Thursday, May 25, 2023

Daytime TNs...Y Mas (#2) Week of May 22, 2023

Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs! This page has been reinstated to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.


8-10 AM: Rebelde (Unimas)

10-12 PM: Nina amada mia (Unimas)

12-2 PM: Soy Tu Duena (Unimas)

2-3 PM: Corazon Guerrero (Univison)

3-4 PM: MariMar (Univision)

3-5 PM: Un Gancho de Corazon (Unimas)

5-6 PM: La Fea Mas Bella (Unimas)

6-7 PM: Simplemente Maria (Unimas)  


This page can also be used as a forum to keep in touch, discuss strolls down the Caray! Caray! memory lane, or anything else that is of interest to the patio.

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Hey all, I'm exhausted today. I don't know if I'm coming down with something or if my allergies are just acting up but it's going to be just a few real brief comments today.

Carloca tortures Mari a bit as Jesus tries to befriend Lucas so he'll tell him where Mari is. He uses Fuego to bait Lucas and it works as well as it works. Lucas stops short of actually saying where Mari is but he hinted that she was on property and Jesus is able to find her. Once caught, Carloca is as loca as ever, not sorry, not accepting responsibility, and still blaming Mari. Apparently Mari is just jealous because Jesus loves Carloca and not her!!! LOLOLOLOL Jesus tells her he never loved her, she means nothing to her and he's never been interested. Carloca says she's better than Mari in every way. She's more educated, more sophisticated and much much prettier - Jesus must be confused! LOLOLOLOL Jesus says Mari is a good person and Carloca would know nothing about that. Lucas lets it slip that Carloca messed with Chabella and is responsible for d. Abel's death, Jesus hates her even more now!

Mari is taken to the hospital where Jesus finds out she's pregnant and is thrilled he's going to be a daddy again!!! Augi tries to bully the clinic into letting Loca go since they can't take good enough care of her (he has a point there) the doctor has to explain to Augi that you can't just go home after kidnapping and attempted murder, Carloca is going to jail! Delusional Augi next goes to the hospital and actually thinks he can convince Lupe and family to drop the charges against Loca since she's crazy not a criminal??? LMAO. Nothing doing. He and Jesus get into an argument because Augi thinks that Jesus needs to take care of Carloca like he promised to do, he's still her husband. Jesus says Augi needs to take care of her himself, they lied to him and Augi is complicit in Carloca's crimes since he covered up the fact that she's dangerous. Jesus then makes the idiotic move of telling Augi that Mari is pregnant with HIS baby!!! Why would he do that?

Today's competition for most contrived plotline, is Selena's brief reappearance! She is back on our screens just long enough to get beat by her thug partners, overhear Valero talking about how Sam and Domi might finally get together, and another 'my life is none of your business' fight with Domi, get a ill timed visit from Samu and take a bullet meant for Sam and die in the arms of the man who never loved her back! LOL I just couldn't take any of this seriously. Selena didn't even look like she was dying, the whole thing was just.....weird. But Sam did overhear Selena call Fede the 'hombre obscuro' so he may be able to put the pieces together and tell the guys that Fede is (is he though?) Adrian's dad.

Adrian's and Em's quick thinking gets Belen released from jail! The public defender thinks Adrian will be a wonderful lawyer and thanks him for reminding him what's important. Belen, Sergio and Belen have decided to go to the United States to look for job opportunities and they are going to compete in one more competition to raise the money to travel. Em and Adrian are joining them and even Renata joins the team - which is a sign of bad things to come if you ask me. Everyone practices and Em ends up fainting and attributing it to an insulin drop - dun dun dun. I do think in this case though it must be diabetics related and not pregnancy because with the time jump and the breakup being a good bit before that I think it's probably been too long since she and Adrian slept together for her to be pregnant and not know it yet....we'll see.


Guerrero. Dang! I missed yesterday's episode in which a lot of important stuff seens to have happened. Your succinct recap, Darcy, should tide me over until I can see it online. Thank you for all you do!

Corazón Guerrero - Capítulo 112 - Part 1 of 5

We begin with Jesús blurring out his baby news and threatening Augi with payback if anything happens to Mari or Chucho, Jr. Augi purses his lips in ultra dramatic slow motion.

Blink and Augi is now visiting Carloca. He tells her he made a mistake. She’s still Queen of Denial. He apologizes for enabling her since she was small and keeping her in a “crystal bubble” away from harm after…and he stops himself. La Loca begs him to finish his statement. He promises to always look out for her. Her mistakes don’t matter. A fathers love will never change. She says, “That’s it?” LOL. SHE WANTS OUT! Augi is the only thing she has left. He promises to do everything to get her out of her big mess. They hug. She asks him never to abandon her. He says while he’s alive (uh oh), she’ll never be alone. Dr. Redglasses comes in and announces they are transferring her to solitary confinement (?). She begs and hugs Augi tighter.

Jesús & Mari have a new broken record to play. The joys of parenthood. Each other’s love. Blah blah blah. They are concerned though - they haven’t been given any of Chucho Jr.’s test results. Right on cue a very stern looking doctor enters. SURPRISE! The baby’s fine. The writers aren’t killing any more babies (for now). They celebrate, their song swells, and they marvel at the sonogram.

Samu Sweetheart is standing on a bridge talking about knowing how to say goodbye. I guess the thugs really did Yolanda Saldivar our poor Selena. He’s holding a box (her ashes) and thanks her for saving his life and trying to save his heart. Right now I’m shaking my fist at the closing credits for tricking us so shamelessly. She wanted to be free and she wanted to fly so he scatters her ashes off the bridge. She is now free!

Emma has gotten her A1C down and regained her faculties. She & crew appear to be headed to a dance-off. All of a sudden Rape-drigo shows up and starts manhandling her. This is utterly ridiculous as she looks like she could easily take him out faster than a step ball change.

The prop team is having a field day. Damián (with the famous baseball cap and Aviator shades), Elisa (as Elías) and Vic (all in black - looking quite widow-tastic) are meeting. Vic & Elías agree to swap (¡Cambalache!) the incriminating documents for the magic key at the same time. Vic wants to know why Elías wants the key. She has no idea what it could open. He neither, but soon he’s going to out. She says good luck with that and exits stage right. Fede picks her up and they zoom away. Elías tells Damián that the key will unlock the past and prove who really killed Vic Sr.

Rodrigo is manhandling Emma (this acting yields more unintentional hilarity), and she screams for help. Renata sees this “struggle” and looks and walks the other way. Now I’m shaking my fist at her. All of a sudden the dancers descend upon the attempted sexual assault, and Adrián lands 5 solid punches. Rodrigo has been thwarted.

Jesús, Elías, Valero, and Damián are in the garage discussing Samu and the Hombre Oscuro clue Selena gave him. Elías says Adrián was devastated to find out he was the product of a rape. Jesús thinks it’s best not tell him anything yet. Elías wants to think of Adrián first and weigh the pros and cons. Damián points out that Adrian’s father is a killer and under Augi’s shadow. Elías says they will tip their hand if Augi finds out they are researching Adrian’s lineage. They decide to table this for now. Mum’s the word.

Vic is reading the documents she got from Elías. Fede finds the doc that proves how Augi swindled Fede Sr. Fede gets on a high horse about now Augi could treat family so badly. Fede Sr. admired and loved Augi!


Corazón Guerrero - Capítulo 112 - Part 2 of 5

Augi is on the phone in his office throwing his alcalde weight around. Doménica is listening when she should be looking for the quarter of her blouse that’s been inexplicably hacked off. Nonetheless, she’s disgusted by Augi’s power moves. She points out that he’s only giving his enemies more fuel for their corruption claims. He says he CANNOT let La Loca go to jail. She says knows what she did was a crime. He thanks her for being by his side during all this tumult. Hey! She’s a good friend of Mariluz. Maybe she can talk her out of pressing charges. Doménica says she will talk to her friend but Augi has GOT to set boundaries. Her antics have been atrocious. Augi says (second reference) but if you’d seen her little girl face when her mother…Doménica interrupts and tells him to stop living in the past! La Loca needs to LEARN. He says she’s right, and they hug.

O.M.G. Lucas sneaks into Carloca’s armed-guarded room dressed as a doctor. He is very excited to see his amiga. She gives him the cold shoulder. He is a traitor. HE is why she is where she is (wow)! Poor guy. He just wanted to see his amiga. He doesn’t want the police to take her away. He wants to help; he doesn’t want to be alone. They plot. She has an escape plan. I swear I will watch this actress in her next 17 projects. She’s so fun!

Laura shows up at the dance-off to support Adrián. Adrián confesses to Belén that he may be into Emma more than Laura. Ruh oh. Belén says she deserves to know the truth. Ok. After the dance-off, he will tell both girls the truth. What could go wrong?

Elías is walking around reciting that Villalba-esque clue from the Tree Box and trying to decipher its meaning.

The dance-off is in full swing. I do like the orange and black outfits. The dancers whip the crowd into a frenzy with their slick moves and choreography. Laura yelps and claps and even busts a move on the sidelines. The judges are gobsmacked by such ferocious talent, electricity, and teamwork.

Elías is at some sort of Peñalver crypt or sarcophagus. She realizes the crypt number is the same as the one from the burning (literally) clue she found earlier. She goes to work on the crypt.

The opening credits roll. I refuse to watch as they are FULL OF LIES!!! I just close my eyes and bop my head to Enrique Iglesias’ nice little ditty….Ese es-pathio en tu cora-thòn que me robé..:. O.K. They’re done.

The door unlocks and Elías enters.

Adrián’s team wins first place at the dance-off. They are presented a giant check for $1OO,OOO.OO. Laura yelps and claps her hands off. Little does she know she’s about to get big, fat love anvil. Pobrecita.

Corazón Guerrero - Capítulo 112 - Part 3 of 5

Samu visits Doménica at the Ruíz Montalvo manse. She still hasn’t found the missing quarter of her blouse. There’s something he needs to ask her (it’s not about the blouse). Does she still love Damián? She doesn’t want to talk about it, but he needs to know. He can handle the truth even if it hurts, but he HAS to know.

Laura wants to celebrate by going to eat, but Adrian has plans with the team. He tries to break up with her, but she’s too eager to eat with the team. Breakup interruptus.

Doménica says even though they aren’t together, Damián is the love of her life. Samu abruptly exits stage right.

The abrupt exits = he runs to tell Damián what we all know and have been yelling at the screens since this tenuous triangle was forced upon us by the cruel writers. Damián beats his dead horse about how devastated she’ll be when everything comes to light. Samu fights back with Damian’s own sage advice: Be yourself. The brothers hug.

Emma is calling out Renata for being the worst friend ever for the 412th time. Emma needs people around her who actually support her. She breaks up with her. Renata fumes - if they are no longer friends then they are enemies, and she will have to teach her a lesson. Ugh. Where the heck are Renata & Rodrigo’s anvils?!!

Sergio, Adrian, Belén, and Gus are group hugging and saying goodbye at the skate park. Gus says they will always keep in touch.

It’s been a while since there was a Damián in Doménica’s room. He’s there. He can’t live without her, but he has something very very important to tell her. Before he can say another word she smothers him with kisses. Confession interruptus.

“Dr.” Lucas is making the rounds at Locos ‘R’ Us. It appears he has someone drugged and/or unconscious stuffed under a bed.

Augi is thanking someone on the phone for some big, fat favor. He’s gotten La Loca off the hook and tells Fede to get ready to move her out of the country.

“Dr.” Lucas is running amok with that unconscious blob under the sheets of a gurney.

Corazón Guerrero - Capítulo 112 - Part 4 of 5

Doménica says she will never doubt Damián again. He says he is there precisely to answer all her questions. Reveal all the secrets he’s had to keep. Spill the frijoles! He wants a clean slate. She says they will write the greatest love story ever. He tries once again to tell her some truth, but she won’t stop kissing him. It must be the ¾ blouse.

Jesús is telling Mariluz that Adrián has given her permission to stay in his wood house adjacent to the garage. It’s not ideal, but she shouldn’t be at home and she can’t stay in the garage surrounded by all those men. It’s only temporary - until La Loca is IN JAIL. If anything happens to her or the baby…blah blah blah.

Holy smokes! La Loca & “Dr.” Lucas have placed her wedding ring on the unconscious blob, doused it with gasoline, and SET IT ON FIRE!!!

Augi gets a phone call about a fire at the clinic. He’s trying to rush to La Loca, but some men are there to see him. He’s ARRESTED! He resists and even spits when he screams. It’s fantastic!

Mica bursts into Doménica’s room and covers her eyes in front of the 2 lovebirds. Augi is being arrested “just like in the movies.” LOL. They race downstairs (sans Damián).

Augi is huffing and puffing. HE IS THE MAYOR
for crying out loud. “You’re under arrest, Mr. Mayor. I like the guy who says this. Augi says he HAS to save his daughter from the fire. Doménica and Mica join, and the former asks why they are arresting Augi. Vic and Fede join, and the former somehow is able to list off ALL the crimes of which Augi is being accused. LOL. Augi finally gives in and says he’ll go on to the pokey where they will resolve all this, but could someone PLEASE save his daughter from the fire. Vic coldly says don’t.count on me to go to Crazy Town. She’d never set foot in that place. Augi attacks Vic’s parenting skills and Doménica says she’ll help with La Loca. Mica cries for her boss and says he’ll be very cold(?) in the clink. Vic tells Doménica no matter what, don’t bring La Loca back to this house. Left alone, Fede & MD share a victory grin.

Los Guerrero celebrate Augi’s incarceration. Elías warns that he is still very powerful and they should proceed with caution. Jesús informs the clan that he knows very important people too, and Augi will come to justice. Doménica bursts in and tells Damián that Augi’s been arrested. Everyone acting like they didn’t already know: PRICELESS! She asks Damián to join her in checki on her sister. They exit stage right.

Elías reminds the remainders that Carloca is mentally ill, and we get a mini-PSA on judging/condemning others. Only God can bring everything to the light. Good always trumps evil. So what have we been doing for 12O episodes. ANVILS, PLEASE!

The fire has been extinguished and everyone at Crazy Town needs to be sequestered(?) until the victim is removed. Dr. Blueglasses says everyone else has been accounted for.

Corazón Guerrero - Capítulo 112 - Part 5 of 5

Vic & Fede toast to Augi’s downfall.

Mica is drinking tea @ Guadaloopy’s to calm her nerves. She brings Lupe up to speed on the night’s action. She gets sidetracked by describing the hunks that came to arrest Augi (LOL). Lupe wonders what in the world he could be accused of. If she only knew!

Augi (behind bars) is wondering why his legal team (clearly members of Inept, Inc) aren’t returning his phone calls. He tells Fede whoever is behind all this will pay. Just then Vic joins. Augi thanks her for coming. She announces that SHE is behind all this and he is finally where she always wanted him. He laughs at her (LOL) and says she isn’t capable of such machinations. Oh, but she is, she insists. He thinks she’s drunk and tells her to go away. She asks if he remembers all those papers he couldn’t find. Well, she has them. She calls it Destiny. Then she recommends an instant suicide(!) because he’s DONE. She has all the proof to put him away for good. He asks what she wants. She DEMANDS every cent of her fortune returned or else all the documents are going on social media. Guess what! He plays the Mayor card again and thinks he has some sort of immunity. She goes in harder and talks about how the incriminating documents will go viral. He’d be ruined and burned by the stake. Gues what! Next he plays the Guadaluoe card. He’s still in love with her. Is Vic doing all this out of jealousy.

Mica and Lupe wonder if Conchita may know what Augi is being accused of.

Vic warns Augi not to piss her off. She gives him an hourglass and tells him he has 24 hours to return her fortune. If he doesn’t, he’s finished. She blows him a kiss and tells him he looks handsome (LOL). She exits stage left. Fede stays and tells him he should probably do what Vic’s asking. Augi tells him to shut up. Guess what! He orders Fede to find out who gave Vic the papers and KILL THEM (in less than 48 hours)!

Cue closing credits rife with images that are shameless lies and cruel deception.


I'm so so sorry for Celina. She never had a normal life and now this. Come on!
I don't get Domenica.What does she think they should do with Carlota? She says her father is giving more amunition to those who say he is corrupt, but she is fine with letting Carlota not to face the consequences for her actions. She is dangerous and Domenica knows her father didn't even try making sure others weren't in danger because of her. Is Domenica going to look after her at hom or what? Why should Mari not press charges and why does stupid D think it's a good idea to try and convince her to do so? What the hell is going on?
So what did they burn at the mental hospital?


Hey, Patio. Abject apologies for all the typos. Our little show was moving along at a blistering pace. It was hard to keep up. It kinda felt like a mini-finale; things were moving so quickly (for a change).

Darcy, thank you for the recaps on Wednesday & Thursday. I hope you’re feeling better. Seems everyone in these parts has a cold, allergies, or a fusion of both. Please rest and take care.

I have really enjoyed these last few episodes. The actors are putting in some really strong performances. The writing has been a tad less dubious than usual, but don’t get me wrong. My beanie has been on tight! I’m glad we’re moving along, and I’m curious to see what will unfold during the next 8(?) episodes.

I hope ya’ll have a wonderful weekend. Safe travels for anyone tripping (literally).


Thank you O.S. for another hilarious and informative recap!! I especially loved: ‘The writers aren’t killing any more babies (for now).’ Lol right? And all the references to the opening and closing credit lies!!! I feel so used and abused - but not as much as Selena I suppose! Poor girl. I actually have another suspicion based on how something appears in the credits but I am not going to mention it yet because it could be seen as a spoiler. I will discuss when/if my suspicion becomes reality.

I 100% agree on the awkward acting in the Emma attack scene….it was just odd. But Renata seeing it, shrugging and walking off was….well I have said since day 1 she is the worst BFF ever, but actually I am glad that they are not trying to redeem her! Girl needs an anvil!!!

Waterlily, I don’t think Domi was going to try to convince Mari to drop the charges, I think she was trying to placate daddy to move the conversation along….I guess we will see though.

As for me, I am still not feeling all that great. I was feeling fine though until I was doing a bunch of deep cleaning and I really do think it is just the allergens from the chemicals and such that upset my delicate sinuses! Lol I really don’t feel ‘sick’ just tired and my throat is dry and irritated! I will definitely rest! I need to feel better though I got a lot of things I want to get done!

Well we are getting ever closer to our big finale and the pay offs (we hope) that comes with! Zap2it isn’t showing any preemptions next week so this train will keep barreling to the finish line!!! 😁

Hope everyone has a lovely Memorial Day weekend!


Guerrero. Entertaining and excellent recap as usual, O.S. I especially liked "Dr. Redglasses,"a quarter of her blouse hacked off," "Dr. Blueglasses." I hope you are feeling better, Darcy. I must say I am feeling vindicated for not being tempted to deep clean. I noticed that Mariluz's ordeal hasn't harmed her makeup. Are we finally going to find out exactly how Carlota's mother died? We saw a sort of tantalizing scene months ago. Anyway, Augi is still enabling Carlota. Will he never learn? I never saw Vicki looking more ridiculous than in the evidence exchange with "Elias." I loved how Emma's friends (literally) beat down the disgusting Rodrigo. As usual, Sam is so decent! Laura deserves someone nice, as does Samuel. Oh oh! What will the revengeful "friend" Renata be up to? Again, that mental facility appears to have no security. I hope that person on the gurney was a corpse from the morgue.


SpanProf: Let's hope Elisa doesn't get whacked in the closing episodes.

Steve Boudreaux


I was thinking the person on the gurney was the same nurse they ‘drugged’ the first time Carloca escaped and kidnapped Mari. They did say the nurse disappeared at that time and I didn’t see her re-appear. I thought maybe Carloca killed her the first time and is utilizing the stashed corpse now, but corpse from the morgue is an interesting possibility. They clearly aren’t keeping track of much in that place!

Guerrero. Hi, Darcy! I think your guess was better than mine, but either way, I hope the person was already dead. I can't stand the idea of someone being burned alive, even if they were drugged.

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