Friday, March 15, 2024

El Amor No Tiene Receta #13, Jueves 3/14/24: And You Thought YOU Had Technical Problems

Casucha Roble

Paz and Esteban spend the rest of their time on the roof making decisions for other people. Pepa will tutor Bosco in math, whether either of them likes it or  not. (Better lock up the swords!) Gala and Salo will be watched with a jaundiced eye. And meanwhile, Lupita will sub in the Villa de Cortes kitchen so Paz can concentrate on her side-gig of hiding little girls in the bathroom. 

After Esteban rounds up his kids and leaves, Paz follows up with Fermin, who offers her a packet of cash. She accepts on the grounds that she now has another mouth to feed and...upsi! Now she has to fess up that she has Luna. Cara impactada de Fermin, who asks to meet her. "Why??" a baffled Paz asks. Quickly recovering his composure, he growls, "Because I'm your accomplice, that's why." But he loses his cool again when he sees her, going into a dreamy fugue state and stroking her squeaky-clean cheek. 

Paz makes Luna a happy meal shaped like a mermaid or a princess or a shepherdess or something. Luna says it's the best meal she's ever had in her life, or at least she thinks so; she doesn't actually remember. Jaja! Amnesia humor. 

Mansion Nicoliti

Rubio turns up unannounced, greatly displeasing Mommy Dearest. He tells her he has other bosses; what is he supposed to tell them? You work it out, she says; you only have one boss now. 

Mauro hands him a burner phone and he seems very impressed. I guess his other jobs didn't come with office supplies. He grins and asks what they want him to do next. 

Empresa No Se Que

Esteban is all set up for the Press Conference That Explains Everything. But before he has a chance to speak, the screen is taken over by a larger-than-life Berenice hurling further accusations. There is a medium amount of chaos and it's hard to hear what she's saying, but she ends with, "If I or my children die, it is Esteban's fault." (Yikes! Are the kids on Gin's hit list, too? Can we tell her which one to start with?)

The network is jammed, so Kenzo hits the breaker and cuts off power to the conference room. As the party breaks up, we see Rubio in a baseball cap standing behind one of the press cameras. Esteban notices him, too, which is hardly surprising. Dude couldn't stand out more if he was wearing a tankini.

As the family is hustled out to their waiting car, aggressive randos pelt Esteban with questions, accusations, a cup of fake blood and a big rock. Journalism sure isn't what it used to be. Hopefully everyone is so distracted they don't think to photograph Gala in those hideous plaid shorts. 

Villa Villa de Cortes

Everyone is gathered around the cop with the floofy hair as he desperately tries to trace the origin of the ersatz videos. The GPS zeroes in on Mexico City -- well, that sure narrows it down -- and we cut to Mauro, tapping madly away at his laptop. Suddenly warning messages start popping up all over his screen. Oh noes! No puede ser! 

He leaps up and smashes his computer repeatedly on the stone floor, then grabs a piece of its guts and throws it into the microwave, where it bursts into flames. This scene is so peppy it should have been set to music. 

Back at the villa, everyone freaks out when they lose the signal. Officer Floofy says his experts will continue to work on the trace but informs Esteban that the last video was broadcast on a closed network, so it couldn't have been done remotely. Yes, the call was coming from inside the house. Will this be enough to make Esteban remember the ugly blond guy with Viking beard-doodles that no one has ever seen before? 

In the kitchen, Lupe prepares a mouth-watering spread while Elvira stands to the side hurling increasingly vicious insults. She calls Paz a tramp and worse, but Lupe gives as good as she gets. Finally Elvira loses it -- she goes for the right-hand slap, Lupe blocks her, and she comes around and connects with a left-hander. Round one to Elvira! Looks like no one's going to get to eat that food, either.

Back in the Barrio

Paz muffles Luna up in a cap and hoodie and takes her to the mercado to buy some cute outfits. Fermin spots them out in public and panics. He hustles them back to the house, where Luna lies down for a nap and Paz goes up on the roof and suggests Mireya put the moves on Mauro to get more intel. Que que que??? Is she really pimping out her sister to a guy who drowns people in mud? 

While all this is going on overhead, Luna starts awake from a nightmare about Monito and decides to go look for him herself. She picks up the dog-rabbit and manages to walk out of a house that contains nineteen people on a slow day and get halfway down the street without anyone noticing...because it's Telenovela Law.

In other news:

* Elvira invites Gin over for olives and afterward hands the spit-out pits to Fogo for a DNA test. Now that's dining with class.

* Paz admits to Nandy that she thinks Esteban is dishy, and they squeal like bobbysoxers at a slumber party.

* Who's the cowboy in the credits that comes between Paz and Esteban? Actually, I don't care who he is: will there be a horse? 


Blue Lass,

Your sensational recap was replete with humor, snark, and savvy.

“Dude couldn't stand out more if he was wearing a tankini” and “(Better lock up the swords!) “were among many gems..

I was also surprised that Berenice’s apparition mentioning the possibility of the children dying. But as Ginebra arranged for a mass execution of innocents already, nothing should be shocking.

I wonder what was in those olives that enticed reed thin Ginebra to eat a baker’s dozen. I have little doubt as to what the DNA results will be.

Why was there no plan to keep eyes on Luna at all times?? I couldn’t believe Luna made it out of the house unnoticed. Now what??


Blue Lass, wow...just wow. Your sparky ,snarky recap brightened the day . You have a very interesting thought process and a perky way with words. Loved it.

Too many fun turns of phrase to mention , but a fav was Villa Villa de Cortes.

This episode had some interesting points.

I was surprised at Vermin looking all mushy at little cleaned up Luna since he sold this tiny tot right after she was born and then helped Mauro who was going to kill her . Really? Now you are feeling all fatherly and smushy????

Side note : It must be interesting on set with Claudia and Hugo ( Vermin) being a couple in real life , and Daniel's real life wife popping up on video screens . As the romance between Esteban and Paz heats up , maybe Vermin's jealousy will be easy to portray. Just sayin.

Yes, the cap didn't do much to disguise large , wild bearded Rubio looking sketchy and all I-am-up-to-no-good guilty . Esteban definitely gave him major stink eye.

Wow....fake blood is one indignity, but....A rock to the head ????

Esteban stood and stared at Elvira harassing and insulting poor, uniformed up Lupita , but he didn't stop his BSC suegra . Why? He has seen her in action before .

Lucky that Gin loves olives with pits because she created lots of evidence for Fogo to spirit off . p.s. I have never heard the name Fogo before. I keep thinking Frodo.

I saw an interview with the tiny actress who plays Luna. She is Seating in the passenger seat of a car , and she seemed very relaxed and confident . i think this girl is an old soul. A woman was in the driver's seat looking straight ahead and bored. I wondered if she was her mother or just her driver.

I dont know who the cowboy is , but in the intro , Esteban gives him his super cross looks as the guy walks between him and Paz. I saw a video of the cast sitting together lip synching , and he was in the group. The cast seems to be having lots of fun behind the scenes . Lots of lip synching.

Can't wait to see how this show unfolds tonight with Luna and dograbbit back on the mean streets looking for Monkey .


Diana, I just read your comment , and I had the same thought about Paz leaving Luna alone while she hung up laundry on the roof . Kids wake up from naps and can get get into all kinds of trouble . My friend thought her three year old son was napping , and then she found him sitting on his bedroom floor washing his sister's Barbie clothes in a lunchbox he filled with water.

Susan, I don't have children but do know you have to keep an eye on them at all times, even when they are seemingly sleeping! :)



Thank you, Blue Lass for providing me with some entertainment with my coffee this morning. I especially enjoyed. "(Yikes! Are the kids on Gin's hit list, too? Can we tell her which one to start with?" If only . . .

I also agree with Diana's "Why was there no plan to keep eyes on Luna at all times?? I couldn’t believe Luna made it out of the house unnoticed. Now what??" Exactly. That was stupid Paz's part. Another day, another chase for no good reason. . . yet.

Susan, thanks for the laugh: "Wow....fake blood is one indignity, but....A rock to the head ????" The violence of the rabble!!!!

We are only on #13. Most novelas these days are 80, 90 episodes. "Eternamente Amándonos" seemed to be an outlier at 120 which is closer to what tehe norm used to be. I cannot begin to imagine what lies ahead.


Susan, I'm not positive about the name of Elvira's confidence-dog -- the cast list renders it as "Fobo," but my Spanish subtitles say "Fogo," so I stuck with that. That's how the other recappers have been spelling it, and it means "fire" in Portuguese, so that's nice.

Awww Blue, you had me laughing at the first line, and you had me laughing at the last line, and everything in between. My faves were:
- amnesia humor
- Can we tell her which one to start with?
- Is she really pimping her sister out to a guy who drowns people in the mud?

I was quite relieved when Paz finally changed clothes. She let Esteban hug her in those clothes she’d worn the previous day and all night, in the mud, and he didn’t even crinkle his nose.

They sure cast Rubio right. I CANNOT STAND looking at him with his Sun-In orange hair and Bo Derek beard. The only good thing is he isn't wearing that tankini!

They also cast our little dog / rabbit well. Such a good baby being carried around like that.

I agree with others that Mauro will be rehabilitated and become yet another person in the one bathroom house. I fear that Fermin will be redeemed by giving the ultimate sacrifice for his daughter.

But the bohemian privacy screen that distracted me from Paz and Nandy’s conversation. Did you see it? Me encanta.

And, yes, just who is that vaquero guapo in the credits? Giddyup!

R la O


R la nice to "see" you.

Yes, I noticed that beaded curtain in the bedroom. Groovy.

I , too, avoid looking at Rubio.However, steely faced Gin doesn't seem to be at all intimidated by him.

Since Esteban had flashbacks of his past as a little boy outside on a ranch with other guys , I wonder if the cowboy in the intro is his brother or a friend from his youth.

Great work, Blue Lass.

Dude couldn't stand out more if he was wearing a tankini was brilliant! Actually putting him one would drive most viewers to lose their appetites. Could be a good diet strategy.

(Better lock up the swords) really brought home the point. However I don't think Esteban has a whole picture of his first-born. There is something serious he doesn't know about him and he needs to figure this out ASAP. I have a terrible sense of foreboding about this.

Great points made about leaving children alone in situations like this. Samara/Luna is very proactive -- like Paz -- and her concern for Monito was going to drive her to do something. Paz will have to lecture her about never leaving the house alone.

Who else thinks when this is all over the girl will have a new first name?

Fobo is a smart dude with a dumb-sounding name. In the opening episode his hair had been sprayed grey and somebody on the set must have decided that this was not right.

It should have occurred to somebody that Berenice would not have delivered the speech in that vid in such a state of calm. She would have been more emotional: fearful, angry, sad, or both. Ginebra was too deadpan behind the faked image of Berenice. And there was the sheer red dress again, which makes me wonder how anyone as thorough as Ginebra would falter on this, as Berenice didn't own any red dresses.

Urban, yes, Esteban already showed Elvira the clothes in Berence's closet and told her that she didn't own a red dress . A devoted, loving husband would notice his wife's clothes, and Elvira must have witnessed that loving marriage because she was in close contact to the couple through the years . Gin should have chosen a plain understated black outfit , but I think she is so arrogant and narcissistic that she wanted to wear something beautiful and eye-catching .


Blue Lass, your recap is hilarious as always and I needed a laugh today! Dealing with IT issues all day! The tankini comment is side bar worthy for sure!!!

I haven't watched the episode yet, but I'm certain your recap is better! Thank you!

A comment for comments sake from me ... Elvira and Fobo definitely have some spark between them. Wonder if he is G's father . Last episode, before the numbers Ginebra and Mauro were given were explained in this blog, I had a sci fi type explanation in mind. Ginebra's baby was the result of artificial insemination or gene tampering by her father in whatever business they own, and he had to send the baby away to monitor the results. Totally farfetched but not sure how improbable telenovelas go with their storylines!

Kat - I like the way your mind works, but 'Wonder if he is G's father' begs a question I've been wondering about...

Just how old is Fobo supposed to be? I find his look very odd and hard to judge? My mind wants to tell me that he's way too young to be Gin's dad, but the makeup department has him looking very old...the actor playing Fobo (Raul Coronado) is 39 while the actress playing Gin (Altair Jarabo) is 37!!! Though it would be far from the first time a novela put an actor who is in reality only a couple years older than their co-star was their parent, I'm not sure Fobo is supposed to be that old.

It would be interesting indeed if Fobo was Elvira's baby daddy and 37 years later he's still Elivira's manservant/assistant. But I don't think it's likely.

Darcy, I agree . I think Fobo is May to Elvira's December.

I agree, Darcy. That is very unlikely.

Elvira looked to be no more than 20 in the FB. That would make her 57 now (AR's real age-1). That means she would have been in her last year of college or just graduated.

I agree with Susan, but this is a waste of a possibly spectacular galan.

We know nothing about who knocked her up or why her father was so against this situation. Was the inseminator a man of (horrors!) a lower class? The son of an enemy or business rival? Could it even have been Porfirio, which would make Ginebra Esteban's half-sister? Many previous protagonists have faced this sort of thing.

I would like to know more about Gin's father and Ber's father. Were these guys wealthy , or was Elvira's dad the wealthy one ?

Wow. Blue Lass that recap scored a 10 on my Snark-o-meter. Just great lines. I especially liked "can we tell her which one to start with?"

I also liked "Empresa no se que". Unless it's a hacienda with a bunch of cattle, it's always hard to tell how the ricos make money. Whatever it is they do or make, it seems to be undermineable (nah, novelera, that's not a word) by public scorn. So this whole deep fake stuff is part of Gin's plan to get more dinero in her stash room? Like all telenovela finances, it's murky. The stock price goes down because the customers of "whatever" stop buying it. Then Gin gets the stock for pennies on the dollar. And she magically causes the stock price to rise and makes a killing? Whoa.

Why did they have to go with Luna walking the streets? I'm pretty much over little kids in danger. I've enjoyed the spoiling Luna is getting from the barrio folk and don't want her in danger any more.

And, yes, Rubio was the quintessential sore thumb as Esteban addressed the press people.

Thanks again, Blue Lass, you gave me some belly laughs!

I finally watched the episode. Video Bernice said that Esteban forged her name to a life insurance policy and he took out policies on the kids as well! So she's afraid he's planning to kill them all for $$$.

I couldn't believe the lady in the crowd actually throwing things at Esteban as he was going to his car! That's a lot of anger to work up in a short amount of time about a situation unrelated to her, I bet she's a peach to live with!

It doesn't ring as right to me that Paz, whose been portrayed as heart of gold, concerned for everyone and everything, too nice to even get rid of her worthless ex for good; hasn't even gone to look for Monito!!! She knows a young kid is on his own and injured and she just goes about her day shopping and doing laundry with no concern other than 'let's say a prayer'?? I'm no where near as nice as Paz and I'd send my ex straight to _______, but I would've gone to look for that kid by now!! I would have told Luna to wait there where it's safe, and I'd go find Monito.

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