Thursday, September 22, 2022

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): La Mexicana y El Guero * & Los Ricos También Lloran- Week of Sept. 19, 2022

ANNOUNCEMENT: La Herencia will be preempted on Thursday due to the special program, Univisionarios.

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series! Los Ricos También Lloran  is being recapped/highlighted by Diana and I; and we would certainly welcome some help! The discussion on LMYEG is still going strong despite the time change! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

*3-4 PM  La Mexicana y el Guero:  Ep. 76-77

10-11PM – Los Ricos También Lloran: Ep. 12-13

Coming Soon: Vencer La Ausencia and La Madrastra will start MUY PRONTO! And on "daytime," Amor Dividido will start on Oct. 5th at 2PM, thereby replacing Contigo Si!


Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Ricos”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

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RICOS #12 Part 1

We see a repeat of Luis being set upon and sustaining a brutal beating, courtesy of several menacing thugs. They tell him this is only a warning. Mariana is waiting patiently for her hero on his moto but when he fails to show up, she starts to get worried and calls him. One of the thugs answers having taken Luis’ phone. Mariana looks stricken and hails a cab.

Daniela, Santiago, Britney and Alejandro have gathered to celebrate Mariana’s passing her exam. Dani is on good behavior although she did throw Alberto a rather telling glance when Britney was speaking. Dani says Mariana is so pretty and can’t help but wonder why she doesn’t have a boyfriend. Brit leaves the room for a moment as Polo calls her, telling her they have beer so they can celebrate Mariana’s success (wouldn’t those tempting words make anyone melt??) He asks if Santiago is there and when told that he is, Polo is incensed and demands Brit return NOW!

Luis, blood streaming down his face, is surrounded by a crowd who help him up. They lead him to a cab saying he needs to go to the hospital, but his acquiescence seems doubtful.

Mariana arrives home to the celebration, and everyone is thrilled. Dani greets her warmly as does Britney. Alberto gives a gracious speech. Mariana asks if anyone has heard from Luis. After a brief silence, Alberto replies that Luis is like a shot in the dark; he likes to disappear… and suggests they don’t wait to celebrate. This is Mariana’s night after all. Mariana smiles gratefully, thanking them, saying how much this means to her.

Leon and Soraya are in bed, or rather on the bed. Soraya claims ownership – Luis is hers and hers alone. Leon asserts that Luis must be very disappointed in her. Soraya, ever confident assures him she will make Luis change his mind and find a way to get rid of Mariana.

Brittney is waylaid on her way home by Polo, chastising her she should be there taking care of the house rather than trying to get close to Santiago.


RICOS #12 Part 2

The walking wounded finally arrives home. Luis lumbers down the hall and stops outside of Marianna’s door. She senses his presence as she sits up in bed and listens intently. She slowly walks to the door and presses her ear against the wood. She reaches for the door handle and turns it but alas there is no one there.

Leon visits Osvaldo who assures him that Manuel’s body has been found and everything is going as planned. They have already planted drugs, photos and bombs at Manuel’s.

Luis and his bruised face make an appearance at the breakfast table. Luis relays that he was assaulted and apologizes for not picking up Mariana. Except for Mariana, there is not a scintilla of sympathy to be found. Showing an appalling lack of concern, Alberto wonders if the assault was due to the problems Luis usually gets into. Dani puts her hand on his arm, trying unsuccessfully to diffuse the situation. Mariana also tries to change the subject.

Mariana and Luis are outside, and she stares at him rather adoringly as he tells her what he bought her. Mariana tells him what the man (who answered the phone) said. Luis wants them to have a private celebration, adding that he has never felt for anyone what he feels for her. A sweet kiss ensues. As they arrive at work, Luis’ phone rings and he sends Marianna on ahead. The threatening call was from Osvaldo who tells him it was his associates that sent the men. He hangs up and waylays Marianna’s questions by saying they need to go in or they will be late.

Father Guillermo visits Alberto, laughing as only the oldest and dearest friends can. Alberto confesses he took the blue pills. He is also worried about Mariana as he thinks she is falling in love with Luis, and he doesn’t think Luis will change.

Leon confirms to Alberto that Luis is still gambling. Alberto wants Leon to cancel all of Luis’s credit card…except for one with a spending limit.


RICOS #12 Part 3

Mariana’s colleagues have certainly seemed to warm up to her. As there is actually pleasant conversation and smiling faces at Mariana’s cubicle, Patricia chooses this moment to announce her pregnancy!

Unsurprisingly, it is Manuel’s corpse that was found. Murdered at Osvaldo and Leon’s behest. As Becerra shows Luis the pictures, he ID’s him as the one who was going to give him information. They both think it’s too much of a coincidence so Becerra will get to the bottom of it. When Becerra asks Luis what happened to him, he does not come clean.

After, Luis finds out his credit cards are canceled!

When Leon and Luis meet, Leon says he was ordered to cancel the cards. Luis is not happy because he needs the money so León suggests he talk to his father. Fat chance viewerville mutters under our collective breath.

Soraya is exercising when she is told Elena is there to see her. She throws a sweatshirt over her workout gear and lays on the bed prostrate with grief. She begs forgiveness and while Elena seems upset, she doesn’t seem angry. Soraya pulls out a vial of pills and shakes them into her hand. Of course, Elena stops her. She begs Elena not to tell Alberto. She says if she loses Luis, she doesn’t want to live!! Elena promises to support her and assures her she isn’t alone. Soraya smiles evilly.

Luis makes calls to try and get a loan, but everyone rejects him. Soraya calls him but Luis is out of patience and tells her that he is dealing with a problem and can’t come and see her. She is livid and Sergio Sendel phone throwing ensues.

In the break room, Patricia ignores Marianna who forges ahead anyway, congratulating her. Pat thaws a bit and returns the sentiment, congratulating her on passing her exam. They talk about the pregnancy and Mariana tells her she will be there should she need anything.


RICOS #12 Part 4

Uriel visits Luis and asks him for a loan. Uriel motions to Luis’ bruised face, in effect asking if they are related. Luis admits it is to pay a gambling debt. Uriel correctly assumes that is why Luis isn’t asking his father.

Becerra finds all the planted evidence in Manuel’s apartment. They find meds, the matches from the club and more, assuming that the man was a psycho.

Working in the warehouse, Santiago notices that Torres the manager is leaving early. He is told that happens all the time.

Mariana shadows Luis.

Alberto’s doctor tells him that his heart is very weak, and they will need to adjust his meds accordingly. He must take care of himself – his life is at risk.

Patricia is opening her front door as Soraya shows up. Why are you here Patricia asks? Patricia knows full well why she is there and starts to explain, swearing she didn’t open her mouth. She will return everything! Soraya cuts her off saying no need to explain. As she betrayed her, she won’t fire her but will ensure Patricia has problems at work and will be making her life a living hell!

Mariana sees Luis enter the iron gates. She tries to gain entrance but is stopped immediately. She walks around the corner and sees boxes being loaded into a truck.


RICOS #12 Part 5 (Last)

Once again Luis is seated at Osvaldo’s desk. Luis reproaches Osvaldo for sending the men to beat him up. Osvaldo hands Luis a drink, a cigar and a satchel full of cash. He urges Luis to try his luck. The woman that he lost to the last time is here as well.

Oh noes! Felipe has arrived home and as he alights from his car, Soraya puts her gear in drive, guns it and tries to run him over!! Thankfully, he jumps out of the way but is clearly shaken.

Marianna gains illegal entry surveying the scene and helps herself to a uniform.

Daniela greets Alberto saying how worried she is about him. Alberto lies through his teeth telling her the test results were good. She throws her arms around him in relief as he tries to force a smile.

Luis settles down at a table, drink and cigar in hand as Mariana walks up to him. Mariana asks, “what to drink, young Salvatierra?” Luis’ eyes are round as saucers as his jaw drops to the floor. Busted!!



Heartfelt gratitude to Rgv Chick who gives so graciously of her valuable time to provide me with important dialog and clarifications when I falter.



Diana, I am watching this series for a second time, but your recaps are still a "Must read." I am in awe of your talent for conveying character actions, expressions and emotions with such flair. And then you still add such delightful sides such as--

(wouldn’t those tempting words make anyone melt??)

Fat chance viewerville mutters under our collective breath.

She is livid and Sergio Sendel phone throwing ensues.

Hated SorLoser putting on her pitful act!

Loved Mariana busting Luis!! What a woman!




Thank you for your kind words Rgv Chick - you are so uplifting.

SorLoser really did manage to convince Elena she had remorse. But as has been said before, isn't her son her first and primary concern? This was a deliberate, cruel deception.

YES!! That gotcha moment was amazing!! Mariana is a good person to begin with but now she has skyrocketed in my estimation. You go girl! Superwoman...



RGV Chick: Do you know if either "VENCER 4" or "MADRASTA" will replace "HERENCIA" in the 8:00 PM CST time-slot ?

Steve Boudreaux


Diana: Good Job on the recap of the recent episide.

Why do I get the feeling that Alberto isn't long for this world soon ? If that happens: Buji Daniela will loot all of his $$$$$$ ?

Steve Boudreaux


Thanks Steve!

As the doctor is concerned about Alberto's health - I am too!



Hi Steve. I don't know for sure, but I assume La Madrastra won't replace La Herencia in the 8:00pm time slot because of it's theme e.t.c. My guess is that it will replace LH in the 9:00pm time slot, but that's just a guess.

Thanks, Diana and RGVChick, for the fun read! More fun than the actual telenovela as I have to remind myself the evil enemies probably grab a beer with the unsuspecting innocents at the end of the day!

Sor is evil, she will do harm to Patricia and family. If I were Patti I think I would quit! Hopefully Marianne will come to her rescue!

And it looks like she plans to rescue Luis, whom I’m very disappointed in. I guess a gambling addiction is hard to break. My only addiction is chocolate, but I can control that most of the time!



No surprise Luis paid Diego a “visit”. I hated his manhandling of Marcia. Thank God Vilyeri was there when they returned or I think Gonzalo would have added to the abuse. Please remind me why this was promoted as a comedy.

Thank heavens Diego finally pushed Katya for an answer. He tells her he doesn’t love her and she says she won’t let him go??? She is a spoiled, petulant brat and needs to get a grip. Does no one realize that by telling her the truth she would realize what the issue was all along???

Glad Gladys’ baby is all right. Mario seems to have had a change of heart. I’m surprised Tyler made the announcement so prematurely. It wasn’t his news to tell.

I can’t be too annoyed with Rocio about continuing her “Isis” persona because of all she has been through and especially being the sole support for Helena. At least she finally told Luis. Helena showing up was icing on the cake. Luis IS pathetic and not nearly good enough for Marcia. I felt for her when she became emotional at the news. Gonzo’s arm around her was nauseating.

Of course Brandon went back on his word and showed up at Rosendo’s. Shocker. Not. He narrowly escaped the black widow’s web. Serves him right.

Katya shows up at Sabino’s hangout but he doesn’t seem sympathetic to her plight. I’m not sure what she wants him to do but he seems to blame Andrea.



Hi Liz and thank you.

I completely agree with you in that when a job becomes hazardous to your health, it's time to resign! Not even hazard pay is enough compensation at this point!

Marianna totally rocked it last night! Addictions can be crushing and very difficult to combat. Now Luis knows someone cares deeply for him. With her by his side, the sky is in the limit. Now if only the roadblocks to happiness could be obliterated quickly!!


Mexicana. Yes indeed, Diana. Luis got what was coming to him. And Rosenda is a Black Widow? If she wanted to have success with other men it might be a good idea not to have wedding pictures of herself and each of her late husbands up on the wall of the living room. Rene gets ever more dreadful, and Katya more crazy, but it looks as if she might finally learn that Sabino is not her father. Love the way Helena stood up for Chio and gave Luis what-for!


Busy day made me late to this party, but I thanks the dynamic duo of Diana and Chickie for an excellent recap of the giid, the bad, and the ugly on the inside.

Wow, Mariana is a proactive heroine who knows how to stand by her man. Yay for the goodhearted. Inspiring .

SoreLoser, ON The other hand, is really, really Sore shot losing Luis. I couldn't believe that she headed her car at Felipe.

Has Dani really gone to the good side ?

I am enjoying this show. The actors are doing a great job , and the story!ines are interesting. Cant wait to see what happens tonight.


SpanProf, "If she wanted to have success with other men it might be a good idea not to have wedding pictures of herself and each of her late husbands up on the wall of the living room" had me smiling away! Yes, so, so true. And you think she might have opted for the bedroom instead of the couch!!

I completely agree that Rene is getting worse and am starting to think he might not make it to the end of this TN. BTW, if he takes Gonzalo with him, there would be no argument from me.

Katya is completely crazy. Absolutely. It will be interesting to see what Sabino coughs up!



Thank you Susanlynn! Loved "ugly on the inside". Perfect!!

Mariana is a star.

I know I'm gullible but Daniela does seem to have changed her spots. But what will happen when/if Alberto gets ill and she finds out he hid it from her?? I'd say her situation is in flux. :)


Mexicana and OT a bit

Diana and SpanProf, thanks for your comments, they have really whetted my appetite for this episode. Once again I have not been able to watch yet, caught up in ridiculous "Real Life" stuff and nonsense. All B.S. (brown stuff, that is).

But I will get a chance soon, I hope. I'm waiting for a couple of phone calls now and then will see what comes first.

Diana, "Please remind me why this was promoted as a comedy."

Well, the Spanish language Wiki page says, "La mexicana y el güero es una telenovela de comedia romántica..." and I'm not going to argue with them   :-)

But well before I ever read that page, which I did only today, I had decided that Mexicana was just that and I still think so. But it has developed an edge lately and I can't deny that. I don't know why it has changed a bit, or if it always intended to go in this direction, but remember that it is a telenovela, and telenovelas are very sensitive to audience reactions.

Some telenovelas have made truly major changes, even diametric changes, due to audience reaction. One that comes to mind and still annoys me no end is Cachito de cielo.

Unfortunately Wikipedia pages can be updated and even radically changed, so the information that used to be there is no longer, neither on the English page nor on the Spanish page. What was deleted was information, possibly prejudiced, about the controversy the telenovela engendered in Mexico among some very religious people.

They were upset at the actions of the male protagonist who was returned to earth from heaven because he had been taken there prematurely. He was returned to the body of a priest, but he went about romancing his love interest from his early life, and also performed some priestly duties without being really a priest. This very much upset some people.

They absolutely ruined what I thought was a nice romcom telenovela and turned it into trash. But I'm not religious now, the above mentioned didn't really bother me except for his once hearing someone's confession. Some other people were incensed.

But it really burned my butt that they shot down a generally excellent telenovela. No live and let live there.

Anyway, back to Mexicana. I still think of it as a romcom but now with an edge. Not me so much, but I know many people actually want some villains, and want them to get their just deserts and anvils in due time. Whatever floats your boat.

And YMMV   :-)


RICOS Ep. 13 Part 1

We begin with a repeat of Mariana busting Luis. Luis asks Maraina what she is doing there and Mariana replies with the same question. Security approaches and tells Mariana she has to leave. Luis assures them she will leave with him. As they leave, security brings Luis’s motorcycle and Mariana questions Luis since he had said it was stolen. Luis will explain later.

Felipe tells Pati about Sor trying to run him down. Pati also shares about Sor’s threat. Felipe fears that Sor is capable of anything!

Becerra reports to Alberto about all the findings at Manuel’s place. Alberto feels badly about how he treated Alberto, so Becerra offers to talk to Alberto to smooth things over. Alberto rejects the offer since it is he who needs to talk to Luis.

Luis tells Mariana about his insomnia and that it was what led him to gambling…he has spent a lot of money and sometimes has even borrowed money to gamble. Mariana advises that things get better when one admits cthe reality of things. Luis agrees and admits he is an addict. He feels he is a shame to his father. Mariana assures him he isn’t; when a person hits rock bottom, the only thing left is to look upwards. He can do it for himself. When she adds that he can also do it for his father, Luis replies that he will do it for her. Mariana thinks that right now things look rosy but they have to see the reality of things…they are very different. Luis professes his love and Mariana would like to say the same thing, but she is afraid. After some urging, she tells Luis that she loves him…and they kiss!

León goes to visit Osvaldo who tells him about some girl who showed up and dressed as a waitress…obviously to protect Luis…and they left together. León knows it must have been Mariana.

Uriel and Sofia are “on the bed”. Uriel mentions that Luis is having some money problems; he had to lend him some money to pay a gambling debt. Uriel then tells Sofia that he is not looking for a novia; he just likes to have a good time.

León goes to see Sor and tells her that she needs to get back to the office…Mariana is gaining ground. Sor assures him she will not give up; all she needs is to find out Mariana’s secrets…and she will destroy her that way.

León looks at Mariana’s file and sees her father’s name. He recalls going through some of Rafael’s files after Rafael died. He found a bottle of “Nina Bonita” sauce which was made by the factory that Mariana’s father owned. Later, he urges a younger Luis to acquire the factory…this would impress his father.


RICOS Ep 13 Part 2

Next day at breakfast, Albert tells Luis he wnats to talk to him afterwards. Alberto gets a call about a problem at the company in Culiacán. Alberto starts to call León so he can go, but Mariana suggests that Luis go. Alberto hesitantly agrees and Luis thanks him…then Luis invites Mariana to go with him.

León calls one of his hoods and tells him to go to Toluca and find out all he can about Mariana. He wants to confirm that Mariana is Pedro Villarreal’s daughter.

The workers at the factory complain about not getting new uniforms and other problems. They want to go on strike.

Sofia tells Sor about her relationship with Uriel. Sor balks at Sofia for bragging about the relationship…she doesn’t care to hear about it. Sofia tells her that she should be interested because she can be Sor’s source of info about Luis…since Uriel likes to talk when in bed.

Luis and Mariana take off for Culiacán!

Sor complains about almost falling on the wet floor. After she learns that Luis left to Culiacán with Mariana, she orders Pati to hurry and go get some files.

Oh noes! Beeping sounds from the helicopter scare Mariana, so Luis assures her that it is just turbulence…but there are dark clouds and lightning on the horizon!

RICOS Ep 13 Part 3

Pati rushes to get the files for Sor and slips! Sor grins evilly from afar.

Sor complains to Elena about Mariana going to Culiacán with Luis. When Sor warns that Mariana is after Luis, Elena suggests that they get advice from León since he could give them a man’s perspective…and help. Sor is surprised that Elena has such confidence in León, so Elena hints about her relationship with Leon.

Problems in the helicopter and Mariana is freaking out!

Elena and Sor talk to León to ask for his help in keeping Mariana away from Luis. After Elena leaves, Sor asks León how long he has been sleeping with Elena.

OMG!! The helicopter is in big problems!!

León assures Sor that he is only sleeping with Elena to accomplish their goal of acquiring the company…they will need her on their side. Sor threatens that this had better be the last time he does things without telling her.

RICOS Ep 13 Part 4

Mariana prays as the pilot struggles to keep the helicopter under control.

Alberto tells Father G that he is dying and admits lying to Daniela about it. Alberto is very scared about it.

Becerra finds out that they have lost contact with the pilot of the helicopter. Becerra orders the man to get the last location for the helicopter. Becerra then calls Alberto to let him know. Alberto fears going through this again; his only son can’t leave him. He feels horrible for not asking Luis to forgive him. Daniela assures him that they will be found.

Guadalupe suggests that Pati go get checked by a doctor, but Pati refuses.

Elena has found out about Luis being missing. She wants Alberto to assure her that they will not go through the same thing. When Elena worries about all the press, Alberto thinks that all the press wants is to see that “Los Ricos También Lloran.”

León tells Sor about the helicopter being missing. Sor doesn’t care about “La marginal” she is only worried about Luis!

RICOS Ep 13 Part 5

Sor hopes that Mariana dies. After Sofia points out that if Mariana dies, then the others might die too. León tells them that they need to keep things under wraps…as per Alberto’s orders. After Sofia leaves, she immediately calls her reporter friend.

The factory workers see the post about Luis being missing. Santi quickly calls Dani and tells her he will be there ASAP. He then calls Britney to tell her the news; so Britney offers to go and help him leave the factory without anyone getting suspicious.

The helicopter is down and Mariana has passed out!

Britney arrives at the factory and tells Santi that there is a problem at home. They rush out and are driven away by Santi’s chauffeur.

Mariana wakes up, so Luis tells her they need to find a place where they can stay. The pilot tells them that he saw a cabin close by as they were coming down. The pilot will stay in the helicopter and see if he can find a way to send a communication.

Alberto orders Becerra to send rescuers and to work on getting some type of communication.

Luis and Mariana have found their way to cabin. After Luis lights several candles, Mariana finds some clothes they can change into. They turn their backs to change, but when the thunder roars, they turn to each other….and KISSSS!! Luis asks if he can continue or if should he stop. Mariana softly replies, “Continue.”

FIN …with an announcement of two hour episodes next week! AY! AY! AY!



Rgv Chick, you hit the few high and the many low lights with a perfect blend of sharp, vivid, concise details, peppered with wit. Wonderful.

I laughed out loud at “Uriel and Sofia are “on the bed”. “On” rather than “in” bed seems to be the prevailing theme thus far doesn’t it? 😊 I love that you incorporated “Alberto thinks that all the press wants is to see that “Los Ricos También Lloran” into the summary!

It was hard to watch Alberto and Elena embracing each other, fearing their only remaining son may not have survived. I can’t imagine the unbearable pain of losing one child, let alone two. Alberto rightly rues not telling Luis that he loves him and not seeking his forgiveness. I hope this sentiment stays with him after he realizes Luis survived and that he makes amends, particularly as he has admitted he is not long for this world. Daniela’s quiet but genuine support has me again believing she has changed.

There were a few tense moments but thankfully Marianna and Luis survived. Whenever the lead couple is stranded or fleeing, there always seems to be a rustic cabin within walking distance – with a working fireplace.

Uriel surprised me several times and not in a good way. “Uriel then tells Sofia that he is not looking for a novia; he just likes to have a good time”. Not that his honesty isn’t admirable, but perhaps he might have mentioned before they got “on the bed”. The bigger shock was his loose lips in relating that Luis is in financial trouble and that he had to lend him money. I had such high hopes for him. Not an auspicious beginning.

Speaking of TMI, Elena deliberately threw out that little tidbit about she and Leon to show off and show that she still “had it”. Sor was scorched a bit and couldn’t wait to put Leon in his place!

When Britney got the call from Sebastian, the man that (I think) ended up following her was her brother? I should have looked closer but it didn’t look like Polo.

Rgv Chick, I share your pain about the two hour episodes next week! Thank you for filling in my many blanks and for providing the details in fine fashion!



Chickie,,thanks for another excellent recap of every detail . The show is moving along steadily .

I only watched the first half and recorded the last half , so I will know what was said when I watch later today thanks to the recap.

I was happy that Mariana got Luis out of the casino . yay Point scored for the good.

Yikes SoreLoser is , indeed, a vengeful sore loser going after Pat and her husband Felipe. What a dark soul.

I was confused about Leon looking up Mariana's father's name and then smelling the sauce. ( I just read about a kid who couldn't remember the word apostrophe and called it a " flying comma." Ha.)

Uriel was a disappointment with his loose lips that might sink Luis's ship. QTH ?

Of course there is a convenient cabin for Luis and Marina while the poor stays behind . Will they move the sofa?

How long will Elena and the enemy ? Sore and Leon are relentless in their schemes .


Yes, the man who was spying on Britney is her machista brother, who is now following her and Santiago. He's the one who's been confronting her about "her duty" to her "fiance" (that she never said "yes" to); and now he'll track her to the Salvatierra house and report back to Polo. I wouldn't be surprised if those two bullies show up to cause problems for her and Mariana. Hope the Salvatierras have good security.


Susanlynn, we are on the same wavelength on Uriel. I don't know why he would tell someone he just started sleeping with, who is closly aligned with Sor, about lending Luis money. Besides that, I presume Luis is above him on the organizational hierarchy, so it was inapproprite first of all and unkind as they are supposed to be friends.

Elena is a fierce lioness where Luis is concerned. But she ain't all sweetness and light. I am cutting her a bit of slack because of the loss of her son but...



Andy, I remember Cachito de cielo airing, but I didn't watch it. Of course I respect everyone's opinions and that some's religious sensibilities were offended. From what was desribed? Nothing was at all offensive to me personlly. It sounded very funny to me, and actually something I would have enjoyed watching. After all, these are only stories.

Villains are a TN staple. It used to be you could immediately ID the bad guys and gals immediately. You know who they are and the evil they will commit. But I am unsettled by seemingly good people who turn to the dark side. There are troubled souls who are shaded in gray and those characters are complex and interesting. But those who go from being in the light to crossing over to the dark side are troubling. Of course I am talking about Gonzalo. I missed much so won't include Rene since he has always seemed sleezy. He is getting more violent though.

I hope this lightens up. I don't want to wait to see FIN to have some happy endings that many here deserve.



Anon,thank you so much!!

"Yes, the man who was spying on Britney is her machista brother, who is now following her and Santiago. He's the one who's been confronting her about "her duty" to her "fiance" (that she never said "yes" to); and now he'll track her to the Salvatierra house and report back to Polo."

I did wonder if it was her brother who scolded her the other night but was typing furiously so thank you for clarifying that.

And I'm sure you are right in that they will definitely cause trouble!



Diana, well, telenovelas need to have the good vs the bad . I appreciate it when the numbers are balanced. Sometimes , it seems that there are so many evil characters . I like it when the galan and leading lady have loyal friends and supporters and aren't alone in their struggles. Just as in real life, we need friends and family to support us in our struggles. Luis and Mar have some loyal friends, but I don't know if Uriel is one of them . I am puzzled by Elena being in Sore's corner. I guess she doesn't see her true nature or slick Leon's. Santi and Brit and Padre will support Luis and Mar.


Thank you, Diana and Susanlynn!

Diana, "There were a few tense moments but thankfully Marianna and Luis survived. Whenever the lead couple is stranded or fleeing, there always seems to be a rustic cabin within walking distance – with a working fireplace." OMGosh so true! so true! It was really kind of surprising to see Luis light up those types of candles. What kind of hunters by those candles??? I was half expecting Mariana to find a nice negligee and silk jammies for Luis LOL But no...hunters clothes!

Yeah, I agree with both of you...loose lips Uriel who Sor thought to be a clam about everything. Apparently being "ON the bed" loosens him up quite a bit! LOL

OT Steve, I have to agree with Weirdo..."Vencer La Aucencia" is most likely to replace "La Herencia."
Susanlynn, regarding SorLoser "What a dark soul." Yes she is! I think she is more evil and dangerous that Leon.

Susanlynn, when Leon saw Mariana's father's name (Pedro Villarreal) in her file, he had a flashback to the time when he was putting away Rafael's (Sor's father) office belongings (since Rafeal and his wife had just passed away due to an accident). In the flashback, he found a file on Pedro's company and a sample of "La Nina Bonita" sauce which Pedro's company produced. Later (in the flashback), he recalled talking a very young Luis into purchasing the company as a means of impressing his father. This is important info for later...if you recall, Mariana's father committed suicide when she was a little girl; and she found him.



Poor Diego! He seems to be everybody's punching bag. René just walks in and decks him. Not nice   :-)
But it's not just René. Sebastián especially, but also Andrea, and certainly Katya all give him grief... and sometimes shiners.

I don't know what to make of the Brandon & Rosenda scenes, perhaps they are just filler. Maybe the bit about all Rosenda's expired-on-their-wedding-night husbands was supposed to be funny, and I suppose it was, but it certainly was not laugh out loud funny. Perhaps just a little something to show off Rosenda's charms? Show that Brandon is a lecher and not all lechers are older men? Show that Brandon does have some sense of self-preservation, or maybe just some sense?

I have been enjoying the little Rocio/"Naomi" & Luis/"Adonis" misadventures, but Luis's reaction to Rocio's revelations was too much and undeserved. Thankfully Boni told him off and won't go along with Luis's idea to fire Rocio.
This was not very nice of Luis, not at all. I have been thinking that he and Marcia would get back together at some point after he has learned his lesson. It does seem that Marcia would like that, but there should be some real improvement in Luis first.

Poor crazy Katya! She is totally nutty, not just obsessed. Does Andrea not know this?
For just a minute I thought that Sabino was touched by her and would respond somehow decently. It seems not.
Katya has absolutely beautiful eyes and is very pretty, she would have no problem finding someone else in short order, but she just cannot move on.
She needs an intervention of some sort. Mama Andrea, Uncle Tyler, are you listening?

I'm happy to see Gladys and Mario back together though I think that Gladys is still miffed.



"What kind of hunters buy those candles???" had me smiling and shaking my head Rgv Chick. To some an amenity, to others a necessity! :)

There's a lot yet to be revealed but thank you for the added background regarding Sor's father, Marianna's father and of course the odious Leon who seems to have his hand in everything immoral or illegal here.

"Luis and Mar have some loyal friends, but I don't know if Uriel is one of them". Uriel certainly hasn't shown any friendship or loyalty yet has he Susanlynn? We know Marianna has Britny but unless I've missed something, I don't think Luis has any friends who really care about him, who he can trust. It's a shame he is so resentful of Santiago as he seems to be someone who once in your corner would defend you to the end. There's still plenty of time so I'm hoping.



On Rene: "...all give him grief... and sometimes shiners." Sad but true Andy!

I'm laughing as I think Brandon escaped Rosenda's clutches through sheer fear!!! He doesn't seem like much of a common sense guy, but does seem to know when to go.

I missed much but Luis confuses me. Was there ever anything likeable about him? Perhaps I've just seen the worst. Drooling over someone online - has he never heard of catfishing? Marcia is way, way too good for him. Unless he undergoes a personality transplant I see little hope for him.

Katya definitely "needs an intervention of some sort." Immediately.

I think the Sofia/Mario/Gladys/Ignacio storyline is one of the more interesting ones here, with much more to come.



Sorry for my sporadic appearances at this discussion, but life gets in the way sometimes.

SorLoser will become completely unhinged before much more time passes. It's only 60 episodes total, half the length of the previous one of the same title.

I think Santiago will be exposed shortly but not before he gets into a major fight with Polo.

How much longer will Leon continue to juggle the women in his life?


Katya needs immediate psychiatric care. Seeing her walk down the busy street and staring over the bridge was troubling. She leaves a letter and upon reading it, Andrea is in hot pursuit of her daughter, Tyler tagging along, going straight to Diego. Santiago is not happy and later changes the locks.

Marcia and Gonzalo dine and Gonzalo seems his usual miserable self. He throws down his napkin, stalks out, leaving his dishes on the table.

Mario shares the joyous news with Katya who looks surprised but as we saw, should not have been.

Rene is burning down Sabino’s pool hall and filming.

Katya finally answers Diego’s call and he finds her curled on the floor as whatever Sabino said to her reverberates in her mind. I guess Diego is the only person she feels she can trust. She tells Diego about her feelings for Andrea and her conversation with Sabino. Diego says not to trust him. He calls Andrea and she shows up to Katya’s anger. Toward Diego of course. Guy can’t catch a break.

I think Katya is asking who her real father is as this ends?



Great to see you back Urban.

I agree that Santiago is not going to working at the warehouse long. And Britney's brother seems hot on his tail.

Yes, Leon is a busy man. Sor now knows about Eleana but Elena is in the dark.

Sor is right on the edge as it is. She wants Luis but has many other extracurricular activities like trying to kill Patricia's family and getting rid of Marianna!



Diana, I haven't yet seen the whole show but I had the TV on while it was being recorded and caught bits and pieces. This show really has gone to a fairly dark place, hasn't it?
I hope it doesn't stay in that neighborhood.

Sebastián changed the locks, eh? Nice guy. Either the actor who plays him is an excellent actor when it comes to being repulsive or he actually has a mean streak. (Don't look him up on Wikipedia :)

I will watch the whole show a little later, but I went to the end to see what poor half-crazy Katya was asking Andrea. Srta Closed Captioning helped me a little and we concluded that Katya said that Sabino had told her that she should not trust Andrea, that Andrea was not being honest with her, that Andrea was hiding things from her.
Katya asks Andrea, what are you hiding from me?

More later.



Ahhh, so Katya was asking Andrea what she was hiding. Thank you Andy! And the answer is she is not only lying but hiding. Katya is a grown woman, doesn't she deserve the truth from her mother as to who her father is.

Sebastian is a creep and apparently so is the actor...

And STILL, no one tells Katya Diego is gay.


Sadly, no

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