Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Happy Birthday, Caray Caray!

 ¡Feliz Cumpleaños, Caray Caray! (Happy Birthday, Caray, Caray!)

The first post of this blog was posted in April 4, 2006, so Caray is officially 17 years old! Can you believe that?

I can't find words to express how happy I am that I found this blog. I want to say a big thank you to everybody in our lovely community, mostly to recappers, but to commenters too. 

Recappers, thank you so much for your top-quality recaps, full of wit. They're all exceptionally well-made and funny! I know how long it takes to make a recap, since I'm doing it too, so thank you for dedicating part of your time to writing for the rest of us!

Commenters, I have found myself many times nodding irl and completely agreeing with what you write. The discussions with you are always interesting and worth my time. 

A huge THANK YOU to everyone here for making this blog the way it is! I truly hope Caray Caray will continue to be "alive" for many years to come!

PS: I have a sorpresa (surprise) planned for next year. I was thinking of doing it this year, but I decided to postpone it for Caray's 18 birthday. So you'll see in exactly a year! 😉

Weirdo: Congratulations to the Caray Caray Family on their 17th anniversary!

Steve Boudreaux

How lovely of you to post this Weirdo!!

Throughout the years, we've become a community and an extended family.

The friendships made and cherished time together has bonded us and strengthened us.

To those here, friends from the past in this world and in the next life, happy, happy anniversary.


Weirdo, thank you for taking the time to research and post this! I never really knew exactly when this blog started. Here is to many more years of novela watching, recaps, comments, camaraderie and non-stop fun!

Weirdo, hip hip hooray! I'm glad you took the time to recognize Caray's birthday. I'm so glad I found this very special place.

Thank you guys for your kind words! I researched out of curiosity and I found the date! I'm already planning something for next year ;)

Happy Birthday Carey!!! 😀

Thank you , Weirdo. Before Jane Peppler created Caray Caray , she had a site called Pratie Place where she translated telenovelas into English . I had started watching "Alborado" when I discovered it while surfing the channels after my mother passed away 15 years ago . I couldn't understand Spanish, so I went online and found Pratie Place. Over the years, I have" met "so many interesting, clever, intelligent, witty , thoughtful people here. Caray offers a Little break from a sometimes harsh world. Even though I have never actually met any of the folks on this forum , I feel like I know some people I have shared these shows with very well . Salud to the patio peeps past and present .

Thanks so much, Weirdo, for coming up with another excuse to celebrate Caray, Caray. It's been a big part of my digital life for many, many years. A big virtual hug to all the regular recappers and commenters.

Happy Birthday, Caray, Caray!!


Been lurking and commenting every now and then as an "Anon." Lol
Kudos to all the amazing recappers and other participants.

I’m a faithful and appreative reader of Caray Caray. My mother and I would watch the novelas together and she would fill me in on what I could not understand. As she got older the actors would speak too fast for her to catch everything, that’s when I came across this site. Although I understand what is going on, I come here to read the GREAT recaps. Thank you to everyone for all the years of wonderful reading. Happy Birthday Caray Caray


Thanks again to the rest of comments! Happy Birthday Caray!

Feliz compleanos, Caray!

I've been watching telenovelas since 1993 and would have appreciated a site like this back then. I came here in 2010 and have been here steadily since. Lots of great people have been here and here's hoping for more.

I'm not an active commenter right now, but I have appreciated Caray Caray so much over the years. Great recaps and hilarious comments thanks to the patio members.

Thanks for posting, Weirdo. Doğum günün kutlu olsun, Caray! İyi ki varsın. Happy birthday, Caray! It’s good that you exist. Grateful for this community.

Congratulations Caray! I've been reading since 2009

Happy birthday, Caray Caray!
Great ideea to post this, Weirdo.
I, like many others, have stumbled upon this blog while searching for information on a novela. In my case it was Amor Bravio, the year was 2012 and Cristian de la Fuente was in his glorious hunky prime.
I've been a lurker, commenter and then recapper, I can't even remember how many novelas I started watching just so I could be part of the chats.
To all the Anon and people who haven't taken the step into commenting yet: please do, let's keep this site alive for Weirdo's surprise next year and for many more years to come.

Thanks again to all the new comments.

I especially liked this: "let's keep this site alive for Weirdo's surprise next year and for many more years to come". You're so sweet, Adriana! And yes, Anons, please start commenting. I also had my doubts at first but I'm glad I posted that first comment asking for info on La Mujer de mi Vida.

Weirdo, what a wonderful idea to post this! Happy Birthday, Caray, Caray!! Like so many others, I haven't been here since its inception, but I'm so glad I found this wonderful community where I have found so many friends and good peeps to share all the misery, the anguish, the beanie moments, the humor, and the HEAs these sometimes unbelievable storylines have brought. And not only that, it's a community of sharing, not just our thoughts on the TNs, but to support and be there for each other in good times and not so good times. It's so good to be able to "converse" with others who are so friendly, respectful and thoughtful. I do hope more TN watchers find this welcoming site and that lurkers take the leap and start "voicing" their thoughts.

Long live, Caray, Caray!!

Dear Chickie, I hopeo, too.

Happy birthday, Caray Caray!!!

I found this place during Amores Verdaderos and quickly fell in love with the novela and the patio! I’ve always been amazed by the camaraderie, knowledge, and admiration of the genre.

I lurked for the next few years and joined conversations anonymously. This year I got a little bolder and joined a recapping team and became a regular commenter. Everyone has always been so friendly and supportive. I encourage everyone to contribute. I love reading feedback, snark, and speculation on a shared show. The characters along with the patio become a wonderful escspe from the real world.

Thanks for staring this celebration, Weirdo. Looking forward to much more interaction and discussions. Bring on the rich vs poor, class struggles, slaps, false pregnancies, bum weddings, empresa intrigue, land theft, comas, evil twins, vengeance schemes, body counts, anvils, and happily ever afters. Rock on, Beanie Babies!!!

Thanks guys!

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