Tuesday, March 05, 2024

El Amor No Tiene Receta #6, Lunes 3/4/24: Tooth and Claw

Luna sticks out her grubby paw and plaintively asks for money for food. Paz, being Paz, offers to cook her a whole meal. But before they can decide on the menu, Monito grabs her hand and drags her off. 

Paz suddenly realizes how she knows that little face -- from the 7 seconds she saw Ginebra hold up the photo on tv! Not the artist's drawing she looks at every day in her own house! No, that would be silly! But it's too late -- the kids are in the wind.  

Back at Camp Oliver Twist, Gorila recognizes Sam on the front page of the paper. His two brain cells rub together and create a spark.

Esteban's kids beg the White Witch to do anything in her power to bring him home. They've already lost their mother; they can't stand being separated from their pa. She lovingly explains to them that Dad is a murderer and this is just how justice works. When Gala cries out for her to stop explaining already, she gets a don't-you-dare-speak-to-grandma-that-way smackdown. Um, priorities?

Paz reports her miraculous sighting to Mireya, who cautions her that grief can make people see things. You know, like how she keeps seeing her own daughter everywhere? Paz replies that if there is even a small chance, she as a mother would want to know, and she cannot deny Ginebra that same "hope." Ha.

Salo sees Rubio out promenading with his wingthugs and lands him a satisfying full-body punch in the mouth, which needless to say does not end well. Fermin spots him staggering home while he's out hawking his services as a freelance plumber (really? why isn't HE on the roof inspecting the pipes?) and escorts him home. Everyone blames Fermin for everything, and Mireya throws him out. Again. Mireya and Lupe sweet-talk the sobrinos, who feel like no girl will ever love them. More flavors of sad. 

Gala demands to see the incriminating video and of course Elvira shows it to her, because priorities. She only makes it through about two sentences before she runs off in tears and locks herself in the bathroom with 7/8 of a cake and a large spoon. This scene is pretty unpleasant, but bulimia is unpleasant, so...yay for realism, I guess. 

Eventually she cleans herself up and goes out to comfort her brothers. They tell her she is the best sister in the world, and she says she only wishes she were as wonderful as they think she is. Still more flavors of sad. 

Ginebra shows up unannounced at Villa Villa de Cortes to reciprocate the comfort-stalking. She offers "sympathy" over Berenice's long-ago death, but Elvira says that even before that, her heart was already broken. "Why, Dona Elvira? Why was your heart already broken?" The patio moves to the edge of its seat, but just then Gin's phone rings...and it's Paz, with "news about your daughter." Paz wants to meet in person. Cara impactada de Ginebra.

Moments later, Elvira gets an alert on her tablet -- another video! Now we understand why Gin is really there. They watch together as Fake Berenice retracts her accusation against Esteban and blames her mother for her impending suicide. 

Mauro is fretting over his morning whiskey when his phone rings as well. It's Gorila, wanting to know how much they'll give him for Sam, because he's got her. Cara impactada de Mauro. (Not sure how G got M's number, but I guess they had to put something on the flyers.) Gorila wants more than the posted reward but hangs up when Mauro tries to poor-mouth him.

Gorila quizzes Luna about her past, but all she remembers is being in a box. He dispatches Monito to retrieve the clothes she had on when she arrived and says he's pulling her off the street -- he has other plans for her. Shudder.

Paz visits Ginebra at home to tell her that her daughter is alive and doesn't seem to notice that she's the only one who's excited about that. She tries to calm Gin's nerves by taking her on a walk down memory lane and also fails to notice that the grieving mother doesn't seem to know a thing about her own kid. Her favorite ice cream? Her favorite book? Gin's just clearly making stuff up at this point. 

After Paz bounces off, Ginebra summons Mauro and slaps his drink and him in that order. He holds fast to his false claim of sobrinacide and she demands to see the charred, dead body of her daughter. Guau. Just guau. 

Mauro has a chillingly dead-eyed way of saying "muy bien." I'm starting to suspect he is less devoted to her than terrified of her -- with good reason, obvi. 

Elvira arrives at Esteban's jail cell. They exchange words as per usual, but Elvira comes up with the goods quicker than expected: he will soon be released, because new evidence has come to light that exonerates him and implicates her. To his credit, he doesn't believe it for a minute, but we can probably forgive him for pointing out that now she knows how it feels to be falsely accused. 

Esteban is more convinced than ever that someone is trying to destroy their family -- and that Bere was murdered. They must overcome their differences and work together to expose the culprit! Elvira flashes back to walking on the beach with Berenice, who asks her to try harder to be nice to Esteban. (Or try at all, really.) He is her family, and she was always taught that family is everything. Past-Elvira says she will try, but one doesn't have high hopes.

The next morning, Gorila calls Mauro back and accurately describes the clothes Sam was wearing when she disappeared. Mauro tells him he doesn't get a cent until he provides proof of life. 

Paz shows up at Esteban's house with sandwiches for the kids, who are grateful and appreciative. She tells them she's taking one to their father in jail; do they have a message for him? They say they love him and miss him and believe in him and don't understand why they're not allowed to see him. 

The Big Why walks in and is unspeakably rude to poor sweet Paz. Gala tries to defend her and gets smacked down again. Paz holds her own, though, and manages to exit with some dignity.

After she leaves, Elvira literally snatches the "unhealthy" sandwich out of little Eder's hands. The expression on Bosco's face is priceless. (Between the nutrition-shaming and the sanitation police and the unexpected deaths and the public arrests, does anyone actually get a meal on this show? I'm surprised they don't all have eating disorders.) 

Paz repairs to the jail with Esteban's sandwich and sweet encouragement from his kids. He doesn't get to eat, either, probably because he is overcome by the swelling music.

In other news:

* At some point the lawyers come by and tell Ginebra she can only access Elias's fortune for the express purpose of finding Sam. She pretends to understand.

* Cobija is a girl dog-rabbit. I will go back and change her pronouns.

* Not nearly enough Nandy in this episode. I miss her teeth smile. 


Lots of flavors of sad, but even more flavors of delights with this recap. I was able to read it simultaneously while watching and you gave me a whole other level of enjoyment. I loved Bosco’s facial expressions too! He’s got some skillz behind those Dwight Schrute glasses.
Oh, I do hope the little guy gets removed from the homeless camp too.
Returning back to the real world now… just wish I was getting there on a cabriolet/ tram/ cable bus high above the city.

R la O

Wow...just ...wow. Blue Lass, I am thinking back to all your bouncy, snarky recaps and comments in the past . Your recap of this episode had me smiling . What a great read. You certainly have a way with words.

" Flavors of sad " indeed....that phrase really hit me. There are so many flavors of sad in this show. It could be an alternate title.

The acting is spot on , but I do feel that Altair's villain vibe lacks any subtlety . Her looks of pure evil as she talks to people ...too obvious. If she was talking to me with that stonecold , sketchy look on her face, I would be backing up and running for the door . Too much. Gin's supposed " grief" wardrobe allows her to wear lots of black leather . As I adjusted my comfy sweatshirt, I wondered how uncomfortable she was in that black leather dress and sky high CFM tacones. In contrast , Paz ( Peace...perfect name for this sweet soul) looked so cute in her comfy little dress and bright white sneakers .
Those sandwiches looked so delicious . hmmm.... Do you think cranky Yaya took a little bite before she threw them in the trash. Eder was really tucking into his sandwich. ...then Yaya, pantry police , takes his sammy.

What is up with Bosco's exaggerated facial expressions ?

Sal ...not smart confronting Rubio and his minions . What were you thinking ?

Vermin, the plumber ?

I have a feeling that Paz will be able to help Gala with her eating disorder . Paz uses her food skills to show love . The saying goes " the way to a man's heart is through his stomach ." Esteban was beaming when smiling Paz handed that sandwich to him through those bars . The smiles on these two are electric. What a great balance to all the malice and evil we are being shown .

So ...another fake video of Berenece blaming Elvira for her unhappiness . Now what ? Will the suegra from hell Elvira and Esteban become allies to discover who is sending those videos ?

I cannot wait to see how our story unfolds tonight !


Blue, I forgot to add that I LOVED “Camp Oliver Twist” and the “White Witch”. Clever, clever you!
R la O

Blue Lass, how do you manage to turn such sad episodes into laugh out loud recaps? Camp Oliver Twist? So easy and yet so clever! So many other gems, but this one stuck with me.

So let me get this straight. When Berenice sent a message saying Esteban was bad, it was the pure and honest truth. But when she sends something blaming her mom, then it has to be a lie, right?
Elvira remembers that she and Bere were close. How on Earth did she end up hating Esteban then, wazs it jealousy?

Paz recognizing Sam so quickly was surprising. Mauro not telling Ginebra that he was contacted for a ransom was even more so.

As evil as she is, Ginebra forgot the basic rule of being a psycho villain with no soul: ask for proof of death. She should have asked Mauro to bring her Sam's heart, like any respectable wicked step-mother would.

Gala having an eating disorder - not interesting, but it could get her closer to Paz. Bosco making faces every time I see him - don't like it. I don't think I like him, actually.


R la O, I was wondering about that cable bus, too. In all my years of novela watching, this is the first time I see this. Where are they all supposed to live anyway, is it Mexico City?

Susan, I always feel so envious when I see women wearing those high, perfect heels. I can barely walk in them, for sure, but they make it seem so effortless. I bet that as soon as the camera stops recording they put on fuzzy slippers, those days of filming are looong.
I find Esteban and Paz... OK. They are both good souls, deserving happiness, but I'm not swooning for now. I do love Ginebra, though, she is so evil and entertaining to watch.

Thanks, Blue Lass, for the fun read. "Camp Oliver Twist" is perfect! Too bad that Gorlia ever had to find out who Samara was. Being on the street just might be better for her than being returned to Ginebra's torture chamber. What a choice!

Susan, "Vermin, the plumber?" I was wondering about that, too. So funny!

Adriana, I agree about Ginebra. Altar Jaraibo is fantastic in her portrayal. Cobija is certainly a highlight along with Samara.

I am pretty much "meh" about everyone else in the cast but the plot is very good so far.

Good job, Blue Lass, "Camp Oliver Twist" is a great one!

We had to know that Mauro's actions were going to have interesting consequences. I don't want to see Ginebra kill him, as he is the one who can out her as Elias' killer and the mastermind behind the attempted murder of Samara. By the time we get there he will have developed cirrhosis of the liver from trying to drown his guilt.

The White Witch and the Tragic King must both have concluded that both videos were faked and that someone is out to destroy them personally or the business. However the control she has assumed over his children will be an ongoing battle. The cake scene was disturbing. Gala was grabbing the bites like a two-year-old, not a teen. Would Elvira have used the belt on her?

Rubio will be in for a serious Karmageddon in the end for what he's doing to poor Salomon.

Adriana Noel, yes, the cable bus is in Mexico City. Doesn’t it look amazing?
R la O

Thank you Blue Lass, as always love your wit and humor!

Now, that we have this new video of 'Bernice' saying she's going to kill herself because of mommy, it has me wondering about the previous video about Esteban. I didn't think about it at the time, was too busy trying to get to know everyone, but did Esteban's video say he killed Bernice? Or that she was going to kill herself because of him? Because if, like this video she said she was going to commit suicide and it was his fault; I don't understand why he's in jail! Driving someone to suicide isn't nice, but it isn't a crime either as far as I know.... it's bugging me that I can't remember. Did the video say Esteban killed her or she was going to kill herself because of him?

I'm sorry that anyone recognized Sam, and I'm worried for her now! Especially since Gin heard she can't access the money without Sam. She might want to have her back so she can get the money which would be more abuse for Sam but then it appears Sam is finding abuse no matter where she turns. Poor baby, she can come to my house! I'll take care of her and keep her away from anyone who would want to hurt her.

Thanks so much Blue Lass. I enjoyed your side comments as you filled me in on what was going on.

I’m thinking Luna will end up with Ginebra because it sounds like that’s how she can get her money. Even though Mauro is no good I do feel a little sorry for him. Although he’s probably a cold blooded killer too.

Paz and Esteban, and also Luna and Monito, are my favorite characters and I hope they end up together. I can see Monito rescuing Luna once again. Or at least getting help for her.

The scene of Gala eating the whole cake and then throwing up was disturbing. When she was eating it I thought it might be a one time thing, but after throwing up I figured she has an eating disorder. I feel bad for the 3 kids. Yaya is the Mommy Dearest of grandparents.


Blue Lass,

Thank you for your outstanding recap.

"Camp Oliver Twist" indeed! "wingthugs" was equally great as was "He holds fast to his false claim of sobrinacide".

As you so smartly pointed out Mauro is afraid of Ginebra, I will admit that I am as swell. Ginebra makes my heart sink. Was she born this evil or if not, what happened to her? I'm still struggling with Mauro being her "brother." That might not be of the blood but a symbol that whatever hellish journey they went through, they did so together. He has said if not for her...

Will Sam be brought back to the house of horrors? That sweet little face is just painful to watch.


I am wondering if Gin and Mauro were both street urchins like Monito and Sam , and Gin was the tough one who protected the passive Mauro. Something has to explain why Mauro is Gin's minion. Just a crockpot theory .

Gin is certainly on a mission against Elvira .

I have had more than enough scenes of Sam being in jeopardy . Poor kid . She needs to bask in Paz's smile and love and fed her delicious food while being hidden from BSC evil Gin.



I am guessing that the two were adopted at different times and both were abused, both before and after having been adopted. Although they look related there is no blood tie between them.

I want this backstory told.

Current stats for Mexico is that 14 minors go missing every day. This could be underreported.


What a terrific recap, Blue!

I loved "Camp Oliver Twist". Such a clever one!

I'm debating whether Ginebra or Gorila are worse for poor Sam and my conclusion is that I can't pick. They're both so evil and abusive, it's heartbreaking that Sam has to go through that and even more heartbreaking that it's so common in Mexico.

I agree that Gin and Mauro may not be blood related.

Still stumped at the kids calling Elvira "yaya". Is she supposed to have any Greek roots?

All the weird food scenes are, well, weird. I mean, food IS a big a part of the novela, so it's a bit understandable, but still...

Thanks for being here, everyone!

I am really liking this show. So far it has a great track record of not falling into cliche but rather constantly surprising us. And the plot is moving VERY quickly. (Have we ever had our galan in -- and out -- of jail in the first 7 days?)

I'm always pretty meh about the main couple, but these two are at least fairly likeable and mature enough not to immediately assume the worst of each other (fingers crossed.) I'm hoping to get invested in one of the side-romances, but those are still pretty undeveloped. Mauro and Mireya have potential, but I'm afraid the only way he can redeem himself at this point is by sacrificing himself to save Sam. We shall see.

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