Saturday, March 16, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta, Capítulo 14, Viernes, 15 de marzo, 2024 - "The pera saved Luna, but the perra ruined Esteban"

We open with Sam/Luna walking around the barrio with her dog-rabbit.

Paz and Mireya still haven't realised Sam/Luna is missing. They're STILL hanging the laundry and are talking about her. Paz says she feels as if God sent them Luna for a reason. Mir replies that she feels as if Luna were her niece. Paz tells her sister she needs help and Mir accepts to "fall in love" with Mauro so she can investigate. Paz thanks her. I guess spying on him is too lame for them, so next logical step: have your sister hit on him. Okay...

Sam/Luna remembers Monito gifting her a pera (pear) and she goes somewhere to look for him.

Esteban asks his MIL to apologise to Lupe. With the number of time he's asked people to apologise to others, I'm shocked he isn't called Esteban Disculpas. Anyway. Elvira of course doesn't and they get in a fight about Esteban Disculpas defending Paz and her family. Esteban says that he's defending what's fair and he knows Paz and her family are good people. "Whether you like it or not, Paz will not lose her job", he adds. Elvira then tells him that his interest in Paz is "suspicious" and screams that she will NEVER let a "servant" become the stepmother to her grandchildren. She leaves and Lupe thanks him, they hug.

Gala remembers the video of Berenice and the blood thrown at her dad and starts crying. She opens a box of chocolates and starts eating. (The whole bulimia thing is starting to get on my nerves.)

Mireya says they'll have problems if Sam/Luna starts remembering stuff. Paz and Mireya FINALLY figure out Sam/Luna (I'll just call her Luna from now on) has left and search for her in the house and restaurant, panicked.

The kid, meanwhile, is still wandering on the streets, telling Cobija she doesn't know where else to go to search for Monito and she's lost and doesn't know where Paz's house is. She asks a woman, but she doesn't know. Seconds after Luna leaves, Rubio arrives and tells the woman she owes him. She tells him to wait and he mumbles something about not waiting for much longer before he leaves.

Paz, Mireya, Nandy, Pepa and Salomon are searching for Luna everywhere. They ask a bunch of people but NONE of them have seen her. 

At some point, Salo asks Gema, who gets into a fight with him. Can we NOT focus on the teens' love lives? Especially NOT now? Please?

Some good news; we see where Monito is. He's at some hospital with other kids, asleep at the moment. I'm just glad they didn't kill him off...

Luna goes to buy a pera for Monito, whenever she sees him. Aww, cute, although I have to point out that the pear won't last that long, does that mean they'll find him soon? Because there's NO way we won't get a pear giving scene. Anyway, she asks the woman if she can have it for free, the woman kindly says she can't gift it to her, but she can lower the price a lot. In a shocking moment, Vermin pops out of nowhere, like most vermin does and buys the pear for Luna. He asks her why is she here and where is Paz and Luna explains. At some point she says she remembers him as Paz's friend. Vermin says they're not really friends, they were married some time ago... But anyway, let's go. 

Esteban remembers the blood and the rock thrown at him when Gin calls. Does this woman have a detector for misery? How can she always pop up when everyone's upset? Esteban answers and Gin (while deciding which dress to wear) says "she's heard" and "she's sorry". Oh and she wants to invite him to dinner. Esteban doesn't think it's a good idea but Gin says it won't take long, it's important and something about it happening when the kids are asleep? This screams "red flag" but Esteban says ok but it has to be in his house. Gin agrees. 

Esteban knocks on Gala's door and asks her if he can come in. Gala hides the sweets and after an eternity, says yes. He enters and says he wants to apologise (he's Señor Disculpas for a reason) about today. Gala asks him how he is and he says ok conpared to his internal scars. Her brothers are asleep and he wants to know how it was for her. Gala says she can't forget mom's face in the video. She adds that she feels very lonely. Esteban hugs her and points out that she has them. Gala says that she has a gap in her heart that she can't fill.

Vermin brings Luna home. Paz asks her to promise she won't leave again the house like that. Luna promises and apologises, she just wanted to search for Monito. Paz thanks Vermin for bringing her home.

Ginebra, wearing the tightest dress she could have found (our Black Widow knows what to wear) enters Esteban's house. She says she's thinking of her daughter 24 hours a day. She doesn't mention she does that to get her killed, though. Meh, unimportant details, am I right?

Paz puts Luna to her bed to sleep. Luna doesn't want to get her out of her bed, but Paz says she doesn't mind and says that when she has enough money she'll buy her a bed and Luna asks about Cobija. Paz smiles and says she'll buy Cobija one too. She shows Luna a song she wrote herself to sing to her daughter. She wants them to sing it together so her daughter María can hear from whenever she is. The dramatic irony in this show!

Esteban pulls Gin's chair. Unfortunately, she's not sitting on it yet. She says she wished they could say cheers to wine, but she can't drink it with her antidepressants. Ugh. Speaking of wine, did she see anything strange with the wine she gave to Elvira? No, no she didn't. Hang on, wasn't it the cook's fault? No Gin, that was my MIL's delusions. Gin changes the subject like a pro and talks about having the power to fill their gaps, together. Esteban is either way too polite or way too stupid to realise she's so obviously hitting on him (I'm slow on these things and even I figured it out pretty quickly), because he goes all "ah yes, my daughter said the same!" Gin says about both of them not growing up with a mother figure and after some more "sweet" things, including but not limited to holding hands, she tells him that in order to help them she bought 30% of the company's shares! Esteban doesn't look too happy and pulls his hand away (finally). This doesn't go unnoticed by Ginebra.

Paz and Luna are singing the song together. Paz looks like she got emotional. Aww, such a cute scene. But then Luna remembers her mother's face. Uh oh.

And after the cuteness, back to the perra and Esteban. The conversation went kind of like this: 

E: Forgive me, Gin, but you shouldn't have bought the shares without consulting me-

G: Well, I wanted to help you just like you guys helped me and-

E: Gin, you're confusing interpersonal relationships with work, you know. You're not really helping, now the investors won't trust us that much the company's evaluation is going to go downhill.

G: Yes, Esteban, that was my fricking plan! Uh, scrap that, I mean, are you blind or what? The trust in the company is already worsening and the other similar companies, whatever company you have, which we never bothered to mention once in 14 episodes, are doing hostile acquisitions!

E: Nope Gin, I think you're playing a short-term game based on pure speculation.

G: Oh no, you're not falling for it? Okay, I'll play upset, HOW COULD YOU THINK I'D DO SUCH A THING? 

E: Oh wait, I'm mister Disculpas, right? Uh, SORRY, but... Yeah... No. 

Okay fine, I might have gone a little off script, but you get the point. After that, Gin actually KISSES Esteban, who gets the super contagious galán paralysis for a few seconds, even though his face is screaming WTF. Gin, since she wants to be future Mrs. Disculpas, apologises.

Paz is trying to calm Luna down. The dog-rabbit jumps on the bed and goes close to Luna to calm her down. Aww. I wonder if this was scripted or if the dog acted on its own accord and the actors improved the scene. She doesn't remember anything now, but mentions that her mother's eyes were "profundos" (deep?) 

Gin says Esteban's silence is killing her. He says she shouldn't have kissed him and she needs psychological help. Gin cries about him being a typical man, mocking a woman's feelings. He asks her not to put words in his mouth. Gin screams that he offended her, he implied she has some sort of plan to ruin them even though she listed all her reasons for buying the shares ("I want to help you" isn't exactly "listing reasons") and whines about being vulnerable in front of him and is he implying she's hysterical? Does she want an honest answer? I've got one for her, but she won't like it. No, HE'S SORRY, but she's acting on impulse. Gin says she's very sad and if he could believe that cook, he can at least give her the benefit of the doubt. She didn't want to tell him, BUT Lilian Gatica and Caludia Vásquez, two of his best shareholders, were eager to sell their shares after the hotel thing. He's right, she should have consulted him beforehand, but there wasn't time. Esteban tells her she didn't sign a simple paper, she replies that she knows, she's not stupid. He points out that he still hasn't authorised her to work with him. Great! Run! Run now that you can, my dude! She says she didn't have chances to work ever since she married, Elías just wanted her to be pretty and for the kids. She can't stand to think he's the same. No, he just doesn't know her that well and she says he'll meet the real Ginebra really soon. Dun dun dun!

Paz and Luna are praying together. Paz says she'll ask people if they've seen Monito tomorrow. She says something about danger I didn't catch and says Luna is safe here.

Gin whines to Esteban about Elías having her as a trophy wife. Even poor Sam suffered, he was so cold. (Funny neither of them are here to confirm/deny.) Esteban says he didn't know her marriege was like this. Gin has the nerve to say there's someone out there who hates them and she wants to help them. And she has to tell him something she hasn't told anyone before, not even Mauro; she kissed him because she identifies with him. She shows him a "threatening letter" that goes like "you killed your husband and faked the kidnapping, take responsibility or you'll never see your daughter alive again"!!! Gin says she thinks whoever is targeting Esteban's family is targeting her as well. That perra!

Paz and her family cook food. I have to say it's kind of relaxing to see food scenes near the end of an action-packed episode. Anyway, Doña Lupe tells them about the cachetadas with Elvira and she (Elvira) saying Paz would get into Esteban's bed to keep the job or something. Yikes! Everyone is unnerved, Paz thanks her mom but says she can defend herself. Mireya says it's irritating that whenever they see a poor, humble woman they immediately assume she'd do things like that (I'm nodding in agreement IRL). Lupe says Don Esteban defended them like a gentleman.

Esteban asks Gin if she went to the police. She says no and makes some fake story about that person somehow erasing the camera footage. He says he understands her more now. They hold hands (friendly, of course) and he says that they're adults, he will forget about the kiss. Oh and she can work for him. The look on Ginebra's face is a bit creepy, but I'll buy Esteban not noticing because of all the drama. 

The next day, Paz and Mireya talk about Luna and some sponsor.

Gala is over-exercising because she ate the chocolates. Okay... Esteban sees her and tells her to do it slower, she might get hurt. He then says he has to ask her something and he wants the truth. Gala bites her lip.

Paz wakes up Luna. She tells her "al que madruga, Dios lo ayuda" ("God helps the one who gets up early", but is also used to say that life is better if you take initiative, Google says).

In the hospital, the nurses that look like nuns with cuter outfits talk about calling the police. I'm not sure if they will or not because I was too busy looking at Monito's memories of Samara. Now that's a galán to the bone!

Paz makes breakfast, eggs with chorizo and other delicious-looking stuff, that I would gladly eat, just not for breakfast. I'm a huge foodie but also selective with food... But I digress. Vermin pops up and Lupe legit asks Paz how long he's staying here LOL I love her. Paz says something like "well, fam, I know Vermin's presence is awkward to all of us, but it'll be just for a few days". At some point, Luna said she felt like she had a family. The poor kid.

Esteban tells Gala how come she got so quickly in a relationship with Salomon, he doesn't really approve. Gala asks him if it's because he's poor and Esteban replies of course not, he has been surrounded with poor people all his life and he has went against Elvira and her classist attitude. No, he just thinks she's taking this fast, until yesterday Jerónimo was her type and now it's Salo? They don't have any common interests or anything. Gala replies that that's why she loves him, because he's different. Esteban is worried that Gala got into a relationship so fast because she feels that gap in her heart she told him. Unfortunately for everyone, just as Gala replies that she's not with Salo because of the gap she feels, Elvira walks next to them, hears this and in classic Elvira fashion, screams that she prohibits Gala, who mind you she must be around 16-17, to date and to have any sort of relationship with that guy.

And with Esteban and Gala's "crap we're screwed, now she'll start b!tching again", we have the Fin del Capítulo.


OMG, Weirdo, you hit it out of the park! Too many gems to mention at the moment -- I'm on my way out -- but the ersatz dialogue was hilarious. It always goes better when we write their lines for them.

Loved, loved, loved "Senor Disculpas." Maybe there can be a new parlor game where we count the number of times he apologizes in any given episode. And the pera/perra title was genius!

I promise this weekend I'll get started on compiling a list of new quotes for the sidebar. We certainly have plenty of material.


Your wise and wonderful wit combined with your smart smattering of snark was the perfect antidote to yet another grim and grinding episode.

“Esteban pulls Gin's chair. Unfortunately, she's not sitting on it yet” had me laughing out loud.

I had thought Vermin would rescue Luna and so he did. I don’t know how Vermin can live with himself knowing full well the pain and suffering he caused his own child.

It was lovely seeing Paz and Luna sweetly bonding.

Ginebra continues to dominate the drama and last night was no exception. “…(our Black Widow knows what to wear) enters Esteban's house. She says she's thinking of her daughter 24 hours a day. She doesn't mention she does that to get her killed, though. Meh, unimportant details, am I right?” was flawless. I am so afraid that TN law will dictate Luna fall into Ginebra’s clutches again…That would be unfathomable cruelty.

No wonder Esteban is having a hard time understanding Gala’s “love life”. “Gala says that she has a gap in her heart that she can’t fill”. No wonder: her mother was ripped from her during this critical time as she passes from adolescence to womanhood. Every young woman needs her mother. Today, tomorrow and always.


Thank you, Weirdo, this was wonderful and better than the actual episode. The title is a keeper. The "conversation" had me laughing.

Yes, we are dealing with a "black widow." Do we know if Elías was Ginebra's one and only husband up to this point? I keep wondering if she is a serial killer already. She is so slick.

"I don’t know how Vermin can live with himself knowing full well the pain and suffering he caused his own child." is a great question, Diana. He has no way out. Will he cut out? Kill himself? Confess and run? Get killed before he can confess? Get killed after he confesses?

Just when I think that Esteban is going to be smart with Ginebra, she manipulates him into being dopey again. : (

Weirdo, thank you for that snappy recap as both good and evil forces move into place.

Claudia was meant to play caring , loving Paz. I completely believe her affection for Luna. Watching the family hover around Luna at the breakfast table is heartwarming after so many scenes of this poor little girl hungry, dirty, and abused . So much warmth and love in that tiny home.

Loved Paz reading , singing, and praying with Luna. She is such a born mother .

Even Vermin seems drawn to Luna. Maybe he will redeem himself by saving her. He wears his wedding ring on a chain around his neck, so he still has hopes of winning Paz back. I also think that he also wants to be part of this close, loving family.

Despierta Esteban!!!! Gin is a very different kind of woman than your beloved Berenece and Paz . Gin is a maneater...shout out to Hall and Oates. I kept telling him to move his hand when he had it resting on the table within reach of Gin's talons. I don't understand much , but I think he brought up Gin cutting her wrists in his office when he was talking about her getting psychological help. Oh Esteban, little lamb , you have no idea , my dude ( that always makes me laugh , Weirdo ).

I always notice wardrobe , and I am fascinated with Gin's many leather pieces. She had on a tight green leather skirt when she was on the phone with Esteban, and she was holding a black leather sheath. It pays to Advertise ...Oh yeah, I am a badass.

You can see that Daniel and Isabella Tena ( Gala) formed a great bond while filming Invincible . The young actors all seem to love Daniel because he is so funny and fun . He seems young at heart. ..perpetual teen .


Thanks Weirdo! You covered it all with wit and humor!!!

I think the writers should have thought harder about Paz's character. (I wrote this on yesterday's page, but I wrote it this morning since I watched both Thurs/Fri episodes this morning) She's been painted as all giving, all loving, I love everyone and would do anything for anyone type. But that type of person doesn't send her sister to romance a child murderer (or attempted murderer), that type of person would move heaven and earth to keep her sister away from a man like Mauro, not encourage her to seduce him!!! She also would have gone and looked for Monito!! Yesterday, not tomorrow! She would have at least called around to the hospitals! Which is where he is, um...of course, he's surely not admitted under Mono but she could have at least found out there where a bunch of unidentified children in the hospital!

Gin is horrible! Horribly interesting, that is!! LOL I know she's the villain, but I like that she's not just the cookie cutter novela villain and she always has something else up her sleeve! The pretending to be another victim angle was unexpected, this chick thinks outside the box! I also think she knew that Eliva was wanting to DNA test her...

I still have the same question I've had since day 1, why wait 6-7 years to release videos of 'Bernice'? If I was one of those journalists at the press conference or bystanders with cups of blood lying around, the first question I would ask if why someone waited so long to show these videos if they had them. Not to mention why are they releasing them at press conferences and not to the police??


Weirdo, I was amazed at your translation of the fake letter Gin brought to Esteban. was the complete truth !!! She killed her husband and faked her daughters kidnapping . Yikes and wow. This girl is wild and nuts. I guess Gin loves the risky business . Tightroping without a net. The thrill of getting away with all the evil.

The scenes of the cat and mouse game between the black widow and the lamb were fascinating . Esteban was polite at first , but then he got really ticked when she told him that she bought shares in the company. The kiss started with him being surprised and pulling back but then letting it go on a second too long before he actually pulled back and gave her a very angry look . i dont think he had a kiss like that in six years. After that he was speaking in an angry tone and looked annoyed and talked about her getting psychological help. . After she showed him the fake letter , you could see his face soften and at that point Gin started reeling him in again as he softened. I'd like to think that he is going to be a smart galan but most of the galans these days are not smart and are manipulated by the bad girl . I do think Gin has work on her evil looks. ...not subtle. Also, I couldn't believe that she kept that bug jacket on after seeming to spend time picking out a sexy dress to mesmerize her new prey.


Thanks Weirdo, I loved all your “added gems”. And I enjoyed Blue Lass’s recap yesterday, which I read early this morning.

I actually like the scenes with Vermin and Luna. I think he’s realizing what he gave up and might even die protecting her. I don’t think he’ll do anything to hurt her. I’m hoping that if Paz decides it’s time to return him to her mom, Vermin will warn her. When Luna remembered her mother it was not a good memory, so maybe she’ll be with Paz and family for the remainder of the chapters. I know that’s wishful thinking.

I love the scenes of Paz and family in their home. But growing up in a family of five in an apartment with one bathroom makes me wonder how we did it. I guess everyone we knew was basically in the same boat.

I couldn’t believe Esteban fell for Gin’s garbage. I sure hope he sees through her. I thought she wanted to buy shares to help him and he was refusing to sell to her. I didn’t realize she had already bought them. She’s not wasting any time. Except for waiting 6 years after killing Bernice. But that was also when she was stealing a baby. So she does play fair-one guy at a time!

Elena slapping Lupe was bad. I don’t know why Esteban can’t throw her out. Didn’t she just recently decide to move in?

In a hospital scene with Monito they showed the bed next to him. It looked like a young man in it. Maybe Gorila survived.


EXCELLENT RECAP, WEIRDO!! I loved all the snarky comments. We've sure found a really bad woman we love to hate, haven't we?

Someone asked if Elias was her first husband. I'm pretty sure she mentioned that the guy they showed in the flashback was also her husband. I had the feeling she may have poisoned him because they showed some sort of cup in her hands and his gasping and choking.

I kind of enjoy Vermin having found Luna. I'm pretty sure they've shown him having a lot of remorse for having sold his child. I suspect he also thought he'd pay off his debts, still be with Paz and have other children. Anyway, his jealousy toward Esteban is annoying. But he seems to be hanging around and will likely develop a bond with Luna.

OMG, Elvira is just completely over the top. It won't happen, but I wish Esteban would order her to move out. He said once that HE owns the house, even though she seems to own at least part of the mystery business. I can't believe he continues to let her try to fire HIS employees and dictate to HIS children what they can do, and even eat.

I'm pretty confident at this point that Gin isn't going to get Esteban into bed. He actually looked a bit disgusted by the kiss. And her outrageous move in buying up some of his company was just too much. Glad to see the writers had him indignant.

I see what everyone means about Paz having Mireya work on Mauro. But I have a hunch she's going to bring out the good in him and maybe he'll turn on his "sister" at some point.

This was excellent, weirdo.
I was surprised Esteban didn't fall for Ginevra's manipulations right away because of how they write all the galanes these days. But then she used her trump card and it probably ended as she thought it would. I wonder if she expected him to fall for her lies immediately. I bet her 'I'm upset' attitude was partly real because things weren't working.
I'm sick of Elvira.She is the supreme ruler of the universe apparently.
I am still confused as to how Ginevra thinks she can seduce Esteban. She isn't really...subtle and can't pretend to be nice. She is cold even when in her 'we have so much in common' role. Esteban won't like this type of person. unless she plays the old 'we slept together' trick. But him being with her for this somehow doesn't fit this show.
It is actually nice to have two shows with loving fathers.

Waterlily, I'm putting my bets on the "galan falsely believes he has been intimate with villainess" bingo square, followed by "fake pregnancy." If she can slip Elvira magic mushrooms, she can definitely roofie doofy Esteban.

Blue Lass...I hope that scenario doesn't happen . I was hoping Esteban was going to be a smart, no nonsense galan . We are overdue for one of those . I dont want creepy , demonic Gin to sully sweet Esteban.

I was surprised to see how tiny Altair is next to Daniel. Claudia is almost as tall as he is.

P.s. The intro cowboy who walks in between Paz and Esteban is Jesus More . He will play the part of Humberto. This actor was in several novels that I didn't watch , including " El Senor." He was listed pretty high up in the list of characters, so be must have a fairly important part in this tale.

I also like the two loving fathers in Receta and Vida. It is refreshing!
It will be interesting when Humberto arrives on the scene! This story has many threads (or tentacles)!

Thanks, everyone!

Blue, I'd love a game where we count the times Esteban apologises! I think we've already hit #3546 or something.

Diana, glad I made you laugh! ITA about Vermin, I don't think I can see him redeemed after what he did. And ITA about Gala's gap in her heart being logical.

Jarifa, thanks for saying it the recap was better than the episode! I hope Esteban won't get manipulated by Gin, I've had enough of these galanes.

Susan, I'm happy poor Luna is with people who love her now. "Despierta Esteban" had me laughing. Wake up indeed! I loved your last paragraph in your second comment in which you expressed much more than simple dialogue.

Darcy, great question. And ITA with you saying Paz telling her sister to hit on Mauro was OOC.

Liz, "Elvira slapping Lupe was bad. I don’t know why Esteban can’t throw her out. Didn’t she just recently decide to move in?" IKR? Kick her out, for everyone's mental health! And thanks for providing that a young man was in the bed that was next to Monito's, I didn't catch that!

Novelera, ITA about Esteban probably not falling into bed with Ginebra. At least, I hope he doesn't! I'd be disappointed if he did.

Waterlily, I laughed at the supreme ruler of the universe. Yes, she's a bit... Elvira. And I am super frustrated with how the galanes are written nowadays. Esteban looks like he has some chances of being a good galán. We'll see.

Babachita, LOL about the story having many tentacles! And ITA about how Humberto's arrival will be interesting.

Monday's episode will have pictures too! Get ready ;)

Gracias, Weirdo.

The flashback to the disposal of a previous husband and the conversation about it strongly implies that there were others. Ginebra is 37 and could have been doing this for at least 17 years. That vault room holds a lot of blood money.

Gala was devouring a 24-piece box of Ferrero Rocher, one of my faves.

Samara/Luna will probably remember her name in the next few episodes. Is it too much to hope that Vermin will tell Paz who this child actually is before that happens?

I also question Paz' idea to have Mireya seduce Mauro to spy on him. This is too dangerous and Mireya is too emotionally expressive at the wrong times.

Thank you for this brilliant recap, Weirdo, you are so funny!
Sorry I've been absent, but I'm not feeling too great, and after seeing my doctor this weekend it seems like I need to have some extra tests done to figure out what is wrong. It all started as a nasty flu, but a month later and I'm still coughing too much and ... I'm so sick and tired of being sick.

Anyway, Paz asking beloved sister Myreia to date a criminal in order to find out what his next crime will be? Only in a telenovela.
A rich galan who has raised kis kids on his own all of sudden having a despised MIL dictate his life? Only in a telenovela.

I have to say I'm loving Altair Jarabo! No wonder people have been saying this is her greatest part to date. Ginebra is always in action mode, always plotting her next step. I do believe her downfall will be Mauro, but for this to happen, Myreia has to work her charms. You know, like only in a telenovela!


Thanks, Anonymous 2:28! I will keep my eyes peeled for Humberto. And hopefully his horse.

Blue Lass.....whoops , I am anonymous 228.....forgot to sign my name. I am anxious to see Humberto ride into town and add a new flavor to this stew . Esteban gives him a very annoyed look in the intro , so he might not be Esteban's bff.


Urban, I do think it's too much to hope that Vermin tells Paz before Luna remembers! And Ginebra could be a black widow for many years. I also have a feeling her downfall will be Mauro.

Adriana, no worries! I hope you're well and stop feeling sick soon. I loved the "only in a telenovela" parts you wrote, LOL perfect! And Altaír is doing great, I really like her in this. I saw her as the prota in Juego de Mentiras and she was excellent in that one as well.

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