Thursday, December 21, 2023

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Vuelve a Mí, Amor Imposible, Betty en NY, y más: Week of December 18, 2023

Here's Page 2 for the week. The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):

9 - 10PM - Vuelve a Mí
10 - 11PM - Amor Imposible
12 - 1AM - Betty en NY (Tu thru Fri)

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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I am working until noon and then will work on the recap. It will be up later this afternoon.

Vuelve – pt1

Tigre is highly amused to realize Juandres is Andres, and he makes a odd comment about the irony of life and how Nuria would probably rather believe in dead than not know where he is, which creeps out Chenta but she tries to shrug it off and eat her breakfast.

Sapo is waiting for Braulio in his office and in his chair. They have the predictable fight about Braulio wanting the cartel to be invisible and Sapo wanting to use the company to transport drugs. Braulio is surprised and viewerville, wonders how it’s possible that Braulio didn’t anticipate this. Braulio is disturbed to learn that Sapo knows about what happened in the shareholder’s meeting, but he ultimately agrees because he has no choice, really. (Juan Pablo Llano is rocking the salt and pepper look I gotta say! I am a fan!!)

Chelo buys Nuria a new sewing machine and gives money to Ro for Rai’s surgery, IN FRONT OF FAUSTO, claiming it’s a gift from both her and Fausto. Fausto has to play along of course, and once Chelo and Fausto are alone, I like her for the first time ever as she informs him she’s using part of the money to do good!! And to make up for what they’ve done. They received the money because of Nuria’s suffering and now Nuria is getting her share of it even if she doesn’t know why. Fausto doesn’t like this one bit, but Chelo doesn’t care! What’s he going to do, hit her? Go ahead! Let’s see what the family thinks about that! Is he going to hurt the baby? His own child??? Fausto doesn’t answer and Chelo doesn’t care.

Juandres is still upset with Amelia because of Diego and thinks that Cassie is the only person who really loves him because she’s the one who tells him the truth – he’s half right! That Cassie is truthful for sure.

Diego goes to meet Cecila’s ex at a bar! He still claims he has no idea where Cece is, but he wants to know what she has done. The ex tells a story about Cece getting involved with a pyramid scheme and defrauding 10 people of their money, she also ran up $20,000 in credit card debt for the ex and then disappeared.

Ro does the math, and they are still way short of the money needed to get Rai’s surgery. She talks to Nuria who wants to contribute, but Ro says she needs her money for her search for Andres. Nuria is sure she can accomplish both, she feels optimistic, and she knows that Andres will be back with her, she can feel it.

More of Mariano trying to romance Martha, but she’s not having it. She just wants a friend to listen to her as she complains about Braulio and Santi fighting and the company in danger; she isn’t willing to move on romantically. She will be in love with Roberto until the day she dies.

Braulio and Liana discuss the dangers of being in bed with Narcos.

Euge and Carmen arrive to work, and Vi throws a huge rude fit about them being late, joke is on her through as the police arrive to arrest Vi for murdering Rosendo.

Amelia tries to make up with Juandres but he pouts, she runs off to get something and Tigre arrives to torment Juandres asking if he likes his new rich family and luxuries and how he would feel if it all disappeared some day? I shouldn’t laugh because torturing children isn’t funny, but somehow there is something chuckle-inducing about this scene….it’s the look on Tigre’s face I think, he looks so amused. I also like the mean dogging look on Juandres’ face!!! It doesn’t last long until Amelia comes back and tells Tigre to stay the hell away from Juan and if he’s working on Braulio’s behalf, he’s to tell his boss to stop with the games.

Diego convinces ex that he really doesn’t know where Cece is and he’s upset when he realizes ex intends to send Cece to jail!!! She’s no saint, but she is the mother of his daughter. Diego wants to pay back the money Cece stole, but ex says that’s the least of it, the real problem is the police are looking for the person guilty of the fraud and ex isn’t going to jail for Cece, no way!


Vuelve – pt2

Vi tries to plead her innocence and even Euge and Carmen try to defend her, but she’s hauled off. We find out later from Tigre and Liana’s celebrating that Tigre also planted the murder weapon at Vi’s house! The witness also IDs her. This chick is up the creek…

Another thing we learn from Liana and Tigre’s confab, Miss Liana’s screws are looser than we think!!! Tigre asks the same question I asked yesterday, which is, why doesn’t she just kill Nuria herself since she had no issues killing Rosendo? Liana very innocently says, Vi killed Rosendo, and she looks like he believes it!! ‘I didn’t kill Rosendo and I didn’t kill my parents, I’m not a murderer!’ We see a flash of lil Liana distracting daddy with a rubic’s cube before the crash way back when. Also, I forgot to say this yesterday, but Liana had said something that sort of implied she may have caused her parents’ accident on purpose because they didn’t pay attention to her.

Nuria and Ro are still talking about how to pay for Rai’s surgery when Santi shows up with a check for just that!!! Ro at first says no thank you, but luckily common sense beats out pride and they end up accepting, just for Rai! Rai is going to get his surgery and apparently the amount Santi gave was the full amount because they later talk about giving everyone else their money back.

Amelia’s dad comes to see her, and she tells him that she’s decided to divorce Braulio!!! Papi is thrilled until he is told that Amelia had an affair. Amelia is sure that the judge will give Braulio custody of Juan since the judges view a woman’s infidelity differently, it won’t matter that Braulio cheated first and more often the judge will never forgive HER for having an affair! Ugh. Later a lawyer comes and talks to both and basically confirms this conclusion. To make a dark day, darker; Amelia gives daddy the last bombshell, she found the ‘birth parents’ of Juan and Braulio doesn’t know it!!! They are horrible dangerous people, but she let them extort her and if Braulio finds out…. Dad agrees that Amelia is going to have to be patient and wait and think before getting a divorce. Amelia says she’ll wait as long as she has to just as long as Andres is safe.

Rai is given the information that Santi is paying for his surgery and he concludes that even if he’s a Zepeda, Santi has a huge heart. Ro says if they didn’t get the money, she would have been willing to rob and bank to pay for it.

Nuria and Santi have one of those long, standing too close, smelling each other, smiling and looking longingly into each other’s eyes but not quite kissing conversations. Santi wants to at least talk to her, hear about her life, be her friend. Nuria says they can’t be friends. They start to rehash old recriminations but Liana calls and Nuria scoffs and takes off after seeing the caller ID.

Nuria and Chelo discuss Santi and Andres. Chelo of course tells Nuria she must stay away from Santi, and she wonders what Nuria would do if Andres was fine, what if he’s doing good with a family who loves him?? Nuria says he will never be as good without her as he would be with her, she’s his mom!!! And speaking as someone who has lost her mother, I have to say that is a very true statement!


Vuelve – pt3

Euge and Carmen arrive home from work talking about Violetta’s probably unjust arrest and even Nuria agrees that she is not capable of murder! Vi is quickly forgotten though when the girls in informed they have the money for Rai’s surgery now.

We get a mirage of scenes as time passes, Chelo’s belly is getting bigger, Nuria is now making and selling clothes, Rai has his surgery, Diego is still stuck with Cece and dodging Ezekial’s calls. Amelia is still suffering with Braulio. Rai is recovering at home. Cece gets a job at the evil store!!! (BOO), Santi is still with Liana, Fausto is buying baby clothes, Martha is making marching posters badly….

And now it is six months later.

Nuria sells her latest design and Chelo is looking on, she goes into labor (?) Nuria says it’s too soon, but Chelo lied about how far along she was so it might not be. Chelo is scared though and thinks something is wrong, they head to the hospital with Ro and Chalo after much panic, Fausto is ‘out’.

Diego is still trying to avoid Ezekial, but we learn he’s slowing paying Cece’s debt when he finally takes a call. Diego is doing what he can, but Eze is still determined to find Cece and put her in prison for being a thief. Diego hangs up, doesn’t tell Cece who he was talking to, but does tell her that now that they both have jobs, it’s time for her to move out!!!! He says to get an apt nearby so they can both take care of Danita.

Braulio and Tigre are in the warehouse loading trucks and it occurred to me his six months are up. We see Tigre tell the guys to take a break and the thugs roll in and add the drugs to the shipment. I was right and they are having the board meeting/ six month check up! Braulio shows their profits are up by 25% and Santi wants to know how he managed that so quickly, but Braulio says a magician doesn’t reveal his tricks!!! LOL He goes so far as to say his work has been beyond reproach, honest and transparent…there’s absolutely no reason to remove him as president of the Group Zepeda, he concludes; as unbeknownst to him his truck is stopped at a checkpoint and the drug sniffing dogs are finding his contraband as he speaks!!!



Thanks so much for the terrific recap, Darcy! Reading it and thinking about a comment was the perfect antidote to my insanely visiting the local huge shopping mall a bit after 6PM this evening. What a zoo! But I felt a bit light on my daughter-in-law's gifts in comparison to other family members. Anyone who has people who've married into one's family will understand the calculus of making sure the married into one does not feel less than.

Am I a bad person for SO enjoying Violeta getting dragged off in handcuffs right after she's snarked at Euge and Carmen? BTW they've said Euge is the boss until they find someone. Can't she just fire the snotty brat?

Sigh. Diego is a bit too saintly for me at times. Paying Celia's crooked dealings with Ezequiel is just ridiculous.

Hmm. I must have missed the allusion by Liana that she'd caused the death of her parents because they were not paying attention to her. I've thought all along that her guilt was unnecessary. She did what any kid would do, put showing their parents an achievement over safety.

I agree. Consuelo for once got the better of Fausto by just admitting she'd given the money for Rai's surgery in front of everyone.

I have a feeling that drug bust could be a red herring, and that it's too soon for Braulio to be outed.


Novelera, I have been thinking the same thing about Liana's parents and maybe that's true, her brain doesn't seem to be firing accurately, she could say just about anything, and we could doubt it's validity. But when she was talking to her assistant about how Santi is still thinking about Nuria, assistant says she needs to stop trying to compete and that Santi loves (quedar) her. Liana answers that it does her no good if he loves her when he pays no attention to her and then she said: 'My parents loved me, but they ignored her, and that's why they are dead' and the look in her face, when she said that was haunted. Made me think that maybe, in a fit of rage, she put that cube in daddy's face on purpose. It at least implied it. True or not, I wouldn't bet either way.

In fact, I'd say it's entirely possible that it's not true and years of Braulio's taunting have created that false narrative for her. But it's kind of what the first couple runs in with Nuria were - in the street watching her and then suddenly in a fit driving toward her as if to hit her, then in the store, watching her on the ladder as rage built up and then diving to knock her off the ladder.


Here’s a quickie for Friday’s episode.

Santiago isn’t buying Braulio’s miracle 25% gain and wants a store-by-store breakdown of sales.

Chelo goes into labor carrying on as if she’s the only human who’s ever done this before. Fausto is MIA.

Tigre tells Liana about the confiscation of the Zepeda trucks by the federal police, with Sapo’s drugs discovered.

Violeta has a personality change, is grateful for Euge’s support and shows at last some sympathy for her father.

Braulio finds out about the seized drugs. Tigre has bribed someone, so the cops won’t talk to the press about the truck in which they were found. Their clothing was also seized.

More wailing and refusals to push from Chelo. Fausto has shown up, cursing Chelo for not resting. He blames Nuria for Chelo going to the marches. Nuria comes in and announces the baby or mother choice. Fausto chooses the baby, and Nuria, and Ro get a good look at the real Fausto.

Juandres pouts, and Amalia calls Diego so he can talk with him. They plan to meet sometime.

Roberto isn’t having any luck finding Andres and ask Santi for a photo of him! That would let the cat out of the bag, but Santi says he won’t see Nuria to ask for it. He only wants to see her the day he brings her her child.

The baby is a boy. Fausto asks about his “chamaquito”, not Chelo. There’s a commercial break for Viewerville to wonder if she’s died, but no. I’m so tired of this actor and her performance that I was half hoping she’d done so. The baby is in intensive care. They don’t say “incubator” but that’s where he seems to be. Nothing is said by anyone whether the baby is full term or 4 weeks early.

Celia is trying to con some staff at the Zepeda store with getting other “investors”. Carmel speaks up and says that it’s a pyramid scheme and illegal. Euge got Rosendo’s job.

I hate narcos by couldn’t help enjoying Sapo putting Braulio in his place. The entitled jerk didn’t expect Sapo to outright tell him that he wanted his drugs back within 48 hours or he’d kill him.

We get another tedious Tigre scene of his talking into his psychopathic closet. He’s chortling about Andres being right under Santiago’s nose.

In six months, Casandra has turned into a brat, cutting school and having a tattooed boyfriend.

Mariana shows up with the baby Amalia wanted to adopt. She’s been sleeping on the street and she and the baby are hungry. She tells Amalia the main reason she didn’t let them adopt was because of Braulio. He paid her initially and then threatened to harm her brother if she didn’t let them have the baby.

Brailio meets with a crooked cop himself and in person. The cop says they’ll get their truck back and things will be quiet. But the DEA is in the middle and it’s impossible to get the drugs back.

Fausto is with Rosalia, looking into the nursery. He gets gushy about his son. But then he gets an evil look on his face and asks Ro if it’s just some sudden idea, but that baby doesn’t look like him.


In a scene very typical of dizis I've seen recently, something is explained about Deva's showing up at the dinner she said she'd never attend. She not only shows up; she's glamorous and manages to captivate the Italian guys Gulcemal is trying to contract with.

The flashback (typical of dizis, at least to me) shows a conversation with her father in the hospital, one we couldn't hear at first because we only saw Gulcemal regretting not knowing how to read lips. Ibrahimi told Deva that she needed to say with Gulcemal at all costs. She'd be safe there. And that Zafer was not to be trusted.

One other thing, I have been struck by the female character being named Zafer. Turkish names are always a big mystery to me. But Zafer was a male character in Secretos de Sangre. Maybe it's like Cameron or Bobby/ie and can work for either.


Novelera, thank you for the snappy recap . Things are starting to unfold . I was surprised that the teen mom and baby suddenly showed up . Will Amelia end up with that bebe or become pregnant by Diego ?
I hope Fausto isn't good enough at math to figure out that the bebe might be Jacinto's. Yikes .

Cece is unbelievable.


Thanks Novelera, for your wonderful recap! I haven’t watched yet but I will tomorrow! Your description of Fausto’s disregard for Chelo was so good I feel like I have already seen it.

Sounds like you were right about the red herring on the drug bust. You wouldn’t think you could keep something like that quiet!

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