Wednesday, March 06, 2024

El Amor No Tiene Receta, #7: Discovery, Clues, and a Very Close Call


Some scene combined for clarity.

Ginebra saw the intact wooden box. She was angry that it was intact and had not been burned. She demanded to see Samara's dead body. He told her he had not killed the child. She fired several shots past Mauro and came closer, saying he had been the only person she had ever trusted. She was within point-blank range.

At the same time Paz and Esteban were talking. He had been crying. She was her usual optimistic self. A cop released him. Esteban and Paz hugged. She looked concerned, but finally smiled.

Mauro admitted he had left her in the box, not thinking whether she would survive. Ginebra hit Mauro who said that Samara could not have survived. She said that they had survived worse things than the forest. He had led her to believe he had killed the girl. She continued to point the pistol at him.

Samara and Monito talked about Gorila and his treatment of them. Monito said he used his brain to survive.

Mauro reminded Ginebra that they say they met they were nobodies, even garbage. They had been in an orphanage where they had sworn to obtain everything. He always thought of her as a sister and always had loved her. She was the only person he had ever loved. She looked about to weaken so she hit him again with the gun, demanding “How could you?” before firing into the air several times. He collapsed against the empty box and kept an eye on her.

Esteban began eating the torta as the clerk handed him the envelope containing his personal things. He asked Paz to come back with him to his place and he would have his chauffeur drive her home. He was very concerned about his children. Two women entered the room, one of them telling the other “That's the man accused of killing his wife.” [We know where this could go.]

Mauro said they had to get out of there in case someone heard the shots. Ginebra continued to accuse him of complicating the situation; therefore she had wanted Samara dead. They would be in deep shit if she was alive and remembered anything. She demanded that he find her and kill her, then walked away. He collapsed on the ground, crying.

Samara and Monito sat on a low wall and talked. She still remembered nothing of her past. Monito suggested she first try to remember her mother. She remembered nothing but met a woman whom she wished were her mother. Flashback to her meeting with Paz on the bridge.

Mireya and Nandy admired Pedro's latest mural and encouraged him. He talked about painting murals in all the barrios.

A very impatient Gorila shot a video of Samara holding up the front page of the morning newspaper as she spoke the script he demanded.

Mireya and Nandy continued to sell their food in the marketplace. Someone there made Nandy nervous.

At the office Kenzo greeted his son – Jeronimo – and was interrupted by his ex (Felipa) who seems like a real and condescending piece of work. They argued about child support in front of their son.

Nandy had caught an attitude or had seen this man before and it reminded her of the experiences of being a trans girl [Cause of the Year at this network?]. She flashes back to her youth when she was a boy and put on her grandmother's high heels, feeling that she was meant to be a girl. Her father abused her by smashing her head into the full-length mirror and kicking her when she landed on the floor, followed by whipping her with his belt. She told Mireya that only her grandmother was understanding. She chose the name Fernanda. She flashed back to her first meeting with Mireya and Paz when she had run away after having been savagely abused, blood on her face dripping down to her sweatshirt.

Esteban entered his house, calling for his children. They ran over and had a family hug [somehow transported into the front garden] just as Elvira slithered in demanding his gratitude for dropping the specious charges.

Ginebra trash-talked Paz whose support group might find Samara [Need clarification here]. Vermin called Mauro threatening to to ruin him for having stolen his daughter.

Esteban and Elvira argued first about her accusations, which hurt his kids, about Paz, whom Elvira called una intrusa. He defended her and wanted to hire as the family's chef “to help feed the soul”. Eder loved the idea. Paz defended herself, explaining that she had gone to culinary school.

Mauro had ended the call and told Ginebra that this was possible news of Samara. He wanted her to let him investigate whether this was real or not. Ginebra said to do whatever he had to but her only forgiveness would be for him to hand her over.

Esteban said this was to be temporary until the restaurant was back in business. She accepted. Eder cheered and hugged her. Bosco scowled. Esteban and Elvira continued the argument and he was not pleased that this was happening in front of the kids. Elvira made insulting comments about Paz' education and what she wanted to believe about it Paz answered that she knew about nutrition. Esteban was convinced. Elvira said she would have to prove herself.

Gorila sent the video of Samara to Mauro who put his phone in his back pocket before Ginebra could see it. She told him that while he searched she would be at the Villa de Cortes office. He replied that he was going to see someone about Elias' business, since the investigation seems to be moving along. She was pleased at the prospect of all the money this would lead to. [However, we must wonder about the undertone of her statement.]

Esteban talked to Kenzo who told him that there were journalists at the office who were full of questions. When he ended the call the kids questioned Elvira about her accusation. All of them were suffering on social media about this. She told them they had to understand her desperation. Esteban insisted that she tell them that he was innocent of the accusation. She – though insincerely – said so. Gala's face showed that she saw through that. Esteban told his kids not to worry and that they'll spend the afternoon welcoming Paz and showing her around. Bosco copped an attitude already about her being hired. Esteban said that she needed the job and he felt she would be an asset. Gala and Eder agreed while Bosco an Elvira exchanged looks.

On her first day on the job Paz looked around the kitchen and was very happily impressed with it [Wouldn't we all love to have that big fridge and huge pantry?]. Eder asked whether she made cake and she promised she did along with any other dessert he liked. Bosco gave her grief and Gala stopped that. [Does that young idiot know that his name is on a chocolate syrup product? Who gave him that name, anyway?] Gala suggested they meet with her dad so they can show her around the house.

Elvira acknowledged she had made a mistake accusing him of Berenice's death. However, she would not forgive him. Only that someone was torturing them. He then withheld his gratitude certain that they would again be enemies.

Paz confided to Gala and Eder that her daughter had been stolen years before; they were shocked but empathetic. Esteban apologized for Bosco's rudeness and said he had to go to the office to solve a problem. Elvira came out of the house with her demands for what groceries never to buy and what meals to make. She even talked about a uniform. Gala told her that was so outdated, colonial. Estenan said his kids had strong convictions. Paz had her chef gear, which she said she earned the right to. Esteban described Elvira as “complicated” [which is too mild a description in my book].

Bosco practiced his fencing. [He's got an attitude and he's hardly dashing; this will not help.]

Vermin was eating a steak (presumably at his current workplace) as Mauro approached with a very scary-looking henchman. Mauro silently gestured for the cook to leave and was obeyed. He picked up the scary knife, speared a large chunk of the steak, and almost forcibly fed it to Vermin. After Vermin carefully took the meat off the point Mauro held up the knife, saying “I am the boss around here.” Vermin nodded, clearly afraid.

Ginebra went to Elvira saying she needed therapy because of her recent losses [shocking all of us that Elvira fell for this] and a job in her company. She claimed no business experience but a degree in chemistry which could be useful. Elvira looked interested.

Mauro said he wasn't looking to make enemies. Vermin accused him of retrieving the money, then threatened to file charges against Mauro. He threatened to go to police with a hair sample to prove that the missing child is his daughter. That would make him a hero to his wife [In your dreams, pendejo]. Mauro hit him hard, then grabbed him by the throat. He then slammed his hand onto a metal surface that looked like an electric saw used to cut bones. He turned it on while the henchmen held a gun toward Vermin's head at point-blank range. Vermin shouted over the noise as the blade moved closer to just below his right wrist, saying that there could be consequences if anything happened too him. Mauro pulled his arm back and hit him in the gut.

Paz poured cake batter into a spring-form pan and was shocked that Gala didn't want to eat for fear of fat. Paz explained that she used very little sugar. Gala talked about being an influencer and that cameras add weight. Bosco came in with his foil and Eder said he was a champion fencer. Bosco opened the fridge for a drink. She invited him to taste the cake but he was ruder to her than before, also citing her nephew's behavior toward him. Gala questioned his behavior and he accused Paz of being in love with their dad.

Samara talked to her dog, saying how she wanted to go home but didn't know where it was as Monito told her that Gorila was going to sell her.

Elvira entered Esteban's office with Ginebra and told him she had hired her. He said they needed to talk privately about that.

Paz brought Bosco's fencing helmet to his room; he had left it in the kitchen. She wanted to talk. He took the helmet without thanking her and said he could not respect anyone who had de$igns on his dad and demanded that she resign.

Esteban was not happy at seeing Ginebra in the office. He and Elvira argued about her hiring Ginebra without consulting him. It was a tit for tat about him hiring Paz without her permission. There was also how her accusation hurt his image and possibly the company. The class issue came up again in relation to Ginebra's degree. Esteban said he judged people by their hearts, not their status. She said Ginebra was suffering and if her employment doesn't pan out she accepted responsibility.

Ginebra looked at the photo of Berenice, saying something about displacing her. Finishing with “I am here for your husband.” Mauro called Ginebra about Vermin. She said to dispose of him; she did not want to lose control over Esteban. She ended the call, then broke the glass on Berenice's photo frame, picked up a shard from it, and cut her wrist to bleed profusely just in time for Esteban to see it. No Roman matron, she deliberately leaned on him to take full advantage of his concern.


I hope I can continue to post before noon. This required the 2nd viewing due to the details needed at this stage.

If I got anything wrong please advise so I can correct this..

1st Comment: Why the long hairpiece on Altair Jarabo? In addition to being unnecessary it's obviously not a perfect match

Charming and erudite as always, Urban. You're one of few people I know who can casually toss off the word "specious." ;}

And I loved how you threw shade on Bosco for being named after an ice-cream accoutrement. (When the Villa de Cortes kids were introduced in the boardroom, one of the barrio denizens mumbled, "What, they were all out of normal names?")

I'm glad our Pepa is an artist. Otherwise we might think that all teenage boys do is pull weird faces. And I was wondering what "Nandy" was short for -- now we know!

Question: How would Fermin's hair identify the kid in the absence of the actual kid? It's not like the police are going to take his word for it and demand a hairbrush from the grieving mum. As you said, "In your dreams, pendejo."


I think this will depend on Samara showing up at all. DNA can be detected in bones and teeth left in human cremains but not always. Other ashes are useless.

This is predicated on any possibility that anyone would go to the police with Samara, who is now being indoctrinated to avoid the police.

Ginebra wants her dead. That will not change. She leaves no stone unturned.

Urban, thank you so much. Beautifully put: " No Roman matron, she deliberately leaned on him to take full advantage of his concern." ; along with, "Cause of the Year at this network?" Why is the entertainment industry always a case of monkey see monkey do?

Anyway, for the "need clarification here": Ginebra tells Mauro that Paz and her little group of weepy women better not find Samara before he does.

I do not like Bosco the Brat but I can understand where he is coming from but not why he has to be so rude about it.Hopefully we do not see too much more of him.

Can they not just let Paz the "PAZ maker" do the cooking and lay off of trying to win him or Elvira over?

There is so much child abuse detected and alluded to in this novena. I found it interesting that Ginebra found it surprising hat Mauro thought that Samara would end up dying in the box since they survived much worse things. Then there was the case of Nandy.

Funny how Ginebra could hit Mauro with her gun in the head but we never saw any blood or wounds.

So, those two met at the orphanage and invented a sibling relationship between them.

Vermin is too stupid to live.

Thanks, Urban.
I cheered when Esteban said he won't thank Elvira. Doesn't she get tired of this 'bow when you see me, you ungrateful peasants' attitude? She seriously expects thanks but at the same time 'you must understand my desperation'...I wonder who her parents are.
Didn't Ginevra say Berenise took everything from her/left her with nothing? How is that possible?
I wonder what new thing they will pick once the trans character trend ends.
A degree in chemistry...What does Esteban's company actually do?

Thanks Urban, I just finished watching and enjoyed the show and your recap.

I don’t remember Bosco being such a rude kid. I would not be trying to win him over. Ginebra wants to replace Bernice. She couldn’t handle one sweet little girl, what would she do with Esteban’s kids. I’d like to see that. Bosco would be begging Paz to return.

I was surprised Nandy was trans. I guess it’s going to be the trend in telenovelas now. I’m glad we found out her relationship in the family.

I was so happy when Vermin called Mauro. But I figure he signed his own death sentence. I hope he at least tells Paz before they do away with him. Although I don’t think Mauro goes around killing people. And Vermin is more interested in the money than his daughter.

Elvira hired Ginebra, to do what? But it’s her business. Isn’t it Esteban’s house? Not sure why she used that comparison. But anxious for her to realize what exactly she hired.



The business could be a pharmaceutical company. I'll bet Ginebra has been very creative with poisons.

We've speculated that she could be Elvira's "lost" daughter. This makes sense the same way as the Frida/Angeli situation in Vivir. What I hate about this is the idea that evil is genetic.

Mauro might kill in self-defense or in defense pf someone he loves, which makes for an early prediction that he might die protecting Samara or kill Gibebra defending her.

As for what the next dysfunction will be the fetish of the year, I wish they would take on religious cults and make at least one protagonist an atheist.

Urban, thank you so much for that detailed recap of all the drama.

Uh oh Gin declaring "I am here for your husband " to Berenice's photo .

When BSC Gin was shooting at Mauro and then into the air like a crazy person , I was wondering how many bullets were in that revolver . Mauro is her slave . It is pathetic. Will be ever turn against her to protect Sam?

So nice to see Daniel with two of the young actors who portrayed his kids in " Invencible . ...then we get cranky, rude Bosco . He must have gotten his sour persona from yaya. I !one the way Gala and Eder adore their father and stand up for him against Bosco and Elvira,.

I hope they start to ease away from the abuse . I need Sam in Paz's loving arms .

QTH ...Did Vermin cut a lock of his daughter's hair before he sold her ?

The abuse Nandy endured was also awful.

Gin has a degree in chemistry ....uh oh . What does this company produce ?

Hated to see already stressed out Esteban holding the bleeding , devious demon Gin . Things are about to get much worse.

Paz is a ray of goal to be grateful and mindful .

Urban, this was marvelous.

Loved Bosco..."said he could not respect anyone who had de$igns on his dad and demanded that she resign".

We now know how Ginebra and Mau met and that their sibling relationship is one forged of survival.

What did Vermin think he was going to accomplish by accosting Mauro?? Did he really think Sam would just be handed over to him and that he could return her to Paz no questions asked? Idiot indeed.

I could hardly watch Nandy being beaten as a child. So many dark, dank elements here.

Was the wrist slitting a cry for sympathy? It certainly elicited shock from Esteban. He already has Elvia in his life (sadly), does he another psychotic presene??


UA: Great job with the recap of last night's episode. Why do I get the feeling that the Body Count might crack 600+ by the time this Telenovela ends ? 🤔


The wrist-cutting was a choreographed scene that started with Ginebra's plea for help from Elvira, so she played them both within minutes of each other.

Must be stressful to have to think like her all the time.

Thanks so much, UA, for such a witty, snarky recap. I've been debating between Vivir de Amor and Receta. I'm preferring Receta.

As I may have mentioned, I've been recapping and commenting on the Telemundo pages for years now. Telemundo have gone all reality and 10PM narcos lately, so it's back home to Uni.

Except for Adela Robinson and Altair Jarabo the rest of the actors are new to me. Wait, I did see the Mauro actor in La Reina del Sur 3 not that long ago. Altair was the female protagonist in Juego de Mentiras. I date back to when Uni had an iron grip on its actors and would have blackballed them for working with a competitor.

A trans character is a big surprise for me. I remember Uni having the seriously limp wristed gay characters they occasionally showed, complete with loud, brightly colored suits.

Well we got a glimpse of what Ginebra is up to with the deep fakes. She somehow plans to seduce Esteban and get into the Villa de Cortes family. Hmmm. Adela Robinson usually plays smarter than being fooled by Ginebra's machinations.

Again, thanks for all the fine recaps! All of you are such good writers!

Thanks for the fantastic recap Urban! You never miss a thing and it's so appreciated!

So, Altair is going to go crazy as well as evil! I look forward to it! Weird thing to say, but the last bad girl role I saw her in she played truly BSC along with villainous and she did BSC so well!

I wish Bosco would pipe down! However dashing he is or isn't, you're right the scowl and attitude doesn't help! From what we've seen mom was good natured, dad is a sweetheart, and his siblings are good natured and easy to get along with, how did Bosco end up such a peach? Takes after Yaya, I guess!

There goes my theory that Gin wasn't going to be a predictable villain after the galan storyline, oh well. She'll be fun to watch no matter what she does.


Novelera, it is so good to see you on the Uni side of the board. Thanks for reminding me where I saw the Mauro actor (Tiago Correa) (I had to look his name up.) I knew he looked familiar. This is our second novela in a row with a trans character. The previous character was in “Vencer la culpa” which finished up very recently. As for gay characters, Univision broke the mold with two teenage gay boys in “Mi marido tiene más familia” from 2018/2019. I have been impressed with Univision being so progressive on social issues.
Reality shows or Narco novelas? Not much of a choice.For me, the only good narco novela was/is “La Reina del Sur 1,2&3).

Novelera, glad to see you joining us for this novelera. Many of us here watched " Amor Invencible" with Daniel Elbittar ( Esteban ) . Daniel started with novelas on Venevision in his home country of Venezuela when he was very young . Then,he was in shows on Azteca before coming to Unison . He had minor parts before playing the villain in " Herencia." This is his first galan role . It seems that he and Claudia Martin ( Paz) have a good relationship with Juan Osorio . Daniel is multitalented. He sings, dances, and speaks English fluently . He posts a lot of photos on Facebook and Instagram . He is very funny and seems to enjoy interacting with his fellow actors and films behind the scenes stuff.


Gracias, Novelera. So glad you're back here!

I guess NBC -- which owns Telemundo -- doesn't really want to produce expensive novelas anymore. They always train Univision in ratings as well.

The first gay character I ever saw in a Televisa production was the younger brother of the secondary male protagonist in the teen novela Primer Amor which is currently in reruns on Unimas. That was such a good series I taped it for a friend's kids to give to them when they were old enough. Valentino Lanus was the primary male protagonist of that series and he was adorable. There were some adult gay characters in later series but it did take a while before the cliches began to go away.

The first trans character I ever saw was in the first season of Por Amar Sin Ley. I hope that one is on in case you haven't seen it. It also has Altair Jarabo as a Good girl and a feminist.

Oops.. I meant trail Univision.

Urban, I agree with you about that odd wig that Altair is wearing. If she is supposed to seduce the galan , I am surprised they decided to give her this severe hairstyle .

Univision seems to want to mix casting up a bit by making Kim Dos Ramos the goody goody in Vivir and Altair the villain here .

I think they are finally realizing that allowing actors a greater variety of roles will benefit everyone in the long term. When Fernando Colunga was given his first villain role in 2013 his fans began tuning out.

I also admit to a certain level of sadness to see Jorge Salinas playing villains now. Both should have been allowed to play both sides of that street.

Terrific recap, Urban! I loved all your clever asides!

I'm still betting on Gin being Elvira's lost daughter, now that we're sure she and Mauro met at the orphanage. Didn't she say her heart was already broken before she lost Bere?

Trans characters are a new trend, aren't they? I love Urban's suggestion for an atheist protagonist and going against religious cults. I think my first LGBTQ+ character was in Sangre de mi Tierra on Telemundo, but I dropped that one because the story was going s l o w l y and don't remember details. (Yes Susan, I'll use your "s l o w l y" from Minas - I can't remember if I ever told you, but I cracked up at this, it was wonderful!)

Novelera, glad to see you! I was a Telemundo only myself and couldn't even hear of Uni at first, but all the reality shows are tiring. I mean, they're ONLY offering El Señor de los Cielos 9 currently?

I also remember Altair from Juego de Mentiras. Great recapping memories.

Can we please learn what Elvira's/Esteban's company makes? Maybe we can start a guessing game. With the current rate, it'll be revealed in episode 60.

No novela tonight, March 7. Can't wait to read Adriana's recap of yesterday's episode! (Ans now I realise it's still March 6th in America...)

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