Monday, November 20, 2023

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Vuelve a Mí, Secretos de Sangre, Betty en NY, y más: Week of November 20, 2023

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

9 - 10PM - Vuelve a Mí**
10 - 11PM - Secretos de Sangre**
12 - 1AM - Betty en NY** (Tu thru Fri)

**The schedule this week is a bit crazy. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday both Vuelva a Mí and Secretos de Sangre will be shown at their usual time. On Tuesday, Vuelve a Mí will be shown, either at its usual time (according to Zap2It) or from 9:30-10:30 (according to Telemundo). In either case, Secretos will be pre-empted by Al Rojo Vivo. On Thursday (Thanksgiving), neither Vuelve nor Secretos will be shown. Betty in NY will be shown this week only on Thursday and Friday (on Friday, either at midnight [Zap2It] or 12:30 [TM]).

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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I haven't been able to comment but trying to keep up as much as I can. I just hope that wherever Jacinto gets dumped that he learns about "backup". Going to get Chelo (? can't get her name straight) with Fausto still alive was a big mistake. But I look forward to a Fausto-Braulio match-up. Braulio isn't evil in the way Fausto is, but he is very selfish and deserves a comeupance on his way to redemption.

And I adore everyone in the apartment complex or wherever that is. They are so supportive of each other. Escort/prostitute? Fine. Gay? Fine. Guy who thinks he gets to be possessive of someone who has clearly put him in the friend zone? Well, he needs to back off. But still not Braulio!


Amor Impossible

I saw this dizi a few months ago…so I won’t watch it again because it’s too soon for me. That is indeed Ayda Aksel, Aziz from Hercai, but I don’t know the other young lady you mentioned……..In turkish this dizi was called “Gulcemal.” As I watch dizi’s more and more, Ayda Aksel is a staple and I enjoy her acting whether she’s playing a good or bad character………..

Reply to Susan’s comment in previous thread…….


No CC tonight….sigh…….

I’m sooooooo disappointed that they killed Jacinto off! I’m even more disappointed in the whole Chelo storyline! I’m sick of her crying, and moaning and meekly going along with everything Fausto says and does! She’s the cause of Jacinto’s death and Andres and Nuria being apart and has turned into such a pathetic crybaby with no backbone. I didn’t like her when she was a selfish witch, and I like her even less now! I hope she’s pregnant with Jacinto’s child cause that’s the only way that she can be salvaged , at all, in my eyes. I hope Nuria beats the crap out of both her and Fausto!

The only thing I enjoyed in tonight’s episode was Amelia and Diego. Amelia is so classy cause she could’ve done the deed with Diego but stayed true to her vows, and Diego is such a good guy that he regretted going as far as he did. I hope Amelia calls the authorities on Fausto and calls his bluff. He’s such a wretched good for nothing piece of day old garbage!

I don't like what Lianna’s done by taking Nuria to Santi’s birthday dinner, but it’s about time that all cards were on the table! Go back to Juarez City Nuria, and get away from both of those lying Zepeda brothers! How can true love be without truth?!?! That’s ridiculous!

Telemundo - Amor Imposible

Thanks for the info, deb!

It’s another revenge story. It ran 13 Turkish episodes. I decided not to watch it when it originally aired, but I’ll check it out now. I can’t promise to recap.

Yep, it has actors we are familiar with. Others have already identified Ayda Aksel (Azize from Hercai). I agree with you carmella, she’s a great actress. Also in the cast: Melis Sezen (BSC Derin from Infiel), Edip Tepeli (Kavruk from Embajador), and Cahit Gök (Firat from Hercai).



Thank you Carmella for your detailed recap on Friday! I hadn't watched until today, I watched both Friday and Monday's episodes this morning. I cracked up at Lianna's lack of self-awareness. She thinks Nuria slept with both Braulio and Santi and THAT'S the reason Santi shouldn't have chosen Nuria over her!!! LOL Chick, you slept with both of them too!!!

I too like the little community at the apt complex or whatever it is.

Valentina wasted no time using Rosendo's interest to her gain! What a manipulative person!!! I don't feel bad for him though, they are birds of a feather!

I am shocked that I am going to type this, but I find myself actually enjoying Fausto!!!! He's replusive of course and deserves the darkest hottest spot in hell, but I like the way the actor is portraying the character. He's not just evil, he's sadistic and enjoying it....which is horrible of course, but entertaining?? I can't believe I am typing this....

I was pretty sure Jacinto was a goner. It's disappointing, but I didn't really see how his character had a way forward, a guy like Fausto isn't going to find you sleeping with his wife and let you live, and it's way too soon for Fausto to be bested unfortunately.

I agree it's time to put all the cards on the table. Dinner is going to be painful but Nuria needs to know exactly who Santi is.


Well, Jacinto was my favorite character .I like the actor, and I cannot stand weepy, selfish , foolish Chelo who put this good guy in harm's way . Letber stsy under Fausto's thumb. I have no sympathy at all for her because the only person she ever thinks about is herself. I am angry that the writers chose to let evil Fausto kill the good cop.Awful.

Violeta and Rosendo deserve each other . Susan


Susan: Both Violeta & Rosendo deserve each other's misery UGH. I hope Karma cooks up more special diets of Karma down the road for these idiots.

Zero sympathy for Letber & not shocked the Good Cop got whacked.



I see what you mean Darcy, about Jacinto’s character moving forward, but I’m hoping he’s got a twin brother or brother, period, who’s hell bent on finding out how his brother was “mysteriously “ killed. That would totally freak out Fausto’s crazy azz! I can also agree that Fausto is a bit sickenly fascinating, but my problem with this novela, and many novelas is that there’s no karmic justice along the way, even if it’s small. The baddies don’t get what they deserve until the end, where in dizi’s, it can be quite the tennis match. Even if Fausto, after doing something heinous, walked out the door, tripped on a rock and fell face first into a pile of poo, I’d have some satisfaction, lol……

And I hope that when Chelo’s comeuppance comes, she’s not placed in victim mode and easily forgiven. She’s had many chances to try and do the right thing, but she only chooses to cry and scream perdoname a hundred times a day. So maybe she is getting what she deserves in Fausto.

One thing I like about Nuria is that she doesn’t allow herself to stay in victim mode. She’s a fighter so far, and I hope that this backwards step with Santi doesn’t cause her to spiral into one…….


I like your brother idea!!! Identical twin - ie. same actor (for Susan) - but smarter and with better taste in women!

One other thing Jacinto's death does is sink the idea that Nuria could find out that Andres is alive anytime soon! I think Jacinto probably would have told Nuria the truth if he had lived - with or without Chelo's approval. He didn't know where Andres was of course, but he could have at least told her that the boy they buried wasn't Andres.

Thank you Carmela for the recap. Hideous episode. The excavation pit that Fausto dumped Jacinto's body in at the cemetery was large enough to bury many victims of a gangland killing. Only in ∆Juarez !
Still a lot of episodes to suffer through.


Great idea....Jacinto's identical twin appears to find out what happened to his twin and avenge his death . He's a detective from another city, and he trained with NCIS. He's brilliant and relentless. Susan


Thanks, Carmella, for getting us started. And AMEN on preferring some of the twists and turns in dizis to the predictable TN plot lines of the baddies not getting their just desserts until the last week.

Darcy, I hear you about the Fausto actor being compelling. But I just loathe him so much. I have always had a strong aversion to controlling men. My father was NOT one; just a sweetheart who treated my mother like gold for more than 50 years until he developed dementia. In my whole life, whenever I pick up even a hint of jealousy or controlling behavior from a man, I'm outta there.

I wish it weren't so easy to predict these plots. Nuria finds out who Santi is, rejects him for being a liar, and weeks and weeks of the protagonist estrangement we've seen OVER AND OVER.

Well, Chalo's sister was not in the salvage yard. I'm sure he checked every vehicle, so I still think she may show up. But then I was wrong about Jacinto surviving, so what do I know?

I see we are all in agreement about Consuelo (Chelo). The writers made her that way. But, as I said, she could have told Amalia and Diego the truth and gotten away from Fausto. She went to Jacinto's funeral and kept her lip zipped when she had a crowd to protect her. Bah!


Didn’t get to see this episode because futbol was still playing and I ended up falling asleep…….

Looking forward to comments about it……..


I watched this morning, but I'm working too so it was a pay enough attention to know basically what happened but not enough to report specific conversation details kind of viewing.

We opened with Nuria arriving at the birthday party of course. Nuria is really uncomfortable and things go from bad to worse when she realizes she's at a Zepada's and Santi is one of them. The family (minus Lianna) try to be welcoming and to talk to Nuria but she can't get a sentence formed. Braulio and Amelia who had gone upstairs to check on Juandres come back down and the full impact is felt. Here's what is revealed to all: Nuria is Santi's girlfriend. Here's what is revealed to Santi (after he and Nuria are alone): Braulio was the man who previously dated Nuria, when she didn't know he was married. Amelia learns that Braulio knew Nuria, but not about the relationship. Everyone is uncomfortable except Lianna, who is enjoying every minute of it and does nothing to hide it!!!

Nuria had fled out of the room and once alone with Santi, she lays into him; and not only for lying to her, Nuria believes that Santi knew everything all along and that he's playing her too. Like a bored rich boy game of 'let's see who can get her to sleep with him first'! She believes that the brothers must have had a bet or something. Braulio interrupts there time and she goes off on him too. It's clear that both brothers are shocked and confused by this turn of events but Nuria doesn't believe it. She storms off and of course, right as she pauses at the door, Juandres starts to come down the stairs. He hadn't been downstairs all night but he's sneaking down. He does see Nuria but only from behind and doesn't seem to recognize her. Nuria doesn't see him, she does the whole novela half turn back/pause thing but then leaves. Juandres yells 'Senora' at her departing back but she's gone.

Left alone, Santi and Braulio get in a full-on fist fight. I got a message from a coworker at this point so I didn't catch any dialog but we all know it was the 'how could you fool her' (Santi) vs. 'She's mine!' (Braulio). The fam hears the fight and breaks it up. No one finds out what the fight was about.

Fausto continues to torment Chelo at Jacinto's funeral and then later sleeps with her even though she was anything but willing. It wasn't violent in the sense of hitting and forcing but it was rape none the less.

Chalo and Eugenia are having a moment and she is wondering if maybe she does have some hope after all when Nuria arrives home crying and tells the whole complex about the big bad Zepeda boys and their game! The youngest girl (I forgot her name, the one who just came out to her dad) seems willing to believe that Santi may not have know about Braulio, but all the other women say she's naive and of course he knew! Santi comes by later but he's kicked out by the whole group including an enthusiastic to finally have permission Chalo. He tries to clear things up with Nuria before he leaves but she's inside her room and doesn't answer his knock.


Next day,

Chalo is still looking for sis, apparently the whole car lot wasn't searched. The cops show up to help him continue and mom comes too. She has to look, who better than a mother to look in every nook and cranny.

More of Violetta trying to tease Rosendo to get perks at work.

Santi goes to confront the celebrating Lianna and she tries to fein ignorance at first but he's not buying it. Finally, she admits she did it on purpose but only because Nuria was using both brothers and she was trying to open their eyes! Lianna tries to paint a picture of a gold-digger trying to seduce both him and Braulio for dinero but Santi doesn't buy that either. He tells her the only person whose character was exposed last night was Lianna's!!! And he doesn't like what he sees. Their friendship is over and Lilanna is to stay away from him!! (Kudos to Santi for not just automatically believing the conniving lies fed to him by the older woman as too many galans past have)

Nuria was going to quit her job but she's convinced not to let the bad guys win - she needs the job. So, she goes to work the next day, Braulio shows up and she tells him off and orders him to leave her alone but he's insistent, and handsy! She orders him to let her go and at that very moment Amelia shows up to ask WTH is going on - and we fade to black.


Thanks so much Darcy for the recap! I appreciate every detail! I’m on the EC and it said that Futbol would go to 930 pm. But somewhere between 930 and 10, I was out, lol. I figured that Nuria would believe that she was just a pawn between the two of them, and it makes a lot of sense from her POV. But even when she finds out the whole truth, how can she go back to Santi? He’s Braulio’s brother and could be just as crazy and clingy as Braulio is. It’ll be quite interesting to see how he gets back in her good graces. She loves Santi though, and that’s where his advantage lies……

I’m glad Santi put Lianna in her place, and I hope that he’ll be able to keep her at a distance. She’s crazier than Braulio tho, and will do anything to keep Santi close even if he can’t stand her. I’m thinking that she’ll get pregnant, but it will be Braulio’s baby that she’ll try to pin on Santi.

Poor Chelo. I don’t have too much sympathy for the girl, but to have to endure unwanted sex/ rape is completely unacceptable. Especially when it’s from a cuckoo for coco puffs, murderous, blackmailing, sadistic sociopath! I would be plotting to stabilize his horny behind and the first thing I’d do is get him meds that would render him unable to get it on! Some in his food every night! He’ll still be crazy, but at least she won’t have to be bothered with that!!

Nuria needs to find another job….pure and simple! I’m only glad that Amelia will see her husband’s true colors again so that she and Diego can move forward. I feel bad for the friendship that she and Nuria could’ve had though……

Thanks again Darcy! If I get the chance to watch later, I will!


Darcy, thanks so much for the recap. I couldn't watch , but I saw some photos.

Poor Nuria. She was so close to Andres , and yet so far.

I am glad that Santi was smart enough to see through lying liar Lianna's lies, that won't stop her from trying to snare him by continuing to lie and cry.

Chalo shouldn't get his hopes up. Maybe it's time be looked for a Comb and a shirt with sleeves.

Catching Braulio harassing Nuria will hopefully push Alecia into Diego's loving arms . susan


I get a kick out of the women all sitting in a row on one side of the tablet facing the camera and giving Nuria advice. It looked like Hot Pants had a lot to say. She also shoved Nosleeves out the door . Then , when Santa showed up to try to talk to Nuria,she had a lot to say to him. The older gentleman seemed friendly to Santi and blocked Nosleeves from lunging at Santi. Nobody ate the delicious looking breakfast Tia made the next morning . Nosleeves must have heard my advice because he had a shirt with short sleeves on .

Violeta really seems to think she is something as she smirks and pulls Rosendo around by his tie .

Chelo is reaping what she has sown and still not confessing to her sister about what Fausto did. I think her chance for a HEA of redemption and love is gone now that Jacinto is dead because she let him get involved with her. Fausto seems to have moved from the sofa to the bedroom. I saw he had a phone conversation with Alecia...probably threatening her about Juan\Andres.

Is Martha's maid related to her ? Martha had a " mirror, mirror, on the wall scene." Susan


Darcy, Ray’s daughter’s name is Carmen………

Susan, sorry I missed the gathering of the “hens,” lol, but their support of Nuria is invaluable. I still think that Nuria needs to get as far away from Santi and Braulio as she can——-at least for a little while. Working for the Zepeda’s isn’t the only game in town and Nuria definitely needs to re-group. With Santi and Braulio knowing exactly where she is—-Lianna too—— the girl will never get any peace!

I saw Chelo having a conversation with whom I presume to be Jacinto’s mom, and both Fausto and crooked CPT looked to be sweating bullets as they talked. What were they saying? Sorry, I can’t really watch until later, if at all today……


secrets #122 part 1

Yekta makes a case for Muhsin to hire him. Female lawyers are tough, he says, let me go over your file, I’ll tell you what I think, and you can decide what to do. Ceylin walks over just as Muhsin considers hiring Yekta. Yekta tells Muhsin he and his colleague are currently focused on another case.

Ceylin is annoyed and walks away. Yekta follows. She asks, what do you think you’re doing? Helping a client, Yekta smirks. She fires back--as my opposing counsel? He clarifies, our truce doesn’t account for everything we do. Once we end our ephemeral alliance, once we destroy Omer and rescue Ilgaz, we go back to opposing sides with our weapons of choice.

Yekta changes the subject. Did you talk to them? Are they going to question Omer? I don’t know, Ceylin replies, I think I won over Turgut, but I can’t say about Ozcan. He’s very strange. Figure it out, Yekta says, was Ilgaz ever able to change the mind of the late Pars? Do I have to do everything myself? We’ll look into Omer’s GPS records and… Eren Komiser can help you.

Ceylin says she’s not talking to Eren. What happened, Yekta asks. You happened, she replies and walks away, leaving Yekta speechless. Come on, she tells him, let’s go find Umut.

Goksu finds prints in Eyup’s room.

Derya asks the girls if anyone has a picture of Eyup. No. Tugce starts spewing against Eyup again. Merve joins in, he was shy. A loser. He never spoke. Parla says he would watch them from afar. Cinar returns and they ask if he has a pic of Eyup. Nope. Derya wonders if he was recorded somehow by accident, maybe in the background of a video. She asks everyone to check their phones.

Ceylin tries to get Umut to look at Omer’s records. Umut tells Ceylin he can’t do anything without an order. She pressures him... here’s his name and number. Umut protests. You make it seem like I can do something, but I can’t. I don’t have permission, I’m not a boss. She relents, I know, but what can we do?

Eren returns to the station and Goksu heads to the lab. Lol, on the way to Ceylin’s car, Yekta smiles and waves to Eren as he enters the lot. Eren gives him the death stare in return.

It’s a no go for Umut. Frustrated Ceylin wonders what to do now. She turns around and there’s Eren. She gives him a look, walks past him and out the station. Ceylin gets in the driver’s seat and tells Yekta it didn’t work with Umut. I need the AG’s permission. Yekta thinks she gave up too quickly. She turns it back on Yekta—use your resources. You talk a lot but do nothing to help.

The car door opens and Eren slides in the back. He asks, what do you want? Ceylin says they need evidence that proves Omer was working with Hilmi. We told Turgut but we don’t know if he will question Omer. Yekta says, look through the records and find out if they met. A text message would suffice. Eren snaps at Yekta—I didn’t ask you. Ceylin asks Eren if he will do it. Eren nods… we’ll see.

Eren gets out of the car and Ceylin goes after him and thanks him. He says, I’ve lost a lot in life. I don’t have many friends and I don’t want to lose you because of Yekta. She hugs him. You’re my treasure, she tells him, I hope you know that. I’d do anything for Ilgaz. I’d die for him. I never meant to hurt you. I’m sorry. Just be careful, Eren replies.

Ceylin gets back in the car and Yekta comments, friendship like that is hard to come by these days. Yes, Ceylin says, changing the subject quickly. What do we do now? You say you don’t care about Omer’s past, he notes, but we will benefit if we prove he’s a fraud. Let’s visit his mother and find out if Omer is Omer. And then we will find out if Omer is my son.



Thanks, Dondi. Terrific recap.

Omer noticed back when Lacin peeked at the photos hidden in his bedroom. I'm guessing when she places Metin's bug, he'll note something is awry.

Ozcan is worse than I thought. I'm wondering why he hates Ilgaz. Turgat should wonder too.

"Current Cinar makes some sort of realization he keeps to himself."

Oh-no, will Cinar try to "save the day" and nab Eyup himself?

I like Ilgaz's cellmate. Yay, someone he can relate to.

Omer surely could've tampered/ bribed for the DNA, but I still think he could be Yekta's.

secrets #122 part 2

Ceylin advises, buckle your seatbelt. How nice, Yekta laughs, I know you love me, my great partner. [Turkish] It’s not because I care about you, she says, you could die right now, but I’d prefer it a little further away from me. Closer to the cemetery. She peels out of the parking lot.

Metin shows up at an antique shop and speaks to a worker. I am looking for a Persian coin that’s 14mm long and weighs 8g. Do you have one? For whom, the man asks. Metin Kaya. Ok, the man answers, this is what we’ll do. You have to wait. Have a seat. I’ll order tea and see if it’s available.

Eren has tea in Rafet’s office. Rafet asks, now you’re saying Omer did it? And even Yekta says his son is responsible? How come? What do you mean, Eren asks. Rafet replies, when did they start conspiring against each other? They were like master and apprentice. Now they are enemies?

That’s why I ask, Eren says, it’s a mystery to everyone. But if Yekta suspects Omer, we should investigate. Between you and me, could you help us a little by tracking Omer and Hilmi’s vehicles? Rat-fet asks, what’s in it for me? Eren replies, you’d keep an honest DA’s life from being ruined by slander. What’s better than finding the real culprit?

Rafet grunts…and…? This gives Eren pause—what do you mean? Easy, Rafet replies, why are you reacting like that? He explains, DA Ilgaz doesn’t trust me, so put an end to that and tell him I’m helping him. He needs to understand we are on the same side. Have him be nicer to me. Nothing wrong with that. Eren seems relieved. He says, will do. Rafet agrees to help. He tells Eren this is very important. I’ll make sure he (Ilgaz) understands, Eren says.

Ilgaz pores over his files. Yuksel recalls, the year is 1987. An old manuscript was found in a farm in Sile. It was supposed to be smuggled. The owner of the farm was well known and wealthy. He lacked nothing but got involved. The case was tried in Ankara. The DA’s preparation was amazing. Without errors. I was there. There was a huge uproar, and the press was outside.

Ilgaz is hooked. He asks, what happened? Yuksel replies, he was sentenced to 5 years, but he fled abroad. The case was talked about. Ilgaz picks up some of his papers. Would you like to look, Judge Yuksel? Yuksel says, no, I’m not a judge anymore. Ilgaz holds out the papers. Temptation is too much for Yuksel. But… let me take a look, he says.

Metin has his tea and waits. A blind man comes into the shop with his service dog and sits across from him. The man asks, who asked for the coin? Metin replies, 1984. Yozgat. Military service. Well, well, well, the man says, Chief Metin. Welcome. You used to come by more often. Last I heard, you retired. It’s true, Metin answers ruefully, that’s what happened.

The man asks Metin why he’s come. Is there a problem? Did you fall in a well and can’t get out? That’s right, Metin answers, I fell in. My son is in trouble. The man asks if it’s the young one. The one like the grandfather. No, Metin replies, it’s the older one. He was set up. The man is surprised—the DA?

Metin explains, there was a collection kept in a warehouse in Beylikduzu. It was loaded in a truck to go abroad. The truck is missing, we need to find it. It won’t be easy, the man replies, but once we have a name, we’ll figure it out. If you can think of a name, let me know. I’ll get the word out.

The man switches the subject to something personal. How are things at home? You still broken hearted after her passing? Single again? Metin looks annoyed. Do you hear yourself, he asks, what are you talking about? Time flies, the man answers, it’s autumn already. [no idea what that was about.]



Susan, I forgot to mention that scene with Fausto and Amelia. He did call to threaten her! He demanded money again and at first Amelia said no. She adopted Juan legally and she had no reason to pay him but then he threatened to go to the press and tell them that the mighty Zepada family steals children! Amelia said that’s not true but Fausto said it won’t matter to the public opinion or something like that. Amelia finally caved and agreed to pay him but she said it was only to protect Juan, she doesn’t want him going back to a reprensible person like Fausto!

I don’t think Martha and maid are related but they do seem to go way back. From what they’ve said, they have known each other since before Martha married. Martha’s ranting was about how her daughter’s bio dad doesn’t deserve to look for her since he hasn’t suffered the loss the way she has. But the maid pointed out that isn’t fair because bio dad didn’t know about the child. Martha was also nervous because she was going to meet with a group of women - I think it’s a support group for women searching for their adopted children but I might be remembering that wrong.

secrets #122 part 3

Cops come to take Omer to Turgut for questioning. [Yes!] Omer asks to see the summons. Has the Bar been notified? The cop shows him everything. Omer’s gotta go.

Yekta and Ceylin arrive at the care center. Yekta comments on how the place smells like old people. Ceylin quips, maybe you caught a whiff of yourself. Yekta claims he’s younger than those here, they all look like raisins. Ceylin says, you don’t have much time left. This is your future. You should be grateful I’m well-mannered, I’ll bury all of you properly, Yekta replies. [lol, I’m enjoying the “ephemeral alliance” between enemies.]

Yekta gets a call from Omer. Ceylin jokes, who’s calling… death? Worse, he replies, it’s Omer. He doesn’t take the call.

Yekta greets Esin. It’s Yekta, remember we had a nice chat recently? No response. Ceylin introduces herself. She shows Esin a photo. Is this you? Esin looks. You haven’t changed, Ceylin tells her. Esin takes the photo. It’s a pic of her and two boys. She says…Omer… my son…

Esin, you said Omer was dead, Yekta notes, you said Omer was dead. Who is the other boy? They are my babies, Esin says sadly as she stares at the photo. She begins to whimper. Yekta presses her for answers. Which one is my son? Show me. Come on. Ceylin tries to get Yekta to back off.

Esin holds the pic close to her chest. Yekta keeps pressuring her. She asks Yekta, who are you? I’m Yekta, Yekta Tilmen. I figured you’d remember our time together. Yekta Tilmen! Tilmen Law Firm! Esin shouts, get out! Yekta shouts back, I’m not going! Which one is my son?!

Ceylin pulls Yekta away. Calm down! You’re doing it all wrong! She throws him out. Ceylin goes to Esin. He’s gone now. He won’t bother you anymore. He won’t come back. You can look at your sons in peace. Esin looks at the photo and cries. Omer… son…

I watched this scene several times and I’m still uncertain who Ceylin points to as she asks each question and who’s who among the boys. Please let me know what you think. Ceylin takes the picture. Esin Hanım, your son Omer died, right? It seems she points to the boy without the glasses. “Allah rahmet eylesin” – may God rest his soul, Ceylin says.

And who is this, she asks, seemingly pointing to the boy with glasses. Is he younger or older than Omer? His brother, Esin replies, Yakup. He’s younger than Omer. Is Yakup Yekta’s son? Now it looks like she’s pointing to the boy without the glasses again. Who is Yekta, Esin asks. Ceylin is done with the questions, thanks Esin and goes. Esin calls out, be careful, Yakup isn’t a good boy.

Cut to Omer [or is he Yakup?] riding in the back of the police car. He takes off his glasses and calls Yekta again. Yekta hesitates then takes the call. Omer tells him he’s being taken to the courthouse for a statement. Yekta asks why. Omer doesn’t know. Turgut called him in, and he assumes it has to do with Ilgaz.

Yekta says, it’s just a random hunt. They investigated me and nothing came of it. Now they are investigating you. Don’t worry, just tell them what happened. We didn’t do anything, son. You’re not coming, Omer asks, do I have to testify alone?

I don’t know, Yekta lies, I’m in Beykoz meeting with a client. Can I make it on time? He makes excuses about traffic. He tells Omer, it’s just a statement, you’re a lawyer. Tilmen blood runs through your veins. You can do it! Show me what you’re made of. Yekta goes on. Omer gets annoyed and ends the call. He puts his glasses back on. [seems those glasses have meaning every time he takes them off and puts them on again.]


secrets #122 part 4

Yekta tells Ceylin he’s sure Omer is going to blame him. You asked for it, Ceylin replies. His past can’t hurt me, Yekta declares, Yekta Tilmen has overcome slander before. This is nothing! Ceylin smiles. Yekta continues, he’s seen as a suspect. He’ll be named a primary suspect. No DA will buy his story.

Yekta changes the subject and asks, did she tell you anything? Ceylin replies, from what I gather, her first born, Omer, was your son. But he died… may rest in peace. Who is the other, he asks. Ceylin says it’s Yakup, and he’s passing himself off as Omer. Yekta feels vindicated. That lunatic killed his brother and took his place? I told you so. It was as I said. Ceylin isn’t 100% sure yet. She says, let’s find out.

Why would he pass himself off as my son, Yekta wonders, and why would he kill my son? Like you said, Ceylin replies, maybe he wanted money, possessions, revenge. Yekta blames Lacin for bringing him into their home. Ceylin answers, it doesn’t matter anymore. This is part of your past and you’re also to blame.

Yekta calls Lacin. He tells her to leave the house and not to go back until he says so. If Omer calls, don’t answer. Avoid all contact with him. She asks why. Yekta is blunt—because someone who killed his brother won’t mind killing us! What should I do, Lacin asks, he’s coming tonight! I don’t know, Yekta barks, you brought him into our lives, so now you get rid of him! Stay at a hotel but stay away from Omer. He hangs up. Lacin is stunned.

Yuksel says one of the smuggler’s partners owns a car rental company. I’m not sure of his name or the company’s name, but that was his front. These guys never get their goods out all at once. That would be risky, Ilgaz interjects. Exactly, Yuksel says, so what do they do? They keep cars with valid travel insurance.

Ideal for crossing the border, Ilgaz replies. A family rents the car for a 2 day vacation in Greece, Yuksel notes, and the drivers are clueless about the relics in a special compartment. They shamelessly use innocent drivers, Ilgaz says.

Yuksel explains, the smugglers follow the vacationers, they go to the parked car at night, collect the relics and leave the car as it was. No one is wiser. Do you think they used the same method here, Ilgaz asks. Yuksel has that feeling, but an investigation is needed. Ilgaz thinks this is a reasonable theory and he thanks Yuksel for sharing.

Yuksel asks if this is the reason Ilgaz is in prison. Yes, Ilgaz replies, but I did nothing wrong. I could tell from the moment that we met, Yuksel answers. Call it years of experience or professional intuition, but I can tell the guilty from the innocent. Yuksel goes back to his book and Ilgaz continues with his files.

Turgut comes to the station and asks for Rafet. Umut says he’s in IT. Rafet is there with Eren. The Rat is berating the IT guy. Turgut shows up and Rafet goes into brown nose mode. Turgut questions them. What are you working on? What case is this? Uh, oh. Rafet stalls. Well, day to day things. There’s a lot of crazy people out there. Turgut cuts him off. Whose traffic reports are those, he asks, do you have a court order? Let me see it.

Eren and Rafet fumble for answers. Turgut asks again, whose reports are these? Eren finally blurts—Yekta Tilmen’s. We believe he’s behind the plot against DA Ilgaz. He’s slandering his son and blaming him. He will use him to save himself. That’s why we are looking.

Turgut asks Eren to come with him. Rafet warns the IT guy not to say anything or he’ll blow his brains out. Rafet mumbles and wonders how Turgut found out they were doing this. [I had a bad thought. Does Omer have a connection with Turgut? Anything is possible in this dizi.]

Ilgaz asks the guard if he can make a phone call.


secrets #122 part 5

Yekta is all shook up. I was walking around with a fratricide. He slept in my home. We ate at the same table. This isn’t the first time, Ceylin notes. Engin was a murderer, too, and you spent time with him. You even protected him. Yekta admits, I raised him. We shared a life together. That makes it worse, she replies, you raised him!

Turgut brings Eren to Rafet’s office. If you’re so suspicious, if you believe Yekta planned everything, why didn’t you talk to me? Why are you doing this on your own? You’re right, Eren replies, I was wrong. Turgut thinks and says it makes sense, though. Yekta could be behind this. This would confirm Ceylin’s suspicions. I’ll talk it over with DA Ozcan.

We will do whatever you need, Eren responds. Yes, it’s your duty, Turgut says, but you need to follow protocol. If you need something, get a court order. Don’t do anything without consulting me. Turgut leaves.

Rafet hides until the coast is clear, then heads to his office to see Eren. What happened? Are you trying to set me up? Of course not, Eren replies, I pointed him in Yekta’s direction. That way we’ll stay out of trouble. Rafet is ticked. How did Turgut know what we were doing? Eren has no idea. Rafet says someone is conspiring against him. I know what I’ll do, he says, those bastards. Eren keeps quiet.

Ceylin goes to her blackboard. Aylin is present, too. How nice, Yekta mocks, Professor Ceylin. Don’t underestimate the blackboard, she replies. Burak’s murders, his connection to Haluk [remember him?], and every one of your plots were resolved thanks to this board. It led us to the truth. The magic blackboard, Yekta says, not to jinx it [he makes the gestures], I expect it to perform well in our case, too.

Ceylin starts. Let’s suppose they met outside the house. Let’s say we get the traffic report, calls, texts. Yetka is 1000% sure they met. Even if they did, Ceylin replies, we can’t prove they discussed the plot. Unless there’s correspondence. She crosses that off the list.

Ceylin proposes, let’s say we can prove someone left the relic at the house. We can’t prove they didn’t have our consent. Yekta agrees, maybe Ilgaz asked them to do it. Another cross out. Let’s go to our key piece of evidence, she says, the signature. If we can prove Ilgaz’s signature was forged, every other piece of evidence is irrelevant.

How do we do that, Yekta asks. He eats something from a dish and exclaims, how sour! Aylin tells him plums are expensive, we can’t afford them. We picked those by the house. If you don’t like them, don’t eat them. Yekta laughs, a blackboard, foraged plums, an old cozy office, poverty has nothing to do with it. Ceylin shouts, hello! Focus, focus! How can we prove the signature was forged? Enlighten us, Yekta Tilmen!

Ilgaz calls Eren. He asks if Ceylin is there. No, but she’s fine, Eren answers, we’re working hard to find a way to save you. Ilgaz asks Eren to be careful and keep an eye on Ceylin. He thanks the komiser for the file and asks, I need you to investigate something. One of Hilmi’s partners has a car rental company. His name and company name weren’t in the file, but Hilmi mentioned it during his statement. We need to find out who.

I’ll look, Eren answers, but what am I looking for so I can be effective. Ilgaz explains about using rental cars to smuggle relics. Eren understands. He asks Ilgaz how he’s doing. Ilgaz says he’s getting accustomed to it. Don’t get too comfortable, Eren replies. Ilgaz asks one more thing, Yuksel Sancak, a criminal judge, is also here awaiting trial. Can you find out what he did?

Turgut walks the hall to his office. Omer is waiting there. You asked to see me, sir. I’m Omer Atamer, and I’m ready. I’ll see you in 2 minutes, Turgut replies. [They both have that same flat affect. I always thought Turgut was strange that way.]


secrets #122 part 6

Back to Ceylin’s magic blackboard. Her theory. The banking instructions, the one with the fake signature. Let’s find out where the signature came from. You can’t sign the same way twice. Wouldn’t they need to take a signed document to use it? Yekta agrees. And then they returned it, Ceylin says. If we find the document, Yekta says. And we put it next to the fake, Ceylin adds. Which one is fake, Yekta concludes. Exactly! Admit it, Yekta says, we work well together. Ceylin claims she did all the work.

Eren comes to Ceylin’s office. Do you have good news, Yekta asks, did you get the traffic reports? Eren tells him that Turgut found out what they were doing. [That’s the question of the day.] Eren says Rafet was there, too. He’s also under investigation. Someone tipped off Turgut.

Yekta says, so it’s true. Ceylin and Eren ask him at the same time, how do you know? Everyone knows these things, Yekta replies. It’s no secret that you are investigating him. Word gets around.

Eren tells Yekta that he’s in trouble. If I mentioned Omer, I would have made things worse. I told Turgut we were investigating you. Yekta knows that’s what they wanted all along. Eren admits it.

Ceylin wants to get back to business. We need to prove there’s a link between Hilmi and Omer. Eren says they need a court order or indictment. Something that requires looking at traffic reports. Otherwise, we can’t do it.

Yekta says, okay… I’ll play my cards. Tell DA Derya to reopen Berkhan’s murder case. [he was the reporter that was working on Burak’s story.] Ceylin asks why. Yekta replies, Omer killed that journalist. Ceylin and Eren are stunned.

And we are out.



Darcy and Carmella, thanks for filling in the dialogue for me . I go by the visuals , so sometimes the dialogue I make up in my head is way off. Sometimes I just have people say what I wish they would say. Like having Fausto say, " I am crazy and evil . How can people let me keep doing this stuff?" Or Chalo asking Nuria, " Do you carry men's long sleevedshirts at that store you work at ?" or Tia asking , " Why doesn't anyone ever eat the delicious food I make in my little kitchen ?"


Sorry Carmella, I don't remember the conversation between Chelo and the woman. I must have been distracted by the job or something, lol. I think crooked CPT was on edge because he didn't expect Fausto actually kill Jacinto. But Fausto convinced him later that killing Jacinto was in both of their best interests.


I think the comment about "going by the visuals" was you, Susan. I got a big kick out of your imagined dialogue, especially Chalo asking Nuria for long sleeved shirts. Those cut off sleeves have put me off him from the beginning.


I am also getting a kick out of the Ceylin/Yekta repartee. She gave him the business about trying to grab Muhsin as his client. And they are definitely perfecting their insult-comedy routine.

Ah, Goksu, always the best at forensics. I'm sure we'll find out soon who Eyup really is. I assume people in prison have fingerprints on file in Turkey.

I was definitely confused about Metin asking for that coin. Then it seemed to be some kind of code to get the blind guy to show up. Hah. He mentioned if the son who needed help was the one like the grandfather.

Glad to see I wasn't the only one confused about that scene with Ceylin showing Esin the photo of her sons. When I've seen it before it looked like the boy with the glasses was older, or at least larger than the other one and thus Omer. But what Ceylin said later seems to fit the idea of Yakup assuming Omer's identity. Again, what about the DNA test?

I can imagine why Yakup would want to approach Yekta. It's a way of getting his foot into the door of a law firm he plans to take over.

I missed the part about the special compartment and was confused wondering why the antiquities smugglers could assume the travelers wouldn't open the trunk to get out their luggage.

I think we've seen Turgut assume that sour face and meddle into something Our Team is doing, especially back when Ilgaz was in hot water over visiting Burak. But I never underestimate your spidey sense, dondi!

Again, thanks so much for a terrific recap. I'm hosting Thanksgiving so have been very busy but I didn't want to miss commenting on the dizi that keeps us guessing.


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! This is the “pumpkin pie” version, “short and sweet!” I know everyone is busy today and has plenty of family and food to get to! Enjoy!

Busted Braulio tries to lie——yet again——to Amelia about Nuria and why he has gone to see her. Nuria is done and tells Amelia everything about him being the man who deceived her and told her that he wasn’t married and that he was an accountant, blah, blah, blah. Nuria asks for Amelia’s forgiveness and tells her that as soon as she found out the truth she dumped him. She didn’t know about Santi I either and never wants to see either of them again…..PUNTO!

Martha with Santi wants to know why he and Braulio were fighting and if it was over Nuria. Santi basically tells her that they’re grown and to respectfully stay out of it…..

Diego wants to see Juandres——and I’m sure Amelia too, and gets their address from the files….

Fausto goes to Chelo and tells her that Amelia transferred money. Chelo begs him to leave Amelia alone and in peace…..during their conversation Chelo runs off nauseated and holding her mouth——- pregnant? Probably….hope it’s Jacinto’s……

Santi tries to explain to Rosalia the situation with Nuria and that he didn’t know anything. Rosalia, after chastising him tells him that Nuria is at the warehouse……

At the car graveyard, the cops and Angustias and Chalo are searching for Esme. Angustias is praying a lot, but Chalo has given up on prayer. The cops find a body, but can’t make a positive ID just yet…

Diego makes it to the mansion and Juandres is happy to see him……

Tigre talking to his evil auntie, and from what I could make out, he’s also Roberto’s son?? Clarification please anyone? Tigre is happy with the way the Zepeda’s are going at one another, and evil auntie tells him that Martha, too, is just as responsible for what happened to his Mom…….

Santi roves to the warehouse and tries to convince Nuria that he didn’t know anything about her and Braulio, but it’s pointless….

Martha is with Lianna, and of course Lianna blames Nuria for everything, and convinces Martha that Nuria is a gold digger who played both brothers……

Conversation between Nuria and Santi continues as a group of employees show up and Nuria reveals who Santi really is. After they leave she proceeds to tell him how much she trusted him and how he broke her heart. He’s the brother who bedded her, so he should bask in his victory. There’s no convincing Nuria of anything, and Santi really does appear to be at a loss for words…

Braulio and Amelia argue some more cause he’s still lying. Diego comes in with Juandres, and Braulio is clearly not happy, but Diego ends up leaving with Juandres at Amelia’s bequest……. Braulio tries to convince Amelia that he’s with her because they worked their problems out, but Amelia ain’t buying it. She tells him that he’s with her because Nuria dumped his sorry behind……

Chelo sick in bed and asks Fausto if they could see Andres… never know with Fausto even if he appears agreeable……..

Violetta bugging Rosendo about what he knew about Santi and didn’t share it with her! So annoying!!!

Martha goes to the mothers of missing children meeting…..

TIgre wants to take Chenta out on a date. Angustias and Chalo show up and inform everyone that a body was found. Angustias is convinced it’s Esme by her hands and her hair….. later it is positively confirmed that it’s Esme….

Amelia cries on Diego’s shoulder about both Fausto and Braulio….they hug…..Santi comes in because Amelia wants to discuss the situation with Nuria…..later Amelia goes to see Nuria at the apartment complex to get answers…..

Until next episode, enjoy your holiday foristas!

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