Wednesday, March 13, 2024

El Amor No Tiene Receta #11: Murder, Inc.'s Most Embarrassing Failure


Mauro described to Ginebra the streets, the GPS map, and the security cameras on them relative to locating the street urchins.

Mirey, Paz, and Lupita really let Salomón have it over his “confession” of guilt. Vermin stood behind all the women, observing. It looked like he intended to use Salomon as a fall guy at some future date. Mireya mentioned her womanizing ex who would never do such things. Salomón was just as defiant as before, likely due to his sibling rivalry with Pepa, whom he seemed also to accuse. This got uglier.

Vermin stayed near the door while watching his cell phone. He got a message I couldn't read [TV networks really need to learn that not everyone has an 84” screen] and left the house without saying anything.

At Fagin's Camp Gorila deliberately knocked down the makeshift table, forcing the children to scramble for whatever food had still been on it. Samara and Monito watched from the delapidated bus as Gorila announced he would celebrate with his compensation. He entered the bus and gave Samara a pre-made sandwich while pulling a knife on Monito.

After a fly's eye view of the military- or SWAT team armaments and other gear Mauro issued orders to his 10 or 12 minions. He showed them a photo of Samara and told them they were to leave no witnesses.

Vermin sat at the wheel of the transport van, flashing back to Mauro's offer, the money, and Mireya's threat if he had anything to do with the baby's disappearance. He looked like he was about to vomit. He then called Paz to tell her that Mauro was about to make a move. He sent the address to her while the murder troop exited the building to board. He then ended the call and pocketed the phone. Paz took off. The murder troop entered, Mauro took the shotgun seat, and Vermin looked nervous.

Gorila ordered all the children to go to sleep as the murder troop prepared their weapons for a massacre.

Esteban chewed out a male detective for abuse of authority and failure to crack the AI recordings. He then sent a male employee (Mendoza) to review security videos of the kitchen. He looked at a family photo on the wall and thought about happier times when Berenice was alive. Gala and Eder joined him; none of them could sleep. Esteban said he believed Paz to be innocent but could not understand why she walked off the job. They mentioned the party and Esteban began teaching Eder some dance steps as Gala took a video [Do men still wear wingtips?]. Bosco came downstairs complaining about the noise keeping him awake... just like Paz' family, Esteban told him to not accuse Pepa without proof. Bosco insisted that Paz and her entire family should be locked up. Esteban said he was investigating this and if Paz or any relative of hers was responsible he would deal with it.

Paz went to the relevant location, She accidentally knocked something over which sounded like crockery. A dog was heard barking.

The other children were not in view at Fagin's Camp. Gorila fell over as Samara and Monito watched from inside the bus.

The van stopped and the killers disembarked. Mauro followed behind them. Vermin kept his cool just long enough. When alone in the van he prayed to God for forgiveness [The believers among us were hoping it went to God's voicemail].

Samara and Monito waited in the bus. Paz was about 15 yards away watching from behind stacks of tires. She mistook the killers for police, cursing that Mauro had police as accomplices. Two boys appeared, one carrying a box of something. They saw the armed men and ran. The killers probably heard their voices and began shooting, even striking the sides of the bus. There was an opening on the bus' floor. Monito pulled up the floorboards so that he, Samara, and Cobija could get out. They went back into the bus' interior after most of its windows had been shot out. Monito slumped and fell on the floor. Samara went back to him to help.

Paz got a voicemail from Mireya telling her to call to say she was alright. She did not call back.

Monito told Samara he would be alright and told her to run. She pleaded with him to get up. Since Cobija had run out she finally went out after him. Monito was bleeding and said “I don't want to die.”

Salomón was packing his backpack as he argued with Pepa. Apparently Pepa had a secret that he knows [Por favor, please let it not be what I suspect it is]. Mireya demanded to know if either of them knew where Paz was or heard from her. Salomón tried to leave with his backpack, claiming innocence of spiking the food. Mireya tried to stop him. She was shouting and crying at the same time. This finally ended in a three-way hug with her sons.

Vermin was sweating as he waited for the killers to return.

Samara went back to empty campsite and heard Cobija's bark. Paz was there and saw her.

Gorila (Fagin) was leading the other kids away.

The killers entered the campsite with Mauro following. Gorila flattened himself against a wall and waited for them to pass but he ran too quickly. Mauro turned around and followed him.

Samara found Cobija and Paz found them. As the three began to move Samara said they had to save Monito who had been injured. However, they heard an adult male voice – possibly Mauro's – and could not go back. They went back the way Paz had come in as Mauro chased the Fagin. In movie tradition he caught up with him and both drew their weapons. Mauro called Abdul and said “Kill them all” and after the usual verbal game about the criminals' intentions Gorila and Mauro fought. They fell into the dirty pool water and continued the fight, apparently unarmed. Gorila told Mauro he had killed the girl. Mauro finally held him under the water in a choke hold.

Paz and Samara were hiding and heard all of this.

As dawn progressed the killers returned to the campsite saying this was a failure because they could not find the girl. They found Mauro who had climbed out of the pool on its ladder and was covered in filth. He told them “My niece is dead.” [We flies on the wall are wondering whether he believed that.] He told them to round up so they could get away before the police got there.

Paz, Samara, and Cobija remained hidden All had calmed down somewhat. Paz told Samara she would not be alone from then on.

Vermin waited outside the van when the killers returned. Mauro – who had cleared some of the mess off his face – told him that Samara was dead. Vermin said nothing as he entered the van.

Full sunlight later...

Paz had not yet returned. Lupita, Mireya, and Salomón were worried. Pepa then got a text message from Paz and everyone calmed down.

Esteban was doing push-ups in the garden when Elvira came out insisting he put on a T-shirt [She is the textbook example of a spoil-sport]. He told her that the forensic report said that none of the food had been contaminated. She already knew but insisted she was firing Paz anyway. She spoke as though she owned the house. Esteban then told her there was nothing in the kitchen security recordings that incriminated Paz or any of her family. Elvira did not care. [Fortunately for us flies on the wall he had not yet donned a T-shirt].

Paz, Samara, and Cobija came out of hiding. There was a child's sneaker on the walkway. Paz entered the bus but did not find Monito. She came out and told Samara she was taking her home. Samara told her she only remembered her father's face, but nothing else.

Elvira announced at the breakfast table that they were going to need a new chef. Bosco gloated. Esteban finally pulled rank as master of the house, certain that the wine had been contaminated. Elvira refused to believe that and tried to pull the class card on him [Why doesn't he just kick her out?]. Bosco tried to put this on Pepa and Esteban emphasized that they are not classist. Neither Elvira nor Bosco had a reply.

Paz, Samara, and Cobija rode on the cable car back to the barrio.

Mauro went home, still dirty. Ginebra asked if he had killed Samara. He nodded. She demanded proof. He replied that he had none, that a kid told him that the kidnapper did it. He then demanded to know why she had no concern for his own safety as “I am your brother.”

Paz took Samara and Cobija home. When Samara saw the mural she asked whether the baby in it was her daughter. Upon Paz telling her that “Maria” was missing Samara said that Cobija could help them look for her... and Monito.

When they entered the house Paz said she was taking care of “Luna” as though she were her own child. Everyone stared at Samara, probably seeing the resemblance to Paz' drawings.


I can't understand why any TV network would fail to show as important an episode as this one in such an important media market unless the vast majority of its viewers either have On Demand or a paid subscription to Vix.

Fortunately, I have both. Vix has no ads and a beautiful picture but I don't think it has subtitles.

Now, on to the story.

Mauro and Vermin are now in different kinds of hot water. Vermin will go to prison if Mireya finds out he sold her niece to Mauro whose life will be ended by Ginebra when she finds out that Samara is alive. He will be in worse mental shape than Vermin.

Upward mobility is a lost concept on Elvira. I have known people like that and they are often a lot more insecure than they seem.

How much dinero can Ginebra access right now? This nasty attack must have cost a fortune. More importantly, her greed is so beyond the pale that if she learns that Mauro again failed to kill poor Samara she will kill him in the most sadistic way she can think of. All I can hope for is for her to suffer the worst Karmageddon any writer can come up with.

I have been wondering whether Esteban and his father have been estranged. If so, is that a case of reverse snobbery?

Since Vermin knows that Samara is actually Paz' child, how will he react when he finds out that she is still alive? I doubt we will need to wait long before that comes up.

WTH is Pepa's secret?

Thanks, Urban, that was a great, informative read.

I was hoping Gorila would survive but I guess he didn’t. He saved all the kids, and saved Luna too. I got the impression he wasn’t going to give Luna to him since he realized he wanted to kill her. But he also said she was dead so maybe that was his thought.

Vermin didn’t want to be there but didn’t seem to react when Mauro announced Sam was dead. I wonder if he’ll tell Paz who she is. And is Paz just going to keep her even though she thinks Ginebra is her mother and loves her.

Now Esteban decides Paz is innocent and wants to bring her back. Not sure why Elvira thinks she can call the shots in Esteban’s house. But we know who Bosco takes after.

Not sure why everyone seems to blame Solomon for everything. I must have missed something, or forgotten it. I kind of remember he was the reason the water was turned off-I think.

Paz’s announcement at the end sure surprised me-and all of her family!


Liz, I think the reason Elvira gets away with this is that she owns Esteban's place of employment. He should have gotten a job elsewhere long ago. Elvira could not do as much damage to him while Berenice was alive but now it's No Holds Barred for her.

Solomon turning off the water got Paz' family in big trouble. Board of Heath closures are no joke and they've been in financial straits ever since. Repairs and fines can be ruinously expensive in addition to lost revenue during the closure. I don't know how old this brat is but he needs to be employed and paying back as much lost revenue as possible. If he is under 18 I don't know what Mexican law would allow.

Gorila was a predator but Mauro is a stronger one and Ginebra more so than he is. We know how Ginebra ended up away from her mother but we don't know anything about Mauro's origins. It would also be interesting to know who Ginebra's sperm donor was. What if it was Porfirio? I hope we don't have to wait much longer for him to show up.

As to Emiliano Orsorio, if he's the guy in white he needs a better haircut. He was in El Ultimo Rey with more hair as the young Alejandro Fernandez and later as Alejandro Jr. He gave good performances in that.


Your recap was electrifying as was the episode. Perfect screen shot and title.

"Fagin's camp" and "full sunlight later" were but a few of your amazing inclusions in one of the most stomach churning episodes I've ever seen. I was literally clenching my fists watching it this morning.

Men dressed in full military fatigues, guns blazing chasing down abused, abandoned chidren was one of the most violent images I've ever seen. It was a miracle the chidren were able to escape and yes for that Gorila must be begrudingly thanked.

At least Sam is safe. For the moment. Urban, I am also wondering what Vermin will do when he finds out Sam is alive. Paz kept her wits about her and truly was her daughter's savior last night.

I didn't understand the familial assaut on Solomon either. Was it just an assumption he'd tainted the wine/food or was there any concrete proof I missed?

I was too engrossed with the children to care about or concentrate on anything else.

And now the biggest question and worry is: where is Monito?


Urban, thank you for an excellent recap as the plot hurtles forward.

I need Paz to clean up Sam \Luna\ Maria and the dograbhit. Where is our minihero Monito? Will creepy Gin discover that Paz has Sam?

We got some flashbacks of Esteban with his father in earlier episodes . Estebsn was a little boy , and he and his dad were outdoors on a farm or ranch and appeared to be close and happy in their cowboy hats and jeans .

The cast seems close . Daniel puts a lot of funny things with his fellow actors on Facebook and Tik tok.


Urban, I just read your comment. I missed Liz saying Solomon turned off the water leading to the restaurant closure. No wonder his family is so angry at him.



Thanks, Urban. The ways of Uni are mysterious and will probably never be decipherable since they are so illogical.

I enjoyed the action in this episode. It looks like Gorila bit the dust but I hope we run into Monito soon.

Loved your comment about Elvira being a killjoy when it came to the T-shirt.

Can we just deep six the Sal and Bosco subplots?

Vermin should do the right thing but then the novela would be over.

Has Claudia Martín ever played anything but goody-two shoes good girl roles?

Looking forward to tonight.

UA: Thank you very much for the recap of last night's episode.

Jarifa: Claudia did do some Antagonistic roles a few years back. Maybe she wants to do something different since she's in her mid 30s.


Vermin will have to spill the beans fairly soon. He must have vestiges of a conscience or he wouldn't have looked sick most of the time during this episode.

Of course this story needs to end with Paz and Esteban being married, adopting Monito, and giving him a real name.

Sooner or later Vermin's stint as a double agent will be discovered. If this is at the end he might have a redemptive death saving Samara's life. The alternative would be him getting murdered by Ginebra any time before then.

It just occurred to me that if Ginebra and Mauro were abused by their adoptive parents they could have escaped by murdering them.


Thanks, Urban! A corker of an episode and a corker of a recap. My favorite line has not been mentioned yet: "Vermin kept his cool just long enough. When alone in the van he prayed to God for forgiveness [The believers among us were hoping it went to God's voicemail]."

Ai, Monito! That little "I can't go on; save yourself!" speech was pure gold. They should make all those scenery-chewing teenagers watch it on a loop. THIS IS HOW IT'S DONE, BOYS. (I'm with Novelera: let's just cut out all the adolescents and replace them with 6-year-olds.)

I don't think Salo turned off the water -- he was supposed to be up on the roof fixing it, but instead he was canoodling with some girl. When his regular novia found out, she had her aunt call the health department to get revenge. Then, Salo was macking on some girl at Elvira Inc., and when Pepa went to hide the security camera image he knocked over Bosco's statue, causing more problems. So he really is a kind of a putz.

Speaking of Bosco, he reminds me of a young Edward Herrmann, who always seemed to be cast as an entitled tick. Every time he makes that snotty face, I picture him as a grown man wearing sock-suspenders.

Urban, I bet part of the HEA will be Paz and Esteban using Sam's fortune -- she's still entitled to it, I believe -- to set up a foundation for the street kids. Named after Berenice, of course.

Question: If Esteban's security cameras are detailed enough to convince him that none of the barrio babes doctored the food, then why can't he go back and see Elvira throwing the pot on the ground? Beanie, beanie; who's got the beanie?

Thank you Urban for this fierce recap of a disturbing episode! I watch on Vix too and they do have Spanish subtitles.

Paz checking her voicemail or voice text in the middle of a shootout?? Who would do that?

They better not kill off that adorable Monito!

I agree with Blue Lass, Salo didn't turn off the water, it's exactly as she said, he was goofing off instead of fixing the water but he didn't actually cause the problem as far as we know. Perhaps I'm alone but so far, I don't see him as such a bad person. He clearly has an attitude problem especially when it comes to his jealousy of his brother. However, after hearing how Mireya laid into him for not being like Pepe and listed off all the ways she thinks Pepe is better than him, I'd have to guess he came across that chip on his shoulder honestly. Mireya even suggested that it's Salo's fault that Bosco hates Pepe!!? Really? Bosco hates Pepe because he's an entitled snob, he would have found another reason if Pepe hadn't broken the statue. As for the rest of it - goofing off instead of working, juggling girls, etc - it's not great behavior but it isn't criminal either, it's typical teenage boy stuff. I mean he needs to grow up, but I don't know that he needs to be villainized, much less gained up on by his whole family.

Gorilla looked almost falling down drunk when he was in the bus with Luna/Sam and Monito, I don't know how he had the ability to lead the escape and fight Mauro. Speaking of this, where do you find 10-12 men willing to perform a child massacre? You always see shows where even the hardest of criminals are unwilling to touch children, yet Mauro has no trouble rounding up child killers by the dozen?? I don't know who has the beanie Blue Lass, but I need it too!

Speaking of the weirdest (unwise and unlikely) plan ever. Gin and Mauro presumably want to keep up their impeccable appearances right, sending storm troopers in to eliminate a whole bunch of children isn't exactly subtle!!

Is Eliva attracted to Esteban?? She didn't seem like she was just telling him to put on a shirt for the sake of it, she seemed genuinely affected by seeing all those muscles! That would be weird and creepy, but might explain part of her problem with Esteban and why she stays close even though she 'hates' him.

Boscoe is just horrible. He actually suggests that Paz and her whole family should be arrested!!! For what?

For existing, I think. He is the cliche of a brat born to privilege, like too many pretty girls who think being ugly is contagious.

Darcy, yes, that was an odd scene between Elvira and Esteban in the yard. She was all embarrassed h at seeing her son in law shirtless . I noticed she also seemed uncomfortable with her studly right hand man in earlier episodes. Did her dad make her fear men after he took her baby away? I hope we get more of her back story. Will we find out anything about Bernece's father?

Susan the screencaps. Thank you !

Urban, you did justice to an action packed episode. Thank you, I really enjoyed the recap and your funny commentary.

Now that Sam is safe, can she get a proper shower, please?

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