Thursday, August 17, 2023

Daytime TNs....Y Mas (#2), Week of August 14, 2023

 Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

8-10 AM: Rebelde (Unimas)

10-12PM Lo Imperdonable (Unimas)

12-2 PM: La Madrastra (Unimas) 

3-4 PM: Vino El Amor (Univision)

**** MariMar (Univision) is no longer showing on the schedule!?!

3-5 PM: Un Gancho de Corazon (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Por Ella Soy Eva (Unimas) ***Begins Weds.

Starting Thursday Uni schedule is showing Vino at 2pm and there's no sign of Marimar in any time slot! Not sure what is going on what that but I doubt the show is over already since it just recently started.

This page can also be used as a forum to keep in touch, discuss strolls down the Caray! Caray! memory lane, or anything else that is of interest to the patio.

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Darcy, SpanProf & Co.,: Have y'all been watching this chaotic Telenovela with Ana Brenda Contreras, Giselle Valdez, Gaby Mellado & Co., ?


Steve: No, I haven't. I thought your title was referring to the removal of Marimar. :)


SpanProf: I was wondering what happened to this old Telenovela. Betting that the folks at Univision didn't think it was clicking on the Daytime HRS.



Luci is driving me crazy again!!! I am trying to like her, I really am.....but she's making it very difficult. She was just plain rude to Erika for no reason!!! She's not even in love with Miguel, she's just possessive and arrogant! Then she suggested if Erika wanted to know about the wine she should ask her not Miguel? Say what?? I know she has the education but Miguel has lived on and worked the vineyard all his life I would say he's more than qualified to respond. She's crying over David one minute and throwing a jealous fit over Miguel the next and her refusing to help Graciela is just plain unprofessional.

I still don't understand why Tano is in jail....even if he threatened Mark over the phone, that's not an arrestable offense!!! Not in California at least! Am I wrong? Have you ever seen or heard of someone arrested for threatening someone? It makes no sense and I admit to rolling my eyes plenty and laughing at everyone's horror that Tano was being taken away to a holding cell!!! You'd think he was being transferred immediately to a super max for life the way everyone acted. This is the last time I am going to mention this, then I will tighten my beanie and move on, but I laughed so hard when not even the cops told Tano what he was being arrested for! Usually in these shows they say 'Tano, you're under arrest for ____' today they just said your under arrest and their voices trailed off....they don't know what he's under arrest for either!!!

I don't know how Juan hopes to get away with not even trying to bail Tano out after David ordered him too, but on the other hand, he's gotten away with everything else so far so he'll probably make it through this too.

Carito proves she's still a good person by donating money to Tano and trying to bring supplies to the immigrants, boy does she need better company to hang out with!!! She should ask for a job at the other vineyard.

Vino. I totally agree, Darcy, that Luci is hurting the entire winery brand by not sending info to Graciela. Also, it would be better to befriend Erika to find out what nefarious plans she and her father are up to to undermine David's winery--ah well, there are almost 100 episodes to go, and I suppose this slows things down a bit. If Miguel and Erika did become a couple maybe she would stop her assault on the winery. I too wonder how Juan expects to get away with that blatant lie about David's not being willing to finance Tano's bail. Of course Tano's 2 cellmates are stereotypical thugs. Were they put there somehow by Mark via bribery? Will they beat up Tano? Or are the writers just messing with us?

Vino you got the impression Erika's intentions are nefarious??? I didn't get that. Competitive yes, wanting to be the best and to win but I assumed she planned to do that with go old fashioned hard work and by producing her own superior wine. I didn't think she planned to actually undermine the other winery. Maybe I missed something when I was half-watching and dealing with computer issues.

I've been wondering if Tano's cellmates are a misdirect too. We'll find out in a couple of hours. I am betting on 'the writers are just messing with us' but I am not sure. Having the guy beat up in jail who's in jail for threatening to beat you up seems like a pretty stupid thing to do if you have any hope of winning your case, but then Mark seems pretty stupid, so who knows?


Vino. Not Erika, necessarily, but I think we have heard a hint or 2 from her father that he may be up to no good.


I guess I was wrong about Tano. He got beat up because he's Mexican and his cellmates were bored. The racism and hatred runs deep in this Speaking of, it seems pretty clear what they think about cops!!! The cops in this show are really so rude to everyone it's crazy! Talking about how rude the cops were with everyone on the ranch when they were arresting Tano, and even how rude Gut was to Tano when he told him to behave because he was only doing this for Marta.

This whole Graciela presents the wine thing is ridiculous all around. Luci is obviously out of line but David is stupid for expecting Grace to do it and for pressuring her and even telling her he didn't think she could do it. Yes, Grace knows nothing about wine. Grace should know nothing about wine. She doesn't work at the vineyard, she wasn't involved in wine making! She's a capital investor!!! David should have spoke to the specifics of the wine. Then Luci texts that she only sent the information so David wouldn't be harmed because of Grace???? David was nearly harmed AGAIN, because of David!!! (Or bad writing if you want to split hairs)

And Miguel knows how Luci feels about David, He KNOWS, he sees it! And rather than accepting the writing on the walls, he's following her around and writing love letters hoping to somehow win her heart, it's hard to watch.

I can't figure out why Gut likes Marta, she's really never been anything but demanding and nagging with him. Have they ever even kissed? I get that he's attracted but she's already a nagging wife and she was never even his girlfriend. Speaking of attraction, I think Ramon is more attractive than Gut. Gut has a chiseled perfection look but Ramon has more character in his face. I love facial expressions.

And of course, Susan has to consider going back to her abusive ex in order to save Tano from going to jail for.......oh wait, I promised to stop asking what Tano is actually going to jail for.....

Ok fine, and speaking of fine, Christian de la Campa still looks mighty fine in the credits when the close up of his face fills the 65" TV screen. But Juan's whole I'm going to stare at the wall and pace until you come in and shut the door (before yelling at Carito) was weird and I was laughing. You know I am a huge Christian fan but I think it does a lot more with emotionally complex roles than he does just glaring and yelling all the time. But then maybe I am just not a fan of yelling and glaring all the time because I can't think of any actor I would say played the yelling and glaring all the time role well. I like villains that either funny along with wicked or just plain crazy and entertaining....much more fun than yelling and glaring.

Vino. I wonder what the Sonoma cops are really like. Years ago my mother had a cousin who was city manager of Sonoma. I expect he would have been appalled to see his town portrayed that way. Rude though he was, at least Gutierrez came through--for whatever reason. Right on about Grace, Luci and David with the wine presentation. But at least they sold a lot of bottles!


Darcy & SpanProf: The racism & ugly racially-charged dog whistles disgusts me SMH.

Steve Boudreaux

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