave, he was saying HE is going to leave. Michelle says no way. She can’t be without him!! She’ll get the money somehow, she swears; she’ll do anything, anything, except be separated from him!!! (Oh my goodness child let this rat leave) Marta comes out of the house at that very moment, and she wants Michelle to go inside and leave her alone with Alfi but Michelle disagrees. She says fine, stay and listen! Marta tells Alfi off for being a no-good rat and treating Michelle like garbage but it doesn’t do any good because Michelle remains in staunch support of her man! They heard mom out and now mom can hear her, she will ALWAYS support Alfredo! He is the love of her life!

Lucia arrives home, Fernando arrives to see her. She wasn’t expecting him but he wanted to surprise her! She likes this surprise. She tells him her exciting news about work and suggests dinner to talk about it but Fernando can’t. It’s been a long day and he has a meeting. A meeting, with a woman? Lucia asks. Yep, but not one she needs to worry about. Lucia isn’t worried. Cue the kisses.



Mujer de Nadie Capitulo 17 parte 5/6

Ale is meeting with a man name Manolo, he is calling her a walking talking plague on everything good and he is determined to close down her club! Ale comments that Manolo is an upright man, she hasn’t been able to buy him off as she’s normally able to do. Manolo thinks the part is coming where Ale tries crying or begging, proving he has no idea who he’s talking too. Instead, Ale shows him some photos she has of his son cross dressing – Manolo can disappear and leave Ale the hell alone and stay away from her club or she will ruin him. Manolo is very unhappy and stocks off.

Rafa walks up just in time to laugh at Manolo’s departure and Ale is happy to see him because she’s ready to eat. Rafa sits and Ale asks him what he knows about Fernando Orega. Rafael is surprisingly complimentary considering the fact he got a picture of the man kissing his wife on his photo not long ago! He doesn’t say anything negative but he does share that he just rescued Fernando’s business from near bankruptcy! He thinks he will turn it around though. Rafa wants to know why Ale is asking and she tells him Fernando is Lucia’s boyfriend!

Lucia finds Isaura and Casilda actually getting along and laughing as they try to catch fruit in their mouths in the kitchen. Isa says Lucia must have been buying material because that oddly always makes her excited. Casilda wonder if she’s reconciled with Fernando? Yes, she confirms and the ladies squeal with delight, except Isa who is somewhat putout and walks off. Lucia says ignore her and she and Casilda continue to talk. Casi asks if Ale has told Lucia anything about her mom but Lucia says Ale changes the subject every time she tries to ask! The girls stop talking when they hear a noise. It’s Pilar and she greets both ladies with a ‘boo’ and a huge smile. She comments on how pretty Casilda looks and asks about Fernando. Lucia confirms they made up. She followed some advice from a good friend (ie. Pilar herself) and she couldn’t be happier. Lucia asks Pilar about Gabino and it’s clear from her glowing description that she has fallen head over heels. The ladies happily chat and Isa comes back and joins in the laughter and fun.

It's Ale that Fernando was going to meet, unfortunately for him. He assumes she came to talk about Lucia but Ale came to tell him to stay away from her niece! She shares Rafa informed her about his money problems and what’s more she is concerned about the moral fiber from Fernando’s family!!! (Yes, she did manage to say that with a very straight face!) Fernando is immediately offended as he should be and warns he won’t her talk about his family!! But Ale counters with Lucia has been through enough, she doesn’t want more scandal in her life. She shows Fernando the video she has of Michelle with Leo at the club – the vid isn’t exactly a smoking gun but it is kind of suggestive – and offers a ‘guess’ that his little sis was at some sort of gentlemen’s club with a guy who definitely wasn’t her novio! (The horror!) Ale claims she paid a huge sum to make sure the video wouldn’t go public and refuses to tell where she got it from. She insists Fernando leave Lucia but Fernando refuses and tells Ale to get a life and let Lucia make her own choices! Fern offers to pay her back for the video but she says he can pay her with his silence! She doesn’t want him saying anything to Lucia about this she suffered a lot with her own photo incident and she doesn’t want her triggered. Ale assures him the video will be erased.



Mujer de Nadie Capitulo 17 parte 6/6

Isa sneaks into Ale’s room and enjoys herself as she claims this is the life she deserves! She lies on the bed, tries on her clothes, gets caught in the act – you know the novela norm! We do see she finds a very expensive necklace before she’s caught which she pockets quickly. The maid who caught her demands an explanation and Isa gives a stumbling one but the maid believes nothing and orders her out. They exchange insults and Isa leaves throwing Ale’s shoes at the maid. Later alone in front of the mirror, Isa tries on the necklace and calls a friend to meet her at the casino…. there’s something she needs her to sell for her!!

Ale is apparently not yet done spreading sunshine and light today, she awaits her next victim in the park. Lucia is the unlucky winner and her aunt has asked her to meet as she thought they could get some fresh air. Lucia thinks it’s a great idea! They should get to know each other. She admits she feels like she doesn’t really know her aunt well because she is very hard to read. Ale says she loves Lucia the way she is so open and friendly but life has taught Ale herself to play her cards close to her vest. She admits she is more than a little reserved and worries that she isn’t the aunt Lucia would wish for. Lucia assures her that isn’t true. She starts to tell her aunt about her business deal and Ale immediately offers her money but Lucia quickly tells her that’s not it. She is just letting her know she’s ready to sign the lease agreement for the apartment! Ale wants to skip formalities but Lucia wants everything official. Family is family but business is business! Ale laughs and says she is just like her dad. Lucia is glad Ale said that because now that they are alone in the park with no distractions or disruptions, she wants to discuss one other thing! She wants Ale to tell her about her relationship with Lucia’s mother! Ale doesn’t look thrilled.

Hmm…a potential flaw for Nestor, he’s a liar! He promised Michelle he wouldn’t tell anyone anything but he’s now sitting with Fernando doing just that (I say potential flaw because really, I’m not mad at him for telling Fernando – but maybe he shouldn’t have promised so ardently that he wouldn’t. Not keeping the secret is a good call though, Michelle freaked out big time and if someone is following her, her brother should know) Nestor apologizes for intervening but he’s worried and Fernando thanks him for telling him.

Diego arrives as Nestor is leaving, and starts launching into another ‘this is why we need Rafa’ speech but Roxi shows up to interrupt. She demands to know if Fernando told Lucia about the loan she gave him! You know that big sum of money she gave him with no contract or paperwork? Roxi didn’t notice her husband walk into the office right after her, so Rafa heard the whole thing!! A still acting way too cool, Rafa simply asks his wife calmly, what loan?

And there we end.


Mujer de Nadie

Muchísimas gracias for the recap, Darcy!

Michell is still being an idiot. I wish she breaks up with that scumbag Alfredo and apologizes to Lucía! Néstor is great, but she is so obsessed with Alfredo she doesn't even notice how much he cares about her. Ugh.

I, too, wonder why Ale hates Fer so much! Usually in telenovelas when someone really doesn't want two people to be together it's because they suspect they're siblings, but I don't think that that's applicable here.

I also think the writers rushed the LucíFer relationship. It started a bit fast and suddenly, I guess?


Darcy, gave us every detail.

I also cannot understand why Ale is so determined to get Fer away from Lucia. In the meantime, Lucia is oblivious to Ale being a madam in a brothel. huh?

Why is Ale so awful to Casilda? Is she her mother? Is Ale really Lucia's aunt? Why did Lucia's dad want her to stay away from Lucia ? What is Ale's history with Lucia's parents ?

Casilda's Obsession with smarmy , maybe dangerous Leo is sad.

I can barely watch scenes with Michelle. She has a mother and two brothers who love her and a great friend , but she clings to smarmy Alf. Why?

Isa just sneaks around wearing that crossbody bag 24\7 and grazing on snacks all day . Just wait until old Stone faced , monotone Ale finds out from the maid that Isa was in her closet and now a necklace has gone missing . Isa will gamble away whatever money she gets from that necklace . I think she is playing with fire with Ale. P.s. I am tired of Ale's Stone face and monotone delivery of lines.

Rafa and Rox are quite a terrible duo. He lusts after sweet , oblivious Lucia, and she wants Fer back . Here we go...Good vs Evil..the good couple vs the bad couple .....

Wonder when we are going to see Lucia working on her pottery .



Wowee wow. ...I cannot wait to read Dondi's recap of last night's episode


Sunanlynn, ‘Why is Ale so awful to Casilda? Is she her mother?’ I have been wondering this too!! The way she talks to Casilda seems to be self-hatred deflected on Casilda. It’s brutal and it feels very very personal!


Unfortunately, I'm a little behind on the recaps. I'll have Tuesday's up this afternoon and I can't watch Weds ep until I get home from work this evening. We are racing towards the finish line! As always, thanks for your patience.

Good work, Darcy.

I have also been wondering whether Casilda is Alejandra's daughter and she is angry that Casilda is not normal or beautiful. I know what that means and it would not surprise me if Casilda will be the one to deliver Alejandra's Karmageddon.

Isaura will be caught; guaranteed.

I am guessing that Rafael will learn of Roxana's past relationship with Fernando and will retaliate by pulling the financial rug out from under Fernando.

Right now it looks like Lucia and Fernando need to leave town and start over, but then we would not have a novela.

UA: I've always wondered about Casilda possibly being Alejandra's daughter. All of the anger & vitriol including the insults, etc.,

Darcy: Good Job!


Mexicana. Great comments, Andy! At the end I was more than halfway expecting for Andrea and Rene to come rushing in as Tyler were kissing. Of course, there had to be a catfight over the reduced pay envelopes, and there's only 1 restaurant in all of Mexico City.

I also wonder whether Alejandra envies Lucia for being young and beautiful. That envy would be a prime motive for ruining her life.


"But I'm hoping for the best. It's been 20 years, two kids, a frightening struggle with Helena's cancer; time to let go of Andrea, that old Andrea is long gone". This seemed so sad Andy, I had to look up who the characters were. Yes, it seems the Andrea ship sailed long, long ago.

I did see the Sebastian kissing scene. Could have fooled me!

SpanProf, similarly, Tyler seemed pretty into his kisses with Erika unless he's faking it. Andrea might yet show up. No spoiler but Tyler and Erika are end game. I presume. :)

Northing is ever easy it seems.

Just a few observations from someone watching a few minutes each night which may or may not be right.

Glad you both are enjoying it.


Embajador S3 #50 part 1

Yahya is with Dudu at the police station when Elvan calls. Hello Elvan. Is the boy okay, he asks? Dudu not happy that Elvan called. Yes, he’s fine, don’t worry, Elvan replies. In fact, I came to the mansion and I was thinking of you… uh, as a friend, of course. I wanted to know if you are okay. I’m fine thanks, he answers and tells Elvan he is at the police station with Dudu. He starts to tell her what happened… her face drops and she hangs up on him. Hello? Hello, Elvan?

Elvan is steamed. Gulsiye asks what happened. Why did you get mad? Zehra asks, why did you hang up? Did Yahya say something to make you angry? Elvan avoids answering. She gets up and says, I have to go, I’m busy. But you just got here, Gulsiye says, what happened? Elvan’s not talking, she’s visibly upset.

The ladies keep asking and Elvan finally blows. No, Yahya didn’t tell me anything, she says with annoyance. I’m going, okay? He’s very busy with Dudu. I’m leaving because I’m very busy, too! Gulsiye sees Elvan out.

Sedat is not well in his cell and he calls for the guard. The guard comes and Sedat says he’s sick. I told the captain I should go to the hospital. Be patient the officer says, when the paperwork is done, they will evaluate you. I’m going to die, Sedat exclaims and he vomits. He falls to the floor. The officer calls for an ambulance.

Sancar and Halise are driving. Ha, ha, she asks are we there yet? I want to hug them both. He asks, what, you miss Mavi? Of course, I miss her a lot. [and a couple of eps ago she wanted to make her suffer] I had doubts, but now I know that Mavi would never do anything like that, she’s a good woman. And good for you, well done, she adds, you finally have a family. You are my family too, he replies, and I love you the same. Don’t forget that. Halise says it’s good to hear it. [she’s lucky after all the crap she’s pulled]

Sedat is in the ambulance. It looks like he’s been poisoned and it’s serious. Sedat wakes up and he rips the IV and oxygen off and bolts from the ambulance. The chase is on. Sedat heads into the woods, where he seems to have easily lost the cop.

Dudu reads and signs her statement. Yahya asks if it’s possible Sedat was faking his illness. The cop doesn’t think so. His condition was serious. But when he’s brought to the hospital, he will be watched. Don’t worry, he’s with the police. [not anymore!] Do we need to do anything else, Yahya asks, can we go? The cop says yes, they will call if needed.

Ela meets Dudu outside the station. Ela asks if she’s okay. Dudu replies, if Yahya hadn’t arrived in time, I would be dead. Yahya says it’s good that Ela has come. He tells Ela to take care of Dudu and call if they need anything. Yahya leaves. Wait, Dudu says, we’re getting something to drink… Yahya is gone. He didn’t even hear, Ela says, he was in a hurry. Dudu says she’s sure he’s going to Elvan. Whatever. She asks Ela to take her home.

Sedat really planned this out well. He makes his way to a car that’s been parked near the woods. He takes out a tablet and gets a read on Sancar’s location. If you’re in the middle of nowhere, he says, it’s because you’re going to see your wife. I found you Mavi. It was a lot of work, but I finally found you.

Yahya knocks on Elvan’s door. She greets him with, what are you doing here? Your phone was off, he replies, I was worried. Are you okay? Ah, how kind you have become, she says, so you care about everyone now? What are you talking about, he asks, I’m only worried about you, I always think of you, uh, and the boy. Are you okay? Yes, she responds, thanks for asking.


Embajador S3 #50 part 2

Yahya knows the baby has a doctor appointment. Get ready, we’ll take him. I’m going to take him, Elvan answers, you must be very busy, at the police station, with your lawyers and in the court. Don’t bother yourself. She closes the door but Yahya blocks it. Wait. Why are you saying this, he asks, you don’t trust me? We’ve been together for months, and you don’t believe me? I say we are together…

Elvan responds, [Turkish] I trusted you, but it didn’t last long. You immediately ran to this mistress of yours. It’s not like that, he explains, what I had with Dudu is over, really, I promise you. Dudu was in trouble and I was only helping my brother rescue her. Nothing else happened.

Are you jealous, Yahya asks? Why would I be jealous, Elvan replies. Ah, I know, because I was jealous like you, he says. I think we still feel the same way about each other. I love you, he tells her, and the feeling grows with each day that passes. I’m serious. Don’t do it, Elvan responds, it’s better you don’t love me. All who I trusted, hurt me and betrayed me when I lowered my guard. Better you don’t love me, Yahya.

She tries to shut the door. He pushes back and enters. I’m not going, he tells her. [turkish] Let this end. Let’s put an end to the grievances. Why don’t you give me a chance? Why don’t you want us to live happily with our son? I can’t, she cries, I can’t trust you again. You don’t know how much you hurt me. I won’t let you do it again.

I won’t hurt you again, Yahya replies, I give you my word. I understand I behaved like a donkey. My wings are broken without you. I have no one but you. For many years I thought that you didn’t love me, so I wanted to take revenge. But now I see that we still belong to each other. And you see it too. If you knew this wasn’t so, you would have left with that man. You would have answered his messages, but you didn’t want to because you love me as much as I love you. And I love you so much. Elvan sobs and Yahya holds her. Yahya’s thinking he’s in.

Sancar arrives at a secluded spot. Sancar asks Halise for her phone and he leaves it in the truck. There’s no house here, Halise says, are we going to walk? You can wait in the truck if you want, he replies. Ha, ha, she’s not wearing walking shoes. Halise bristles, shame on you, Sancar, you treat me like I was an old woman. You think I can’t walk? Let’s go! Why don’t you show me the way? Lol, she’s trying to keep up with his Efe stride.

Meanwhile, Sedat is driving and tracking. He realizes the truck has stopped and they are going on foot.

Yahya brings coffee to Elvan. I tried to make it like you taught me, he says, I hope it’s okay. Drink it while it’s hot. Elvan just sits and stares with her head resting on a pillow. Yahya suggests calling the doctor and changing the appointment to tomorrow. The baby doesn’t have a fever anymore. Elvan nods. He tells Elvan he’ll go so she can rest. He says, think about what I told you, please. We can talk later. He gets up.

Do you know what I realized when I was with Bora, Elvan asks? Yahya turns back. She tells him, I never treated you like a loved one. But you treated me like one. You used to surprise me and give me gifts. Do you remember? Slight nod from Yahya. And you did it these last months, she adds. But for me, the most important thing was to have the love of your mother. [Turkish] I wanted her to love me, that’s why I treated you as if we had been married for 40 years. I was a housewife, I cooked for you, ironed your clothes. In the morning I saw you off to work and, in the evening, I met you at the door. Why? Because I believed that these were things that Halise would appreciate, but no. I never asked you what you wanted. And I didn’t make you feel loved either.


Embajador S3 #50 part 3

I didn’t realize at that moment, now I see it better, Yahya replies. I understand that you needed a mother. You tried to see my mother as your own. We were young, and I didn’t understand then. If I would have known, I would have done everything differently. But now I don’t need a mother, Elvan sniffles, I don’t need a husband either. I only need to love and be loved, Yahya. Not temporarily, not half way, I need someone to hold my hand and won’t leave no matter what. If we could only get to know each other again from the beginning, and have a new start, but with our situation…

Yahya stands. Let’s get to know each other again, he says. He holds out his hand, I’m Yahya, and you? Elvan looks at him--Yahya? Don’t be impolite and leave me hanging, he says. He repeats, I’m Yahya, and you? She takes his hand, I’m Elvan. He gives her hand a kiss. Very nice to meet you, Elvan. Excuse me for being very bold, but I’ve been in love for a long time and I always will be.

Elvan asks, are you always this fast, Yahya Bey? I’m not, Yahya replies, in fact, I’m saying this too late. [Turkish] But from now on, I will tell you at every opportunity. I promise I’ll shout it if necessary. I love you so much. Elvan sobs. I want to hold your hand and I’ll never let it go. He takes her hand. I swear on my life. What do you say? Will you allow me? She melts into his arms and cries.

Sancar leads his mother to a boat. Are we going in this, Halise asks? He explains he had to hide his loved ones in a very secluded place. You thought well, she replies, I swear we never would have found them. Who do you think I get this from, he asks? [except Sancar uses his smarts for good.] Halise looks a little concerned about taking the boat. We won’t drown, right? He answers, look, mom, we are in this world together, the fair thing is to leave together. You should get on. That’s not funny, she replies. We won’t drown, he tells her, come, let’s go, and he helps her board.

Sedat finds Sancar’s truck, but no Sancar. He spots the boat. Cut to Guven at the marina. Looks like he has a bad headache. Sedat calls him and orders him to get him a boat or a helicopter. I found them, do it right now! Guven asks him to send his location and orders his people to get on it. Guven tries to get up, but he collapses back on the couch in terrible pain. Nihat shouts, call for a doctor, now!

Sancar and Halise arrive at the not so safe anymore house. Melek comes out to greet them and gives her grandma a big hug. Halise is overjoyed. Mavi comes out to welcome Halise and they hug, too. How are you, Halise asks, how beautiful you look. Very happy reunion.

Kavruk and Zehra are with a lawyer to see about a divorce. The lawyer tells them that this is a very difficult decision to make. Many times, a couple reconciles before making that decision. No, Kavruk says, this… will be a consensual divorce. [Once again Zehra seems surprised by this. Isn’t this what she wants?] The lawyer understands and starts filling them in on the standard procedures. He hands Kavruk a paper that he glances at, then hands it to Zehra.

Yahya has prepared a bottle for Gediz while Elvan took a nap. She’s pleasantly surprised. He explains he did it so the baby wouldn’t cry and wake her up—I didn’t want him to wake up his beautiful mother. Look at how you think of me, Elvan says. Of course, he replies, I think of you 24 hours a day. They are very flirty with each other. He’s holding her tight. He looks like he wants more… Elvan is taken aback. Yahya… uh, no… let me go. Well? We know what he wants. Elvan says, let go… she breaks away and starts laughing. They laugh all the way to the bedroom… and Yahya misses a call from Faruk. Uh, oh.


Mexicana. Thanks for stopping by, Diana! Maty seems to have come to believe that Tyler really is her son. And I suppose that it's reasonable that both Diego and Sebastian would take their "dates" to a restaurant where they had gone as a couple.

Embajador S3 #50 part 4

Sancar and Mavi walk along the beach. He says, if you allow, my mother wants to move in with you. It’s fine with Mavi. It will give us strength, she says. She asked me, Sancar replies, and I will take care of everything. Thanks to Yahya and Zehra, they already have resolved a lot. I spoke to my mother’s doctor and Gulsiye can help. It will be good. At least until the baby is born.

Mavi asks if the police will be suspicious. Sancar says no, but he expects that Guven and Sedat will make a move. Mavi feels a pain. Are you okay, Sancar asks? She’s okay and explains it’s just false contractions. Sancar is concerned. Are you and my son okay? [Turkish] We’re fine, Mavi assures, put your hand here and little Efe will tell you he is fine. Sancar speaks to Mavi’s stomach. Oğlum? Efem? Can you hear me? Of course he can, Mavi replies, you can continue talking.

Sancar gets down on his knees and presses his head against Mavi. Son? Efem? You wait calmly and come when the time is right, okay? Oh, my Efe, I want you to know that I would die for you. He kisses Mavi’s stomach. I would die for you all! Sancar gets up. Mavi tells him, don’t you dare. Don’t die. Live for us. It’s only an expression, Sancar replies, I promise I won’t leave you. [inshallah] Then don’t say that again, she orders, seriously. May I never hear those words again. They continue their walk.

Sedat is freaking out waiting for transportation. He makes a frantic call to Guven. No answer. He’s furious. He gets in his car and drives off.

The doctor has treated Guven and he leaves. Nihat tells Guven he heard what the doctor said—he should go to the hospital. The tumor has grown and he needs more efficient treatment. Guven replies, there’s no treatment that can save me now. You heard the doctor. The only thing I can do is to have best quality of life. For that reason, I have to find my granddaughter before it’s too late. Guven slowly gets up and Nihat helps him with his jacket. No matter what, I have to find her, Guven says.

Sancar and Halise walk. Halise says she doesn’t want to wait until tomorrow. Let’s go back today. I’ll prepare my things at the mansion and say goodbye to your brother and sister. They will take charge and l will be next to my daughter (Mavi) until the birth. Sancar agrees. I’ll feel calmer when you are with them. Don’t worry, Halise says, but I’ll need a gun and ammunition. Mavi is a good woman, and she doesn’t think about what Sedat could do if he finds us. But I do. Let’s go, Sancar says. They get in the truck and leave.

Sedat’s got himself a boat and scans the water for a sign.

Yahya has finished feeding Gediz and he is asleep. He couldn’t resist his father’s lullaby, he tells Elvan and sits with her on the couch. Now I have a son and his father who is feeding him, Elvan says as she snuggles with him. He pops the question—will you marry me again? Do you think everything will be like before? [Turkish] I don’t know, Yahya Efeoglu, she replies, I think it’s better if things aren’t the same. He makes it clear he’s not referring to the bad stuff. You have a Yahya before you with zero mileage, he says, and this Yahya claims your hand. This Yahya is your slave and servant.

Elvan says she will consult with her son. We’ll see what he thinks about his new father. Good, ask him, Yahya replies. Yahya’s phone rings. It’s Faruk with the news that Sedat has escaped.


Embajador S3 #50 part 5

Sancar and Halise are driving back. She tells him he doesn’t have to be worried about the birth. Mavi is right, the midwife will help her and I’ll be there, she adds confidently. Mavi is a strong woman, you will have many children. Sancar smiles at that thought. Halise continues, Mavi came into this world to be a mother. Same as me. Inshallah, Sancar replies, the main thing is that Allah gives health to the family. All of this will pass, Halise assures, and as soon as this passes, nobody can hurt you again because your mother is here. Inshallah.

Sancar calls Yahya to tell him he’s heading to the mansion with Halise. Yahya gives him the bad news that Sedat has escaped. Sancar stops short and turns the truck around. Halise puts her hands up in prayer, Allah save my loved ones. I entrust them to you. Sancar orders Yahya to gather the men and bring them to the Gül district. I’ll send the location. He speeds back to get to Mavi and Melek.

Sedat has found the house. He stands in the yard with a gun, then approaches. He calls out, singsong, Mavi, I’ve come! Hello dear! The door is locked but he busts it open. He looks around. He sees the special wall and looks in all the rooms. No one is there.

We go 15 minutes earlier…

Mavi is in the kitchen preparing a meal. She sees a boat approaching from her window. Calmly she tells Melek to get her coat and puts her own on. She takes the gun out of the drawer and puts it in her pocket. Mavi feels a slight contraction. It passes. She tells Melek, we have to go now, but you shouldn’t be afraid. I am with you. Melek nods and they head out the back door. Mavi and Melek make their way through the woods.

Mavi’s water breaks. She tells Melek that her brother is on the way. Melek looks worried and asks, my brother is going to be born? Mavi nods. Sedat shouts in the distance, Mavi! Where are you, Mavi?! [this was the end of Turkish ep 51. One more to go!]

Title for episode 52: Cruel time... it never takes pity on people. Even if you try to hold it, it won't stop. Everything sweet and bitter happens suddenly... If the time has come for someone, he leaves this world.

Quiet panic sets in. Mavi has another contraction. She tries to stay calm for Melek’s sake and tells her not to worry. There’s still time before the baby comes, she tells the little girl, but we have to walk. Sedat is heard shouting in the distance again. We have to go, Mavi says.

Psycho Sedat calls out, you know I can smell you, right? I know you’re close. I can feel it and I’m going to find you! Knowing you’re running away makes me enjoy it more!
Mavi hears him closing in. She’s holding Melek’s hand and struggling to walk. She gets a strong contraction and has to sit. Melek is worried, are you alright, mom? Mavi gasps, the baby… But you said there was still time, Melek reminds her, you said he wouldn’t come yet. She tells Melek she can’t continue and tells her to go and call her father immediately. Melek doesn’t want to leave her. Mavi instructs her to go to the midwife, she has a phone. Call you father and tell him to come, please.

Sancar and Halise make it to a boat. Halise wants to go with Sancar but he tells her to stay. She doesn’t want to leave him. This is not the time, he replies, when the police come, guide them. The police know where to go, she insists, I can’t leave my grandchildren and DIL in danger! No time to argue, Sancar tells her to get on board.


Embajador S3 #50 part 6

Sedat continues to shout. [Turkish] Fear won’t help against death, kızım! But it will help me. I’m on my way. Mavi pleads with Melek to go before Sedat finds them. You have to help me now. You have to call your father. Go sweetheart. Melek is distressed and doesn’t want to leave Mavi alone. You’re not leaving me alone, Mavi explains, you’re going to ask for help, alright? We hear Sedat shout again. You have to go before he gets here, Mavi implores. Run, and don’t turn around! Melek does not want to go.

Halise tells Sancar not be afraid—nothing will happen to your family. Mavi is a strong woman, she can handle that guy. Don’t worry.

They cut: Guven and Nihat traveling in the van. Guven is not well. Nihat says he will check on the situation, but Guven needs to see a doctor. You should be in the hospital, he says. Guven threatens, if you tell me about the hospital again, then you will need it! Guven shouts to the driver to step on it. We have to make it to Sedat.

Mavi is in a lot of pain. She’s bleeding. Melek is still there. She tells Melek, only your father can help us. Please go, she gasps. Sedat has found them. Only I can help you now, Mavi, he says. Mavi pulls out the gun. Don’t come near! Stay where you are! Or what, he replies with a smile, are you going to shoot me? He laughs. Don’t be silly, he says, you’re not going to shoot me. Mavi tells Melek to run and this time she does.

Mavi warns him not to go after her. It’s good you sent her, he says. She warns him not to come any closer. So are you going to shoot, he dares, why don’t you do it now? Look, Mavi, you are bleeding a lot. He swipes at the tip of her gun with his. Mavi does not lower her gun.

Don’t be difficult, Sedat says, you are going to give birth. You can’t even move. Your baby is coming. Let me help you and I will accept your baby as my own. Let’s go. Mavi puts her gun to her head. You think I will go with you? I prefer to die! Sedat holds up his hand says, don’t be ridiculous. What are you doing?! Mavi groans in pain and keeps the gun on her temple. Sedat tries to calm Mavi. This is not a toy it’s a gun. But then he loses his cool and shouts, I need you alive, Mavi!

Sancar and Halise make it to the house. He shouts for Mavi and Melek. No sign of them. Halise shouts, we got here too late! He kidnapped the both of them! Sancar looks in the drawer and sees the gun is gone. Sancar panics, they realized he was here and ran! Inshallah, Halise says, what do we do now? In the Turkish, Sancar tells Halise there’s a place behind the house, go call the police from there. He will see where they went. Halise and Sancar run off in different directions.

Mavi’s still has the gun to her head. She threatens to pull the trigger. Sedat holds his hands up. I’ll do it, she shouts, I promise you. He asks her to calm down. Get out of here, she shouts. Melek returns. Mavi yells at Melek to leave. Run! She holds the gun on Sedat. Melek cries, mom, don’t do it. Mavi orders her to leave. I can’t go without you mom, Melek replies.

Sedat smiles and tucks his gun in his waistband. If you won’t come with me, he tells Mavi, then I will take something with me as a souvenir. No! Sedat! Leave her alone! Sedat scoops up Melek and hoists her over his shoulder. Let me go, Melek says. Mavi fires a couple of shots into the air. Sancar hears and stops dead in his tracks.

And we are out.



Urban, I'm finding your observations on the Ale/Lucia dynamic really interesting, it's given me a lot to think about...especially your thought that Ale wants to sell Lucia's virginity. I haven't gotten that envious/wants to destroy vibe from her, but I'm considering it based on your thoughts. To me it seems like the opposite, like Lucia, her niece, is the one pure innocent and undefiled thing Ale has. She jealous when Lucia spends time with Pilar or asks Leo for help instead of her. She lashed out at the idea that Lucia and Casilda could be sisters, like Lucia was something too separate and too beautiful to be associated with Casilda. I don't fully get why she's so anti-Fernando, unless it's just more of the jealousy and wanting to have Lucia to herself, but I don't see her as hating Lucia or wanting to destroy her. I see a desperate wanting to be accepted. And she wants to control her too, because controlling is what and who she is but if she ruins her life (ie. relationship with Fernando) in the process, it's in service of 'what's best for you' not in malice.

I don't know though, you're making me wonder....I guess we'll see.

Mujer #17

I had another thought: Have we seen any photos of Lucia's mother? Or her grave? If not, could Alejandra be her mother?

UA: Knowing how this Telenovela has twists & turns, I wouldn't be surprised.


SpanProf: The Perry Mason in me thinks Alejandra might hold deep-seated hatred & resentment towards Lucia too.

It seems to me that EVERYBODY has schemed & plotted to destroy Lucia's life. My question is what did she do to anyone & whom did she piss off ?



Thank you Dondi for another fantastic recap! I don't know how you do it! :)

I still think Zehra is just about the weirdest thing I've ever seen in fiction....I do not understand the thought process that came up with this.

I didn't think I would like the Yaya and Elvan reunion but somehow it worked for me. Having them each admit their own faults and mistakes made in their marriage and having Yaya so completely own his behavior and promise it will never happen again felt oddly touching. And looking at the show as a whole, it felt believable that maybe Yaya was in love with Elvan the whole time and bitter because he didn't think she loved him. Also, Elvan's role seemed authentic. I remember back in season 1 when they were separating and Elvan insisted she was never in love with Yaya thinking that didn't exactly ring true - more like pride talking. Anyway, I don't hate it and I thought I would.

But I do hate other things here, like the fact that Mavi can't just shoot Sedat!!! Even with Melek's life in danger, and her son's life and HERS, she would choose to kill herself rather than shoot that psycho??? And if she did kill herself, she would be a) killing her son too and b) leaving Melek unprotected and at the crazy man's mercy. It makes NO sense!!! Kind of like Zehra...hmm....

I guess Halise just gets full redemption and lots of hugs....eyes rolling.

This really does feel like a whole different show the last few episodes, even more so than the transition between seasons 2 and 3. Did they fire all the writers with just a few episodes to go and start with a whole new writing staff? This just feels like they slowly carefully built a finely crafted story - and then shrugged and changed the channel.


Dear Dondi, thank you for every detail of every terrible moment .

I have to tighten my beanie that Sedat has survived being stabbed and shot in the stomach and then took something in prison to become so violently ill, and made this elaborate plan to find Mavi. Sedat is the epitome of relentless crazy evil.

Poor Melek...more trauma. Awful.

Also, the writers certainly took us down the garden path with wise, carefree Bora and then just allowed him to evaporate.

Do tigers change their stripes to the extreme that Ya supposedly has? I cannot suspend my belief that high.


Urban, i had the same thought . Perhaps Lucia and Casilde are half sisters.


Darcy...yes !!! I do not get Zehra . This character and her storyline make no sense. She and Kavruk pined for each other for years , but when they finally got married ....what happened ???? The writers dropped the ball on this storyline . I thought that perhaps she was ill.

I also completely agree about Mavi threatening to shoot herself instead of BSC Sedat for all the reasons you mentioned .

Thanks, Dondi, that was excellent. An exciting but frustrating episode. I guess Bora is history. I never liked Yaya and don’t remember him bringing Elvan gifts. But I guess he must have! I remember him announcing he was fine and Elvan was the reason for no kids. All the gifts in the world don’t make up for that

Halise, leads a charmed life. She’s cruel to people and is always forgiven.

Zehra and Karruk are ending their marriage before it began! After loving each other forever!

And Mavi faces her crazy ex and let’s him take Malek. Maybe she thought a shot in the air would make him stop. I guess to keep us on the edge of our seats. I think Guven will be the one to rescue Malek. Just because it was his fault that Mr. Psycho found them and is even involved in this. Not sure why a dying man still wants to take his granddaughter from her family. He obviously can’t care for her.

Mujer de Nadie

I, too, though that Alejandra could be Lucía's mother. Interesting theory about Casilda being Alejandra's daughter, everyone. Lol, if they're both Alejandra's daughters then they are ACTUALLY sisters! XD But I don't think they're going to go with both.

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