Tuesday, March 19, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta, Capítulo 15, Lunes, 18 de marzo, 2024 - "Ginebra is the new Shepherd Boy, aka, it's the only time she didn't fake an attack"

We get a repeat of the last scene of the previous episode, in which Elvira almost has a stroke when she hears Gala telling Esteban Salomón is her boyfriend.

The Robles (Paz's family) and well... Vermin are eating all together. Mireya says that this is a very good opportunity to apologise to Salo with everyone present. All the fam apologies for not believing him, comparing him with his dad and accusing him with no evidence. Salo says he forgives them, but just wants them to trust him from now on, something everyone is eager to do.

Elvira starts her usual classist nonsense. Gala says she loves her, but she can't dictate her life, she's an adult (so I was wrong about her being around 16). Yaya says that as long as she's living in her house (isn't it Esteban and Berenice's and she just came to live there?) and she's living off her money she'll have to authorise everything. Gala leaves. Esteban tried to stop the nonsense and said something about asking Salo about his intentions. Dude, they're still young! I hope he doesn't go all like "are you planning to marry my daughter", it's 2024 people!

Paz is giving sweet Luna a bath. She flashbacks to her asking Ginebra about what Sam likes. What's her favourite ice cream flavor? Chocolate! 0/1 so far for Gin, who claimed it was lemon. What's her favourite bedtime story? Rapunzel! 0/2 for Gin, who said it was Los tres ositos (The Three Bears). Okay, last chance to not completely fail the quiz: What's her favourite food? Oh well, she can't remember, but she knows she loves sweets. 0/3 for Gin, who told Paz it was pasta with seafood. Try again, Gin! 

After Luna's bath, Paz is getting ready for work when that adorable child says she wants to work too, aww. Paz tells her she's too young and they have to get her back to school. As she and her mom talk about not being able to get her to the hospital because of the awkward questions asked, Luna opens Paz's bag and shoves a drawing inside, without anyone noticing. She tells her good luck with her job, Paz smiles and leaves.

As Paz enters Esteban's house, both she and he aren't careful and they bump into each other. Paz's bag and Esteban's suitcase fall on the floor, papers flying around. They give The Telenovela Stare of Love and neither pulls away from the hugg-ish state they're in:

Unfortunately though, Bosco sees this. He doesn't say anything to them, who haven't noticed him and leaves quickly. Gin enters and sees this. After some lagging, she tells Esteban she came to tell him something extra about what she told him yesterday at dinner. Paz remembers Luna saying she remembered her mother's face. She and Esteban pick up the papers that fell and of course Gin notices the drawing. She picks it up and remembers a scene in which she scolded Sam/Luna about something that had to do with a drawing. It's very similar and she asks Paz who made her this. Oops.

Lupe and Luna are picking up coffee beans fresh from the tree. Vermin's watching and flashbacks to the time Paz announced him she's pregnant. He looked happy about becoming a dad, but I guess he was happier when he saw the dinero. I still can't forgive him for selling his own child. There's no going back for some things.

Paz makes an excuse about Pedro Pablo (Pepa) being good at drawing and giving classes to kids and that one of them gave her the drawing. Gin says she thought her (Paz's) daughter returned and then goes on and on about Samara. Paz leaves and Gin tells Esteban she got another phone call asking her to give millions of pesos and saying that if she won't pay, they'll say she killed her husband. Esteban looks worried.

Paz looks at Luna's drawing, in which she has written "good luck at your job!" She smiles and wonders if she's doing the right thing.

Bosco snitches to Elvira about Esteban and Paz being "too close, almost kissing". I want to give him a nice good μούντζα

to go along with his Greek(?) yaya. (I admit I was screaming at him in Greek "take these, you idiot!") An unknown number calls Elvira, who picks up. It's Mauro with a voice changer: "Give me 5 million pesos if you don't want anyone to find out about your secret." (Mauro is talking to her with the usted form. He might be a blackmailer, but he's a polite blackmailer.) "Who is it?" Elvira asks. "I'll call back to arrange the delivery and if you refuse, the world will learn you've had another daughter before Berenice". He hangs up as Elvira screams "WHO IS IT?" Bosco asks her who was it (really, now?) and she says it was someone from the company, don't worry. How on earth he bought that stumps me. 

Gin tells Esteban she needs his help and she had nothing to do with Elías' murder. Right, Ginebra, riiiiight.

Gala is live on some social media platform and tells people she has a boyfriend, his name is Salomón but she calls him Salo. Yes, she'll upload a picture of them soon. (Am I the only one who has a bad feeling about this?) After she ends the live, she grabs a picture of the family and remembers her mother telling her she's special. Paz enters holding a plate of food but Gala claims she has already eaten. Paz is disturbed by the tiny size of Gala's clothes and expresses her concerns about not eating enough and needing vitamins. Gala says she'll eat later.

Elvira is telling Fobo/Fogo about someone finding out about her other daughter. Fobo/Fogo says that the call looks like came from Asia? El says whoever's doing this is a pro and they have to investigate.

Gala gets emotional and tells Paz she was 13 years old when she lost her mom and she misses her. (So she's 19 now.) She wants to be a model to her siblings but she feels useless. Paz says she understands but she has a loving dad who always tries to help. Gala knows, but it's not enough, she needs her mamita here and not in the sky. Paz hugs her and Eder says he wants a hug too. They hug:

Esteban sees the hug and hears Paz telling them she'll be close to them. He smiles.

Jerónimo is playing videogames and streaming it. Someone sends him a message telling him Gala has found a boyfriend, weren't they almost a thing? Jer finds an excuse and stops the live. Kenzo enters and goes WOOOW at the room. As a gamer, I approve. He says he wants them to have a IpijamadaI (slumber party) and Jer says something about being the only one who calls it that now. Sandro, Kenzo's younger son, accidentally breaks some figure of Jer's. He takes it very calmly, like Dumbledore in the Goblet of Fire, but in the movie: DON'T BE STUPID, SANDRO, THIS IS FROM COMIC CON! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT COSTS? He almost hits his brother but Kenzo interferes and says he'll replace it, but "IT WAS LIMITED EDITION"!!! Felipa enters and blames Kenzo for everything. He says they're coming to his house to eat, he just wants to connect with his children. 

Mireya is exercising and telling Salo about not liking his relationship with Gala. "Son como el agua y el aceite", she tells him, meaning they don't get on well (literally "you're like water and oil"). She says she's worried by the number of girlfriends he's had this year and the possibility of getting Gala pregnant. Salo reassures her and after she leaves, talks with Vermin, who just popped up. He's not exactly friendly and Vermin talks about being an ex-Roble, whether he likes it or not and being a dad for him when his actual dad left them.

Another aggressive Elvira-Paz dialogue, in which the hug with Esteban pops up. At some point Paz tells El that Esteban is at Ginebra's.

Nandy asks Kenzo for an extra job, she's helping her family and she needs more. Kenzo says she can be his new assistant and Nandy hugs him. (I am SO waiting for the moment Felipa finds out.)

Gin says there are no records of the calls. Esteban tells her that if they search the legal way, they won't be justice. Gin thanks his and shows him a picture of Samara. She also takes him to Sam's room.

Vermin spends time with Luna. Lupe isn't too happy about that and Vermin goes like "she could be my daughter". Lupe says he's talking nonsense.

As Gin and Esteban talk about pain and go back to the living room, they see some dead people lying around the garden (I'm not joking). They stop from the shock and some men (with balaclavas) attack them. They grab Gin and Esteban shouts at them to leave her. The thugs say that they only want Ginebra, but push Esteban down too:

Paz is cooking some lobster. Eder arrives and tells her Gala wants it done in a specific way. He says he wants to become a chef when he's older and Paz makes him her assistant, but he isn't allowed near fire. She tells him "preguntándose se va a Roma", meaning he has to ask for explanations for any questions he's got (literally "by asking one goes to Rome"). 

Mireya is on her bike screaming that she has tacos when Rubio sexually attacks her... Again.

Paz enters Gala's room and hears her throwing up and crying. She almost knocks, but changes her mind. 

Mireya hits Rubio and runs, asking for help. She bumps straight into Mauro:

Mauro tells Rubio he gives him two seconds to leave. Rubio mumbles something about a third time.

The thugs say they'll grab all valuable things. One of them says Gin's husband was a millionaire, how much would she pay so they don't say what she did? Esteban says he'll pay them, but let her live. Gin's facials expressions though... She mentions about her jewellery being upstairs, so they take her as Esteban screams they'll get out of there.

Mauro tells Mir he'll escort her home. Mir thanks him and remembers Paz asking her to hit on Mauro for info, so she accepts. He says he needs to make some calls and then they'll go.

Gin gets some jewellery out and makes some fall on the floor on purpose. The thug falls for the trap, he bends to get it and Gin brings a gun out and tells him to drop his gun and keep his head down, otherwise the last thing he'll see is his brain on the wall. LOL

Esteban calls the thugs cowards and asks with what right they do this. The thugs hit him on his head. 

Gin asks the thug who sent them multiple times. He doesn't reply.

Esteban manages to break free and hits the thug. Another one tries to shoot Esteban, but shoots the other thug instead. 

Paz goes to leave when Gala sees her. She says she came here to ask her about the lobster and admits she heard her throw up. Gala says she ate something that made her feel sick. For some reason, she hides her phone.

Esteban calls someone called Castro and tells him to come and alert the police IIRC. (I think at some point Gin called her brother too.)

Gin asks the thug if they're Rubio's people, but he still doesn't reply. I was so sure she had planned this...

Luna is applying lipstick on Vermin's face when his phone rings. It's Mauro, who wants to talk about work. I have to say, way to look professional:

Some thug shoots Esteban in the arm. He and Gin meet and run in a secret room and Gin presses the emergency gas button. The gas knocks the thugs out and they say the police are coming. She sees his shot hand, but he asks her if she's hurt. She's not (unfortunately). He says no one will hurt her and they hug.

And with that tense situation, we have the Fin del Capítulo...


Weirdo, thanks for the mountza! I hope I haven't unintentionally done that to anyone. I think I'd better start keeping my hands in my pockets.

Can't wait to watch this epi after your intriguing recap...

Weirdo, this was an exceptional recap that captured all of the on the edge of your seat action to perfection. Your screen shots added so much, every single one was fab.

I love learning new things "Mountza" was a gem.

The Paz/Esteban pairing is being carefully nutured in a believable way. They have good chemistry as evidenced by the "almost" kiss.

I thought Gin had arranged the attack which was brutal. Esteban really held his own. Esteban did look quite surprised by the panic room which should be suspicious in and of itself. And who has gas installed "just in case" of an attack?

If Gin is as smart as I believe she is, the picture Paz had will surely lead her to realize Samara is with Paz.

Upon hearing Gala getting sick, Claudia Martin did a lovely job of absorbing what was occurring and struggling as to what she should do. She now will be able to reconcile this with being "disturbed by the tiny size of Gala's clothes".

I didn't like Mireya letting Mauro "rescue" her. Such an unfortunate and puzzling request from Paz.

Agree that Salo and Gala are opposites but I fervently hope Jeronimo isn't going to end up with Gala. He is an entitled, sanctimonious brat.

The non-stop killing continues unabated.

Weirdo, this was marvelous. thank you.


Well, I thought I published a comment but it's not here so I'll try again. Thanks for another great recap. What does IIRC stand for? Last episode I thought Gin had a lot of gall just letting herself into Esteban's house, and in this episode I noticed there is a doorman/guard that opens from the outside so I must have missed that last episode. I also missed the dead bodies outside before the attack, but was tending to my granddaughter as I watched so it slipped by me. I imagine the attackers are the same ones that orchestrated the ambush of the car when Ginebra, et al were on their way to their vacation getaway. Since they witnessed her murdering her husband they certainly have blackmail opportunity over Gin. I originally thought they had been hired again by Gin to get Esteban on her side more, but I guessed wrong.

Weirdo, thanks for another great read and educating us on Greek hand signals. ; ) For me, the highlight was the attack. Who has a “gas dispenser” at their home for protection? That was a new one for me. Guess the safe room could not be trusted to be secure enough. That room better have a good seal on it.

Gracias, Weirdo. Great job and thanks for the screen shots!

I agree that Esteban should wonder about the panic room and the gas once he finds that out.

IIRC = If I recall correctly.

I was also wondering if these thugs are the same ones from the attack on Elias, but we never saw their faces. That could be blackmail on their part or did Ginebra stage this? Either way I really wonder whether Mauro was involved.

Rubio would be both stupid and greedy enough to arrange this, but also sadistic enough to want to be there. He better get a major anvil at the end of this story.

Vermin needs to tell Paz the truth and take the consequences or Samara/Luna will be in danger again.

Does anyone know how many episodes this will have?

Weirdo, wow, thank you for a great recap and that Greek hand gesture . I realize that hand gestures have different meanings in different gestures. One has to be careful around folks from other countries . A student gave me an evil eye bracelet . Is this effective against that gesture?

Wait ! What was up with that attack? Who initiated it ? I thought it was another one of Gin's tactics like the fake suicide attempt to reel in Esteban, but I guess not . It seemed foolish of Gin to have all those randos around when she killed Elias. I guess these guys could be those randos. Daniel seemed to use these scenes to audition for the new 007.

Jeronimo appears to be a spoiled rich kid .

I hope Paz figures out that Gala has bulimia soon. Paz's family views sharing food as opportunities to show love and togetherness, so problems with food may be hard for her to spot .

So sweet that Eder ( love him) wants to be a chef , so Paz is delighted to take him under her wing . Eder needs a mother like Paz.

Another luxurious soulsoothing bubble bath for Luna. Luna deserves to be pampered and loved by goldenhearted Paz . Will Paz be able to keep her away from BSC cruel, sly Gin now that Gin seems suspicious about that drawing ?

Gee, Gin , you weren't very smart about your guesses for the quiz Paz gave you about a few of Sam' s favorite things? A kid's favorite ice cream is lemon??? Really? Statistically, I smart guess would have been chocolate or even vanilla.

Well, gird your loins , Esteban, because Gin is about to turn up the heat . She wants you to want her . She needs you to want her . And six years .....Just sayin'


Thanks Weirdo for another witty, snappy recap complete with pictures! This show always has another trick but this attack is weird! It seems too much of a coincidence to be outside of Gin’s plan, but I guess it was!

I get the idea with the favorite food quiz but really it makes no sense. If Luna has amnesia how does she know what her favorite anything is? Even if she did know, a child’s favorite anything could change twice a week at that age.

There are so many angles in this show I can’t keep track!!! And I still want someone to go rescue Monito!

Thank you, Weirdo, what an exciting episode this turned out to be.

Paz and Esteban hug ...again! And it's still hot!
Paz could be starting to suspect something is wrong with Gala.

And that attack! I think the thugs who helped Gin kill Elias are coming after her. Wouldn't it be ironic if she were actually blackmailed, as she told Esteban she is?

I don't care about the side story including Nandy, Kenzo and his family. I do find Vermin bonding with Samara interesting, though, he's scum, but he will fall in love with his daughter and that will end up being important in the end.

Adriana Noel

Thanks Weirdo, I enjoyed both the recap and the screenshots.

Bosco is a miniature Elvira. It was like the family took sides with Gala and Esteban facing off against Elvira and Bosco.

I first thought Gin had hired those guys, thinking, one should not take a job with her as she is not loyal to her employees. I’m guessing the two bodies were her bodyguards. I really don’t know what to think about all the masked men. There were more than at the kidnapping scene. So they could have told them to do this or she has a leak in her organization.

We can see that Vermin would have been a loving father. Hard to think back and say he sold his daughter. I’m thinking he won’t make it to the end of the show.

Mauro saves Mireya. Hope he tells Rubio not to ever touch her again.

The drawing might me Paz’s undoing. Poor Luna. Although I think we have a long way to go, and if she gets her back she’ll have to let her live.


Thanks so much, Weirdo, for another terrific recap. I really like your sense of humor. Loved learning about the mountza. I can add that to some Italian ones I like, especially the raised forearm for "up yours".

I find the ages of Esteban's older kids confusing. I thought there was a scene where he piled them all in the car to take them to school, so I thought maybe K-12 private school. Oh well.

I guess it wouldn't be a good idea to cast a real bulimic, but Gala looks a bit too healthy for the role. And the comments by Paz about her tiny clothes...well they aren't tiny that I can notice.

Loved the "Telenovela Stare of Love". That's probably more common here on Uni than it was on Telemundo. A good one.

So Gin just walks into Esteban's house?

Uh oh. I know Paz plans to keep Luna hidden from everyone, but Gin showing Esteban the child's photograph could have some repercussions.

Also thought Gin set up the attack, but later events seemed to prove that was not the case. I agree with the commenter who said it probably was the gang that "kidnapped" Elias. They probably figured that, if she could afford to hire them for such an elaborate plot, she had a lot to steal.

Thanks everyone!

Blue, LOL about wondering if you've unintentionally done the mountza. Most people don't know about it, so unless you've done that to a Greek or Cypriot person, you're good I think, LOL

Diana, ITA about not liking Mir letting Mau rescue her and escort her home. I don't like this plotline. And I agree that Claudia Martín is doing a terrific job as Paz, I totally buy it.

Kat, sometimes comments are "eaten" by Blogger. They can usually be restored by our admin, RGVChick. IIRC stands for If I Recall Correctly. "I imagine the attackers are the same ones that orchestrated the ambush of the car when Ginebra, et al were on their way to their vacation getaway. Since they witnessed her murdering her husband they certainly have blackmail opportunity over Gin." I didn't think about that but it makes SO much sense! I think you're right!

Jarifa, I've never heard of gas dispensers "just in case" either. Gin's playing dangerous games though, so I buy it because something like this was bound to happen.

Urban, "Rubio would be both stupid and greedy enough to arrange this, but also sadistic enough to want to be there. He better get a major anvil at the end of this story." ITA. Also, I've read somewhere that it'll have 70 episodes.

Susan, I don't believe in the evil eye, so I not 100% sure, but I don't think it is effective against mountzas. It's supposed to be effective against getting bad luck because of "evil eyes", I think. I laughed at "A kid's favorite ice cream is lemon??? Really?" I thought about that too! And pasta with seafood!? What was she thinking?

Darcy, "If Luna has amnesia how does she know what her favorite anything is? Even if she did know, a child’s favorite anything could change twice a week at that age." I was wondering about that. The amnesia is looking pretty selective! But it's mostly on the medical field, so I'm not sure if it's a plot hole. I said the same about the antagonist in La Herencia, can't recall her name) and it turned out a tumor CAN change your entire personality... I also want Monito saved!

Adriana, LOL about "Wouldn't it be ironic if she were actually blackmailed, as she told Esteban she is?" That would have been! "I don't care about the side story including Nandy, Kenzo and his family. " TBH, I also don't.

Liz, ITA about Bosco being a miniature Elvira. "Mauro saves Mireya. Hope he tells Rubio not to ever touch her again." I also don't. I was disturbed with that "third time" crap Rubio was talking about. The third time he attack her, maybe?

Novelera, thanks! I didn't know the Italian one you mentioned! I guess every country has its gestures, LOL. "Gin showing Esteban the child's photograph could have some repercussions." Yeah, I have a feeling Esteban will see Luna hidden and he's won't be happy with Paz.

Just like you guys, I also thought Gin set up the attack, but it turned out she didn't.

As for Gala and Salo being different, I'm not sure they're that different. Both appear shallow on the outside, but on the inside, they do have a heart.

There was so much dialogue last night it will take me a few hours to rewatch and recover the most important stuff I missed in my preliminary notes, so bear with me today.

70 episodes sounds about right for this story.

No worries, Urban! We'll appreciate your recap whenever you post it.

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