Friday, July 01, 2022

Where in the World is Olga? Mi Fortuna es Amarte #89 Thursday June 30,2022

 Good morning everyone! Here's your recap:

Benjamin spill the beans, he tells Chente about every awful thing that Olga has said/done to him. Chente promises that Olga will never hurt Benjamin again, and I don't know if that's a promise that Chente will be able to keep.

Meanwhile, outside of the church everyone is ready to kill Olga, Magos is upset that she allowed the abuse to happen because the signs that Benjamin was scared of Olga were there all along. Eventually everyone gets tired of waiting and they go home, only Chole stay behind because she feels responsible for Olga, Gustavo arrives and tells her that Olga is nowhere to be found, Chole tells him about what Olga did to Benjamin and Gustavo assumes that Olga knew Benjamin had video of her abusing him and that's why she ran away. Gustavo apologizes to Chole and begs for forgiveness, he wants to have a family with her, we all know that she takes him back. I could never forgive my partner for accusing me of cheating, I especially could never forgive him if he accused me of having someone else's baby, nope, nope, nope. Also, Chole is too pretty for Gustavo.

Andrea and Omar get married *prayer circle for Omar who will now be stuck taking care of his teenage bride who has zero marketable skills and who I would never let pet sit*, Andrea is all like "I've been waiting so long for this"- girl, please you're like ten, how long could you have been waiting for? Also, side note, I hate, hate hate the telenovela woman whose only goal is to get married and nothing more, I'm like, girl get some goals. In the middle of their first dance Andrea faints- don't worry she's going to be okay, she just needs total bed rest for the rest until the baby is born. It is agreed that the barrio is too unsafe for her to remain there so she, Omar and Natalia will be moving in with Adrian. 

Connie and Elias plot, once the baby is born Connie will take it and move out of the country, she will get a new identity and Elias will provide everything that the baby will need- but there's one tiny lil catch. In return for getting the baby Connie will have to transfer all of her wealth to him. Connie, I know you're evil but don't add stupid to that list. I hope she remembers how Mario's very own sister stole all his money, I don't know why she would ever trust Elias to not do the same thing to her. Personally, I think she should just get a cat. Maybe two.

Mario and Valentina fight and breakup. Mario wants them to live together, Valentina wants the same BUT Mario wants her to move into his luxury apartment and she wants to remain at the boarding house, the argument spirals from there with Mario asking Valentina if she has no further goals than to be a mechanic, if she went back to school she could study and become the best at what she does. Valentina thinks Mario is ashamed of her and she's happy with the work she does. Honestly, Valentina can do better, Mario is "bleh".

Natalia shows up at her house and finds Chente there, she learns that he and Olga did not get married, and the reason why, they decide to give their romance another go, they will fix up their home and make it a safe place for their children. Natalia tells him that she needs to move in with Adrian and she asks him to trust her, Chente says he trusts her. 

*PSA* about how children are often abused by people living within their own homes. Happy scene of Natalia and Benjamin.

Natalia goes home and tells Adrian that Olga stood Chente up and so the wedding never happened. Adrian calls Veronica and asks her to help him find Olga, she needs to explain why she failed to marry Chente, Elias catches Veronica on the phone with Adrian and questions who she's talking to.


Exceptional Princess!

Yes, where IS Olga?? My first inclination is to say dead, her corpse rotting where she was attacked. But I’m now thinking she is alive but traumatized by her ordeal, retreating into her own hellish mind (speculation not spoiler, I have no idea).

Cruel Connie is, but conniving and intelligent. Are we really to believe she is going to accept Elias’ harebrained scheme at face value? And for what earthly reason would he need her money?? As you entreated, “…I know you're evil but don't add stupid to that list”. Amen.

Natalia running to Benja hugging him and giving him many kisses as her tears flowed made me cry. Only happiness ahead for this wonderful little boy.

If Mario really loved Vale, he would know she is happy as a mechanic. Further, he would realize any goals and aspirations need to be Vale’s. Not his. He is a stick in the mud who needs to find someone as joyless as he is. He doesn’t need to extinguish Vale’s flame.

Speaking of joyless…”I could never forgive my partner for accusing me of cheating, I especially could never forgive him if he accused me of having someone else's baby, nope, nope, nope. Also, Chole is too pretty for Gustavo”. Exactly right Princess! No need to add anything further.

Adrian’s plans are disintegrating fast and furious. He didn’t count on Simba’s rogue juvenile delinquents changing the game.

Two more episodes and far too much to resolve.

Judy, I hope you are buckled in for what is sure to be a wild ride tonight! I’m strapped in and will put my beanie on for good measure! 😊

Princess, I so enjoy your writing. You contributed so much, and always made me smile. Thank you for all your wry and wonderful summaries!


Thanks so much Princess Juju, an excellent recap.

I was surprised Olga hasn’t turned up yet. I feel she has to have Chente, and everyone else, let her know how low she went. And I’m glad JuanGa finally is done with his “great love” for Olga.

Connie plans to steal the baby, with the help of Elias! I don’t believe he would ever let her near his grandchild. This should be interesting. I bet she does give everything to Elias. She’s gone off the deep end.

Mario will drain all the enthusiasm from Valentina. I think they’ll end up together but it doesn’t matter to me. JuanGa might be good for her.

Tonight should be another exciting episode, as one by one our bad guys fall.



Thank you, Princess! I loved the recap. You sure made a good point about their PSA about children being mistreated in their own home. That was particularly strong and long overdue.

Vale has too much life for “bleh” Mario as you so aptly described him.

What use is it putting a phone on vibrate if it still makes a noise and an obnoxious one at that?

Why are so many pregnancies *high risk* in these novelas? Oh, yeah, because they are novelas.

Best scene: Ben playing in the park with his father Chente.

Diana, we still are not clear when this novela is ending this week because suddenly they stopped editing capítulos and we still have 4-5 capítulos of action left. Uni is being sly with this one.

I, too, wonder where Olga is and am hoping they find her corpse some where so everyone will know she is dead and gone. That might be too simplistic for this novela, right? LOL

Princess juju, thank you for that bouncy recap as we hurtle to the finale and the Angels start hovering overhead.

I had Braxton Hicks contractions with my third pregnancy . They are common and not dangerous . You start having pretty mild contractions , but then they just stop and you feel back to normal....maybe frustrated . Of course , I didn't have mine while dancing with my husband at our wedding , but rather after I got home from Sunday night dinner at my parents in law's house . That happened two weeks in a row. I felt fine. When labor actually starts for real , you are relieved that it is finally happening. .

Jarifa, the scene of Chente and Benja playing outside was wonderful.

I'm not sure why I thought this was ending Monday - thank you for reminding me there are more than two episodes to go. I guess I thought Uni's shears were trying to hurry this along.

I've thought that Olga would need to be alive so the paternity of the baby would be definitively revealed. I still think it's Adrian. I believe that announcement might be only way to deter his quest for Natalia. Otherwise, this will be a bothersome loose end...


Diana, this was supposed to end on Monday but with the Uni shenanigans we are left with who knows what when????

Good point about the paternity of Olga’s baby being a loose end that needs to be dealt with. I hope it is dealt with quickly. Who knows if it has survived even if Olga has.

Thank you, Princess Juju! This was an excellent and fun recap, and I was happy to get all the details as we close in on an ending for this novela.

"Where in the World is Olga?" Excellent question. Wherever she is I'm sure she is a very unhappy camper. This is just totally bizarre; these guys felt enough kinship with Simba to punish Olga... by gang rape?
I hope and think she is not dead. She is after all carrying somebody's baby, maybe even Simba's. Or is Adrián the most likely candidate now?

Aside from this, I feel sorry for Olga, she's a metaphor or stand-in for so many lives. A good-looking young person, she had so many chances for a happy life but threw it all away because she had this obsession. I was hoping, very much against hope I know, that she and Juanga would close the deal in time. But I guess that was never really an option because of the child abuse.

I still expect her to show up because she is pregnant, but we will see.

Chole did demonstrate that it is possible to forgive, although I think Tavo should have been put in the stock for a week or so and let people taunt him. Or travel together to New York so he could kiss her behind in Macy's window. But whatever.

Still, if Tavo could be taken back there is hope for fellow idiot Mario.

Why did they not subtitle this novela as "Idiots are Us!" (How, oh how, to put in a question mark?)

Next idiot, or obsessed crazy person, Constanza. Get a grip, woman, or you will be worse off than Clodio.

Judy, if you watch this be sure you have taken your meds, and maybe a stiff drink too.

I sincerely hope we do get lots and lots of HEAs to make up for what they are putting us through with these characters.


Thanks, Princess Juju.

I've no idea what will happen, but I'm sure we'll see Olga again. And I need to know who gets the baby.

Yep, Gustavo is one lucky fella. He doesn't deserve Chole, but he'll spend the rest of his life making her happy. Her love for him is kind of sweet. If the baby is the spitting image of him, she'll look at the kid like he's a little Robert Redford. That kid will be so loved.

I'm rooting for Constanza to turn the tables on Elias.

JudyB, I wish you a lovely day. Thinking of your wit and wisdom makes me smile.

I agree that wherever Olga is and in what condition, she will have to turn up so that They're definitely knows the baby is not his . Maybe after her terrifying experience, she will reveal what Adrian , Vero, and she were doing all this time .

They're =_Chente

I agree that wherever Olga is and in what condition, she will have to turn up so that They're definitely knows the baby is not his . Maybe after her terrifying experience, she will reveal what Adrian , Vero, and she were doing all this time .

I agree with everyone saying Olga needs to be alive so that the baby's father can be revealed, otherwise it would not make sense to have everyone guessing especially Chente. I also think Adrian is the father -- didn't Olga say the baby is his?

Anyway, glad the child abuse is over and the "bruja" will no longer be able to torment the little angel. AND, the love between Natalia and Benji is really beautiful to watch.



Great work, Juju.

One rule about telenovelas: If you didn't see the body -- or a horrific explosion -- the person isn't dead.

Did Univision say that Monday is the finale? TV Guide is still listing this series through Friday the 8th. It would be truly stupid to have the finale on the 4th and doesn't the replacement series start on Monday the 11th?.

Back to our story:

Constanza is unworthy of cats; they are too sweet for her. Even a bird would rat her out. She shouldn't even have an aquarium. I couldn't see her having any animals because of "the mess."

With this whole thing of faking her death... will she actually die? I can see that as being Elias' plan. He may not need her money or property but he is a greed monster. And money is power. He may want to get out of arms dealing before getting caught which would still be dangerous because who are his customers? I'm betting on a drug cartel, which would likely finish him off because he might know too much. That could put Samia, Omar, Andrea, and the baby in danger.

Another domino effect is very likely in his plan: Adrian plans to steal anything Natalia has. Constanza signing over her assets prevents Natalia from inheriting anything that Adrian is planning to steal. That is his only reason for wanting to get back with her.

As for Valentina, shouldn't she have watched Ringo? If she loves cars as much as he did why doesn't she go to college for engineering and become an automotive designer? There has to be lots of dinero in that.

More later.


Urban, the gran final is on Friday.

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